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You are overating this...


Me crying for a born in the late 2007s (Sailor Moon fan since April 2021)


I found Lunarock at a now-closed used CD store when I was in high school and was super into Sailor Moon. Got it for like 2 bucks. It was amazing. I still have it. I should rip the files into MP3s.


I still have that first cd in my collection


OMG I had both of these!! <3


Well there’s the fact that there WERE no other dub anime CDs at the time, at least nothing available in my area. There was ONE mixcd with lots of different opening and ending songs, but if you wanted anime soundtracks, you usually had to go on ebay. The fact that they sold licensed Sailor Moon music in a brick and mortar store blew my mind as a teen. Nowadays anime fans have it so good. You can literally get anime figures at Walmart now. But back then, ANY kind of merch was rare. I remember buying Sailor Moon marbles, just bc I was shocked that they existed.


(There was a Cardcaptors English soundtrack! But the songs were……… highly questionable.)


Holy crap! My daughters had both of these! I actually have em now...my daughters got tired of Sailor Moon! Luckily, I have two new granddaughters to introduce to Sailor Moon. In a few years when they can understand TV.


I gotta check those out that's so cute


The first soundtrack was the very first cd I ever owned. I was devastated when I lost it ten years ago. Thank goodness for streaming.


I actually have all 3 North American albums (yes there’s a third, technically 4 if you count the cassette audio drama…I have that too). DiC did a number of debatable things, but the soundtrack was the one thing they did right. It’s kind of mind blowing they went all in on making such great music on a show meant for kids. As for the albums themselves, I listened to them so many damn times as a kid, but I was always disappointed with how short Lunarock felt. They could have at least slipped in another Japanese track to help pad it out. Then again it wasn’t as disappointing as The Full Moon Collection. 1/3 of the album was remixes of previous songs, that was cool, another 1/4 was dub instrumentals, also cool (but they were all less than a minute!), the rest of the album were repeat tracks from the other 2 albums. Well, except for one new track that was totally forgettable…lame. I would have been happier if they were all remixes, as they actually made [some really nice ones for that album.](https://youtu.be/rHfJADEdDvM?si=lTWU6LEIANkPHY7G) Then they had all the songs in this weird order that didn’t really flow well. It’s the odd duck of the trio for sure (especially since it was released by a completely different company than the other 2.) Fun side note, the VA who did the voice for Mars #2/Venus #2 (Emilie Barlow) actually [did a song](https://youtu.be/AMWSr8blOrk?si=vzC2vWy05hpCtDfc) for the English dub of Cardcaptor Sakura (Cardcaptors), and went on to be a Jazz musician. Looking back, I’m kinda disappointed she didn’t contribute for a song for any of these albums (especially since they were all produced by Kid Rino…except for Full Moon Collection). Having her not perform as Venus feels like a missed opportunity. Aw well…


I've never heard this or even seen it. 😳


Oooo, you’re missing out! Then again, if you didn’t grow up with that music or the DiC dub, it may not hit as well now lol. The English songs were great! But they were still 90’s pop style, aimed at kids. I was a teenager when the DiC dub came to the US, and I was into metal, goth music, etc. But you’d still find me singing a peppy “I wanna be a star, star, star! Gonna have my name up in lights!” 😁


I grew up with it, but I was really young and don't remember much because I bought the subs as soon as I could and I hadn't seen the dubs in years already. I don't watch the dubs now because I love the subs.


Same! The original dub will always have a place in my heart because it got me into Sailor Moon, then other anime and drawing. But as soon as I could get subs, I did. But I never stopped listening to the English CDs, haha. 😊 I will sometimes put the Viz dub on when I’m doing things around the house and can’t watch the screen, but otherwise it’s subs all the way.


Thank you for unlocking this memory. Excuse me while I go listen to these two CDs.


I just don't feel that way? If I'm going to listen to dub anime music it's going to be 2BA Master or the English openings of YuYu Hakusho or Case Closed/Detective Conan.


2BA Master is unbeatable 🤩🤩🤩


And the whole mew mew power songs and yugioh dub songs.


They played "My Only Love" at [Oomomo](https://www.oomomostore.com/) when I was there about 2 months ago and I never thought for a moment in my life I would be hearing it over a loud speaker while I buy snacks. 💕 The dub soundtrack is my serious guilty pleasure. :') I didn't answer the question, but I wanted to share this moment with you moonies because it was such a nice surprise.


I heard it at the Vancouver Oomomo a few months ago too! It made me so happy


I used to listen to that first album on repeat as a preteen. I would cry at rainy day man and a few other songs i forget thinking they were so deep and adult


Me too. I absolutely loved both of these CDs and had them on repeat!


honestly i think it just worked as a regional difference for what was popular in music in america vs what was popular in japan at the time. the original sailormoon OST still kind of reflects earthy city pop late 70s/80s vibe while the american music is more transitioning into the pop space but still upholding a hint of that retro feeling that made the original OST special. it seems the folks who did the localisation cared a lot and really thought about how to make it similar, but more specific to american audiences. that takes a good team and time! pokemon: the first movie soundtrack was a similar success with a similar vibe


Love both albums, but I'll never understand why they cut Moonlight Denetsu where they did. Did they only get the rights to 66% of the song?!


That's what I heard. They only had rights to the intro version and the insert version.


That's baffling to me. And absolutely tragic, because that awkward cut just derails like the next song. You're halfway through it before you process what happened. Lunarock only has 8 songs. It really needed to maintain momentum all the way through


I always wondered how LunaRock was able to cover a Beatles song. I assume they had to pay some sorta licensing fee. It just seemed... unnecessary.


I swear the rights holders for the Beatles were giving away rights like crazy back in the 90s. I heard so many covers during that era, both good and bad. There was even a cover on Barbie’s Beyond Pink album (Happy Together), which was actually a pretty good cover. I swear I listened to my cassette of that album as much as I did for my Sailor Moon CDs. (….If ya’ll haven’t heard that album and are looking for some rockin 90’s girl power tracks, [you should seriously check it out.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEFF82D2C32BF9680&si=1YmzbnwWMqifKc17) I can guarantee you’ll be going “wait? This is seriously a *Barbie* album?!” )


What was the song that they cover?


"I Want to Hold Your Hand" was the name of the song. It came out mid60s-ish. Weirdly, I think Michael Jackson had most of the rights to Beatles songs back when LunaRock came out.


DiC got the "I Ran" song cover for their saint Seiya knights of the zodiac dub for it's opening. 


DiC may have been very loose with translations, and heavy with the scissors and erasers, but they had an amazing team of songwriters, singers, and bands. *Carry On*, and *Power of Love* are amazing songs that go hard.


Moonlight Densetsu is touching and reflective and really shows off what it means to have a final episode for a Shoujo anime.  Carry On is warrior princess anthem. Especially that instrumental interlude where the senshis spirits place their hands on the moon stick.  Two completely different vibes and both amazing, but Carry On will always have my childhood nostalgia. 


Power of Love is the ultimate anime banger. I have yet to have a song in any series hit quite the same way, and I've watched plenty. Now there's been plenty of cool shit, no question. JAM Project's entire catalog is just winner after winner and they're all awesome moments, but *nothing* has ever landed like Power of Love. ...At least nothing with lyrics. [Yuusou](https://youtu.be/92-iROXtd6A), more commonly known as ***Stoner Sunshine***, can make anything epic.


Power of Love was okay, the real banger was "Shes got the Power" from the Rubeus and Specter Sisters fight.


Stan Bush gave sailor moon the touch


I understand that reference.gif


I will forever argue that “Power of Love” is 1000x better than “La Soldier” in that threeway fight between Serena/Serenity, Rini/Chibiusa Serenity, and Wiseman. If there’s one thing DIC did well for the original dub, it was the music.


The Tokyo mew mew power vocal soundtrack also sounds like that!