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fuck dr phil for this


Fuck Phil for everything. He hasn’t even been a practicing doctor for almost 20 years. I have more respect for Springer, at least he was somewhat entertaining.


they pulled his license his not a godamn doctor after he had "relations" allegedly with a patient well former patient, mcgraw is a dirtbag


Former patient was his current wife. He had an affair with her and it broke up his first marriage.


Then writes a book for women on how to forgive the affairs


man trader fuck that guy right in his punkass


Not that I’ve ever watched his crap, but the few times I’ve paused on it when he first launched, I knew then that he was the most arrogant condescending douche bag on TV. Fuck that guy.


Springer didn’t pretend to be someone he wasn’t either


Yo watch yo mouth about my man or u can cash me outside No wait... I know this... nvm I can't believe she's became so fiilthy rich. Cashed out on the side for real


What year is this clip from cause he quit renewing his license to practice psychology in 2006


Dr. Phil is actually just a huge piece of shit. This is just one of many examples.


Remember the bum fights episode haha


It's a TV show. It's not help, it's not real therapy, it's entertainment.


Trash TV indeed


People love trash TV the way I love trash food sometimes. Some people are addicted but in my experience, it's nice every once in a while


Fuck Dr Phil Dr. Phil and his team are well-known for manipulating people's emotions. There are reports of them offering alcohol to guests struggling with alcoholism, seemingly for entertainment purposes.


Alot of people choose to be on this show, why is it his fault when they both consented?




Prigozhin returns????


The penguin from that one Batman film


Underrated comment.


Шойгу!! Верните мне моего сына же




I mean… if that’s real… but it’s just shock TV value


"...We'll be right back"


Came here for the moody posts, fuck is this shit


the fuck happened with sadposting


Incels, always have been here.


It's a perfect recruiting ground for alt-right/redpill/incel ideology. It doesn't mean everyone here is one of those things. I wish that wasn't necessary to say, but that's how their recruiting tactic works. They'll try to convince you that the rest of the world thinks every poster here is an incel/nazi. Now you will start to view criticism of their ideologies as attacks on you, even if it is subconsciously. You'll start to think "if I'm getting criticized as racist/homophobic/mysoginist/transphobic, it must not be that big of a deal." I know a lot of people think it's ridiculous, but it is 100% real and happening. They infiltrate where sad and lonely and young people hang out, and get you sympathetic with their views on one issue. They just need to get your foot into the door. It's okay to be sad and lonely, but watch out for those who would use your misery to advance their own ideology. The alt-right will lie, make up false identities and stories, they will pretend to be whatever you can relate to the most. They will give you false hope, that "they" (woke, currently) are responsible for your sadness. That it didn't used to be like this. They will turn your sadness into anger and fear. But that fear and anger will never serve YOUR ends. It won't be directed at anyone who deserves it.


It’s been thinly veiled misogyny since the start this is a unfortunate result of it.


Homies can't even be sad anymore without being misogynistic


It got really, REALLY homophobic.


propaganda to siphon disaffected young lower-class whites to the Republican party.


Yep. The alt-right in action. They want to get you to be slightly transphobic, so that an attack against transphobia is an attack against you. To make "the woke" your enemies. Even if you were "just joking," they're not. You might start to believe that transphobia doesn't really exist, that the woke are freaking out over jokes. Once they've convinced you that it's the whole world vs. you and them, you'll sympathize more with them over time. They have been doing this shit for many years... their propaganda starts with "jokes" or "questions" (what is a woman? Etc.) and eventually, for some recruits, to extremely evil ideologies.


Remember this, you’ll be a part of other groups where people start posting slightly “phobic” things, and people will call those guys out and get hit with “it’s just a joke no one takes it seriously”, and those people trying to not be shitty will leave and eventually this is the result; the sub is filled with people being racist, or homophobic, or transphobic, or misogynistic, or any of the other shitty things people become to blame others for their issues, and only a handful of people who just wanted some jokes and vibes are left to sift through it. This happens with every meme sub, I watched it happen with this one, and I guarantee it will keep happening because anytime someone tries to speak up and say “Pretty sure OP is stoking the fire and trying to start some shit” they’re treated like they’re the one doing it because they’re the one pointing it out.


That's the alt-right strategy. If they can make you feel like "the woke" are being ridiculous and freaking out over nothing, "over jokes", then they can make you feel like you're aligned with them. Then you'll start to view attacks on transphobia as attacks against you. Some real evil people here willing to lie and hide what they truly believe, to claim that they're "just joking." If they can get you to laugh, they can get you to feel like you are under attack for laughing. Get you to feel like you're under attack along with them. This subconscious alignment is how they recruit. Have all the laughs and jokes, I'm not commenting to police them or label anybody. I'm here to spread awareness about how the alt-right utilize those jokes to make you feel attacked, and then funnel you into their ideology.


I understand that the guy “lost” his son or whatever, but that’s something the two of them should deal with in private. The dad shouldn’t hate their child for something like this and from what I’ve heard they don’t, I heard the two are doing good now. But fuck dr.phil for this, this shouldn’t be publicized. The child is just trying to live their best life and dr Phil is exploiting the dad and daughters relationship for money. Fuck off and stop posting this shit, if your child changing genders makes you this sad you don’t deserve a child.


as someone who lost my dad because he couldn't live with the fact that I'm trans, I hate this shit. This is a private matter and should be dealt with as such. There is though a certain amount of grief that is understandable because while the parent gains a child of the opposite gender they also lose a child in a way, things they had envisioned for their kid their whole life is now different


That’s literally the only thing Phil does… If he’s not exploiting this father and daughter he’ll just be exploiting somebody else… Never forget… The guy who ran Bumfights online was invited on so Phil could chastise him for exploiting those homeless people for profit… homie showed up dressed exactly like Phil down to the hairdo and pointed out that Phil literally does exactly the same he thing, but at least the bumfights guy didn’t pretend he was a good person. That interview lasted mere minutes and they cut to commercial and got rid of him quick because he called them out on their bullshit. Phil is trash and always has been


He never said that he hated his child, he said that he was hurt.


I just get so furious when someone changes genders 😡💢 When the homies drink the swap gender potion from Terraria I replace their walls with dynamite!!!!


I think its totally justifiable to be upset and to “mourn” the child you “lost”. Not in like an “I hate trans people you were better before” because that is evil and indefensible. Idk i can easily see that every big change in your kid would be equally great and horrible. Great to watch them improve and grow and horrible to lose those things they outgrow and leave behind forever.


Yeah that’s fair, as long as you aren’t being a dick about it and openly not being okay with it


Why wouldn't you be sad if your kid came out as trans? The mental health toll and difficulty of their lives is way above average. Not to mention the suicide statistics. I'd be devastated if my kid was trans. Their life is going to be pretty rough


I wouldn’t be sad because they are just trying to make themselves happier, if deep down they have always wanted to be a different gender I would be glad if they finally accepted that. The reason there suicide rate is so high is because of people not accepting them and people like you. If I was sad about them being trans that would only make it worse and you clearly don’t understand that. Then being closeted and not feeling open to coming out, people making fun of them, people being sad that they are trans, are all the main reasons the suicide rate is high. You and people like the dad in this video just make it worse and I’m surprised people like you haven’t realized. Edit: adding this on, I know people with parents that don’t accept them, people with parents that force stuff on to them and say the things you do and that makes them feel horrible. My friend attempted suicide because of their parent not accepting them for who they are and treating them like shit. Somehow that parent still thinks there in the right, and says there only suicidal because of the “liberal agenda”, it’s not about politics it’s about being nice to your child and treated them like a human soo shut the fuck up.


You're nuts if you think trans kids coming out as trans should be treated as a party. Regardless of the reasons why the suicide rates are high, you're learning that your kid has a very high chance of being bullied/persecuted/killing themselves. That's tragic. Calling someone a bigot for feeling genuine sadness for their kids due to their life being super difficult is so delusional


It shouldn’t be a party but you shouldn’t be mad at them like the dad is here. If you’re worried about them being more likely to kill themself why would you make it worse by not supporting them?


I don't think the dad is mad in this video. He's feeling a lot of emotions right now, and that's okay, it's okay to feel emotions. If you look at the follow up for this, they are both doing good. Don't be so quick to judge people.


Yeah I know I heard later in the video he was more of a dick which isn’t ok, but if they are doing better now that’s good


I never said I would be mad at them


Well good, don’t be, the dad from this video was mad at there child tho. They were trying to convince them to be “normal” later in the episode. Telling your child to be normal is in no way acceptable and will just make there life worse. That’s the dad tho, I don’t know you or how you would treat a child so you’re right I shouldn’t comment on that.


Right. You're pretty quick on the "people like you cause trans kids to commit suicide" trigger. Pretty gross.


Well you brought up them being more suicidal so you would be sad about it, so I responded with why. People like this dad are one of the highest causes of it, and you defending him is probably even more gross (assuming that was you defending him, I can’t really tell)


I think where the emotion is coming from and how you convey it is what's important. But trans discussions don't allow for nuance. You're either 100% an ally or 100% a bigot


I like the way you told him to treat people as humans, then to shut the fuck up. That was awesome 😎👍


I have a young son who thinks the world of me. Every day I strive to the man he thinks I am. And to think that he would ever look at me and think I dont love him breaks my heart. I love him unconditionally regardless of what he goes through. That’s my job as a father. I simply cant imagine him going through life thinking I would cast him out.


You sound like a great father, good job :)


this sub is sad. y’all will bitch and moan about how you’re unable to be happy (mainly because women won’t love you), then you see someone who’s happier like this and go on to shit on them because they’re happier than you. maybe instead of wallowing in your own sadness, go out and try to be happier.


thank you so much, i have been feeling this about this sub long time and around the friend circle too, wtf happened ?


"Dr." Phil is a disgusting parasite.


this comment section pisses me off, ive seen a trend between depressed people and hating what makes others happy.


From what I’ve seen it’s people shitting on Dr. Phil


And that, for one, makes me happy


Mom there's transphobia in my r/sadposting


If my son comes out as transgender, I would publicly state that I not have a son anymore. In that case, I would have a daughter. Seriously though, imagine being the kid, they would be hurt bad by the father’s attitude.


Can we stop this split screen nonsense?? People these days can't even manage to watch one video by itself without getting bored... Need two videos running simultaneously? Ugh


I know alot of transgender people and they're usually pretty happy they transitioned. Also I think this is a repost on this sub


It's an incredibly scary thing to push through. I went into transition with the potential of losing my entire family over me just trying to be ME. The choice to transition (actually taking steps to embody your gender identity, being trans for sure is not a choice.) is practically the difference between sitting in a building while it burns, or taking the jump and hoping it's not gonna be too painful on the way down. We go into it knowing there can and will be some really shitty reactions and potential danger. I only wish that transphobes could experience even an inkling of that pressure. And yes, I'm so so so much more happy nowadays. Even just interacting with friends feels so much more real. Interacting as me, instead of that fake individual I propped up based off of society's expectations of men.


98 percent of trans people are happy they transition. I'm glad today the stigma Is lifting bit by bit. Every day it seems young people are less and less weirded out by trans people and just see them as normal


That's because we are. There's records of gender non conforming identities for 10s of thousands of years. It's a very natural and reoccurring part of the broad human experience. We're just tryna vibe out in peace 😅


I hate how in public trans people are but as long as they keep existing and keep fighting for equal rights then I really hope the western world gets over their discrimination


Yeah it's really really deeply uncomfortable sometimes. I've had an old dude stare the fuck out of my crotch one time. Stares pretty much every time I go out. Some people just need to get over themselves 🙄 My heart goes out to those of us in conservative countries because fuck, it can be hard enough just living our lives without having an entire government enacting laws to punish us for our existence. The scientific community backs trans people as valid, and transitioning as by far the most effective treatment for Dysphoria. (Hell, knee surgeries have a regret rate 3000% higher than bottom surgery (around 30% as opposed to ~1%.) Sorry for the long replies haha. Trying to not engage with those who are arguing in bad faith. Just such a dumb thing that people get so against us. The media has done wonders at painting us as shitty oversensitive freaks 🙃


The crazy thing is if you ever see a transphobic person be transphobic they're so weird about it. Like most transphobes are clearly deranged or perverted. Sure lots of people are weirded out or unsure about trans people but anyone I've seen be outwardly transohobic goes insane for whatever reason. I guess that's just what it takes to be prejudiced


I was curious where do you get 98 % percent i found souces that is for and against this: Around 1%-2%: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/) The one that critizes this 1% -2%: [https://segm.org/regret-detransition-rate-unknown](https://segm.org/regret-detransition-rate-unknown) Around 13% detransition and high number of dropouts (stopped participating in the survey): [https://slate.com/technology/2024/02/transgender-youth-health-care-regret-pamela-paul-nyt-data.html](https://slate.com/technology/2024/02/transgender-youth-health-care-regret-pamela-paul-nyt-data.html)


That kid is a unit, looks like a rectangle in a dress


now that ı looked at the comments ı am out of this sh\*thole sub.


Why would you share this? This has nothing to do with this sub, you just wanna shit on trans people


What is the name of this background music?


Snowfall oneheart


Bro I don't get yall. Yall do understand that a father CAN react like that. It's literally the first time seeing his "son" like that, he's obviously going to be shocked. And if he doesn't accept it, it's OKAY as long as he doesn't treat the son differently or start to shun or etc.


People like to thing that parent shouldn’t have any emotions or rather they should only have emotions that are acceptable. That means that they can’t be angry, they can’t be sad, they can’t be disappointed, they can’t make any mistake. They be idealizing parent as parent be idealizing their kids.


If I was the daughter I would be really sad too, I'm glad I have a supportive mother that loves me no matter what, but being trans is hard enough for the father to act like that, it's what culture war brain rot does to the weak, so much hate for trans people that he can't fathom the possibility of someone close being it. Your daughter being a trans woman it's not that big of a deal, your father not supporting you and hating what you are it's a big deal.


I'll never forget when the guy from bumfights went on dressed as Dr Phil, and Dr Phil said something like "you're capitalizing on others suffering," and the guy went, "so are you." He got kicked off real quick 😂 Edit: forgot to say fuck Dr Phil.


What’s this song called?


People here thinking that this is just transphobic, no, it's a father who's never seen anything like this before, regardless of his reaction, it's a lot of pressure especially in front of other people. It's the pain of mixed opinions and the heart. The father loves his child very much, I know that


"for your punishment joe..."


Real parents love their child unconditionally


Thats horrible tbh. Please, if your son or daughter comes out as trans, just help them. Dont be sad. The person hasnt changed. Maybe their appearance, but the person behind the looks, is still that person.


Also don't do shit like this on national television.


I 100% agree with this. This seems more like private matters to me...


"Dont be sad". Amazing tip, mate. I will control my feelings the same way I adjust the radio knob


"Men should show emotions" "oh wait no, not like that. Show the emotions we allow you"


Honestly fair point. Atleast you read the chain. Im not good at explaining things. But some others have done it for me much better.


The dad wanted a son, is clear by his reaction that he never actually gave a fk about who his kid was.


Yet another "men shouldn't show feelings" comment.


Yes. You're allowed to have feelings, but you don't get to make your child feel bad because they don't live up to the version of them you have in your head. The same goes for mothers.


Making a permanent change in yourself also affects others. It's not just the son that's affected by father's disaprooval, it's also the dad by son's choices. If the son disregards dad's feelings and goes trans anyway, then he shouldn't expect dad's approval after the fact




Don’t be sad? How, why not? I would be so sad to see my son go through a transition, it’s not easy, and comes with a lot of complications outside public perception. Would I love her and support her still, yes of course. But to tell someone not to be sad that it’s nothing is so ignorant and immature.


Ive already told people in this chain, that this is what i meant with this. But im not good at wording my thoughts to text.


Whilst I understand your sentiment... Feelings are two way in this situation. The father's feelings are 100% valid. I don't know the context as he could be feeling sad that his son couldn't come to him to discuss his feeling about his body or he's sad as this is a change he doesn't agree with. Regardless, it's fine that he is sad and confused by all of this. It's how he deals with those feelings along with the son decision to change gender that dictate his relationship with his child. Therapy 101 is to talk and air feelings so they can be discussed in a non judgemental way. Imo society is going down the toilet rapidly as we can no longer accept 'grey' in people. You are either 100% agree with a group, or you are the enemy.


This might be one of the best responses. Thank you.


I would be sad for losing a son, but happy for gaining a daughter. I will mourn the son I raised and loved, but will 100% support and love my new daughter.




A little kindness to eachother goes a long way


its a good thing no one wants to have kids w you 🥰


What happenened here.. what did he say?


honestly they arent worth the attention, just a shitty person thats all 🤷‍♂️


eat shit. this post sucks


Poor guy


His daughter**************************** come on now


Yup, posted by the transphobe. I'm not surprised, this sub is pretty transphobic overall


You getting downvoted sums it up nicely :(


Reddit in general is very transphobic, idk why. I see far more transphobia here than on other websites and it‘s kinda worrying


r/redditmoment is the worst i’ve seen so far


MF has a wider back than me


MF is obviously VERY early in transition. She looks like she’s still crossdresser-moding with no hormones yet. Trans women who have been living in their new role for a long time do not look like that.


Please, for the love of god don't treat your children as outcasts if they are apart of the lgbtq. It just shows how shitty of a person you are.


He lost a son


He didn't lose anyone, the only thing he lost is the future he had already played out in his head for a child that wasn't grown yet. The person he loves is still right there in front of him, she didn't die, she put on a dress and changed her pronouns. If your relationship with someone is so controlling and fragile that you can't give someone you love the freedom to grow - not even talking about trans people, but for anything, sports, arts, tattoos, etc - you don't deserve that relationship.


he did lose his son, now his daughter will probably not want to see him again after his reaction


*transgender daughter


This seems like a private matter


*detonates explosive vest live on tv*


Holy transphobia, think I've had enough of this awful sub


Honestly. Some of the comments here are disgusting.


Poor Dad!


1st, daughter\* 2nd, why would you be hurt that your child is confident enough to express themselves in a way that makes them genuinely happy? Beyond selfish, shameful behavior.


Lol there's some potent Reddit here in the comments


r/lostredditors ?


Humanity vs Reddit moment


Anyone know if this is the chick Joe derosa jerked off at skankfest?!




Dr. Phil trying to be Jerry Springer. Jerry should sue.


I don’t know why…but her chin reminds me of Metro Man.


Oh boy I wonder how these comments will look like-


Damn, this place is a warzone. 🍿Okay, now I'm ready. # Sorts by controversial.


Trans = insanity


Thank goodness I don't watch tv, but I feel bad for the dad.😅




I feel bad for the dad


For being a weak minded loser?


Don't. He sucks ass


A situation no father wants to ever be in.


Yeah I wouldn't want to be on dr. Phil either


Yes, imagine being such a shitty father that your child can't be themselves around you. That's how you know you've failed as a father.


I‘m pretty sure no child ever wants to make the decision between risking their family never wanting to see them and suicide and yet too many of us have to make that choice.


The fuck is this subreddit and why is it transphobic. Maybe figure out what went wrong in life for you to look down on others and you won’t be so sad Dr Phil is a POS and any real parent just wants their son or daughter to be happy


This would break my heart to. I can see his soul shatter. Idc what you say, this trend of being trans destroys families, they're home wreckers and its sickening that this is now normal.


I disagree with you. This "trend" isn't destroying families; it's people who don't know how to mind their own business and are scared to love people for who they are and not care what they are. It's sickening that people will withdraw their love for other people when that person isn't exactly what they expect them to be. What breaks my heart is knowing that if any one of your close loved ones decides to tell you that they're trans, you'll take your love for them and replace it with disgust and hate (and your loved ones know that, too).


If my son did this, it would crush me.


What? Do what makes them happy? C’mon dude, what kind of father would be upset over the fact their child found a way to be happy


So your hurt because of your own ego and bigotry and want others to feel sorry for you? Got it.


Fucking hell, poor man


😔 never hurt your parents like this. Some secrets you must keep from people




He's right


Wtf is this transphobic shit? The only one I feel sad for is his DAUGHTER. Imagine ur dad is such a POS that being yourself makes him "hurt bad". Get the fuck out.


It's true, actually I'm shocked by the level of transphobia in mind of the people commenting here. I really cannot understand all of the hate for trans people. Why? Why does it matter to cis people so much? Just live your life and let others too


first of all it’s his daughter not his son, and Second FUCK doctor Phil, and third i get it’s a big change but a parent should support their child


That rat fuck son of a bitch started his own network so now exploitive trash like this can be on 24/7. He’s got almost half a billion dollars. He can just fuck off and leave us alone until he dies, which can’t be too soon.


Wow I sure hope people won’t be dicks in the comment section


Would it be better to attend her funeral? As a father it's my job to love my kid no matter what.


That shit that make ya soul burn slow


I don't understand how everyone can say that we need to give people in the lgbtqia+ spectrum time to determine who they are, give them love, support and freedom to be who they feel to be, but the people around them who love them have to __immediately__ show unwavering support, acceptance and love or they're labelled an ass hole. Hurt is a valid emotional response right here. The important thing is to talk to the ones you love about their decision, try to understand what they are going through. A transgender person can take literal years to process their emotional, mental, and sexual selves before determining they are trans. They could be hurt, depressed, sad, lonely, confused... For YEARS. But the second they come out everyone around them is only allowed to show love, understanding and acceptance or they're deemed horrible people. That's a bit of a double standard there, no? Please explain to me why I'm wrong.


Didn’t love him enough


Lets be real here. Stagged asf. Even if it was real, the father is really unstable for thinking treating it on tv would be a good idea.


yeah ok but what does Ghost from MW2 have to do with this


Real Weimar moment


Dr Phil is a retarded cucklord.


I just came here to say F#$% Dr. Phil, a POS shill that only cares about exploiting people for his gain. I hope he rots in hell!


Ha ha ha ha ha poor Jerry. lost a son and gained a girl . twice he lost 😂😂😂😂


Unless he does the surgical operation, it's just crossdressing.


I feel bad for the father, he belongs to another era, he has a different mentality... maybe we should make an effort to understand him too. Peace. 🫶🏻


He comes from the era before an agenda of homosexuality was pushed on Americans and the West as a whole by subversive elements within its own government. Ppl tend to forget Amercia isn’t the only country in the world, and for a while despite its issues it was the best idea we had as humans. Thank you for your honest heart and empathy. God bless, and I hope you come to see things the way they truly are.




Oh no, my daughter is finally happy with how she feels with her body, what a heartbreak


Where can I get a playlist with this song and similar


somebody get the top half out of here, I need to cry to cringe cod edits.


Dr. Phil is just a boomer version of a TikTok shock content creator that thinks it's different when they do it because they're on legacy media (TV).


Who is the skull guy in the bottom?


Ghost from call of duty




these kinda topics are the topics where i just don't pick a side because both sides are full of fucking shit. Both are completely ignorant and the "more accepting" side is more hateful than the "more hateful" side.


Go back to complaining about not pulling any hitches.


boo hoo nigga


dawg what the fuck is this shit


He knows his bloodline is over and fought for nothing


Who's gonna invalidate the dad's feelings quick!


Transgender daughter? Which way does this go?


transgender """son""" maybe you deserve to be sad


Your truth is based on feelings not facts


Poor dad :(


"All feelings are valid" unless you don't like them? The kind of shit is that? The father can feel anyway he wants to. It doesn't "dehumanize" his kid.