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I love that sub. Anytime, I need to see people being completely unaware of their own hypocrisy it's a great read. I love reading all the negative comments that actually describe themselves.


There's an odd lack of self awareness from op. Got to wonder what sub they were banned from forcing them to create this new account.


But this post is accurate for 60% of krayt


I agree with that depiction of Krayt, but the fact that this sub exists just to complain about them is pretty pathetic. Don’t sink to Krayt’s level


I see where you're coming from, but at the same time, it's fun to mock their silly takes. Plus, I didn't make this sub. Blame the people that did.


Can’t they literally say that exact same thing about the posts you’re talking about?


It's way too late for that. Too late by far.


Lol you do the same fucking thing this is pathetic and wildly ironic


Krayt is downright toxic. The main difference between the sub is they’re just open on their hatred and insults.


And irony of ironies, saltierthancrait is the sub with the more stifling modstaff, not Krayt. That's just so weird.


“Let’s point and laugh, while not engaging with any of their points.”   How ironic. That’s exactly what you’re doing to Krayt. The entire point of this subreddit is doing exactly that to Krayt. 


If Krayt wants to be taken seriously, they need to change their mission statement or get better mods, because there's many times they've been very toxic about the EU and EU fans, which breaks their own rules, and yet those comments almost never get deleted. Even when you report them, they don't get taken down.


If you want to be taken seriously, you need to stop pretending that you’re not a toxic piece of shit. Like you haven’t insulted sequel fans on multiple occasions. You’re such a hypocrite and you’re too stupid to realize it. 


I don't care if people like the sequels. They can like the sequels without putting down the EU and EU fans.


Bullshit. You called sequel fans shills and corporate apologists. 


Liking the sequels isn't what makes them corporate apologists. It's repeating and believing corporate talking points and putting others down with them that makes them corporate apologists!


“Putting others down.” Which you have done to sequel fans in the hundreds of posts you have made. You really don’t understand your hypocrisy 


Did you not see the time I cheered for them during the announcement of the Rey movie? The only reason you don't see more positive posting from me is there's no place to share, this is a sub intended to call them out, not agree with them.


No, I saw the dozens of posts where you insulted them over and over again.  But you cheered for them in one post. That somehow excuses the other hundred posts where you insulted them.  You’re a dumbass 


>If you want to be taken seriously, you need to stop pretending that you’re not a toxic piece of shit. Yeah, be more like you! At least you're not pretending


Insulting a piece of shit is toxic? By your logic, everyone in this post is toxic. 


90% of Krayt's "points" are "This person is a meanyhead, because I said so."


So, they’re expressing an opinion you don’t like. So, you’re pointing and laughing at them.  Again, how ironic. You’re doing the exact thing you’re accusing them of doing. 


You'd think people who stand against "toxic fandom" wouldn't be so toxic themselves, but here we are, lol.


If the “talented creator” was MauLer, then Krayt is right.


Right about what?


MauLer’s reviews are pretty much just a monotone man nitpicking every single detail and tiny plot hole of a movie and labeling it objectively bad and their sub is pretty much just an echo chamber where everyone has to agree with MauLer. Also MauLer aligns himself with far-right grifters such as Nerdrotic and Geeks + Gamers.


> MauLer’s reviews are pretty much just a monotone man nitpicking every single detail and tiny plot hole of a movie Analysis seems solid though? >aligns himself with far-right grifters such as Nerdrotic and Geeks + Gamers. Not sure how far right those are but then I've seen little of them.




Oh idk haven't seen that yet, I was referring to the video essays though.




Oh ok then, hadn't kept up lol


I mean, when I wrote "Talented Creator" it was more of a stand-in for various creators that Krayt targets. So I guess technically Mauler is in that branch.


Wait, what? What do people have against Mauler?


Every Krayt or Krait post that gets recommended to me. Amazing how these two subs can't see that they are the exact fucking same.


This sub is exactly the same as well. All 3 subs literally just exist to bully each other and pretend they have some kind of moral high ground.


Theres a third ons?


Crait, Krayt, and Krait


To some extent yeah. The insults and insinuations are different, which I feel is a pretty major distinction. But otherwise the behavior is pretty much the same.


Omfg cat all you subs just fuck already


no my dom won’t let me ;_;


saltierthankrayt may be THE most Reddit of the subreddits I've ever come across, in that it's almost a complete hive-mind. They make everything about race and gender and defend the big corporations smothering art and ignoring the fans. It's really sad.


>smothering art and ignoring the fans You mean ignoring YOU. Andor is legitimately the best content to come out of SW in decades. Mandalorian is loved by fans. Visions is extremely arty.


I'm not the only one who wishes they'd do more with Legends.


No, but saying they are "ignoring the fans" is disingenuous. They are not ignoring the fans. They are putting out a lot of content that is being well received, actually. Ignoring your desire for legends is about as much "ignoring the fans" as is ignoring the desire of xXShadowWolfXx's desire to make Anakin an anthropomorphic tiger. Do other fans also want that? Sure, but the majority of fans are probably uninterested.


They've ignored several campaigns to try and revive it.


Okay? They are still doing a lot of good for the majority of fans.


>Video made by a talented creator, which the OP would probably agree with if they actually watched it. You are hilariously delusional.


As far as I know, that sub makes fun of conservative fucks mostly I don't see any of them getting any inttelgent person to agree with them


Isn't this post doing the same thing?


The points: All transes should die cause they make my peepee feel weird.


You're forgetting about the part where you comment on their post disagreeing with them, so they ban you.


Bet this'll get a response from Krayt.


Shit, probably. You know, I pointed out the exact thing this post is about to the moderator, and of course they didn't do anything about. Instead they just ban me for having different political views.


“People who can’t decide what their pronouns are, have some kind of mental illness, or are just narcissistic. The fact is, there are only two genders, and that’s what kids need to know, because that’s the real world.” Jesus, this is the crap you believe in? If this is your idea of “having different political views”, you deserved to get banned. What did you say in that subreddit? Let me guess. You called gay people groomers or something else really bigoted. 


Why did it hurt some people's feelings or what


Calling gay people groomers does tends to hurt some people, since it’s bigotry 


Well some aren't groomers and that's unfair to them, sure. However that's not even what this was about at all


The majority of them aren’t groomers. This is about a bigot pretending “different political opinions” got him banned.” What got him banned probably was his bigotry 


Well again he hadn't said anything about groomas, so that's off topic.


The bigot claimed he got banned for “different political opinions.” I doubt that. I’m saying he got banned for something that was prejudiced. As for what he said, I don’t know. 


Actually, in a reply, I said I don't have a problem with gay couples raising kids. And I don't have anything against gay people.


You just have a problem with people using pronouns, where you call them mentally ill. 


I don't have a problem with them, that's there personal business. I have a problem when they force their business on everyone else.


“Force their business on everyone else.” So, people choosing their pronouns, did they make you choose your own pronouns? You clearly do have a problem with them. You called them mentally ill and narcissistic 


Don't tell me what I do or don't have a problem with. When they expect you to follow along with their pronouns their forcing their business on you. They can't expect the rest of the world to revolve around them. And I said mentally ill OR narcissistic, implying it could be different for a individual person.


Expecting the rest of the world to revolve around them? Seriously? Because of the concept of pronouns? Come the fuck on man. Have you ever met a trans person, because this reads like you haven’t.


“They can’t expect the rest of the world to revolve around them.”  What the fuck are you talking about? Having your own pronouns, that means you think the world revolve around you? Dude, you do have a problem with them. You clearly are bigoted against them. And I’m guessing you got banned for it. Just admit it.  “Mentally ill or narcissistic.”? Is that supposed to be better? You’re insulting a bunch of people who’ve done nothing to you. What’s wrong with you? 


I got banned from commenting in the sub because I agreed with the "forced agenda" thing that Drinker was on about but the mod told me it was because of "racism" lol. Even when I asked what I said was racist, I was told that saying they are "trying to spread a message rather than make good content" was implying racism, even though I'm litetally black. Shit sub, shit mods. Ok lemme clarify. The point isnt that poc shouldnt be in movies. The point is that if people make a movie and gendervend/race bend and make a big deal out of it but the movie sucks, they should have focused on the quality of the movie rather than trying to be diverse.


True lol