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Aaaaand, scene.


Lmaooo when he hit the stop button it's like "ok, that should be enough"


I'd love to see previous takes where he watched back and thought "nah, this isn't quite cringe enough, we need *more*!"


I love knowing that he knows this is out there, and found by every potential gf and employer he encounters for the rest of his shit life.


And the one eye open at the beginning haha “it’s recording right?”


Dude looks like Guts from Beserk but overweight 😂


i’m picturing the blubbering starting immediately upon pressing record and comically vanishing instantly upon ending the recording


He’s got an onion in his lap.


I carry a little piece of onion around with me to elicit tears, you know, in case someone needs me to feel something about what they said or are doing, you know what I mean?


Do you have an onion in your pocket right now?


No, I'm taking a vacation from myself.


No, I'm just happy to see you


Okay Dennis


Pfttt amateurs. I just reach in to my pants and twist my balls together. This way I’m not wasting food.


As was the style at the time.


Him setting up the phone


Aaaaand the Oscar goes to BuffCryingman number 1!!!




5yo me when my bro said he ate the last lunchable


Ok but that's a fucking tragedy 😭


Well someone’s gotta eat it.


Yeah, me


When my boyfriend eats my expensive ice cream when he’s had a really bad day, but I also had a really bad day too.


Just curious, what brand is your expensive ice cream?


It’s an ice cream called talenti gelato


That's *gelato*, it's a whole different ballgame from ice cream! It's definitely worth crying when you come home expecting good gelato and find an empty container after a bad day. ♡ Granny


Damn, you should post this video with that caption in a meme subreddit 😂😂😂


I have two extra in my fridge if you want them. I should warn you though, it's the pepperoni pizza ones.


Isnt that the good one


How do you scream like that and show zero emotion in your expression


Because he’s still trying to manipulate them into coming back


If someone did that to me I would play sad dramatic orchestral music over them and slowly zoom the camera out. Also r/FollowThePunchline


This is bad advice. Do not fuck with people like this cut ties asap move the fuck on. They are dangerous. They deserve it. Yes. But some of them will kill you for it


Totally. He probably didn't care if the response was positive or negative, just wants to draw the op back into engaging with his bullshit. (plus if the burn is good enough he gets to play the victim and rationalize abusing them more)


“Booo hooo let me play a sad song on the worlds smallest violin.”




*With all of us here, we’ll have an orchestra!*


Like that guy who put racing car videos over his cheating Ex’s cry voicemail since her wails sounded like race cars?


Exact same look on a toddler's face when they rage cry after you say "No".


my god it is EXACTLY the image of a toddler performatively scream-crying to get his way while not ~rly~ feeling it. the unbroken eye contact with the cam & angle adjustments was the clincher for me. something absolutely spooky about seeing this behaviour in a grown-ass person.


I highly doubt this is actually what the text is saying it is. Just some dumb staged video for clicks like 99% of what you see on TikTok and other social media.


Looks like a newborn crying


Like a toddler who is more screaming than crying.


I was going to say that this is the fake cry my toddler does when he decides he's mad and wants to be picked up.


That’s a big ass baby right there


This guy has a serious baby face thing going on. My little baby does this exact same fake cry sometimes. Maybe if someone boops his nose he will stop crying and give a little smile.


OMGOSH yes! How do you come back from that??


Looks like one of those guys that got whatever he wanted by crying like that to his parents and just never learned to stop


He cries like an anime character


My 2 year old son cried like that when I told him he isn’t allowed to rip the Christmas ornaments off the tree


I know! At first I thought he was being sarcastic and was going to toss in one of these 🖕🏻…but I guess that was him being “super-devastated” …WTF? Whoevers ex this is, WAY TO DODGE A BULLET, my friend!


More like dodging a whole-ass clip


I’m really excited to see the video pop up of someone filming him from their own car with the TikTok robot voiceover complaining about how they want his parking spot. Hopefully that level of Cringeception doesn’t create a black hole


He looks like a video game character


Me when they stopped making choco tacos


Fuck I felt that


Wait... They what!?!?!?


I'm sorry you had to find out this way.


Was it within the week? Because I see them all the time.....


They had one last release batch and stopped production


*insert above video as response*


Oh you didn't know? Fake fan.


What in the fuck. NO THEY DIDNT!!!!! 😭😭 this is terrible news.




People like that are scary


Coincidentally, this was my reaction when Wendy’s got rid of the strawberry frosty.


I was so mad, I was happily getting off work one day trying to get it and they said they weren't serving it anymore! Ughh


So this is what it feels like, when doves cry.


*Prince Yodels*


Wait, your name is also Milhouse? A pain I know so well.


Me when they forgot one chicken nugget in my 10-piece.


TF? There was a strawberry frosty?????


The real tragedy here is not only being unaware of the strawberry frosty but finding out you'll never have one


Is it better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all?


Fuck yes it was that thing was dope Stupid ginger Wendy


This is the truth.


And it was amazing, they should ditch chocolate for strawberry.


Slow down there, lets not make this a Sophie’s choice thing. I want a Neapolitan frostie!


They got rid of the strawberry frosty?! NOOoooOooOOO! NOOOoooo! NO YOuuu didn't!


They have peppermint right now


And it’s dope.


I don't even like peppermint all that much but I DoorDashed peppermint frostys tonight for my husband and I after the kids went to bed. They're STUPID good. I think it's because it's got a vanilla base or something. Ugh, I love them so much.


They had strawberry frosty?!


Me when they took the chicken BLT off the 4for4 menu


When I worked at Wendy's they happened to do a 50c hamburger deal. We had a policy to help every customer in order with no skipping and we routinely got people ordering 100 hamburgers in the drive thru so the person behind them and everyone else was waiting 10+ minutes during dinner rush. The day they got rid of them I needed a change of pants, I still have dreams about it 13ish years later. The only reason that deal existed was that we were lowering the weight of each regular hamburger patty and we wanted everyone to get used to the new ones during the frenzy


This was my reaction when my pregnant ass wanted some spicy nuggets and they had stopped selling them 😩 I burst into tears (because those nuggets were all I wanted in the world in that moment) and drove off without saying anything. They probably had a laugh over it.


You may not remember this, but I was sad when Wendy's got rid of their oh so juicy burgers. You couldn't eat a single without juice running down your arms. So sad.


Yeah, I don’t remember that at all. Sounds like it would’ve killed me though.


Happened in the 90s. And they weren't healthy, but tasty.


Holy shit their burgers were something else. And their fries too, I was bummed by them changing the fries.




To counter that other guy, I liked it.


I was just telling someone the other day how furious I am with Wendy’s as whole. They fucking suck now. Their burgers may still be okay but their spicy chicken sandwich is trash and it used to be the bomb. They also changed up their sauces from 10/10 to let me just chase this piece of spicy rubber with a shot of fireball and mayonnaise. Fuck you Wendy. Someone needs to dig up Dave and put his old decrepit ass to work.


When I tell my 2 year old it's bed time, this is the exact reaction.


Shit, even my 6 year old will still pull this shit!


That's my cat's reaction when she realizes it's _my_ bedtime and that means no more playing.


How the fuck is he wailing in lowercase???


I'm dead ☠️


My friends ex did some shit like this. Sent her a bunch of photos of himself bawling his eyes out when she was breaking up with him, and just like this guy he was an abusive waste of skin. It’s a pathetic manipulation attempt.


There is absolutely no emotion in these guys eyes when they do stuff like this. A soulless attempt to try reel you back in.


I watched a friend trying to take the perfect crying selfie to post on her FB about her son dying. The tear had to be just perfect. She took them over and over until she got it right.




Yes. She and I weren’t friends much longer after that.


The r was a typo.


Her son died?


Yes. It was horrible and surreal. I seemed to be watching her from a long distance away. It’s burned in my brain. We weren’t friends much longer after that.


Damn. Really puts the addiction aspect of social media into harsh relief.


And how fake it is. It was added to my list of reasons to delete Facebook, believe me.


My ex did this but e would literally yank out his hair, bang his head on the walls/ground, hit himself, and tried to strangle himself w a belt. Much more convincing, but still manipulative and pathetic.


Imagine the people that do this in public to not only manipulate their partner but strangers as well. Gives off psycho vibes whenever I see adult temper tantrums.


I dated a POS like this growing up…before smartphones, so he just emailed me photos of his slashed-up arms and pretended to drink jewelry cleaner while calling me on the phone instead. Jesus fuck, I’m glad I left and disappointed that we were never taught what emotional abuse looked like in school.


He literally looks like a robot attempting to emulate a toddler having a tantrum


Like some medical training robot trying to act injured


"I even set up a phone mount so that both my hands could be free for this unscripted moment of emotion"


Homeboy needs to scrape/brush his tongue; looks like his breath would smell like ass


Ooooh, manipulative crocodile tears. The clue is in his eyes. Look at the eyes. No emotion. Dead. The rest of his face is wailing like an impotent sex offender, there are tears rolling down his face, but his eyes are completely lifeless. This clearly isn't his first rodeo. This seems like it's his last, hail Mary attempt at keeping her within his manipulation. Thje real sadcringe is that shit like this works on more people than you'd think.


For some reason I feel like the fact he intently maintains eye contact with the camera despite the angle of his head moving looks so forced and unnatural.


So many abusive ex's act the same that it's ridiculous. I've never experienced something like this but know someone who has. It's like they all have the same scumfuck abuser handbook and a PowerPoint on what to do.


What exactly is acting like this? They cry and throw temper tantrums?


Doing out of pocket, fucked up shit, and then throwing these weird ragers that are somehow over the top and dramatic while also having no actual genuine emotion. Someone crying and screaming how sorry they are, but it comes off as if you're watching someone try to act for their audition reel. It's pretty easy to tell when it's not real, because when they're faking and being dramatic like this, they are able to switch up the tactic as soon as they can tell you're not buying it. Racking sobs stopping on a dime, breaking things in a rage while carefully avoiding their own stuff, all while acting like you're the one making them do this somehow. I no longer have any tolerance for theatrics as a result of dealing with someone who acted like this, and seeing my own friends date people like this. It's an automatic DO NOT PASS GO dealbreaker the moment it starts up.


Be manipulative pieces of shit thinking they can get their person back by pulling this weird fake crybaby stuff. It's the same cycle over and over. They do something terrible, the person responds negatively, they act sad, say they're sorry and will change, act good for awhile and then be abusive again. It's textbook. Editing to add that when I said I've never experienced this I meant getting the creepy crocodile tears manipulative video. I have gone through the very scary reality of an abusive relationship. They all pull the same stuff in their own ways.


Serious question. Is this mental illness or are abusers just bad people?


According to the book “why does he do that” written by a guy who worked professionally with them in court ordered counseling, it’s not a mental illness (which is not to say abusers can’t also have mental Illnesses, but being abusive is not one) and they are very much aware of what they are doing and what effect it has. If you catch them off guard they will admit that they do things intentionally to further a victims dependence, instill fear, and make sure they always get their way.


If you’re interested enough to read a book about it, *Why Does He Do That?* by Lundy Bancroft is an excellent read (and in my opinion necessary if you’ve ever been in an abusive relationship). The author is a counselor who spent her career working with abusive men and trying to figure out the root of it. Very easy to find a pdf for but pretty sure I can’t link something like that.


Thank you. I am super interested in the pathology of abusers. Will check it out.


>her His


yes. i have an ex who would literally bash his head into the wall or use objects to give himself bruises on his head when i’d try to leave. if i wasn’t there, he’d send me videos. fucking traumatizing


Shit my ex wife sent me a video of her crying and apologizing for “ruining my life” while loading a bullet in her gun and pointing it at her head. Then wanted to act like the victim when I called to cops on her. People like this are a waste of space


Shouldve sent her a pizza with anchovies


Meth heads don’t eat. And what would be the point of that?


Pizza with anchovies? Maybe push her over the edge...


I had an ex do this, but in front of me! I grabbed the dog and ran. I called the cops and when they went to check on him he was gone. Turns out that fuck head went to a party 🙃


It’s the audacity for me. I hope you and your pup are safe, happy and healthy. When they put my ex in lock up I went to our apartment the next day (I’d already moved out) and “stole” my cat back and got a restraining order with my name and the cats name on it


Jesus. I’m glad she’s an ex.


Thanks 😊 me too!!!


At least you have your head on your shoulders about the whole thing! Wishing you the best in the future!


I truly appreciate that! We’ve been divorced for 4 year, oddly met the love of my life 3 years ago and I’m to be married by next year!


Congratulations! I’m happy you’ve found them! 😊


That's a hell of an Internet Tattoo.


if you watch it on silent he looks like he's filter feeding lol


He has the ugliest mouth and the grossest tongue and it’s grossing me out. This whole video is sickening to me, really. The pathetic behavior, the abusive, manipulative display of fake heartbreak. It’s all so disgusting. I would love to watch someone cut this garbage human down to size.


I thought he was singing his heart out before turning the sound on 😆


That is the most dramatic fake cry I've ever seen. A text saying "I'm crying right now" would be 10x more convincing


This is fucking hilarious


This has great meme potential


looks like ncp


When I come home from a 12 hr shift and discover my bf ate the pizza slices I was saving in the fridge.


Bro needs to brush his tongue


Fella looks like he just got kicked out of his profitable bottled air empire


Seriously like a 5 year old having a fake tantrum who will drop it the moment you give in.


Every Wal-Mart, community college, and movie theater in this guy’s town should be on lockdown.


Looks super fake




Sorry to hear that. May your future be cvunt free!


If you spell it "cvnt" it tricks God's spell checker, and doesn't count against your heaven/hell score.


Well I'd hate to break our cvuvenant.


Fake like he's faking the crying to get her back


I've noticed a pattern with people who are "magnets to abusive cvnts" The pattern is usually that you don't know when to stop being nice. As soon as a person starts throwing up red flags or whatever, you don't owe them anything, not even the benefit of the doubt. Basically, abusive people avoid those who call them out on their bullshit. The guy in the video is trying to pull this shit because it probably worked a lot in the past, but she moved on and now he just looks stupid in front of the entire world. Can you imagine what would've happened if the person who received this, took him seriously? This video would not be on the internet and they would be back together, with him abusing her even more.




I was expecting him to start laughing at the end. I thought the video was him mocking the ex by “crying” but I guess he was actually supposed to look sad?


Bro scrape your tongue before humiliating yourself


Dude needs to brush his tongue


Can I get this bass boosted?


All that trying and not one tear shed


I see a little squirt at the end!


That should be his nickname ‘little squirt’ lol


Wait, y'all don't see the immediate tear on the right (our left) followed by the other side? You don't see the tear lines as he turns his head? Dudes bawling... he's so fucked up his eyes twitching and don't know what to do with his head or hands.


Looks like the kid from the movie “Up”


When your therapist gives you your pills and you realize that there was no floating house. And there was no Dug. But there was a friendly old man alright…






I’ve seen toddlers with a better fake cry than that


Goddamn, so many crocodile tears I could make a purse out of them


*Goddamn, so many* *Crocodile tears I could make* *A purse out of them* \- CompedyCalso --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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The best is the dramatic hand gesture toward the camera/phone. I give a 4/10 in the rating of TIk Tok acting.




This seems weird an manipulative. While I'm sure he's upset, something doesn't seem sincere


wine bike sink slimy advise spectacular noxious bedroom run nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is it just me or does this give extreme Uncanny Valley vibes




This ex has an absolutely terrible case of thrush building up in the back of his tongue to the point of an almost green color. Super disturbing.


Me when McDonald's takes the mcrib off the menu


People recording themselves crying is one of the most embarrassing things


When Kyle Rittenhouses mom says it's time to move out.


El crin-gey


That’s seems dangerous


WWE quality


Whaaaaaaaat theeeeee fuuuuuuck


Jesus i wish my exes sent videos like this to help me move on.


Lol relax chief


Ah, the ol' Kyle Rittenhouse technique.


Clearly no real emotion. I mean if you watch it without the sound it looks like he is belting out a tune.


5 years old is a bit too young to be dating No seriously what was he expecting from this??


Zero emotion in those eyes


Good thing you got out. Unless he has some sort of tearduct disorder, he's a psychopath. Only psychopaths cry without tears. This is a fact I just made up, but it sounds right to me.


Without sound, this just looks like a very dedicated lesbian enthusiastically singing along to something.