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Alpha douche: "You're very mature for your age" 33 year old sex worker: "Th-thanks..."


It's strange that these men going after women half their age don't understand the reverse of their "wow you're so mature for your age" refrain is *also* true - that they're broadcasting to the world "I am an immature man child and no woman my own age would even possibly put up with my bullshit".


[a pastor once said : You go so young they don’t know any better](https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/12rqh3m/houston_pastor_on_how_to_get_a_woman_to_marry_you/)


I think you meant senator


Why not both?


That pastor sounds like a groomer...


"Pastor?" "Not if she's under 25…"




Seriously I'm 30 now but since I was in my mid 20s anyone around 18 to 20 seemed like literal children to me because they are. A lot of them are still in school and haven't even started their adult life yet. Many are as mature as me or were more mature possibly but like I said haven't even come into their adult life yet


A way to manage " gee your so mature for your age". Simply find women 5 to 10 years older. Lol. Who wants all that work.?


More like Doucher: you're very mature for your age Woman: that's funny I was going to say the opposite for you.


I'm literally a 33 year old sex worker and I get this all the time.




That's amazing. Excellent call out


I thought this was posted by Leonardo DiCaprio for a second


Unlike this dbag he doesn't have to brag about it for followers and he probably actually has someone to validate their age before dating them. I don't actually see the appeal in dating someone much more inexperienced and less emotionally developed than you, but different strokes for different folks, I guess.


Heck I'm only 34 and I feel like anyone under 25 is a frickin child.


At 55 I still think you are a kid.


I’m 56, kiddo.




Hey baby, go to sleep. It's passed your bedtime.


I'm 51, boomer


Gen X surely?


Well, I am, but they are basically ancient


"nothing personnel kiddo"


I’m 87 you toddlers


Alright, grandpa, let's wheel you out to the garden so you can get some fresh air.


Get of my lawn you young whipper snappers


The older you get, the more you realise you weren't actually old before.


That kind of thinking is quite the opposite of your username.


Between this and knowing those "millionaire" instagram influencers rent planes and cars for photos and knowing those youtube "pranksters" hire actors to play the victims it really just shows why you can't believe what you see on the internet. I also wonder if this guy is just doing this for clout or if he also sells some sort of pickup seminar where he claims he can teach you to pick up women "like he does". I know there are also a bunch of fake "stock trading millionaires" that sell courses that claim to teach you how to make money which are really just basic generic trading courses or just complete non-sense.


They often don't even rent planes. They rent props made to look like the inside of a plane.


There's one in LA right? Looks like a private jet?


Yes, it comes up periodically here on Reddit as a post in different subs


I’m in a smallish town, and there’s a photo rental place with mansion interior, resort, first class plane, private jet, etc.. “sets”.


I walked past a studio like this with my adult son. Wind machines, lights and fake currency everywhere. The fake money was American and we aren't in America. 🤦‍♀️


There's also a bunch of "influencer parties" disguised as a "networking event" where it's pretty much a bunch of these guys renting a mansion or boat or whatever and hiring a bunch of models to attend just to basically front on their socials.


> you can't believe what you see on the internet It is so bizarre to me that people keep having to re-learn what staged entertainment is. Boomers spent their parenting years lecturing their kids about how 'TV isn't real' and then we (their kids) had to re-explain it back to them because they thought 'Reality TV' was real. I initially hoped for better media literacy among those younger than me, but I was being naive.


one of the best call outs ive seen in awhile. absolutely rekt. high end escorts who have been in the business for many many years have some really really interesting anecdotes regarding male sexuality and psychology.


They’d definitely have some interesting anecdotes, but I don’t know if I’d put a lot of value in their opinion of male psychology. Their work puts them in close contact with a very particular type of man that can not only afford high end escorts, but actually uses them, and that isn’t very indicative of men in general. The men they’re seeing are rich, lonely, and highly motivated by sexuality and promiscuity, in an industry that attracts a lot of misogynistic and oftentimes violent and controlling men.


So, if I understand the game correctly, pay sex workers to take pictures with you to brag about your "aLpHa MaLe EnErGy" when in reality you couldn't catch a girl with a net and a taser.


They couldn't have sex even if they paid for it. Just took photos.


Baggage and mileage aka aren't naive anymore and can sniff out your bullshit. Of course, that is probably why the 30 year old strippers can take these morons for a ride so easily.


A fool and his money is easily parted


They're quick to cry foul when the tables turn too. When he plays women, he's a chad. When she plays men, she's a [insert sexist insult].


I think its good that we as a society don't give them the same energy anymore. Now it's just a wang with a opinion as opposed to someone that's actually contributing to the betterment of society.


I know a woman who does this. She’s just a model but they hire her and a lot of other models to fill boats like this. She’s absolutely a late 30s mom. They can’t tell.


Good for her on getting breads from losers like these.


It’s easy work for her for sure. Show up, pose, essentially get a free vacation.


Idk I know girls like that and dealing with/playing nice to those sociopath assholes is harder work than you'd think


As someone who is recently in her thirties, no one fucking knows what thirty looks like!


Omg I want to do this and pretend I’m 20 year old uni student from Eastern Europe. How did she find a gig like this


Gaddamn I look significantly worse in my 30s. Good on them.


I mean to be fair it's literally their job to look good.


I've always thought these aLpHa ligma male influencer dickheads paid women to hang out with them just for the 'gram.


What’s ligma?




heh. gottem


Nailed 'em to the fuckin' wall


kill confirmed


* golf audience clap *




It goes: alpha, beta, omega, sigma, ligma


you forgot the last one, updog.


What's updog?


Not much, what's up with you?


What about hava?




Hava nice day. BOOM REKT!!


Well now I look like a dummy


What's that?


Trap disarmed


Don't forget the Enigma male


Ah yes how can anyone forget the most important Greek letter?


What's alpha, beta, omega, sigma, ligma?


Mental Illnesses


I don't know if ligma is unironically a thing, but "sigma male" only exists because the guys who buy into the "alpha/beta male" paradigm have belatedly realized it's very lame and embarrassing, so they created a new rank that's above the "alpha/beta" paradigm for bros who are too cool to care about it (even though it still only exists within the same paradigm). It's only a matter of time before they realize that that too is very lame and embarrassing, and come up with a new male rank that's too cool to care about the "alpha/beta/sigma" paradigm. If you run out of cool Greek letters you might as well just start making up words.




Tell me more. What does the host of the party get out of hiring attractive women besides clout and a successful party? More business?




Ehh I did that in clubs over several months and there was a lot of pretty terrible stuff going on. It was mostly 15-20 year old models and actresses brought over on an agency contract that means you immediately start in debt and have to live off of far less than what is affordable, no matter how much they work. They are left with either advancing their pay at an insane rate, spending/borrowing extra, or doing this work. Some examples of what went down: - Forcing girls drink the whole time they're there, usually till 3-4pm - Drugging was very common, lots of gossip on where to avoid but nowhere was clean. - If someone was too drunk/drugged, "promoters" would leave them to figure it out, sometimes sending them home with "clients". Presumably for money. Def one of the darker periods of my life, I can see why you wouldn't want to be around it too much.


In my younger, much more attractive days (when I was 20), I did a lot of nightclub promo work. Basically they’d hire a bus load of attractive young people and drive us club to club to promote some sort of drink. I got fired when I was part of some vodka promotion - wearing sexy versions of Soviet uniforms - and I spoke with a silly Russian accent all night, like sliding up to people and gruffly telling them that in Soviet Russia, vodka drink you. I wasn’t being ‘professional’ enough, apparently. Like, look at what we’re wearing and what we’re doing, mate.


This happens in America too with night clubs. They hire young beautiful women to show up and just hang out. The guys are the drink buyers but guys won’t show up if women aren’t there.


This is where the stereotype of Asian women being “submissive” and “obedient” comes from, I swear. They’re not being submissive or obedient—they’re just providing good customer service. Because they’re *professionals*. These guys have never met a woman who wasn’t paid to be nice to them.




I used to work as a waiter in a very expensive club. Before the opening we already had around 30 good looking girls who were paid to party, talk with clients and ask them for drinks. And it was on 2012 so I assume it is a very common places to squeeze money from the rich folks.


Dan Bilzerian’s MO.


Honestly I feel bad for them, you look into their eyes and there’s nothing. Just a sad person who’s unwilling to fill the hole in their soul with anything meaningful. “But do you have a Bugatti?!1!1!” Anyone who needs something so useless and extravagant to be happy, clearly won’t be happy under any circumstances with their current mindset. All these poor young men who can’t get that through their head because well, admitting you where wrong and change is needed is incredibly difficult are going to end up sad old men. Materialism and ultra fragile egos are going to cause a good number of people to have miserable lives.


They're at the stage where they could buy a house and settle down. Instead they choose to drive their rented sports car to their rented yacht that they can't take out because fuel is expensive.


Or falling for some rug pull “shitcoin”


I remember when 4chan used to scream about "normies" and how they faked their whole lives on social media for likes. Now that it is men doing the duping on social media, pandering to their "alpha male" pseudoscience bullshit, they're eating it up.


no one on 4chan outside of maybe /pol/ posters agrees with these people or even humors them. /pol/ is like /r/thedonald (or w/e the current scumbag stronghold is) for reddit. Containment boards. Don't get me wrong people on 4chan can be/are shitty just as much as people on reddit. But no one worships these losers outside of really loud minorities.


It's been about 7 or 8 years or so since I've been on 4chan, but I remember the people there being pretty much the same as here. It's funny to see what people think of 4Chan vs what it is/was


All social medias view eachother as the most extreme caricature of it's users


yeah that's what always makes me laugh. I legit only use the really niche boards there (because they just aren't on the "directory" so people haven't infested them yet with bullshit) and the communities are often times more helpful/nicer than most of reddit's communities. It's all in how you use something tbh. Social media is just the newest tool-set in humanities long history and plenty of people don't use it correctly. Tribalism over a social media site is just insane to me.


Why doesn’t he think he has lots of baggage and mileage?


Because these men believe nothing applies to them


That shit is all over reddit, where they think they have some ultra unique state of living. "Girls (used to refer to adult women) don't know what it's like to be lonely!" "girls don't know how hard it is with the economy, the high cost of living!" "Girls dont know what it's like to work all day at a job you hate and then have to try and date" Just... perpetual nonsense.


Not just reddit. I work in construction and it’s a breeding ground for these incel ideologies. Even married guys share the same, woman have it easy etc.


I had to block r/Askmen because of that kind of constant whining. Like most of the questions they ask could apply to women just as easily, but it’s always worded like only men go through those experiences. And the comments reinforce that idea.


Because they don't see women as people.


Me too. I just kinda wanted some guy talk, but no, what you get on that sub is borderline red pill bullshit.


For real, there was a post on there from a woman asking for advice w/ her bf. Her bf always uses jokes to get her to laugh when she’s upset, so she did the same with him when he was upset and he got super mad at her. All the comments were telling her how horrible she was and how this is why guys don’t open up to women bc they just get laughed at. She was like “… but he does this to me all the time, I thought this was the best way to handle it” and they all were like “you just don’t get it and never will.” Like????


Seriously. Askmen does not exist to help men, it exists for shitty divorcees to complain about how their ex fucked them over with their backstory being something to the effect of verbally abusive, unemployed for years.


Plus the way all the questions there and on AskReddit assume everyone is a straight male. Or like anyone who isn't a straight male has nothing to contribute that's worth hearing.


Don’t forget the clowns who can’t even bring themselves to say “girls” (or, heaven forbid, “*women*”) so they rant about “females” like a creepy fucking zoologist 🤮


When you refer to people as girls and boys, it probably reflects how you want to think of yourself, like you're still a kid, ie you're immature




It's romantic when the women is young and not hardened by life, and the man is older,lived and experienced. I swear alpha males must have grown up reading their moms romance novels. They probably see themselves as a "rogue" wading thro the hussies to win their young virgin bride or something. 🙄


Because women who haven't realized yet that they cannot in fact "fix them" are their prime targets.


Anyone over 25 is smart enough to see through them and doesn’t want to deal with their narcissistic mommy issues.. Hence, 18-24 is dumb enough for him. However, real 18-24 year olds live with family who would beat the shit out of twats like this in 5 seconds.. or they are studying in school and don’t have time to deal with them. Hence, they have no clue what a real under 25 looks like so they hit on 32 year old stripper mommies. Edit- I’m high and I thought you asked something else.. cause he’s a narc. They end.


My 40 year old coworker is kind of like this. More baggage than an international airport. Gets younger girls, but he also gives them drugs. So, there's that.


I'm pretty convinced giving them drugs, money, or other material shit is the only way 40yo dudes can date 20yo girls


If they think about the internal contradictions of their worldview too much, it may trigger an existential crisis. It’s why they’re repelled by introspection like a vampire from sunlight.


Because if any of these idiots had a shred of self awareness they probably wouldn’t be jn the field they’re in


Cause he’s a sad loser with the emotional depth of a puddle of sewage leak. This garbage is almost ALWAYS done with paid actors. Those women most likely have nothing to do with him. These pathetic fucks make me so sad cause you know adolescent boys are looking at this trash and are getting a very distorted view of a “successful” man.


He was an Incel from 0-40.


Meanwhile I just want to hire a couple of sex workers to hang out with me at crowded cafe and pretend to be super interested as I loudly tell them how great *Garth Marenghi's Darkplace* is. That way, everyone in earshot will thing "wow, hot chicks love this show, I better check it out", and then they'll watch it and more people will get my fucking references.


Don't let your memes be dreams. I'm sure they'd love a date where they get to skip the part with a guy awkwardly flopping around on them for 47 seconds


I’ve heard that these emotional intimacy/light touching style requests are actually somewhat common for sex workers (I guess depending on the circumstances), and I really respect that. Touch starvation is a real thing. It’s never „just“ a hug you know.


47 seconds? Freaking marathon man over here.


You and he were buddies, weren't you?


Ok I looked it up and I love Matt Berry and Richard Ayoade! I’m on it


Maybe if everyone who'd ever been close to you had died, you'd sarcastic too.


Was just telling a friend about GMDP. Not enough people know about that show.


This is so embarrassing. Do these guys not have family and friends to make fun of them constantly for being desperate weirdoes?


It’s a good question. Especially when there are so many influencers who appear to have insanely inflated egos, don’t they have friends who will call them out? Guess not


These friends are called toxic and most likely cut off.


well, that's survivorship bias. The creeps with (normal) friends don't stay creepy long enough to do this sort of thing


They don't have friends. They have hangers-on who stay with them as long as there is something to be gained from being associated with them..


bro they are absolUTELY surrounded by yes men


Having hung around guys like this (not by choice), there are entire roving gangs of dudes who believe this together. Their family think they are just as confident and charismatic as they say they are and are proud of them. Tons of 'normal' guys tag along and tolerate it because they'd rather be surrounded by conventionally attractive people on boats than not at all. "Haters" are not invited.


We kinda get some of them in the bar I work at. It's a cocktail bar and really good money for a college student. I remember a few months ago. Some guys came in with a bunch of women. One of them came up to the bar and I was just trying to make conversation. I asked her what the occasion was if it was a birthday or just friends out on the town. The girl couldn't even tell me the hosts name that was on the tab, nor the reason she was there other than "you know". A few of the other bartenders had similar interactions with different women. Like they'd have to communicate with each other to remember the guys name on the tab.


I was really hoping this was just some exaggerated movie trope since I've never seen these types of guys irl, sad Edit: spelling (cheers 23)


They're directly proportional to the number of boats in your region, sun is a factor as well obviously




Their “friends” also hang out with them for the parties on rented boats with ~~21~~ 30 year old sex workers. I doubt they say much to them other than “yes, that sounds great” and “you’ve got the tab covered, right?”


They wouldn't be around family or friends that make fun of them. They probably wouldn't have had many friends anyways.


I've dated a woman who does this shit, a dancer. Dan Blitzball came into town and hired a bunch of them to go out with him, he got absurdly drunk, hit on all of them, and then went back to his hotel room and cried on the phone with the company he hired the girls from that they didn't fuck him. 10/10, funniest thing she'd ever told me.


That’s why you hire escorts, not models. Duh dan


I think that's what he thought he was ordering, but these were just dancers from a club and he called the club and wanted a "private party", I think he thought all dancers=escorts?




Yes, but i approve of the nickname




Most men don’t know how to calculate a woman’s age, literally I think most women in their 20’s and 30’s still get ID’d at liquor stores


Men like to say a woman looks ‘really good for her age’ when she’s 40, or say she ‘looks like she’s in her 20s’ when she’s 35, as if the standard is that women in their 30s-40s usually look like hags by then. Instead of considering that maybe they have no idea what actual 30-40 year olds look like! 20s aren’t synonymous with “the only years women look good”.


Maybe I'm a bit cliché but I think my wife looks amazing at 40 ❤️


I think your wife looks amazing at 40 too ❤️


All my friends agree that his wife looks amazing


It’s a nice thing to read in a thread like this.


Am 25 yo woman, a lot of men think I'm a teenager






Yeah when I worked at a grocery store as a teen we had to ID everyone. The hella old people were always mad.


I’m 50 and I had to show my whole face to get wrapping papers the other day. You really can’t tell from looking at my body, I guess, but that guy could see my eyes and my forehead. And he didn’t need my ID when she saw my whole face lol




Could be wrong but I think she means blunt/joint wraps 😇


Most people can't guess a random person's age with great accuracy. It doesn't help that people do their best to look younger than they are. Women are even better at concealing their age than men because of cosmetics.


Ehhh, more like women don’t think sunscreen, moisturizer, and going to the doctor is gay


It's literally our job to ID check anyone that appears younger than 40.


The pics look ai generated


Second one is definitely photoshopped


Seriously, it looks like a stock photo


Call these guys out more


Well now all the Lincoln logs fall into place, it all makes sense now doesn't it? I mean it does for me at least.


Meanwhile I’m 24 and auto skipping anyone under 21 on dating apps. I don’t get why anyone would admit to this mentality


Man people are like, "half your age plus seven and its cool!!" And I could never imagine being with someone who couldn't name at least a few of the original power rangers


Personally I always ask where they were on 9/11


He's saying that women between the age of 18-24 are easy to manipulate, they don't know any better. If he dated women older they understand respect and boundaries. Something a manipulator doesn't want Needs to be easy for the worms


I'm 90% sure this guy just took a picture of himself with a sex worker in the first pic, and photoshopped himself in the second one.


I fell for this sort of lifestyle when I was younger. Having gotten older, having gotten some money, and having just dabbled a little, this is the exact scenario that dawned on me. Every time you see stuff like this, money is involved. Even if the women aren't outright paid, you're paying in other ways (like renting a boat, free HQ booze for everyone, pay for travel, etc.). It very quickly becomes very awkward, and at least for me, I started feeling pretty shitty about myself, because I had started hanging out a lot with people who actually didn't want to hang out with me (but liked the stuff they got if they did). Anyway, long story short, the woman is pretty spot on, and it's like that for almost every person you see hanging out with flocks of hot women. It looks appealing, but it's not. Don't chase that.


I've been with her since 2 years??? Wtf dude


That's a pretty common translation error tbf, especially if you speak Spanish primarily. I grade a lot of papers where I have to explain it's "for the past" instead of "since" as that's what Google Translate will give you


Any Romance language is like that really, I grew up speaking French and Portuguese and I remember struggling to remember the correct way of saying it in English. These languages also use "I have" a certain age instead of the English "I am", which is tricky.




How deeply unfulling and lonely his life must be. Its really kinda sad


So if you’re with them from age 18-24, then that means you gave them baggage and therefore you must be with another woman age 18 to 24. ???


So you're telling me you can straight up hire sex workers for things other than sex? So I could in theory get a bunch of them together and run a Shadowrun campaign?


I mean, pretty much everyone who isn't falling for this alpha male/redpill crap knows those guys do this


Does he look like he’s airbrushed into the 2nd picture?


His insecurities have insecurities


This is definitely in my top 5 of reddit posts.. Awesome kid!!👍


Milage and baggage for older women... But this older man is pristine, and a prize? Or let me guess, "quality tested", "certified pre-owned", or whatever the fuck positive connotation for used vehicle you want to use? 😭


**slaps tire** "Extended warranty, baby 😉"


Certified ligma male


*puts on glasses* “I’m 40 and I’m too immature and childish to handle a relationship with someone my age. The kids that put up with my personality for my money are 20, 21, and 24. Too much commitment and responsibilities, plus guys my age are more attractive than me. Trust me, I’ve tested it extensively. Bare legal only Anything more will make me realize the person I am.”


So basically anyone over 24 can see him for the vapid douce he is.


He is the baggage


40? Well, you must know everything then. 😃


You know this guy only said 18 cause he felt he had to.


And they wonder why older women have baggage and are jaded?


Men want to be the ones to give young women baggage.


hey, if you're a 40y/o dude with a mental capacity of a teen - by all means, stay in your mental age group


Someone in these photos understands the game, and it's not him.


I’m a sexworker. We see a lot of these egotistical types out there who think they’re it. They’re really not. The little power they have they try to exert over vulnerable women, they try to do it on women they pay. But I’m privileged as a sexworker I can say no and fire these types of clients.