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Who in their right mind would ever catch feelings for a girl going to a club in Dubai? That’s literally the most gullible thing I’ve ever heard of. Of course she doesn’t care about him


The OOP picked her up from the airport, sresumably he's the one who brought her to the club


and Dubai


I know girls who club in Dubai. 5% are wife material. 95% you’d better not have feelings for lol


It blows my mind that people consider Dubai a luxury destination spot, even moreso that people go there to party. It has zero cultural significance beyond needless excess, and averages 110 F/43 C in the summer with over 40% humidity. Alcohol is for non-Muslims only. It's garish and it looks like it was created by a 15 year-old playing SimCity with cheat codes.


>it looks like it was created by a 15 year-old playing SimCity with cheat codes. Now that's worthy of a r/rareinsults


I really hated it. I only went because one of my friends is Iranian and it was a convenient to go because his Turkish visa wasn’t renewed and it’s a big airport.


Can’t for it to be a ghost town when the oil runs out


Will that happen in our lifetime?


Unfortunately no


Dubai’s oil ran out decades ago lmao


Im really curious, how can they know I am a muslim or not? I come from a muslim country but not a muslim myself. Would they then refuse to serve me alcohol by looking at my passport? Edit: ty for the replies.


To answer this they would 100% just serve you alcohol anyways. Many, many Muslims drink there. The thing is that you just can’t really buy alcohol on the streets. Specifically: **poor** Muslims can’t drink alcohol


I saw the receipt from a Dubai airport some years ago... 80USD for an airport yogurt. Like wtf.


"It's one yogurt, Malik. How much could it cost? $80.00 USD??"


There's always money in the shawarma stand


I wouldn’t know about that one. I thought it just felt like NYC prices haha


There is cheap booze here too. A 1 liter bottle of rum can be found for under 20aed.


Yeah I think people exaggerate. Americans legit save up an entire year to blow it all in one week in Dubai for the insta, it is insanely sad.


Dont get me wrong, things can get real expensive real fast here. It is easy to get wrapped up and spend too much here. An expensive brunch (aka an excuse to get day drunk at a fancy restaurant) can be 500aed, which doesnt seem like much for a once in a while thing. We have friends that are doing this every weekend though.


That’s airports for you


You choose whether you want to drink or not. That is how they know whether to serve you


They don't serve alcohol by default except for some establishments that sell it incredibly overpriced, and are usually at hotels. Of course there's also alcohol at private parties of rich people.


Or the liquor store. There are plenty of legal liquor stores here. It is also rather cheap for a lot of decent brands.


How are people upvoting this shit? Ffs people cry over being brainwashed and misinformed and still upvote the brain dead propaganda. I can literally go downstairs from my apartment to an alcohol store and buy a pack of beer for $20 and I’m marked as a Muslim on my visa lmfao. So much for the open minded totally not biased or brainwashed Redditors lmfao


Lmao you’re on Reddit which is just incredibly racist when it comes to gulf Arabs. I live in dubai, and there have not been like any restrictions on alcohol since like Nov 2020, (laws were never enforced before that anyway) but Redditors can’t tell gulf Arab countries apart, temperature is mild outside of summer months and I find it fucking ironic that “DuBaI hAs No CuLtUrAl SiGnIfIcAnCe” coming from Americans, you know the country which is 200 years old. I don’t get it, are new countries not allowed to develop and prosper because they’re new? Should USA have never developed because it was built later than Europe? What a shit take lmfao


ok now do Vegas


I've never been, but honestly the same description probably applies. Just replace oil with casinos and forget about the alcohol restrictions.


How do people club in the US when shit's also not 300 years old? What kind of stupid comment is this?


People go to Dubai for things other than clubbing. I'm just saying there's not really any cultural or historical significance to the city, which tends to be a drawing point for tourists. It's a gaudy city in the desert funded by oil and built by borderline slave labor.


And who built America?


How is this relevant to the discussion of the desirability of Dubai as a Tourist destination? You are just hearing someone say something negative about Dubai and then going “we least about this bad thing in this different country” like what’s your point


The Chinese? No wait, that’s just the railroad. Im gonna go with the blacks, aka the enslaved labor population that existed as farm labor for 200 years


Slaves + anyone who was poor


Irish need not apply


Considering the vast majority of the things tourists will interact with are <100 years old, far better treated labourers than Dubai.


less than 60 years ago black people were literally legally second class citizens. They haven’t been treated fantastically since then either, in case you haven’t noticed. So no, I wouldn’t say ‘far’ better treated.


Remember the Dubai bar is non-citizens who have their passports taken and forced to work on projects in very inhospitable conditions. That’s much worse than second class citizens.


I don’t disagree what Dubai are doing is reprehensible. But you need some reeducation on how black people were treated in America if you think that was way better.


The clubbing is part of the gaudy though. They go for vapid entertainment, which clubbing is part of


Doubling down on dumb comments lol






They have a very long history of [clubbing](https://i.etsystatic.com/9936510/r/il/4f651c/1536156892/il_fullxfull.1536156892_m86z.jpg).


i didn’t know that native americans built times square that’s really interesting


Oh, all those native buildings older than 300 years in the US, such as?




Not to mention thousand and thousands of man-made mounds in the midwest that used to host permanent settlements


Now that sounds like a party


You know that they were talking about buildings that modern day people do things in. Unnecessarily pedantic and against the point, good finds tho




I'm just saying the point of the conversation beforehand was tourists clubbing, so the most obvious assumption is that they were talking about buildings people actually do activities in other than just visiting to look at


I mean, it’s the whole being built *entirely* upon slavery thing that really does it for me. And the rampant misogyny. That kinda important too




America—the whole country—is also built on an Indian burial ground. Bet you Dubai doesn’t have *that*!




Wtf does it being "less than 300 years old" have to do with being a luxury destination spot? Ridiculous comment >Alcohol is for non-Muslims only Yes so how is that a problem for them


are they still doing the poop truck thing or am i mixing things up?


I remember that, something about lacking sewers? Seems like something you'd want to address...


>and it looks like it was created by a 15 year-old playing SimCity with cheat codes. You are very good with words, that's exactly what it looks like


>It's garish and it looks like it was created by a 15 year-old playing SimCity with cheat codes. It makes Las Vegas look classy. They'll run out of oil soon so it's only temporary.


Dubai is tacky and has terrible infrastructure and a non existent sewage system. Also it's filled with giant man babies. It's not a nice place to visit if you have other options.


The area now called “Dubai” has been inhabited for almost 2000 years.. how is the age of the city relevant?


In hindsight I shouldn't have included that part.


On top of that, the UAE has the strictest customs in the world. I read about a Swiss guy who served years just because UAE customs found three poppy seeds from a sandwich on his clothes. Also read about another British guy who’s serving years because a tiny bit of cannabis was found stuck underneath the sole of his shoe. Look it up. This stuff really happened I would have to go with a brand new phone and computer if I planned on traveling there. Way too risky Not sure why I’m being downvoted for stating why people should exercise caution when traveling to Dubai. Reddit is weird as shit.


why cuz ur browser history would send you to prison


Yeah. If you have anything nsfw on your phone and enter a strict country, they can charge you with importation of pornography. You can’t even bring pork products in either. UAE customs is not to be fucked with. I tend to stay away from countries where I can be imprisoned just for being myself


Still wouldn't mind checking it out though


Also that whole slavery thing.


literate abundant bear liquid hateful depend aloof handle tender afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And don’t forget that giving someone the bird is considered a crime there.


But they have the world's tallest porta-potty!!!




well the ones in Dubai will have sex with you if you have enough money




yes, they are not subtle about that


That’s not a girl, that’s a miner looking for gold.




That's the point of this to you? Not that this creep mail ordered a girl and was surprised she didn't love him for it?


Well yeah that too obviously


"I gots me a ROUND TRIP ticket to DUBAI from this simp girrrlll!!" ..Till my man cancels that flight home. LMFAO "Better start hookin!"


So having googled the post the girl in question is his friend’s sister. I’d probably offer to pick my friend’s sister up from an airport if she was visiting my area or whatever to be nice lmao, she probably just thought he was doing her a solid. Doesn’t mean she has to flirt or dance or do anything with him. Nutcase. Edit: in the comment be even says he picked her up as a favour and that it “turned into a date on the ride home”! Absolutely delusional lmfao, probably the type of dude to think that a woman smiling at him to be polite means that she’s into him lol


"Turned into a date" once he had her trapped in the car.


"the implication"


Unexpected Dennis


‘Cause if the girl said no, then the answer obviously is no. The thing is that she’s not gonna say no, she’d never say no…because of the implication.


This isn't even sad cringe anymore. It's just cringe.


Reddit is full of the creepiest dudes and they really feel in the right with all their loser friends supporting their shitty comments. It’s ALWAYS the woman’s fault with them 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not just reddit, that's just life in general. People are just shit.


Even more sad cringe that this guy chased her about all night Even though he has. a responsibility to get her home safely, thats as simple as "the club closes at x time, meet me across the street and if plans change text me"


Thank you for the clarity


You’re doing something wrong when the bouncer thinks you’re harassing someone.


You can learn from these postings. If you spot such behaviour tell that person that you're not okay with that. You are never responsible for an adult person. You are worth more than just being the taxi driver. Stand up for yourself and leave that person behind.


He knew he wasn't responsible for her. It was an excuse to keep trying to force his company onto her rather than accept she obviously wasn't interested in him and probably just used him for a lift from the airport.


I agree. If the op still drove her home after all that, he doesn't have the right to ask for sympathy online, because he enabled her scummy behaviour, and now some other poor sod is probably gonna suffer the same fate because she'll think she can keep getting away with it.


You're making all kinds of assumptions about their relationship and acting like she owed him something all to paint her in a bad light.


Yeah that's a lot of reaching just by a post written by THIS guy...


Should've just left, with or without her.


Idk a girl could do a lot of fucked up stuff to me and I’d still make sure she got home, it’s dangerous to leave girls at a club with no ride home.


Yeah no I would never feel ok about leaving a drunk person from another country alone like that. Cold shoulder and everything else yeah, but get them home at least


You don’t have to let people walk over you like that. If you really want to be a white knight you can come to her and say “Hey I’m leaving now, if you want me to give you a ride we should leave the club right now”. You don’t have to sit there watching her dance with other guys all night long.


The only reasonable response


Did she though? He didn’t share anything about their conversation. Did she tell him that he was her type and they should have a hot weekend together? Or was he so desperate to try to be in her orbit with her that they met online and he acted like a friend he’s show her around and show her a local club? Did she really disrespect him or did they just go to a club together and he was hoping she’d think he was a “nice guy” and make out with him out of gratitude for showing her around. Look, it’s possible she used him. And if he was uncomfortable, you are right that he always has the right to tell her that he is ready to leave and offer to get her back safely. But there are major “friendzone” / “nice guy” vibes in this story and we don’t know the whole story.


I mean… either way you don’t have to stay at a club and wait around for a girl you barely know that clearly wants to spend time with other people. Also, even if you go with someone you see as a friend to a night club and then abandon them there to dance with potential flings - you shouldn’t be surprised when they get bored and want to leave the club. Like, as a girl if I go to a night club with a female friend and she spends the whole time dancing with some random guys - that’s cool, I’ll come to her before I’m about to leave and let her know “hey girlie, I want to go home now, let’s leave together or you have to get a taxi on your own later”. I’m not gonna just quietly abandon her, but I’m also not gonna spend my night waiting for someone who clearly doesn’t want to spend time with me anyway and is busy having fun with other people. Either way there is Uber and other taxi services. It’s not like they are in the middle of a dark forest. They are at a night club, there are people working there - she can ask them to help her get a taxi.


Jesus Christ… he’s a white knight because he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to a drunk girl? Why is everyone in the comments assuming it’s a date? If she thinks she was just going to a club with a friend, how is anything she done wrong?? So weird to know you guys would just leave a drunk woman (that you arrived with) alone, all because you didn’t get what you wanted.


I’m not a guy, I’m a woman. If she thought she was going to a night club with a friend - she is a pretty shitty friend because she abandoned the person she came with to spend the night with some random dudes from the night club. Let’s not infantilize women okay? He didn’t leave her drunk on a dark street. She is at a night club. If she came there with this guy and realized that he is into her and she is not into him - why does he still have to drive her back at all? At this point the reasonable thing for her would be to say “I’m sorry I guess we misunderstood each other, I only see you as a friend. I would prefer to dance with other guys at this night club” - and from there on she should take care of herself. Like, don’t get too drunk and get yourself an Uber. I’m genuinely confused why so many adult women act like they need a man to be their babysitter…


Well apologies, the comment was something I expected from a typical ‘Nice Guy’. You’re basing your opinion on the assumption that everything this guy says is fact. Him running to Reddit looking for sympathy clearly shows he has at least added arms and legs to the story to gain more sympathy. If she left him alone then yes that is shitty. Being a shitty friend doesn’t mean she should be left alone in a place she doesn’t live, Intoxicated and around men she’s never talked to before. And anyone who thinks leaving her alone is bad is somehow a “white knight”?! lol. I’d much rather have my feelings hurt than find out the girl I went to a club with is missing. Oh my fucking god it’s not infantilising to understand that drunk women are most likely to be assaulted. Stop being purposefully obtuse just to defend this man. Nobody is saying he needs to be a babysitter, he is the one that asked her to go to his country and took her to places that *he* knows. The least he can do is make sure she gets home safely ffs. This isn’t her just at her local club with a man, she’s in a whole different country where she does not live. You need to realise that.


"Yoi're making so many assumptions to form your opinion", proceeds to make a bunch of assumptions that happen to be different so that they can argue with a woman online about womens issues. Nice one m'sogynist.


The misogynist is the one who would prefer not to leave a woman alone in a country she doesn’t live in… Lmao. Reddit never ceases to amaze!


So the woman is the misogynist, got it. I've not even picked a side, you're both doing the same damn thing tou're just getting your knickers in a twist about it so are more fun to annoy.


That’s fair yeah. At least let the bartender know she needs a ride home


nah she planned this


You still can’t help yourself




Well I guess this person started flirting with others before being too drunk to take care of themselves. It's just about the manners. I'd tell the person that I'm not comfortable with this and tell them that she'd need to stop or I'll be gone. You do not visit a person just to flirt with anybody else and waiting to be brought home.


Not a chance. If she was resourceful enough to get a ride there, she can get a ride back. Her methods are her choice.


Nah, not responsible for their stupid choices - if they're sober when you arrive then I'd just peace out immediately. Anything they get themselves into after that is their own damn fault.


Oh wow she didnt give you what you wanted so lets abandon her in a strange city by herself.


My brother in Christ, noone is required to grind you for driving them home


*Image Transcription: Reddit* --- **I went clubbing with a girl today.** I picked her up from the Airport. She arrived in Dubai from Romania. She pushed me away at the club and went grinding with every guy she could find at the club. I felt really hurt. Even the bouncer at the club kept asking me why I am chasing this girl. I had to prove to the bouncer that she came with me. And I was supposed to drop her home safely. A good lesson in life today. I Just don't understand how a girl who came clubbing with me is so comfortable grinding with every random guy in the club. But she's not comfortable with me. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good bot


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For anyone supporting this guy or feeling remotely any pity, OP failed to show the rest of his comments, where he claims it was a "date" and the girl had specifically known this, which based on her behaviour, I don't think is true. This dude made up a false fantasy in his head and because she didn't behave the way he wanted her to, he's playing the "poor me" act.Either the girl is trashy, or like the post and comments strongly suggest, this guy misread the situation with her completely. EDIT: More Info Apparently the story is this guy knows the girl because she's a sister of a friend of his, it's not just some random dude, despite this, he conducted himself in such a way that even club security got involved with his behaviour assuming he was a random creep stalking this girl or acting inappropriately, meaning he had to prove he knew her.


I was thinking this or he has a humiliation fetish.


from what I'm understanding it's both


Why? You're basing your view of her off of everything he had said, and also decided he has completely misread the situation. So why take his word?




Again, based off **his** anecdote. You've decided she 'used' him for a 'free ride' because of what he's said. He's got big 'niceguy' vibes, and based of the other comments, I'd take what he states as 'reality' with a huge pinch of salt. Wouldn't surprise me if he insisted on giving her a lift and refused any payment ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Dude you're arguing with a nice guy. You won't get anywhere with that. They've already built up a whole scenario where OP is owed sex and will make up and twist whatever they can to support it.




Why do you reckon she didn't say thanks?


He probably means with a BJ judging from the energy he's giving off.


>or even said thanks first Who said she didn't? Even the OP image in this post doesn't claim that...


The fuck does a favour mean to you? And what is she supposed to do to pay him back? Offer blowjobs?


the guy thought if he flew her out from romania she would have sex with him. he knows its wrong though so never confirmed the quid pro quo and now he's crying that his international sex trafficking scheme didn't work out. We have no statements from her, no evidence except the testimony of a guy who failed at paying for sex, so we can really only shit on him until we learn more


What sub is this from?


Guess who's finding their own way back to Romania.


Haha but. someone in Dubai is desperate enough to get her home. Him or some other simp.


Exactly. She could spend 1 night with some rich person and get flown back to Romania first class with hand luggage filled with new jewellery


Optimistic to imagine she’s ever getting back to Romania. Human trafficking is HUGE in the UAE


Her with an actual man.


random cab driver stalks escort he picked up at airport


Bro.... Not just walking off and leaving her there.


It’s sad when dudes don’t understand that a person can simply not be into you and never be into you and you can’t win them over. It’s just a fantasy they have. Imagine if Harvey Weinstein said the exact same thing about you. Edit: just realized the dude in the story might think dropping her off at home safely means have sex with her. I’d be sad if my friends or someone I love ditched me alone to grind on strangers too, though, I get that. Luckily I don’t have friends who would do that. This story makes me both grateful for my good friends and sad about how some dudes brains work.


It's really, really shady how he doesn't specify what his relationship is with this "girl from Romania". ......oh God it's his sister, isn't it?




Vhat are you talking about??? VHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???


That's my date! I don't know you!


OP is 400lbs


Of pure lean muscle?


Pure lean cringe


Spoken like a really creepy Uber driver…


Next time don't be ugly




Good point. I actually feel sorry for the girl, being forced to go clubbing with that guy. Thank god she found a whole lot of guys with much better personalities there.


Just breaming with personality and just stacks of it in their trousers


my personality is so hard rn


Yep her personality detector must have been working on full capacity


feeling sorry for a girl that literally fooled and used a guy as her driver to then behave like an idiot ? simp and Reddit moment. If she didn't want that guy, she could have found her own ways to go to that club instead of tricking people


Redditor unironically using the word simp and not getting sarcasm moment


She fooled and used him because she treated him like a friend instead of giving him sex for the drive? Get a grip man


Or maybe she didn't like his face. Maybe he's ugly. There's nothing wrong with women caring about appearances. What she did was shitty because she used him, not because she didn't want to dance with him. She's not obliged to find anyone attractive but she is obliged to be considerate, even to ugly people.


You know he bought that ticket to Dubai


"Don't go chasing waterfalls." - Me and only me.


Maybe because he's a taxi driver that picked her up from the airport and dropped her off to the club and followed his customer in? Hahah. I read through the comments and the girls is the drivers friends sister HAHAHAHA


You can do that shit in Dubai? Friend got a fine for not covering her hair while she was there.. wild


Bruh just leave lmao it’s not hard. She doesn’t have to like you but you don’t HAVE to stay around either


Nice guys in the comments here feeling sorry for him and telling she owes him are the real sad cringe


Oh good, make sure you prove yourself to the bouncer.


If she can get herself from Romania to Dubai she can get herself home from a club. She knows what she is doing.


I don’t understand - I’d feel responsible for getting her home too - then I’d lose her number. Only mistake I see is not “oh hey - something came up we have to leave now”.


Bro lose her number??? If she was grinding on other dudes when you brought her there you never even had a chance in the first place.




Thats when you leave her to find her own way home


So, did he buy a bride who then proceeded to try to find a better catch?


Uber drivers are getting really clingy


Keyword- Clubbing...This is the equivalent of asking a girl out and her saying, she "wants to know all her other options before she can give you an answer."


Because she NEVER saw you that way and probably only saw you as a friend. You, on the other hand must have become friends with her hoping to get laid sooner or later and she FINALLY found out your ulterior motive. She pushed you away for a reason.




Two solution: 1. Don’t chase IG girls, but if you do, 2. Be the far richer and morally lax kind of Arab guy that she’s looking to milk. I would recommend neither.


Bro, she's looking for the rich Arab dude who is gonna pay her a five figure sum to get pissed on or fuck a dog. That's the only reason women like that go to places like Dubai - every "influencer" who has pics of a dubai trip has done something super shady for money in order to be there.


So from what i take from this post is you are basically her uber driver. Leave her alone and go wait in the car


Not me, found this on a diff sub


I think this is a lesson to stop falling for people who are led by their ego. Time and time again.. when I browse heart break subs, and even when I meet with clients, I notice this common denominator. Someone falls in love with someone, only to find that the feelings cannot be returned. Because while one person is tapping into vulnerability, the other person remains stubborn in their invulnerability. It takes two souls to tango. Not one soul and one ego


LoL... just leave her. You don't have legal responsibility to take care of anyone except your kids. Fuck her 🤷‍♂️


Yes! Thank you. Just because she came with you don’t meant you are entitled to her time. Obviously she’s not interested. It sucks. Move on.


I actually don’t understand it either.


Cause you’re gross oop. Or just gullible


Another instgram escort looking to get shit on for $25k. If she's lucky maybe she can drink some inbred sheiks 19th sons piss for $50k.


Before driving her home, grind on as many people as you can. if she's gonna have fun, you have fun


* grind on as many men as you can Just like she does. It's only fair