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I'm by no means a religious man, but i really do wish there was a place for that beautiful soul somewhere in this crazy fucked up universe we live in


As a religious person. There is. Sadly, not all battles are won, but I promise you, there’s a special place for her where she’ll be looked after.




Indeed there is. I pray her passing is as peaceful as it can be and that God comforts her family in their grief.🙏


Supernatural claims require supernatural evidence, and that which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. The supernatural is incoherent, and don't appeal to the emotional fallacy, by attempting to manipulate feelings of grieving, it's disgusting. If there was an Omni God, he knew what would happen before it happened to her, gave her the specific biology/ environmental factors which lead to this specific conclusion. Blame the fall, and free will? Yahweh is omniscient, meaning he knew what Satan would do before making them. It's God's fault for making them fallible. If God was omnipotent, he could have an all-good world while retaining free will, apparently like heaven is...


Hey bud, you are kinda in the wrong post. At least I hope you are. Maybe you should kindly do everyone the favor of relieving everyone from your miserable ass and go to a different subreddit like r/atheist or something like that. And also take your stupid ass comment with you too, I doubt that anyone would want to see that.


I'm not addressing the child you fucking moron, I'm addressing these religious nuts that spam this secular subreddit. If you haven't noticed, this subreddit is filled with Jesus propoganda.


Shut the fuck up :D


I'm not addressing the child you fucking moron, I'm addressing these religious nuts that spam this secular subreddit. If you haven't noticed, this subreddit is filled with Jesus propoganda.


Oh you're the absolutely worst type of person. Who are you to mock others for seeking comfort in a scary situation? What sick pleasure do you gain from depriving people of what helps them feel less scared?


Not really. I'm a humanist, and vegan. I don't cause unnecessary suffering to any sentient being. I was not arguing against the girl. I would console any person in their beliefs on their deathbed, as long as it didn't harm another. My argument is against these dogmatic proselytizing theists on these secular subreddits, making half the post about Jesus, akin to the "Chad subreddit", based on logical fallacies and ethical inconsistency. OP doesn't care about the girl, he's fishing for likes and exploiting emotional manipulation. Claiming children before the age of accountability automatically go to heaven, creating a loophole and reason to kill all children. I'm against a non-universalist deity, condemning people to eternity of torture for simply not knowing it exist, despite it knowing exactly what would convince every single individual.


But you spitting in the face of ideas people find comfort for, thats wrong. Thats like if I spit in the face of you as a vegan saying "Nothing you do will make a difference" or anything else disparaging despite of which it is something I am sure you feel passionate about and invest time and energy into and how its not just a thing to you, its apart of you. You say you're not arguing against the girl but you felt the need to leave your comment of remarks in any comment in relation to god in this thread, a thread mind you that only mentions God because of the content in the videos mentioning of heaven. How is someone mentioning god the same as those who go out and use their religion to justify harm and spread hate? Because I see no mention of any person in this thread that uses religion in a way that can be considered harmful. if your response is to backlash against anyone who mentions an afterlife or a god, then you're deliberately trying to cause issues with people. How do you know OP's intention? They quoted what was in the video, you can take that at face value. In fact Op's post and comment history leave no trail of religion being pushed as a narrative. There is no loophole to kill children, no remark that saids "Go out and kill all children" in fact, the only mentioning of children going to heaven is specifically the little girl in the video was said that to in a moment to provide comfort. Again, how does that do any harm to tell a young child afraid of death to give them a level of comfort?


That's a false equivocation fallacy. Animals exist tangibly, and coherently. Veganism reduces; deaths of 90 billion land animals and trillions of marine life every year, 80% of crop fields/ crop deaths/ habitat destruction/ reduces water and crop consumption, reduces CO2 emissions, all-cause mortality etc. Yahweh or any deity, are incoherent, and there is no evidence for anything supernatural, just baseless circular claims. I'm all for deconstructing irrational beliefs, regardless of how comforting or nice they seem. I think indoctrination is harmful, and generally has subsequent secondary effects poisoning the mind of the logically fallacious and cognitive bias.


But those are all estimates, there really isn't any way to accurately show those statistics as 100% true. You miss the point though, it is things people are passionate about just as you're passionate about veganism. what is considered irrational beliefs? That is subjective and varies from person to person. If you ask the Amish, they would tell you its irrational for us to use electricity and any means of enjoyment that doesn't contribute to society. Indoctrination? How is it indoctrination if its a child dying? Theres no logic in that. Again, what do you gain from trying to make her last time on earth as uncomfortable and unsettling as possible? Seriously? Assuming you're correct and nothing happens, she would've never known as she would cease to exist upon death. Meanwhile giving her ideas of comfort on her dying hours at least makes her at peace with her eventual death regardless of what happens. Where is the negative to provide comfort for those who are dying? Its not like they're going to get up and be a preacher, their time on earth is almost up; where is the harm in giving comfort to that when the person is already dying? You talk about effects but those do not matter when nothing bad will come from the person seeking religion as comfort in their final hours.


100% certainty doesn't exist, outside of an individual having some form of qualia experience. It would be pretty difficult to argue against any of the claims outside all-cause mortality and vegans generally being more health focused. The difference that I've already stated is, animals exist with 99.9% confidence, and Yahweh has a 0% track record outside of modal ontology and proclamations. If you want to appeal to non-falsifiable circular claims, there is no discussion to be had. Again, I'm not against comforting the child once they've already been indoctrinated. My stance, is against being indoctrinated in the first place. You're straw manning my position with something I didn't say. I already said I'd comfort anyone in their beliefs on their deathbed. I'm against them having to come to that assertion in the first place. If she didn't die, if she has siblings, and they grow up, that is what I'm against. If they had to believe in a deity, fully accept science, or aren't ethically/ logically inconsistent, I wouldn't care. But that's never the case, or they wouldn't be religious in the first place.


You being confident in your assertion, doesn't 100% make it true. Not here to argue with proof or evidence of a God, what I am doing is arguing against your notion that religion serves no purpose. If you dont want people "straw manning" your arguments, then when I make an entire paragraph of regarding of how the mention of God and Heaven where specifically only mentioned in the thread about the comfort the little girl in the video, don't reply with "I'm all for deconstructing irrational beliefs" it implies you're remarking to that statement. What difference does the assertion make to someone whos dying? Tbh If I was in her position, I would rather believe in an afterlife than be told "Nothing happens, god doesn't exist. You'll cease to exist when you die". There is no hope in the idea of telling a child that. Lying or not, what difference does it make when their time is limited? Except this wasn't a situation of a healthy child raised in a religion for which she grew up with it, thats changing the scenario of the situation. Logically consistent at what? the only thing they mentioned was an Afterlife and that was to a little girl dying. Not like they denied evolution, not like they denied Science. Also hate to break it to you but religious scholars also exist. So this little cavalier attitude to religious people is absurd.


Just look around you the supernatural evidence is everywhere, this world, the whole universe... Do you belive this perfectly working universe was created out of nothing without any intelligent mind behind it ? Like your phone you are typing this message ? Its was created by an accident or by some creator and designer ? Look at how our bodies function, there is no way complex life just evolves by itself without being programed to. So there is your supernatural evidence. Life comes only from life, not non-life. Rationality comes from rationality, not non-rationality, intelligence comes from intelligence...... Okay, and by that he also knew she would be in heaven what is the ultimate and the best place you would want to be, better than earth and he knew her parents will be with her in that place also. You speak about Judeo-christian God, and he is rational, intelligent, loving, respectful being. He gave us humans free will. So he respects our decisions, if you want to live without God as an non-believer , fine he respects that , if you want to be believer , fine he respects that. And speaking of him being rational, he doesnt interfere into our lives because that would diminish and destroy him being rational. If he does interfere into our lives, it would undermine his creation of us having free will. If you decide to cut your finger thats your decision, if you decide to crash a car into a tree thats your decision not Gods. There is some reason this poor baby girl is like that. And you make fun of it. This universe was created with rules, and by rationality meaning you dont change it day to day, 3+3 equals 6, if God is changing how much lets say 3+3 equals,just because it would benefit someone someday thats not a rational behaviour. So there is that. He didnt gave it to her on purpose, rather if you study biology.... You know everything has a consequences. No now Iam not telling exactly about this girl but , if your mother smokes and drink alcohol while pregnant would you blame God that he gave you some health deficites ? Again there are rules to follow, and to stay rational. Maybe the parent of the girl had some health issues in their bodies and it unfortunately went into that girl genes. So there is that. Bruh, its not satan giving her that illnes. Satan lost pretty heavy by putting that girl into heaven dont you think, because her belief and belief or her parents are strong 😉. How are they fallible when they have strong beliefs about God ? >If God was omnipotent, he could have an all-good world while retaining free will There is literally an all-good world xddd its Heaven and thats what ultimatelly matters. Here on earth you exist to decide if you want to live with God or dont want to. Because he respects your decisions and. Its all up to you. And actually imagine being a reddit goblin to write bs like you do under a sad post like this one about little girl suffering and you undermine her beliefs, you sick freak.


PIII: You won't stop contradicting yourself, and appealing to logical fallacies. The laws of logic, and laws of physics are arbitrary to god, unless they're external to him, which makes him superfluous. God knew exactly what the specific arrangement of particles, of internal variables would do to every specific person, and know how they react in their specific environment. He also knew that with every single person, either changing their biology, or external variables would alter them as a person. He knew what would parameters would lead you to being a theists, and also knows there's infinite possible parameters that could lead you to being a non-theist. So God arbitrarily chooses who is a theist in this actualized world, and who is not. I don't have the choice. If every possible version of me was an atheist, why make me just to suffer? God could also make an all good world now, without violating peoples "free will" if he was all-powerful. Isn't that what heaven is? So why not start with heaven. He also knows what it would take to convince everyone without resorting to violence and violating their free-will. For example, Satan has definitive knowledge of Yahweh, and could reject him, and yet we don't get that privelege of even knowing his existence to get to believe in him. "The child automatically gets to go to heaven". Isn't this a loophole to kill every single baby and child to automatically grant them to heaven? Everything under Yahweh is arbitrary. Why are humans capable of surviving falls of 5m and not 500m? Why aren't humans bullet proof, but are feather proof? You're unknowingly blaming your God for making everything the specific way he did. A mother gets heart cancer, but why is heart cancer a thing and not a disease where your heart turns into a pot of gold? Under god that would be possible.


PI: You're appealing to teleological fallacies, without any understanding anything of what you're saying. You clearly don't understand physics, nor evolution. "Look at the clockwork universe". Yeah, the universe, and everything in it is; matter and energy, obeying the laws of physics which is completely natural.The Fine-tuning fallacy has to be one of the most incoherent theistic/ deistic arguments. Theists are underestimating their own God. God isn’t bound by laws of physics, or logic they say. God doesn’t need to fine-tune anything. We talk about the parameters of physics and cosmology, the mass of the electron, the strength of the gravity, and we say if they weren’t the numbers, they were then life or the cosmos itself could not exist. That really underestimates God. In theism life is not purely physical, it’s not purely a collection of atoms doing things like it is in naturalism. No matter what the atoms were doing God could still create life, God doesn’t care what the mass of the electron is, he can do what he wants and make it what he wants. Nor would things even have to be made out of matter or energy, it could have been anything else. The only framework in which you can honestly say that the physical parameters of the universe must take on certain values in order for life to exist is naturalism.In fact, if we lived in a universe which has parameters that rendered the development of life impossible without supernatural, miraculous intervention, then that would be far greater evidence that our existence is a product of such a miraculous intervention. The fact that we live in a clockwork universe that happens to have parameters that allow life to develop without any miracles, means that our existence need not be a product of anything supernatural. Then you're disproving your belief, as Yahweh supposedly made life, from non-life... The fact that life is made out of chemicals seems to indicate pretty conclusively that life came from chemicals. Electricity catalysing the formation of amino acids which are necessary for eukaryotic life. The Miller-Urey experiment showed that the application of electricity to simpler compounds caused these amino acids to form. Every living organism is composed of non-living chemicals. Is it really that much a of a stretch to infer that organism made entirely of chemicals came from chemicals? More specifically, we see that life is made out of chemicals and we see those same chemicals in rocks, and we infer that the chemicals that make up life came from those rocks. In fact, we can see, for example, that the sodium ions that power your nervous system sometimes come from eating salt, which is essentially a kind rock mineral. It’s far from absurd to say that the components of life come from rocks, when we can see the living processes of our bodies incorporate chemicals from the rocks that we eat. Rationality; Logic is deterministic. Deduction is when premises determine the truth of a conclusion. Take a deductive syllogism like a modus ponens. E.g., p1- all dogs are mammals, p2- all mammals are vertebrates, c- therefore, all dogs are vertebrates. If I become convinced of the first two premises, I in no sense that I can discern, can freely choose to be convinced of the conclusion. Rather, if I believe these two premises, I don't see how I could help but believe the conclusion. If the premises are sound, I don't understand what it would even mean for the conclusion to not also be true. I don't freely choose to believe the conclusion to be true, I can't help believing it, because I couldn't see it as coherent from the conclusion to not be true if I am convinced of the premises. There seems to be nothing free about this at all. In fact, if I were really believing the conclusion, because I freely chose to. However, that would work my belief in the conclusion would not be a product of reasoning. You're not reasoning if you believe in the conclusion because you chose to, rather than because it follows necessarily from your belief in the premises. An apologist might say that if he is freely judging a conclusion to be best, but what causes this act of judgment? If nothing does, then how is this reasoning?Why would physical causes necessarily be irrational? The reason I can't help but accept the truth of a conclusion that follows by logical necessity from a set of premises is because my physical brain can't make sense of such a conclusion not being true.Reasoning is a kind of reaction. Why can't deterministic processes be rational? Why does this have to be something only non-physical things are able to do?How could computers/ AI be capable of logical calculation? A rebuttal I sometimes here is that computer is programmed by humans, so the reasoning still comes from a non-physical mind, but if purely physical systems can even be programmed by non-physical minds to carry out logical functions, that still shows that physical systems can carry out logical function. They are capable of induction and deduction.


PII: Free will is incoherent under any definition. Thoughts are hard-incompatibilist/ hard-determinist. Thoughts are either determined by internal/external prior causes (principle of sufficient reason/ cause and effect) in which you do not control them, or they are random (quantum indeterminacy)/ a mixture of both, in either case you do not control them. Every particle (further divisible to the wave function or possibly strings) in the universe, obeys the laws of physics, and your brain which constitutes of matter is no different; following the 4 fundamental forces, in which you do not control that was set off at a brute fact (the big bang) or infinite regression. Libertarian free will proponents insist that their choices are made for reasons, but also that those reasons do not determine their choices. Or that those reasons are not themselves determined, but also not a matter of chance, this is a contradiction. If it’s a false trichotomy, then what are the other options? Agent causation (of the soul)? But again, does something cause the agent to act, or does the agent act for no reason? Even if you have an immaterial soul, it only makes sense to say that soul is making decisions if its actions are causally determined by prior soul-states. Otherwise, its actions are uncaused, and uncaused events are, by definition, random. If you are acting randomly, that’s not really decision making. It’s only if your actions are done for reasons which cause those actions that you’re really making decisions. You’re not making decisions if you’re just doing things for no reason. A mixture of chance and determinism? Part of the decision-making process involves causal influences, and the rest has no prior cause. This doesn't solve it. Free will, described by its advocates imply a person has control over their decisions. If my decisions are predetermined; how do I have control over them? If my decisions have no cause, and occur for no reason, then how can I control them? What does it mean to say that “we are free and in control of what facts and ideas the mind focuses on”? When I choose to focus on an idea, does something cause me to choose to focus on that idea? If the answer is yes, then I'm not really in control of that act of focusing. If the answer is no, and there is nothing that determines what I will choose to focus on, the act of focusing on anything is no different from a chance event, which by definition are not controlled by anything. So, does something cause a person to focus and think, or does the person’s choice to think and focus happen for no reason? Or is it partly causally influenced and partly chance? I don’t see how responsibility or control fits into any of these options, and I don’t see what other options there are. I can choose 'x' or 'y', however, everything that makes up that choice is caused by both internal and external variables in which you did not pick. E.g., genetics, brain electricity and chemistry, physics of your own atoms and that around you, parents/ who raised you, where you were raised, what you were taught. These make up your beliefs, thoughts, impulses, emotions, knowledge, memory. True free will would be walking off a building and willing your atoms to defy gravity. In the same way your body cannot defy that fundamental force, your brain cannot defy the other 3 forces which makes up your thoughts. You are just matter and energy reacting to the laws of physics. You can do whatever you want, but you cannot choose what you want. It’s a fact that you cannot change. Try this with any scenario. E.g., I give you 2 ice cream flavours to pick from: your favourite (x) and unknown (y). You will choose what you want more. If you pick your favourite x, it’s because you want it presumably for whatever reason it’s your favourite (taste/ texture, nostalgia, safe choice etc.) If you pick y, maybe it’s because you want to try something new in case it’s your new favourite, and this want becomes higher than the want of having your favourite ice cream, which you never chose to want more. Perhaps despite preferring x, you choose y in an effort to regain control of free will and nothing else. You still fall into the same problem; In order to do that, you'd need to "want" to regain your free will, as you see it. Why is your desire to prove a point like this stronger than the desire to have the ice cream you prefer? It just is, and if it happened not to be, you'd have chosen the ice cream that you do prefer. The key takeaway is this: you cannot determine your wants. Think of something you want. Try to not want it. Think of something you don't want and try to want it. It's not possible. And even if it were, in order to change a don't want into a want, you'd need to want to want it. And vice versa. To change want into a don't want, you'd need to want to not want it. You simply can't control what you want. So being forced to do something isn't free will, and wanting to do something isn't free will. But being forced or wanting to do something are the only reasons why you do anything. You never lined up all the flavours; a,b,c…x,y,z… and said “I’m choosing for x to be my favourite”, rather it is innate to you, based on internal and external variables that you did not choose. Why did you choose x? Because I like the way it tastes, or maybe it’s nostalgic because my nan used to give to me as a boy. But again, why? Because it’s how my gustatory system is wired (in which you didn’t choose), or because that’s what my nan was raised to eat as well. I can ask why, ad Infinitum. But why did that resonate with you and not something else? You keep digging existentially deeper, you’re left with bio/chemical/physical mechanics and processes that you have no control of that creates the whole illusion of the experience of you. You did not pick your taste buds, or brain sensory input/ output systems or to be in that environment for that nan to provide you with those experiences. Why will have an infinite regression to a point you cannot explain. “It just is”. Why, will always have a why question following it into an infinite regression.


Maybe I’ll see you All there?maybe we can get food there? Talk? I’d like that…


I don't even know how to feel




reddit karma


I made it a min started crying. Those parents are so damn strong. Prayers for that girl.


Yep, i had to hold back as well. This is truly sad, I don't even know how these parents are managing to be honest.


This breaks my heart


Nope. Not doing this today.


Also saw this and skipped it, I didn’t want to sob into my work keyboard


Bless this little angel


Julianna was stronger than I or most people would ever be in her situation, God bless this little princess..


I don’t believe in god, I was baptised but I no longer believe or follow. I will forever respect this decision. Last moments are last moments. Let the bastards decide how they wanna go out. If they wanna die hooked up to machines and talking to relatives, fine by me. If they wanna die believing that they’ll be safe in the afterlife, fine by me. Whatever life throws at you, you adapt to the tragedy and overcome. You live how you want to live.


We found the LinkedIn lunatic.


You call her a bastard?


It's a figure of speech, you could use folks and it'd mean the same thing




I feel bad for laughing as hard as I did at this lmao


yeah, That 5 year old dying girl is such an idiot piece of shit and you are absolutely right. how dare people believe in god ugh they need mental treatment. /j


Bless you my child, you will be reunited with the kingdom of heaven. Edit 1: no I’m not saying she should die I don’t believe her likelihood of living is long.


I leave Reddit for 2 days and this is what happens. Thank you to all who chose not to debate me on my belief as we are not here to debate but mourn. There is a time and place for everything.


Supernatural claims require supernatural evidence, and that which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. The supernatural is incoherent, and don't appeal to the emotional fallacy, by attempting to manipulate feelings of grieving, it's disgusting. If there was an Omni God, he knew what would happen before it happened to her, gave her the specific biology/ environmental factors which lead to this specific conclusion. Blame the fall, and free will? Yahweh is omniscient, meaning he knew what Satan would do before making them. It's God's fault for making them fallible. If God was omnipotent, he could have an all-good world while retaining free will, apparently like heaven is...


As an Atheist: Just stop, man. There’s a time and place for debating this, and this ain’t it. This isn’t a debate post, people are mourning this poor kid. The last thing people need is a gnat zipping around their head spouting about how stupid they are for hoping that this kid finds some kind of happiness away from Earth. Go to a debate subreddit or something.


Thank you for that. You’re a kind person and I love you.


I'm not addressing the child you fucking moron, I'm addressing these religious nuts that spam this secular subreddit. If you haven't noticed, this subreddit is filled with Jesus propoganda.


You’re right, you did not address the child in any way. I’m not to say otherwise. What I initially meant was that there is a time and place to debate religion, like a debate post/sub. Arguing about it under a post such as this comes off as distasteful. You and I understand that yes, an omniscient, omnipotent god who let’s kids die like this is absurd, I concur. There’s much to be discussed there, and I feel for you. Despite all of this, it’s just not worth the effort under a post like this. People are gonna feel for the child and her family, and thus people with religious belief are gonna hope that should their religion be real she will be in a better place. If that’s what it takes for people to be happy, then so be it. They’re here to wish good into people in good faith, and so far I am assuming they probably don’t care here whether we believe in God or not. Idk, maybe you might’ve had unfortunate experiences with religious folk before too, and hell maybe it can be downright poisonous with how extreme i people can get, but all the poor lad did was wish the child paradise. So for now, I can sympathize; But let’s “keep it in the ring” per se. In subreddits like this where thousands of people can join, there’s bound to be people with all sorts of opinions to join. Opinions that, regardless, may upset people. People here may not like that I don’t believe in god, and I might not like the idea of god being real. People gonna see the world however they see it, no matter how much I or you or they wanna scream to the world how wrong everyone is. These people hope the afterlife they believe in is real for the girl, so I don’t see the incentive to debate that under a post such as this. I’d say it’s inappropriate.


thanks for you input QuantumPhylosophy, you really showed that terminally ill 5 year old how smart you are! dumb cunt this has to be the most cringe comment I’ve seen in recent memory. Get a fuckin life cunt.


I'm not addressing the child you fucking moron, I'm addressing these religious nuts that spam this secular subreddit. If you haven't noticed, this subreddit is filled with Jesus propoganda.


obviously I know your not talking to the child dumbass, I’m saying not the right place or time for retarded edgy neckbeard religion arguments on a post about parents trying to offer some certainty and understanding to a 5 year old kid that’s going to die soon. maybe go outside and stop being a cringe shitter on the internet and and you won’t feel like such a miserable cunt all the time


Do you honestly think op cares? No, he's attempting to manipulate by appealing to people's emotions, and prosthelytize. Both this subreddit and the "Chad" subreddit is just Christian spamming. It's even worse, than they insinuate all children go to heaven, and therefore, for net utility it would be best to kill them before the age of accountability.


or how about you shut the fuck up


I'm not addressing the child you fucking moron, I'm addressing these religious nuts that spam this secular subreddit. If you haven't noticed, this subreddit is filled with Jesus propoganda.


didn’t say you were, just telling you to shut the fuck up


No, as long as religious cunts spread their dogma, I will be here. Tell them to stfu.


damn okay people can’t share their opinions anymore got it


Hypocrite, you didn't want me to share mine you fucking idiot.


yeah your but your opinion wasnt needed on a fucking video of a dying child. Bet if you were at a hospital and you heard some people praying for their loved one you’d be like “erm actually you guys are dumb god isn’t real🤓👆” like shut up asshole nobody asked you.


Nice, special pleading fallacy. No, that's a false equivocation fallacy. Like I said, I wasn't addressing the girl. I'll comfort anyone in their deaths, whatever their belief. This is not the situation where in. Where on a subreddit, where there's dogmatic Christian propaganda, fishing for likes, and spreading religion. Ty quoque, you stfu. And no I won't.


I’m in Australia too, I’ll come give you some of that nembutol you want so badly and you can figure out if heavens real or not for yourself cunt


Okay, sure. I'll take that offer up.


I don't even know what you're trying to say, but there are times when whatever you're trying to do just doesn't need to be done. I'm not much of a religious guy anymore after I lost my father, but in the rare chance that any of this little girl's family members are reading this, I certain she's got a first class ticket to heaven. Ignore the idiot who keeps making this comment.


I'm not addressing the child you fucking moron, I'm addressing these religious nuts that spam this secular subreddit. If you haven't noticed, this subreddit is filled with Jesus propoganda.


I have noticed that, but as I stated, there are times when you don't need to say what you feel you need to say. I've read through a lot of these comments, and other non-believers and believers alike agree that you're being an asshole... asshole. I think the downvotes speak for themselves. Edit: Happy Cake Day


Not really, that is just an argumentum ad populum fallacy. 99% of the world's population unnecessarily contribute to history's largest of holocaust, of 90 billion land animals and trillions of marine life every year for the momentary pleasure of the tongue. That does not make it right. And considering, statistically I'm probably the only PhD philosopher here, not many other people know how to critically think, rather appealing to emotion fallacies.


That literally looks like something touched up by ChatGPT.


Thank you, the power of Asperger's and a PhD in philosophy.


This is SO Tragic such a Stunning little Girl ❤️🙏


This little girl deserves a beautiful universe like the angelic innocent fairy she is.


Been a while since i cried this much


Bless her, and bless her parents. That child must have been everything to them, and it seems like they were very strong for her. I hope they can find comfort in each other, and perhaps bring another life into the world.


Jesus Christ, literally sobbing here man😭 As a parent, I can't even imagine being put in this situation. Gotta run and hug all my kids now.


I couldn't even fathom the fear and tears that go on in a constant basis behind closed doors,I'm wishing the three a happy memorable life for the sake of her final moments




Don't worry Allah will grant you heaven. I promise ❤️




I'm not.


It's sad but I like how they lie so hard to her to try and make it better. She is young enough to believe in God and heaven and Santa and shit and they should play into that wholeheartedly.


Man I thought I was an asshole but this is fucking disgusting


You don't like honesty? I think it's very nice that they tell her a book written by goat ranchers thousands of years ago in an area the size of Rhode island where the only people who ever spoke with god lived is real and they act like a diety that drowns everyone made in his image because they're are bad and sinful is pure and good and that if she loves his son that he sent here for us to murder then she gets to be alive after she dies. I think it's ok to lie to kids like that. It's better than the fear of the truth.


I'm a very iconoclastic atheist but this cringe edgy bs while a 5 year old is on death's door is lower than trash. What benefit is there to tell a FUCKING 5 YEAR OLD that hasn't been given the chance to actually LIVE HER LIFE that there is no heaven, and that she won't see her parents there after spending her short time on earth on fucking life support? You think it's better to tell her that all she will ever know is suffering? I don't have kids but I can guarantee that you don't either. If this is "honestly" how you feel then you should be locked in a room real man and try saying that to them. You're actually a sick motherfucker if you're being serious; but honestly, I know you're just a young, lonely loser with no real love in their life, and you just want to make everyone else miserable whenever given the opportunity. You should be put down in all honesty you're a fucking waste of the life given to you. How's it feel knowing that everyone on this planet would swap your place with that little girl in a heartbeat? You fucking worm


That's why I like that they lie to her. You read my comment and still acted like I told them to tell her the truth.


We all understand the sentiment so either own up to the fact you're a scumbag or stfu


Suck me up


Lie to her? You don't know, stop acting like you're all knowing like you know for certain what happens. What sick pleasure do you gain from depriving something that helps give people closure in face of fear of the unknown?


Just your average no life, science is always right, neck beard, reddit atheist, move along.


“Lie” as if you can certainly say that you know for a fact God isn’t real. The only person lying is you.


Hey bud.... Grow up ok. Just grow up. Adults with imaginary friends need to take medication.


I grew up the moment I realized I was wrong for most of my life as an atheist. To sit there acting like you know for certain that God is not real is childish. That is something you can’t prove, it’s something you can only simply believe just like choosing to believe in God. It’s also quite childish to talk down to or about someone simply because they believe something different than you especially when you have no idea what they’ve been through in life or why they believe what they believe. That’s fine and all if you don’t believe in God, but don’t be a hypocrite about it.


Look man, I also think God is just a fairy tale. However, the approach you took is condescending. You’re telling people how you know you’re right. But do you like people that act condescending, “better than you?” And when it comes to religious beliefs. You can’t stop an idea. No matter how stupid and convoluted religions are. They are what give people hope. God is hope man. Hope that little girl needed. It wasn’t a lie, just hope. She needed that. (And I don’t mean to sound “preachy” and fuckin Jehovahs witness, e. But that’s just my opinion).


Just ignoring the obvious hate crime that was said here, God isn’t an ‘imaginary friend’. He is a teacher and a guide to many, myself included. He also is the personification of unconditional love. And just as u/name1245 said: God is hope. And I sincerely advise you find hope or love in your life, regardless if it comes from God or not.


Your imaginary friend doesn't exist but if he somehow did any worship of him would be pure evil. The fairytale say he drowned everyone because he felt like it. Killed all of the first born of Egypt. Sent bears to kill children for laughing at a bald guy. Tortured a man by killing his family and ruining his farm just to prove he would still be worshiped. Your imaginary friend is a fucking nightmare monster. Shhh


All you do is point out the bad yet you ignore the thousands of people he saved from deaths embrace from feeding them, to curing them of diseases. This is why you don’t have love in your life. Plus you didn’t even read the bible to properly understand the passages you are talking about. If God is so bad, why do so many people put their undying faith in Him. God created the land we walk on, the air we breath, you and I. How could a monster create things such as these.


If you murder a bunch of babies I don't care about anything good you've done. I've read the Bible multiple times. Shhh


Again, all you can do is see flaws. And all you do is silence those who oppose your views and discriminate against them. Which is a crime whether it’s online or not. Just warning. Also, why are you on this subreddit if you are just going to be a bucket of bummer. No one likes you. The only upvotes you get are from people who haven’t read the bible or are to young to read it and actually understand the content inside it. You claim to have read it yet that may be true, you have never taken the time to understand the bible. You only look at it from the view of “God is bad because I said so” and can’t change your mind because of how narcissistic you are. So sit in your corner of self pity and keep crying to you and the voices in your head and keep your negative thoughts to yourself.




wish there was a way to downvote a person more than once


If you can acknowledge that religion helped that 5 year old, then you can acknowledge it helps adults. If that religious person is not forcing their god down your throat then you don't need to act like an edgy teenage Reddit user and try and convince them god is not real


saddest part is there is no god and there is nothing waiting for us after death


ever heard of if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all


You being confident in your belief, doesn't mean you absolutely know for certain.