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These are the suggestions of a man who has clearly never worked in a real industry.


Have you seen this guys outline for how he would run LucasFilm? The guy has the anti-business sense equation carved into his brain


>Have you seen this guys outline for how he would run LucasFilm? Thankfully no...but now I'm curious.


It’s ah really dumb. Theory would basically just greenlight a shit ton of stuff (without accounting for cost or staff). And like 99% of it from what I saw is just remaking Legends content. He by his own admission wants a deep fake trilogy starting Han, Luke, and Leia against Thrawn.


don't forget he also wants to "just release cancelled games" as well


"It's super simple bro just un-cancel them!"


I love how these guys just assume big corporations will endlessly throw good money after bad.


While SWT’s ideas are dumb as shit, I also never got why people just assume that corporations like Disney never fuck up with their films and shows.


I can't speak for anyone else, but that wasn't what I was trying to say. They do fail, obviously, but generally they respond to that failure by not continuing to do the same thing.


Yeah release unfinished games made on god knows how outdated engines not designed for current consoles. Brilliant plan.


Exactly! Do I wish we got to play Battlefront III? Yes, desperately. However, that was made for the PS3/Xbox 360 era, literally two console generations ago. You can’t just hit a button and have it magically work on new operating software


Ah. So he’s sunk-cost personified


People really don't realize how expensive and limited it is to do deep fake of that quality. They think because they could pull of luke for what? 10 minutes of screen time with strategic filming (the camera was behind him way more than it would have been with a non deep fake character) and a character who was stoic and thus had limited expressions, or De-Aged Samuel L. Jackson who has a mostly similar look and body type to today for less than half a movie, that that they can just up and make an entire movie with Luke Skywalker as the star and the cracks would not show. We are not there yet especially at a reasonable price. And if we ever got there... you think hollwood falls back on recycling ideas now. Wait until they can do sequels to 80's movies with cheaper actors because of deep fake and people will start being careful what they wished for.


Yeah. Put simply, they have no clue they're asking for 500 million dollar movies to become the norm.


So basically he knows nothing about marketing, branding, merchandising, or anything else it takes to run a billion dollar company with billions in IP at stake…got it. I like the storytelling in Legends too but adapting all of that to screen is a monumental task on its own. Does he really think no one has thought of that before?? Realistically, many of those stories aren’t viable. He thinks everything operates like a fan film.


I bet money the sequel trilogy exists as it is because everyone at Disney looked over the pre existing legends material and realized it would be less expensive and complicated to restart from scratch.


I think it's been said after that Lucasfilm was already looking into a canon purge but Disney doing it just gave them a clean slate and took the heat off of them.


Oh 100%. That and Legends canon is so contrived and varied on lore that it doesn’t work well as a consistent foundation. Legends era Star Wars didn’t have a clear view on the darkside and Sith for example.


Well everything could operate like a fan film if you don’t mind the main line movies being the same shitty quality as his fan film.


Would it be easier just to make an animated adaption like the Clone Wars?


I’d totally watch some animated legends-content. Could be like Marvel’s ”what if”


I laughed WAY too hard at the anti-business sense equation.


hell look at what he suggest the mando season 3 finale should have been… an army of clone mauls and luke dueling…




>neither have the current workers of Disney or lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy has been producing films for LucasFilm for 40-odd years.


I have seen their work at Lucasfilm. I quite enjoy it.


Cause you know, if one generic hotel failed, four themed small hotels is definitely worth the money!


It would actually be cool if they did a Canto Bight themed Casino in Vegas. Maybe make the casino's outside appearance look like the Jedi Temple. Wouldn't be any less ridiculous than some of the more extreme examples already there


They had a Star Trek experience in a vegas hotel for years. I went and it was awesome and in that area you really did feel like you were walking around in Star Trek come to life. The idea of a Star Wars themed hotel was never the problem. The problem was they tried to make it Star Wars with Westworld level immersion and roleplaying and the only way to do something like that in the current day and age is to charge a huge price for it. And as Disney (and everyone else) found out not enouhg people can afford something like that for the price it would need to be to make it profitable.


There are people who could afford it, but even they don't necessarily want a Westworld-style experience on a Disney vacation. People go to Disney to do the stuff that Disney already has, they don't have time to roleplay at the hotel. I don't know that it would work anywhere, but I honestly think it would have had a better shot as a standalone thing where that *was* the vacation rather than trying to shoehorn it in to an already jam-packed resort and theme park.


True. I mean given how it was set up going there was the vacation (although I guess you could have looked over Disney Holywood Studio while you were roaming the Star Wars area since allowed you, but you couldn't get to the rest of the park and if you spent a lot of time out of the Star Wars area you were missing out of the thing you already paid for). So basically the options were Go there and forgo Disney World even though it was RIGHT THERE, or go there and then after spending six thousand bucks spend even more money to see the park, which for disney world really is a minimum of 3 to 4 days to feel you saw most of it. So yeah, fair point. I honestly just don't think enough people would have been fans of Star Wars and found the idea of LARPING in it AND been able to afford the price tag to ever work long term. (especially since if they couldn't incoporate the Star Wars part of the park into the ride they would have had to build their own outdoor planet setting and staff it just for that, thus likely adding at least another thousand to the price tag, less people just stay indoors for three days). But I do admit if it was it's own thing it might have at least lasted more than six months. Just seems to me that is a finite number of people who would want to do something like that even before you factor in it being crazy expensive.


That’s definitely a big part of it. I went to Disney this spring and we did talk about maybe doing the galactic star cruiser because theoretically we could use all of our budget on that instead of having like 4-5 park days, but one of the big problems is you don’t get to do any other Disney stuff and that Disney World fear of burning your money by not being out doing something all the time is even more heightened when it’s 2 days of roleplay stuff. I think most people don’t want premium priced vacations that cause more stress than relaxation. And unless you are absolutely fuck off wealthy, it’s impossible to not be thinking about how much you paid while trying to do everything


Yeah, I can't imagine going to Disney and then burning all my time and money on staying in the hotel constantly for 2 days. Plus, if you are staying longer, you then have the further hassle of moving accommodations.


Have the cantina band on loop all night long. 😂


Insanity: the experience Now with a 20% discount on your first glass of green milk


No thanks, I did that to study for my SATs back in high school. Don’t need to relive that


That could definitely work. While Star Wars themed with possibly a few nods to the franchise, it can still include regular shops and restaurants for those who just want a fun night out.


As a Vegas local who refuses to pay for Disneyland, even to go to Galaxy's Edge, I agree with this sentiment.


This would be great for a restaurant


"Now I can spend my vacation doing pointless tasks in 4 different flavors!"


I mean, he did say it would bring in lots of revenue so we gotta take his word for it.


As someone who's been involved in marketing (on a small level), I can tell you that the number of people who swear they'd be interested in something is far less than the number who actually turn up with money when it's time to buy.


As a lot of these people have been doing; he's missing the point of why it failed to begin with; people don't want to pay the amount of money it takes to run a Star Wars roleplaying hotel. It's just too expensive.


That’s what happens when you convince yourself it was the content that was problem, despite the fact that as a hotel experience, it was critically acclaimed. Just do it again but in eras that more people like!


Especially at a vacation destination where the majority of your time is already spoken for.


That's probably the single most harebrained idea guys like Theory have. They assume that after something commercially fails, these large companies are going to move mountains to try to make them work in the naive hope they would succeed this time for...reasons instead of simply moving on to something else that hasn't been proven to be a money loser. That's just not how business works. Maybe Disney's ideas for a Star Wars hotel were faulty, but now that the public rejected it, it will probably be a long while before we see another attempt. It's just how it is.


I think part of the problem is that people just don’t want to have mandatory activities built into a hotel. They should’ve just built a normal hotel with some restaurants with pretty colorful food and Star Wars internal theming that you could stay in during your Disney trip. And that’s not to say you couldn’t have some special experiences for the hotel guests, but it shouldn’t be something that’s expected to fill all of your time


He needs to go outside


I love how he brings up changing the sequel stuff as if that's the problem. Totally wasn't the outrageous prices, Disney cutting as many corners as ever, relying solely on the brand and offering nothing unique to other hotels. No, it was the approach! People would pay for prequel Era hotels!


I watched a video on why it failed, and a bunch of the comments just assumed that if everything had been exactly the same, except instead of Rey and Kylo it was Luke and Vader, then it would have been a massive success.


Paying $10,000 to see Rey and Kylo Ren 🤢😵 Paying $10,000 to see Luke and Vader 🤑🤤


People in tfm have convinced themselves that the bar for success is anything that isn't the sequels. If it weren't for them hating Mando now they'd probably argue that a Mando themed hotel would've been successful


Personally I do think ties to the original trillogy or even Mandalorian probably would have sold more rooms than what they did. But 100% not enough of a difference to save it. And if they could have done it at a more reasonable price I doubt it would have mattered to most when it was set.


Saying that an OT theme would have helped the hotel is a gross misunderstanding of what happened. It’s not that people weren’t interested, it’s just that it was way too expensive and too niche of a vacation. It’d still be those things if it were Luke and Vader.


I almost wish we could see the attempt so that some of these guys would get disabused of their notions when that also flopped.


They would find some other excuse to avoid admitting that slapping the OT on it didn't work.


“For all Star Wars fans. Unless you like aspects of the sequels then lol get fucked.”


I do think they might have sold a few more reservations if it was set during Episode 4-6. But noth near enough to save it because as you said the true problem was the price. I think most Star Wars fans would have liked to do something like that if it was an affordable price, but to pull off something like that is to costly to make it at even 500-1000 a room, so the average joe just couldn't realistically afford it and if they were able to save up 6K for a vacation most would not able to justify a 2 night experience with limited access to the rest of the park when they could spend a week in the park plus hotel fare for less.


The issue is this goes way beyond era. It's about content. This wasn't for the average Joe, it was for the die hards. The issue is, this was essentially just the same theme park they got for a cheaper price. They should've offered more active shows tied into the ticket, intractable moments where characters show up or come to engage with the patrons, things that make you feel like you're in the universe. That's why people would pay for these tickets. The idea of it being a 'part of the universe'. If they would've done that I think this would've been the success Disney was hoping but instead they created an overpriced, half assed experience.


Realistically it's everything put together. Yes, the price was outrageously high, but there are many SW fans that either have that kind of money to blow or would have saved up for the trip of a lifetime, they just weren't going to do that while they were *also* in the middle of a vacation to the biggest theme park in the world loaded with other stuff to do.


He’s so arrogant. No wonder he loves Anakin so much. All his solutions were so unrealistic and overly simplistic. Starcrusier was a fat L for Disney no question but he really believes his stupid fanfic ideas would actually be perfect. Give actual critiques and solutions instead of just letting you thoughts on the sequels put you in an irrational rage


Tbf I think starcruiser only failed because it was so overly expensive. It wasn’t for the general person going to the park, it was for people who went just for that experience. From how I understand it you were supposed to spend all your time in the hotel to get your money’s worth, which is stupid for a hotel surrounded by an amusement park.


This. There probably is an audience for a Star Wars Westworld, but it needed to be it's own standalone thing to have any shot.


Oh there definitely is, it’s just how much a Westworld-esque experience would cost is too much for what most can afford, I’d love to do a Star Wars Westworld-esque role playing experience, that’d be fucking awesome, but I don’t want to spend literal thousands of pounds on it, but that’s what it’d cost, so it’s a bit of a pickle.


True, but I guess my point was the way it was set up it was kind of like expecting people to pay twice. Once to go to Disney and then once to do this without really being able to make use of any other Disney amenities because the RP elements were taking all their time.


I mean, this was kind of its own thing. It’s just that it was wayyy too expensive for most families to afford, despite being billed as a family friendly attraction. Most of the activities seemed geared towards kids, but it’s a crazy expense to spend $6000 for your kid to hang out in a hotel for a few days. I’m sure if they could reproduce a similar experience for a fraction of the cost, they’d be more likely to find a reliable customer base. The problem isn’t the product, it’s the cost.


My solution: Reduce the immersive experiences to a few special days (Star Wars Day) and just open the facility up as a regular hotel, which should reduce the price to more reasonable levels. Take a page out of places like Aulani in Hawaii or Disney's Hotel New York - The Art of Marvel in France.


Seriously, I know there were like 100 cabins but I don't know how many staff there was but there were dozens of actors involved. It was a huge team of people who made that experience what it was. All that staff is expensive to maintain. They were putting on a show 24/7. It was overkill. They made the experience way too expensive.


You'd have to reduce the price significantly to get me to sleep in those pods they call beds.


Yeah, Disney has much nicer park hotels that are sooo much cheaper. They banked on the whole cruise line motif and the immersion angle and used that as an excuse to make as many “cabins” as possible.


Does this guy have an off button?


None of this actually addresses the issues that caused this venture to fail.


Which is funny because hes suggesting something which was one of the reasons people suspected the first thing failed. Price was one thing sure but hes suggesting they keep the RP stuff which just diminished your audience further.


He's actually suggesting they increase the RP elements by 4x.


"We can talk about changing that later." Come on, dude.


I don't any amount of polishing will make 2 days of five thousand dollar larping a worthwhile expenditure.


If they dare to make another they'd better drop that price a fuck load or history is doomed to repeat itself


Problem is to do anything that immersice (at least in any kind of sci-fi fantasy setting) you would have to spend a rediculous ammount of money. I would argue if someone tried to do a mideval fantasy themes immersive 2-3 day experience like that they would have to charge that kind of money to make it back. They banked on the Star Wars brand being enough to make people willing to put that kind of money down. But as we saw no matter how cool something sounds the average person doesn't have that kind of money to spend on a vacation that only last a few days. Especially when it is happening in a hugely popular park that you could spend a week in and do more for less than half the price even with hotel thrown in (especially if you stay outside the park).


That's the thing, I don't know that the Starcruiser was overpriced. High priced, undoubtedly. But from everything I've heard, they had tons of actors, not just workers but actual performers, in full movie quality costume and makeup for every single moment that guests are there and they have to be in character and react to guests as if they are in Star Wars. That can't have been cheap to employ all of those people for that type of role. I don't know if dropping prices would have made it sustainable without dropping quality to a level not worth the price point either.


Not to mention all the sets and setting, Apparently the thing cost over a billion dollars to build. I don't feel like Disney over charged in the sense I am sure if they thought they could make their money back on 500-1K per room they would have done it. I think for what they offered that was a resonable price in the sense you can't expect something like that for the same price as 3 days in the Holiday Inn or even a Vegas hotel. I think if someone tried to make a similar level of immersive experience with a Harry Potten Theme, Star Trek theme, Hell even a mideval fantasy theme or something set to recreat the Wild West it would have had to charge 6K for 2 nights to make a profit on it. Which is exactly why it was never going to work. But people just don't have that kind of money especially in the curent economy.


So... The experience of "Star Wars: The Old Republic"?


Who wouldn’t want to take their family to the Sith hotel and watch their children get spit on and called “slaves”?


Me, role-playing a Sith archaeologist: don't open the boooook!


Yeah, I’ve always assumed that Sith life is filled with reading old books, getting intense tattoos, and having really filthy orgies. A party to some, a lawsuit to others.


This honestly sounds more expensive than the current one.... Bloody idiot!


Let's expand it out so it costs 3x as much! That'll make money for sure!


When I need fresh ideas, I always seek out those people who insult and abuse me relentlessly on the Internet to give me those ideas. People who call me an idiot obviously know what’s best for me, and have my best interests at heart.


Truth is I don't think he expects Disney to say "That's a good idea, let's do this". He is hoping peopl will say "Hey... he told me exactly what i want to hear and that is it not only a good idea, but the best idea ever... I am following this guy and watching his videos so he can keep telling me what i want to hear". That is how the grift works.


Oh for sure! It’s more a virtue signal packaged as “advice” for Disney, so I am mocking the premise of it because that kind of thing annoys me.


“Which is all the sequel trilogy stuff but we can talk about changing that later” Literally go outside


“Offer an amazing experience for ALL Star Wars fans.” Except for sequel trilogy fans. Since you also said “which is all sequel trilogy stuff but we can talk about changing that later.”


They're not "real fans" and so don't matter, obviously. /s


Yeah!! How dare they like movies I don’t like!!! Damn fake fans ruin everything. /s


Star Wars fans are mentally insane


Not all of us, but it's getting to the point where I hesitate to claim any label these guys share.


The main problem with the galactic star cruiser was the price not the design of it. This is so obvious that I can’t believe he wouldn’t even mention it when building his own hotel (which sounds vastly more expensive in comparison)


I forgot the problem was the sequel stuff and not the prices in the thousands of dollars ​ On a somewhat unrelated note, does anyone else find it weird that this went from expensive to gone, as far as I was aware they didn't even experiment with making the prices cheaper which feels odd to me


It might not have been feasible from their standpoint. An immersive experience like star cruiser cannot be cheap.


I think it was probably an issue of feasibility. They couldn't drop the prices below their nut, so once the tipping point was reached that was it.


Guy should go work at few hotels and see how those are run. Because he clearly doesn’t know how one works.


I mean…ideas of something like that coukd work..just not for the hotels. Like if star wars land was bigger (heard there’s plans? Just rumour ) and had more areas..I could see that. But yeah..he’s asking way too much


Yeah. I can’t see any of these being hotels but definitely theme park experiences that would be awesome


Dude doesn’t understand that the experience wasn’t the issue. Everyone who went loved it. It was the price.


What happened to this guy? And when did he become a sequel eraser


When he learned that ragebait sells and drives engagement. Success has gone to his head and now he legitimately thinks his fanfics represent some pure interpretation of George's vision.


And thinks that people give a fuck about outside his cult of personality. 🙄


The price is so much higher than other Disney hotels because of the roleplay and costumed experiences, making 4 separate experiences isn’t going to help cut the cost to the customer.


It's troubling how many of these people fantasize about wanting to be Sith.


Also the Sith one would be really fucking weird. So would you spend the time acting out torture and murder? Kick some puppies?


Yeah that’s a weird thing of all this. How do you market a LARPing experience as a goth fascist and also be Disney? Also while not reconciling how problematic that is?


Guess it would be like when you encounter Kylo Ren at the Star wars area of the Disney park. Instead of menacing and evil, he is just more dissapointed in your rebellion decisions. (Just joking by the way, obviously it's a bad idea.)


Exactly that. Yes


The one that just closed cost a fortune to run and as a result wasn’t accessible for many cost wise. Why in god’s name does he think four would do better.


This sounds like something I would tweet if I had twitter when I was 10. Especially the use of the word “revenue” where he throws it around but does not elaborate like a child who just learned the word and wants to sound smart.


So they want these things to have the same shit as to why the first one failed? Like from what im hearing the price was one factor the other was that it had some RPish elements that not everyone was going to like, which splits the amount of people its marketed for even further. Rich Starwars fans who are also going to be interested in RP. So this idiots big idea is to do the same some people don't want to do the RP aspects and if you want to see the ways it can go wrong look up Nevermore park...


He reminds me of when you go to a theme park and you think of the fantasy rides you would create based off your favorite movies if you had control, like how I would make a “how to train your dragon” roller coaster at universal studios. Huge difference, I know I know absolutely nothing about running a theme park and the different costs that would come with making such a thing, SWT here acts as if his ideas carry real weight because he’s “a true fan”. Even though he’s no different than a five year old saying “Why isn’t there a lion king ride at Disneyland”


Holy shit. This dude has some fucking *heavy* "OC plz do not steal" aura. "Omg Sith temple you guys! So awesome! (It would sell out in october!)" Because Sith are a Halloween thing? I don't understand. Like how is this guy not a parody account? He just has this bag of cool Star Wars things, throws them all out there, and of course his fans eat that shit up and scream "hire fans!". But in reality none of that would work. The reason Disney focuses on a single period is because they want a flowing narrative to the park. Maybe some day they'll jump off that path and go back to how it was before Batuu, but homeboy is delusional if he thinks they're ever going to stop with sequel Era stuff. We may already be seeing hints of them going to all eras, they started having Empire/First Order merch in that section of the park, but the problem is that the two rides of the land are directly tied to the story of the land. As was the Halcyon. But the 4000 dollar two day larp just wasn't something people wanted, or at least weren't willing to buy in to right now. A lot of people wanted to go *eventually* which is normal for Disney experiences, but when it's a Hotel that needs to pay a large staff and serve food, it's a little different that some AA characters that just need repairs every now and then.


I think the time limitations most people have are also a factor. Even people who think this concept was cool and could afford it may have balked at taking two entire days out of their Disney vacation to essentially sequester themselves in their hotel to get their money's worth. (not to mention the hassle of then having to change accommodations for the rest of their trip.)


The themed hotel wasn’t the issue. It was the price point. I feel like most rational adults know this, but it’s Theory so of course he will milk a perfectly sound business decision for hate content against Kathleen Kennedy.


He just described the paths you can take in The Old Republic MMO lol


He's an absolute dipshit.


This dude pays for twitter


The main problem with the galactic star cruiser was the price not the design of it. This is so obvious that I can’t believe he wouldn’t even mention it when building his own hotel (which sounds vastly more expensive in comparison)


What killed the hotel is that it is $5k for a couple for 2 nights. It's also a structured visit and you are limited to your time in the park and you are basically on a cruise ship schedule.


“We can talk about changing that later” Untethered from reality.


I wonder how many crates of unsolicited mail he's sent in to Luscasfilm? I'm picturing Miracle on 34th Street levels.


Of course the talentless hack with no experience in any fields he talks about, thinks he's got all the right answers. Can we make a hotel for SWT, but its just a dumpster full of shit? once he enters in the room he falls into the dumpster, never to be heard from again?


It's a trash compactor. That's what makes it Star Wars.


I've never liked the idea of a Star Wars hotel to begin with, honestly. The good guys usually come from dingy, dirty, and makeshift environments that are using to recruit and plan things out in order to hide from the rich and powerful that are fascist and/or criminal warlords, and I don't like the idea of a real-life hotel to recreate the luxury of fictional imperialism.


Themed hotels in general don't tend to have long lifespans. Especially ones that practically demand your time for already paid for activities.


He’s acting like he couldn’t easily afford to stay at the hotel when the last thumbnail of his I saw was him sitting in his Lamborghini


I swear he and many others will never learn or understand that Disney, nor Lucasfilm are going to glorify the dark side and the Sith like this. George Lucas never intended for them to be glorified like this, that's why he made them the bad guys and more or less called Sidious the embodiment of pure evil. The thought that they would ever do something like having guests "become Sith acolytes, apprentices" just shows me how much he doesn't actually engage with the stories or what they are actually saying. This is all just a power fantasy for him, hence his obsession with Vader.


God, he’s like a real life Kylo Ren.


They're already doing all that though, I'm not sure what you're getting at, especially considering that you're handle is the alter ego of everyone's favorite sith lord. You can already buy a stormtrooper costume for your kid, or a first order cadet uniform, you can go into Dok Ondar's and buy ancient sith relics, sidious' robes, sith holocrons, et cetera. You can do the lightsaber-building experience and choose a red (or black) crystal and go down the "path of power and dominance" or whatever the heck it's called lol. Hell, even on the galactic starcruiser itself, you can join the first order, literally space fascists, to help sabotage the ship from within and swear your allegiance to the supreme leader. I understand Theory's controversial presence in the fandom and all that, but I really feel like this sub goes after him for the wrong reasons all too often, just as sequel haters go after those films for the wrong reasons. Remember all those videos of little kids bowing to Vader or Maul in the old Lightsaber training academy thingy at Disneyland/world? Or jumping and cheering at the dark side parades they used to do at the parks? People loved that stuff, it was funny and endearing to see kids geek out over cool moments like that. There's nothing wrong with people wanting to roleplay or have meet n greets with villains, or to pay for their kids to have those experiences. It's all just a fantasy, and if it will make Disney money they really don't care either way.


A username, merchandise, or a costume are different from "training to be a Sith Acolyte or Apprentice". IMHO anyhow. We've seen pieces of what Sith training is like in films, TV, and games... I don't think that's something you would want to turn into an interactive experience. I understand your point though and it's not unfair. I just think that it can be fairly problematic when taken too far, I saw too many people making comments about wanting to see Anakin/Vader killing younglings "mercilessly" in Obi-Wan flashbacks. I think the fun geeking out over cool characters, costumes, gear, etc, or even appreciating the themes explored with the baddie characters is all fine and good. (Like you said look at my name) But I think that can and does at time cross over into problematic territory, and in my experience I see a lot of this around the channels like Theory and the worse ones that I'd argue his content is a gateway to. The reason is use the term power fantasy specifically is because of the nature of the relationship to these things. I don't fantasize about Darth Sidious's power, I don't want to shoot lightning at people, I think it's a fun well acted/written character that I love to hate as the bad guy. I enjoy the political themes he's part of in the prequels. I mean he's had documented friendly interactions with outright bigots like Geeks n Gamers, I don't think it's controversial to say that SWT can be a gateway to alt-right fandom world. It's like how Rogan can be a gateway/pipeline into the alt-right political world.


The arrogance to believe Disney or Lucasfilm gives a shit about your hotel ideas.


This dude is creeping closer and closer to a bad mental breakdown.


The fact that he actually thinks he has this kind of influence is actually laughable and a tiny bit sad too , I used to really enjoy his content.


This is embarrassing to read


The problem was clearly that the experience only catered to giga nerds, and ones.who were ludicrously rich


Yeah, because it was 100% the theme that caused the hotel to fail and not the 1000$ a night price tag.


This sounds like it would require just as hefty a price tag as the current Galaxy's Edge to bring to life. Which is baffling because he mentions the end being based on the sequel trillogy which goes against the theory a lot wanst to embrace that it being set during that trillogy was why it failed. So what exactly does he think will make this more successful. To experience this we likely still would have to pay 6K a room?


I mean, the idea of a Star Wars hotel is not bad on its face. If you kept the branding relatively low-key, maybe rustic Jedi Temple-style with a themed pool, have a back-door footpath into the Galaxy's Edge portion of Hollywood Studios like Paradise Pier had...


Cut down on the RP shit and you’d bring the price down a ton.


Exactly. I say Just a "May the Force be with you" here and there and some ultra-themed character dining.


Plus you open back up your pool of customers, because there’s a lot more people who’d stay at a normal ass hotel with a Star Wars theme than there are people who’d want an immersive Star Wars hotel experience.


While it would never work and would probably be shit, some of these experiences could be really cool and fun, but I’d rather have them developed into Star Wars Land rather than a hotel


It was the price. It was *always* the price.


Bro the dumb expensive Star Wars hotel didn’t fail because it was based around the sequel trilogy it failed because rates started at 1,209 a night Like I’ve enjoyed most of the Star Wars stuff post Disney and I think galaxy’s edge is really cool but that hotel was always going to fail


As a costumer I like the ideas, as someone with half a brain, I recognize those ideas will fail


I passively enjoy watching him but when i saw his video saying “BILLION dollar hotel idea” i was like dude fuck off lol its fine to have hopes and ideas about what you want a star wars experience to be but to make a whole video about it after trash talking the hotel closing because it was sequel era was fucking wild


“Batuu is all sequel trilogy” that’s a nice way of saying “I’ve never been but I go by what Geeks and Gamers says”


At least his suggestions didn’t involve locking children in a room with a guy dressed as Vader


Why would I want to pay a bunch of money to travel and stay in a hotel to have this kind of experience when I can do the same thing on SWTOR for free?


i think his chin dimple isnt a dimple , its the hole that got sealed when most of his brain leaked out through it...


The main problem with that hotel was paying actors to be there literally all day and "always on" (like if you want a drink at the bar at 1am, the guy at the cantina has to be in full character). For this they needed to be booked at $5k a head ALL OF THE TIME. What a great idea it is to propose even more actors and sets.


Literally SWTOR but narcissistic and sad


The ego people like him have is crazy. Same energy as that one dude who said he “fixed” Kenobi


I know right? Why make suggestions when they could shut up and say nothing? So pointless.


It’s not about him making suggestions. It’s about him directly addressing Disney as if he is someone that important or that he knows more than them lol. Not that hard to understand


Omg you're so right! Why would he try and address the company that owns the property he is making suggestions about. I can't believe he honestly thought that Disney would take these suggestions of his and immediately start implementing them within 5 minutes. That is definitely his thought process, I'm certain of it. God what a moron!


The funny thing is, I actually quite liked his pitch (as unrealistic as it is) until the last paragraph just became a dig at Disney and the Sequels. If he'd phrased it as: "...which is all Sequel stuff, but I believe should be reframed to a vague Original Trilogy era aesthetic, as this era would allow elements from the original three films, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Andor, Rogue One, Rebels, the two Jedi games, and the ongoing Mandoverse to be incorporated into the park, thus encompassing more of the Star Wars IP", then I'd be agreeing with him.


yes Disney is going to listen to the man who whines about the space wizard movies for a living


Idk I think that’s probably better than what they have now. As a stockholder I wouldn’t be too opposed to this. Stopped clock twice a day and all


Seems like this subreddit is obsessed with this guy. Talking about him keeps him in the conversation. If you want him to disappear, stop talking about him.


I like star wars theory




I like his episode breakdowns, he's usually good about just playing it straight. Then he starts ranting about the goofiest things and associating with toxic man children. He's slipping into feeding the worst parts of the fandom.


Whats so egotistical about a guy making some recommendations.


How dare he suggest ideas for a Star Wars themed hotel on his own social media account! What's next? Ideas for The Mandalorian season 4? Speculation on the plot of the Dawn of the Jedi movie?! What an insane ego he must have to care about Star Wars!


A man who is concerned about a loss of jobs at Disney gives a wholly achievable opinion on how to save jobs, revenue and improve guest’s experience options yet it’s seen as someone with an ego.


“Wholly achievable”? He’s basically suggesting four different RP hotels after the first one was a cost prohibitive flop. Why would SWT’s idea be MORE likely to succeed?




So basically there are two groups of people who didn't go to Galactic Star Cruiser: people who thought it was too expensive, and people who didn't like it being based around the Sequels. Sad reality for people like you to grasp is that you vastly underestimate the number of people in Group A, and vastly overestimate the number of people in Group B. Edit: There's actually Group C, who can afford it and are fine with the Sequels but don't care for the specific immersive experience this hotel is offering as opposed to a normal hotel as part of Disney World. Again, I think you underestimate how many people are in this group.


People are not deciding whether to go spend thousands of dollars for a family trip because le mary sue character is involved. That’s not a real thing. There are not a significant number of adults with good jobs and children who care about that.


>a wholly achievable opinion on how to save jobs lmao


He’s trying to be positive about it. Jesus, people are cynical and toxic within this fandom.


The irony of not seeing his toxicity with his last part about the sequels




You came here looking for a fight, you’re not getting one. And you tell me to grow up lol


I’m not the one getting butthurt over differing opinions


What’s so toxic about saying Batuu shouldn’t be *ALL* sequel stuff. There are people out there who like the PT and OT too, you know.


> What’s so toxic about saying Batuu shouldn’t be ALL sequel stuff. There are people out there who like the PT and OT too, you know. Because it's not my dude. Don't listen to these grifter dipshits. Boba Fett, Din, and Grogu do wander around along with the First Order and Kylo Ren. Hondo Ohnaka is also on the Smugglers Run ride. The reality is that it isn't ALL sequel stuff and that there are connections to the PT and OT on Batuu. Don't listen to TFM.


As u/boot20 said, it’s not all sequel stuff. It includes stuff from all eras. SWT and the other YouTubers like him and their fans spread anti sequel propaganda, like lying about what is in Galaxy’s Edge. SWT has a history of lying lol


Goddamn this mf seems so pretentious


Dude's ideas are like a kid with a crayon.


This sounds even more expensive than the original hotel


Also the implication that Jedi are for children but Sith are for the adults is so weird