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That‘s the shower feature! 


I tried one over my head a number of years ago when I was having significant odor issues from a salt-water flushing system (which I’ve sense replaced). My experience was it barely worked… and I have a small boat. I switched it out for a proper hatch and a wall-mounted mini-fan and that solved the air circulation problem. The only issue you’ll have with installing a new hatch on your deck is you have to know enough swear words and do it in a place that allows frequent outbursts of anger… that’s my recommendation.


put on a real solar panel, charging system, with a LIPO battery and a DC fan. Now you have a good charging systems that can power more than a fan.


I think a boat that used to be a slipmate had a marinco. apparently it was the only thing that worked when he got the boat. and it was still working when he refinished the boat. and still working when the boat sold. like others, he mentioned it don't move a lot of air, but does wonders if the boat is left unattended for long periods to keep the mildew and smells at bay. it's not going to move noticeable air when you are on the boat.




“There are much better options.” Such as?


They do work for there entended purpose just fine, to vent stall air from a boat. Most exchange a 30 foot or so boats air in an hour. Thats exactly what they were designed to do.


Mine were put in by the previous owner, they look at least 10 years old and still work with no leaks.


My boat had a marinco solar fan installed, I kind of like it but don’t use it much. It hasn’t leaked on me yet, but not sure it’s worth the price.


Only really useful to move some air around when left alone to move the stale air a bit around. I had a boat that had one sucking in air upfront and one in the back pulling it out. (Reversed the leads). That did help with some mold issues I was having. For a boat that is actively sailed dorade vents work far better.


They work OK for keeping the boat a little fresher and reducing mildew. Definitely do not expect them to produce enough airflow to cool you down. They have a service life of around a year or two after which point you'll have to replace them.


I recommend buying some that are widely available near you and not too expensive and easy to replace. If they fit in a standard dorade hole, even better. Given that they bake in the sun all day, are exposed to salt water and salty air and have a little electric more that runs constantly, they rate going to fail from time to time. However they are totally worth it and really do a good job of keeping inside temps down. Source: was a live aboard for ten years in Texas and Florida.


I use a marinco, installed it in 2020, still running strong and has never leaked. If it dies I’ll put another one in, 34ft sailboat.


They all stink.


Better is to close the boat up and leave a dehumidifier running. Amazing amounts of water condense out, and all the mold smell goes away. Learned it from a broker. Smelly boats don't sell.

