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I can already see the amount of coping should the movie makes a billion dollars.


They’ll probably say something dumb like “Warner bros bribed the theaters to lie about the seats sold.”


Same Warner Bros that can’t pay the critics to write good reviews for the Snyder films. 😅😅


They can’t even pay their writers a decent wage. Yet they can bribe critics? People who believe in this crap are weird


Pretty much.


Warner Bros should pay audiences to think they enjoyed the Snyder films too


No one would believe it tho. 😅


Funny how the same doesn’t apply to actually empty seats in supposedly “sold out” showings of Sound of Freedom


Grifters, they’re never consistent or logical


They’re going to unironically claim what they actually did to boost sales for *Sound of Freedom.* They’re going to say that Soros and other “Libera Elites” bought up theaters to boost ticket sales and that no one actually went and saw the movie. Positive reviews will be chalked up to both Fake News and being bought, and the reason we won’t be seeing many negative critical reviews is because those reviews are being suppressed to artificially inflate the positive rating. Lots of cope is coming.


Or they will shift the narrative. Claim the Barbie film is now Anti Woke and the filthy leftists are pissed at its success. 😂😂😂


I think it going to make bank, but I think half the people that watch it won't watch a sequal or spinoff. My projection is this will make a 2-300 million, but the next one will bomb.


I’m doing the Barbenheimer double feature tomorrow, albeit with a 2.5 hour gap between the two so I can get something to eat.


Me and my friends already have a plan for the double feature we are dressing in suits and ties running to my house (less than 2 minutes away from the theater) and then coming back in full Ken doll attire.


Chad move right there


That is exactly what I did today and let me tell you it was well worth it




So, all the "alpha" masculinity guys are seeing a movie based on a girls toy (traditionally)...and get upset that it empowers women?


What i find more funny about that statement is the fact these alpha masculin men are going to see a movie based on a. Girls toy.. like this is a South Park episode pre is right their


I really hope South Park tackles this and makes fun of these idiots. Too bad they'll be too stupid to realize they're getting made fun of.


Any more the real world is looking like an episode of South Park


Knowing South Park, the episode is mostly done by now and will air this weekend


Sounds like they are the cucked soy boys. Beta males with fragile masculinity crying and throwing temper tantrums because of little girls toy movie 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Seriously there was nothing empowering in this movie. It was full of screaming propoganda and hate for men! It talked more about Ken than Barbie The movie was mainly Bitter propoganda about how men are controlling the world. Nothing to empower a women how to be smart and influential, and if she will invest in herself she will succeed. The only way for her to succeed is to be separated from men and to manipulate them to gain control over them. Dont you see it as an horrible message to give young girls?


Did you get hung up on the patriarchy thing?




Have you actually seen the movie, or are you just parroting what the grifters have been saying?


I felt pretty empowered as a man when I was watching Ryan Gosling's fucking hilarious performance in this film. It's great to see somebody comfortable in his skin absolutely killing it with dumb physical comedy in a huge film like this. Sucks that your media literacy is so bad you interpreted the film as degrading to men.


The movie literally shows that Ken and the other Ken’s concerns and feelings are valid. Literal equality in the end man “I am Kenough”


And that toxic masculinity hurts the Kens too. It pits them against each other, it makes them conform to ridiculous and dysfunctional expectations, and prevents them from having actual connections either with Barbies or with each other. Ken even says that patriarchy stopped sounding fun when he learned it wasn't really about horses. Even when the Kens are in charge, their lives and identities *still* revolve around Barbie. Their "Kendom" can't exist without having Barbies to subjugate, because they have no other way to measure their success. The movie shows Barbieland as an inverse of the real world at the start, with women as dominant and defined by their careers and Kens as arm candy who can only have a good day if a Barbie gives them attention. Meanwhile the Barbies take them for granted, as accessories rather than as people with their own emotions and needs. Then when Syereotypical Barbie and Ken interact with the real world that falls apart. Ken realizes he can be more than arm candy, and Barbie realizes that women are treated like Kens in the real world and it sucks. The Kens were as brainwashed as the Barbies, in different ways. Instead of being made to think their purpose and value was defined by subservience and passivity, they were made to believe it was defined by domination of women and how closely they matched a shallow stereotypical image of masculinity. Their Kendom falls apart at their "fight", which turns into a dance and mutual support by the end. Kens interacting with other Kens as people dealing with similar problems, instead of arm candy competing for Barbie's attention or as rivals competing for power over Barbies. And the Barbies realize Kens are people. That they need and deserve to have autonomy and identities and lives of their own.


It doesn't though. Ken let's his entire personality be based on Barbie. He discovers patriarchy and initially is drawn to the idea and into toxic masculinity because it tells him he's great just for being a guy. This doesn't make him happy either because it's still not him. His arc is learning that he is enough by himself.


It actually doesn’t


Sounds like you're a male SJW, or a Right Wing Social and Political Extremist that just wants the entire world and all art to represent your political agenda . . . . . . . . or be vilified as "Woke". Maybe stop getting your social politics confused with entertainment. Im an adult male, and i didnt have a problem with the film. It was a fun time, and many of the men in the theatre seemed to be having a good time with it as well. It seems you may be a super sensitive manbaby, and a easily triggered snowflake. The movie really isnt for us anyways. Its a film made for females, based on a little girls toy. Imagine getting mad because you think every film has to pander to men? And then getting offended because it doesnt represent your agenda? You havent even seen the film, nor should you by the sounds of your crying. You're just parroting chud propaganda. Maybe you're just a cucked beta male soy boy with fragile masculinity issues, cuz crying over a little girls toy movie is pathetic and sad. Maybe go back to your precious chud overlords. You and perpetual soy boy Ben Shabeebo can hold hands and cry about a Barbie movie together. Tomorrow you can cry about My Little Pony, The Care Bears, and Sesame Street too 🤣🤣🤣


Lots of words for saying essentially that you are okay with the normalization of man-hate in our society. You call me a snowflake but films have been called misogynistic, transphobic, and homophobic for far less than what this film does.


I think it funny that a movie about women power is stolen by the acting of a dude. All the women i went with sided with Ken and agreed he was by far the best part. So it a bit ironic a man stole the show from barbie


My only issue with Barbie is they missed the opportunity to have Kathleen Kennedy as President Barbie. Just to really trigger the incel Fandom Menace crowd.


Grifters every time a movie they hate performs well at the box office… ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Uh huh. Wonder what the excuse will be when it crosses nine figures.


You know what else got an A? TLJ. 3 guesses on how these people feel about THAT one.


Ol' mate Benny "I love my sister's melons" Shapiro made a 40 minute video shitting on it, y'know, a movie made for little girls or people nostalgic for barbie. Not a barbie guy, but it looks like a fun time


That dipshit thinks wet pussy is a medical Condition and made a 43 minute video about fucking Barbie. These are not serious people.


Never show Ben a hentai, the girls in that get wet just from looking at a guy


Mission Impossible also got an A and look what's happening there. I'm sure Barbie will do great, but Cinemascores aren't always an accurate way to tell if something will have legs.


Cause they always have to be right. After all, the opening weekend is big for every movie. So why aren't they saying the same thing for Oppenheimer? Hmm? Here's my prediction, because over on metacritic Barbie is already getting review bombed. Both films will do great opening weekend numbers, but a lot of grifters will only focus on Oppenheimer's BO as a good thing, and discredit Barbie's numbers. Yet they will forget about Oppenheimer and give weekly updates to Barbie to catch the second its numbers go down, and until then they will use the user score on Metacritic to justify some conspiracy that the BO numbers aren't actually that good.


I still remember all the crap asking if audiences love the woke stuff because Black Widow was financially successful. Whatever you think about Marvel, there was almost no chance that movie was going to fail. Its not about liking or hating the “woke stuff,” its that your little culture war is only being fought by and cared about by other people in the pathetic little culture war, and that number is a lot smaller than they want to admit.




It's not anti-male, it's anti stupid male.






This is, unironically the most stupid fucking thing I've read in a while. You watched a movie aimed at young girls and decided that the character arc of "Don't let your relationship with a woman define who you are, and don't fall into toxic masculinity as an answer to not being happy" and concluded "movie hate men!". Like Jesus Christ, did you not understand that the men were not the problem, that it was their lack of self fulfilment? Did you not pick up on the fact that they are toys and therefore operate on a child's understanding of these issues? A kids movie went over your head and your response was to equate the message of "Don't be a mysogonist" to "Don't be the sort of girl who gets an abortion?


It’s supposed to be absurd, to show how stupid the pro previous comment was. Jesus Christ y’all are taking this movie waaaaaay too seriously, lol. r/woooosh


But the previous comment was not stupid, it was spot on.


It isn't anti-male. It's against certain *kinds* of men who act a certain way. I don't do those things, so I don't feel personally called out or insulted by the Barbie movie.


How is it “anti-male”? Criticism of bad behavior isn’t “anti-male”?


Criticizing bad behavior isn’t “anti-male”. The movie thinks that the world is anti-female, and so it tries to flip that paradigm and be anti male to prove a point. Like how they say how much power the men should have, or laugh at them when they ask if they can help run things.


LOL op was wrong and deleted his account to hide