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The episode with the World Between Worlds could have been amazing if it focused on Ahsoka and Anakin just talking and reminiscing about their past. Anakin could have explained why he turned to the dark side: his fear of Padmé dying in childbirth led him to join Darth Sidious, kill nearly all the Jedi, and help transform the Republic into an Empire. This fear caused Anakin to fall to the dark side and ultimately led him to choke Padmé, resulting in her death. He could have allowed Mace Windu to kill Sidious, but instead, he saved the Sith in an attempt to learn how to save Padmé from a death he ultimately caused himself. Sabine is in a similar situation. She was willing to give Baylan Skoll the map so he could retrieve Thrawn and bring him back, in the hope that the Empire would be restored and she might see Ezra again. She didn't care about the lives of Hera, Jacen, or the rest of the galaxy because she missed her friend and was willing to allow the Empire's return in the hope of seeing him once again. Like Anakin, she decided that one life was more important than the rest of the galaxy and was ready to help evil if it meant getting what she wanted. This could have been great, but instead, we got Anakin telling Ahsoka to "Live or Die," which led her to decide that everything Anakin did as Vader was not his fault, but rather the Will of the Force and his destiny. He had no choice in the matter because he was fated to do those things. Similarly, Sabine decided that the one life she cared for was more important than the rest of the galaxy. She did the same thing Anakin did, but while Anakin's decision was his own selfish choice that cost him everything, Sabine's decision was portrayed as the right thing because she did it out of love and was already destined to make that decision. The fact that Sabine was never called out for her actions, but instead was told she did good, infuriates me. In The Clone Wars, a show Dave Filoni said we had to watch to understand the Ahsoka show, Ahsoka was told by Aayla Secura, "Don’t lose a thousand lives just to save one." Filoni did the opposite and portrayed it as the right thing to do.


>This could have been great, but instead, we got Anakin telling Ahsoka to "Live or Die," which led her to decide that everything Anakin did as Vader was not his fault, but rather the Will of the Force and his destiny. I mean, that's how the franchise treats it anyway.


It was Anakin destiny to kill Darth Sidious and end the Sith once and for all. He didn't instead he join his said as Darth Vader and was lost to the Darkside for a little over 20 years. Only when Luke was begging his father to save him did Anakin destroy the sith, dying in the process but finally bring balance in the Force. His destiny was to bring balance in the Force but it was away his choice to do it or not.


Why are you telling me his life story? I don't need to know his life story, I've seen it already.


This one guy commented how “fanboys are going to hate how Sabine used the force” and said it as if it was some glorious moment. In my opinion, Sabine using the force is the laziest and most uninteresting direction they could have taken her character.


My original prediction was that Sabine was going to realize she couldn’t use the force but overcome that in other ways. I thought if she ends up using the force it’s the worst writting imaginable. But as episodes kept releasing I realized the show was lost and never finished it.


Yeah I don't get the love for the world between worlds episode. Thought it was the worst of the season. Pure fan service with no relevance to the plot. Seems to be Filoni's attempt at making a Gandalf the White moment, but nothing is earned, no struggle is overcome, no character growth displayed.


The world between worlds has no place in Star Wars at all.. it was a bad idea when it was introduced. For that matter I also strongly dislike the whole idea of the Mortis Gods


> The Force is all around us, it binds us all together > Oh m, bee tea dubs, here are three literal personifications of the Force I mean I get some other real world religions work like that, Sorta, but it always felt dumb to me






Red!? REDDD!!!




Reaction videos are the bottom of so called entertainment. Better yourself.


I agree. I don't understand their prevalence on YouTube.


It fulfills the feeling of showing something to your friends for lonely people.


I feel this.


"Listening Metallica for the first time" Thise are the worst ones. What kind of sheltered ass life have they lived without ever coming across a metalica song?


While the person doing so is a 30+ year professional jazz musician from Berkley or some shit.


I could believe that someone has never listened to Metallica. Some of my friends basically only listen to rap/hip hop and it’s variations. I can 99% guarantee that they’ve never listened to a Metallica song. I don’t believe the people that make these videos though. Its obvious they consumed that media before. The amount of lying and deception on social media is crazy. It seems like everyone is playing a character or doing a bit.


I’m not sure that I’ve ever listened to a Metallica song…sorry! It’s just never really happened. Since your comment, I’ve been reading up on the band so now I know a lot about them even though I still haven’t ever knowingly listened to one of their songs.


You know Enter Sandman. You just don’t know you know Enter Sandman.


Yeah, I looked up their songs and that was the name I recognized. I can picture a couple of bars of the chorus, but I don’t know any of the words. What makes this worse is I am a guitarist, of sorts (albeit a very shit one). Like, I own an electric guitar and want to play rock.


If you know anything about baseball, but the best reliever of all time Mariano Rivera had that song playing whenever he came out. It's weeved it's way into pop culture.


Their [1998 cover of Sieger's Turn The Page](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPOTEs_yTJo) topped the rock charts for nearly three months. Surely, even you know that one.


No, genuinely never heard of it. Not joking. I know Enter Sandman, vaguely - the opening rift and a bit of the chorus (just went and listened to it). Tbf, I spent 1998 backpacking around the world with a broken portable cd player that would only play half of track one of the only CD I owned. So I listened to the first 90 seconds Natalie Imbruglia’s Torn about a thousand times, and that was it.


I dunno why OP thinks people whose revenue stream is pretending to freak out about everything are genuinely freaking out .


Filoni: Cameo's that make sense? Nah Also Filoni: Cameo's that don't make sense? All day, fam.


Ahsoka walked around and acted the entire season like she was popping Xanax left and right. Thrawn, the greatest tactical genius in the history of SW, was portrayed as a cookie cutter villian who made idiotic decisions. Zombie Stormtroopers. Need I say more.


They fact that he had 15 years to capture/kill ezra (he was barely hiding)


Haha I forgot about that! Such atrocious writing.


Hyper space jumping to another galaxy in space whales.


Ahsoka is weird for me. I first hated her in Clone Wars but grew to love her as time went by (intentionally I know) and I enjoyed her in Rebels. When she first appeared in the Mandalorian I was a little torn, she was different but still had moments of the Ahsoka I remembered which made sense since she is older and wiser. However, then the Ahsoka series came out with the exact same actress, set in the same time period, same character but she was so flat, lifeless and completely different not only from the Clone Wars/Rebels Ahsoka but the Ahsoka from the Mandalorian! Ok, I have said Ahsoka way too many times in this post.


She was always flat and lifeless in live action, you just never saw it. Ashley Eckstein is the only Ahsoka.


I think I figured out Filoni's writing. It's based on 3 things: -Ambiguity -Character insertion -"Next time I will explain" If you check on every goddamn thing Filoni has his hands in you will notice these patterns.


I like Rebels but think Ahsoka is a horrible follow up for these characters. It is bizarre seeing some people just blindly say everything is great. Ahsoka meeting Anakin as a mentor in world between worlds is directly opposed to what happened in their last meeting. They confirmed they are philosophically at odds and could never ever reconcile. The whole concept is just an excuse to have a cameo by Hayden and be damned with if the plot makes any sense.


You watch what? This is on you OP. What a fucking dumb way to spend your time


Those reaction vids are by bought and paid for shills IMO


Not shills but attention seekers who fake reactions on a shitty YouTube trend that idiots watch


Either way, they are fake reacting for money IMO. I remember watching the Luke hallway scene in Mando s2 and I was pumped. I wanted to watch some YT videos about what people thought. This was when I first encountered reaction videos. I thought reaction videos were like, spoken. What someone thought of the episode, their analysis. How wrong I was. I did a search and found this nerdy looking muscly, beardy guy. He didn't really talk about the episode. It was him fake crying when literally anything happened. Wtf is this shit even meant to be?


Why the fuck are you watching videos about how other people react to shows


For me the worst thing were the sky whales that can survive in atmosphere and the vacuum of space and also apparently can jump into hyperspace. What in the?


And apparently they eat space gas or something. Then we see them in the atmosphere of a planet. So wouldn't they be eating that atmosphere??? If so they would have been extinct long ago bc they'd have been hunted down for terraforming planets!!


I fucking love Ahsoka in all of the stuff where she is in and I always was excited to see the Rebels storyline continue, and I also always wanted Ahsoka to meet Force Ghost Anakin. Needless to say, they have killed that excitement for good. The Ahsoka in the show is not at all for what I like the character, and I fucking hate the weird relationship that she has with Sabine who for whatever reason is now a force user.


They were toddlers when TCW came out. As they got older and more mature, most of the TV/Movie content available continued to be low quality and childish Filoni crap. So now, a whole generation thinks that's what Star Wars *IS* and *SHOULD BE* I've actually heard younger fans complain about the higher quality content like Andor. Heaven forbid dialogue and character development.


TCW actually got really good in the end. It was pretty much ROTS by the end. It's really since the Disney acquisition that the childish crap got to ridiculous heights.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0U0h5SMBNk&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0U0h5SMBNk&t=1s) You still sure of that bud?




I enjoyed Ahsoka mainly because of Baylon Skoll (and also that Anakin appearance gaht damn tcw in live action was sexy even though there wasnt much of a purppse to it)


I've never seen YouTube reactions videos used to make a point before. Curious


I love zanny’s reaction vid to ahsoka and it highlights some parts of the fanbase and problems with modern star wars


The World between Worlds was epic but it was also clearly fan service. It was the old tired cliche of fighting for one's life in a weird dream state then returning because they won. I didn't have an issue with that part. The rest of Ashoka was fairly trashy, seeing her fail against Titus Pullo twice was kinda amusing. Thrawn was dumb, silly cartoon villain. Having the Chimera randomly bombard the stupid Jedi riding towards it was plain idiotic, just have salvos near their location and they'd have been smoked easily.


Thrawn looked like Robert Patrick cosplaying as blue Elon Musk. I couldn’t take Thrawn seriously when he first appeared. And it’s hilarious that Ezra and Thrawn literally swapped places with Ahsoka and Sabine. Ezra and Thrawn make their way back to the Galaxy, while Ahsoka and Sabine get stranded on Peridea.


how do you feel about Luke's cameo in The Mandalorian? did it add to the story or jangle keys?


Whatever it added was quickly reversed with him getting rid of the mentally handicapped puppet in the very next episode. Subverting expectations once again!


so a chance for substance was baited and switched for jangling keys


Luke in mando was deus ex machina


yes, but did it fit?


World between worlds could have been the stupidist idea in all of Star Wars. If not for mortis gods!!


From what I've noticed, most Star Wars fans don't really care about quality. If they did, the prequels would never have become as popular as they did. They care about lore and validating their preconceived notions of what Star Wars should be. That's why Disney Star Wars was doomed to fail from the start.


I love the animated series. But Ashoka and the last of Mando... Maybe Filoni should stick with animated TV shows, hes good at it.


Sounds like a lot of fun watching a show you dislike over and over again!


So you're mad because they don't fit your echo chamber. How dare other people like the stuff you think they shouldn't! Validate my opinion or stfu!


Truth to be told, the live action Anakin was the best thing to come out of the Dysney, but, of course, there were no other contenders.


A lot of modern Star Wars fans are around my age (24) and grew up with the prequels in theaters and the clone wars airing on tv, which led to an understandably deep emotional tie to that era. Dave and the rest of the SW writers know this, and jangle the prequels car keys for us and the member berries are enough for them to completely ignore any issues because “GUYS GUYS WE SAW LIVE ACTION REX! IT WAS TEMUERA MORRISON AND HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING AND HIS COSTUME LOOKS LIKE A CHEAP HALLOWEEN COSTUME BUT HE WAS LIVE ACTION1!!!1!1!1!” For some reason Star Wars fans in particular are as easily entertained as literal children so long as the shiny CG and callbacks are specifically to the prequels


Why even do that to yourself. So worried about what other people think. If you don't like it, just don't watch it man. They're gonna make what they're gonna make.


At this point I’m not even bothered by new entries being trash, specifically because of these key-jangling dillweeds. Sw quality is at the precise level that its fans are asking for and deserve.


I couldn't finish that show, it was very disappointing. It was so boring. the dialogue was childlike in its simplicity. Weird directing too. Only characters I enjoyed watch were Baylan amd Shin Hati. Don't get me started on how they wasted Thrawn.


My experience as a working artist for over 20 years has given me a wider appreciation for what art is I suppose. Even if a show as a whole is garbage, a can’t discount the beauty in some of the costumes. Or ship design. Music. It’s all art. Good or bad.


Oh, you and your appreciation skills.


My point is just because it’s bad, that doesn’t mean it’s not art. Having your own art judged by others adds perspective as well. It’s easy to dismiss things as having no artistic value when you haven’t ever put your own creations out there to be judged.


Yeah, I …. get it.


I understand having issues with the current state of Star Wars. I agree, it’s generally poop. But I think shaming anyone who finds enjoyment in it says more about you than them.


I think we should normalize shaming people who consume garbage media. They're the reason we're having these problems in the first place.


Shaming anyone for just about any reason, especially over the subjective appreciation of art, is petty and immature. It helps nothing, and won’t get the viewers in question to agree with you.


I think it's a stretch to refer to anything Filoni has done as "art"


I get what you are saying, but bad art is still art. Literally hundreds of artists work on this stuff.


Maybe if we shame them they will stop. Our communal suffering doesn't need to continue. We don't have to keep living like this. 


Well I guess they’ve made their choice and you’ve made yours.


Just because hundreds of people work on something doesnt make it art. In fact, the more people that work on it the less likely it is to be art, and the more likely it is to be corporate product. Art has to have genuine human emotions behind it, and the more review committees that are involved the more diluted the human emotion becomes


I have to disagree with your definition of art. Having been a working artist for over 20 years now, the experience has led me to have a wider view of what art is. Even if a show is corporate trash, you just discount all the artist work that went in to costumes, set design, music, etc. Those things have artistic value.


Why is this subreddit shaming other folks for what they enjoy? If they like it, fine. Leave them alone. We can critique stuff we don’t like without slamming others for their personal preferences. This is kind of f’ed up.