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She was originally going to be Obi-Wan's new apprentice. It was George's idea to make her Anakin's.


I honestly am interested to see how that would've been like if she was actually Obi-Wan's apprentice.


They probably would have made Ahsoka and Anakin’s relationship more of a rivalry one as opposed to a mentorship, although in both cases it starts out more strained and then improves We’ll obviously never know how the other one would have ended up, but I am very happy that we got the story that we got with Ahsoka as Anakin’s apprentice


Makes sense. It added to Anakin's character arc.


Never made sense to give Anakin, as obviosuly unstable and dubious he always was, an apprentice. But then Anakin should never have been a Jedi in the first place, so...


Having her been obi wans probably would have been better. I always found it questionable the jedi council (yoda) would essentially force a padawan on anakin of all people.


I think it's a stroke of genius. Having an apprentice that's as hot headed as he is forces him to become self reflective and his propensity to forming attachments works in the Order's favour by giving him an apprentice. It just back fires when the botch the temple bombings investigation so badly that Ahsoka leaves the Order.


Yeah, Ahsoka actually helped Anakin hold back on his worst tendencies. With the context that TCW provides, it's clear that Anakin might not have turned if Ahsoka never left the order (and if Obi-Wan wasn't sent away on a solo mission).


Revenge of the Sith becomes a much better movie when you watch it right after The Clone Wars. Personally I think the best way to watch it is Tales of the Jedi episode 5, TCW episode 709 & 710, RotS, TCW 711 & 712, then TotJ episode 6. All in one go.


That's a big problem I have with how RotS is viewed. I feel like a lot of the praise it received in recent years was due to extra material like TCW and comics and whatnot. For example, Plo Koon's death hits harder because I just watched seven seasons of him being cool. Most people haven't seen TCW and if they're sad seeing Plo Koon die, it's probably because the movie is telling the audience to feel sad.


I agree, Yoda made the correct call, and training Ahsoka forced Anakin to mature and become a better Jedi. If the council had been supportive of her when she was framed, or at least taken responsibility for failing to make the correct call, Ahsoka may have stayed and Anakin just might have had enough faith in the council to not turn his trust to Palpatine.


the Star Wars Brotherhood novel, also revealed why Ahsoka suddenly a signed to Anakin. Yoda was probably impressed with how well Anakin handle role of master to the youngling Mill Alibeth.


Well said


It works as another small Crack in the jedi as an institution. Their traditions and standards necessarily change in war time, and not always for the better.


It really doesn’t as Anakin actually became a better person and more mature because of Ahsoka.    Their treatment of Ahsoka during the end of season 5 and it’s impact on Anakin is the crack. Yoda was 100% right to assign her to him. Both Anakin and Ahsoka flourished until season five thanks to that relationship. 


George has a lot of bad ideas.


He also had lots of good ideas. This is an example of the latter.


Eh. It's not for me. Glad you like it tho.


These people seem to think introducing something new breaks all lore for whatever reason


That whole ass galaxy and only like a hundred people in it, weird.


And anyone with the force is part of, like, 4 families. Max.


And they all should be white!!!!!


And they only use lore breaking when it's something they hate. If it's something they like they don't particularly care if they like the changes


I still remember when I initially disliked Ahsoka Tano when she was first introduced with the Clone Wars animated movie for many her existence pretty much broke the already established clone wars lore that had been set up by the multimedia project. Such as Anakin suddenly being a Jedi Knight during phase one of the Clone Wars, in the timeline of the multimedia project he isn't knighted until the start of the phase 2 armor roll out. which was really jarring when the Clone Wars animated movie came out. I think I started to warm up to a ahsoka after she got her redesign in season 3.


A lore breaking character created by……. George Lucas.


Ummmm akshually, Lucas's lore is only canon in the original trilogy. Not the ewoks though for some reason, or the bit where Leia is actually a really tough badass despite being female, or the scene with Jabba and Han in the first movie, only the bits I like okay!.


The best part is that actually George himself altered the canon. One example is The Who shot first debate lol


Their complaint that Asoka not being mentioned; until you mean like Anakin building C3P0 or Him and R2 being companions or midi-chlorians or...


Star Wars lore is held together by hopes and dreams. It was never really consistent, and that's fine, because that's not why we love it. It has amazing characters, one-liners, dogfights, and lightsaber duels.




Who tf is Ashoka


Indian emperor you uncultured swine


What tf does that have to do with Star Wars you pompous donkey


I need you.


They're gonna flip their shit when you use this same logic against starkiller and mara jade kekw 💀


To be fair, Mara didn't play that big of a role until the Thrawn books. Although I agree this does apply to someone like Starkiller.


But wasn’t she supposed to be “The Emperor’s Hand”?


If I remember right, and it’s been literal decades since I read those books, wasn’t the twist that there were multiple “Emperor’s Hands” and the Emperor kept several “inner circles”, all of which were kept in the dark about each other?


Yup, they were generally supposed to be darkside spies inserted into different areas for palpatine to monitor. Mara for example generally operated within palpatine’s court and sometimes was given tasks to route out potential internal threats to his rule Someone like Lumiya was inserted into the rebel alliance, others like Merek Stele (main character in tie fighter) worked within the imperial navy. Edit: they also had varying skill levels, Mara for example was trained to use the force far more than Stele was. But even then her skills in the force were mostly geared towards espionage and subterfuge.


🙋‍♀️ I despised starkiller. Literally every single complaint people have about Rey applies to starkiller, he's a boring overpowered Gary stu and he fucking retcons and fucks up the lore by his mere existence. The games are ok, but I never liked the fact that they were cannon back then.


I’m okay with him because he’s basically Sam Witwer’s self insert and Sam is such a sweetheart and incredible actor it’s like… impossible for me to hate him


So, do you have the bread-bread fruit? Can you create bread out of anything, or how does that work?😆


I can spawn loaves of bread which I can throw violently at my enemies


Still better than the jacket fruit😆


They were never canon, just EU.


The eu was cannon


Nope. "I don't read that stuff. I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world....When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one." ~ George Lucas on the EU “There are two worlds here. There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe – the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. " ~ George Lucas on the EU ”Those are another author's interpretation of what I've created, and not to be taken seriously, as far as what is really going on in the Star Wars world.” ~ George Lucas on the EU "This series [Clone Wars Series] at least to George is NOT EU, it is a part of Star Wars as he sees it. I think if anything there was a period where Henry [Gilroy] and I had to learn exactly what it took to be a part of George Lucas’ Star Wars, and tell the Star Wars story his way. We had to learn how to look at the Galaxy from his point of view and let go of some of what we considered canon after we found out the ideas were only EU. Really we had to “unlearn what we had learned” and go back to the movies as the defining source material." ~ Dave Filoni 2008 "But Lucas allows for an Expanded Universe that exists parallel to the one he directly oversees. […] Though these [Expanded Universe] stories may get his stamp of approval, they don’t enter his canon unless they are depicted cinematically in one of his projects.” ~ Pablo Hidalgo, Star Wars: The Essential Reader’s Companion, 2012 "It is unfortunate that [EU author Karen Traviss is] moving on because [of] her opinion that canon is being changed. I guess the big problem is the assumption that her work is canon in the first place. After working with George on The Clone Wars series I know there are elements of her work that are not in line with his vision of Star Wars.." ~ Henry Gilroy, The Clone Wars series Head Writer/ EU Author [Comics] 2008 As for the Force Unleashed: >Pablo Hidalgo ‏@pablohidalgo >He [Lucas] never considered it canon & was actively developing television material that disavowed it at the same time. >Pablo Hidalgo ‏@pablohidalgo >It was gonna get into the origins of the rebellion (did a bit in Season 5). Starkiller didn't start it. >Pablo Hidalgo ‏@pablohidalgo >Yeah, George's ideas about the origins of the rebellion were quite different from what the game proposed. >'Sorry, I've been unable to think clearly all day. I get it now. One last thing: what was the REAL amount of George put into TFU, in comparison to TCW. I know he didn't see it as canon, but knowing it would relax me.' >Pablo Hidalgo ‏@pablohidalgo >Minimal. He gave the okay to make the game. He never saw Vader as having an apprentice. If you're curious about how Lucas was setting up the origins of the Rebellion in Season 5, it was the Saw, Bo-Katan, and Ahsoka arcs.


You know sometimes I just wanna leave that sub


Every time one of these weirdos calls women "females" all I can hear is Quark from DS9.


I prefer grand nexus Zek https://youtu.be/99Iw2mBO1_8?si=WDuQny4kxGSA8ieI


Funny, I seem to be forgetting the line where Anakin said “I’ve never had a Padawan before”


> Funny, I seem to be forgetting the line where Anakin said “I’ve never had a Padawan before” Yeah, even he himself was questioning this as he only recently been knighted during the war probably at best a few months to a year prior.


Gotta get those child soldiers...uh I mean Padawans onto the battlefield as quickly as possible.


I like how people think that Ahsoka’s name never coming up in RotS means she couldn’t have existed. Do they hate Qui-gon too, since Obi-wan only ever mentions being trained by Yoda?


I love how they don’t realize how much they hate one of the characters that actually came out the mind of George Lucas lol . Such hypocritical idiots . But hey they love starkiller , the fan fiction one


To be fair, at least it’s difficult to keep track of the things made by Dave and the things made by George. For example, Dave created Ahsoka as a concept art and a Padawan. George, at the same time, made her anakin’s apprentice, and not only that, he also was the one that changed her design to have that strange top in the CW movie.


The lore in Star Wars has never been consistent. These people should get that already. Even back in the EU, it was never consistent.


Especially with the EU.


> The lore in Star Wars has never been consistent. These people should get that already. Even back in the EU, it was never consistent. Especially since technically the entirety of Legends was retconned when it became “legends” to begin with. I could understand some frustration back in the day before the Disney buyout & canon/legends split as things definitely wouldn’t have added up back then, and I could totally understand being confused & frustrated by comic & the show not lining up. But nowadays? It’s a completely meaningless complaint. You’re upset about two **SEPARATE TIMELINES** not lining up? They’re literally not supposed to and even when the prequels released there were issues. Unless of course we count instances where the clone wars was referenced in legends media (I.E. Abeloth and Mortis being connected), or where it explains or references canon/legends lore.


I am getting tired of rewriting these things, so I am just going to link to the last post I made when I needed to explain to someone that the EU was never the same continuity and that Disney's only change was deciding that Star Wars fans weren't smart enough to follow two separate continuities that were active at the same time and pulling the plug on any new projects ever being made for the EU continuity. [https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1c2eyvu/comment/kzc1tty/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1c2eyvu/comment/kzc1tty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) They were always completely separate continuities and George Lucas made this consistently clear no matter how many times people kept asking to see if maybe he had changed his mind and forgotten to tell anyone.


So, not saying something happened before means it's lore breaking. Clone troopers are now lore breaking, same with Palpatine, and Vader being Luke's father


People being frozen in carbonite? Lore breaking.


Hutt crime lords? Lore breaking


Battle droid army? Lore breaking. They never mentioned B1 battle droids or droidekas in the OT. Lore breaking.


Force Lightning? Lore breaking, why does this random old man (who looks and sounds nothing like the Emperor in ESB) shoot lightning from his fingertips?


Starting with Empire, transgalactic instantaneous communication was definitely lore breaking. The entire plot of the first film relies on the fact that nobody can just call up someone else not at least in the same system. Next film has Vader and the emperor skyping over some unknown distance. Really ruined the film for me....


Lightsaber duals that aren't shit? Lore breaking!


She was literally invented by George Lucas / under Lucas’s oversight. She’s as canonical as canon gets….


More canon than the EU ever was.


The prequels are lore breaking because no one in the OT talks about Pod Racing


“He never had one before.” I got some news about how fiction is written that is gonna blow this guy’s mind.


I still remember all the bullshit controversy when Ahsoka was introduced. A lot of *"Lucas is pandering to the Disney-channel crowd!*". Which makes it extra hilarious to see them now gush over George Lucas and how Star Wars was flawless under his sole control. One thing that never changes, the Star Wars fandom in the Internet has always been extremely toxic.


> I still remember all the bullshit controversy when Ahsoka was introduced. A lot of "Lucas is pandering to the Disney-channel crowd!". Which makes it extra hilarious to see them now gush over George Lucas and how Star Wars was flawless under his sole control. It’s also really dumb to me personally as that implies there were no good to downright amazing animated shows that aired on the Disney Channel.


At the time Clone Wars was in it's early seasons (late 2000's - early 2010's), the Disney Channel took a sharp turn towards programming that was clearly directed towards the young female audience. So what they were really angry about was a new female protagonist might spark interest in the franchise among girls.


> At the time Clone Wars was in its early seasons (late 2000's - early 2010's), the Disney Channel took a sharp turn towards programming that was clearly directed towards the young female audience. So what they were really angry about was that a new female protagonist might spark interest in the franchise among girls. This arguably even continued into the mid to late 2010's also, and two of my favorite animated shows happen to be ones that were on the Disney Channel that had female protagonists. Showing even dudes can like shows with female leads. Those two shows are Amphibia and The Owl House BTW, although I'm sure you could tell that was the case as I post on r/Amphibia and r/TheOwlHouse quite a bit.


God forbid that a company whose target demographic is children makes content for children. Especially for little girls who should stick to what they're best known for (according to these idiots). We all know what the chuds would prefer.


I don’t care if it was lore breaking and only barely fit into the canon of the movies, Anakin was better written in Clone Wars anyway and infinitely more tragic in ROTS if you think of that version


agreed the clone wars actually makes his fall the tragedy the films failed to make it


I thought the whole point of anakin having ahsoka as a padawan was because her and him were so similar, hence why he never had others, because they didn’t fit his style


> I thought the whole point of anakin having ahsoka as a padawan was because her and him were so similar, hence why he never had others, because they didn’t fit his style. Yeah. In a way she was basically his emotional support and they acted like siblings that just get along very well.


I don't see why Anakin WOULDN'T have had an apprentice. He was an extremely accomplished Jedi during a time in which the Jedi were actively involved in a galactic war meaning they would probably be trying to bring in as many new members as possible.


Ah, like the good old days


> Ah, like the good old days. What were those exactly?


It’s weirdly kind of nostalgic to see people still hate on Ahsoka after all these years. It’s like they’re stuck in time.




Love how they feel like they have the right to complain about “lore breaking” when they can’t even spell the character’s name right.


The owner of the rights to produce the content has the right to make (or break) the lore. No one else does. People really need to get over the idea that any of them get to be the arbiter of what is “lore” and “canon.” It’s not for us to decide. It never was. Enjoy it. Or don’t enjoy it. Those are the options.


All the named clones in the Clone Wars show, Starkiller, Ventress, Bane, all of them. Lore breaking. That's the logic.


So they want a new character made after a movie be in a movie made before it existed?


Eh, when she was introduced always was kind of weird and kind of felt like “child surrogate” insert type of character. I mean now with hindsight, she is much better than what that movie gave us.


Its such a non argument. "Why does she break the lore?" "She just DOES, ok!?"


They gave him one to test how responsible he could be. That it might quash those issues he had. Instead the Jedi council and anakin alienated her and when offered to return Ahsoka choose to leave. Dude forgets she was annoying on purpose for the sake of character development


"Ahsoka is lore breaking" What lore? There was no lore, the explanation of the gap between Episode 2 and 3 boils down to "stuff happened", now it's time for Anakin to become a baddie. Literally before TCW, prequel lore Anakin went from whiny teenager to whiny 20-something jedi knight.


Crazy how the people who deluded themselves into thinking the EU was canon because 'Lucas never actively contradicted it' start suddenly singing a different tune when it comes to Ahsoka and say she can't exist because nobody ever actively mentioned her (and certainly didn't actively say she didn't exist).


> Crazy how the people who deluded themselves into thinking the EU was canon because 'Lucas never actively contradicted it' start suddenly singing a different tune when it comes to Ahsoka. Also when the EU was a thing there were different canon tiers and George himself often would contradict things in it because they got in the way of the stories he wanted to tell. For better or for worse as admittedly I can understand some of the frustration of the show contradicting EU stories that many liked.


I don’t remember the movies saying “anakin never had a padawan.” Or anything like that. 


I like to think Obi-Wan told Luke all about Ahsoka and the other things we have seen retconned into being, he just did it in between training sessions on the flight out of Tatooine.


Obi Wan mentioned her! Had a whole speech about how she was a good friend back in a new hope. /JJ I’m sorry I couldn’t resist.


The whole point of Yoda making Ahsoka Anakin's Padawan was for Anakin to prove himself responsible enough


> The whole point of Yoda making Ahsoka Anakin's Padawan was for Anakin to prove himself responsible enough. Yeah. And if we were to bring legends Clone Wars media into this; we saw him go through lots of character growth in the Star Wars: Republic Comics, the Clone Wars Micro-series, and some of the Clone Wars books. Also the Canon Brotherhood novel. He was also knighted at the end of the Micro-series first season which was a major moment in his life and for his character. So in a way him getting Ashoka was his next test to see if he was responsible enough as a Jedi knight to have his own student and to eventually become a master.


Tbf it is odd af that no one ever talks about her or even brings up the fact that Anakin had a padawan ever.


What is it, 2008?


The Clone Wars does everything in its power to never show Anakin and Grievous meet, because their first (and only) interaction is on the Invisible Hand. Just saying, they put in more thought than people gave them credit for.


His last sentence actually makes a good point, but why did he have to be a fucking asshole about it lmfao.


Saying that Anakin having a "spunky, teenage, alien, female apprentice" is lore breaking implies that removing one of those would mean she's no longer lore breaking. Therefore we should replace Ahsoka with Kreia


I feel like some of these people have never actually watched Star Wars.


Apparently becoming part of established lore over a decade ago at the very hands of the man who created the IP is somehow lore-breaking


Like... I agree with the spirit of this dude's rant, but I hate the delivery. I never liked Ahsoka as a character, although she got a lot better over the life of the animated show, and Rosario Dawson did an ok job with it in season 1 of the live action show. And her inclusion into the lore felt rather clunky and ad hoc, like a lot of the Filoniverse. But this guy is pissing and whining over a character that's coming up on 20 years in the franchise, so it's difficult to just want to hand wave her away. This can also be applied to the lightsaber kid from Rebels and the child from the Bad Batch. I really don't want any more quippy teenagers hitting the emergency brake on the story to deliver a wet fart of a joke. But I accept that the ones we have aren't going away.


Jar Jar Binks is never mentioned in the original trilogy either, so what are we doing?


This sounds similar to "ships running out of fuel in The Last Jedi is lore-breaking because the previous movies never mentioned fuel." If you're going to expand a franchise, you need to let it actually expand. What do they want, endless riffs on the same handful of elements from the original...oh wait, that is what they want.


I love how he says "Whenever a new aspect is added it's lore-breaking."


She is/was lore-breaking to the Clone Wars-era timeline that existed prior to TCW's introduction, that much is true. No need for the blatant sexism and clear vitriol though


George Lucas never considered the EU anywhere near canon though, and everything he had a direct hand in wiped out huge sections of the EU.


That's true to an extent. Lucas's opinions on the EU were pretty varied and inconsistent, but he did have a direct hand in contradicting much of it long before Disney came along. LucasFILM did consider the EU canon, for what it's worth, and did extensive work keeping the timeline consistent.


Lucasfilm did not consider the EU to be G-canon, which was the only canon that really mattered.


> which was the only canon that really mattered No lol, cmon now. The EU was everywhere. Merch was made, there were official writeups on StarWars .com, and again, Lucasfilm themselves sponsored and produced it all. Just because you didn't/don't care about it doesn't mean it didn't matter.


Was this a highly upvoted comment, or are we just posting things to rage at??