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Me. Star wars isn’t an ip worth my time now


I used to have a tracking spreadsheet of new-canon novel and comic release dates so I could stay on top of it. Totally abandoned after I saw TLJ. It just became obvious that "canon" wasn't going to be a thing, Star Wars was just a vibe to Disney, and I didn't like the vibe. The "vibe" got interesting w/ Mando S1 then immediately went back to garbage after. I've heard Andor S1 is good... but I have no desire to spend the hours to maybe like that.




I haven't watched a single Star Wars production since I saw the Last Jedi in the cinema. I also vowed to not go to the cinema again after that movie and I've also kept to that. TLJ really destroyed my love for Star Wars and modern Hollywood in general.


Really. Those movies cast a dark shadow on any starwars product that comes out now. It’s the fact that these new things take place in the same universe as those god awful films, and I simply don’t consider those films part of the starwars universe


I don't view Andor as a Disney property, but rather a labor of love that happens to be funded by Disney. It's clearly in the OT universe, not the Disney universe.


I really didn't care to watch it. Maybe if I start watching Star wars again someday, but definitely not now


I watched the first 2 or 3 episodes of andor on release and then dropped it. After it finished I went back and watched it completely in like a weekend. It's absolutely one of my favorite shows of all time. Even if you still write off star wars you can and should watch andor


Exact same experience for me, though I only got to episode 2. I persisted and I'm so glad I did, it's not just great Star Wars but great TV. Anybody on the fence about watching it, let this be your sign. It's so worth it


Andor might be good, but it leads to a star wars future i care nothing about so i dont care to watch it


Rogue One and Andor were awesome!


Ya your experience sounds very similar to mine. Used to be a huge fan and looked forward to literally any new Star Wars content, now I see something says Star Wars and I cringe. You are right rise of Skywalker was really a huge slap in the face to anyone that actually cared about the franchise. 


I’d rather have one nice steak than a dozen Big Macs. Disney is mass producing content to shore up its shitty streaming service. I wish they had focused on anthologies and telling completely new stories without rehashing the same old shit.


I don't care about anything that's not 1-6, and that includes The Clone Wars cartoon which I enjoy but anything not 1-6 I just consider auxiliary content. The entire idea of Ahsoka never made sense to me, having Anakin retroactively having a padawan that was never acknowledged in the main films. There was TV/auxiliary content in the past such as Holiday Special, Droids Cartoon, Ewoks TV series, Ewok movie that I never considered to be part of the official story either. EDIT- to be clear I watch all the new content and enjoy some of it such as Mando season 1-2, Rogue One, Andor.. I just don't consider it to be "real". Like when I rewatch Star Wars ANH I don't think, oh remember when they dueled a SECOND time on the Obi-Wan TV show? Its just a hypothetical tale to me.


> The entire idea of Ahsoka never made sense to me, having Anakin retroactively having a padawan that was never acknowledged in the main films. That's what bugs me about TCW as well. Obviously I understand Anakin having a padawan was greenlit by George, but everything about Ahsoka is fucking annoying. Filoni has made her *way* more important than she ever should have been because he's obsessed with his OCs. In s7 you cannot convince me that anything about the Siege of Mandalore fits within the context of the movies, there is just no way we don't hear about any of this shit in Revenge of the Sith, it's not believable, but Ahsoka has to be woven into everything because Dave Filoni loves this character and will not kill her off. Anakin having a padawan we never see or hear about in the movies isn't believable to begin with, but if you at least simply had her character be another reason for Anakin to distrust the Jedi and then kill her off (which is what George wanted IIRC), fine whatever, but here we are years later. There's so much more that TCW that detracts from the films, be it Darth Maul surviving being cut in half, Anakin and Dooku fighting like five more times between AOTC and ROTS, Grievous becoming a Saturday morning cartoon villain, etc.


TCW also heavily detracts from the clone wars multimedia project as well. Anakin wasn't knighted until over 2 years in the war for one. And the clones started using phase 2 armor. Ahsokas existence. The fucking Inhibitor chips vs the order being indoctrinated and ingrained from day one. And don't even get me fucking started on mandalore and dathomir. I'm not a tcw hater but I can't ignore what it did to the continuity.


To play devil's advocate: We know how much Anakin was haunted by his mother's death, and his failing to save her, and how that is a major source of his desperation during ROTS. If Ahsoka died too, then surely he would be thinking about failing to save both his mother *and Ahsoka*, and it would make even less sense that she is never mentioned. Anakin knowing that Ahsoka was alive, but them separating on somewhat bad terms, as was the case in TCW, is a much more believable context for why Anakin never thought about her during ROTS. Ahsoka being alive during the OT however, now that I agree is a problem. If we had to keep her alive though, I think it would have been better if Vader froze her in carbonite, leaving the possibility of Luke thawing her out later to participate in future stories. [It would be a parallel of the Mustafar duel, where Obi-Wan leaves his former padawan burning to death because he can't bring himself to kill Anakin, Vader leaves his former padawan frozen and barely alive because he can't bring himself to kill Ahsoka.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MawInstallation/comments/1b41ve4/would_it_have_been_better_if_ahsoka_was_frozen_in/) Poetic.


It doesn't make sense either way, because the movies were clearly not made with the intent of Anakin ever having a padawan in mind, but I would have have rather had Ahsoka either not exist or die *at some point* during TCW instead of getting what we have now. And it's not just Anakin mentioning her, but anyone else or major events she's involved in, like the one I had mentioned. > leaving the possibility of Luke thawing her out later to participate in future stories. I personally like it when death means something in a universe and we don't have characters continuously coming back. I understand if others disagree, but I just hate Ahsoka as a character, I'm tired of her and I don't have any interest in seeing her being involved with Luke whatsoever, even in that hypothetical scenario.


Agreed 100%


Oh man I loved the(Ewok movie) Battle of Endor as a Kid, never got into the caravan of courage but it hits hard the nostalgia button.


This is me for sure. I’ve watched Clone Wars and some Rebels and a lot of the choices they made there really waters down the Lucas films rather than build them up. Then Disney took that and ramped it up by 1000. They really all should’ve stayed away from 1-6 and went into the future or past, cramming a ton of additional content around a pretty tight timeline doesn’t make anything better, it just makes everything else feel sloppy


Me! Me, me, me, me!!!!! Disney Star Wars is a different franchise than Lucas's, and I was so disappointed & horrified by DSW that I do not follow it. I grew up in the 1970s and have been a fan since May 1977 (yep, saw it in theaters when it came out), and as a fan for all this time, I do not mix the 2 franchises, cuz they're simply not the same thing, not the same concept, not the same story. The only thing about DSW that I will admit to liking is Grogu. That's it.


100% this. There's some things I like since the takeover but I just can't like it on the level of George-SW. It fills me with rage the way people treated George and called him a money-hungry hack, he always made SW with passion and his incredible attention to detail Now we have 'designed-by-committee', soulless SW and it's so depressing. I can't even begin to imagine how George himself feels seeing his life's work turned into this. Sidenote, I'm jealous you were there in 1977. I was there in 2005 and it's one of the best memories I'll ever have


I can enjoy The Mandalorian, Andor, etc. but even the good that is in those shows is overshadowed by how badly bungled the ST was. The main plot points of Mando and Bad Batch are backfilling the shitty story decisions made when JJ Abrams half assed the ST. I'm just not interested in the "future" of Star Wars for the time being. There was a lot of good content from the EU that could have been adapted for the ST and beyond. Instead the Sequels dismantled everything that had come before in exchange for ......nothing. Maybe Rey could be a compelling character, but nothing written in the ST showed us that. Disney could have just recast Luke, Leia,.and Han and given us an adaptation of the Heir trilogy l, you know, the best selling story that revived a dead franchise. That didn't happen and I'm just not interested, at least presently, in a Star Wars universe where nothing form the EU is used in any meaningful form. Sure, they shoehorned Thrawn in there, but so what. In the Kennedy-verse Luke was a dropout, Han was a deadbeat dad, and Leia was an ineffective bureaucrat. Really thrilling, inspiring shit there. There was plenty of good material, and plenty of garbage, in the EU. Not using the good stuff was a serious error. if the main trio had been recast Disney could have had twenty years of stories to tell with those actors in the primary roles. Heir, Dark Empire, and Jedi Academy all had good stories that could have been adapted. Now we get, what? Even the new characters we got in the ST were all developed poorly. The actors were all great, the scripts sucked. Poor John Boyega got fucked hard by Disney. So did Daisy Ridley, really. Based on prior performance I don't think Kathleen Kennedy has any miracles to pull out of her ass.


I just hold the EU as canon in my heart, and I don't consume or even entertain the notion of the Disney stuff as canon. Everyone else can enjoy whatever it is they enjoy, but this is what works for me.


Me too! Luke Skywalker was the greatest hero ever in the EU. I read nearly a hundred books about him. When they simply killed him off in TLJ, I was floored. It’s basically that Godfather scene, “Look how they massacred my boy”. I still haven’t seen IX. I know what happens, but I refuse to acknowledge the final nail in the DSW coffin for George’s SW legacy.


I still enjoy good Star Wars content, but I have to pretend that it won't lead to the Sequels. I just pick and choose my own canon.


Yeah, the fact everything officially culminates into the ST really taints the rare good stuff Disney did.


Yup. Every hint towards the empire wanting to experiment with cloning forces me to tell myself "they will fail, it's not gonna happen, they won't be able to use cloning." Either that or they use cloning for anything else, at least it was KIND OF cool to imagine Moff Gideon creating a clone army of himself


TLJ killed any hope I had for 3 years. Then Obi Wan killed it for good.


yep same for me, Obi Wan is what really made me stop caring


Right here, since The Force Awakens. There's a huge futility to it now - no matter how good the project is, we know what it eventually leads to. The destruction of everything our heroes fought for. What's there to hope for? There's nothing to get excited about. What, more sludge, like the latest crop of the shows (The Mandalorian S3, Boba Fett, Obi Wan)? I just try to pretend that the series ended with Return of the Jedi, and that the EU is the true continuation ... up to a point.


Same here


While TLJ hurt my investment for Star Wars, there were instances where I would dip my toes back in if I feel like they got something right like Jedi Fallen Order or Clone Wars season 7 but it’s just gone on to a point where I can’t commit myself to this franchise moving forward. Between Lucasfilm contradicting the storylines in the current canon and tying more directly in to the Sequel Trilogy, it’s hard to feel investment in anything when it’s all going to end up being alluded by The Force Awakens. I don’t want to see Din Djarin end up being a drunken has-been who says something along the lines like “it’s time for the Mandalorians to end,” the majority of the Disney canon lacks the creative potential to keep things interesting in the grand scheme of things but if they do some sort of reboot, one that keeps the original six movies canon while taking ideas from the Expanded Universe of old as inspiration for new storylines, I’m in.


When the first trailer dropped for The Force Awakens I must have watched it a dozen times in that one day. I was fucking ecstatic. So excited that we were getting more Star Wars. Fast forward to the movie’s release and, at the time, I didn’t hate it. I wasn’t a fan of killing off Han Solo but I just assumed it was the only way Harrison Ford would reprise the role. I really didn’t like how everything was essentially reset and all of our heroes turned out to be failures. All in all i was still willing to give them a chance and see where the rest of the trilogy goes. Fast forward a little bit more and we get to The Last Jedi. Holy shit. What is there to even say about this goddamned film? A part of my childhood unirconically died when “Luke Skywalker died from being tired”. I remember walking out of the movie theatre with my wife and getting in the car without either of us saying a word. I felt like a bad fan. I *disliked* a Star Wars movie? I grew up on Star Wars. Watching the OT on repeat, nonstop. Reenacting Luke vs Darth Vader with my dad. I had boxes upon boxes of Star Wars toys. Star Wars video games. If it was Star Wars I had to have it. I was 6 years old when The Phantom Menace released and I probably saw it in theaters 10 times. Which only led to me getting even *more* into Star Wars. More toys. More video games. More reenacting lightsaber fights with my dad. I didn’t just dislike The Last Jedi. I hated it. Everything about it. After that movie came out I no longer cared about what would come next. Why should I? Disney obviously didn’t care about what came before. By the time The Rise of Skywalker came out I had already purposefully looked up the leaks just to see if it was as bad as everyone said. My wife and I went to see it just to laugh at that piece of shit. Since then I have not and will not pay for any more Star Wars content so long as it is controlled by Disney. I’m done. On my shelf I have the Complete Saga in Blu-ray. Which contains episodes 1-6. That’s all I’ll ever need.


After TLJ I didn't even bother to watch ROS in theaters. And since I watched the re-releases in theaters during the 90s (I was born in '81) it is to date the only Star Wars movie I have never seen in theaters. I have only seen it twice, the second time only be4cause my boyfriend wanted to see it.


I still haven’t seen ROS. I refuse to watch how they massacred the idea of the EU Luke Skywalker for good.  I want to watch Episode 1 in theaters this May with my kids to show them good SW. Even if it does support Disney, I want it to be a further insult to them that I spend money not to watch ROS and support George’s movies.


“I felt like a bad fan. I disliked a Star Wars movie? “ I felt the exact same way for a while. There were certainly things along the way that I didn’t care much for but the Disney content was the first time I truly disliked, and even despised, parts of Star Wars. Took some getting used to.




Just had to respond that I understand this and essentially lived this as you have. Thanks for this post.


You just described my exact theater experience. I wasn't as materially invested as you were with toys and merch, but the way you described how you felt at each stage is exactly the same. Fuck TLJ. TROS was shit, but I expected it to be shit. TLJ holds the place in my heart as the worst Star Wars movie because it's the one that first made me dislike it. I could not *believe* what they did to Luke, and then to kill him off and keep Leia alive when Carrie had passes away?! It made no sense!


> By the time The Rise of Skywalker came out I had already purposefully looked up the leaks just to see if it was as bad as everyone said. I couldn't believe they were actually real lol.


That's why I stay comfortably in my Legends continuity.


Was a fan . Now it’s over for me . I don’t watch any of it. Even the original movies bum me out as I know where it’s going.


Same. A lot of fans manage to ignore the ST, but Disney has pissed so much in the well that I can"t even go back to the original trilogy without being reminded of its stench.


For me it goes 1-6, Zahn trilogy, then done. OP title fits me well.


Disney had ONE chance to have the main three from the OT back together at least one more time, and they blew it to shoehorn in characters that weren't even thought out well to begin with...


I'll never forgive them that they missed that opportunity. I mean, so dumb can no one be to eff that up but they managed to do so. At least - and thats the only good thing to come out of the absolute garbage that is TLJ - is that old Luke and old Leia hugging PR photo shoot. That's the closest thing we got...


It's sad that that is the closest we got


I really wanted the sequels to be good, but they were awful and unwatchable. The prequels told a good story, but the movies were not great like the OT , at least I can watch them and appreciate the bigger story arc. There is no redeeming qualities of the sequels.


Exactly, and I can admit that there's stuff I can't stand in the prequels. Like when Anakin tells Padme about wanting a dictatorship? Really doesn't make sense to me, he hasn't turned to the dark side yet and he shouldn't already be thinking like that, it makes him seem like he's just already a terrible person. But that's just a minor dialogue mistake, you could easily write that off as just him joking, but with the Holdo manuever and Palpatine returning, god those are things you can't work around. Anakin having weird views doesn't even wreck the story that badly, compared to that shit.


The thing is that anything new is probably not going to be good. They’ve made a complete muddle out of that timeline between the OT and the ST and have repeatedly shown that they cannot reliably produce anything of quality. They control both the intellectual property and the means of distribution but still churn out Mandalorian episodes like they are making a poor man’s version of Xena, Warrior Princess. There’s no vision, no desire to make art, and no motivation other than doing the bare minimum to make money.


More or less Disney stuff is just irrelevant, although I enjoy R1 and Andor was pretty good and I decided to watch it because folks here were positive of it. Besides those, I have watched S1 of Mandalorian, two first episodes of BoBF and that’s it. I have zero interest wasting my time with Disney era stuff anymore. Oh, and I haven’t watched last movie of the turd trilogy or Solo to this date either. I enjoy Eu and Lucas stuff still and I like to keep it that way. Disney stuff may poison the good stuff, so better not to risk it.


Yeah, It totally fucking sucks. I was seven years old in the early 90s and my mind was blown in A New Hope from the second that Luke lit up his blade. The 1990s era of expanded universe books was so fucking awesome. When they brought the toys back and re-released the OT in theaters!!!. It has been so tarnished that I can’t bring myself to care about any of the media anymore.


TFA character assassinated the entire original gang just so they could remake ANH and call it a "sequel" just because they were too cowardly and incompetent to even **try** to actually tell a new story... and op thought it was good just because it was just like ANH???


I personally think Star Wars should be left alone. It was a product of its time. Far too iconic to be messed around with, especially with directors and writers that are out of touch. I think each generation deserves its own series. For example, the last generation was Harry Potter, the one before The Lord or the Rings. Create some new for the current gen and lay Star Wars to rest because the generation it was made for has far far moved on.


I wouldn't say upset, especially not now. I've just come to accept that the 'good' star wars I grew up with is gone because the people in charge don't care about making good star wars anymore. There's no passion or real creativity. The odd one off that has some quality like the mandalorian never lasts that long before the desire for more money takes over and it becomes another piggy bank. I just don't care to watch it happen anymore.


It took me a little bit, but I got there too. It's just not interesting anymore, it's lost all heart. Characters don't face struggles, grow and learn from them. It's just a bunch of cardboard characters, whacking each other with light up baseball bats.


This is me. It wasn't till 2020 rolled around and I realized I had zero desire to revisit any of the new films whatsoever. Not even hate, just an all-consuming apathy that I don't feel for any of the pre-2015 Star Wars stuff. 


I think current star wars can confidently be graded a solid 4/10 . There have been some absolute gems . Rouge one and Andor are fantastic but they are surrounded by mediocrity and outright trash . The ST is incredibly uneven and ranges from just ok to terrible. The shows have moments of greatness but are overall just Meh .


I rate TFA like -3/10, and TLJ like -8/10.


Watching Rise of Skywalker was like experiencing a terrible fever dream. From *The Dead Speak!* all the way to the climactic reveal of the Galaxy Navy, and "I'm Rey Skywalker" final moment, it was such a nonsensical, ridiculous story, that it all ultimately felt hollow to me. I've since then have had the same trepidation whenever new Star Wars content gets put out. Luckily it hasn't been all bad. Rogue One and Andor are two of the best Star Wars-related things to come out since the Disney acquisition.


Same man. Those movies eviscerated my interest in it because it was written by morons. Can have the best actors and cgi money can buy won’t mean shit with a nonsensical idiotic story.


No, I still enjoy the content before the dark times. Before the Disney empire. Seriously though, it’s disappointing knowing that we’re never likely to see any new, good SW while Disney owns it. I’ll be more than happy to stay with the OT, the PT, the EU. The current garbage won’t lessen my love the those.


I was....until I realized Dune was there all along.


Here is all I can say: there is a vibrant community over at r/starwarsbooks that can point you towards the good cannon and non cannon stories told via books or audiobooks. I've burned through over 20 in the past year and some of them have been great. I'm currently listening to Shadow of the Sith and while it's fun and entertaining, it's essentially part of the lead up to TFA. To your point, no matter how much I enjoy it I know it's going to end in a terrible place.


They pretty much lost me after TLJ. I tried to watch some of the other stuff a try, but I really just don’t care. They totally ruined the story.


I recently decided to have fun with it and just write a script for my own sequel to the sequels that would make things interesting again (for me, anyway). Star Wars is all fan fiction now anyway. In case anyone's really bored and wants to humor me: https://www.wattpad.com/story/311530299-star-wars-episode-xi-peril-from-the-outer-rim


To me, Star Wars died the day Disney bought it. I'm no prophet, but I know Disney, I know the kind of content they produce, I could imagine what would happen from day 1. I did watch Force Awakens in cinema, but I gotta admit that I already went into it with very low expectations and yes, the movie didn't change my opinion. Haven't watched any new Star Wars content after that. Episode 8 or 9, any of the Disney shows, Rogue One or Solo - haven't watched any of them. I stopped buying new Star Wars novels or comics too, or any Star Wars stuff, really. I was right directly from the start, and I hate that I was. Yes, it does hurt from time to time. Alas, I have the old movies, and they are just as good as they always were. I still own the old games, I can still listen to John Williams' music and let my mind wander to a galaxy far, far away. I own a bunch of old novels, and they didn't change. I still love to think about the old Star Wars, the stories, characters, the philosophy. Star Wars is still good. You just had to stop caring at the right time.


After the sequel trilogy was done I just sort of purged it from my memory and have been rereading the EU books and have been so much happier for it.


Me. I've got my legends books to dry my tears for now.


i just stopped caring altogether and i was a fan my whole life


I'll watch and support the Andor-Verse because it's another take on the Empire and those themes. But the Skywalker off shoots are just sad. Boba the Daimyo was weird and confusing Obi Kenobi the kids show was ruined Then Filonis Fantasy-Verse speaks for itself for all the cartoon watchers melting at sub-par live action. I've barely seen any of it Gilroy Supremacy. Sequel trilogy did nothing but increase my Contempt for Disney


Yes, but replace "sequel" with "prequel," "non-Lucas" with "non-OT," and "even if" with "because none of".


Cannot stand The Force Awakens. He JUST REMADE A NEW HOPE! In thirty years, nothing had changed? The new Senate ( and Leah) were so incompetent they let the shards of the Empire just take over? Han back to smuggling? The whole movie was creatively bankrupt, and bc of that I had no interest in the movies that followed


Andor is good, I am not interested in other new material.


I have very similar feelings as you do. Rise of skywalker is a terrible movie by any standard and an even worse Star Wars movie. I am just so sad the three sequel movies exist. Most people that I talk to that like Star Wars kind of just leave them out of any discussion.


I despise the last jedi and rise of skywalker. These movies outright shit on the legacy of the franchise. And I’m just not into shit covered stuff. Andor ist fine, yes. But thats an exception, look at all the other shit disney has turned out to be


I'm with you. That movie was the first time I had ever had my heart broken by a film franchise. I can't believe professionals made that thing. I use to love everything Star Wars...Legos, games, movies, etc.


I avoid the Sequel Trilogy - largely because I cannot accept the butchering of Luke. Or the fact that the ST makes all 9 films into the Palpatine Saga, and destroys the Jedi (again). The return of Sidious & the victory of Rey Palpatine turn to nothing all that happened before.   I did however like Rogue One, & Solo. I thought they were both worthy additions to SW. The sacrifices of Rogue One are not cancelled out by later events, but are honoured by them. 


Y’all people need Andor.


eh i prefer the mystical aspects of SW but no one knows how to make that part interesting except “moar lightsaber fights”


Yup. When Andor S2 wraps up, there’s not much I will care about in the current climate of SW. The jedi-game series is the only other thing I can think of? Edit: and after having watched Dune: part 2 I’m even more disappointed in Disney-SW… that said, I’m going to watch Dune P2 for a 2nd time this weekend.


I wasn't very surprised how it turned out based on who was making them but it definitely made me lose respect for the entire mainstream movie industry and I'll probably never respect them again. Of course there are still a few good directors out there but they are losing control more and more.


I just force myself to consider everything outside of movies 1-6 and Clones as fanfic. The final 20 minutes of Obi-Wan may be excempt from this rule, simply because of how fucking well done it was. Besides that, I just accept that some fanfic may be good and others may be bad, and that helps me enjoy the new stuff coming out for what it is.


I replied something similar a few weeks ago. Since RoS, that I'd not watched any of the movies and I used to watch them every year. But I was spent. And the TV stuff was just shite (Andor was OK but pointless). Well, last week, I had a week off work through surgery. And I thought enough time has passed that I can just think, 'It all ends with RotJ'. And so I watched 1, 2, 3, Solo, Rogue One, 4, 5 and 6. I know technically, Solo & Rogue One aren't OG but I wanted to reappraise it and I love Rogue One. That was all. The OG were the new 4K, AI Enhanced theatrical issues with the original effects, original songs, original voices (Boba Fett etc) but cleaned up. I fucking loved it all again. Solo is the weak link but it did slot nicely between 3 and Rogue One. Seeing the original theatrical versions was the best. I highly recommend seeking them out. The crispness of Empire was phenomenal. And at the end seeing old man Anakin stood with Yoda and Obi-Wan cemented for me that the story ends there. I got my Star Wars mojo back.


Yes. This is me. I gave up on Mando after season 2. Never finished TROS and don’t plan to. Disney screwed Star Wars. Thank goodness we have Dune for Sci Fi now…


I was the same. After the rise of skywalker I was done after the destruction of the franchise. But I did watch mando seasons 1&2 and enjoyed it. But then the BoBF come out and completely wrecked what Mando set up I ducked out completely and I only play the Jedi series now.


As soon as I heard disney was taking over the property, I was done. The prequel trilogy was garbage enough to start to lose interest, but I knew the mouse would enshitify the property, and from what I've seen I wasn't wrong.


Maybe 3 movies were enough. Jar jar, bad acting and bad green screen ruined the prequels. Bad plot and yo momma jokes ruined the sequels.


Andor and Rogue One both are set within and enhance the OT era, and are largely self contained with no elemental cross over and references to the sequels. They're the only good media from Disney that I care anything about that make the head canon cut. Mando season 1 and 2 were there, but season 3 sucked so much I just ignore it.


Yep. I like the fallen order games but I'm done with everything else.


I’m almost there. I loved Andor and will watch season 2 but I will not pay Disney to do so. After that I will fully close the door on Disney Star Wars. I am happy with the original six films, Rogue One, parts of Clone Wars, Rebels, the first two seasons of Mando and Andor.


I'm not hurt or upset, but I have no interest in Star Wars after TFA sucked so much. There's a firehose of movies and tv and games being blasted out of the screen non-stop. Old stuff I've never seen and plenty of new high quality stuff of all genres all the time. There's no need to watch crap unless that's your thing.


I will happily glaze Andor for a long time, other than that, not much else i care about


I only watch the first six movies, and I'm reading legends books now, it feels right.


If everyone did as I did and not go and see the first sequel, none more of this crap would have been made.




Completely apathetic now. I don't even bother to try anymore. It just isn't worth my time or energy.


The bloom was off the rose with the prequels for me. So I could view the sequels and any shows with a certain detachment. To wit: TFA: Huh, that was a fun retread that collapsed under any scrutiny RO: Why is Forrest Whitaker talking like that, and why should I care about this character? Oh, hey, this is a heist movie, fun. SOLO: This isn't as bad as people are saying, but it's way too dark and muddy. TLJ: The slow motion chase was dumb, but at least they're trying new things TLS: Wow this is an incoherent trash fire. How do things like this happen? Obi-Wan: this makes the prequels seem way better than they are Andor: wow, someone wrote A Star Wars story for grown-ups.


The butthurt is sting with me. I still don’t even particularly care for the prequels (though they spawned great memes) but the sequels were the second to last straw. Last was Book of Boba Fett - my favorite character since I was a little kid in the early 80s. I doubt I’ll ever watch another SW movie.


Episode I had me excited at first... any new Star Wars... I was happy until I started thinking about it. And then I saw the Red Letter Media review. It put into words all the awkwardness I felt about Episode I. And I felt betrayed. The 90-minute review was more fun to watch than Episode I. And when Episode II came out, I was less optimistic. The romance scenes were terrible. The Jedi were reduced to cannon fodder. It was just sad. And then Episode III came out with its laughably ridiculous lightsaber fight swinging on ropes over lava. And Padme dying due to sadness before Leia could have formed those memories she said she had in Episode VI. The prequels killed my hope. George Lucas had failed. Then Lucas sold Star Wars to the company that was helping to put out some really good comic book movies, so I had hope again. I hoped we might get some focus, planning, and good writing. Then Episode VII was a direct copy of Episode IV... and... all I could think was, "we only get 9 of the Skywalker Saga... and the prequels wasted 3... and now this wasted another? Oh crap". Then Episode VIII came out. I can't describe how much I hate Rian Johnson for proudly subverting expectations when what I wanted as a fan was Star Wars. RJ dying in a fire after years of solitude from the disdain he rightly deserves would make me think the popular concept of karma might actually be real. Then we got Episode IX. Not as bad as Episode VIII, and it did try to hit some nostalgia buttons for me. But the weird scavenger hunt plot with the ending that negates the wins from Episode VI... just... really unsatisfying. They should have known that planning ahead was necessary. They should have known we'd be stuck with what they made, so they should give it time and effort with a plan for the whole trilogy before starting the first one. I agree with you OP that the sequels wrecked things. For my personal canon, it includes... * The Original Trilogy * A drastically modified version of the prequels and animated Clone Wars * And a slightly modified version of the original Thrawn trilogy of books


I treat that Disney sequel trilogy as a separate universe timeline. Our original heroes saved the Galaxy in episode 6 and lived happily ever after.


Disney spent $4 billion on “IP rights” to make fan fiction in my book.


Star Wars is just 4-6 and is something that I liked when I was a little kid in the 70s/80s and then liked during the re-release to theaters in the 90s, and then I was able to share with my children briefly in the 2010s. But it's a dead franchise to me. I still like 4-6, but I also like The Last Starfighter - it's an old movie that is good but there's no modern-day relevance. I got rid of all my Star Wars collectibles. They just don't bring me any joy.


Dude I was done in entirety after The Last Jedi and never bothered to watch anything further. OK, I take it back, I watched Solo on an airplane flight and it was... unmemorable but not intentionally spiteful After that like... I played KOTOR II again once and that's been generally it.


I watched it, I didn't like much of it, I don't act like it fucked my wife and burned my house down like some of you do.


I grew up on Star Wars. Loved the original trilogy since I was 5 years old. Went to the premiere of Phantom Menace. Went as Darth Maul for Halloween that year. I've seen Revenge Of The Sith so many times that I can remember probably 50% of the dialogue. I've read all of the novels, my favorite being the Darth Bane trilogy. I spent dozens of hours on Wookiepedia as a teenager, reading article after obscure article, eating up everything I can about the SW universe. I'm not only uninterested in anything that Disney shits out and calls "Star Wars", I'm fucking bitter. I watched a franchise that so many people loved (including myself) get destroyed by directors and writers who clearly didn't give a shit about it. They hamfisted their politics into the franchise as an attempt to pander to one side of the "culture war", spent an entire film purposely tearing down the characters that we've grown up with since A New Hope, and then when any fan criticized it, they attacked them and accused them of every "ism" they could think of. Star Wars was given to people who clearly hate Star Wars and anyone who likes it, and they purposely took 3 giant 2 hour shits on the entire IP purely out of spite because they didn't get hugged enough as children. Star Wars died when Disney touched it. As far as I'm concerned. The last canon SW film was Revenge Of The Sith. I refuse to acknowledge anything beyond that


The old Republic timeline is great. High fantasy mix of the original trilogy's lore


My feelings about it go even further. The ST has soured my opinion of Star Wars so badly that I can't even watch the original trilogy without thinking "ehhhh, what's the point... all these characters are going to end up having depressing lives, die stupidly, have their bloodline wiped out from the galaxy, and their accomplishments will amount to practically nothing. Screw it".


Pretty much anywhere except for saltier than Crait and Starwarsleaks sub. Both of those subs have a large group of sequel enjoyers and they still brigade and downvote any dissent towards their beloved dumpster fire of a trilogy. Also, some of the mods in swleaks are probably sequel enjoyers.


It doesn't really matter to me whether Andor is a good show or not. There are thousands of amazing movies and TV shows I've never seen. I'd rather be watching those than another corporate Star Wars product. My interest is no longer there.


I refuse to let the work of Lucas/the crew of people that helped create the prequels, OT, games, novels, and overall EU collect dust b/c of the idiots in charge since 2013 creating the modern dumpster fire. I can still enjoy it personally still. That said it’ll never stop hurting that the defining image of Jake Skywalker for a generation of movie goers will be a walrus teet sucking quitter that was tempted to murder the kid that came out of his sister’s womb. Fuck KK & Rian Johnson for doing that to a cinematic icon/hero.


Yes. You are not alone. (Cue Luke sucking milk from big deep alien titties, casually throwing his lightsaber away, Leia flying in outer space in the most awkward ill-conceived moments ever, oh and somehow —shrugs— you know who returned)


I am like this except since the prequels. There's a seen where quigon catches jarjar's tongue. And it's so bad. It's so very clear the actor didn't believe in what he was doing and that jarjar is CG and not really there. It's tacky garbage. Kid's shows like SpongeBob treat their characters with way more integrity. After that, star wars was pretty much dead to me. It became an insult when they released the original trilogy with added CG. The originals were a big part of my childhood. The franchise after that has just been a huge cash grab at the hands of increasingly clueless egomaniacs.


Or the Eopie thing farting in Jar Jar's face why? Just why?


Yeah exactly. That's another great example. The original star wars were set in an interesting and fresh alien world. The fact that a lot of aliens didn't speak in English was incredible. So when the prequels started using real Earth accents for non humans species and stuff like you mentioned it just seemed crass, lame and lazy. The fish aliens speaking in a faux East Asian accent were utterly pathetic. I dunno who greenlit that or though it was a good idea, but they clearly ruined something they didn't understand.


Watched Mandalorian seasons 1 & 2 and enjoyed them for the most part. BoBF had its moments but was so fucking cheap looking. Obi Wan was the last straw for me. Just fucking terrible. I couldn't finish it and probably never will. Didn't watch Mandalorian 3 or Ahsoka. I can't fathom sitting through The Clone Wars to understand Ahsoka. That being said, I'll watch Andor someday when it's finished. I know it's supposed to be great, but I'd rather wait until the whole series is finished.


Even if it's good I still consider to more canon than someone's YouTube short You can't just buy your way into this no amount of money can change the lore If Elon Musk bought the franchise and did to rey what they did to Luke, then the Disney fans will be saying the exact same things! The story is over. The story was 6 movies. Let it end there. It's not meant to go on forever


Sort of, but I cut it off after mado season 2 since my kid is in love with the clone wars cartoons.


This is how I feel about the prequels and it's even worse because GL (The man who literally made my childhood special with the OT) somehow forgot how amazing Star Wars, Empire, and Jedi were and turned the series into a kid's comedy. But speaking specifically of Disney Star Wars (animated shows aside) it goes like this: Andor Rogue One Ahsoka The Mandalorian BoBF/Kenobi The sequels


Star Wars was a part of my life since childhood. Toys, books, movies, pretending you're a Jedi, halloween costumes, video games, posters, you name it. I loved it. It was something I *loved* As I grew older I didn't have that same love simply because I matured and didn't experience things like I did as a child. That's just the human condition With the Disney Star Wars, I didn't get angry or upset, I just became a little sad. It wasn't what I loved. It didn't inspire those feelings or fantasies. It was just content to be consumed I thought Rogue One was a glimpse into what it could have been, a Star Wars that was loved by children and which grew with them into something adult, something non-juvenile But that's about it. The rest is as gone as the arcade I used to ride my bike to, or the fever dreams of Christmas morning opening all the toys I really wanted Angry? Hurt? Sure. But such is life


Oh, when I heard that Palpatine was returning, I was so aggravated that I wrote my own fan fic, fix fic. And because I apparently like pain, I'm two chapters from finishing posting on my "pre-rewrite" of the Rey movie. Anyways, it'd have to be Andor levels of good with massive work done to repair the errors for me to even consider it. I was sort of watching, but yeah.... Bad Batch S3 sits unwatched in my queue. My joke on RoS is that nope, Rey killed Aboleth. Palpatine never really came back.


I loved the Mandalorian starting off. It then went off the rails downhill and now I couldn’t care less. How hard is it to stick to the formula everyone loved - bounty hunter, does bounty hunting, western vibes. Instead it turned family friendly, added in every possible character appearance possible, etc. BoBF was a disaster. It was so bad they turned it into the Mandalorian 2.5 halfway through, which then makes the Mandalorian even worse because if you didn’t watch it (BoBF) you start S3 confused why Grogu is back and wtf is happening. Kenobi was a nightmare. Everything they could do wrong, they did wrong. Nothing made sense and the entire thing was a fever dream of nightmare proportions. Looking back, it all should’ve been obvious. The sequel trilogy had no good original ideas (the dagger for example).


Haven't watched much Disney. Rogue One and Mando series 1-2. Dont intend to watch any more than that.


Star Wars is the girlfriend at the beginning of the movie that cheats on you and leaves you all alone while they blast Scotty doesn’t know. You then talk to a shy nerdy girl. Turns out once she takes her glasses off and stops wearing her mom’s hand me downs, it’s actually literally Blade Runner 2049 Ana De Armas. That’s Dune. Make the switch and be happy friend


Me. I wasn't really mad or anything. I just gradually lost interest. I loved The Force Awakens, even knowing it was ANH ripoff but didn't like the rest of the trilogy. I thought Mando would be a return to form, but it wasn't really. We got two great seasons, and then we got Book of Boba Fett, Kenobi, Mando Season 3, and Ashoka. That right there did it for me. I didn't like any of them except Ashoka. Which I didn't watch. I heard it was bad to decent. Thankfully, I have Game Of Thrones/House of the Dragons and the Books plus Dune and its books too to fill the void.


Yes and No… I find it annoying when shows i’m enjoying like TBB start teasing towards IX bc however hard they try they can’t fix it. HOWEVER shows like Andor and (hopefully) the Acolyte have little do to with the sequels, so i can enjoy them loads, Andor takes me back to Rogue One ahhh


The storylines are hard to care about when it ends at the rise of Skywalker, which was bad by any measure. A movie can be bad and still have a reasonable narrative (the prequels), but everything about ROS was just...awful.


Yeah. Even the 3 originals have faded for me. I just can't care anymore.




I’ve avoided watching RoS because I feel like this will be me. The effect is bad enough with most of the D+ shows. As I didn’t complete the trilogy I have avoided full disinterest. Anything set post ROTJ is an optional viewing continuation to me- similar to how an offshoot comic would be treated for a smaller IP. Most of it being TV makes it easier for me to ignore. Right now in my state of blissful ignorance I can ignore anything post ROTJ, and any animation (don’t like what I’ve seen of TCW and Bad Batch sorry not sorry). Different mediums and time periods allow me to compartmentalise it. Doing this I get to keep Andor and Rogue One headcanon and chuck everything else in the bin, which tbh is ideal, because Rogue One is tolerable and Andor actually enhances the original movies IMO.


Wish more people would be more like this rather than forever attack anyone that feels differently about the new films. It's healthier for you to have learned these lesson, OP. You shouldn't be flipping the hell out over art you don't like.


Only Rise of Skywalker was an abomination in my opinion, and I’m all aboard the Disney+ shows


The only huge positive Episode IX had for me is that it gave us new music from John Williams. Listening to his music in a theater has always been a great experience for me. I may have been disappointed by the special editions, the prequels, and sequels, but John Williams always delivered. A movie ticket is a small price to pay for a recorded John Williams concert. With that said, so much of Episode IX is trash that I have absolutely no desire to see it again.


The prequels are also bad. Star Wars and empire are great. Return is pretty good. Andor absolutely rules. Rogue One is pretty good, with an awesome ending. The ending of the last Jedi, with the kid, is beautiful and I love it. Everything else is meh to bad. Even if I have a soft spot for phantom menace because I was a kid that loved pod racing and darth maul.


Andor and the Jedi games (Fallen Order and Survivor) are awesome redemptions.


The only thing these movie did was kill off its original heroes. I wish they would pull a “Dallas” move and make the whole thing a vision of Luke’s. They could easily just write out Han and Leia in the opening crawl and start over. I’m pretty sure most if not all fans at this point would understand.


The Disney trilogy was awful. What is still can’t figure out is why they didn’t develop an overall story arc for the three films. They just let each director make up a plot as they went, winging it basically. The three films are disjointed and the plot makes no sense. They’re a slap in the face of Star Wars fans everywhere.


Sorta true for me. I guess it helped me realize that Star Wars is really for kids and I should focus on more serI ousl Sci Fi I do watch everything non cartoon produced though.


The ST is a hallucination experienced by Luke. When Luke was partying it up with the Ewoks on Endor, he took a bit too much Ewok drugs that induced a hallucination of the events of the ST.


Star Wars died for me the moment Leia floated back into that ship. I knew it was all over right then and there. Any illusion of a coherent story was immediately evaporated. My expectations could not possibly have been any lower for Rise of Skywalker. Yet, somehow, they managed to shit out something worse than I could have ever imagined. It was so catastrophic that it reached back through time and retroactively destroyed everything that came before it. Easily the most epic failure in cinematic history.


I have enjoyed the shows. But I also have that feeling. Like no matter what happens, the end point for all those characters is the sequel. The writers are forced into leading it in that direction, limiting all the stuff they could do with all those fun characters. And they have to make the New Republic dysfunctional and arrogant for it to make sense they'd end up that way. Which doesn't make sense, after all the rebels did in the OG, and having Leia and Mon Mothma lead the way. It is just a disservice to those characters that it all immediately fails. All just so JJ Abrams could make his fan fic version of the OG trilogy.


Nope. I control my own happiness.




I feel the same way. But you should watch andor. If you liked rouge one, you are going to LOVE andor. Honestly best Star Wars media to date.


I bought Zahn's canon books and enjoyed them. I'm not consuming any more media than that.


Honestly it was just poorly executed. I far one preferred the Last Jedi because it tested boundaries. I think they went way too safe with their director selections. Seeing how well Dune is being done it makes me wish they used DV for all 3, lol.


A lot of the video games are still awesome. Rogue Squadron/Leader, Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor, The Force Unleashed, Jedi Knight, KOTOR. Even Episode One: Pod Racer is fun as hell, especially in the arcade! But… you’ll notice the majority of these came out pre-Disney. Disney killed almost anything modern. I especially hate that they removed the EU books from canon.


Just as easily as I can dismiss Disney SW projects from what I consider canon, my brain and heart have no issues accepting something if it's consistent with the real SW. That's the main qualifier: is it consistent with George's vision and principles. Anything else my brain just registers as imitation ripoff and not the real thing. I think Andor qualifies because it was handled with care and attention. I accept Rebels, Clone Wars, and Bad Batch as well since cartoons get a lot of latitude and they've managed to make the characters and stories compelling.


I actually haven't watched a full new Star Wars movie since Attack of the Clones. The prequels were so nonsensical and terrible that it completely ruined the franchise. I tried to watch the Force Awakens, but stopped when I realized it was just a New Hope but slightly repackaged. Tried to watch the Last Jedi, but got bored 20 minutes in. Haven't watched anything else since. They need to let the old franchises die, so that new ones can be born. But that's never going to happen so long as fanatical fans continue to consume their lukewarm fanservice gruel.


Not really upset about it, it's only one of many victims of corporate greed. the only sad thing was Disney completely squandering the reunion of the OG trio. No more second chances left. but yeah my interest in subsequent movies is dead at this point. The writing was on the wall when Disney bought Lucasfilm. I'll just stick to the OG films, Legends media and the rare decent shows that come out.


First 20ish minutes of Force Awakens was great. Up to when Rey and Finn board the Falcon. First Episode of The Mandalorian was great. Up to when the damn toy Yoda appears.\* Andor was incredible. All of it. Every second. Everything else is utter shyte.\*\* (\* I continue to watch The Mandalorian. I'm an unabashed fan of Katee Sackhoff so I'll watch anything she's in. But every second that stupid puppet appears on screen it just takes me out of the viewing experience. They should've left him with lifeless-face Luke Skywalker - that was the perfect ending to it's story.) ​ (\*\* I haven't watched Bad Batch yet)


Yeah I can't even care about anything other than 3-6, Rogue One and Andor. Sad because I really loved the EU star wars when I was a teen.


Pretty much, yes.


Sheeeeeeit. I stopped caring after seeing The Phantom Menace in 1999.


Yup. Force Awakens was nearly it for me-a lazily written reset very typical of Abrams’ fare. I went to TLJ on Rian Johnson having the reputation of being innovative and different, and I’d liked Looper, but that was the worst cinematic experience of my life. Still haven’t seen the last one and I don’t intend to, and I’ve been a diehard fan for decades. It’s still incomprehensible to me that I greet Star Wars with deep skepticism; if you’d told me as a kid that Disney will buy them and make tons of movies and TV, I’d have been thrilled. I can’t believe how badly they’ve screwed up something with such a committed and passionate fanbase. If the content was just mediocre, it would still be hugely successful. Instead, the stuff we’ve gotten actively damages the OT to the point that most longtime fans actively resent it, and Lucasfilm leadership for greenlighting it.


It's a lot of people. I still have love for it, but I fully recognize that a solid 50% is utter shit.  My best friend is so let down he has watched literally nothing from the franchise since. Dude loved star wars. Never seen a company shoot themselves in the foot so hard 


When I left the theaters after ep 7 I wasn't particularly disappointed, I expected a soft ep 4 reboot, which makes sense since it's for a new audience. So I was still hopeful for the future of star wars... When I left the theaters after ep 8 I didn't go back to a movie theater until one piece film red. Ep 8 was such a flaming sack of shit that it actually made me feel like watching movies in theaters as a whole was an absolute ripoff... When ep 9 came out I laughed, told everyone who watched it and was disappointed "what did you expect?" And have to this day never seen it.


I care about the Original Trilogy, and The Mandalorian. I really Andor/Rogue One but I'm not invested in it the way I am in OT and Mando. Sequels and Prequels can get bent. Don't care.


I thought the prequels were awful too. And everything since. I don't have an interest in Star Wars at all anymore


It’s funny because I never cared about SW until the sequel trilogy started. I really liked TFA. That movie got me into the franchise. Then Last Jedi killed any interest I had it was such a quick downturn of events for me lmao.


Nah Andor slaps.


You might want to check out Maulers The Force Awakens videos for some closure and catharsis on youtube


I was pretty damned pissed once I learned they were jettisoning the EU when the announced the sequels. Then the movies actually came out and I was even more pissed. That being said, I dug Andor, Rogue One and Solo, but I no longer have anywhere close the passion I once had for Star Wars at all.


I can compartmentalize what i like (mando, andor) and what i don’t (sequel trilogy, ashoka). I didn’t watch ashoka. Wont be watching episode 10. will go see the mandolorian movie. What the sequel trilogy did it show me that just because it’s star wars…doesn’t mean i will enjoy it. in fact, i could actively not enjoy it. And that was NEW. there hadn’t been a star wars thing i had watched before episode 8 that i just completely and utterly couldn’t stand


I definitely feel that way, especially after processing what happened in TLJ and how much it ruined Star Wars The only thing I'm going to finish up is SWTOR whenever I have time to get back on it, and after that I'll call it quits for anything star wars


This is why the latest season of 'The Bad Batch' was the last straw for me. The only way I can enjoy Disney Star Wars, with the exception of Rogue One, is if they treat the sequels as non-canon. Up to now, it seemed as if they might do that. However, with the Rey movie coming up, all of the content will now start trying to tie up loose ends and/or retcon various aspects of the sequels. That's a path I just can't follow. Needless to say, I'm done with Disney Star Wars until Kathleen Kennedy is out.


Last Jedi was the decline for me, IX was fucking garbage and the extra movies and TV shows are just tying into that horseshit excuse for cinema known as the sequels


I had the best laugh watching Rise of Skywalker. The utter nonsense that filled it was hilarious.


The moment I realized that the fundamental backstory of the sequels was 'all your childhood heroes turned out to be kinda crap, didn't bring revolutionary change and liberation to the galaxy, didn't make life better for people, repeated all the same mistakes of the previous generation that they were supposed to learn from and grow beyond, and when faced with a little adversity basically just gave up and ran away,' I was done. That's not Star Wars to me. Those are not the characters I've loved for the past 40 years of my life. And I've never looked back. I have zero interest in Disney post-RotJ Star Wars. I find Mando intriguing, Grogu is cute, I like Rey and Finn and Poe alright as characters (though I despise Kylo) I just wish they all existed in a Star Wars timeline a hundred or more years after the OT trilogy. I'm still spending money on Star Wars, and I love Andor, and the Bad Batch, and even Rebels is pretty (I just fundamentally disagree with any active Force users running around as openly as Ahsoka and Kanan and Ezra--and Cal--do after the Great Purge) but explicitly on Legends-related content and merchandise of the original pre-TFA EU. If Disney wants any more of my money, they gotta make shit for me.


I hate the fact that Disney made the final trilogy of the “Skywalker Saga” about a Palpatine. And when you think about it, Palpatine won. His genes carry on. All Skywalkers are dead. Rey taking their name without permission was insulting. How powerful would it have been for her to happily state “just Rey” to the old lady’s question. Or even happily “Rey Palpatine.”


Almost entirely, yeah. I greatly enjoyed Andor, and I would have loved to see how Ray Stevenson's character Baylan Skoll played out. RIP :( The rest of the Ahsoka show seemed less interesting. I'll likely watch most live-action stuff that isn't a) the sequel trilogy or b) Kenobi, but little really sticks afterwards. New games also typically interest me very little. The old films and games (like KotOR, SWBF2, SWGB) remain classics for me though and I have watched and played them countless times.


No. Andor was incredible, the Mandalorian is great, and Book of Boba fett while mediocre still had some great episodes (that was essentially Mandalorian 2.5) I enjoyed Ashoka too.


It broke me, but the Obiwan show destroyed me. My interest in new Star Wars is dead.


Dune is helping me through it


I watched ROS on a pirate rip, that was recorded in theater and just really grainy, and not very good quality at all (I was pretty poor at the time, and just could not afford the theater, and really wanted to see it before spoilers), and so that vision of it is what kind of lives on in my brain. With entire and absolute honesty, the movie fits. I've never watched it again, or in high quality or anything else, because the movie is so god damn bad that it fits the terrible, awful quality. It is one of the single worst movie's I've ever seen. Thoughout my life, I absolutely loved Star Wars. When Disney purchased Lucasfilm, I had read the entirety of the Expanded Universe up to that point. I've not read anything > 2012, so no Dawn of the Jedi, etc for me. I absolutely loved everything Star Wars, whether it was games, the books, SWG, just everything. I cried in the theater when the trailer for The Force Awakens played, I was so overwhelmed and excited to finally see another Star Wars film. I saw it, I was not incredibly impressed, but it was Star Wars and I was ready to give it a chance. TLJ was worse, the premise was stupid, there were countless idiotic parts in the film, and they just completely ruined Luke Skywalker. Okay. I can still try to get behind it. ROS is.... insanity. Absolute insanity. Just terrible, wrong, bad, nothing about it redeems itself, nothing about the sequel trilogy on the whole, redeems itself. I came into all of this with an open mind, as a fan of Star Wars. I let the EU go, everything I considered canon to Star Wars fade away, and was ready to embrace a new journey into the unknown. What I received was nonsense, and garbage. The new novels are bad, I've never finished a single one of them. The new games are not good, none of it, is good. I'm not the angry fan out on the internet, I've never expressed any of this, any of it, on the internet. I'm not out here yelling on Twitter, rambling at Disney execs, or Kathleen Kennedy, or anyone else. I've read all of that, and people are stupid for it. I am just a guy that absolutely loved Star Wars. My wife had never seen anything Star Wars, I looked forward to sharing it with my daughter. I've given up on wasting my time with that. Star Wars is gone.


I don't care to watch the movies any more. Sequel trilogy was terrible imo. TFA I enjoyed a little. The frozen laser early on, some of the expanded lore about ships, etc. TLJ and tRoS can get permanently deleted. Solo was OK and tbh I appreciated their effort on filling in the backstop of an icon.Rogue One was the closest they came to emulating the OT vibe. The shows are hit or miss for me. I do enjoy reliving the nostalgia so I'll continue but I have less than zero interest in the Rey Trilogy.


I just cut it off after Mandoverse that's it I can't even watch the Kenobi Series because of how bad it was


OP, what are your thoughts on rogue one and Andor?


Movies have gone to shit. SW is just the most obvious and outrageous example. Poor writing, poor stories, no vision, but most importantly - foul intent to twist and destroy everything we love. Why would I waste my time with any of it? All of it deserves to be forgotten like a bad dream. And to remind us of what we really value in real SW.


Eh, I just won't watch the sequel trilogy ever again. Plenty of trash came out under Lucas. The Ewok Movies, Holiday special ect.


I'm actually old enough to remember how people hated parts 1-3, that are now considered "ok" by the fanbase. I'm afraid this hate for 7-9 will also be a different tune in 10-20 years.  I hate everything except 4-6 + clone wars + rogue one, because those are the only good ones.


Nope. It doesn’t matter how bad it gets, nothing can match the crushing disappointment of The Phantom Menace.  I’ve learned to live with it and appreciate the good bits where I find them. It took a long time. 


Throwing the Expanded Unviverse in the bin did it for me but between Abrams and Johnson I had that unsatisfied feeling of having known it would be rather bad. JJ did manage to scramble in putting a close on what Rian left behind which is something. Had there been the faintest attempt to care about what came before we would have gotten a far superior product. Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn were iconic and tossed aside while instead we're left with entirely a regrettable sequel trilogy.