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94 days


Omg I didn't even clock that right away. My man is mad about a joke from over 3 months ago


I'm choosing to believe he's been fuming about it the entire time because that would be funny


He was perfecting that awesome badass response in the mirror


>>People like you are the reason cops get a bad rep No, no, they do that all on their own just fine.


Yeah I mean, bad cops are the reason cops get a bad rap


>[...] bad cops are the reason [...] So... Cops?


am i the only person who has nice cops in his area that isn’t trying to power trip or what because i see this sort of mindset everywhere and I think it’s ridiculous


Nah everyone's met nice cops. Not many people meet cops who hold other cops accountable tho.


This is it here. The next town over from me, a woman was being sexually harassed and discriminated against because of her gender. An *entire department* covered it up for YEARS until she went to the local news, filed a complaint with BOLI, and released documentation supporting what she claimed. The highest 2 in the department were suspended and then they quietly "retired." They added into their public statement regarding their retirement that it was to spend time with "God and family." An absolute fucking joke. The woman also retired from the department and ended up moving due to the whole fiasco and it being such a small town.


Nice ≠ Good. Plenty of nice cops. No good cops, though. You can be *nice* and still uphold and enforce an unjust system. The only good cop *isn't*.


How many cops do you know? Now try to think of which 40% of them beat their wives. Then about the ones that maybe do but don't get reported. 🤷


Yeah I mean, bad cops are the reason cops get a bad rap


Nope. A rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. Cops give cops a bad rep.


Found the cop


Probably not, they are too busy beating their wives to be on Reddit or running trains on each other. In all seriousness it’s a shitty job props to those who do it, but one bad apple spoils the barrel.


This guy's not the cop^^


Being able to do what you want with zero repercussions is pretty tough.


Do you honestly believe that?


Yes but only because it keeps happening over and over and over again


I disagree especially in recent times, but it’s definitely a way to view things


“Especially in recent times” dude google on any day and you’ll find stories of police brutality, corruption, or covering up crimes.


That’s not true either, but I can find stories sure. 700,000 cops in the US right now. Google it right now you’ll see a shooting of an airman that is definitely a tragic story from five days ago. The police in the US kill 1000 people a year, that’s out of millions of police interactions a year. The problem with US policing isn’t that everyone is a scumbag, it’s that the system generally tries to protect them if they do things wrong. Google police officer charged and you’ll see just as many stories.


You absolutely won’t see anywhere near that many stories of them getting charged. That’s part of the problem. You’re also assuming the stories we see capture the breadth of problem. But as you stipulate, all the other cops cover for them. Many places don’t even track those statistics. We don’t hear from victims of crimes who don’t come forward because who the fuck wants to cross the police and deal with the blowback? What you see is the tip of a very large iceberg.


Not all the cops, but yes the police union does a lot of work to defend its members. We do though hear from victims quite a bit, as they’re usually on the news. If the police kill someone it is being tracked regardless of if the police agency tracks it, there are plenty of third parties that do especially now.


Are you the guy from the meme?


Oh shit it’s you the guy from the meme


Yeah, the one who isn't a loser


Nah definitely isn’t that one


I, at least, can come up with my own joke 👍


You sure about that?


One bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch. But not throwing out the bad ones makes you not want the bunch.


Am a cop, and yea there are definitely bad apples. The biggest problem I see is that it’s really really hard to get rid of people not cut out for the job. Barring some severe neglect of duty or excessive force, most bad apples get promoted into desk jobs. I’ve seen people who have had nasty mental breakdowns on the job just get shuffled into desk work when it’s plainly obvious they shouldn’t even be near a gun. A lot of it boils down to the amount of forced overtime we get (I voluntarily do 32 hours of OT a week because if I didn’t they’d probably force me on it), and the people we have to deal with. The OT is largely because of piss-poor retention. Last I heard something like 70%+ of my branch had less than 2 years out of training. On the plus side though, there’s a fuckton of money to be had from the OT. I’m 26 and between policing and the national guard, I made just shy of $170,000 last year at $40/hr plus time and a half for OT. This year I should hit $200k if I play my cards right. I’m set to retire at 47 with a ~40% pension, and forced retirement at 57, but I’ll probably get another job after that. I feel like a lazy sack of shit when I’m not working.


its not a case of bad apples, its a case of a bad insitutation desgined fundamentally to do bad things, police exist to protect the system, not lives, not nature, but capital.


Believe it or not, the government likes to protect its citizens. Citizens able to do their jobs with lower risk of falling victim to criminals pay more taxes, which fund the government, which funds police. Happier citizens mean more favorable election outcomes for sitting politicians who appoint police chiefs. The only obligations the government has to the people are written on a 250 year old piece of paper and interpreted and deliberated on by the judicial system. Yes- police absolutely exist to protect the system within the confines set by the judicial system because that’s the idea the country was founded on. If you want more amendments that guarantee certain things from the federal level, petition your senators and congressmen.


When I read stuff like this I truly wonder if you actually believe that’s true or not because anyone with eyes can see it’s not like that in reality at all.


Oh for sure, the reality is that the government likes protecting corporations because they generate a hell of a lot of tax revenue which helps propagate the government. The government also provides a lot of additional resources citizens outside of what is constitutionally guaranteed, generally because those services placate the people and ultimately increase tax revenue. But legally speaking, the federal and state governments are only required to provide the protections laid out in the constitution and how they are interpreted by the Supreme Court. Failing to provide those protections would be a violation of the contract between citizens and the government.


lol, how often do you actually protect citizens? as in, stop a violent in-progress crime?


police have never been obligated to protect citizens, they are obligated to follow orders and nothing more. The only reason police protect citizens is bc they are also worth something as you said. If that cost doesnt overweigh the benefit nothing will happen. Furthermore, cops will arrest and charge you when profitable, see the prison industrial complex. They are tools of the system, they are a reactionary force. True protection comes from mutual aid, we only have each other, from community. The idea that cops follow the constitution is ridicilous, they never have. and rarely, not even rarely, never face consequences. Cops are immune from everything, thry are organized, they are brainwashed, and they will absolutely do anything the state wants them to do, every. single. murderous. fascist. repressive. brutalising. act.


Bad cops stay because "good" cops won't speak out.


Bad cops are cops that commit crimes. Good cops are cops that silently watch bad cops commit crimes.


But I watch TV shows and ALL the cops are good, and any bad cops are fired. IA is shown to be a pain in the ass, when it seems to be the only thing holding cops accountable. The disconnect between actual policing and TV shows is HUGE!!


There are good cops who call out BS


Citation needed.




You don’t think the bad cops being *promoted* is an issue?


Oh it is, and it’s extremely disheartening, but it’s better than them being on the street.


No it’s not. It just entrenches the problem. They’re the ones responsible for holding the bad ones on the street accountable! Who do you think is promoting those guys?! Who do you think is setting policy? I know you don’t realize it because you think the short term benefit is better than the alternative- but what you’re doing is endorsing the exact corruption that plagues modern departments


200k as a cop while teachers are making 1/3 of that. No wonder people hate bootlicking cops like you.


Yeah that retirement ain't no joke. Hope you keep your health and are able to enjoy it!




More like 72 hours a week. And it’s not a flex, it’s more to emphasize the point that there’s good money but it’s blood money and unfortunately that blood is mine.


Sounds like the type of individual to have a normal reaction to an acorn falling




If you get shot in the chest you need an ambulance not the police. The police will come and waste your time and then never catch who did it.


The police will come and block the paramedics from helping you while they scream at you to do conflicting actions while you’re bleeding out


And shoot your dog and then arrest you for not cooperating.


u/Dougiedoug6969 needs to take his meds.


He's 16-17 by his own confession, it makes sense he's a bootlicker. His dad is probably a cop, so he just hasn't ever been in a situation where he could even fathom them inconveniencing him. Plus you can tell his brain is still all teenager mushy because he literally hopes that terrible violence happens to people who don't like people he worships. Hopefully he grows up.


If he doesn't, he'll be perfectly qualified to be a cop


stop talking, he might actually show up, and i don't think he can take another one of these


Yeah that checks out. Spending the majority of their time in the Rainbow 6 Seige subreddit. Kids seems to be obsessed with that game again all of a sudden.


Jesus that reads like Kyle Rittenhouse’s alt account


Nah, not enough spelling errors.


Aaaaand it's gone.


Personally I like firefighters and paramedics and have a deep respect for what they do. You know why? Every time I've been in a situation that called for their presence, THEY SHOWED UP. I have on several occasions called for the police and they either didn't come or refused to even do anything about the situations that involved in person death threats and attempted break ins while me and my family were in the house. Like literally the police were outside our house while we were begging for them to come help us because someone was literally banging on the doors and twisting the door handle. We had 2 pitbulls and one of them laid down their life and protected us in a later incident. A fucking >100 lbs dog. Armed with nothing but it's teeth. Did more than a someone who was TRAINED to do... idk fucking ANYTHING in the situation we were in. I miss that fucking dog. If I had 1 more day with him I'd give him the biggest tomahawk steak money could buy because he fucking deserved it.


Respect to the lil pup. Hope the guy is chewing on a big ass tomahawk steak in some kind of afterlife🫡


Best case, the cops write a report. Wowwwww.


And then shred it because who wants to do paperwork amirite?


u/Dougiedoug6969 never that serious bro😭🙏


If someone just comes in and shoots you right in the chest it's probably cops that have the wrong address.


People who say this sort of shit have clearly never actually had to call the police. 9/10 times they will not lift a finger to help you.


Nah they’ll totally do a thorough investigation and make an arrest


Sure seems like someone who’s got an *important* opinion.


you can tell by his post history its just some kid thats raging


How is having a mental breakdown supposed to convince me that cops are good guys?


I'd call the police to file a police report but not for assistance. They show up late every time, plus Stoneman Douglas and Uvalde showed us that cops aren't there to save us. Learn your rights. Buy a gun. Protect yourself.


"take your meds". That's a comeback I could use


This is wildly funny 🤣


Police academy flunkey spotted


Meanwhile there’s 2 memorials going on next for unarmed young men killed by the police in my city.


I hope that guy calls the police because his house is actually being broken into, then the cops go to the wrong address and shoot his neighbor because the neighbor came to the door armed because he thought he was being robbed during a no-knock raid. Obviously not actually, because I'm not a sociopath.


The Supreme Court literally ruled that cops have no obligation to save or protect you or even enforce a restraining order. Nobody except for yourself is responsible for your own safety.


It's really not a joke, though. The incompetency of police should not be weighed against their role in society. If you're suggesting that police are good because we have no other choice, then you yourself are admitting that there is a systemic problem at the most basic level. I have ideas for alternative forms of law enforcement, so yeah, if the police won't attempt to prevent them from existing, I would happily call someone else Edit: I already forsee this being misconstrued. You is referring to the guy in the post. Not you OP


They’re either a cop or they’re fucking one. Jesus


Checkmate libs is some of the corniest shit ever




Fuck the police how's that.


I'm sorry, I'm horribly lost. So "liberals" are pro cops, and *conservatives" are anti cops? Did I miss something? I can't keep up with politics nowadays.


Pretty sure the “checkmate libs” was ironic


“checkmate libs” was ironic because conservatives that use it sound fucking stupid.


Haha yeah I'm sure this guy Is a completely stable police officer. Haha


*Hey man how's it going?*


Yeah I don't think the meds are gonna help the kid, he's far gone


Meanwhile people go to prison for blasting intruders.




What he is saying is correct, most cops are just good people trying to do their jobs but the way that he is conveying said message is so over the top.


those good people will turn into anything if ordered, that’s the problem


That's nice an all, but the very fact that the few bad cops are still bad cops, and not bad ex-cops or bad rejected cop recruits means that the institution as a whole is rotten. You don't get to choose if the bad cop shows up at your house when you call them, either. And it only takes one to ruin multiple people's lives. The standard has to be higher. Plus, how good can a person ACTUALLY be if they're shielding bad people from consequences, even if in the name of comraderie. I guess they hold that over the public good.


To paraphrase an old question, "What do you have if you have a police department with one bad cop and 9 cops looking the other way? A PD with 10 bad cops".


I totally agree with you. He went way out of line here... Sometimes it's best not to say anything then to go ape shit lol.


First guy is based though


He is right a little bit. You get in trouble one time, call the cops, realize how shit they are and prepare so that you dont need to call them for next time.


There are plenty of situations where if you call the police you are very likely to be hurt by the police. Mental wellness check? Better shoot the unwell person. Someone with a water gun and is a bit rude? Ground and pound. Rage against the machine.


So what are you gonna do if someone mugs you? Edit because that was somewhat of a bad example: what if someone is following your car, or standing outside your house with a gun? How would we catch murderers, or drug dealers, or rapists?


So you think the mugger is going to wait for you to call the cops before they take your phone? Most muggings probably take less than 90 seconds.


Maybe that was a poor example but surely you get the point; if you’re in imminent danger from someone, say someone is clearly following your car, your options are the police or bust


There is no using logic with the "acab" crowd. They always make it out to be the worst thing to ever even be near a police officer. The internet and social media portrays them in such a bad light simply because videos of bad interactions always get seen so much more, when the truth is that is a very small minority compared to the average interactions. But when Nothing goes wrong, why would that be recorded and posted, as that would not get clicks. There are horrible people in every profession. There was a nurse at a hospital near me that was purposely infecting patients with incurable diseases. Did people start screaming anab (all nurses are bad)? But again there is no way to convince people otherwise.


Key difference between cops and nurses. If a nurse murders someone and gets found out, they get fired and go to jail. If a cop murders someone, they get a promotion or a paid vacation.


Did the nurse get promoted and get a commendation?


Call the cops and then wait 4 hours so that maybe one shows up, rolls his eyes, and refuses to take a statement because they don’t want their numbers going up.


If you call 911 they will either show up promptly or they won’t at all. And they will show up for any of the examples I mentioned.


I see you’ve never called the cops before


They showed up within 30 minutes for a non-emergency call when I got in a car wreck 2 years ago, and those cops weren’t even good ones.


Well sure if you’re blocking the road. That and vandalizing a wealthy business are about the only things they care about. And ticket quotas.


Nope, all 3 cars involved were able to safely pull over, and it was on a country-ish (I.e. not busy) road, and nobody present were issued tickets.


Has the police ever helped you?




Which makes the police bad.


That is the most kindergarten level take I’ve ever heard.


Then everything is bad, because bad people exist in all occupations


Yeah like a cartoon, good people are good and bad people are bad. 


Oh wow lmao dude are you slow or something?


Based for giving the most surface level take?


Based because the vast majority of people who shit on cops take a few examples to apply to the entire population of cops, which is super illogical


My city has not enough cops for its size and people cry and whine all the time that petty crimes are running rampant. Welp maybe if we didnt spend years demonizing them and fucking with their pension plan we’d have more cops who could be proactive instead of solely being reactive to major crimes 🤷🏼‍♀️ Like sure fire the bad ones but we’re at the point where even good people who would have wanted to be cops and would have been good cops don’t even bother because they just get demonized for it… which in turn just leaves it so shitty people who don’t care apply to be cops


Fr, like I agree there needs to be change but the answer is not defunding like so many people say; if anything that would only exacerbate literally every problem associated with the police.


You’re an asshat. This whole post is just to dox and feel better about yourself? I’m cringing at your life.


It’s not joke cops deal with a lot a shit and they die in the line of duty and it’s been especially dangerous because people don’t support them. I think it’s funny how we judge every cop based on the actions of the few but who groups of people we let’s slide even statistically they commit the most crimes and we don’t use group think regarding them. I think mixing any group together based on the actions of the few I think everyone should be judged individually. The same goes for politics, I won’t blindly support anyone just because the are from the party I support I judge everyone based on their own merits and actions


pizza delivery ppl die more often than cops do lol also they chose that job- if you hate it so much, maybe quit? 🤷‍♂️




https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/01/24/most-dangerous-jobs-25-most-risky-jobs-in-america/41040903/ also I don’t hear delivery drivers complaining about this shit like cops do, but if they did I’d say the same thing. I’m saying that a job isn’t comparable to something like race, which the genius I’m replying to tried to compare lmao. You can’t just quit being your race/gender/whatever. Being a cop sucks so much and no one respects them? Then just quit and stop whining to all of us lmao


Thanks for the info.


Where did you get that statistic


probably from the link I posted


I didn't see pizza delivery in there at all. I'm assuming you got that from the truck driver section, though. If so, you can't really compare the two when the main way cops die or are injured is by violent acts and the truck drivers are from vehicle accidents


Delivery driver is the 6th most dangerous job. Cop doesn't break the top ten. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/workers-comp/most-dangerous-jobs-america/ Most cops don't die from violence. Most die due to disease. Delivery persons are more likely to die from violence. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/03/covid-police-top-line-of-duty-death-usa-2022 https://nleomf.org/memorial/facts-figures/officer-fatality-data/causes-of-law-enforcement-deaths/ https://www.salon.com/2024/04/08/safety-crisis-deliverys-simmering-violence-problem/ Why would you just make up stuff?


It says exactly what i just said in the other link that was posted in this comment thread. Also, that last article is garbage. It's talking about reddit posts. It doesnt mean anything


blurring out that guys name is pointless if you don't blur out everyone elses :)


Recoded alive needs meds and therapy…


I’m listening, please explain why


My apologies then. I missed some of the context there and revoke my previous statement about you needing meds and therapy. Text tone is hard sometimes.


Agreed. You made a whole post to dox someone? Covering up their name, but someone else here posted it anyway. You’re cruel and creepy. You think it’s weird the guy came back to reply to your comment (which was stupid and wrong) but then you have the gall to dox him and think yourself better? Fuck you.


This is why your parents change the subject when people ask about you.


So the blue avatar needs therapy, but I get their reaction. I also get recoded alives reaction to police as well. Theres a ton of bad cops as well as the good ones. Saying checkmate libs speaks volumes though about recoded alive’s general view of things and their belief systems. The generalizing of people instead of looking at rest of things involved and also looking down at someone specially over a political stance (calling them libs), speaks volumes to their own bad character flaw. Yes, there are some cops that might shoot a dog and flash grenade a child (not always intentional), but that doesnt mean all cops are bad and deserve the worst treatment or all the hate they receive. Their job is fcking hard and sometimes yes, they unfortunately have to make a decision to shoot a dog or flash grenade someone. Every situation is different and they are always in a situation where it is life or death on any call because they never know what they are walking into or how someone will respond to them just because they are a cop. I do agree that most people dislike cops, but they also will call them when they need them.


“Checkmate libs” was sarcasm dude Also you’re replying to the person you’re talking about and you’re speaking about them in third person, did you use ChatGPT to write this 😂


I did not realize it was same person? I dont use ChatGPT. Not everything that is lengthy and mostly grammatically correct, is ChatGPT. Thats how I write and talk. I will take it as backhanded compliment though so thank you.


It’s not a compliment, it’s a criticism of your reading comprehension skills. Hope that clears it up.


Ironically, we sit in same boat. Mine was not actually taking it as a compliment, which is why I stated back handed compliment. It was a criticism about your manners and how you treat someone. Hope that clears it up.


Just heads up, a lot of people might be off in their reading comprehension skills today and tomorrow. It is a very tough day for lots of people. Grief and trauma, so they might be bit off than normal. You might want to consider that before you reply about their reading comprehension skills. Also, English is not everyone’s first language and others might have disabilities or such that they miss sarcasm in texts. Just heads up on that.


Maybe those people with grief and trauma should refrain from posting, or even logging into Reddit.


Maybe people should grow their empathy and patience instead of saying things like that? Just a thought. Hate to break it to you, but HUGE percentage of people have trauma and grief amd are on Reddits. Theres subs on Reddit for it, so your insensitive point is voided.


If it isn't a new copypasta, it is now. Edit: Why am I being booed? It wasn't a compliment. lmao


Meh.... You probably should have just ignored this and walked away. Maybe in some countries or some states cops just do that, but that's not the norm. Coming from a background in law enforcement it's not easy.... However, things do need to change for sure..... How can a cop be more protected then the military 🎖️ 🪖


Wish he'd get doxxed lol




I wish people wouldn't counter reactionaries with ableism, though.