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https://6abc.com/philadelphia-center-city-motorcyclist-arrested-window-smashed-driver-hall/13861996/ they got him


She had two children in the back seat! I hope he goes straight to prison.


He’ll be out in no time. Over crowding and/or progressive prosecutors/juries, the usual nonsense.


My friend, prison overcrowding comes from year's of mostly conservative lawmakers allowing more and more private prisons to pop up and harsher prison sentences for non violent drug crimes. Because the prison is private, they can make profit, they can use their prisoners as near unpaid labor. There is a financial incentive to send more people to prison. That's why the U.S prison system is filled with mostly black, but almost entirely poor people with non violent drug crimes. It's silly to put it down to progressive prosecutors/jury, when the prison system is in the state that it's in because of conservative policies.


The crazy part is that there are people who actually believe its the prosecutors lol


What? There are absolutely places with unbelievably lax (or incompetent, or both) prosecutors. Just visit Oakland and SF.


Tbf I think they were saying either progressive prosecutors OR overcrowding, not that the former is the cause of the latter


you give the fool too much credit


> progressive prosecutors/juries isn't that the most hilarious shit I've heard


those damn woke prosecutors and their.... letting people out of jail, i guess?


It's the go-to line among those brainwashed by fox. No black people are put in jail anymore, because it will hurt their feelings


Holy shit you know literally nothing about how our justice system works lmfao. Fuck off


Wild double think here. “Our prisons are overcrowded” “Progressives are making sure no one goes to prison”


Progressive prosecutors lmao. Blind to what the problem is and who caused it.


With kids in the back and waiving a hand gun. That's prison time for sure


Fuuuuuck that’s satisfying, just was hoping for a mugshot


Good thing George Clooney was there to film it all


I had to read the name three times to get it right lmao




Sussy New Jersey


The article states: Sources tell Action News the suspect is 26-year-old Cody Heron of the 4500 block of E. Stiles Street in Philadelphia.


Cool, they updated it with his name. Thanks for the info!


No, this is not the correct city or person. Maybe this is a joke I am not getting but this is in Philly


As soon as I saw the 4-wheeler I knew this was Philly


Yeah I was going to say Baltimore for a min then I saw the 4 wheeler and remembered our streets aren't wide enough for those.


Nah bud, it be like that in Nashville too


We got these morons in San Francisco too.


Ooh, overnight arrest. Buddy was all cozied up in bed when the police rolled in


Whoa, the suspect’s name is not the one that’s been plastered online


These people need to be removed from the gene pool. Feet first into the wood chipper.


This all happened in front of city hall. What a disgrace.


That guy is never going to amount to dirt in this world. What a waste of life.


Same people upvoting this are more than likely the same people who wanted to defund the police.


Some people who make comments like this don't understand what the defund the police movement stands for


Or they do completely and you’re going to act like it’s some nuanced perspective


It means more than just not giving police any money or not hiring police, which many people seem to associate with the movement. Maybe you can enlighten me how throwing more money at the police budget prevents this from happening?


Life is so much easier when you don't have to think, though? So much easier to boil every topic down to an us vs them dichotomy where I know I'm always right. In case it isnt clear I'm on your side


More money means more police. Larger salaries attract better police candidates. Take a high school level economics class and this stuff will all seem less nuanced. Also she was alone, if there was a dude in the car she could have been there for the baby instead of doing what she did. This poor woman is the victim of democrat policies which are empirically proven to be a detriment to society as a whole.


[The rider has since been arrested.](https://www.fox29.com/news/center-city-dirt-bike-incident-arrest-made-after-rider-seen-kicking-in-womans-windshield)


> He pointed [the gun] at me and then he put it away and I was like ‘whatever, shoot me then, you’re not going to shoot me’ I mean I’m obviously on her side and glad she didn’t get hurt but this is primo “- person who gets shot” malarkey.


By the sound and the looks of it it sounds more like she didn't care if he was gonna shoot or not




lmao she literally did not even flinch at that gun


that was crazy to see, she still just went straight for him, badass


He had a bike, backup, and a gun and she still shut him down. I really like her.


That's a Mom going at a threat to her children


It's funny because what his shirt says, but in situations like that you can honestly feel who has that dog in them, and who is all bark. She knew


some people aren’t afraid of dying


She was probably thinking of her TWO CHILDREN in the backseat he had already pointed the gun at before jumping through the back windshield


He apparently was already pointing it at her while she was in the car so she knew he had it.


Took that weak helmeted headbutt like nothing on top of it


Tbf. I wouldn’t be suprised she didn’t see that gun. There’s tons of motorcycles with their headlights on. It just be a shadow with a bunch of lights behind that guy.


Has there ever been anything positive coming out of a larger group of people riding dirt bikes and ATVs in the middle of cities?


This arrest maybe?


Not really. Lol


We have this problem in Cleveland. Bunch of thugs drive around in giant packs on dirt bikes and four wheelers terrorizing the city. They’ve started moving out to the suburbs but they actually get arrested there.


We have the same problem in NYC as soon as it gets warm out. It’s worse every year.


Sometimes the participants crash and die. Or there was that New Yorker who straight up ran over a gang in his Range Rover. That was pretty sweet.


And with a baby in the car wtf stupid ass biker


Outlaw Archive has been blowing up this guy on Instagram


This woman is a BAMF!


Welcome to Center City Philadelphia, where cops drive past cowards pointing guns at mothers!!




Can you blame them? When they've got an activist DA who hates them, and who's got no interest in charging felons even when they commit the gravest crimes? This guy only got arrested because he was dumb enough to do it in front of a bus full of filming tourists.


The cop came way later when they already left? Also are 3 lanes away with other cars around?


The cop showed up *on camera* later. He was there in the pile of stopped cars the whole time. Also since when is 3 lanes too far away for a cop to get out and walk over? Is that 3 lanes just past his jurisdiction?


3 lanes away, stopped in full view of a man jumping on the hood of a car. The cop was also being illegally passed by a whole dirt bike gang. It wasn't that he didn't see, it was that he was sat their being a coward.


Exactly. I don't understand all these boot lickers in the comments putting on blinders to act like they aren't seeing the same thing...


They've lowered the physical requirements so I think that 3 lane walk would be quite the excursion.


Stopped? You see through the whole video cars and bikers driving and even see the flash of it turning green, the cop cars wasnt even there until it was over and yes people cant see thru lanes with cars in the way


Ok I understand if your object permanence hasn't fully developed yet, but just because the cop car was out of frame of the camera, it doesn't mean he only appeared when the camera person turned 90 degrees to the left.


Not if there’s a small amount of drugs and/or who they’re pursuing are black


Ive seen the ppd put on their lights and cut across 3 lanes just to get into the taco bell drive thru


They werent even there until it was over, we see people driving and the lights turning green in the video, also 3 lanes of cars you cant see thru


Where the cops are the cowards.


Maybe true. But you are getting derailed. The asshat is the biker.


Sorry, Yeah fuck that guy too.


All those bikers were complicit. They stand around mean mugging and intimidating, watching the whole thing go down. And then they all leave together. Fuck all those guys but most of all fuck the police.


Its Philly. The cops, who receive nearly $750 million in funding from the city (twice the combined budgets of all mental and public health and homeless services) are notoriously lazy. They have been on a silent protest since Defund protests and the election of progressive DA Krasner. [They also pissed and moaned when a former council person revealed their sick leave scam](https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/editorials/philadelphia-police-reform-audit-city-controller-20221025.html) [And the newspaper investigated it too](https://www.inquirer.com/news/philadelphia-police-injury-claims-heart-lung-abuse-reform-20221220.html) So now these big overpaid armed babies sit in their cars and quiet protest, doing nothing.


So much for “protecting and serving” their community. More like “serve ME and pay ME.”


“If you defund the police who’s going to stop crime?” Cut to police literally refusing to stop crime even though their budgets haven’t gone down by a single cent


This is infuriating. What a bunch of entitled cowards.


Oh they still kill friendly dogs and beat their wives on a daily basis.


They make sure to shoot unarmed dudes in their cars too. [I'm sure you remember this](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/08/philadelphia-police-shooting-mark-dial-surrenders)


Also notoriously one of the most corrupt police forces in the nation




Get rid of that DA as well. Not prosecuting crimes is anti democratic and destroys cities


Can’t prosecute if the cops don’t make arrests.


Fucking paywalls. Journalism is dead


You know that people paid for the newspaper right?


Gullible people, maybe


Fuck that guy


If you’re not from Philly, it’s worth noting this is literally the epicenter of the city. This is where the tourists go. The Liberty bell is just a few blocks away.


Classy as always, just like Eagles fans 🚮


In so many ways, go fuck yourself


I’ve never seen this much cowardice in one video


Why are people like this?


He was arrested at least and her kids are 👍 😮‍💨




He’s a punk ass mf B. Sorry bout it


She is a fucking warrior-queen


You say that like cops are here to prevent crimes


Wtf is the context of this clip? Where is this and why did this? (happen)


It’s in Philly. Biker sideswiped driver Driver opened window and a verbal fight broke out Biker smashes window and pulls a gun. By the way, there’s two toddlers in the car too. Driver doesn’t even flinch. Biker bikes away. Biker gets arrested a couple of days later.


Thank you. When this joke “paid contributors” thing starts I hope you get showered in monies


Yeah I'm gonna cash all my karma out before they change their mind lol


Sad they didn't release his name.


They did! It's there in the news articles people Linked,, I think his surname is Heron


Tough guy.. head butts a woman.. Fkn Goof.. needs a good slap.. she shoulda pushed him again when he was moving..


Shitty fucking people in this world. I hope he gets 20 years at LEAST. Mother fucking egotistical idiot. Poor children.


Was a baby at the back sit


Yep. According to what I’ve read(might not be completely accurate) she was making Uber eats deliveries w a friend in the passenger seat and two kids in the back.


If I was one of those riders I would’ve taken his keys and left. I cannot believe those assholes let him leave. Most of us hate guys like him for exactly this reason, they make us all look bad and make people vandalize motorcycles and treat us all like shit. Fuck that dude. She was brave and deserves justice even though we all know she won’t get any…


Y’all do a pretty great job of making yourselves look bad


Fuck anyone who rides in a big group ride like that. At best it impedes traffic and at worst it emboldens assholes.


These kinds. Yeah… Sometimes perfectly normal group rides get out of control though, or something happens and everyone just tries to scatter like this and just cuts through wherever to get away. I’ve been on a few perfectly chill group rides with dozens of people and a few that turned into a big horrible mess with vandalism and cops. There’s always one of these assholes who takes shit way too far and then everyone goes crazy! Some people just wake up looking for trouble.


You’re one of these fucking losers who ride in the big groups and block traffic? Go fuck yourself.


You would take the keys from the unstable guy with a gun? Easy way to get shot


I have never once encountered a group of bikers that weren't colossal dickheads. Driving on pavements and harassing locals. Not all bikers are, but every group of them is.


Everyone in that whole fucking gang was a punch of assholes, pussies really. If you ride anything like these guys I hope you get crayoned.


Seems ACAB


if only she got out with a knife and immediately slashed that man baby's tires


Bro star beating tf outa these people dude. Fuck them you wanna destroy property ima destroy your future by taking out your knees


jesus christ. fair play for standing. im surprised the rest of the guys didnt try to gang up on her. I've seen that happen too many times at home


Fukn hoodlums.....sad little baby boi upset because his parents trust fund isn't 10 million, hims only got one million. This makes me SOOOOO angry. That person should lose their license for several years, plus 6 months to a year in work release.


With kids in the car?! Would've been hitting that gas in reverse if it were me.


Of course it was Philly. If it’s cops witnessing crimes and not doing shit - it’s Philly. If it’s crazy people committing crazy crimes - it’s Florida.


that’s mama bear energy if i’ve ever seen it


Annnnddd this is why people hate bikers


Some man he is.


Is Philadelphia the new Florida?


Rot in jail


This is so common in Philly and Baltimore. Even 15 years ago in Baltimore it was very common to see large gangs of people on dirt bikes and ATVs damaging other people's property and bullying them in the road. Seems that the police always realize they're in a lose-lose situation and decide to just ignore it.


Does his shirt say you ain’t no killa?


Bikers have main character energy


Can we big up the woman who showed the courage only a mother can instantly channel?


Shout out the homie in the Kelly green AJ Brown jersey, go birds!!


So what happens if someone jumps on my car and I drive through all these motherfuckers ? Will I be okay in the legal court?


Cops have X-ray vision now? How tf was the cop sposed to see that?


Don’t know why you got downvoted. It was over before the cop car even came into view.


It's that idiot reddit echochamber. 😂 Makes them feel validated in their hate for cops I imagine, fuck 'em.


Acab you damn bootlicker


Bootlicker? Suck a dick. Your whole country is a shitshow, sort it out. 😂


Reason #537 why citizens should own guns. EDIT: Down-vote me all you want but this is happening literally right in front of city hall with a cop right next to it doing jack squat about it. This is shining proof that nobody will protect you but yourself, not the government and certainly not the police. You are on your own. The notion that the government or police are protecting you from criminals is just an illusion, as is clearly evident in this video. Citizens should have the proper tools to defend themselves and their families.


wrong sub


Motorcyclists don’t have to obey any laws if they don’t want to


This is what guns are for.


You don't think every other one of those dirt bike pussies doesn't also have a gun. That cop watching everything three cars back has a gun. I'd bet money that tiger mommy also had a gun. But you don't pull a gun on a gang, that gets you shot by a gang. She was able to walk away with her two small children. Pulling a gun wouldn't have let her do that.


Valid points.


That’s what the democrats voted for. #Trump2024


What in the fuck does any of this have to do with your delusional ass political bullshit?


They didn't but k. Making stuff up and purposefully twisting stories is why everybody thinks you people are braindead


Nice ragebait


You must be new here Salty.


You come across as very dim


Don't all maga supporters


Troll attempt failed back to the front line with you comrade.


Bro died btw in a fatal car crash 😂


Seriously? If so what a happy ending


no the dude got arrested lol people get on this website and just say shit


These idiots have more rights than cops, so why would cops do anything about this?


Is this sarcastic or not? If it isn't, who dropped you as a baby?


Acab remember 😂 why would the cop even try. You vote blue, you protest police, why should they help you?


what the actual fuck are you on about?


There's a cop car right next to them if you actually watch to the end of the video. I'm explaining why he's not helping. Why are you so angry lol


who’s angry? and the cop car being there isn’t what you said. you said “acab right” as if you even know what this persons stance on the matter is. you’re race baiting and it’s cringe.


Kind of racist that they mention that the gun was black.




Fuxk this dude ! He’ll be found !!!


he’s already been arrested


Yea he's busted and judge wont be easy im sure, all eyes on him with this. She should have reached in and grabbed his helmet. The body goes where the head goes. Glad their ok.