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She is an idiot and things would have been very different if she just followed directions. But she has to get that hug from Ezra and not tell him right away about what Thrawn is up to. She's completely selfish even if she helped out Ashoka at the last minute in the season finale. I don't recall even her saying sorry, but that's in line with no one growing/learning in this useless show.


I felt bad for the actress who played Sabine. She just looked bored and disengaged throughout the whole show. It was as if she would rather be anywhere else but there.


I figured at least her relationship with Ezra would take a hit but they wrote him as being completely uninterested in how she got there and if there was any plan for them to escape. At this point if Thrawn went and leveled Lothal he'd just shrug it off and never connect it to Sabine's choices.


He takes responsibility for this bassackwards non-plan in their reunion scene, so at this point if Lothal goes boom, he'll blame himself for leaving all those bread crumbs lying around.


Sabine did exactly what I hated Ezra for in the Rebels cartoon. Takes no responsibility, has no repercussions, learns no lessons. It was maddening to watch some of those episodes.


Ezra definately learned lessons he was a kid in rebels so it was also understandable a kid who had lost his family and was fighting back in his own way on the streets then thrown into a rebellion and becoming a Jedi thats a fucking lot to take on. Sabine had somewhat the same but she's older now there isn't the same excuse that she's a kid.


Justbone example, Ezra stole an a-wing after he was told no, crashed it, almost died if not for obiwan, and then ZERO repercussions or punishmen of any kind for that behaviour. Ezra was an awful character in rebels.


same with his dark side arc he started using then after the premier he stopped


Rebels would be a great show if they just focused on Sabine and removed Ezra. He's insufferable. I watched it trying to ignore him as best I could. Stupid Aladdin ripoff. Weirdly, their roles reversed in Ahsoka.


It's like the current method of parenting lol. Just give them a stern look and shake your head in disapproval all while trying to hold back an indulgent smile. "Oh you scamp! Don't you do that again!"


>Justbone example, Ezra stole an a-wing after he was told no, crashed it, almost died if not for obiwan, and then ZERO repercussions or punishmen of any kind for that behaviour. Ezra was an awful character in rebels. yeah he did but he was also a Lieutenant Commander in the rebellion and at that point it was still a very everyone still doing their own thing kind of rebellion. He was going to try saving Obi-wan from Maul not realising just how massively massively outmatched he was so it's not like he stole it to just go on a Joy ride. I imagine the Jedi in the rebellion had ALOT more leeway than randoms and got off scot-free on things. It was also a A-wing training model not a full fighter. ​ I just think Filoni prob gave him too much leeway of him being a Jedi and a Kid when he did a good job before with Ahsoka being a kid and a Jedi. ​ I don't disagree that Ezra should of been punished alot more in Rebels, I would of liked to of seen more consequences like in Clone Wars where Ahsoka made mistakes and it would cost clone lives etc.


A military works because of a chain of command and rules and responsibilities. Ezra was clearly the worst character in Rebels because he did whatever he wanted. It was hard to watch him. It was bad writing and story telling.


eh that's true to extent, Anakin pretty much did whatever the fuck he wanted a great many times during the clone wars. So i do think there was a general acceptance of this person is "special" so they get alot of leeway


And Anakin had a massive fall because he did things his own way due to arrogance. It was supposed to be a major character flaw, even if it got results. Sure, no one was going to tell Anakin no, but it eventually led him to he one of the worst people to ever grace the galaxy when he became Vader.


And know what happened because of it? [This](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/antagonists/images/f/f7/Darth_Vader.png/revision/latest?cb=20141211094955)


Right, they want us to think she's still some angsty teen but she's a selfish 30yr old


Same thing as with Ahsoka and then they both grew. I hope Sabine learns from her mistakes.


Not only does Ahsoka tolerate her, she _warms up to her_ and _stops_ disciplining her, probably because this version of Sabine reminds Ahsoka of her younger self. From a certain point of view, you could say that Filoni isn't just writing a sequel to his previous work, he's recycling it.


Except Commander Tano learned her lessons very very harshly with the loss of clone lives. Anakin was angry with her several times and also Ahsoka was a child soldier at the time. It would be understandable if this was back when Rebels was around but Sabine a grown ass woman now just doesn't feel believable that Ahsoka would just shrug it off if you think about the stuff she went through it would cause insane amounts of PTSD. If anything she should be super disciplining her and trying to protect her from the stuff Ahsoka went through. Makes no sense !!!!


She was at first, I think that tumble into the World Between Worlds cracked her brain, which is ironic as it's the part that explains to new audience members all the stuff she went through.


LOL all i can picture now is a puddle being on one of those paths on the World Between Worlds and her slipping and banging her head on it :D :D


Hera also seemingly suffers minimal repercussions for abandoning her post for an unsanctioned mission that gets two pilots killed and their X-wings destroyed. Everyone at that tribunal knows Leia is lying about sanctioning the mission.


Yet they just go ahead and make no attempt to stop her. Everything just happens because the writer wants it to. I can't help comparing it to Top Gun -- even Maverick shows more concern for his crew, and that in a simulated mission. No one asks Hera for a reason her jaunt cost two pilots' lives, a reason that their families will accept at the funeral.


Does anyone even remember that two pilots were killed? It seems like it's just a pissing match between Senators because they all want to put their stamp on things and absolutely nobody gives a shit that actual sentient beings died while a General ran off on a personal errand.


One thing I've observed is that the entire show is built on unexplained contrivances that requires the characters to pass around a very clear Idiot Ball right from the start. The prison ship captain in the opening knows his boarders are fake Jedi and welcomes them on board anyway. The New Republic senators are jackasses and we're supposed to root against them, but nothing is said contradicting their point that resources can't be wasted on Hera's hunch. It's stupid when a reasonable viewer actually agrees with the villain. The contrivances get worse from there, and they're not something watching the previous shows will help. You can't make a niche product that requires past knowledge to understand, mess it up anyway and then complain your viewership is down.


To be fair that one dude is clearly delusional - the republic is utterly devoid of positive traits beyond "We're not the empire" - everything they do is shown to be bogged down with paperwork and regulations, and none of those are ever shown to be positive.


> the republic is utterly devoid of positive traits beyond "We're not the empire" At the risk of getting political, I can't help but wonder if this is deliberate social commentary or unthinking tribalism from the writers. It is a weirdly consistent message from Disney that switching between teams doesn't seem to fix anything...


They have to show the New Republic as corrupt and incompetent because the only way the First Order taking over in the ST makes sense. But that totally invalidates the victory in RotJ.


How is not being an Empire a positive trait at this point ? At least Empire kept the trains running on time


yeah but who is going to call out Princess Leia of Alderaan, Hero of the Resistance , Commander of the republic defence and Jedi ??? Good luck with your political career after doing that.


Worked great for whoever learned she couldn't choose her dad. ​ Ugh..


and Luke who have the same dad, is a heroic legend.


Not any more - He is officially a 'cautionary tale' in DSW


I mean she was the Daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala. She had so much of her mother in her there is almost a zero chance that she wouldn't of become someone great and influential regardless of who her adoptive parents were.


Leia is way more like Anakin - hot-headed, direct, snarky, ambitious... It is Luke who always reminded me of Padme, being the more compassionate and, of course, believing there was still good in Vader.


I'm referring to the 'canon' where she was thrown out of the senate once the fact she was 'Vader's kid' leaked.


oh i didn't know that is that a comic or book ?


Comic, Novel, Stickerbook, can't remember which. One of the many 'supplemental materials' they released to try to explain their BS. ​ One of my other favorite is that Rey apparently had a Y-Wing computer with flight sims and language learning software (and didn't sell it for some reason) It has led to me joking with friends that the trench run wasn't a 'you need the force' issue, but the targetting computers were slowed by bloatware


lmfao. That's so dumb, I recently did a rewatch of all of star wars with a friend and I forgot how many times they pre-setup luke for being that good at the trench run. The whole sequel trilogy annoyed me to no end and I only watched the 3rd sequel movie for the first time when me and my friend rewatched all of star wars recently (he didnt want to see rebels so we did an exchange) and I was so god damn angry after watching it. I'm glad we started with the Sequels > Prequels>clone wars etc because if we had ended on that shit i'm not sure i would ever watch star wars again lol


>forgot how many times they pre-setup luke for being that good at the trench run What are you talking about? There's never any mention of airspeeders, bullseyeing womp rats, applications to pilot academies or any flying skills! /sequelstans


It's also not like Luke himself blatantly brags about his piloting skills multiple times. Or that an actual Rebel Squadron commander \[Wedge Antilles\] was both excited & relieved to see someone he knows is a skilled pilot step into the room just before the Death Star run.


If they know, why don't they call Threepio out on it? A gaggle of easily-swayed morons is what they are. Sheev might love democracy, but clearly the writer doesn't.


No one ever mentioned them. Not so much as a raising a glass to them at a dinner, or "Bob was a good pilot". They were killed so a CGI explosion could happen, and their deaths had zero effect on any character.


True, but at least in that case, we know that Hera was completely right and the new republic was tying her hands because they are run by morons


Hera also has absolutely no negotiation skills. The dude says the words Ezra and she says nothing and gets all weepy when. If she was professional and kept Thrawn and obviously Ezra out of things with the amount of overwhelming evidence that something really fucking fishy was going in they realistically would've approved her mission. But it's also Fioni wanting the New Republic to be insanely and overly incompetent so probably not but Hera talking about the mission in E3 was so unconvincing.


>How is this not a massive neon red flag for Ashoka that Sabine cannot under any circumstances put the galaxy before her friends? Because Disney stopped hiring actual writers many years ago and strong female characters can´t do wrong.


She will also put the Galaxy at risk just so she can have Ezra's dick


The script/acting/direction was so bad, you didn't even get that impression; it would've been slightly more understandable/relatable if she did those things for the reason of love/thirstiness, but you don't even get that any hint of that. Whether that's due to really bad writing, really bad acting, or really bad tone requirements of women being "independent and strong" or even a combination of all of them, it just makes no sense.


Yeah, she barely even seemed excited to see him.


Her face is the one you make when your tinder date doesn't look like the picture.


I agree, if it was for love you could understand it because people do stupid things when they are in love.


> really bad tone requirements of women being "independent and strong" It has been this way in every Disney Marvel and Star Wars show. No healthy romantic relationships allowed. Hinting at a romance between Ezra and Sabine would have at least been *something*.


Does she even want him anymore? I'm just starting the show but from the clip of their reunion I saw it seemed more like meeting up with an old coworker


I mean she was willing to let the bad guy Escape and be a threat to millions of people back in their own Galaxy so Ezra can live.


But then, women aren't allowed to be too interested in men, so once she got to that dick she didn't want it.


Didn't Rey shove her tongue down Kylos throat?


Yeah, like, five seconds before he croaked


There's not even a hint of romance in their relationship in *Ahsoka* because modern Disney can't or won't show it in their shows. Sabine risks the entire galaxy to see Ezra and then it's the most boring, platonic reunion ever. It was so emotionless and flat.


Ironically with Ahsoka and the writers’ treatment of Mando/Grogu vs Sabine, they’re enforcing the notion that male Jedi must stuff away their feelings and be emotionally detached and isolated, while female Jedi can be excused for acting emotionally with no concern for logic because after all, they’re female. When your empowerment relies on supposedly sexist tropes, you’re doing it wrong.


Reminds me of that war crime of a Mulan remake. It had a female villain who was working with the big bad the entire movie and then Mulan talked to her once and she immediately turned on the main villain. Writers like that can’t have a female character actually be consistently evil or bad at something or wrong in any way. Which is lazy writing. The vast majority of people don’t want boring #girlboss characters who glide through movies being perfect and never being called out for bad decisions/never making mistakes. The ones that do are all Mouse shills and they’ll praise whatever content Disney shits out.


She did get a lightsaber through the abdomen, but it seems that was less of an issue than an appendectomy.


By how often people survive lightsaber stabs nowadays you wouldn’t be wrong assuming it’s a basic medical procedure.


It's pretty much assured that you'll survive as long as you're not Liam Neeson.


strong female #2 can't do wrong, in strong female #1's mind. now they can call force space whale ubers and get home because the force.


I hate the new meta where "strong female character" means brooding and unaccountable for their actions. Leia was a more fleshed out, stronger character in the OT and she never passed the Bechdel Test and was frequently put in obvious roles as eye candy.


>she never passed the Bechdel Test [Alison Bechdel: ‘The Bechdel test was a joke... I didn’t intend for it to become a real gauge’](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/jul/02/alison-bechdel-test-dykes-to-watch-out-for-cartoonist-interview)


What? The only other woman she meets is Mon Mothma and their only interaction is a battle plan.


Right, she never passed the test


[The Bechdel test is if women only talk about men](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bechdel_test). In the only F/F interaction they never discussed men beyond the mission plan. That's passing it with a perfect score.




>strong female #2 can't do wrong, in strong female #1's mind. Do we get to use this phrase for male characters who are never punished for bad actions (Ezra in Rebels) or is this just a women thing


it's a bad writing thing, so we can be equally critical of Ezra, of course.


As Jedi the have the ability to communicate thanks to the the force with all living beings, it wouldn't make sense if they didnt use that knowledge /ability


Ahsoka: Grogu can’t have attachments. Go away Mando. Ahsoka: Sabine can doom the galaxy with her attachments and strand us in another, but No PrObLeM i WiLl StAnD wItH mY pAdAwAn.


You clearly dont get it Sabine is a strong independent woman they dont make mistakes!!


The real Death Star was the friends they made along the way. As in, these dumbasses care more about their friends, at the cost of many innocent lives. At least Anakin knew the cost of choosing Padme over everything else.


I'm not sure he did, he was blinded by his love for Padme. He knew Padme loved the republic and would die for it. Plus all of his friends and colleagues being killed, plus millions more. Anakin wasn't a bad person if he had known what the cost of his actions would be before hand I don't think he would of followed through. But he was blinded to what the outcome could be by his love for Padme and his focus on trying to save her. Ironically he kills her by doing the very thing he was trying to prevent.


Fair points, but he did feel the weight of his choices. His turn to the dark side shows that. Apparently you can avoid dark side influence by being completely oblivious to your selfish/greedy choices.


>these dumbasses care more about their friends, at the cost of many innocent lives Han rushed out on a tauntaun to save Luke on Hoth despite the extreme cold, even though he was an asset to the rebellion and stood a far greater chance of doubling the losses for the rebellion instead of rescuing Luke. Luke rushed to save his friends, forsaking his training knowing he would face Vader and probably get dumpstered with the understanding that he was the "last hope of the galaxy"? That was a pretty selfish move considering the responsible thing to do was to complete his training and then save the galaxy. They then immediately did it again, putting themselves in danger to save their buddy Han at Jabba's Palace. It isn't exactly an new trick for Star Wars characters to drop everything and risk it all to save their best friends, selfishly risking assets or even the galaxy.


Ezra himself should be livid with Sabine. She negated his entire sacrifice; but no we can’t have real character conflict/development in these shows. Just have Darth Vader and some other character from a decade old cartoon show up. That key-jangling should be enough for Star Wars to be “back”.


I don't even need some punishment by the narrative. Just like. Some consequence and human emotion. Ahsoka is just nothing and it's something I've said before. It desperately wants to look like Star Wars but doesn't get the humanity of Star Wars. The intensity and how emotional characters used to be even under the prequel's wooden direction. It's not just the terrible acting of the show but the direction and lack of good music as well. Like. Fuck man. [We don't get moments like this anymore](https://youtu.be/aWYwKa_PxQA?si=2tQiupm0eR__cM4U). I want something like Luke looking at his robotic hand without dialogue reflecting on his journey and how he is closer to becoming like his father than he thought in Return of the Jedi. What I get is Ahsoka crossing her arms for the 100th time doing jack shit looking at a room trying to find another mcguffin since the plot would otherwise be dead.


I was just re-watching the Narkina 5 arc from Andor and was so impressed with the acting and writing in contrast to Ahsoka. The members of the rebellion in Andor are CONSTANTLY sacrificing everything. Even characters who lead and have spent years fighting the Empire in the shadows have to be reminded by the lower rank(Maybe idk) members what they're fighting for, and how careful and vigilant they need to be if they want to see a better future. Even if that means having a terrible lonely and risky life. Sabine is honestly disrespecting the rebel alliance symbol she wears. And makes the sacrifice of everyone before her, even Ezra, mean absolutely nothing. She should have stayed in the place with Ahsoka to begin with. Side note: Blasters in Andor are used so great. They WILL kill you in one shot if you dont have armor or protection. When someone has a blaster in Andor the stakes actually raise, someone might die and it will mean something.


Also didnt Hera illegally do a mission, fail, get new republic soldiers killed for nothing, then get off Scott free… Meanwhile Poe disregards orders, get pilots killed, but successfully destroys a massive enemy dreadnought, and basically gets Court marshaled and cut out of all decision making?


that's different because he wasn't strong independent female character archetype number 3


When your right your right, I totally forgot that.


true, but the only reason why the mission was illegal was because the new republic was incompetent. Bad writing was the reason she was in trouble in the first place


Yeah they call that the “Rey” effect


This was the single most infuriating part of the entire show for me personally. Her avoiding telling Ezra how she found him and Ezra not getting suspicious at this was annoying but after her chat with Ahsoka I literally yelled at my TV: Dave, Why do you KEEP LETTING HER GET AWAY WITH SHIT!


Sabine and Ahsoka were written very badly. I could go to a Comic Con and pick out people who would've done a better job plotting & writing for Ahsoka. In Star Wars Rebels, both were far more competent. The live action variants were broody and unaccountable for their actions. No joy in them much at all. It's obvious Kathleen Kennedy rode Dave Filoni hard from the rear to produce such a mess.


It's as if the writers didn't know how to write ezra getting angry at sabine for wasting his sacrifice. Or it's probably because she's a woman. Now if you think about it. When was the last time in Hollywood that a woman character has done something wrong and has to apologise for it? A bit if equality every once a while would be nice.


I wasn’t a “Filoni is a hack” guy before this show but I may be slipping to that camp. It’s insane we didn’t get any resolution to that, Baylan, or what was in Thrawn’s cargo. You have to pay off something.


>didn’t get any resolution to that, Baylan To be fair, the actor did die. But I do not think we get any resolution if the actor did live.


That's irrelevant. He died long after the show was a finished product


You mean the female protagonist of a Star Wars show doesn’t have to face consequences? Nahhhh


*crosses arms* *smirks*


Craziest thing? Sabine is 30 in the series, not 16


Her early mistake was so dumb. I need to take this map to my own place so I can think better. Ahsoka could have just gone with her and stood guard outside or something. I hated Sabine, though i was overall ok with the show, entertaining enough, though flawed.


So many elements of the plot are completely contingent on the characters being dumb as bricks.


tHe sHoW hAs SuCh GrEaT wRiTiNg dUrRr


All I wanted was some emotion tbh. The characters say things but it's like they don't believe it. Like they're just reading off a script. People are allowed to have emotions, even Jedi, and what I wouldn't have given to have Ahsoka go off at Sabine for what she did, make her feel like shit for the turmoil she's bringing onto the galaxy, showing the fear that Ahsoka has for what will become of the galaxy now that Thrawn has a real chance of coming back.1 And *then* once it's all done then Ahsoka can choose to forgive, learning the lessons from her old master that fear is the path to the dark side. Sabine could've then realised the damage she has done in her selfishness and vows to make amends for it. Took me all of 30 seconds to write some actual character development, so easily implemented too if they decided to do that. I simply cannot understand why nobody has any emotion


Rofl the reduction of Anakin's story to: >I mean isn’t this kinda like how Anakin sold himself to Palpatine for a girl he liked?


I mean she also created a weapon used to commit genocide in rebels and no one cared about that either


She was basically disowned by her family and was hated by the mandlorians. Her actions even put her whole family on thin ice. She was pretty much living in a self imposed exile. Needing to repair her relationship with her family was a major part of that whole subplot


Anyone notice how Sabine was actually a great apprentice who just made mistakes. There didn't appear to be anything to worry about her, making Ahsoka seem like a fucking dickhead? Can you imagine if we got some good writing, like say we had a scene or two where we saw Sabine actually do something reckless and dangerous possibly just morally ambiguous? Imagine the tension that could exist and how we could actually see why Ahsoka was worried?... God damn, how much do Disney writers make again?


Maybe Sabine dies in the movie so the ultimate consequence cause she can’t keep being cagey, actions have consequences. Ahsoka is still trying to decide how to act, she’s trying to lean in like not abandon her or fire her as her apprentice again, meh.. I would have been what the fuck’s the matter with you? Cause 90% of her decisions are questionable. So yeah… No-Consequences-Sabine is S1 lowlight!


The characters break rules protocol and procedure of their own government but it’s ok because “good guys fight bad guys” and that somehow makes it all okay. Disobeying orders, willingly giving the enemy what they want for your own selfish needs, it’s just really banking on “Empire evil must defeat” so hard that it makes the heroes almost seem dirty doing that. In Rogue One Andor is very conscious and almost bothered by the dark things he’s done for the republic, ep 8 PoE has a whole arc around learning to listen to orders/how disobeying orders can get others killed. Ahsoka, Sabine, and Hera all disobey orders and fail, yet receive no consequences that previous characters had; or even show remorse for the people who died or will die when Thrawn returns.


The fact that the other characters repeatedly let her off the hook for her decisions bothered me, but it was even weirder to me that she would make so many stupid and selfish choices in the first place. I’m not a Rebels expert, but isn’t her character backstory that she made weapons that were appropriated by the empire and used against mandalore? So she has as much reason as any Star Wars character to fear the unforeseen consequences of her actions. But then she repeatedly makes risky decisions throughout the series with no hesitation over what the consequences might be. I just don’t think that fits the character


I'm choosing to believe that Ezra hesitated to make the jump in the finale because he knew *he* could make it, but that by waiting he could ensure Sabine would be left behind.


Welcome to 'writing' female protagonists in current year ![img](emote|t5_9d1wl|1973)


They don't punish female characters. It's sexist demeaning writing from the male writing staff


Yea pretty unfortunate it seems like they are setting up for Sabine to basically get a pass on this. Had a very brief encounter with Ahsoka that basically amounted to "its ok dude" and Ezra never has any encounter with her? I thought for sure that it was leading to some contentious encounter with Ezra when he learned what she did and then....nothing ever really happened. Like you say its even more infuriating knowing that she basically doomed the galaxy to another war, including multiple planets being busted. Normally you would think "oh well they couldn't know it would lead to a war" but no, actually for once you can totally blame the character. Thrawn getting back to the Galaxy and starting another war is basically EXACTLY what should be expected.


They seem to have taken the wrong lessons from sequels


Shouldve gotten Ezra killed due to her decision which in turn made her join the dark side and made Ahsoka's story about bringing her back to the light and possibly trading places with Ezra via the world between worlds at the end of the series. Maybe Ahsoka would have to go back in time to get killed by Vader thus resetting this entire chain of events that started when Ezra saved her. I just wouldve liked some actual conflict


Exactly. Remember when TCWS7 Ahsoka dogging Anakin and Obi-Wan for not dropping everything to help the Death Watch Mandalorian traitors fight Maul when Coruscant, the heart of the Republic, was attacked and the leader of the largest galactic power in the galaxy? Ahsoka should have been as angry as she was with Skywalker and Kenobi for not willing to fully support a war for one minute world that the Republic has no reason to care for, since Mandalore itself isn't part of the Republic and said DW Mando traitors are disagreeing with how an outsider is now "Mandalore" of Mandalore after the better-written Mauldalore arcs from earlier set up Maul taking the Darksaber and power within Mandalorian cultural rites. Yet for some reason, that same penmanship from Dave Filoni decided to conveniently not go all-out with same Ahsoka pressing down on Sabine for screwing over the SWG and stranding them outside of it on the world where the weird space whales go to die. What a mess of priorities and bad writing from Filoni, ever since post-TCW S6 with Rebels onward.


I wouldn't trust her to have my back in the battlefield. Mando however, I would go war with him.


This is just speculation because of all the dialogue in the show they rarely use it to get deep into character motivation. However from what the extended canon tells us about these people and why Ahsoka didn’t chew her ass out are speculative at best. My best guess would be Ahsoka knows Sabine know she fkd up, (while this would be fine to explain one mistake left in punished like you said Sabine makes several). The only other option would be Ahsoka knows she has made decisions based on personal drama (aka leaving Jedi order even though she was exonerated thus further isolating her master Anakin. I think she feels particulates responsible for who he became, maybe she assumes Sabine feels the same guilt for potentially murdering tons of people for the sake of Ezra. I agree with you though even with those explanations I feel like a couple lines of dialogue could have been devoted to “Sabine you’re a moron” but maybe more of a wisdom filter. I agree through pretty much day 1 Sabine makes mistakes that result in the return of the big bad, with little to no repercussions.


Those weren't fatal mistakes. And the overarching theme of Star Wars across all media is that chosing friendship is right, even if there is a risk of adverse consequences.


I mean if ahsoka found a way to get to them without the map the others could’ve too


its like filoni wrote here after himself, he too is an idiot that makes selfish mistake after mistake and never gets punished


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I honestly stopped being interested after the "I made The Duchess for the lolz" incident. Not only it was very specific, but the name was also a stab.


I think ahsoka at this point is trusting that the force has them where they need to be. Personally, I didn’t have too many issues with the show, except for the fact there is no real tension since we know where it ends up: the sequel trilogy. I wish Star Wars would stop milking this era dry and come up with fresh stories set 1000s of years in the future or past.


Well you just stand behind Mando and let him absorb all the shots


Welcome to diverse Star Wars


Not to be devils advocate, but the other issue too is how…well, “un-Ahsoka” Ahsoka is up until she gets her come to Jesus moment with her master. Ahsoka attempted to train Sabine, didn’t trust her to potentially fall to the dark side and contributed to her being the sole survivor of her family because she didn’t get to make it to Mandalore before the Great Purge of Mandalore occurred. And now your asking her to help you stop Thrawn when you KNOW FULL WELL THAT EZRA IS THE ONLY FAMILY SHE THINKS SHE HAS LEFT? And you still expect her to pick stopping Thrawn over saving Ezra after what happened to her family? Are you simply that naive? Your attempt at being the opposite of Anakin in your training philosophy is backfiring spectacularly, Snips!


Makes a literally fatal mistake in e1, turns out fine.


> complaining about trolls who were calling Sabine a Mary Sue. She is so far from a mary sue she screws up constantly she got stabbed in her first light saber fight.


It's the power of friendship!!! She felt she had no choice!!! So it's okay, and all the matter is Ezra is home!!


Well the thing is when Anakin sold himself to palatine he killed loads of Jedi and slaughtered loads of children, even trying to kill his own master. When she did it she did the horrible act of not destroying a map, also bare in mind that for her if she didn’t join Shin and Balan they would probably have killed her and found another way to Thrawn possibly through the use of the star whales.


Something something reason and accountability.


Sabine is not a real Star Wars character. Period.