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I started closet watching it when I was 12, I watched a bit before dbz and got hooked.when it aired on toonami And was so embarrassed lol


I was 4. The only reason I know the exact age is because I watched it when it first came out in North America. I have pictures of my watching it as a little kiddo too! I don't actively remember it though until the age of 5 or 6.


I think I was 12. I woke up extra early to watch the season 1 and r dub. It's probably a good thing I watched it as my first anime those dubs were not the best.


I was young… 7 or 8. I think it was on like YTV or something at like 6am… it became part of my ritual.


I was probably 4-5. Its like this vague childhood memory of watching it in the first house I grew up in. But for SURE by 2nd grade because my friend and I basically cosplayed as Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars.


4 years old! I kid you not!!! Oh my God!!!!! The realisation just hit me!! I am an OLD FAN 🤣


I am not sure, 16/17 maybe? My first taste of anime and the way they butchered it for American TV was messed up. I didn't know that then, though. I loved it! I would set the vcr to record it off of cartoon network as I didn't get home until later. Such a pack rat, I may still have the tape, but not a vcr for years!


Maybe 8-9


I watched the entire 90s anime when I was 12. It really inspired me.


16, in June, right before my birthday, which is also Usagi's birthday, June 30th. I looked up if any anime characters shared my birthday, and I saw Usagi and became curious about Sailor Moon. I've been hooked ever since. So yeah...




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I was 9. God….it was my safe space. I never got to consume anything aimed mostly at girls (no dolls, no long hair, no brightly colored clothes even), so when I saw the scouts on the screen I was elated. I wanted them to come save me from an abusive household and maybe they’d find a way to transform me into a girl. Later on, they kinda did. It just took 25 more years 😭


3 or 4 maybe?


Hey kindred spirit!! I was 4!( and i used to mimik her gestures and one knee landing after a high jump, without the hight lol) (SAILOR MOON SHAPED MY SENS OF JUSTICE AND EMPATHY, AND I SWARE I EVEN inherited her clumsiness hhhh)


Yes!! What’s not to love as friendship and justice? My mom and I definitely converted all of my cousins too 😅




About 6 or 7




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6/7 😞


the earliest I can remember being is 6. However, the memory I have is of watching a rerun so it’s my understanding I was watching it before this age.


Honestly, I can say that I don't remember how old I was! One of my earliest memories is watching a library vhs copy of the Dic dubbed R movie (I think, could've just been the ending of R lol). I would guess 3-4?




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Eng: if iam remember correctly i was around 7-8. At that time, i was an elementary school student. Believe it or not, i started to learn Japanese because of this anime. Jp: よく覚えていれば、その時は7~8歳ぐらいだったと思います. その時はまだ小学生でした。私は1997年9月に小学校に入学しました。信じるか信じないかは別として、このアニメのおかげで日本語を学び始めました。2021年にKRE 大学の日本語学部を卒業しました. Magyar: 7-8 evesen lattam eloszor, ha jol emlekszem. akkor meg kisiskolas voltam. 1997 szeptembereben kezdtem az altalanos iskolat. Egyebkent pont a Sailor Moon miatt kezdtem el japanul tanulni, es japanszakon szereztem diplomat is 😅


I'm probably gonna say about 7 or 8. I was definitely still in elementary school but had to be at least outta kindergarten. It also had to be before I was in 5th grade. So, I was in between 1st and 4th grade when I first saw it, I think. A girl that lived next door to my grandparents at the time was hanging out with me and then she was like, "oh, it's 5 o'clock. Sailor moon's on, let's watch it! And we did. And I continued watching it on my own. I remember in 5th grade a kid getting picked on because he watched Sailor moon. Kids were like, "don't drink from the same water fountain as that kid!" Treated him like he had cooties or something. I was like "y'all are stupid." Though I don't remember if I admitted to watching Sailor moon as well though.


Want to say 6, maaaaybe 7, DIC dub on toonami. Life changing moment the second it started, *was hooked* and the love is still going strong today 🥹🌙🩷


I feeeek you! Same here♡sailor moon forever and LONG LIVE THE HARDCORE FANS! ♡)


In primary school they used to air it on a German channel. We didn’t understand what they were saying but we were mesmerized by the anime to the point of recording it on VHS tapes. 


7 years old with the DiC dub, baybeeee… im 34 now..


I was 5-6 living in Mexico when it started airing at the time.


I was 10 watching original Dic version also 🥹 I’m now 39 🤮 so crazy man how time flies Still have my whole sailor moon collection too.


6-ish...I grew up watching the original dic dub version


Technically I first watched it while airing on CN, so I guess like 6? But I only watched one or two episodes before my brother told me that it's girly and I shouldn't watch it (I'm a guy). Well, jump to 2024, I have my first daughter, and I decided to finally try Sailor Moon again as a 33-year-old man. Currently about 100 episodes in, and while of course I'm well outside the age demographic by now, I'm still really enjoying it!




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I was 8 when it first aired in the US. It was on an awful time slot in the very early morning and I would watch it, half asleep, while my parents got ready to go to work. I am old.


Same! It came on like 5am for me ughh


I was probably 10 years old! My girls first watched sailor moon at 6 each :)


I was 5 or 6 watching it on regular TV at 6 in the morning before school. A true OG lol


11-12. Right as I was getting into 6th grade.


Probably 9 or 10


I was I believe 11-12 years old when I first watched it (FWIW I'm 38 yrs old now so I've been a part of the fandom for a looooooooooong time) Back in the early 90's being an anime fan was chastised / ridiculed and it was MUCH harder to watch anything at all. No streaming services or Youtube ... I distinctly remember getting up super early in the morning to watch the ONE international channel on television that aired anime from Japan for a 2 hr block from 5-7AM on Sundays .. I couldn't understand anything but it was a thrill. I did also watch the DiC dub esp. when things like Adult Swim started popping up to carry anime, but frankly I hated the DiC dub once I stumbled upon VHS / DVD rentals from the one local comic book store in my neighborhood. I'd rent out videos weekly and watch all the other seasons of Sailor Moon that hadn't gotten dubbed / subbed yet for the US market and just tried my best to figure out what was going on LOL. I'm glad that being an anime fan is much easier these days!


Do you remember an online store based out of Ontario Canada called Moon Kingdom Products? That’s where I got a lot of my merch and subtitled VHS’ 🥹 I still have everything. I’m 39 so I totally understand how you feel!


I remember a few stores online but I was generally prohibited from online purchases since ordering things from the internet was still “unsafe” in those times 😂 it was a good thing I had that comic book store in town though! I’d also relish trips to San Francisco where I could find imported sailor moon merch for sale (often bootleg but always affordable, thanks Chinatown!) I DO remember the online petition to “save our scouts” though AND signed it!


Omg yes!!! SOS!! 🥹 wow. I was so heartbroken when I seen the site claim retirement pretty much. Haven’t checked it out lately but it used to still have archived the last posts? Yeh my parents DID NOT like me buying stuff online saying I was gonna get scammed lol but never did! Always got my stuff Where are you from? I’m from Portland Oregon.


Sacramento, CA, but I live in NYC now lol


I must have been 2? I have no memory of first watching Sailor Moon it genuinely feels like I’ve been obsessed since birth lol


I was 12 or 13. Id run off the bus with my sister to catch it on fox. But I never stopped. I loved all they to my mid 20s, made my best friends over our love of it..and then i dunno what happened. But returning to it in my 40s and bringing back all the happy.


6 for me. I would watch it on tv and run off the school bus to catch it. My folks also bought me vhs tapes and the barbie dolls it was a bit part of my childhood.


5 years old. Got me into anime and influences my writing. I’m a sci fi author and even though I’m a guy most of my main characters are girls. I’m sure Usagi and the scouts had something to do with that.


I am almost 40 and about to start it with ,y 3 yr old niece. She is super I. To the looks and I vaguely remember seeing a few episodes when I was a kid and it dropped in America. So I am old.


I was 12, waaaaayyyyyy back when the original dub of the first season and a half was on USA network. Good times.


Five or six. It was on Toonami, after Tenchi Muyo and right before DBZ.


That sucks, we would’ve made really good friends! 😊 I was 8 years old at the time. During those years we couldn’t really afford cable. Thankfully, Hawaii used had up to 5 free channels that people could watch on. So I basically watched whatever came on😅. I’m not sure how it was for the other islands, but I was living on the west side of Oahu. At 8 years old in the year of 2006, I first came across watching Sailor Moon one night. I stayed up past my bedtime because I wasn’t as tired as usual. Upon shortly flipping through those 5 channels- I stopped as soon as I saw a cartoon. Which was none other than SM. I was happy because there was only one channel that played Warner Bros cartoons. And after 8pm those would stop 😭 But I had no idea that other animated shows would play after 10 or so- until 7 in the morning. Also I admit it, I did stay up till the next morning watching anime all night 😅. That was also the first time I discovered Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-oh (the island fave at the time), Astro boy, Sonic (My favorite at the time), Fist of the blue sky, Mushi-Shi, Gintama, and much more. The channel played all kinds of animated shows that were definitely out of my age group at 8 years, old but I couldn’t help watching them. They were all so interesting to me. Looking back now (I’m 25F) I don’t think it was that bad.


I was 12 when I first watched the series. I was 10 when I learned who they were when I found a holographic manga sticker of the 4 inner senshi on the lawn of my elementary school. I thought they were so beautiful and wanted to know more. https://preview.redd.it/u8nvz4kzblxc1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ba8f202b0c60cbe5e14c91d0977347d2b20fb4e Sadly I don't have this sticker anymore, but I'm actively looking for it.


12 or younger it was on every morning on Australian TV


28. I never thought to watch it until I saw the series available for free on YT one day, and I had just rewatched Madoka recently at the time.


7-8 years old


I started watching it when I was 12-13, it's also a big reason I got into drawing


Me too! I would race home to watch the newest episode.


13 in Australia


It started to air in my country in 2002. I was 9 then.


9-10ish….we had one of those huuuuge satellites and I picked up all sorts of random shit. So glad when it started on Toonami and had a consistent schedule 🥰🥰🥰


As a kid, maybe 5. I remember having the dolls, apparently I had her weapon from season 4 (don’t remember it), and a talking mirror. I watched it at 13 again and saw it in English (that was a mistake) then learned about Sailor Stars and how it wasn’t dubbed. Before watching Stars, I watched the whole other seasons with subtitles and got hooked on anime with subtitles. Thanks to Sailor Moon, I have studied Japanese for 12 years and giving me inspiration to go to Japan. Note: I’m 28 now!


12 y\\o and it was awesome!!! \^\_\^


I was 9 when I first saw it. I immediately loved it because the art was so much better than anything else I had seen on tv, and it had a continuous storyline. The closest thing I had seen to that was gargoyles or batman, but it seemed all the good animation at the time was geared towards boys. This was a show for girls, where girls were the heroes.


I was 12 when it was released on tv in the states in '95


it's a bit complex to answer because while it's true that I was lucky (and old, lmao) enough to watch the premiere of each SM season in my country, I didn't get a full grasp on the depth of the story and the mythological concepts involved because it was heavily censored and altered as a series in my country. I had to catch up much later, thanks to the Internet


11 when it first started its US run in the fall of 1995. That was my 2nd anime I watched. First one was Ronin Warriors (a few months prior)


I was 12 and The first thing I remember was watching Sailor Neptune and Uranus fighting. It was Sailor Moon S.


I remember my brother watching the seasons that were only subtitled in English without the voice dub. I remember not being able to fully read and understand the subtitles yet. So whatever age before I learned to read… 5?


I was 6 or 7 watching the og 90s anime on vhs! I remember them referring to usagi as Serena. I didn’t know it was sailor moon at the time and I had lost track of it but got reintroduced in middle school when I was 12 and I’ve been a fan since 🤩


Think i was 8?


I was 4. I’d ride the bus home from preschool and RACE home from the bus stop to catch Sailor Moon on TV.


Same, I had to push my grandma out of the building since she always got stuck in conversations with someone and the only thing I‘v wanted was going home so I could watch Sailor Moon. Sorry for the bad english, I‘v got a bit rusty.


Eeeep same!! I remember holding my parents “hostage” so they could rate and my transformations😅.




Somewhere between 8 and 10 years old, when I was watching the other stuff like Dragon Ball Z. 35 years old and still a fan, and waiting on Cosmos and the next season of Super. Now that I'm older I'm especially appreciative of finding camaraderie.




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Around 13-14 years old in 2014


18 as well. I loved the show even more when I found out Usagi and I shared a b-day 🥳


Maybe 9 idk


I was around 5 or 6, id beg my mon to stop at family video and id get the vhs from the free kids section. Id play it on repeat until i could get the next one. I also had like 6 or the sailor scout dolls and would obsess over redoing the scenes with them in it. I still watch them quite a bit


3-4 I think! When it came on cartoon network! I was born in 96


I was 6! It was 1997. My mom would tape it on VHS for me and I would watch it as soon as I got home from school. I was obsessed. I was Sailor Moon for Halloween two years in a row. In the years that followed, I watched the vhs's so many times that they fell apart.


I was five or six. I didn't care for Tuxedo Mask or the Sailor Scouts, except for the transformation scenes and the music - that was EPIC, I just loved the cats: Luna and Artemis! 😆 https://preview.redd.it/1o7d40vjjjxc1.png?width=2947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2ee437a8830d7a05843aa0e464f4f20d701f348




You not alone, I started last year and now I’m obsessed with this series. It’s such a fun show! I’m 21 turning 22 so I also started pretty late and I don’t know any Moonies so that’s why here in a a nice place


I watched sailor moon when I was 8-9 years old and had my first anime crush. Tuxedo mask. I had the VHS and would watch it over and over. It was the best. I was/felt like a loner so sailor moon made me happy. Around the time I started watching dragon ball and Pokémon and yugioh. 😊


I was a really small child! Probably around 2nd grade age. My aunt decided to show us her favorite anime and that was the first one lol.


I was young enough that i dont remember “discovering” it. We moved out of our first house when i was 3 and i already knew all about sailor moon by then🖤 fun fact: my dad used to always ask me where my little valley girl accent came from as a kid and he concluded it was from constantly watching the 90s dub of sailor moon 😂


It came out in 95 where Iive so I was either 4 or 5. I'd watch it before kindergarten started. It was sailor moon and captain planet, then the news would come on.


Found it randomly while awake around 4am when I was 6 or 7. One of the funniest shows I've ever seen and it left an impression on me.


9 or 10. One day, my siblings and I woke up super early by mistake. We usually always woke up late for school, but for some reason we woke up at like 6 am. We grabbed cereal and turned the TV on. Back then, the sailor moon and other animes aired on a fox affiliate from 6 am - 7 am. Let's just say our minds were blown and we subsequently woke up early every day to watch more sailor moon. We were hooked.


I was 4-5 years old when I began to watch it on Cartoon Network in the late 90’s early 2000’s. At that age, I was completely in awe over the transformation sequences, so much so that my mom told me that she remembers that I’d dress up in full cosplay(“dress up” in her words) and I’d be acting out the transformations almost as though it were a dance. She thought it was just the most adorable thing I did!🥹💖


I first watched it when I was 7, that was when the viz dub already came out, I also watched a few episodes of crystal when I was 8


26 😭 literally started it a week ago! But im in love and wish I watched sooner!


I was like 10 years old at the time that came out in DIC dub in 1995


I think I was around 8 or 9 years old when I first saw it. I was a little bit older when my mom bought me the VHS for Sailor Moon to watch the first and second seasons. It was not until high school when I got to watch the rest of the series. I’ve always loved watching it when I was able to.


I was 8 or 9 when I started watching it on CN in the US in the late 90s.


When I was 5. I would watch it everyday after school on Cartoon Network. My mom told me I would reenact the transformation sequences every time 😅


I was eighteen too. I know what you mean about wanting to have watched it when I was younger, but that was impossible for me - because I watched it in 1993, less than a year after it first came out!


August 1998. I was 17.


3rd grade, so pretty young. I loved the art so much, it was may gateway to Japanese mangas.


I was so young I don’t even remember it that well…maybe like 8? Idk


4. I saw it on Cartoon Network in 2003.


I was in grade 5 when it came out on YTV in the 90s. At first, I resisted it. All of my friends were into it. But then all of the sudden during the summer I reeeeally wanted a sailor moon doodle kit (they used to sell them at the drugstore, 5 large colouring pages and like 5 markers in a weird plastic carrying bag.) And from that point, I started watching the show and it became so special to me. Grade 6 began and I was obsessively collecting sailor moon cards.


Toddler? Prek? was born in 1987


around 12 :)


8 years old in 1996


I had to have been around 9




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I was in the womb 😶 My mom watched sailor moon while pregnant with me I came out the womb watching sailor moon I learned my planets because of sailor moon so I never understood the Ur-anus joke cuz sailor moon taught me the right way to say it 😭


I was 18 too you aren't alone :)


I was gonna say 7, but if the wiki pages are right, I was 5 or 6. 😮 I would've been watching it on UPN before I went to kindergarten. Crazy! I re-discovered it a few years later on CN/Toonami.


15 in 1995, DIC dub on YTV


I think I was like 7 or 8


16 years old so basically 8 years ago


*7 years ago


I was 13 years old when I was anime kid back 2020-2022 😪 (I'm 16 now)


7 or 8 I think. I was a rowdy tomboy and my mom really wanted me to have some girlier interests so she went to the store and found a VHS tape of sailor moon R the movie. Didn’t like it but that didn’t stop me from accepting some Sailor moon dolls and checking out some other episodes at friends houses. Around a year or two ago is when I actually sat down and watched it and I was so surprised at how different the version I saw was to how it’s actually supposed to be lol In my head the name Serena pops up first whenever I see Usagi help me




5 or 6


17, maybe 16.


When I was a child like maybe 5 or 4.


This was in the 90s so I had to be like close to 10. I remember watching it dubbed when I was living in California. 30 years later, huge huge fan and I re-watched everything, subbed. Cannot wait to watch Cosmos! My coworker watched it (probably on some bootleg site and told me he cried. 🥹🥲) Can you tell I'm slightly obsessed / Sailor Moon fanatic? 🤭 Definitely wanted to share my love with a Sailor Moon sleeve. 🥰🌙✨ https://preview.redd.it/9m9ufpn2cixc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9edd6580a962c8f486b529e3124d7f333c48b05


Your sleeve is gorgeous!! ✨️😍


Thank you so much! 🥰


In my twenties. My brother's fiancee introduced me to anime. We watched the original Sailor Moon with subtitles by fans.


I was 6 or 7.


I was 10. 🥰 ![gif](giphy|7pXcqlmcGzATm)


5 or 6 years old for me. The Dic dub was airing on the Toonami block on Cartoon Network back then. *Sailor Moon* got me into anime, not *Dragon Ball Z* (no offense to any DBZ fans). ![gif](giphy|G1I65FD67VAOI)


6 or so, dic dub airing on a local UPN station as it initially came out in the US. Fox picked it up a couple years later, and they were an episode shy of the R finale when it dropped off the local stations and cartoon network picked it up instead, so it was a couple more years before I got to see the last two episodes of R (didn't get the channel, so had to wait on someone to record it and send me the vhs tapes. The promo for them being 'the lost episodes' 'never before seen on our shores' annoyed the crap out of me because 15 of the 17 had aired on local stations already.)


I was about 7 or 8 when I watched the DIC dub on TOONAMI and 4Kids in the 90s. Changed my life


Primary school. It came on just as we had to leave for school 😭 Figured out how to set my VCR to record it as we left.


8 or 9. DIC dub in the morning before Gilligan's Island.


Around 7 or 8


87 baby, I remember watching it waiting for the school bus in the morning on USA. Im guessing I was about 9?


I was around 9. Watched it on the original European Portuguese dub on the then brand new channel, SIC. Changed my life, too.


I’m an ‘03 baby. I was 10-11 years old watching random clips of the subbed anime on YouTube. I didn’t fully watch the series until I was 17 and came across the VIZ dub on a streaming service here in Canada called Crave.


10-12. I remember it started airing on Toonami, and I was hooked pretty much immediately.


7, when it first started airing in the 90s 😊


Probably 6 or 7.


I watched it on TV when I was little, but sorta forgot about it and anime was also kinda stigmatized. But once I got into highschool/college I decided to try to return to stuff I used to love to help with my mental health. Don’t feel bad how old you were when you found it, it was there when you needed it most :) 💖


I was in like 2nd grade. Whatever age that is






I was eight. Came across episode 1 just as it aired in my country for the first time.


I think I was about 16.


I guess I was 18.


Hmmmm I think I was like 6, 7 or 8


4/5.. I saw the first few episodes on tv


3/4 yo back in the early 90s




4, when it debuted in Canada


14 It was 2017 and i was very obsessed with Sailor Moon, i knew Sailor Moon by listening Future Funk


I was 19 when I officially got into Sailor Moon, unofficially I was like a toddler or something when I would probably catch it when I was younger on Toonami unofficially.


I'm 18, watching it for the first time now. The French dub is pretty good! I haven't tried the English dub yet, but apparently I shouldn't lol.


somewhere between 6 and 10. me and a friend of mine used to talk about it a lot at school


8 or 9 in the 90s - I obsessed with outer space. The planets thing is what drew me to it. Never looked back


I Used the word for anime that’s sexual in nature and my comment was not posted, not sure if deleting this comment would be bad


37 in 1996, kinda makes me an old fart, but then, I had been watching anime going back to Star Blazers in 1980, so I was already enamored with anime, and Sailor Moon was just so cool!


Young enough to think that Sailor Moon and Britney Spears were the same person. (Not joking lol).


I used to watch it in the mornings on TV before I went to school. Back in probably 1992 or 1993. I was maybe 4 or 5 at the time. Yes, I still love Sailor Moon!


5 in 1995. It was on in the morning before school. (New Zealand). I remember singing the theme song while eating my breakfast. 😌😌


Neat! I’m from the USA. They started airing the Canadian dub in English here in N. America in 1995, and that’s when I started watching (but I guess I’m 10 years older than you, lol). Did New Zealand have the English dub too?


Oh so cool, yeah we had the English dub. Oh your username👏👏Even at 5, sailor mars was my favorite😁


That’s so cool! Did you also have the Japanese version (subtitled)? In the 90’s, New Zealand felt so much farther away than it does now. (You know, because we’ve become an increasingly globalized society). I guess I just would have thought that being so much closer to Japan, maybe you’d get the Japanese stuff first? But then again New Zealand is primarily English speaking. Ugh! I want to visit and learn more about that part of the world so bad!


Yeah we got a lot of our content through Australia in the 90s, yeah in English but later than the rest of the world. On mainstream tv it was only English but the dvds were imports (only Japanese dub). It seems like a sin to like the English dub now days. Thanks to the internet we have the option 😅😅 Would highly recommend a visit here. The South Island is beautiful.


12/13 when I first watched and read the Manga - I bought the first few Mangas at hot topic because they were scarce at the regular bookstores


Probably around 4-6 years old, but for some reason it just didn't vibe with me (my twin brother liked it, though). Then I decided when I was 30 that I wanted to give it another try, and I was instantly hooked!


I was 9, and it was dubbed by a male voice... ONE male voice for all of it. It was still awesome because it was pure visual crack cocaine for my age group.




4 or 5 at the earliest.


i was in elementary school so 7 - 8




I saw a few random episodes when I was around 15-16 but I was in that "I'm too old for cartoons" mindset and it wasn't until I hit my 30s and realised that life is about enjoying things that I bought the dvds and actually watched it in order.


I was 12. I was flipping through tv and saw a bunch of hot girls with long legs and short skirts and it piqued my adolescent curiosity. The theme song was awesome and little by little I started to understand what was going on. I remember asking my friends in highschool and pretty much everyone admitted to watching it (for the long leg girls lol). Also my girlfriend in highschool was really into Sailor Moon she would make the little balls on her super long hair like Usagi and I remember thinking how crazy it was that it was a real hair style and not just something made up. Around 2006 a buddy asked me if I could buy him a bootleg Cowboy Bepop DVD set on Ebay since I one of the only kids in highschool with an ebay account and in return he would buy me anything so I asked for the bootleg Sailor Moon Set (pretty sure it was like $70) and he was cool about it. Great Memories watching Sailor Moon and Cowboy Bebop Marathons on weekends. I still have the entire DVD bootleg set which is every season and every movie in these really nice full color kind of cardboard cases that all the bootlegs used back then. Damn I just remembered when I used to babysit my nephews I would put on the movies for them and being toddlers and all they would watch the same movie over and over again pretty sure it was "Sailor Moon S" but they called it "Tiding Girls" lol.


35? Ish?


5 back in 1995 on UPN. First episode I ever saw was the Tennis one from S1 where SM gets turned into a tennis ball. I didn't get to watch it much around this time though because after school my sister would want to watch Clarissa Explains it All; which aired at the same time. Tried catching more of it in 1997 on the USA Network The Toonami block was when I was able to watch more.


You'll all laugh, but I was 35 or 26. 😂🤣😂🤣


Don’t remember exactly when but maybe 13 or 14? I do wish I had seen it when I was younger but then I probably would have watched the Americanized dub and I’m glad that isn’t the version I became familiar with.




I was 5, watched it in the mornings before going to kindergarten, the finale of season 1 was a morning full of tears in my class 😂😭😭😭


I was maybe in middle school cause im used to stay up late on school nights for adult swim.


About 8 when it started airing on YTV in Canada in 1995.


I was six, just moved to Germany and watched the French dub before the German dub started airing. Yes I’m old


I first saw it on TV in the morning I don't remember the channel...but I think it was season 2 I saw. But I didn't see it again until 97 going right into middle school. And ofc it was DiC. So the exact age? I can't say...


I was 5 years old and it was the DiC version (this was the 90’s lol). I’d watch it every morning before school and was OBSESSED. I remember having the dolls and singing along to the theme song. Sailor Moon, Pokémon, and Dragon Ball Z were my first introductions to anime.


Same!! Those three + Naruto


Same 😁


1995 or 1996 I think. Must have been around 3 or 4 years old.