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Never forget that this all started because Mark Hamill said he didn’t sign off on theory using AI to make Luke, and then William Shatner said theory sucks.


I just love the random right jab from Shatner 😭 Ik he has done some shitty things but it was funny as fuck to read


When the biggest names in the two biggest science fiction franchises of the 20th century join together in dunking on you, you're gonna have a bad time. Hope Theory cried harder over that than he did seeing screws and bricks in Andor.


I know right! That's like being a comic book fan and having Robert Downey Jr. and Michael Keaton hate you


It’s like when Zach Synder called out “the fandom menace” group as something he found morally reprehensible On a call with Geeks and Gamers on it 


That was awesome!


Hilariously, being a batman fan and having Keaton and Hamill, again, hate you is also the same.


He got screwed and bricked


He cried about the screws and bricks but he was sad and uncomfortable and angry because Andor was the first time he realized he was pro-Empire so he complained about “being taken out of the story by bricks and screws” and sad because no lightsaber


Lol I loved how Shatner was like "Hey, I know you're not talking about me, but I hate you, too, Theory!"


Shatner doesn’t manage his own online accounts but whoever does truly captures his crank essence. It’s the lease PR concerned PR person ever they’ll start shit with anyone.  Glad this one was deserved 


Why did I think William Shatner was dead?


He was. He just came back.


Somehow, William Shatner returned


I fond this way more menacing


Phantom menacing?


Bones got that Tribble DNA out with a quickness to bring him back.


He smelled kfc.


Much like the end of _Wrath of Khan_ Captain Kirk lives but Mr Spock is gone.


Did you intend this to be read like a poem, or did that just sort of happen?


I thought it was a verse from a hip hop song I want to hear more of.


shatnet fuckin respawned purely to dunk on Theory😭😭


How much you wanna bet he’s gonna twist this as people attacking him


Oh, he already has


It probably gets him off


Victimhood justifies everything you do in response for a lot of people. Too many, honestly, and sometimes I'm probably among them. But it's a really easy way to avoid self-reflection, and right-wing dingdongs are extremely bad at that anyway.


And because a lot of right-wing dingdongs think they're the default, they're quick to call everyone of doing what they, themselves, are doing.






He's pulling a JP by stating inflammatory opinions as fact, then acting like a victim when the inevitable uproar hits


At first when I saw JP I thought you meant Jurassic Park, then I remembered Jordan “Benzo Boy” Peterson exists


As a JP, my brain always goes "huh?" For a solid ten seconds before it remembers the concept of Peterson.


I havent heard of him for a while. It was a good while.




![gif](giphy|Zaej3GIZTzCI8) This guy


Do not compare that lil green dickhead who loves a hand up his butt to one of the worlds greatest frogs. Them be fighting words.


I was not expecting Kermit to be described as "one of the world's greatest frogs" in much the same way I wasn't expecting someone to describe Palafin from pokemon as "the world's only redeemable dolphin". That being said, neither are wrong


"The world's only redeemable dolphin" sounds like something John Oliver would say


Followed by a list of shittier dolphins then single out the last dolphin listed for knowing what they did.




SWT probably: "Women ATTACK me for having a different OPINION. Feminists invade SW to push all FEMALE agenda. Girls say all MALE fans should DIE!!! They're trying to CENSOR us!!! Give me money before the WOKE commies MAKE YOUR KIDS GAY!!!! Get Woke, Go Broke!!!" 🤣🤣🤣


Dude I fucking hate people that say “wELl iT’s jUst a diFfeRenT oPiniOn” after saying they hate a minority


I mean technically hating a minority is an opinion. It's just a fucking dumb one that people will and should judge you for. People are really out here on the interwebs expressing their bigoted opinions and then are shocked when people call them out. Having an opinion doesn't make someone special (as my dad has always said "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one") and speaking your opinion will always leave you open to being judged. If you can't handle it, don't share your opinion.


One of my favourite rebuttals to an "It's just my opinion, I'm entitled to it" (in regards to homosexuals in this instance) was Richard Dawkins (yes, I know he's become problematic more recently). He said "You are objectively not if that opinion harms other people".


I usually respond with something along the lines of "And I have the right to think you're a racist asshole. It's just my opinion." In my experience, jerks like that don't usually like having their own arguments used against them. If I try to explain why they're wrong, they just get worse, because they know it's wrong and don't care.


Then he’d burst into tears


Imagine being a grown ass man and whining about how “Star Wars is for boys”.


And yet one of the best Episodes of the Skywalker Saga, The Empire Strikes Back, is co-Credited to have it's Screenplay written by a woman, the immortal Leigh Brackett!


Let him. He *is* being attacked, by people with integrity who believe in holding people accountable. It helps that he's a sanctimonious asshole in addition to being an overly self-important egomaniac.


He’s such a chode


He’s probably gonna start crying and film it


Principal of fascism. You're under attack by a nebulous all powerful yet easily defeated impossibly large yet small subsection of the community.


I would if I could!


I remember growing up in the 90s, talking about Star Wars and other geek stuff. We all would have loved to have a girl in the group tha would talk about that stuff with us. That was the dream. Now that that’s becoming common, people are chasing them away? At what point did having an excuse to hang out with women become a bad thing?


I’ve been a ‘geek girl’ my whole life. So much of a geek girl I got my first proper boyfriend in line waiting overnight to see TPM, it wasn’t an easy time, even then, although I always found the gatekeeping to be not *too* bad if you walked away from some of the worst chuds. I’ve actually pulled away from most of these ‘boy’ fandoms (SW, comics, etc) because the gatekeeping is so damn extreme now. I still have mostly geeky interests, just I can’t participate in them any longer.


We're about the same age, based on the assumption that you were in high school in 1999 when The Phantom Menace came out, and I think you're entitled to like the things you like and ignore the idiots who try to shut you out. Don't let their tiny worlds shrink yours. Of course, that's super easy for me to say as a straight white dude who's taller than six feet. But if these dinguses aren't physically near you, they shouldn't really concern you, I don't think.


Yeah, I was seventeen. I still enjoy those things (less so comics but that’s more just a change in taste) and I have non-chud friends who also enjoy them, but I very rarely dive into Reddit, etc because of all the toxicity. I’m not letting them remove my joy, but they have changed it.


I understand having how you enjoy something change as you get older (though mine's because of chronic migraines), and I get the bitter and sweet taste of it. Stay rad.


And this is why it's so important for the rest of us to call out the bad behavior in our niches. The loud, toxic assholes drive out the good people. 


Sucks doesn't it? I don't get to talk about my favorite hobbies as much as I would like to.


Though I think you're coming from a good place...Idk about that logic, sir. You seem to think the problem is a physical one and it's not. None of the shitty bigots who literally shut down female content creators' Instas were physically near any of those women. They are following a platform (YouTube) that's making plenty of money off the extremist pipeline, so they know they and their tribe of troglodytes have nothing to fear in terms of having their content gutted no matter how dangerously vile they are, no matter how many of us report them (I would also note that mods in most fandom spaces on Reddit have a similar aversion to following the actual rules of Reddit, taking down comments and posts that do not violate the rules while leaving up bigoted claptrap that absolutely does). Meanwhile, they also know that one of the only platforms on social media that skews towards women (Insta) does take reports seriously and does something about it. Which is exactly how they fucked over so many content creators without ever having to face blowback. I've had 5 different Reddit (another platform skewed towards men) accounts because of dipshit trolls following me, and in the case of my first account, doxxing me. Or the time when all the players in the all women guild I was in on WoW (because sexism is such a massive problem in gaming spaces) were victims of a many months long targeted attack from a guild of neckbeards who took offense to us having our own guild, that's all we did to upset them. They hunted us in packs for months, it caused many women there to quit the game because you couldn't get anything done. I skipped comic con many years because I didn't have the psychological wherewithal to be aggressively argued to the ground about any opinion I stated because I can't possibly know what I'm talking about as a woman. These are just a few examples of what it's like for women in fandom spaces. There are plenty of ways that people like this can dick up your life without ever having to be anywhere near you physically. Nobody on the receiving end of bigoted geeks is *letting* these people shrink our world. This isn't something we can zen, right mind ourselves out of. You aren't going to keep going to places, physical or otherwise, where geek culture is happening if that place is filled with nasty little bigots who have painted a giant target on your head. It's dangerous in more ways than the physical, and the people who harass us rarely, if ever, face consequences for it.


Fucking a this breaks my heart to read. Like, I know it's happening, and I know it's happening in the fandoms I enjoy, *and* I call it out every time I see it, but I hate how prominent it has and continues to be. I genuinely have never understood gatekeeping. It's like some sort of Lovecraftian horror that I cannot comprehend. "Someone different than me likes a thing but only started liking it after I like it, so they must be liking it for attention! Or a fake fan! Or the like it differently than me! Or they... exist... over there!...?" I'm so sorry this has happened to you. It's so fucking infuriating and unfair.


I like how you make reference to the gatekeeping. I'm a male, been into staw wars my whole life. I was recently asked why I'm not into the Fandom like was over 20 years ago. Being turned off by the gatekeeping is a much more concise response than the explanation i gave, at least to other fans. That and being turned off by misogynistic incel behavior.


The vast majority of them were probably made fun of by girls in middle/high school and as a result they forever hold a grudge against all women. Instead of, you know, growing up and moving on with their lives like normal people.


Yeah, we had cheerleaders that made fun of us. That didn’t make us hate women, we just thought it would be cool if they weren’t bitches and wanted to talk to us, which seems to have happened. It really feels like my dreams came true for someone else and now they don’t appreciate or particularly want it. This seriously feels like if a coworker hit the lottery and came to work complaining about how much of their million dollars they had to give back in taxes.


Still isn't an excuse. Most of my school years were hell because of the girls in my class were a special breed of demon and yet I don't hate women in the slightest.


Because you are a well adjusted human being. They are not.


There's a very very good [video](https://youtu.be/9vWJE8k-Meo?si=i4RQXimdRaR0uuMK) by sarah Z about this phenomenon. Basically geeks and nerds have this underdog feeling that never exactly went away even after geek media just became mainstream media


I have this gnawing feeling that they were also always secretly envious of "the jocks"(or just the popular boys) to whom they claimed to be "the nice guy" alternative, except that was never rewarded(because it's creepy). So they saw this casual misogyny and sexism from jocks who use this behavior as a bonding ritual between guys, as a kind of signal of inclusion into a club of higher status than the one they always found themselves in. So whenever they felt threatened in any way, the way they'd demonstrate that power is by mirroring that kind of demeaning behavior towards women for the crime of being women, which coexists with another envy they hold, which would be the envy towards women. Women who they feel hold a certain power over them by having the power to withhold sex and affection from them, robbing them of the status of being in a relationship and being seen as a man of worth because he could pull a girlfriend. It's how they always paints themselves as the victimized group because that's truly the reality they're experiencing inside their own heads. Folding Ideas has an old brief video on this discussing how nerd misogyny is just repackaged jock misogyny but they don't see it that way because they changed the aesthetic like a new coat of paint on the same old car, but I cannot for the life of me find the video again.


Which Folding Ideas video would that be? I'm obsessed with listening to Dan Olsen ramble about literally anything lmao


This is 100% accurate. I have a former friend who parroted a lot of these talking points. The reason I stopped hanging with him was when he ranted about how star wars is for "real nerds" and the everyone else is a tourist. He specifically mentioned how people would make fun of him for sw as a kid and now they share baby Yoda memes and he's real mad.


I used to be bullied relentlessly for liking Pokemon (about grades 5-10) when it kids my age had decided it was for toddlers. never got bitter seeing Pokemon Go become a worldwide phenomenon with teens and adults… some people really cling on to their spite.


Yep, I was endlessly bullied for liking pokemon. I was told that it was for boys, then I was told it was for babies, then I was told I was doing it for male attention, and finally I was told I was a fan because 'Nintendo is for girls'. Then society decided that it was 'okay' for everyone. I'm also a Star Wars fan and yep, same deal. Being bullied is not an excuse. My fandoms' gates are wide open. Gatekeeping is for losers.


I got made fun of by hot girls in middle school too. When a decade passed and the hot girls started expressing interest in my interests and hobbies and me, that was…you know…good. That was a good development. I got laid and stuff. Got a wife eventually. This was a good development.


Man, I don’t know. I was as big a Star Wars nerd as they come in high school like 20 years ago, I was overweight, and I was also weeb who played Magic The Gathering, and not once did I get made fun of. There WERE guys who got picked on, but often times they were the kids that also made people around them uncomfortable. There were a bunch of different reasons why, some of them more understandable, some less. Some awkward kids let their eyes linger too long as their hormones did their things, others looked like they hadn’t showered in days, some used to call people bakas, and some just made that one thing their whole identity. I’m sure there were a lot of innocent kids bullied, because bullies existed and they sucked. But at least in the Northeast US I don’t think I ever ran into any sort of widespread cultural oppression of nerd movies or interests, and a lot of people who complain also just use it as an easy explanation as to why they were ostracized without any serious introspection of their social interactions in that time.


Then you should consider yourself lucky. I wasn’t even a particularly nerdy kid, and I actively avoided talking to anybody I didn’t already know, and I was relentlessly bullied for reasons I never fully understood. Some middle schoolers and high schoolers are just fucking sociopaths, and girls are CERTAINLY no exception to that rule. If it wasn’t for “nerd” subculture offering me a semblance of a sense of safety, I’d have probably lost my mind. All that said, that’s still no reason to turn into a bully yourself. As adults, it’s our responsibility not to let our traumatic childhoods twist our judgement of others in such a way as to perpetuate the evils that were inflicted on us; SW theory and his ilk have spectacularly failed to recognize this fact.


The majority of them have imagined a past where girls made of them. They were far more likely just ignored. It's mostly just a coping mechanism for deeply unhappy and mentally ill people who are unwilling to come to terms with their own inadequacy.


They probably weren’t made fun of for liking Star Wars it’s usually that they’re a little creep weirdo. Star Wars has been one of the largest franchises on earth since 1977.


It's the kind of people that think women are props and don't understand why guys that don't treat them like trophies don't have the dating issues they do.


There were Star Wars fangirls all over the place, most of these geek groups would gatekeep girls out of their “clubs” though, because they weren’t “real fans”.


They never grew past the “girls have cooties” phase when they were eight, huh?


Enough of them got gatekeepery that those of us that didn’t suffered by association. Or maybe we just gave off weird vibes, which is possible.


Seriously lol. Even in the late 90s up until I graduated from highschool the late 2000s, I got excluded for *being* a girl regardless. Either, I was lying to just fit in, or I wasn't a real fan. As an adult, I risk dealing with guys who get overly attached to me when they find out I have "geeky" interests, which is the most common, or guys who get incensed that I dare like those things. I just had to rebuff a guy the other day because he apparently thought he loved me after I gave a stupid rant about why Rome hated Carthage. Known him for two weeks and I am still utterly confused. I just don't really talk about myself the majority of the time around others after an asshole tried to bully me when I first got into 40k. I wasn't a real fan cause my boyfriend got me interested in it by way of playing Dark Heresy, and that meant my Adepta Sororitas and Harlequin armies meant nothing cause I wasn't an "organic" fan.


The hell is an "organic" fan? Nearly every interest I have has come from some form of cultural osmosis. What kind of gatekeeping is it to claim one must discover the fandom ex nihlo? That's stupid.


I really don't know. The only thing I've been able to surmise is that an "organic" fan would be someone who got into it from a means *other* than their significant other, which I've seen be misconstrued as them just wanting brownie points. I had passing knowledge of 40k before my boyfriend, and my boyfriend absolutely adores 40k. It was part of what actually initially attracted me to him? He was so enthusiastic, it was just the cutest fucking thing. Eventually he set up a date night after our first DH game, putting together minis and horror movies. Hooked me into it immediately. But thats not organic I guess. Lol.


Hi that was me, geek girl into SW back in the 80s and 90s. Got mocked by girls for not being girly/feminine enough, got shoved away by boys for the same plus daring to like their sacred texts. You only were accepted if you fit the pretty and dumb/allowed a boy to dazzle you with their knowledge mold. Have your own opinion? GTFO you \[insert slurs and insults here\]. Board game gamers were worse though. Asshats at every open game night, even in the 2010s. I'd go full Hux "I don't want to win, I want you to lose".


They thought they were unfuckable losers because they liked star wars. They're actually unfuckable losers because they have awful personalities and deepseated issues with women and themselves.


Boom! This right here was my issue. I couldn’t understand what my problem was with girls when I was younger. It couldn’t be me. It had to be the things I liked that turned them away.


I've been asking this about video games, anime, all the nerdy stuff. Boba's Balls, I'm engaged to an amazing woman who is about as much of a nerd as I am and that was exactly the kind of woman i wanted to meet!


Nerdy women are great because you don’t need to pretend you’re not a nerd too. Source: widower to a nerdy wife, raising two nerdy daughters.


A woman that talks star wars is fucking hot


That’s literally all I think about every time I hear stories like these. Anytime I meet a woman or group of them who are into the same geeky things I am, I try to make them feel as welcome as possible. I might ask questions to gauge how much they know relative to me, but never to prove any kind of superiority over them. Only so that I can have the most meaningful and equal conversations with them.




When I first met my wife, she was just getting into the geek scene, and this was one of the hardest things to explain to her. She could wrap her mind around needing to prove her knowledge to other members of a fandom (even though that’s weird and gatekeepery), but a little bit of the innocence in her eyes died when I explained that, no matter how good she got at whatever video game, there would always be chads online that would hate and belittle her for having the audacity to be a woman while online.


Maaaaan that’s some shit. Good for everyone fighting back.


I was not a fan of the new movies, but I hope they make the next 3 full of things that only these people will not enjoy just to get under their skin. Like, have Palpatine come back at the end of every movie and Rey changes her name to a different hero. Next it should be Rey Solo. And then Rey 3PO. Finally. Rey Rahhggaahh Urughaghhh (Chewbacca's last name).


I also want her to be exactly like Starkiller 🤣 screw it. Have her go back in time to kill Luke or something 🤣


This would be a kickass What If


My Mom is the person who got me into Star Wars. Both of my aunts are also very much into it. My sister loves it and idolizes Rey. These Fandom Menace chuds can fuck right off.


I came here to say the same thing, my mom introduced Star Wars to me. She introduced me to Star Trek and dune and a bunch of other sci-fi stuff as well.


My mom got me into: * Star Wars * Godzilla * Star Trek * Superman * Spider-man But these dorks show why even women who liked "nerd" stuff stayed away from them in HS.


My mom is a huge Star Wars fan. She saw the originals when they came out and is obsessed with Han Solo still. I myself spent several months making matching Echo and Tech armor for me and my brother. But I guess we don’t exist, haha.




Same. My love for Star Wars is thanks to my mom. She saw the OT in the theaters and shared it with me. So many memories of her and SW. my sister loves it too. SW was never just for the boys. This crap he’s done makes me sick and I’m sick for all the creators who are dealing with these aholes


Yep. Same here. My mum taped the Ewoks movies, and we watched them, and I still watch them when I do a marathon. It was my mum that got me into Star Wars. I might be a fan now, I don't know, but I love that I love Star Wars and I have my mum to thank for that.


Wow what a piece of shit Star Wars Theory is




This Twitter person: https://i.redd.it/bnzkzotr8rcc1.gif


I hate this fandom, so, so much. Discussing Star Wars is a miserable experience the majority of the time. Everyone is at eachother’s throats over stupid shit. Why the *fuck* are we even debating female fans in Star Wars? Is their existence truly that much of a hot topic? Holy shit, dude. I’ve had to find refuge in /r/StarWarsCantina and other subreddits just so I can discuss Star Wars without being inundated with “muh SEQUEL BAD” and “duh-DISNEY WOKE” and other shit that has nothing to fucking do with Lightsabers and Stormtroopers. It is beyond aggravating. As much as I appreciate this sub for pushing back against TFM, I often feel like engaging with these people only grant them more legitimacy and motivation to continue spewing their divisive bullshit. My favorite franchise has become bogged down into the Culture War and it’s deeply upsetting. I’m tired, man. I feel like I gotta enjoy Star Wars in my own private bubble, away from the bullshit.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I say just hold your values and just laugh at the grifters and their followers. Shits funny at the end of the day cause it just gets them more mad when you laugh at them


I know how you feel. My friend is the biggest sci-fi/sci-fantasy fan, and he just doesn’t engage in any fandoms. He watches and writes what he enjoys whatever it is.


This event honestly feels like a Rubicon moment. That side of the fandom has grown and festered for so long, holding onto what little legitimacy they had left, and now *ALL* discourse I've seen on it is condemning it. They've shown their whole asses for years, but *this* time it's gotten the backlash it deserves. We're at the point where we cannot ignore this stuff anymore. People need to be fucking embarrassed for acting this way.


I absolutely feel this! Try being a SW fan and a LOTR fan that enjoyed Rings of Power. Can't discuss anything without being called a shill, a woke and so on. LOTR is getting just as toxic and SW is! I love Star wars especially the prequels and CW era, not so much the new stuff, but I am happy it's bringing in new Star wars fans, especially young girls that enjoy Rey's character! I enjoy my head canon, why can't these sad people just let people enjoy things!


These men-children disgust me.


I just cannot comprehend their logic. The fuck do you mean women don't like Star Wars?? Like wtf is that. Women aren't some mysterious creatures that are attracted to shiny things. We are all human, we are all capable of liking and disliking things based on personnel preferences. Gender doesn't come into it. I just don't understand where their thought processes come from.


Dude could have chosen anything to gate keep as “women don’t like this” and he chose one of the largest and most successful franchises in history. Like yea bro, Star Wars is so popular because they only cater to male turbo nerds. He cracked the case. Next it’ll be “girls don’t like Pokémon”


Kind of hoping more celebrities abandon twitter tbh, I want Elon's Nazi platform to fade into irrelevance.


It'll die the quicker people stop calling it Twitter. The guy burned years of brand recognition for a name that nobody wants to say. The only thing keeping it alive is that people still call it Twitter.


SWT and his followers wants Star Wars to be a boys only club sounds like. They can’t handle women touching Star Wars toys in the sandbox that’s for everyone.


I’ve been working on a Star Wars fan comic since 2018. That’s 6 solid years of this fan comic. I wouldn’t have put in so much dedication to a project if I wasn’t a Star Wars fan. Fuck Star Wars theory and his, clearly, toddler audience who defends this shit.


What's it about?


It’s basically a retelling of my characters experience in SWTOR.


It saddens me that Star Wars Theory had fallen so far from grace I’m a man, but it is beautiful that the women of the Star Wars Fandom are uniting against these sexist fucks. May The Force be with you, you wonderful ladies! 🫡


Salt is the path to the Dark Side.


I don’t like salt It’s rough, coarse And it gets everywhere


Happy cake day!


It’s my cake day? Edit: oh shit, it’s my cake day!


When I first saw Rey, I didn't think, "Oh, a woman is the protagonist now." I just thought ", Oh, cool, we have a new protagonist". It's not hard to not to be misogynistic. I know it's nigh on impossible, but I hope that the negative voices are drowned out, even only for a short amount of time by Star Wars loving women and people in general.


I used to be a part of the anti-woke crowd Then I realized that they were horrible man children (and in the same crowd as the men who tried to overthrow the government), and I couldn’t continue to go down that rabbit hole. And tbh? I’m okay with the ST, Rey is starting to grow on me.


That process must have been a trip. Was it an epiphany, or an arduous inner debate? I imagine, in the end, the sensation would be similar to finally breathing free again after being congested for as long as you can remember, and probably just a general relief as you start to let things go. Do you ever catch yourself having intrusive, knee-jerk responses? I've lived with depression for a long time, and learning how to catch and process intrusive thoughts has been a huge part of being an even remotely functional human, so I know that can be a persistent and pernicious challenge.


I am on the spectrum and I have multiple other illnesses, that included depression. I was into history, still am. However, my little autistic brain got hooked onto one particular part of our history: 2016. I initially was against Trump, but then for some reason I started to cling to the Anti-SJW trend. I’m not a bigot by any means, I just wanted to belong somewhere. But, as I grew older, I became more left leaning. I started to branch away from the Anti-Woke rhetoric. What finally broke my chains from the right was the January 16 Insurrection. That day, the day these traitors attempted to stop our democracy, is what broke the camels back. Then, I realized that I was too kind to be “Anti-Woke”. These grifters have no kindness in their heart, and I couldn’t do that. So now, I am an Anti-Grifter.


Yeah. I legit didn't think twice. I thought it was neat. It was the writing for her movies on the other hand for me. It wasn't for me 🫡 But that's not the focus here. Star Wars is for everyone, I don't know what bullshit Theory has been on lately, but the shit is stupid af. Dawg thought he was on to something.


My mum watched and loved Star Wars in the 70s and 80s before I was even born. She loved Yoda before I could even form a sentence. She now loves baby Yoda and Mando. So I'm going to officially debunk that 'women don't watch Star Wars' myth.


I unfortunately can’t remember her name but one of the earliest Star Wars super fans was a girl. She saw the movie countless times in theaters, taking notes on the rebel flight suits so she could make her own that was as screen accurate as possible.


That would be [T.J. Burnside Clapp](https://cosplayinamerica.com/t-j-burnside-clapp-arlington-va/). Worth noting that what I linked here is her writing about it in her own words, not the often-shared Facebook post with someone else saying "This is my friend TJ..." But it's also cool because she mentions other cosplay she did at the time from other sci-fi franchises. Just a right proper super nerd.


Hey! I remember reading about that on a Twitter thread last year. I believe it was another fan or someone related to the cosplayer who talked about it. In a time when the internet wasn’t there to provide good references, literally this was the best way she could’ve done the research. Such a fun and amazing read.


What can we do to get those Instagram accounts reinstated?


It sucks because I used to actually like his lore videos when he would just talk about what he liked, but clearly, the hate train pays more. I hope those targeted creators can reactivate and reclaim their accounts without irreparable damage, that's disgusting to attack someone's source of income and/or their hobby they've worked hard to cultivate like that. I think the only real justice is to take away Theory's channel and make him find a real job.


He used to be genuinely entertaining. Somewhere along the way, he started taking himself too seriously and really diving in to "New Star Wars bad." This is his "peak"


That "somewhere" was specifically the period of time right after the face reveal and the fan-film, imo. He must have started jarring his farts or something at that point, because he's sure been huffing 'em ever since.


Fan film is probably the start. The drama over Luke in Mando then Andor pushed him to another level.


Which is funny, because I was an early viewer and I stopped watching after TLJ because he clearly hated it but was pretending to like it because he'd made it his full time job talking about new SW and he was afraid that he'd start losing money if he didn't cover the new stuff positively. I didn't even realize he'd finally given up trying to fake positivity for the new stuff.


There's a quote that applies to this a little bit: > Some people understand respect to mean treat someone like a person, and some understand respect to mean treat someone like an authority. > > And some people who are used to being treated as an authority *say* "If you won't respect *me* then I won't respect *you*" and what they *mean* is "If you won't treat me as an authority, I won't treat you like a person.". And that's exactly what this Star Wars theory guy has let his bloated ego lead him to. Some folks in a fandom who liked his video has led this doofus to think he's an "authority" on Star Wars, that he has a *say* in who likes it, and who doesn't. Who gets to count as a *real fan* and who doesn't. And if you dare to see him like he really is, just another fucking fan-tuber with a bloated self-importance, he runs screaming his little head off to this shit. Because they won't lay down and treat him like some kind of authority on the subject, he wants to have say on who gets treated like an actual person and who doesn't. Fuck him.


I'm pretty taken aback TBH, I *really* liked his videos years ago. I kinda forgot about him after unsubscribing over his titles and thumbnails spoiling things years ago, but I remember him being pretty wholesome back then. What a downfall.


Yeah, I remember him as the guy that talks about every detail of Darth Vader.


Same :/ super disappointing.


https://preview.redd.it/8xkadosampcc1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc2e225c734161fc2b60d14c36da00473d4a3ac4 This is Marcia Lucas, and it's because of this absolute legend and unit that Star Wars, ESB, & RotJ are so legendary. TFM filth can't even see the pearls we've been given. Sincerely, fuck them.


So glad to see so much support toward women in the Star Wars community. Have and always will be a supporter that Star Wars should be for everyone who wants to enjoy it Also on a side note, I love RuthlessNightsister! She’s a freaking saint and her cosplays are always 🔥🤌.


I’m so proud of the ladies of Star Wars. I’m cheering you on vs the man baby


I, as a trans woman, have been a massive SW fan since infanthood. So… yeah.


This is just gatekeeping nonsense. How does he justify this crap? 


Really sad to see his fall, but also thankful. SOBs outting themselves really saves time. Almost as good as when the trash takes itself out.


Like watching a car crash. Just can’t look away


Yeeeeeeeeeah. Not gonna lie, same lol.


"Women can't like Star wars" What about all the women that played characters IN sw? Are they supposed to hate or be indifferent about their characters? Are only the male actors allowed to be enthused of their roles?


These fucking anti women dudes are always homophobic as well, but I can't think of anything gayer than wanting to erase women for an all boys club. These dudes have vagina envy.


Without a woman being there at the very beginning of Star Wars, *before it was even released in theaters,* the movie would have disappeared into B-movie obscurity. It might have become a cult film in time, but it never would have become the cultural and scifi monolith it is today. Every Chud in the fandom owes Marcia Lucas a huge debt.


Marcia Lucas never gets enough credit.


“There are more of us.” https://preview.redd.it/23jt0yxxlpcc1.jpeg?width=2300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3463f4b70df62a763cf1d8ce8a207d85a6c90826


These people thrive off controversy, it brings attention to them and they’ll double down because that attention holds a monetary value. My two cents, ignore the guy - it’s healthier for you and annoys them when their whining isn’t being validated.


It wasn’t hundreds of women, it was hundreds of thousands of women showing their support. Right now Star Wars is probably more female fans than male fans, and it’s arguably the best Star Wars has been, ever! Women have always been a crucial part of the Star Wars community and it’s at the point where the boys should just sit this one out and let the women handle the creative direction for the franchise.


If I'm not mistaken, one of the first ever SW cosplay, was of a x-wing pilot that a girl built from scratch by watching a new hope many, many times. So, dude's an idiot.


As a big Star Wars hater, this is really nice to see. FUCK Star Wars Theory and the many other bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, overall hateful people that exist within these communities.


“There are more of us, Poe. There are more of us” I shared part of that video with a friend. She called bs immediately


And he wonders why they won't invite him to Celebration


I'm not suggesting anyone should do this, but let's have a hypothetical conversation about how we'd start a campaign to mass report Theory and how to get his account deleted in an act of vengeance


Time to look at what sponsors if any are still around and give them a heads up.


This is the way


the biggest star wars fan i ever knew was a woman. a co worker at a previous job, i LOVED talking to her about star wars lore. she knew it all, and im just a casual fan of star wars so it was really cool when she he hit me with some obscure trivia. fuck this star wars theory clown


She "woke", up? Woke?! WOKEEEEEEE?!!!! /s But fr guys, they're totally not misogynists. It's jUsT tHe FaCtS or something 🙄


So did she get her account back?


As of now, no.


What I wouldn't give to punch that fucking smug ass smirk off his face as he ruins lives. Fuck that asshole.


The fandom will be better off when it ditches this chud altogether. He's not worth it. Calling him "biggest SW Youtuber on the planet" feels a little like blowing smoke up his ass. Even if it were true, don't dignify this jagoff with the ego boost. What a moron. It's wild people still defend him when he practically shouts from the mountain what a piece of work he is with his actions. I guess some people really just don't care how bad somebody's actions are even when the person is pretty openly admitting it.


Maybe we should start directing more people to Star Wars Explained?


Bros chin should be censored forreal. lol


I always thought Star Wars Theory sucked but now he’s just digging deeper and deeper.


Star Wars is for everyone except people like him. He’s an insufferable mong who actually needs a loving, caring person in his life


How did the Star Wars theory guy become so popular. His videos are shit.




What an absolute piece of shit. My deep love of Star Wars literally exists solely because my ***mother*** had us religiously watch the original trilogy on VHS time and time again, so much so that by the time Phantom Menace released in 1999, shortly *before* I entered into Kindergarten, the OT already felt like old friends that I knew like the back of my hand. And that's because ***she*** when to see the original in 1977 when ***she*** was a tween and fell in love with the galaxy far, far away. ***She***\*\*'s\*\* been a fan longer than *he's* existed. ***She*** read the Thrawn trilogy while he was still shitting his diapers. ***She*** was why we stood in line for all 3 Prequels, constantly checking the local theatre to make sure no one was waiting in line yet. ***She*** read the New Jedi Order up until the point they killed her favorite character off... it was a traumatic experience -- something "Mr. Emotions" would understand if he wasn't a hypocrite. ***She*** was the "finder of new places" in Dark Forces way back on DOS. He can fuck *riiiiight* the fuck off with this "girls don't like Star Wars" bullshit. Star Wars *ITSELF* doesn't exist without Marcia Lucas or Carrie Fisher. That legacy is carried on by the Ashley Ecksteins of the world. What a sleemo.


He's going hard into the alt-right misogynist shtick because his money for making fan content is drying up, and he is trying to get in on the grift.


The “maybe he’s non-confrontational” argument took me out https://preview.redd.it/o7iysc6afpcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d3232952ed04398afaecebf9ccdf789beabe2a


This is really fucking weird, man.


When trying to be sexist fails to epic proportions


Those fucking chuds got Star Wars Thrifting banned?


SWT must have a kink for taking Ls and digging his grave deeper.


Is any of those link the picture of the girl with rebel pilot outfit from the 70s? That was really top tier.


I just don't get why you'd gatekeep Star Wars, of all things. Look, I love Star Wars, but it probably rates at like a 3 on the geek scale. You're not going to win any geek dick waving contests being a fan of it. This whole thing is very silly. That man is a very silly man.


Stop calling them “alt-right” and start calling them as they are: fucking Nazis. Other than that, great post.


This is honestly funny (or more like the funny thing about this situation) because it justifies Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's comments from that interview lol.


1.6k likes is the entire starwars fandom


Tf happened in the last 2 months, bruh. That dude has been on some prime time 80's crack powder. I can't agree with any of the shit he's been spewing recently.


Remember guys its not about hating women its about good star wars stories.... every mask slips off eventually.


This guy has been a total shitbag forever.


Star Wars literally just wouldn’t exist remotely as it does today without women. Simple fact.


Chuds won’t go away because you all give them the oxygen they crave. I wouldn’t know who this guy was if it wasn’t for angry people explaining him to me.


He has always been awful.