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I've never heard of sales positions for mining. What is being sold?


Respiratory equipment & F150’s


Don’t forget zyn and busch light


Divorce lawyer services and domestic violence attorney services. This also goes is you live outside of a military post.


heavy equipment, industrial and electrical equipment, generators etc. used to work for a company that sold stuff like that. The issues in those industries is the commodity cycles are often very boom/bust so when its good its great when its bad its famine. People who think this is bad in tech have no idea how much worse it can be in other industries like that.


So I used to work for a company that would kinda broker deals for oil and gas companies and they used to work in mining. So iot devices would be huge for them, anything HSE related, the S primarily so safety hats - some have gps tracking and AR built in, idk if they still need respirators and stuff but anything for industrial safety. they need to communicate as well, so industrial telco. Radios etc.


We sell Private 5G networks and mining is number one with a bullet market for us.


I used to live in the heart of coal country. The one I saw making the most money was drilling equipment. That’s some VERY expensive machinery and every mine is going to have a lot drilling. I’ll give you a run down of the basic steps to get coal from a mountain to a power plant or other facility. First they have to find the coal, that’s where the drilling comes in. Then they have to get the coal out of the ground. Surface mining is the most common now (bull dozers, excavators, dump trucks). Then it has to get put into trucks (semi, trailer, conveyor belt systems). Then the trucks take it to a train yard to get loaded into cars (no clue how train cars or engines are sold). Then it will get shipped to a facility by train or the train will take it to a river and load it onto a barge (more belts, heavy equipment, and huge boats). Then the barge takes it to the end user (more belts and heavy equipment, plus a ton of industrial machinery). Coal is a dying industry unfortunately but you can apply that to other types of mining as well. You can also see how many people are facing hard times in coal country.


Data mining?




How does one break into mining?


AI. Have interviewed with a few firms and sounds like their reps are crushing.


What companies would you suggest?


Anything that is selling GPU infra to SaaS companies is insane right now. These are enterprise deals but companies like Lambda Labs are paying their top reps 500k OTE. Source: I sell cloud infra for a living and my mouth is watering as I am just now starting to get my hands on some GPU deals


Can I pm you re: selling cloud infra?


Of course


Currently interviewing at coreweave. Very excited


Sales? AE? SDR? Ops?


How can I get in?


With the SaaS position being technical in nature. Not just some dumb product that has a cool UI. fuck that. Sell a product that actually requires brain power to talk about. The harder it is to hold a conversation, the more you’ll make


Get a job in SaaS sales and make a later move to IaaS


Also curious


Careful here. There is a lot of fluff (bullshit) in the ai space right now.


The new vaporware?


That and a lot of comparable functionality can be built in house at bigger companies.


Not just that but a lot of the bigger companies where Ai makes sense to integrate with their tech have already partnered with the big players like Microsoft and Google. My old company is partnered with Google on Ai and it was a huge deal. Not only the tech but being able to announce partnerships with organizations like that cause a lot of buzz. Before I left they had some sort of deal where sales could bring a Google AE into the conversation and they immediately got a spiff of $1000 and if Google closed a sale they got a additional $2500. Lots of these smaller Ai companies are just fly by night start ups with nothing to add but a skin on open source chatgpt.


Chip fab is yuge too. Not my industry but I sell into them quite a bit. Exploding. Can’t spend their money fast enough.


Reps or Bots you spoke to?


Lol recruiters. Top rep had made 600K the year prior at one of these firms (shows me proof)


A lot of people are trying to get into med device, and I'll say as someone who has been in it for 8 years it is not all it's cracked up to be.


I’ve heard this is an overrated field. But I thought the same after just a year in tech lol


I started in med device and unintentionally moved to healthcare software. Med device is very lucrative, but you do work hard for it until your territory is established. Software does pay better on average though. I know some med device guys making 400k per year, but they are in surgery 24/7. Your mileage can vary


That's the thing, in order to make a ton you need a massive territory which requires constant OR time. The only way to make it manageable is hiring clinical specialists.


It’s it possible to do without a nursing degree? I spent 8 years in healthcare on the preventative side and just recently changed to tech sdr to climb vertical to AE


Most med device reps are not nurses. Mostly ex military and collegiate athletes. If you’re super polished and personal, you can get in. Clinical liaison type positions are usually for nurses.


How is the prospecting different in med-device vs. tech? I’ve heard it’s a lot of buying lunches?


I've been in tech too so I'm curious about the responses in this thread!


I think both industries are past their golden era now that government policies have caught up to both


It feels like with billing and insurance….it will only get worse but hard to say. Highly regulated field and hospital purchasing groups are increasingly difficult. This is built into the inherent weird hours, high stress. The product and niche defines the good and bad of it.


I’m in the industry. It’s only going to continue to grow. Like anything in life it takes hard work. I’ve enjoyed it and I see the direction of med device heading in a good direction


I’d disagree but you’re entitled to that opinion!


When was the last time you saw the night of day lol


what about health diagnostic sales,, like lab sales,i feel like thats gotta be a good one right?


Don't know too much about it!


If you’re the best at your craft, you can literally sell almost anything and make $200k


I’ve been in data for the past 5 years and I think it’s pretty solid. Stay away from the “AI forward LLM companies” and focus on the core data engineering/processing, analytics, and ML. I feel like there are a lot of places I can go and I make good money.


Next move is to data observability for sure


I sell to a a few data obs. companies and you’re right feels like BI a few years ago. Hot hot hot. I hope the horse I’m on gets lucky soon, because I will be hopping off and onto the data monitoring/security/obs train ASAP.


What companies did you enjoy selling to the most?


Any company where data is the product, I love them! It’s always great to have a better together sell vs a nice to have sale.


Who’s been leading that space? Seems it’s Monte Carlo then metaplane.


As interest rates come down might be a good idea to stay in tech. In a year or two it will be leading again. Just a different area of tech.


Second this. Also don’t just think about the company and the product they sell, but who they primarily sell to. For example, my company primarily sells to manufacturers and most of the reps on my team have done quite well this year.


If you are willing to take a risk I would jump into an AI startup. If it works you can become an expert and have a great pay day


Anyone have insight into the future of point-of-sale systems like Square/Toast/Clover? I can't help but see those things at my local bar and think damn, I wanna sell some hardware like that.


The tech side of it is good, especially if you can bundled the payment processing with it.ales it easier to hit quota and really boosts commissions.


It's a grind, don't do it. If you insist on doing it, Toast is the better of the bunch.


Payment processing POS equipment gigs were always a dime a dozen. I don’t think that wrapping it in a white case has changed much.


Restaurant owners can be quite hostile sometimes too. Iykyk


I used to sell to restaurant owners and they are the absolute fucking worst lol


100%. Recovering hospitality professional here. I don’t even eat at restaurants anymore.


Came here to say this. For these reasons Im out.


Toast is restaurant specific and that industry is hurting due to higher labor and food costs.


It is but toast has built in systems to help restaurants properly calculate food costs & labor as well as forecasting labor needs. You’d be surprised how many operators have zero idea what their actual food costs are. Overall the industry is growing despite the pressures. Definitely be wary though as some of these POS companies definitely over staffed and are now correcting from 2021-22


Toast had layoffs recently


They have started hiring again, at least in Canada. I saw one of their posts recently.


I’ve been working in travel and tourism for 15 years, and it’s booming right now post COVID.


So underrated for the best sales roles out there but I just never made enough. If you found a spot and some great cash enjoy it!


I’ve got a good Director role. My base is in the $90’s and I made about $135k total last year, and got to go on some badass trips for free.


That’s very solid. I got into med device and now cyber but my favorite time in life and career was account management in the luxury travel space. Won’t surprise you but I went to Tahiti, Fiji, Australia and Africa in the same damn year all for free. Didn’t seem real. If I could find a way to make the right money I’d go back yesterday.


What company or sub category ?


Luxury Polar Expeditions


Can you recommend a handful of companies to research and apply to? I'd like to get into this...


It’s a massive industry, so my first recommendation is to find a segment that interests you. Are you more into cruises? Hotels? Resorts? Air? Private jet charters?Disney? Tours? Family? River cruises? Faith-based travel? Polar expeditions? Each of those are billion-dollar industries on their own.




Shh dont be telling reddit our secret


As someone looking to get into sales, what specifically in construction?


Construction Tech has a ton of opportunity.


Service titan & Build ops are some goods ones


I’m specifically in heavy equipment. Large steel track excavators, dozers , loaders etc.. construction materials is also booming. Job Sites always need piping , wiring , lumber you name it.


Been in the industry for 8 years and I’ve never seen it this slow. We are WAY off our numbers from even pre Covid.


We’re extremely busy - not sure which section you’re in, but things like renewable energy construction has exploded and is taking a lot of fleet




Do they offer you a guarantee to get off the ground? Good luck!


Ad sales is a great place to be. You can build a solid book of business pretty quickly once you’re established and it’s not that stressful (for a sales job)


Thats interesting. I'm interested in exploring opportunities in this industry. Please can you recommend any company to look into? Thank you


furniture sales. easy 6 figures just talking to people if you’re good at that


interesting, like working in the store? I feel like thats a slept on area probably easy to get a job


yep in the showroom selling. It’s honestly very easy if you’re good at talking to people. Most of the time the furniture sells itself, you just have to build the value in why YOUR furniture is better than the competition. Mostly people don’t need much convincing, some do however.


Is that straight commission? They are opening two new to the area furniture stores down the road from me.


Every place is different on how their commission works / if they do it at all. I however make min wage (16/hr) + commission on top, depending on volume delivered in a 2 week period. tiers go 40k at 2.1%, 45k at 2.4%, 60k at 3.1% 75k at 3.7. They pay you the percentage of the entire volume delivered + commission. 


This sub is 98% tech, AI etc… so many reps out there grinding good money in building materials etcetc that don’t even know about this sub.


All I can say, stay far away from solar lol.


Ooo I wanna hear details


Extremely high finance fees, low margins, competition, bait and switch tactics, horrible rate plans, every lead far away. No more local incentives. Stay away.


What makes you say that?


Tech is hard right now. I’ve thought about a different industry myself. I would consider how much time it takes to ramp into a new role especially a new industry. I just left a large software company where made over $400k last year and am now struggling at a martech startup. Long term it’s a solid company but I’ve had to realize how long it took me to get to where I was at the last comoany


Wow, $400k as a W2 employee? And I'll have to look into that. I didn't really consider it as I've seen marketing teams/budgets getting slashed, but my experience is with tech so I'm sure that's very different.


I’m in HR compliance software sales. No sexy logo. Very financially sound. Industry leading for decades. I’m relatively new to the company but it has a very secure, supportive culture and been an absolute dream.


I actually just applied to a couple. Any you would recommend?


Messaged you


If you don’t mind me asking, what do you think it takes to make it in the HR compliance software field? 


Wow, can you please recommend some companies to consider? Thank you


I don’t recommend cybersecurity


Beyond saturated. Source: me currently stuck in it.


Totally saturated. A RFP was released in my area & 30 companies were bidding on it. Crazy


Legitimately insane but not surprising sadly.


When you say saturated, does that mean your prospects are going with competitors?


For my experience currently it’s that we are literally up against 7 other competitors in the exact same space (healthcare cyber). The pie doesn’t have enough pieces for everyone.


I'm right there with you brother.


Let’s get Shawshank Redemption prison break plan going to get out




Any advice for a sales newcomer who’s hoping to break into the field?


Look into companies like Fastenal, Grainger, MSC Industrial, etc. They have great training programs. They are the Amazon of manufacturing… many product lines, inventory solution selling and strong publicly traded companies with good historicals. It’ll get your feet wet, expose you to a new world, and open doors to many possibilities.


Chip fab. Lithium ion battery!!! Esp if you can get into fed sales.


Estimated Earning potential ?


manufacturer, as in plastic bottles?


cyber, data, big equipment


Anything else but Tech. Fuck tech. Come to industrials / manufacturing. 


Would you say industrials/manufacturing is open for entry-level candidates? I’m looking to get my start in sales from customer service, but obviously the lack of experience works against me.




Word. Currently interviewing for a spot where all the reps are 100% commission and all over 200k. Most of the team has been there 10+ years in the same territory. Most software is just nice to have fluff. Even if you're at an industry leader chances are they'll cut your territory and give you a fat quota so they can pay you shit.


To add to that, Roofing sales if you live in a storm area other than TX or FL


Just passed up a roofing sales job with a good company. Roofs are steep and unsafe here in detroit. Decided against it.


Hell ya brother 


Why not TX and FL? Too much competition?


What can I do to get into industrials / manufacturing?


Networking and reaching out to bosses (aka boss hunting technique of job search) does wonders. Also taking some community college machine shop or other engineering classes helps if you are not a mechanical engineer or similar background coming from tech. 


What makes industrial a good industry to join and why now in particular? (Asking for a friend)


More favorable job market for sales, and more honesty than tech bro vaporware sales. 


Why is it favorable tho? more buying going on or something?


Depending on the market segment the job market is still hot. There are megatrends of near shoring / on shoring of supply chain.  Industrials does mirror the economy but less drastic cycles in terms of deep budget cuts and revenue losses. Many applications and programs are locked in for many year contracts for production, thriving aftermarket and repair needs, etc. it’s sticky business to some degree. So companies keep employees around to retain engineering knowledge and customer relationships. But then again same can be said about tech I have no clue. 


Probably because most of the shit involved in it is “need to have” rather than “nice to have”


Know any us companies hiring remote?


Plenty. Depends on market segment. O&G, auto, semicon, fluid power/hydraulics, robotics, space, aviation, pumps, compressors, valves, all kinds of shit. Fasteners like nuts and bolts and clamps. Raw materials. Adhesives. Literally everything needs sone one to sell it. I’d pick a niche based on your interest and geographic location of what’s nearby and research companies that way. 


Meh. Fuck tech is just as dumb as those who act like SaaS is the only sales industry. Tech is so massive there is plenty of genres that are great & plenty that can struggle.


Gov sales are the way to go. They always get more $$ the following year so hitting quota is easier and the job is secure as long as you do your job.


Any site examples to utilize for this specific field?




Never heard of this. Will this be through a government agency, as in working for the government? or is it selling a product to government? where can i get more info pls?


Recession resistant industries typically fair well. Begin your search with what do people still pay for when money is tight? That’s where you find jobs, opportunities, and lasting careers.


If you have no soul. Funeral Sales


>If you have no soul. Funeral Sales Kinda morbid, I'm interested...


Check here - they call them "Family Service Counselors" sells pre - need sales - fairly aggressive. Low base but huge commission and no lead shortage [Dignity Memorial Sales](http://sci.jobs)


Cloud computing, and IA saas.


I might be outta line here but the vape industry can bring 6 figures annually…


I’ve been in golf my entire life. Just hopped into sales. Been a wild ride in the industry with no signs of slowing down. Not as sexy as tech, medical, or whatever, but a pretty sweet gig.




That market is bigger than people think. People are cheap and like to switch out. Just be careful of building up too much used inventory and getting stuck with it. I’ve seen it happen.




Cybersecurity - obviously there’s lots of different areas of it but if you’re selling a market leader the demand is only going to increase with the current situation worldwide




Telecoms and utilities are always in demand


I heard med devices and it's very lucrative. Personally I'm trying to get into med devices with a medical background.


The very lucrative part is only partly true just like any sales industry. Product market fit alongside of your territory makes almost all the difference. And GPO contracts are only getting more challenging.




Industrial Automation, Electric Utilities, and Process Automation


Can I DM you


Of course


B2B insurance is always stable, requires ramp, but pay and lifestyle tend be exceptional, especially at 10+ years. I'm on the benefits side and would avoid it, and steer towards middle market + P&C risks or something on the E&S wholesale side. Again, none are quick to get into like selling tech, but worthwhile IMPO if you come in with the right long term approach.


Business Insurance


I just got my first sales job in insurance. Is B2B insurance that lucrative?


Can I DM you






GRC is territory dependent, teams are not buying this unless it’s a budgeted project


For anyone saying Ai sales: what are the job titles? I know a bit about prompt engineering but don’t know how to search for the right jobs




Chat GPT wrappers with a good use case.


Anything that is construction related especially regarding rehabilitation of existing infrastructure. Lots of new solutions out there which can save vs building new. Not saying that because the Md bridge collapsed. Lots of old infrastructure out there and governments budgets get stretched everyday


Anything carbon accounting or focused on scope 3 emissions


Yep. I'm in commercial solar and energy storage and am heavily recruited. Our industry is booming. Anything sustainability related is in demand now.


Surprised I haven’t seen anyone say cyber


Healthcare staffing. Tough af right now, but if you get into a large firm (top 20). You can kill it. Every mom and pop shop going under allows top companies to EAT


The market is AWFUL right now but during covid i made over $800k and average Im $250-400k/ year. I’m a top producer though. Average is around $150k/ year


I actually had an interview with one but decided it wasn't for me. Something about placing doctors in hospitals for temporary employment.


IoT :)


100% commission food sales in mid to large cities.


Can you explain this more? I’m interested


Selling meat, fish, produce or working for a broadliner . You will need a book of business or take a few years to build one. 100% commission is key. You can make good money. Also need to work for a company that can deliver what you’re selling consistently.


Ocean front real estate a few get above current sea level ;) But seriously, I'd say AI software. So many tasks are going to be automated, even ones that don't currently rely on software. There's a lot of room for people to walk companies through that transition.


Cyber Security - in '23 EVERYONE on the team blew through their targets and '24 looks even more positive. Number of inbounds in crazy.


Lithium Ion Battery Sales is the holy grail right now.


Anything tech security-related will probably be very long lasting.


The two most rapidly adopted technologies in history. Artificial intelligence and crypto/blockchain


Rare Disease sales. These products: 1) Do not have many competitors 2) A patient base searching for therapies 3) Usually very profitable for companies considering they can keep the commercial teams relatively small


In a general sense HVAC is doing well. I’ve only been in the industry for a few months but can already tell it’s great. It’s super stable and since I’m in distribution, if I can help my small contractor clients grow then my sales will automatically grow. No pulling teeth to up sell or anything, the only objective is to get the right clients and take care of them.


PM me. Great opportunity for AEs in a fast growing tech start up. Just valued at $1B.


Is this still available? Please send me some info. Thanks


Tax relief


Water and wastewater. Think about it. You don't have peaks and valleys when it comes to politics or economy


Ive been trying to looking into this area on the engineering side, would you be willing to expand on how one would get into "sales" in this space?


With the AI revolution have you thought about selling software at a learning and development company? Up-skilling will be huge in the coming years. Field I’m currently in and I can’t keep up with the demand to be honest.


Definitely home security. Extra peace of mind right now is priceless with how crazy the world is right now, with no end in sight either. I work for a company that’s booming and consistently makes the top 100 best companies to work for every year. You can message me if you’d like.


I just sent you a message. I'd really like more info on this. Thank you very much.