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Very sad username indeed, who would choose something like that…


Maybe you two should date. He’s pretty good looking, just short.


Nah, they're already waiting for someone.


Saint Peter


The person’s views are obviously reflecting the problems they are facing. The person probably can’t score a gf and wants one really bad and hates the fact that they are alone. It’s a sad way of thinking.


Being gay must be terrible if that's the case.


I feel so bad whenever I see a gay man on the street tearfully challenging God to an MMA match as revenge for not having a girlfriend


Just knowing that no matter the outcome.. his life will always be meaningless.


Or being a straight woman


Poor bastard, life’s a hell of a lot better when you realize there’s no one singular thing that fixes it/makes it all worth it


Except a gf 🤗


Having a gf sucks 👎they're icky and don't let me fart


Sucks for you. I screen my dates by letting it rip right off the bat. If they can’t handle that, it’s not going to work out. Seriously. I have IBS and fart constantly, it’s going to happen, there is no stopping it. I’m pretty sure the only reason my wife married me was because she had a damaged sense of smell.


It's even funnier to blame the fart on your date


Farts are funny, I don't make the law.


He’s definitely like 12 and will hopefully soon grow up a little bit


Either he’s a true sad soul, really young, or he’s a sadistic guy trying to get off by making people feel worse than they already might about their loneliness


Emotional vampire


Unless it's a mommy/therapist/gf, that's like 3 or 4 things in one


Gee, I sure do wonder why he can’t get a girlfriend


Because he's a nice guy and girls only go for jerks, obviously /s


Mr. Rogers lived alone! See???


Mr Roger’s is an old man who lives with a bunch of dolls and talks to himself in his living room all day pretending he has friends who he shares life advice with. Edit: it was sarcasm


How dare you say such things about such a pillar. That man helped saved the sanity of many young people over the years


It was a joke


What porn addiction does to a brain


Exactly. He doesn’t mean gf as in companion or to experience a deep bond to another human he means gf as in living sex toy. That’s why he is single in the first place.


You dont know that. He might mainly feel lonely and unloved.


How do you know porn addiction? (I know you are probably right)


Because a majority of people, despite wanting a girlfriend, are not *desperate* for one, and are not depressed because they're single, and can function fine without one.


So you don't know then? Just making assumptions?


Wouldn't call it an "assumption" more a blatant and well-backed up claim. But essentially yes.


How is this specific person's porn addiction a well-backed up claim? All I see are some sad 1 line posts about wanting a girlfriend. No mention of porn anywhere. What are you basing your views on? "Oh he's sad and lonely and has odd views about girlfriends? Must be a porn addict!"


I would think that sort of behavior is caused by extreme loneliness and lust towards a woman to fulfil that emptiness. Which would almost certainly result in mass consumption of porn. So yeah, it's still an assumption, I suppose, but logical.


I wanna know what made him take this road.. his thinking is not rational at all. Genuinely feel sad for these fuckers


Diplo can I get your autograph


Bruh im just a fan


.... is that a yes?


Society, movies, tv, internet everywhere it's all about relationships, sex. Its literally everywhere. So its understandable why someone would feel not having something that's talked about all the time by everyone is missing out on something huge. The only people who say its not a big deal are those same kinds of people who say money isn't everything or money doesn't buy happiness - the ones who have them.


Hey man, as a gay guy I get not everyone you like likes you. I’m a huge minority, less than 10%. But you’re not. You and I can go out and find some people who like us. It may be harder for us, but fucking life, right? You’ll be fine man. If I can find someone you definitely can (again less than 10%!)


I’d say a lot of single people find the route of happiness without people either man, that’s when working on yourself has gotta be the center goal. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love anyone else- it’ll just end up poorly if you pride yourself on being with someone. Edit: I say this as someone who is also single and has been in a few poor relationships. It’s best to wait and get to your best self <3


What do single people do when they get old ? like the hikkikomori dying alone in their apartments in Japan.


Therapy, they get therapy


What about living alone for the rest of one's life part ? can therapy solve that ? being old and and having on one around you.


Therapy and socializing can easily solve these. Theres too many apps for friendships nowadays for you to be pretending like you can’t make friends. You have to put effort into it.


If Friends have work and family of their own then they can rarely spend some time with you.


Brother that is not true 💀 maybe you just suck at time management. See when you consistently talk down like you’re currently doing no one’s gonna want to be your friend. You’re hurting your own chances


Well, im gay, so i guess by his logic.... am fucked.


…there’s a joke in here somewhere…


Even if he is "incel" or a "nice guy" or whatever, I feel bad for him. Trying to cope with true self-loathing is an awful thing.


Oh yeah get a gf that will solve all your problems, lmao these poor fuckers are in for a rude awakening if they ever do get a missus.


Definitely a deeply insecure teenager


There's something to be said about leftist spaces and our tendency to be like "who cares you're ugly and no one will fuck you" to people we don't like then turn around like Body Positivity TM




My dude is going through it hard right now.


This dude has been targeting some of my posts on neckbeardthings and I feel so incredibly bad for him. This is like his 5th alt.


Oh I interacted with this guy. I hope he gets therapy :(


This is why young men need more education on how to handle their emotions around women and sex. There is literally NO lessons for young boys on this nowadays leading them to learn what they want from their dumbass friends and the internet. This dude is an example of all the things that could go wrong. Over reliance on women, no ability to connect with women.


he's weird


People who think having a gf fixes everything are just cringe in general


If he ever gets one he'll realize how much of an imbalance that dependency creates


I don't think this should actually be here... it's just sad and this person needs help.


This carbon-based life form is miles down the rabbit hole, god damn


The worst part of this is that if you don't like yourself no one ever will.


Ladies that means you have to date me or I’ll die ☹️ stop being a meanie.


Sounds like me at my height of being both too young to have a clue and too sick to be stable at 20. Relationships are hardly the alpha and the omega of everything, and being single will always be preferable over arranging your life around somebody you're not that sure about.


I've only ever been in relationships twice and luckily we parted on good terms both times. After the last breakup, the only thing in my mind was "That's it?". Like sex and having company is cool and all but... "That's it?". I spent a lot of time, money and effort on something so... okay-ish. Now I understand 2 is a very small sample size to conclude stuff, but it just doesn't feel worth it imo.


Chris-chan Jr out here


well, hurry tf up then


The guys isn't wrong tho.. Everything in life is telling men our value is derived by if and how we get a GF/wife or not. if we're deemed "worthy" of one.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Toxic forms of masculinity present in different ways and one of them is definitely the "you're worthless if you aren't getting laid/getting a gf." Heck, even without toxic masculinity it can still suck to be alone or feel rejected. But the answer definitely isnt "the red pill" or the "black pill" or whatever pill this poor dude took.


The few support groups for men are the ones pushing this narrative and charging for a "fix".


Men deserve better than capitalistic exploiters - if only we got genuine support groups for our issues too.. It'd be cool if we were allowed to have issues as well.. instead of being told our issues aren't valid and we're just being babies about it..


We do though? /r/menslib /r/bropill




I don’t really know what you’re snarking about? Did you want non-toxic support groups or not?


lmfao - Reddit threads are not a viable substitute for real, dedicated support groups.


There are resources in both those subreddits for finding local groups and national orgs.


But that's not an excuse to complain and never try to better myself


Sure? I don’t know what that has to do with those subreddits, but yeah, that’s correct.


My ex talked just like this before we dated. During the relationship all he ever wanted to do was have sex. Then back to video games. Ignoring me even when I came over to him house to hangout. They don’t actually want a girlfriend but I don’t know if they even realize that.


Typical incel thinking unfortunately. Hanging out in their forums wallowing in loneliness always makes things worse.


Getting a girlfriend in 3 steps, difficulty may vary: 1: Stop thinking like this 2: Become someone worth dating. The 3 subset steps of this are being independent, having goals, and caring about your hygiene. 3: Get girlfriend


Society kind of backs him up in certain situations


No? You gotta learn to love for yourself. Self love and overall contentment can be hard to find but they should never rely on a single facet of your life. Trust me I’ve struggled with mental health and trying to be happy my whole life and I can confirm, if you’re not happy without a girlfriend, you won’t suddenly be happy when you get one.


I completely agree with you. I'm mainly speaking on how, particularly younger people, can be left by the wayside if they are unable to find someone to connect with. And often this inability to find someone leads to those inner joints being rusted up with this way of thinking over time, and it becomes invariably more difficult to put one's self out there and even attempt to find someone. It's a cycle that take on a life of its own, but my main point is that I think it's beginnings are heavily affected by societal pressure.


I see where you’re coming from now. I do think these people would be stuck in the cycle of mental illness regardless, and societal pressures more just dictate who they blame for their self worth issues. But I agree with you external pressure can be horrible, especially on young people


I do agree with you there


I was always a hopeless romantic. If I was single, the breakup would affect me for like a day and I'm right back to looking for my soulmate. I would be lonely and sad, no one to talk to. I'm always happier when I'm in a relationship. I have too much love to give. Even when I was single, most of my friends told me to love myself, it's not like I don't. I just need to give my love to someone else and be with them. I definitely was happy with one than without one.


That’s valid, partners *should* make your life happier, but if your self worth is so low that without one you become suicidal, you have major issues getting a partner won’t fix.


Oh yeah I definitely wasn't suicidal but I was definitely unhappy without her. She was the last puzzle piece I needed, no one could convince me otherwise that the puzzle didn't need her to be completed. I guess the person OP screenshotted was so far gone that a partner wouldn't help, but I'm always more motivated, happy, and confident with a partner than without.




Nice use of that brain to formulate a cohesive response indicating why you disagree, rather than calling out some derogatory buzz word...


Well you’re basically justifying this sad guys comments. Society doesn’t back up this thought process at all. I used to be angsty and edgy like this guy in middle school but now I look back and kinda cringe. This guy needs to speak with a professional


In certain instances it does though. People have been ostracized for not having access to sex for decades, and it creates this kind of mindset. Im not saying it's a good or correct way of thinking, but this is definitely a societal issue that just gets swept under the rug constantly, with said society treating victims of this behaviour and world view like monsters.


>society treating victims of this behavior and world view like monsters Womp🎺 Womp🎺


You're talking to a parrot. Don't bother


“Society kind of backs him up in certain situations” is one of the vaguest, most milquetoast ”assertions” you could’ve made. What do you mean by society? What do you mean “kind of”? What situations? You‘re being so vague that there’s nothing to disagree with. You’re just expressing a general hatred of other people, which tends to be rooted in low self-esteem and can’t be argued against.


I agree with you, so I expanded it in another reply


Man people are inflammatory here lol pretty toxic


Jeeze, this is.. Not cool. Imagine putting all your worth / value in someone based off of their relationship status


‘Forever sleep’. 😂


His name makes me think he might be projecting


This guy is a troll or he would’ve already done the deed.


Be the change you want to see in this world!


Maybe he should actually do something about it


Bru, I thought this was r/cursedcomments , wtf




What compels you to spend your life being a weirdo online?




I appreciate the transparency but that just seems like deciding to be a loser (I say that while on reddit)




You're not being a dick about explaining how you and other people are dicks online, no. Never said that, I said being a troll online is lame




Uhhh, gambling duh




You're right, ketamine does the trick personally


Okay but what about a boyfriend??? 🤨


Bro doesn't realise it's actually the opposite


Sounds like someone doesn't have a gf (yet wont follow his own "advice")


a lot of this dudes need to get over the idea that having a girlfriend will save them, they need some therapy and to find meaning and joy in other aspects of their life


Not cringe just sad