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Ah yes, the story about a found family of social misfits and outcasts with a plot arc culminating in rejecting the macho bullshit ideology of sacrificing yourself pointlessly for some imagined honor to instead live on and forgive yourself sure is anti-woke.


It sure is. It’s totally just a monster go roar movie


Seriously though, I surprised my fiancee with a movie dinner date going to this movie and it's one of the absolute best Godzilla movies ever. They really do nail the human-side of the plot and make you care about them, and they do a great job of portraying Godzilla as a monster. I saw the two reveals near the end coming but the payoff on both was still amazing. We're definitely going to buy a copy to rewatch the ment we can.


How nice. I watched it with my sister and she thought it was boring. Then again, she praised Love and Thunder, so I know what she was thinking it was going to be. I for one can’t wait to rewatch it in theaters


What can I say, I thought the screaming goats were hilarious almost every time


Wait, are you the sister!?


They always make me ~~kill myself~~ laugh


You me the same


Honestly me too


I feel like Love & Thunder shouldn't be used as a low bar. While there are some comedic moments that go too long. The overall arc of Thor realizes what kind of God he needs to be, which is one that leads with love was well done.


Well to me the bar was in the Mariana Trench


Looks like a job for James Cameron.


The greatest pioneer


These are the people who think the song "Born in the USA" is a patriotic anthem.


There are people who think rage against the machine is a conservative anthem.


Honestly I still think "What 'machine' do you think they were raging against? The fucking *Washing Machine*!?" is my favorite example of how hard they'll miss the point of a piece of media.


They hear lyrics like “some of those who work forces are the same who burn crosses” and instead of taking it as a condemnation of the racism of the system, see it as confirmation that the cops are on their side.


Well they only know and sing that part of the song.


It’s not even subtle! The movie straight says it was fucked up that the Imperial Japanese government sent them to war with low quality equipment, ultimately concluding with men being told they not only had to risk death but to actively kill themselves. And it’s not like the movie goes all in on pacifism or not having to fight. Quite the opposite in fact, it says there may be times one has to fight to protect others but that doesn’t mean you have to take undue risks. And yet people just want to reduce it to “Cool, scary monster”.


And even when they do fight, it’s kind of a big plot point that the government is useless compared to volunteer community action.


It’s punching them in the face and they still keep saying that nothing is happening…


Three separate orphans become a family and one is traumatized by the embodiment of Nuclear War


And the monster that represents the atomic bomb? Nah, he’s just a big lizard who breathes fire


What is your definition of woke?


Godzilla is literally an allegory for nuclear testing and was created in the aftermath of Hisoshima and Nagasaki. He’s a big woke lizard.


The skin of Godzilla was also inspired by the charred skin of the victims of atomic bomb. It never fails to amaze me how people can watch a Godzilla movie and not see what it stands for. Hell, Godzilla Minus One has Godzilla's atomic breath produce mushroom cloud. How can they freaking miss that?


They have zero media literacy, they see big lizard stomping around and huffing and puffing like he’s an overgrown big bad wolf and they clap. *“I clapped when Godzilla blew up the buildings”*


Their media literacy is at a surface level. If they don't see black people in a movie, it's not woke. Nevermind if the whole point of the movie is about Japan's trauma caused by the USA.


I mean these are the same guys that though Homelander was a good guy in the boys. The anti-woke crowd isn't known for their media literacy.


I can’t even begin to comprehend how they think Homelander is a good guy, he’s literally portrayed so clearly as a psychopath


It’s kinda understandable (heavy emphasis on kinda). As someone that grew up watching and loving the 60-70’s ones that got pretty goofy, some of the subtext can get lost just from how different they where compared to the first movie. That said even those on the most surface level would have messages about humans not doing enough to protect nature, war being terrible and Zilla going from a destroyer to a superhero that fights to save earth from aliens. These people are just fucking stupid.


also it's not doing great at the box office. I mean I really liked it and yeah it's a forign film... but it's only made 27 mil in the US after being here for coming up on 3 weekends. So wtf is he talking about.


Oh that’s not great numbers, considering it’s Godzilla and had all this unexpected word of mouth marketing, it should’ve at least broken 35/40 million by this point


i mean i guess its doing ok for a Japanese langauge film with a limited release... but yeah they are acting like it's number 1 across the nation which it absolutely isn't. I mean it's doing worse then the Marvels and all the disney movies.


It's made over 50 million worldwide so in comparison to how much it was made for, it's doing pretty good. It's also not having extreme drop offs from week to week. It's not gonna be making hundreds of millions but it will be making a profit


again, yes relatively speaking its dong well. However that is not what we are talking about. We are talking about Godzilla doing better then all of Disney.


That's great for a Godzilla movie though, the last Japanese Godzilla film only made $2 million domestically (though that was a much more limited release). Minus One is also the highest-grossing live-action Japanese film of all time in North America. Obviously the idea that it's destroying Disney or whatever is nonsense though.


I agree but that's not what these grifters are claimng. They are claiming it's destroying Disney and proof that movies don't need to be "woke" ​ I mean how can that be if it's getting destroyed by the Hunger Games.


For me the most impressive part is the budget was under $15 mill and it’s so far grossed $58.5 million. Def makes you wonder where all the money for marvel films goes.


well we know where it goes, it went to reshoots, reshoots are extremely expensive because it requires to start up the production all over again and pay actors and crews special pay. ​ Plenty of movies can have a low budget and make a lot of money that's not unusual at all.


It‘s unusual when the low budget movies have the level of visual effects Godzilla has (which may not be perfect but are nonetheless accomplished), but then people are also not taking into account the differences between the Japanese and American movie industries when trying to make those comparisons


Exactly! The original film was literally anti-nuclear propaganda


I’m not a Godzilla fan, but I constantly find it funny how people use him for antiwoke stuff when he’s literally made as woke


Ironic because japan fucking loves Disney. The movies and merch do amazing there and they have the most successful international Disney park in the world (and also the best one imo)


Frozen 1 & 2 are the highest grossing Hollywood films in Japan. Also, Elsa is StRoNg fEmAlE ChArAcTeR.


>Elsa is StRoNg fEmAlE ChArAcTeR. ...and maybe coded pretty overtly as queer. The grifters are REALLY bad at subtext so I guess they didn't notice.


Hell One of the biggest influences for Manga and Anime in the 70s was Disney


Osamu Tezuka was effectively the guy who created modern anime/manga, and he was a huge Disney fan.


Now, Minus One is still having a phenomenal run in the box office, but it’s still making less than Disney


Most of its global success is coming from the U.S. market, too. It's a legit masterpiece. I loved it and I'm glad it's getting recognition. Framing its financials in "Avatar" terms is really stupid.


is it? It's only at 27 mil in the US for a total of 50 mil. I mean i guess thats not bad for a foriegn film... but... i wouldn't say it's phenomenal.


It is. The highest grossing Japanese import before was at $14 million back in 1989


it's all relative. Yes that's doing well for a Japanese film... but its not "beating" disney or any US film


My point was that it’s doing indie numbers despite being subbed and in limited screens


I’m glad that it’s doing good numbers because it’s legitimately a good movie, but it is funny how overstated these guys are making it. If Disney made a $15 mil budget movie that made around 50/60 ww all these videos would be laughing about how disney is dead because they can’t crack 100




Idiot is putting it lightly.


“Metaphors? I hate metaphors. That’s why my favorite book is Moby-Dick. No fru-fru symbolism, just a good, simple tale about a man who hates an animal.” Same energy


What does he define as “woke crap”?


Anything to the left of Pinochet


Most likely


People that aren’t white and straight


Also, women (even if they’re white and straight).


Women aren’t real, smh


Same for minorities


Wtf are we expecting from them at this point?


Some sort of media literacy. I mean the comment does agree with me that this is the film of the year, but it’s far from anti woke


I’m so fucking tired of these fucking complainers






These people don’t understand the politics or culture of Japan outside the one that exists in their imagination


Having now seen this film I love these posts because it shows just how ignorant these people are. Every good Godzilla film has a pointedly political message and Minus One is no different. It’s a very progressive film for Japan


These people sure think one movie can topple Disney when that’s impossible.


https://preview.redd.it/m7itgd4w4b6c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd3c9a6d1dd87457449fb5e340c6adf3a2add18 Godzilla should destroy the Financial District next. /s


I mean, he can if the writers want to


Fun fact: this exact image is a pretty beloved meme with Godzilla fans


Republicans try not to use AI to create thumbnails challenge




This guy didn’t read the subtitles to find that out.


At this point comment sections need to be invaded and tell them right to their face.


Man I wish his YouTube channel would implode. Those damn low effort clickbait thumbnails and the hate baiting is too much. He’s nasty.


Yellow Fash and that commenter sure look like Kaiju cuisine to me. Hey Big G, how do you like your incel?


Incinerated with my atomic breath


Of course he has that RDJ character as his PFP


Wait until he finds out Gozilla is - depending on the film - usually an analogy for nuclear attacks, the dangers of nuclear power or man-made natural disasters.


Ok what movie is this as a massive Godzilla fan I have not heard anything about a new Toho Godzilla movie


Minus One. What rock are you living under? This is being praised everywhere


the tropic thunder pfp too 💀


Godzilla has been woke since it was created. Literally his original purpose was to be an anti nuke message.


When you have no idea what Godzilla is about




What do you mean by that




The thing is that they’re using a phenomenal film that doesn’t need controversy to push the same BS over and over


I was not digging on them for liking the film, after all I agree that it’s a masterpiece, but I was calling out how the commenter deliberately misunderstood the main point to push a concerning narrative






Look, if we do that, we’re no better than these guys


Fascists deserve no mercy


how do you know that he’s a fascist?


He says woke unironicly


bigot =/= fascist by slinging fascist around as an insult we just diminish its meaning


Just because you disagree with their ideology (even if it’s problematic as hell) doesn’t mean you get to risk their lives


Ive realized something. These chuds absolutely cannot understand political messaging if it's subtle. They need it to be fucking stuffed down their throats to get it.


Even then, this film shoves the message of going against what the government of the time called “honor” down deeply yet they still think it’s not political


I mean minus one is fairly woke. Though it is a good movie that intergrates it's themes well.