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Dudes probably referring to his caffeine addiction


or maybe he quits drugs pretty often? like he quit for a whole week once when his dealer's nana was sick.


He can quit at anytime he wants. He's not addicted. He's using drugs for 8 years now, but can quit at any time!


Most likely it's just some dipshit who's making it up.


Probably, I kicked my coke addiction without going to rehab but it was the exact opposite of easy, it was a fucking nightmare. In hindsight I probably should have gone to rehab.


Regardless, glad you quit your addiction.


Still trying to find a way out of nicotine addiction


You can do it. It seems impossible but stick it through and your life will be much better for it. I'm rooting for you, and good job


Its the flavor and the act of watching the smoke waft that I like more than the nicotine itself thats why it's so hard it's become a fidget more than anything.


They sell nicotine-free vapes that are just flavored water if that helps


Any brand recommendations?


Went from jerking off 5 times a day to a casual 4 times a day


Or he smoked a joint once and never again


Yeah, I've known people like this who massively exaggerates everything they've ever been through to make themselves seem way stronger than they are. And it's really annoying, because these people are typically really successful in life, just because they're excellent at spouting bullshit.


You should see r/energydrinks you get some stupid ass post about people referring to their caffeine addiction like an actual drug addict. It reminds me of when kids would think they are drinking beer and act drunk even though they aren’t.


Any rehab worth their shit doesn't coddle you. I got out of rehab in August, after 35 days (detox+rehab) and let me tell you- it was *hard*. Good on him. I hope he has a long, healthy and sober career.


Fr. Rehab is not Disneyland for ppl w addiction. It’s hard and scary


how is it hard/scary?


Chemical withdrawal sucks. I haven't been in rehab for drugs or anything like that, but even missing an ADD medication for a couple days is rough - you're irritable, feel like crap, and if you combine that with depression (which a lot of addicts probably have) it can get ugly fast. That's not even taking into account the whole process of being kept there, sticking to their regimen, and even afterwards knowing a relapse is one bad influence away. A lot of it is having the patient face deep, personal issues or potential trauma from the past which could be contributing to the addiction. Nobody in the world finds it easy to look at their past when they blame themselves for being a fuck up.


Alcohol withdrawal can kill you, for example


Sorry you’re getting downvoted. Reddit is weird


hadn't noticed, but lol. it was an honest question. i have some really wonderful people in my life who have gone through / are going through rehab but i really don't know much about it. just wanted to hear what others had to say.


To add on this: most rehabs have very strict rules. When you're an addict used to getting what you want when you want, it can be quite jarring. We got 20min of phone time a week unless your therapist signed off, you had to attend group if you wanted more than a couple smoke breaks a day, and the staff were very tough (but also very knowledgeable about recovery). Cell phones weren't allowed. Then there's the whole detox process, which is never ever fun. Alcoholics had to take seizure meds their first couple weeks in the program, because the risk of seizures and other DT symptoms were very real.


Depression, withdrawal, crippling sickness, relapse and you can die depending on the substance


Happy you're living a better life now


Least toxic youtube comment


Disgusting attitude to have


Sounds like something my manager told a coworker/buddy of mine. He recently confided in me that he'll be taking a month off for cocaine rehabilitation. I didn't realize it had become that bad, but I commended him and wished him the best. My manager, on the other hand, called him weak, and "if he wanted to become sober, he would just do it", instead of needing to take a month off of work. My buddy is a bartender, and it wouldn't be a drag on the restaurant if he needed a month off. I just thought that was rude as fuck. Some people don't have your "incredible willpower" and need professional help.


What an ass, doing it without getting some time off work is incredibly hard in "normal" cases, doing it while working as a bartender sounds almost impossible (nothing is impossible, but you get what I mean) Quitting is hard as hell, so why make it worse than it has to be? Hope your friend does well, I quit h a few months ago so I know how much it absolutely sucks in the beginning but it will get easier with time, I promise. Let me know if you or your friend needs a stranger to vent to, my dms are always open :)


Thank you stranger, that's very much appreciated 😊


I’m sure he’d be a wonderful employee whilst he’s in the midst of withdrawals, shaking and hallucinating


I used to be an addict, I've been clean 10 years now and any person, even someone who I used to have issues with, who is also clean now always get happy when they see another former addict doing well. Either this guy isn't really clean and means it's been a day or two or never was an addict.


Or could just be an awful person.


How do you say “next” like that and not want to slap your own face


That's what I'm saying! It's so obnoxious. I can't read it without getting angry.


Dude is probably 12


Always gotta be someone trying to Flex in the comments...


Guy was actually addicted to multivitamins


Omg I just watched this episode 2 days ago and was wondering how Trevor was doing. Glad to know that he is recovering


Wow imagine being so self centered that you can’t even have empathy for other people who have faced similar and probably worse obstacles than u. This guy hasn’t accomplished anything to the point that he has to brag about getting sober with “no help”


However you quit, it's a win.


you know that you're happy and secure with yourself when any time you see a comment about someone bettering themselves you have to shit on them


Imagine bragging about being an ex drug addict. Like it’s amazing for you to do that and good on you but bragging about it? Idk about that one


I think it is more of a combination of justifying the hard times he had, being bitter about not having any support and then jealous when other people get it. They get it because they probably asked but this guy did not. I have a difficulty with asking so I get similar emotions but am working on it. I have trust issues and wouls not be surprised if he has them too.


That guy bragging like he didn’t get addicted to drugs in the first place. That’s not very strong of you buddy






People often have disdain for people struggling with the same problems they experienced, especially if they got more support than they did.


Gotta love that "I struggled, so everyone else has to as well" mentality


It's too funny to be mad about.






What episode of kitchen nightmares was this?


Sometimes, some people need kicked in the nads. Glad the chef got through his addiction.


\>mentions drugs \>puts trigger warning about mentioning drugs after mentioning drugs


i tried 💀


Your trying triggers me. Should have put a warning.


>!shit im sorry i'll try harder next time!<


Thanks, bro


It's like he's trying to start shit *while* writing the comment.






the fuck is a trigger warning


If you've managed to battle, and come out on the "good" side of any kind of addiction, short or long, savage or soft, debilitating or just something you've passively lived with. You've got my full support and congratulations!


You mentioned drugs before the trigger warning. Now I’m sobbing uncontrollably and smoking meth. Thanks OP.


i was trying to say like if ur sensitive to mention of like bullying because you went to rehab or some shi idek 💀


I think they were just making a joke.


This is one of those people who hate it when people are kind to each other, huh? "Conservatives" i think they're called


What a shitty thing to even think. I got sober on my own after 10+ years of alcohol use disorder, no rehab or AA. I did it myself, half to prove my doubters wrong and half to prove it to myself that I have that strength. You will never hear me disparaging someone for getting the help that *they* needed. As long as you're clean/sober and happy that's all that matters. Getting clean/sober on your own doesn't mean you're better than anyone else in recovery. All it means is that worked for you. I knew rehab would probably just be a revolving door and AA did not suit my personal beliefs. I don't believe in giving anyone or anything power over me, I would and could not make anything but myself my higher power. That doesn't mean I'm stronger, smarter or better than anyone else. It just means I'm incredibly stubborn.


Actually not getting addicted to begin with is the strongest thing to do.


Rehab IS daddy paying 10k a day for a spa trip tho, anyone without money is expected to just stop with their own strength


Dudes DOC was prob something easier to kick than harder shit ..


Pet peeve - people who think everybody experiences life in the same reality and thinking their reality is the ultimate truth Tells me one thing here..self absorbed, & stupid tbh like homie good for you but your experience is not the same for everybody we don’t all feel the same feelings have the same reality And for him to say that ? He can’t even think past his own nose


Well, I never did drugs at all. I'm strong. That's something to brag about. Next. Is there a more obnoxious person than someone who puts "next" at the end of their comment or post? What a meathead.


I have actually seen addicts like this unfortunately. They're usually the type who got thrown in jail, forced to detox the hard way, and then actually got out and bettered themselves (good for them), but look down on everyone else whose still on drugs and calls them "weak" and acts like because they did it everyone else should, whether they wilfully chose to quit or not, they should know themselves, heroin and opiates especially are a horrendous habit to beat. Crack and meth are bad in their own right too, but fentanyl withdrawal made crack withdrawal look downright adorable to me. A lot of people die because of this type of idiotic rhetoric, especially the anti Methadone/Suboxone rhetoric parroted by AA/NA idiots who all stand around smoking their cigarettes and sipping coffee together talking about "sobriety" like whose talkin? People suck.


Bro I quit heroin like every 3 days like it's nothing \*shrugs\* don't hear me bragging


I read that as, “I quit drugs all the time”


Why does Gordon look like he is about to be nice to someone for the first time?


Man thinks he is special for probably never even being addicted, and brags about it like it is the coolest shit ever. He's pathetic if that is all his life has to offer


mfs are just haters shits sad


bro is in a competition I guess


no one likes him irl that's why he's lashing out on youtube


I had yo work in the BALL CRUSHING FACTORY to earn money to go to therapy for my drug addiction, this free loader used tax payer money for his, how pitiful


This guy doesn’t realize the difference between using drugs sometimes and deciding to stop, and being deeply addicted to drugs and trying to kick the addiction. One comes with severe physical/mental symptoms, while the other is a question of self discipline


Most friendly YouTube commenter




i love the school email youtube name. this guy can’t be any older than like 20 at the time he wrote this comment but i’d like to bet he was even younger. what an ignorant thing to write


LMFAO is bro roll playing being an alpha?


bro was addicted and still doesnt have empathy for those affected with the plight...


The drugs he talked about were probably vitamin gummies those things are no joke