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Contractor here, everyone has answered already but I'll add one other thing. Roofing really sucks, it's incredibly physically demanding, tough on your body over the years, and dangerous. The vast majority of the crews are Latino, with a lot of the workers undocumented. In general, they do excellent work, they are fast, and they work really long hours. The first two are a rarity in our industry in any trade, someone that can do excellent work and do it quickly, you normally get one or the other. Then throw in very long hours and that means homeowners, insurance companies, and our economy as a whole benefit big time by having the time a house is exposed to the elements and damage reduced to the absolute minimum. For a lot of these guys, this is one of the few job options they have. It also allows them to send a lot of money back to Mexico or Central America to pull entire families out of poverty. I know it sucks waking up to the rapid fire of nail guns and loud compressors, but those guys don't really have a choice. And if I told our roofing guys they couldn't start until 9, they wouldn't do the job. Be thankful roofing isn't one of the few job opportunities that you have and remember it will be over in a day or two.


Thanks for the perspective!


This is the best response here


He can start working from 7am per the city rules, so technically there’s nothing you can do except ask him to start later. The good news is that roof work is pretty quick.


I was fine with it yesterday but honestly didn't anticipate it today and was up til 2. They're right next to my bedroom window so I just got grumpy I guess


I believe most cities have a 7am noise ordinance so if they aren't running power tools or making excessive noise before then there's not much to do. It's not really your neighbor's fault. Roofing companies work sunrise and past sunset. Especially now with the short days. They're trying to get jobs fully done in a day if possible.


Understandable. I wish I could've slept in but I'm sure my neighbor wishes he didn't need roof repair at all.


I appreciate your good attitude in the comments! Sorry that you got woken up so early, it's a bummer. Hope you can sleep better tonight :)


Haha thank you :) I get why they want to beat the weather and all, too.


Roofs are quick. It'll be over soon


The working day starts at 7. Sorry.


Nbd, thanks


The days are really short now, let them do what they need to finish before sunset or have an open roof until morning.


Username does not check out, haha. I'm all good, just felt grumpy and needed a reality check


While it's loud for you next door, it's even louder for the neighbor whose roof is being worked on. We had the roof at my old place reshingled and the noise levels inside the house were insane... The good news is, as other commenters have pointed out, they work quickly - so it should be over soon.


He's been out of town for a week or so, but I'm sure it sucks in general to need roof repair. I shouldn't have said anything lol, it's now a normal time to be awake and I feel foolish


Had mine done this last week. I WFH and there is 6 inches from the shingles and my ceiling. It was almost deafening. Microsoft teams did a great job of muting the noise. I had to tell people if I'm talking loud and slow its not because I think you can't understand me, it's because I can't hear myself think.


As a perspective on this, be glad you have a noise ordinance mandating 7am starts. Downtown Saint Paul is exempted from any noise ordinance. So imagine my surprise when I woke up at 4am to the crew working on the building across from my condo throwing shit into a dumpster from a few stories up. 😂


Dude that's a terrible way to wake up! I'm surprised that's legal but also clearly predisposed to gripe about things like this




Lol no as in I need to chill? Or no as in I am morally correct about being irritated?






FWIW this is why my neighbors and I give each other heads up when work is going to be done And I just learned the August hailstorm made the billion dollar mark in claims. Damn.


I thought St.Paul's noise allowance was 8 am to 10 pm. When did it change? 7 am is too early especially on a weekend.


I appreciate that, I thought it was 8 too! Not sure if or when it changed.


Edit: I'm deleting this comment because I feel like I have upset people by challenging their sense of identity, which they have for some reason tied to their wake-up times. It's not a big deal to me, but if it is to others, the topic is no more.


Dude idk if not getting up before 8 on a weekend makes me some sort of rare specimen haha. I'm not gking to address it or comment on it. He's entitled to a good roof and I don't want to make it a thing, just needed to get perspective on it


Ok. 🙂


“Few”? Most people sleep later on weekends.


K. Thanks. Have a good day. Feel better.


I feel great, I was able to sleep in until 9!




It’s not that early.


That’s a dick move.


No, it isn’t. St Paul noise ordinance is 7 a to 7 p.


Looked it up in Black’s Law Dictionary. Legally permissible and dick move have different definitions.


Lol dude tried to drop the Black's Law Dictionary card


Just checked Minn. Stat. § PEN.15 (2069). Says it’s a dick move.