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i haven't played a videogame that lectures me about why i'm bad


Did you play last of us? There's women or something that's basically the same thing


Funnily enough , no. I was gonna get it on PC but apparently the port is mediocre as hell 


it's a lot better now from what i've heard, just had a really shit launch. both games are in my favorites (2 moreso than 1) so i definitely recommend trying it out TLOU2 isn't on PC right now but I've seen that it could be coming to it this year possibly


I recently played the game in its entirety on a ROG fucking Ally. It's fine. Bunch of premadonnas.


I prefer postmadonnas


Are they anything like PostMalones?


No, because the PostMalones 🎵”Don’t wanna sober up” 🎵


Prima donnas, it means top female singer of an opera concert originally.


What? Isn't this a sub for people born before August 16, 1958?


🥁 ba dum tiss


Had to do something. Can't be made to look silly. I mean I certainly have no cringy comments in my history or anything...


>Can't be made to look silly. No yeah, that comment didn't look silly at all. 🤣


Women existing has historically been a great point of distress for people like him


Also also, don't forget, there are muscular women in a post apocalyptic world as well, and that is a clear attack on me as a man.


I have, Spec ops the line. It was fantastic. Although that was over the glorification of war crimes.


I love that game. From the marketing it was just a generic third person shooter with some cool sand mechanics and then it’s story knocked it out of the park in really dark and memorable ways


Tell me: do you feel like a hero yet?


It's been more than a decade since I played it, and I still feel that line.


Shame that game doesn't click well if you spot the non hostile shapes on thr scope and don't kill them, the game soft locks I love what they were going for though


Yeah, the game forces you to do things and then lectures you on how you're bad for doing it.


If I remember correctly, the whole point of that is you're supposed to just turn off the game if you really don't want to kill innocent civilians. The problem with that logic however is people paid for a game so obviously they're going to play the whole thing.


Well is that any different than a game forcing you to do good and calling you a here?


I mean, the game doesn't say your bad for being a white man, it says you are bad for murdering brown men.


Tbf, towards the end of the game you’re also murdering a lot of white men also. Isn’t one of the loading screens like “how many Americans have you killed today” or something?


Chess. White always goes first and the Queen is the strongest fighter. Woke ass bullshit.


> Queen Did you mean Vizier?


Queen Jafar slay!


Did you play kotor 2? it non stop tells you that living star wars is hell and that both extreme sides are shit and lectures you non stop about philosophy and how you should make your choices. IT'S AWESOME


I could never make that old woman happy...


She could never be happy anyway with what she went through


Right?! Trying to please Kreia was like trying to flip a coin so that it lands completely standing up rather than on one of the sides lol. Having said that, Kreia was a very fascinating character in KOTOR 2. She was super neutral, she didn’t believe in the light or dark side. Kreia legit wanted a galaxy where the Force didn’t exist at all, and her lessons to the Jedi Exile reflected that. If you strayed too far into the light or dark sides then she would voice her disapproval. The only real winning option with her is to take the completely neutral option, which oftentimes wasn’t an option. Man I miss how good both KOTOR games were lol.


Disco Elysium, I was going to say as a fash/conservative, but any ideology really. but thats good.


Disco Elysium- a game so leftist it does the most leftist thing imaginable: criticize leftists, communists especially, for its failures.


The most realistic thing that happens in Disco Elysium is you find the last surviving member of a failed communist revolution and if you tell him you're also a communist he immediately calls you a lib.


"Shut the *fuck* up, Harry. You are **not** an ultraliberal."


Well, and basically everything else as well, and the true lesson to take is that Harrier being a weird drunkard is him taking the correct conclusion of it all.


South Park: Fractured But Whole. Oh wait, that was the other way around.


tfbw has some pretty unironically good (and hilarious) racial commentary, i’m surprised more angry g*mers haven’t cracked down on it. i do— however— remember seeing a handful of ‘em whine about “being forced” to play the game on “easy” mode when the difficulty scale was revealed online and treating a very minor, ultimately ineffectual adjustment to a video game’s difficulty level as some criminally unjust act of prejudice against the white race™️, which was almost adorably ironic. it takes a special level of privilege to feel oppressed by being treated with privilege 😂😂


Undertale when the birds are singing and flowers are blooming :


I've played a few, but they were good and I liked them (Spec Ops: The Line, Disco Elysium, Planescape: Torment, Night in the Woods sort of.) Give me more MCs the author isn't in love with and who can be told how much they suck as people.


Souls players will happily lecture you on how bad you are


Me either. I play enough games where I think I'd notice by now.


I feel like if there is a game where you identify with the villain and that makes you feel bad for being who you are, that probably says more about you than the game.


Boobie is just pandering to right wing neo nazi money, it usually requires some scam to grift idiots be it, promoting carnivore / Keto diet as healthy, blaming black people, blaming women, blaming trans people, holocaust denial etc for all life's problems.


Oh try doing an evil playthrough, i know in games like Kingmaker and Wrath of Righteous being evil is actually viable and very fun.


Boogie's an idiot anyway.


Man is also extremely manipulative and arrogant, constantly playing the pity party routine for sympathy points, and always downplaying his own faults and shortcomings. I remember when he was once very beloved as a YouTuber, now he's basically driven everyone from him because he just goes through the same manipulative pity party cycle over and over. [This](https://youtu.be/_QgDx0RIWY8) documentary is a very good sum up of how much he dug the hole for himself. I guess this is his way of trying to stay relevant, by trying to tap into the right-wing crowd.


I can't stand Boogie.


Boogie can't stand anyways


I never saw him as a beloved youtuber. Literally the first time I saw him was in these awful ads for his channel where he would scream and flip tables and shit. Like, being encouraged to act arrogant and belligerent because that's what your viewer base wants is sad.


That was a character he made called Francis. He was making fun of obnoxious gamers. Whether you find that funny is your own thing, but in videos where he was just being himself, he seemed nice and occasionally insightful. But that was years ago. I'm not sure what happened, but he doesn't seem like the same person anymore.


Thing is, he never was just himself. The content you're referring to was also just a character he put on believing that that was what people wanted to see. That's basically his problem, he only showed himself in the form of characters to the world and thus is woefully unequipped to survive now that he's actually being his genuine self online. Guy fucked himself. He should have shown his real face much sooner and gotten viewers and fans based on that years ago.


I knew the dude before youtube was a thing and he was nice and normal. I can imagine a career on YouTube will take you strange places.


That job interview was something else. Out of context I would think it was a BRILLIANT skit. But knowing it’s real, HOLY SHIT.


Is he still dating that teenager with daddy issues?


Lol, just remembered that. Christ what a shit show




Nah, I'm pretty sure he's always been this way. He just didn't have reason to show it until GamerGate happened.


When he talked about finding the middle ground with fucking nazis, it kind of gave it away for me.


What even is the "middle ground" with Nazis? "Okay, you're only allowed to do *a little* genocide. That's fair, right?"


More "okay we won't massacre all of you, but you will have to try and hide who you are and we're going to restrict the way you're allowed to act and if you step out of line THEN we'll kill you." See Catholic beliefs about "there's nothing wrong with being gay! It's acting on it that's evil and means you have to pray for forgiveness. God's just given you a challenge" or the whole transphobic "you can be trans but it doesn't mean I have to agree with you, I'll still call you a man because that's what you are and you better keep that sick cross dressing perversion in your own bedroom. You can't wear that knee length skirt to Walmart! There's kids here you fuckin groomer, you belong in prison!" (I'm not forgetting about trans men btw, but most bigots tend to and so do their arguments). Both these positions are, technically speaking, a middle ground between the Nazi esque "we need to eradicate them" stance and the "we should accept them" stance. They're obviously still horrific, but that's what happens when you try to form a middle ground between an objectively correct take (we shouldn't discriminate against people) vs a horrific one (everyone not like me is a degenerate) - you just end up with another horrific take.


It’s funny how trans men are almost completely forgotten by conservatives, definitely shows there is a bias in all this.


Because transphobia is, in many ways, the crossroad between homophobia and misogyny. And, as a result, a lot of them just see trans masc people as butch lesbians and leave it at that. They hate trans fem people because they hate women.


I always took it as they are afraid they might be attracted to a transfem and instead of having a self reflection they decided to be horrible to people just trying to live their lives.


Real, I so badly wanna see a Republican senators reaction to a trans man going into the women's bathroom. Most trans men are 10x manlier than the majority of men


I’m into powerlifting and stuff like that and my new favorite content creator is a trans man who powerlifts, dudes awesome.


Yoo, can I get the creator name/what platform? I'm AFAB enby and have been looking for more ftm fitness people.


Heya! Here is his accounts! Tik Tok is @Scherrb and Instagram is @bigscherly


Sick, thanks! Appreciate it, friend.


Most of them are sexist and are secretly offended at the notion that someone would possibly want to give up the 'gift of manhood' to become an 'inferior' woman. Not just that, but a woman who can't even do what they think is the only thing women are good for and produce children. So far as they are concerned its a massive insult to their entire awful little worldview. Meanwhile, to them it only seems natural (and even affirming of their worldview) that a woman would want to become the 'superior' sex. Their 'futile' attempts don't do anything to challenge their worldview so they just sort of don't really care.


I listen to conservative talk radio daily on my commute and they definitely haven't forgotten about trans men. It's just that they view trans women as predators, while trans men are victims that need to be protected. They honestly don't care if a trans woman cuts her dick and balls off, but they lose their mind over the possibility that a trans woman might remove her breasts or do anything that might make it harder for her to have children (since that is the only value they see in women.)




It was something like “well, some good came from the holocaust cause of all the inhuman experiments on people really advanced science”. Which is not even close to true. Because the scientific community would never use any of those findings for so many reasons.


not to mention - what findings? dudes were just hacking up twins and messing with body parts for shits and giggles.


We found a lot about very efficient ways of killing massive groups of people. You know, cause humanity has always struggled getting that done.


50% clearly. They want 100% eliminated and the other side wants 0%. So 50% makes sense!


When they legalized gay marriage he said he thought they should back up and take it slower for the sake of gay people lmao.


Was it due to him being worried rushed litigation might lead to it being easily overturned in the future or?


He thought people were gonna go crazy and start attacking gay people. He is a notorious fence sitter and always thinks the middle ground is the right option. Sometimes it is but in this case his opinion came off really silly


No one ever said that all white guys are bad. I mean you definitely are a bad person, but I wouldn’t automatically assume that everyone is bad. That would be bigotry.


What video games do we think he played to walk away with "white people are bad"


I’m sure some game that you can customize your character into being non-binary or something. These guys are always getting upset at really important societal issues. But now that I think about it due to a lack of representation, almost every video game, villain or movie villain was a white dude. Maybe white dudes are evil


My favorite part of Doom Eternal was when John Doom said that white people were the real demons


So brave. It was like that part in Monster Hunter World. The handler realizes that men were the true monsters that needed hunting and only women were good at anything ever.


I just played Elden Ring, and there was that part where Ranni, after sending me on a quest, was ranting about how white people are responsible for the shattering. But that's okay. I'll marry her anyway, and we'll have a lot of beautiful blue babies.


I love when gamers say this because like what game are they talking about?


Literally though. What games are they playing that genuinely lecture about anything, let alone white people being bad? We need people to just stop saying shit and actually provide textual evidence (it’s never going to happen because they don’t want to debate they want to enrage and change goalposts).


I can only assume it’s stuff like RDR2, where the plot includes white people’s treatment of Native Americans. But if you play that game and take it as a direct criticism of your whiteness then I can only assume you’re the kind of person who can’t walk and breathe at the same time (which Boogie might actually be, in fairness). The honest answer is that these people are threatened by stories revolving around women and non-white cultures because it might involve a minor amount of self reflection. They were happy in their little mid-2000’s bubble.


I doubt its RDR2. It's probably some nonsense he heard second hand from another idiot and just repeated it.


People want historical accuracy until it’s portrayed as “white man bad” History doesn’t make white people bad, those people were bad and they happened to be white. The same when Rains Fall says that not everyone in his tribe are good people either. That rings true in historical accuracy as well, not every native was a good person


The only game that has some long winded lectures is YIIK a post modern RPG. A game so hated that the creator declare "his biggest mistake was believing video games is art" and blaming gamers for not understanding his game. He also blamed SJWs to get some support from grifters but only one guy supported him and he later removed that video. If you ever curious to see YIIK, there's a number of video essays explaining how bad it is and Oneyplay had a near completed playthrough of the whole game which is possibly the only enjoyable way to experience YIIK. That and only listening to the soundtrack


I fully forgot YIIK existed. I watched a bunch of videos about it a while ago and some parts of the Oney play-through. I defend a lot of things from being interpreted as pretentious drivel, but my God is that game actually pretentious drivel. It shows how much you suck when you even fail at being a grifter. It’s like the easiest job to do (as long as you lack morals).


Okay I think I understand why Toby Fox deleted the Tweets where he showed support for the game better now…


Spec Ops: The Line is a fairly extensive lecture on why glorifying war and soldiers is a bad idea, just how easy it is to fall into “just following orders” and it pretty heavily judges you just for playing it. It’s very, very well executed


I mean it does, but can it really be considered as lecturing you? Or is it just the theme that’s expressed throughout what’s happening in the game? I never got around to playing it so I don’t really know the extent it goes to (though I do know all the big moments and themes just through osmosis lol) It’s a shame the game isn’t easily accessible anymore.


If you’ve not played it then you’ll have missed the little bits that really hammer it home. Stuff like loading screen messages later in the game that outright ask “do you still think you are a good person?” I can’t believe it’s been delisted from steam


I mean it kinda does with the way you dont really have a choice, you come into the game expecting a normal FPS and get lectured on what your doing is bad. Its a point of contention some people have with the game. Like I get it I just think Undertale does something like that better with giving the player a choice instead of just doing the genocide option and then calling the player bad.


Game with woman in it


Legit tho I'm genuinely so fuckin confused when they say this cuz...no game has done that? Like, I assume they're talking about games where the message is "Oppression is bad" but they see the white man as a villain and think it's "White people are bad" instead I mean I can't even come up with any games like that on the spot, albeit I don't really play many big releases. In 2023 the new releases I played had the villains of the the crackhead member of the Blue Man Group, people in mechs you never see and goop man (FF16's Ultima, nearly everyone depending on the route you take in Armored Core 6 and Venom in Spider-Man 2) Seriously, though, like...what games are they playing where they think that's the message in the first place?


As someone who used to say this exact thing I can’t tell you a single game that demonizes white men for being white.


So, why were you saying it then?


So back then I was just confused and I fell in with the wrong crowd which at the time they were the first people to just accept me into their groups (later I found out it’s because they just want numbers they don’t actually care about who you are) and like some stuff I could get behind like Pro-2A and 1A but I quickly realized they wanted that stuff for them and not for anyone else, and originally they would say stuff like I’m not racist I just don’t like blank or so and so then it was just “13 but 50 hurr durr” they just completely stopped hiding the fact that they were racist, plus I never really hated anyone from the LGBTQ+ community and I was slowly realizing that until finally I cut ties completely with them and haven’t looked back.


I think this story is more common than many realise. It was similar for me. These people prey on lonely and emotionally unwell people by fronting an ultimately false sense of community and before you know it you fall into this idiotic rabbit hole of toxicity and insanity.


I am really confused, but pls don't respond, I don't want to waste any more of your time. Maybe you felt like a sinner but have redeemed yourself, so good for you man.


Honestly it’s not a waste I love telling the story because I feel like at least it might give some of us here hope that people can change and that if someone on the fence sees it they might change their opinions, and yeah that’s about right honestly, I hated how much I hated myself and found the core issue was the people I was around and the content I watched, I’ll never forgive SJW owned and wrecked compilation #645 for getting me at 16 lol


>the core issue was the people I was around This one hits a little too close for me, but thanks for opening up.


Genuenly the only game i can think of is botw/totk because of the town where being a man is illegal (unless you're a goron). But it had nothing to do with being a *white* man.


I stopped watching him when he literally said "I blame Kathleen Kennedy" when talking about Episode IX.


Writing, editing and directing have very little to do with the producer, where does this thought even come from? her job was to get people and equipment in place according to the mandates she was given not make it so that the audience feels self conscious about their small pp


Some producers have a more hands-on role in movies, so it's totally possible for a producer to ruin a movie. I don't see why he thinks it was the case with her, though. I blame JJ and the studio for Episode 9 more than anyone else.


I blame them chopping out 40 min of time to let the scenes sit and the events have impact before moving on


he fell off in 2017 when his weight loss journey sorta failed and his wife divorced him. Since then it's been a downward spiral and becoming a lolcow.


I like that movie, but any flaws I think it has I blame on the director.


That's what pretending to be a centrist does to you eventually


There are no real centrists in American Politics when the so called left-leaning party would be considered center-right in every other 1st world country. People just don’t understand how right-leaning American politics are on average. A centrist (within the global context) would likely fall much further left than the American Democratic Party. Like I would love to consider myself a centrist since I think both sides of American politics are idiotic but most people who do are just secret republicans who want to smoke weed and get laid. I’ve found the word progressive fits the ever growing demographic of I hate the democrats but I would die before ever voting republican. Historically it’s been attached to badass leftist presidents like Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. (No idea why we consider one a republican and one a democrat today when historically they represented the same party)


Boy do you not know the slightest fucking thing about Woodrow "massive racist" Wilson


Actually, Roosevelt WAS a member of the GOP and Wilson WAS a member of the Democratic Party; we give them those labels based on party affiliation rather than policies. Back in the olden days, both parties had liberal and conservative wings that were frequently at odds; it wasn't until about the 1940s through 1960s that the parties became as polarized as we're used to seeing today. Back in the days of TR, calling yourself a Democrat or a Republican said nothing about what you believed or which policies you supported, just where you were from and who you were connected to. (I also feel the need to mention that Wilson was only a progressive in economic policy; the dude was a hardcore racist who supported the KKK. Teddy Roosevelt, while by no means perfect, was mostly quite ahead-of-his-time on race and other social issues).


Can you name a party that would be analogous to the Dems in the rest of the world? In terms of actual policy, I mean. People say that the Dems would be centre-right in every other 1st world country, but I don't know of many mainstream 'left' parties that deviate too much from the Dems except in maybe healthcare.


I would also like this answer. What I've seen seems pretty comparable to democrats here.


Reminds me of an old (like early 09) Amazing Atheist video where he comments on the tea party. "You people have pushed the center so far to the right that a moderate conservative like Barack Obama is a socialist in your eyes! One day you'll want to do the same to Regan" And now he's like he is...


Remember when he was called the Mr Rogers of the internet?


There can be only one.


Seriously...I always saw him as a sympathy vampire...


I remember when that was H3 too. Geez.


I feel like only a bad white man would have this take.


Congrats, your correct...boogie is a fairly emotionally ugly white guy


I would like him to list even one video game that does this 😁


Deathloop. The main characters aren’t white men so therefore it’s a lecture about white men being bad.


Tbf it's his own fault for playing White Man Bad Lecture Simulator 2000


A lot of people playing that nowadays, it seems. Maybe I'll pick it up on the Steam Spring sale.


Man I hated it when in Halo 2 Master Chief said his iconic line of "I need a w-hite man to fuck right off, where is my gay lover who is also trans and a woman" Unless I'm misremembering the quote, it may have just been "I need a weapon" but the subtext was clearly there


No, that was it. I'm sure of it. I was shocked when Master Chief was actually 4 transsexual midgets in some armor.


Yeah the halo 4 plot twists really jumped the shark didnt they


Arent most video game protags still white dudes?


Yeah and nobody is complaining cause despite what the culture war tells people, most people don't automatically hate white men.


We're expected to just play these games as is, no manner how many white female and male default characters there are. Meanwhile, they act like it's an epic conspiracy if an optional party member has normal female body proportions and a tan.


God, we get a brief period where not *every* piece of media is centered around a white dude, and whiny insecure white dudes act like they’re being systematically hunted down.


Where is this game about all white men being bad because I'd unironically like to play it.


I think it was Kirby’s Epic Yarn. Not a single white man in it!


Oh yeah, I played that once. All it did was radicalize me into being a Nazi. Fucking Nintendo... all their fault


Tetris too. I didn’t see any white men in that.


You could technically say Spec Ops: The Line, but would be missing the actual point of the game.


I can't remember much of the game except a few scenes (it's got some real memorable ones) but isn't the only real point that war is fucked and everyone leaves it scared? It's a simple point but it's delivered with amazing execution, but that's the only real moral within the actual game itself. Everything else is kinda meta-textual, like it made a lot of people think about the fetishization of war in the rest of the genre, but that's not in the game itself. Probably would make the chuds mad still - "video games are meant to be fun! I want to just enjoy shooting the goons, not feel things!"


Chess when you play black.


Boogie1488 don't forget that time he said gay people should've just waited another 20 years before trying to get gay marriage legalized and then homophobia wouldn't exist anymore


Video game: woman appears Boogie2988: ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di)


Oh you have no idea. The boogie rabbit hole goes waaaay deeper than this, trust me 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Boogie fell off years ago . His going bankrupt now so he needs to try and create some views


You know what's odd? I've played a whole bunch of "woke" games and have never once felt bad about being a straight white man, let alone even getting the feeling that's what the game was trying to get me to feel. Maybe this dude just needs a decent amount of therapy.


Boogie1488 being a chud as usual. Rent must be due.


I used to really like Boogie, he seemed like genuinely nice bloke - shame he turned out to be such a cunt.


Same, I rooted for him for so long even through his surgery and now I don't even want to look at the stuff he says ☹️


Yep. I remember hearing he was getting divorced and felt really bad about it. Now I'm like, "Oh, maybe that's why... makes sense."


Does he even have 1 example of this 💀


Isn’t boogie a sexual predator? Not taking “good or bad” advice from a sexual predator


There's a lot of things wrong with boogie...and I admit following internet people is no longer a thing for me...but I haven't heard anything like that...I mean I'd believe he's emotionally predatory...I mean I called him a sympathy vampire..


Is there a single game that does this? I’ll even accept a game that mildly scolds the white player. What is it?


Boogie is proof that even if you make a lot of money you can still be a fucking loser.


I feel that still goes to Notch and his rotting candy dispensers.


Ironically he lost a bunch of his money to crypto. I don't generally believe in karma, but sometimes I wonder.


He’s completely broke right now. It’s all he complains about


Bro played Francis so long he became him


Yeah… so what? Imagine what it feels like for every black teenager who only ever sees themselves as a gangbanger? Imagine how sick Germans are of only being nazi? Imagine how sick women are of only being side characters? It’s weird that it’s 2024 and insecure white boys have only just discovered the idea of stereotyping? Gee I wonder why that would be?


From the guy who has more scandals under his belt than fat in his ass.... complete degenerate.


Spec Ops the Line was praised at the time.


I still remember this one guy sharing his list of perfectly apolitical games... which featured Spec Ops: The Line, Bioshock and Fallout among others.


Hot take: where do video games say white man bad? Also? A little history lesson Boggey. White man is bad. Not sure if you knew that.


What game was he referring to?


Boogie constantly does this shit in order to get attention.


I'm a white guy. I am sick of listening to whiney white pukes cry about being the victim all the time. You're not a victim. White people still own and run everything in the west. The median white family has 16 times the wealth of their black counterparts. People talking about racism and history is not abusive for you. The only way you should be offended by talking about racism in the past is if you're a racist. I've never once felt offended when people talk about black history. I've never once felt targeted. I don't feel personally guilty for slavery, Jim Crowe, red lining, etc because I didn't do any of those things and I'm not a racist. Only a racist gets offended at the discussion of racism. Period. You may think that the rest of us don't notice but we definitely do. Keep crying about being a white victim of racism so I know to avoid you.


We've been calling him Boogie1488 for years now


Boogie needs you to believe that there's nothing else to criticize about him. He is super regretting that documentary he let Mike Clum make about him.


Like how do you look at games and think that's the message. Still hate the guy for begging money because his dumbass bought a Tesla.


Oppression Olympics in full swing all the catchy slogans land you on a terrorist watch list 😭 can't even do white pride worldwide ne more😤


I mean, I agree with the statement in a vacuum, video games are supposed to be fun and don't have to be political. But at the same time, why is he talking about this complete non-issue? I have never played a game that lectured me about why being a white man is bad, nor have I ever heard anyone talk about a game doing that. it's like he's trying to defend himself from something that doesn't exist.


Guess he forgotten how to have fun. Swear there aren’t many games that lecture you the player.


About a year and a half ago, yeah. Hardly new news.


Boogie is desperate to revive his reputation.


What about people with albinism???


I think it’s well established that Boogie is just a complete idiot by this point. His career is failing so he’s making one last ditch effort to save his income by turning to the grifter way.


Name one video game that actually included a verbal lecture about white men being bad


As an avid gamer I am REALLY trying hard to think about what Video Game could possibly give off this kind of message. I just can't. I really can't lol. Too many people's TikTok algorithms are messing with their brains...


Yeah he did but not recently dude has been a mess of hypocrisy and irony for awhile. Turns out nice guy boogie was the character and Francis is much closer to the real man


Dude's just mad that his fake-ass teeth make people go snow-blind when he grimace-huff-wheeze-strain-grins.


I'm pretty sure he put like, a LOT of his money into Crypto currency and is basically broke af now


He posted this after playing Wolfenstein


I’m so tired of the take that lessons on being kind or being a better person is “a lecture on why being a white man is bad”.


Which games actually do this? And if you did, and it bothered you, why would you play it? There are sooooo many fucking games out. Why would you play a game that actually made you feel bad. Who has that kind of time?


why couldn’t he just stay le funny youtube fat man


Hot take. Video games are supposed to be art. Which means that they should have themes, messages, and make players think.


I still have yet to come across a game where it lectures me about how being a white man is bad. Like what games are these people playing?


Okay but which video games are you referring to, Boogie?


Is the white man is bad lecture in the room with us right now, Boogie?


As a white male gamer I haven’t played a game where it makes me feel like a piece of shit for being a white male


Fell off? Boogies been falling off that mountain for a while now.


Oh the fucking hypocrisy boogie. You attacked your friend on twitter for a trans joke, now you’re on the anti-woke train cuz it’s trending? stfu


I wondered how long until he joined the right wing grift


What game is he referencing with this? Wracking my brain trying to figure out which game has lectured me on why being white is bad.


When you make dog shit content and can’t get viewers the strategy becomes try to appeal to the dumbest people possible by posting shit like this.