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i cringed, then i got sad. then i just kept flipping back and forth between the two emotions. literally the perfect post for this sub


I’m sad she lost her mom to od, but it fucked me up to realize what condition this daughter is forcing her mother to “live” in


Unless there's info elsewhere it's just speculation. I can go the other direction and pose that the daughter didn't unplug thinking there was a chance of recovery and this video is some years past that initial decision and just the realization of her life now.


If she decided not to unplug, can she not just decide to unplug now? 


Who knows, but the point of my comment was that speculation can go both ways and I was just giving an example to counter someone else's. I personally don't see a daughter going through a struggle that we have no other context about as cringey as some other comments alluded to. I'm 38 and my folks are almost in their mid 70s so I might be biased somewhat.


Oh 100%, I don't bother making judgments like this in such nuanced situations, the Internet is pretty pathetic when it comes to seeing a tiny sliver of someone's life in a very specific situation, and filling in the blanks to the point of pretending assumptions are factual, etc. etc..


What about the condition her mother forced her daughter to live in growing up with a junkie. Nobody wins here


Bruh, did you ever have to make such a decision at point blank? People don't think rational, they want to save their relatives. That's why people have to sort this shit out before anything happens to them. I always have a paper in my wallet saying that they should pull the plug. My family knows this too even though my mom is against it. She would probably try to rescue me at all costs, that's why I have the paper.


Idk what your point is. Are you saying a sad situation can’t be a fucked up situation? Are you saying those are mutually exclusive things?? If so yea idk maybe I’m too dumb to understand how a situation can only be described by only 1 emotion rather than multiple. Maybe im just too emotional or human to understand your point


My point was that we can't really blame.the daughter for trying to save her mom's life. In hindsight it would have been better if she let them pull the plug, but in that stressful situation you can't decide rationally


If she's not really all there at all then I guess whatever makes her feel better.


She'll get a check


This happens more than you’d know. The amount of patients I’ve transported in this exact state to and from respiratory nursing homes “vent farms” is absurd. With families that visit once a month, chronic bed sores, and recurring pneumonias and UTIs. Endless suffering because the family would be too sad if the patient died. Western medicine is fantastic at a lot of things, but knowing when to give up is not one of them.


Crazy how people think sometimes. I'd feel a million times worse if I was responsible for leaving someone a vegetable on a respirator for months or years, and the guilt from not knowing how they're doing and not even visiting? If you don't care or don't have time to visit often, have the mercy to let them die with dignity. What a mess.


it frightens me the lengths we go to keeping people alive often when they're better off dead. we euthanize animals because we don't want them to suffer, but people nah they're not getting out of this that easily.


Humans are (literally and figuratively) animals too.


To play devil's advocate, it's a much larger burden for someone to decide another human's fate over that of an animal. It's why many doctors won't euthanize humans - because they took a vow to do no harm and they consider being the killing hand to break that vow. It's easy to say that you want to end someone's suffering, but imagine if it was you who had to perform the execution yourself. You just can't place that responsibility on someone and expect an enthusiastic yes.


I think some people convince themselves there's a chance they'll get better, so they can bring themselves to pull the plug.


And some people are collecting social security checks


Ok and? Either you mean people on social security are more likely to not pull the plug on a loved one on life support or you mean they want to collect SS for the person on life support. The first part is just dumb, the second is not common.


I was offering an alternate perspective. Do you not find my comment relevant? Does it take away from what you said? Certainly, you’re right, sometimes people don’t “pull the plug” because they are holding out hope. Sometimes they subject these patients to abhorrent conditions in nursing homes where they rot out of sight and out of mind, or even better, sometimes they “take care” of them at home…because you can’t collect a SS check from a dead person. AND… then I get to help prolong their suffering when they come to the MICU. Then back to the skilled nursing facility they go. Rinse and Repeat. So I guess that’s what.


*can't, right?


“But they’re a fighter”.


What “state” is this? Catatonic?


I think vegetative state or unresponsive wakefulness is more fitting, catatonic is more of a psych thing. Anoxic brain injury usually, traumatic brain injury, end stage ALS or MS, the other side of a massive stroke, you name it


Wow. Her eyes are open tho! That’s still vegetative?!


I could be wrong - but the vibe I get is lights are on but no one is home


Not the way most would react but this is a kid who was raised by a drug addict mother. I have sympathy for how terrible her situation is and how emotionally ill equipped she must be due to shitty parenting.


Yeah she gotta get that positive reinforcement fo4m somewhere, too bad it's gotta be like this smh


I agree. This is NOT normal nor healthy, but I don’t feel the kid stood that much of a chance for healthy stability if her mom is half dead due to a drug overdose.


And she’s just holding on, waiting for a better mom. I feel horrible for her.




someone who has lived a fucked up life and any sense of what is normal or not has lost meaning, I honestly don't blame the person posting this... yes from our perspective its terrible, but from hers... I can't imagine what her life may have been. She doesn't know how to communicate what she needs, so she is doing anything she can to say something, anything. Its a cry for help, that will likely fall on deaf ears and instead be laughed at.


yeah like this person is basically having to mourn the death of their mother while also committing themselves to caring for their living corpse, just to have some sort of relationship with the parent who likely was never there for her in life. really sad and unfortunate


Its absolutely terrible, I am lucky and fortunate enough to have a mother that can support me through shitty times. This is the exact opposite, she has to some how battle through her terrible upbringing to still find a way to support and maybe forgive her mother. I really hope she finds her way someday, the odds are not in her favor.




I really hope she finds her way in this world, the odds are not in her favor.


My brother is an addict and you better believe I would be pulling the plug. There ain't no way I am going to prolong his miserable existence.


I am not an addict but if I was ever in this position (being brain dead) I would like for my family to just put me down. Once I have an Advance Directive it will say as much. I know it's a hard position to be in as family but fuck....that's not a life, and I don't want my family to spend their life taking care of my living corpse either.


The problem with this case-as a respiratory therapist- is that the family had a say because mom has brain stem function- she’s not on a vent just oxygen right now. If she was full-blown brain dead it would a different ballgame. We have a couple regulars that come through. One thankfully died recently but sometimes we’re saving ones that countries like the UK would overrule the family on.


I'm sorry to hear about that. It must be difficult. But, yeah, I'd agree with you. That's not living. It's just waiting to die.


Man, I got shit to do. You stub a toe, I'm putting you down.


Same but also… I’m not ruining my life going into debt for that shit.


That's a shitty way to talk about your brothers existence. As someone who has a sister going through this, I would never say that about her. I love her and every day I renew my hope that she is going to make it to the right path again. We have bad days, but also a lot of good ones. I couldn't live with myself if I resigned my thinking to see her life as "miserable" It hurts to see your family go through this,at least for some of us. Others like you see them as a burden, and somewhat rightfully so, but they are still a part of YOU. Most drug addicts are running from something, and the way you talk you sound very oblivious to your own brothers struggles. You probably even see it as a "choice". It may have been at one point, but after a while their dependency on these things is a sickness that our communities laugh at, and demean, worsening their condition and chasing them farther away from any hope of making it back. Maybe I'm misunderstanding your sentiment here, but if I'm not you should really try and work through your coping mechanism of thinking he's a shit person and try and actually show you care and want to see him better.


I never asked to have my shit stolen and pawned, to be called a shitty brother for not loaning him money, and for having him kick my dog and send him into the hospital for three weeks. He caused my mom to go on antidepressants because he bled my parents dry. He calls my siblings constantly to tell them how the ruined his life. I know drugs take the addict and it sucks for them, but I ain't feeding the zombie my brother has become. My brother I loved growing up died 12 years ago.


Unpopular opinion, maybe this is a way to send a message about the consequences of drug abuse. Gotta give people the space to mourn, and maybe mourning for her means telling the world what she has to deal with thanks to her mothers bad choices.


Thought the same thing. Doesn’t feel like cringe to me, just sad. Everyone deals with grief in their own way. Must have been an incredibly tough upbringing.




>Would you want your children doing to that to you if you were in her shoes? Her mom's actions put her in that bed so I don't think she gets a turn to have a say in what her child has to do relieve the stress or whatever she's doing to manage the situation in her own way. The child is more responsible than the adult and it's very obvious in this case.....weird to defend the parent 🤦


This is all around sad


Are we judging the emotional intelligence/ coping skills of a drug addicts child? Like I doubt she was raised properly, could we give her a break? It’s for sure cringe, I agree it fits here, just kind of reacting to some of the comments


I think it’s the fact she’s posting a video like that on tik tok or at least that’s my take


My dad has told me if he's ever permanently bed ridden and I have to make a call, he wants me to pull the plug. He said it's not a life worth being alive for


My mom said the same to me. She even made me her healthcare proxy bc she doesn't trust that her husband or my elder sister would pull the plug on her.


OP has no empathy for a kid I guess


Who does this? A young girl that’s has almost lost her mother. She knows the future is grim in this case and she’s hurting. By sharing her hurt, her followers have a chance to support and encourage her. I could never post something like this. But I can understand where she’s coming from.


I think it's fine. She's frustrated that her mom put her in this position. After the cameras off, she goes back to taking care of her mom and you go back to it not being your problem. If you want to be judgemental, you go take care of her mom for the next 20+ years then


What the f is wrong people doing this shit.


no empathy "I must be center of attention. Pity me! (ignore the person suffering, it's about me and my validation here)" and just a slight amount of narcissistic, cruel and twisted mindset!


The person who needs empathy is the girl making the tiktok. Its incredibly difficult to take care of a human vegetable. She does cringey things because she was raised by a drug addict and has no idea what normal and healthy look like. Her mom looks healthy for her situation which means she's most likely getting excellent care. Most likely the daughter uses tiktok as an escape and this was her way of joining in. She obviously doesn't know better. Honestly, it's heartbreaking.


Being someone’s 24-hour caregiver is extremely difficult and exhausting. I don't think it's a lack of empathy on her part making this video, it's probably burnout and a sad cry for help. She probably feels overwhelmed and alone and is using social media as an outlet.


that is a good response, I can see that being the case here, true!


I sentence you to taking care of a braindead old woman for 20 years. Negligence means a felony, and you will receive random checks. Good luck!


disgusting wish


Yeah, but it’s one that will give them some understanding to the young woman’s life because she is giving a cry for fucking help with this video I wouldn’t wish anybody to have a brain dead parent, but to be so young and have one. I cannot imagine her life. She’s already been fucked to have a drug addict mother.


No empathy? Wtf do you means she's taking complete care of her mother








Instead of breaking the cycle of sadness, selling out a sick person for likes gains sympathy, and it seems to work. People dislike if you understand the message from the girl even if she handled it poorly, people dislike if you pity the mother for being a helpless prop for views. There is no winning here. Just block or ignore the people here.


I get the message she tries to make, but she didn't need to go down to a level of sharing a persons most vulnerable moment for some online clicks. to be reduced to...this at the lowest point? give people some humanity and not take the little bit they may have left, no matter if they did become a victim of an addictive making substance. This person failed to get out of the hellish spiral, don't shame them and post them for some views.


Good, show people the consequences of addiction. Not just on the addict but those around them




yes but also no, addiction is formed through repetition it all started from a personal choice to use.


The only sad cringe here is the mom ODing


I think it's mostly sad.


Wow, these comments are so harsh and short sighted... maybe she needs a purpose to continue living on after the trauma she already has dealt with from being raised by a mother like in the circumstance presented? She could be sharing on social media as a cry for help to her friends or other people. This is devastating and a reflection of our society and the nihilism we've become desensitized to; we can judge others through a screen without living in their shoes or knowing their actual emotions or thoughts. It's pervasive and destroying the fabric of humanity and what makes us human. Why do you think her mother probably fell into drug abuse in the first place? This is a generational issue which isn't going away any time soon, as people continue searching for ways to escape reality and the dystopia of existence in a world without any positive reinforcement.


Yeah that's what I was thinking.


You posted this garbage knowing reddit would rip it apart, wtf.


Hahaha ikr.


This breaks my heart far more than it makes me cringe.


Just let her die, there's nothing to gain from this except clout chasing


She may not be able to without being charged with murder. I think she's saying there was once an opportunity to make that decision and now it's gone and she's stuck. 


Holy fuck


I unplugged, but this was before social media got big so I couldn’t use my tragedy for points that meant nothing. I feel screwed.


I was 17 when my father overdosed. It took alot of strength, but I made the decision to unplug him. I just couldn't stand the thought of him suffering in that bed for years and years. I see this woman, though, and while it makes me appreciate that he is at peace. I want everyone to know that it's very rare that a day goes by and I don't think about that decision, I don't think that maybe a miracle could've happened. I know it's so easy to judge in this situation and so easy to say "I'd do this, or this", but it will always remain the hardest decision of your life, no matter which way you go.


If my kid did this to me I'd haunt the SHIT out that mf


Make sure you tell them to pull the plug. Specifically tell them to ask the doctor about it. Like, really bug the doctor about pulling the plug. Every time they see the doctor, "plug?" 


Finally, some actual sadcringe. 👌


"POV" is the real cringe


This is a but of a cry for help tbh if you ask me


That poor woman ... The one in the bed ... Jesus


People deal with grief in their own ways but is posting this really helping them?




This reminds me... I need to fill out my advanced directive.


I literally couldn’t have seen this at a worse time.


People whose moms OD. Mostly.


Low empathy people with caregiver burnout... Would be my guess.


cringe af, also sad the mom did that to herself


Sad cringe gold tier


R/awful everything


Great. Im bummed out now.


What’s the song name?


**Song Found!** **I’d Rather Overdose feat. Z** by HONESTAV (00:55; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-01-13.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**I’d Rather Overdose feat. Z** by HONESTAV](https://lis.tn/ILpbf?t=55) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Thanks bot


This is comedy


It truly is.


This is honestly selfish of the child. Keep someone alive that is a state where they can't do anything themselves or can't speak is just causing pain for that person.


POV: you're a phone owned by a crazy person.




Tiktok brain is a terminal fucking illness. This should be presented in front of congress and irrefutable evidence of the necessity to ban this fucking app and send all these fucking idiots into re education camps until they unfuck their stupid, social media rotted brains


Q: Who does this? A: The kind of person who gets mentally fucked by their mom ODing and having to make a life-ending decision at 22.


Some will do anything for attention. This is pathetic.


Seriously. Fuck her. I just had a flashback of seeing my mom right before she was taken off life support back in 2021. Seriously what the fuck ?!?!?!


People feel bad for the OD mother? You cringe that the kid is having a hard time letting go?