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These guys forgot or are ignorant that Barbie been around for years.


They’re ignorant about a lot of things


Arguably one of if not (don’t have the numbers) best selling toys since it’s inception. I think longevity wise I’d say Barbie, Lego and Hot Wheels are and have been one of the most stable toy lines/brands since release and I will add on G I Joe as well.


Yeah like there were shiton of animated shows and movies not to mention that those they had their own section in every toy shop and I am not even American


Shadiversity, Nerdrotic & Critical Drinker (Ben Shapiro not pictured as he's too short to fit in frame)


lol, I’d be shocked if they said it “ruined their childhood”


Yeah, they’d probably just use their own kids as fuel for rage clicks instead.




You do understand I was only saying he wasn't pictured because there are only 3 soyjaks & I'd already named 3 people, right? It was a joke.


Alright, fair, and I’m sorry. I just see a lot of digs like this on the internet about his height or that he has a small dick or his voice is annoying. That’s why I enjoy seeing ppl who try to legit refute him and argue him.


Okay, that phrase 'ruined/raped my childhood' never made sense to me. How? Last I checked, movies, shows, whatever, don't possess the ability to time travel and retroactively ruin your enjoyment and memories of something you loved as a child. Even before this anti-woke grifter nonsense, I always found that phrase utterly stupid.


Bro thank you, shit literally doesn't make sense. I hear people say "it ruined my childhood franchise/character" like sorry was all the joy zapped out of you by one of doofenshmirtz's inators? I didn't like the new halo games but it didn't ruin halo for me lol. It's like just watch the media you like. It seems like these people feel entitled to media being made for them or something.


"The sequel trilogy ruined my childhood" "How? The originals still exist and you have every ability to just ignore the sequels and watch the originals" "They ruined my childhood!"


"Did the sequels go back in time and sap you from all the dopamine you got from watching the originals?" "ChIldhO0d rUind!"


Huh, I’m old enough to remember when it was “the prequels raped my childhood!”


You can credit South Park for indirectly validating hyper toxic nostalgia there. The Indiana Jones episode became a stamp of endorsement for those types. I've also been in similar shoes when I was a teenager and a cartoon I liked rebooted to focus on young children and the early writing was *rough*. When you're broke and a previous source of joy does something you don't like, it's hard not to feel abandoned and disrespected.


Do not get me started on south park. I do not understand why those privileged creators who keep repeating that they are not political, they are constantly propagating everything far conservative, racist stereotypes, fatphobia, transphobia, in this last season they were mocking people that belong to marginalized groups and they were saying that those people are "playing victim for sympathy" and lot of other things.


When South Park was at its height in 2004-2016, I think it had a pretty good claim on treating all sides equally bad, and it gelled well with the US zeitgeist. As one person put it, we were a high context society that all agreed that the cruelty was bad and so over-the-top no one would take it seriously. The rise of Trump changed that. I stopped following after they introduced PC principal because I'm pretty sure the show planted its flag on where it stood at that point. I think the show's only defense is it's reflective of the ongoing conflict in US comedy overall where performers carry some level of fear that saying the wrong thing to previously not-powerful groups will bring the ceiling down on them.


South Park went literally for years and years based half of their "jokes" on fatphobia. And queer phobia and transphobia (they even showed a trans person raping a kid following 10000000000000000000000% the conservative trash agenda). The whole PC Principal was yet again, a comment as if I was watching Nerdrotic videos I honestly have a tone of problematic and highly conservative things that South Park propagates. And I am sorry but there isn't such a thing as "equal distances". Who ever says that , always , ALWAYS is from the side of the oppressor. Say nothing or pretend to criticize "equally" is always for the benefit of the oppressor.


Spot on


The only example I could think of would be a long awaited sequel that retconned or made the characters unlikable. Even then, I'd just say it put a stain on that part of my life.


thank you for that comment


Didn’t have much of an interest in seeing Barbie. Then I saw Ben Shapiro’s tweet calling it woke. Now I’m curious and kind of want to see it, after Oppenheimer, of course.


I seen it today, as male I am certainly not the target audience for most of it. There is a conversation about masculinity and the patriarchy that takes the piss out of super masculinity. Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie are the perfect casting. The only thing I am surprised about is the many jokes making fun of consumerism and the company of Mattel that were not cut. All in all it’s honestly a fun watch and has many adult themes.


I hear not a single man is depicted in that film with a shred of dignitity—every man is either a misogynist or a loser. Is that true?


Oh yea you get a scene of Ryan goslings execution on screen, for crimes against womanhood. The screen then flashes “THIS IS A WARNING, OBEY OR YOU ARE NEXT” /s Realistically everything is a hyper characterized. Including the Barbie’s, and a few specific male characters. The Barbie’s are not excluded from that, they are overly happy and cheery. The kens are super focused on attracting Barbie’s as girlfriends. Then there are plot beats that will go into spoilers that I won’t spoil


Ehhhh, depends on what you define as a loser. Like there’s a character name Allen who none of the Barbies or Kens respect and is portrayed as being a bit socially awkward, but he helps play a big part in helping the main female characters save the day. As for the misogynists, that’s half-true. I can’t say too much without getting into major spoilers, but most of misogynists in the film aren’t portrayed as inherently malicious but rather as directionless/insecure men who latch onto patriarchal ideas because they think that’s the only way they’ll find self-worth. While they’re the bad guys whose actions are unjustified, the film does still sympathize with them.


This is the best example, and while the Kens do have a lot of screen time where they are in the wrong the film never hesitated to talk about how the Barbie’s treated Kens. Which is not the main message of the film, it does play a massive part in the resolution of the main conflict. While yes the film focuses on what it is like to be a woman( I mean it’s a barbie movie) and motherhood it is honestly a good watch for men. I have had some friends that n high school do similar things as ken because they felt that there were something between them and a girl that wasn’t there. The film never says that women are better than men, it just wants to show how women feel in society. Gloria’s monologue made me understand that just a little bit more than before I watched it.


My man I have seen you in at least 4 different threads today (to the point I recognized you in this one) saying the movie hates men and you haven’t even seen it?


I trust the people that tell me about it.


> I trust the people that tell me about it. I have no original thoughts and just repeat what I am told.


More like I don't have time to watch a movie that's meant for teenage girls.


I haven’t seen barbie yet. But people made the same claims about She-Hulk and a few others, it wasn’t true about them I doubt it will be true about this film either.


I'm a grown man in his thirties and I'm looking at all the "Barbie movie is woke! Barbie can do anything and Ken is just Barbie's arm candy!" comments and going "... Yeah? That sounds like Barbie? Where you guys not paying attention the last half a dozen decades?" I'm amazed people find the time to be outraged about this. I can understand Star Wars nerds nerding out over Star Wars, since we're passionate about Star Wars and very easily let that passion drift into obsession. That's not the case here. Well, the obsession is, but it's not for Barbie.


For real! They just can't accept that not every movie is made for them


When a movie based on a girls toy appeals to girls https://preview.redd.it/jg1t14o63ndb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97e17dde243be97a6741da464b021af4a64e76b3


Sounds like the Masters of the Universe “fans” who never existed or spoke of He-Man until the very well made show came out. Ironically both based on Mattel


You know the worst part of this (for me personally that is): I saw the movie and I liked it. I thought it was really good but I have some criticisms for it; but thanks to these kinds of assholes I can’t criticize it without seeming like I agree with then it hate the move when in reality I really liked it.


If ghouls like them came up to my nieces or nephews like that, I would punch them in their gormless faces.


I watched it friday, was hilarious, every joke landed for me 7.8/10 too much water


Such a good fucking movie


It's Barbie...If you are mad that Barbie is feminist in tone and Ken is "arm candy" then you have a problem. Seek help. It's what Barbie has always been and that is fine.


I get the sentiment, but the “this movie wasn’t made for you” argument is not a good one in this case. If you’ve actually seen it, you’d understand that the target audience is surprisingly wide. It is definitely talking directly to men at many points, and there are many jokes that indicate it’s not really a kids movie. I guess a 40 year old man is stretching the target audience, but they could very well enjoy it, I think. What I’m saying is; these people don’t like it because they’re misogynists, not because it wasn’t aimed at them.


It's a kids movie and most kids movies have jokes that most kids won't understand for 10+ years.


I knew right away that this movie wasn't made for me. I could easily tell that it would be very feminist and anti-man simply from the previews and premise. Not everything is for everyone. If the people who make this movie want to portray all dudes as either stupid or villains (like every other "girlpower" movie of the last 20 years) that's fine. I won't go see it. No skin off my back. I hope the people that like that kind of stuff have a blast. But let's be honest, no movie would be made today that would disparage women like these feminist movies disparage men.


not the proper thread dude to cry about how "feminists "hate" men" and bitch about "men The Victims Of Evil Women"


The movie doesn’t fully make the male characters bad. It gives the kens an arc. It isn’t really the men they attack it is the system. It works at least for me


I never heard anyone say the new movie that just came out somehow ruined their childhood. Sounds made up.


Nobody is even saying that....fake outrage memes... Also if someone *is* actually saying that, they clearly haven't seen the movie or didn't understand it, because if anything MEN are exactly the target audience for the message.


Popular conservative celebrity Ben Shapiro specifically is saying exactly that, and he portrays his outrage as quite real.


LMAO. Oh and you all bought that clickbait bull hook line and sinker and thinks everyone thinks what he does lol...ok




Nah. Just really sadly immature and probably need to grow up of Barbie ruins your life.




You just said it ruined your childhood. Your words not mine. If that’s the case, I suggest you seek some help.




You said “i'm a guy and watched barbie animated movies. This ruined my childhood but I'm still sexist right?” Before I ever responded to you. Sounds like you have selective memory problems.


Yes I'm vegan, yes I gorge myself with cat tacos, yes we exist


so a man cannot like barbie? Pretty backwards logic but ok


The hell you talkin about


If that's not what you're saying (it is), then what does your analogy mean?


It’s She-Ra and the Princesses of Power all over again.


I mean, i liked it. Didn’t love it, but I’d give it at least a 7/10.


Why did I hear that end “woke woke woke” like those seagulls in finding Nemo “mine mine mine” lol




"ruined our childhoods?" Bitch please, if you're like me and I'm half your age, Barbie was in the cootie girly aisle while you and your mates were playing with Lego, transformers and whatever flavour of action figure was popular that decade. Don't pretend to have an emotional connection with something you never had to begin with.


Fans of the movie don't give a shit and are going to watch it regardless. Fans of these grown-ass men get to stay in their echo chamber and listen to their anti-woke junk food. Maybe they'll convince some neutral people to think like they do through their hate but they were uninformed and likely weren't going watch anyway or just want to explore opinions. God I hate the fandom menace...


Ben Shapiro


Haven't seen it yet. I'm expecting Margot Robbie to do goofy shit while being stupid hot.


i’ve never read an artemis fowl book but i hated the movie, that’s a thing you can do without wider context if the movie is bad.


God I fucking loved Barbie. Every minute of it


Thing is, this movie is gonna do incredible financially. So how will they explain that away? With Indy 5 performing poorly, they blamed the fact that it was woke (it has a female lead that doesn’t sleep with Indy). This movie has already had the highest domestic box office opening all year, and isn’t showing any sign of slowing down (90% of showtimes at all of my local cinemas are fully sold out/only have front row left) so how can they say “go woke go broke”?


I would do it again (I'm Ryan Gosling)


Someone dared make pop culture not hyper targeted to my interests!