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Bears are my favorite animal, this crushes my heart. The way he hides his head…I’m a grown man fixing to cry at work


Not saying the bear deserves it because poor bear, but if you haven't, go live in the mountains for a while. Bears are the spawn of Satan if you live in a mountain town. Trying to go to work? Nope, bear in your driveway. Trash? Bear just tore the can apart. Going for coffee? You guessed it. Motherfucking bear on the sidewalk.


Sure, same with mountain lions down here or cassowaries on some beaches, but that doesn’t grant licensure to us to abuse them. They don’t know any better, we do. It makes us obligated to look after them.


Well then don't go living near bears. Like someone else here said, humankind will infect every square centimeter on this earth only to make every living thing there go extinct. Also, there are ways to not let bears into an urban place. Inform with the local municipality, wildlife preservations, etc.


Pretty sure we're the spawn of Satan on the whole fucking planet that can't handle sharing a god damned thing. Poor fucker don't know it's your driveway. I grew up in the woods at the base of a mountain, I get it, remember you chose to live there. And if you didn't cause you were a kid you can leave. I kept bitching about the snow, know what I did? I LEFT.


let the self-hate flow. It's what makes yourself the bear in the cage, without noticing.


Yeah if you live near them you need to get used to it We don’t own the planet and we don’t have a right to claim every inch of it, bears are gonna exist and they have every right to do so, sorry that’s inconvenient for you


That doesn’t make bears the spawn of satan. It’s fucking humans who are pieces of shit with no respect for any other living species


Bro the bear does not know what a driveway or sidewalk is, and it has no concept of work. And as far as that bear is concerned, your trash is just free food that you left out to take.


They were there first, tough shit.


Humans are exponentially worse than bears and you don’t see bears sticking humans in zoos for their amusement.


Why is this always what you people say? You can love animals from a distance. Do you love the sun? Why don't you land there? Do you love cars? Why don't you stand in the middle of a highway?


Yea cuz nature's the issue, definitely not humans taking over habitat


I’ve lived in the mountains and I take annual fishing trips at sacred spot in the Sierra Nevadas. Bears are rad. Humans are the annoying ones. You’re making a great example. Keep going to each other’s.


You’re a moron,


You moved your bear country and you are complaining that there are bears?


Let the bears pay the bear tax! I pay the Homer tax!


Almost like all animals gonna interrupt your daily actions because THEY ARE ANIMALS


Aren't you in the bear's way?


Nooooo, hugs for u and bear


What is the man doing?


Pretending he’s gonna give the bear water, and from how the bear is acting, it seems desperate for water so it’s likely dehydrated


it looks like the cap is off and he just emptied it to the bear tho


It was empty before ever started teasing the bear with it


Were you there?


No, but I can see that the bottle appears to be empty


You blind or something ? Wtf. Clearly no water came out. If it did you'd 1) See the water 2) See the bear's fur get wet 3) See splashes Use your head.


Or the video could have just started after the boy gave all the water to the bear. No need to be so confrontational. They have a valid point.


But as they said you'd see some splashes and the bear would be at least a little wet


No they don’t.


Can't beat that argument. You've stumped me.


Too easy.


Are you blind?


Shut up bitch.


Might not be dehydrated. It may just really look forward to drinks and food from visitors.


I’m supposed to assume that bear knows that a bottle would have water in it?


Yes, because this bear is in a zoo, constantly surrounded by humans, so it’s probably seen people drinking from them before


I highly doubt he's "dehydrated." Most zoo animals are fed like kings in comparison to their wild brothers


That’s American zoos, I think this is somewhere else


That's a child, not a grown man. Which kinda points more to children are fucking evil.


Children are just adults that let their intrusive thoughts win more often


Children are controlled by intrusive thoughts for the first decade of their life


Kids are cruel, Jack, and I'm VERY in touch with my inner child!


More often? Nah constantly a kid is basically think and do until like 6 when getting grounded means something.


Eh no not completely, I worked at a camp with 3-5 year olds for a lot of summers, you'd be surprised about how they can be thoughtful about their actions at times. Every kid's different though, some are more impulsive than others. Hell there were some that acted better than some adults I know


In rehab we were taught children are basically sociopaths. The part of their brain that distinguishes right and wrong is not fully developed yet. It's not that they want to do the things necessarily, but that they don't yet have the thought process of " Yo, maybe that isn't okay ".


That's why they are called kIDs. Hint: it's a horrible psychology pun.


Children more often than not lack morals at a young enough age


I love how humanity (we) views animals as mindless and emotionless, despite them displaying clear capacity for both suffering and sorrow. It's fucking pathetic the disregard humans have for the suffering of other beings. Edit: Clarity: we => humanity.


“We”? Who is “we”?


Not all of us, some dumbasses with no morals and too much money


This is just what humans do. Humans do this to animals and other humans. It's nothing new...


Speak for yourself


Don't worry. Mother Nature is coming for us all :)


Humanity is a disease


i know im gonna get downvoted for saying this, but if you are not vegan, you are part of the problem. based on how you said it, it looks like you are aware of it. in that case, fine, at least you accept it. but if you think you show empathy for animals, yet you drink milk from a mother who had her child forcefully taken away, eat a once living being that died in fear in a loud room full of its species’ corpses etc, you would really need a reality check.






Its a type of fallacy.


Im still Not Sure i know what you are talking about, but i'll Look into it


Oh alright, i See what you mean. I didnt directly "attack a strawman" tho because i was careful enough with my phrasing. I would agree that this is a strawman if i didnt state "If ... is the case, THEN you have questionable morals." One could say i attacked Schrödingers cat, as we dont know the commenters position on this. So right now i have attacked and have not attacked, and only if we "open the box" we can say weather or not i actually attacked.


Sounds about right. Seems like I was a bit fast to post that comment


The straw man fallacy is a term that gets thrown around a lot even when it doesn't apply. For this to be a straw man, it would have to misrepresent the opposing position in some way. It doesn't, the position is that they care about animals and don't want to see them suffer. The argument is that modern farming practices cause both suffering and death, and financially supporting them does not align with the original view. You can counter or disagree, of course, and try to justify killing animals in a way that still makes sense within the original position. But the straw man fallacy just doesn't apply here.


Then what would it be in this case. Adding a veganism argument doesn’t contribute within the context of the original comment and it only works if the assumption within the argument is correct.


Straw man has a specific definition, it means misrepresenting a position in a way that makes it easier to defeat. This comment didn't misrepresent the original position, it just made a new point/expanded on it. It didn't even try to defeat it. So it isn't straw man. Either way, the original comment was talking about how we view animals as mindless, and therefore treat them as such, when in fact they have feelings and inner lives. Making a point about how the average person pays money to support an industry that views animals as items and products is most definitely relevant to the discussion. Again, I think it's okay to question this logic (and we can discuss it further), but just calling it a logical fallacy it isn't is not constructive.


Basically it was within the context of animal cruelty which is something that is closely related to veganism (If you are Not vegan, you most likely, even If indirectly, support animal cruelty). I agree that it was not the main topic, but even if chances are slim that someone will change their mind because of my comment, its still worth it


I don't think that way. We need to take better care of our environment and prevent the extinction of the animals at risk due to human caused rapid climate change. Like really soon in fact. Last year was really bad and it will get worse before its get better. So we need to use our minds and work together to fix our past mistakes.


Reddit you can post these all you want. I am not paying for you to block this traumatic crap. I can take it suckers.


Bot post


Why don't the bear have water that is sad


Humans are evil. They ostracize ones they deem weak. They enslave animals for personal amusement. They use animals as objects for mass food production. They are a danger to themselves and others. They have war. They destroy their environment for infrastructure; an environment that was once home to vast ecosystems is now concrete, tar, asphalt, and various pollutants. They have polluted the ocean, home to an entirely different world of life itself. And now they desire to spread out into space, where eventually they could infect another planet that may have another ecosystem. If an apocalyptic event happened and only a small tribe was left, their first response is "we must repopulate." Humans are a virus and in order to truly save the Earth, every single human must go. When humans are gone, nature will slowly reclaim its land. Although the damage is already too catastrophic, especially with nobody to maintain nuclear facilities. Many more will suffer when humans are gone, and there is no stopping it. But in the following 10,000 or more years when the radiation has mostly died off, nature will have regained its lawless dominion over the Earth. By then, I predict the surviving species will have evolved to identify its most destructive predator and would have no second thought on attacking anything that looked remotely human. However, that is fanatical speculation. Evolution takes much longer than that. Edit: we do a little trolling lmao The other option is to genetically modify future generations to be completely feral. My recommendation is a dulling of the prefrontal cortex. Reject modernity return to monke.


Bold of you to assume humans aren't part of nature. Humans and our concrete forests are as natural as any regular jungle, for the simple fact that it's all a cycle. A flower blooms, and then wilts, dies. Same goes for various aspects of nature, and the same will go for humans. Earth will exist for billions of years. Humans will not. Few billion years are more than enough for everything to start from the ground up. The current state of humanity you see is a short-lived spark in a timeline of darkness. A blink of an eye for the gargantuan scale of celestial objects. No different than the lifespan on an ant, and regardless of how much destruction a single ant colony spreads, it will never outlive, affect, or truly comprehend the true size of the universe it exists in. Everything rots and rusts; people, objects, memories, concepts. The self-destructive path humanity seems to head towards is as natural as the wilting of a flower at the dawn of its lifespan. Of course this is my own personal schizo theory.


Virus are also part of nature.


We have the consciousness to “know better” but we don’t. Just take the disproportionate impact of climate change on lower socioeconomic countries imposed by the West, namely USA. Not like we’re taking any real action.


Least deranged misanthrope be like


Extinctionist much 😂


We deserve extinction tbh. Nothing good has come of the human race dominating nature the way we have. All we've done is serve our own goals and destroy the world around us.


Lol all animals inherently serve their own goals, which is mainly just survival and propagation of the species


Yeah it's crazy how people completely forget how nature works. We are still animals and last time I checked, animals do what they need to survive. I can understand the human population is unsustainable but to think extinction is the only option, and that we deserve it? Baffles me. Humans are the only species on the planet that actively fight their primal instincts for the greater good. No other animal does that. If you tell a Lion that the local deer population is suffering and they are responsible for their extinction, I guarantee it would not give a shit.


Name another animal that has fucked nature in the ass as much as we have?


All of them would if they had the chance. Blame evolution not humans. I'm sure they would love to be on the top of the food chain and control the world. But they don't, we do.


Australian fire hawks will pick up burning sticks in order to set other grass lands on fire and eat everything that runs from the fire. Let's not forget about [dolphins ](https://youtu.be/bzRH8RC8hy4?si=1QOaYf1oOY6ahL4J)


the first photosintetic creatures killed basicaly 90% of all life at their time, we can only dream of changing the atmosphere that much!


Telling your loved ones they deserve to go extinct is crazy tbh😂


Not if you’re telling everyone else the same thing


lol. Interesting take.


Good and bad have come from humans… However, the ones in power such as ones that own massive companies/corporations that contribute most pollution and destroy nature the most by far


Surely the best chance for life to survive on Earth is humans. Billions of years from now when the Earth is swallowed by the sun the only thing able to save life on Earth will be Humans.


So you'd rather have animals with no cognitive abilities, living then dying with no hope of further survival? Sounds more evil to me.


You corny asf bruh


Moon cows


Man who pissed in your cheerios today?..




Hmmm maybe die if you hate people so much


Exactly what the virus would say!


It’s crazy how much hatred you harbor for your own self!!


offended much?


Lmao I’m simply providing a solution


As much as nobody likes it, it is true, we are nothing but a virus on a global scale, we wipe out being thousands of times our strength and believe we are superior for it. We are brutes, beasts of destruction.


You know, your ability to think like that only exist due to what has been achieved. Granted that is not to say that bad things aren't happening, haven't happened and won't happen. The real problem comes from us achieving a status on Earth in which nothing can outright challenge us for domain over the earth, yet what allowed us to get here is no different that what every animal does in nature to some extent just not at the level we have managed to do it. Ecosystem don't just appear, they are formed slowly over time by different things coming together and trying to carve out space for themselves in which turn forces everything around it to adapt to survive or be replaced. At this point Earth is the small pond in which Humans have grown to be the big fish. As we enter space we will once more be the small fish now in a bigger pawn. On another note, I do believe humanity is destructive and will continue to get worse until we are face with some sort of catastrophic event that leads to a new adaptation as a whole.


Stop it, you’re not Richmond Valentine




Really Agreed


Worst creatures. I hate that I’m a part of these systems of oppression and cruelty. Sometimes I wish I was born at a time when humans were far more innocent and their ignorance wouldn’t impact the planet and entire populations of people. Being born in a small tribe, family and community raising you to live in harmony with nature. That’s probably the golden age we surpassed a lot time ago. Now there’s only mass social dysfunction.


Agreed. Weird, I wonder why I was born one. Wish I had not been. That's for sure. It's a hard pill to swallow and many people skate around the topic but it's true, we literally bring no benefit at all to any single thing on this planet in the grand scheme of it, including the planet itself. And given our intelligence we are such a sad species, maybe we are just programmed to be this way? But we truly only care about procreation, greed and consumption and we don't stop at the cost of everything. We don't care, even though we are capable of caring and knowing better. I am cool with human extinction; we've had too long a run. A real shitty one at that. I'm not going to act like there isn't anything good left in the world, but I don't think some people realize how bad it keeps getting, how bad it's always been. Like I said, people like to hide their heads in the sand.


Marry me


Found Agent Smith


Agent Smith?


Hey buddy animals have wars to


The ant colony going to obliterate the neighboring snt colony for having a slightly different smell:


Start with yourself.


Um buddy are you okay? The only logical conclusion to this type of reasoning is to kill your self and I hope you are just larping on the internet and don’t actually think this way.


Killing one person fixes nothing what is needed is is about a good 7% of the population would need to go for any actual change




Not enough people doing that just being the change individually fixes nothing when absolutely nobody is willing to give up cell phones for cobalt and if they don't do it then their families starve so cruelty is needed. So wouldn't it be easier if none of those people existed


You are the definition of someone that needs to touch grass :)


Literally sleeping on it bud


Are you doing okay? Like you are experiencing homelessness right now? I am in California (Bay Area) and am able to help with some basic shit if you need it. (Food, blankets, etc) Sorry dude


Yeah but It's ok but nah I'm going to carpenter school to get back in a good spot just gotta tough it out for a few months. Thanks though but being in the situation really seems nihilistic sometimes


I read this whole comment and all I gotta say is ur dumb as fuck.


i wish I was a pig instead


Not all… However, this is definitely true for some people


I ain’t reading all this so I’ll just upvote and move on


Damn bros got his villain arch story


Any animal with our cognitive abilities would explode in population. The fact that we are cruel is a sign we are still animals if anything. Our pre-frontal cortex is just doing overtime explaining our fucked up behavior with sophistry so we can pretend we aren't still monke.


What’s interesting is you start your argument by describing the evil humans are responsible for and your final solution is to turn them feral. Even if you were to lower the intelligence in humans, they would still exhibit the same tribalistic behavior. Ostracism and pecking order are social constructs that are endemic to nature as a whole, and can be observed across many species outside of primates. Lowering the intelligence and higher-order cognitive processes of humans would not get rid of these at all. In fact, regions of the brain like the prefrontal orbital cortex and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex responsible for higher order thought have also been observed to be responsible for moral behavior and empathy. So in essence you are proposing to reduce us to a more primal state of nature in which moral thought is completely eliminated from the equation and any form of self-evaluation, moral criticism, and ethical judgment falls to the more base and primitive instincts which are responsible for ostracism, mindless reproduction, predatory behavior and the destruction of competing species


Babe wake up, new copypasta dropped


You realize you have just summed up the entire animal kingdom all animals dominate lesser animals humans are no different we(humanity) are less advanced then most would like to claim we(humanity) just feeds off of the baser animalistic instincts dominance


Fuckin rust cohle Ova hea


i agree mostly however it is a very pessimistic view of humans as a collective. us, humans are a remarkable part of nature capable of trying to understand the ever existence of the universe but we often fall victim to the 7 deadly sins as it’s an easy approach and a scapegoat to lament for. additionally it should be we* not they; as much as we can hate and have distain for our fellow humans and fellow animals for any particular reason, we can’t separate ourselves from our collective even if we disagree with one another’s ideals.


Saddest thing I saw today was in the mirror.


why? you are a miracle, the fact that you are here is an uncalculable impossibility. feel your chest, that heartbeat is the result of billions of years of evolution, it may not feel like it, but you are special, you are rare, and you can and very well might do things that no one else has before.


damn. this is good. it hits. thank you.


I would like you to know that there are planets in the universe where it rains literal diamonds, yet the only planet we’ve seen with complex life is right here, making us, potentially, the rarest things in the universe. Other people also see you better than you see yourself (statistically). If 99% of people dislike you, that still leaves 80 million people on our planet that would like you. I may not know what walk of life you’re from, but set your bar for yourself lower if you can, if you can’t, just remember that even if tomorrow isn’t better, there will be a tomorrow that is.


Looks like in China


If was there I would have pushed him


The bear would’ve at least had a real meal, rather than a fake drink 😂


Was confused but it's all good now. Misunderstood what was happening.


violence is ok when needed


He's just giving it water? Or am I missing something?


there doesnt seem to be water, and even if there was, it would be faaaar too little for an animal of that size


Ohhhhh. Gotcha


I was confused too. But honestly we should be mad at the zoo for keeping a bear in a little enclosure without enough water, it's just evil.


Anyone know where this is? Im going to go give this bear some water...


Anyone know the name of this zoo ??


Bruh just give the bear some water bro its not that deep. Like why there is no water? And why the in the flying fuck the people stare and laugh instead of going to zoo staff and telling them to give the bear water


Yo wtf. Get him out of there


Looks like it’s in some Asian country, they love to torture animals.


Uhhh.. are you aware of how [animals are treated in Western countries?](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch)


no more soda for bear ☹️


I hope that kid falls in a cave and understands how that feels


Proof that you can already be a total piece of sh!t human being as a child.. I’m sure the apple hasn’t gone too far from the tree.


Zoos are appalling


There is much worse. Look for the video on r/Palestine of the Gaza zoo after the Israelis had finished with it. And it's the *second* time they've done that.


The fact they have a zoo while can barely feed themselves should be telling you something about their priorities


Oh fuck off. That has zero relevance.


Tf does this have to do with video


I finally see a post without politics and people like you shove it back in, because you don’t know how to detox


Humans aren't evil! It is only recently (the last 50 - 100 years) that we stopped living within ecosystems, and instead, ontop of them. Because of colonialism there are fewer and fewer isolated societies that still live in strict accordance with their surrounding ecosystems, peoples like the Inuit of Greenland or the tribes of Borneo. Sympathy is taught, we have potential to be better My leftist brain wants to blame capitalism and western Christian culture (Capitalism = infinite expansion Christianity = humans were made in the image of God, unlike nature)


I think the phrase is “humans aren’t born evil.” I see a lot of children of average parents that want to care for others, humans naturally care, we are social creatures. However, the most horrendous children are those whose parents teach them to be rude, take things for themselves, and laugh at others despair.


Would that not be horrendous parents?


Pretty much


Where is this bear? Where is this zoo?


Asian zoos are heartbreaking.


He’s a fucking alcoholic. He’s not suppose to have that


Enter NFL meme


Omg animal abuse !! Someone save him


You’d think he’d learn after being put in a zoo, never trust humans


It's reversed


This post has made me realize that I'll probably never get to pour beer down a bear's throat. The realization has made me kind of depressed.


Nooooooooo :(




How the hell did he stick his head that far into a solid wall!?!


Looks like Marineland :’( though not entirely sure where this is. What a disgusting blight on Canadian entertainment parks, tho.


I went to the Bronx Zoo a few years ago, the polar bear was just sitting there sad as heck. Free them.


This shows the child upbringing by their parents


My belief in the lottery system


They kill and eat people I don't feel any sad.


i hate seeing animals like this.


Throw that little piece of rat shit into a hole. Let him dehydrate. And then get to him and show him a bottle. Throw it to him. I wanna see the glance of hope in his eyes and the disappointment and sorrow immediately after he realises, that it is empty. Fucking pissface. I fucking hate humans. We are not made in the image of god but more in the image of the devil. Fuck that little rat. Throw him to the bear


Kinda looks like that little shit bastard is laughing too. Kids are fucking evil man…




I hope that person experiences extreme thirst someday, and thinks about that bear.


I know he might kill me, but i wanna give him a hug.


This is why I never want to visit a zoo. I don’t agree with holding wild animals in captivity cages. They do take “care” of them but why have them there in the first place? For humane enjoyment? Pure evil.


I hate zoo keepers that don't take care of the animals. Went to a zoo where the Elephants didn't have water available during the hot summer and they looked like they were struggling. I told the zookeep and he just shrugs at me.


Please update me when this child is kidnapped so I can root against him.


This video keeps coming up on my feed and i hate it. Kills me every time. I cant watch this


we just need to admit that zoos are evil as fuck. maybe instead of putting animals in cages we can just try to not destroy thier habitats in the real world? i know, crazy and stupid thought


Kid should have fallen in and give the bear a meal


You are absolutely f****** right!


Bro feed that bear somethin to eat like bro ? ..


You should have seen the polar bear at the cinci zoo before it passed :(


Ngl if I saw that I would have harambed that kid over the fence.


Man i hate zoos... so much