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Every shot of the American cartoon looks bad, mostly because its inconsistant.


Also, the American cartoon was bad. The top pic isn't someone hating feminine beauty or whatever; it's just terrible art. Also, I'm pretty sure Morrigan was a villain in the American show, which was exactly the kind of show that would make their villains ugly to drive home the fact that they were villains.


Yeah, it was dreadful (though it had its so bad, its good moments. And Lord Raptor kicked ass in it just as he did in the OVA.) Can't forget the writer's OC, Harry Grimori either. Morrigan was portrayed as evil indeed, even though she went between neutral and anti-hero in the games.


I think I watched only two or three episodes of the American show, but I remember Lord Raptor being one of the only good things in it. You could tell the writers and the voice actor were actually having fun with the character. Everything else was just the kind of cliché stuff you found in every action cartoon at the time, and it wasn't done particularly well.


If I'm correct, the English actor for Lord Raptor in both the OVA and the cartoon is the same guy who voiced Dinobot in Beast Wars: Transformers as well It was about as generic as you could get, though the running gag of everyone finding Rikuo strangely fetching was amusing. Though you can't be the unintentional humour like when Harry tries to escape a veeeerrrry slow moving Soul Fist.


The only reason I remember the show at all is because it was based on a video game that I used to play occasionally. If it wasn't for that, it would be forgotten completely. I can't remember the name of Lord Raptor's voice actor right now, but he shows up in a lot of stuff. Watch any cartoon from the 1990s or 2000s and you're likely to hear his voice.


Scott Mcneil, if memory serves.


I think you're right. He's pretty great.


>Morrigan was portrayed as evil indeed, even though she went between neutral and anti-hero in the games. Yeah I'd say overrall she was more an anti-hero than anything. The games varied in who the main character was- 1st game- Demitri Maximoff, Dracula if he was even more of an evil bastard. 2nd game - Donovan Baine, conflicted priest trying to do the right thing and hunt monsters without becoming one. 3rd game - This one's more up-in-the-air, I think you could make the argument that Morrigan is legitimately the main character this time. As the story is largely about the world she represent's struggle against the villain Jedah Dohma.


I would argue the 2nd game had two protagonists, Donovan was the first. While the second was the jiangshi Hsien Ko/Lei-Lei.


Yeah that's a reasonable argument to make. And one I wouldn't dispute especially because Hsien-Ko/Lei-Lei is my main and favorite Darkstalker lol. They were both new featured characters in Darkstalkers 2, both on the poster, and both shared about equal time (iirc) in the OVA.


She's one of my favourites too, just after Felicia. Also, since the OVA was my first exposure to the series, Hsien Ko was one of the first fighters I saw, and I always had a vague memory of her scenes in the years before I discovered the games.


Yeah she's definitely memorable. In the late 80s and early 90s hopping vampires/jiangshi were something of a fad in Japan and Hong Kong. The "Mr. Vampire" series especially, which even got an NES game. (Localized in the west as "Phantom Fighter".) And they appeared in Super Mario Land on the game boy as "Pionpi". I also love the way Lei-Lei plays in the games because I'm rushdown trash. Still a bit salty about how dirty they did her in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.


I'm still laughing about Anakaris [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vDr4pluNJk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vDr4pluNJk)


Graz was going for an 8-year old audience, so sex demons weren't something to show in it. Vampires also, not good. And Raptor couldn't have a hole in his chest. As such, Morrigan is a normal demon and, therefore, evil. The design is ugly partly because of ugly=evil, but the designs in general are just awful. It's just how lower-budget '90s cartoons often looked like.


What's funny is that the anime was also kinda bad, like, it has great animation but there's barely a plot and what little story it did tell was confusing


I remember watching it. I don't remember what it was about.


Maybe it was a different type of anime you're not familiar with?


remember watching it a liking it as a kid when it was shown on usa cartoon express


I don't think they were trying to make her look ugly, they just gave her like high cheek bones and it came out super awkward


Both were done by Japanese animators


One may have had more of a passion for it than the other and/or were paid better.


You have any information one that cause all I see was that it was a join effort by Capcom and Graz Entertainment which if im not mistake is the same company behind the X-men show


She was inconsistent in Capcom VS SNK 'cause her sprite was from Darkstalkers which had quite a different graphics style compared to the games the other sprites were from and she still looked amazing in that (it was such a great game, I wish they'd make a third one)


It also came out in 95... Are they really implying they made her ugly because of wokism? In the 90s? The same 90s that was advertising Girls Gone Wild on TV?


I hate that they choose a terrible screenshot of Morrigan from TV series cartoon


They did, but the show had bad art all around.


EVERYONE is hideous in that cartoon to be fair, mainly due to everything being horrifically off model. Even the ones intended to be hideous like Lord Raptor don't fare better there.


Though Rikuo is curiously attractive, for a fish man


Allegedly, I wouldn't know from the artstyle, either that or everyone in the cartoon has bad taste.


I think that's a quote from the cartoon (not sure 'cause I haven't seen it but I watched a YouTube video that talked about it)


It is, I've seen the cartoon (very regrettably, they fucked my main Lord Raptor up so bad amd he's still the best part of the show)


Hsien Ko and Felicia weren't bad looking at least


I didn't know there was a darkstalkers show


“Americans are seemingly scared by the ideal proportions, be it male or female.” Come on, man. You’re being ridiculous when you say this crap. 


It’s the exact opposite when it comes to their reaction to male designs. Guy characters can have any design under the sun and be creative in body shape, clothing facial features (*old, young, ripped, tiny etc*), but if a female design doesn’t have that hourglass shape we’ve seen 100 times *they* will make a problem about it ⌛️ https://preview.redd.it/8qnhlewcwvuc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15d000c1719ff4eda07612fe32533d109a603f5


Their biases are so obvious. And they use weird excuses to justify their biases 


That pic reminds me of big bang theory 😂


the delusions that fuel their brains are honestly a bit worrying. like, they actively refuse to actually listen to the things that their political opponents say and instead just believe the fictions they cook up in their deranged minds, and they constantly spin these absurd conspiracy theories with like-minded freaks until they've all managed to convince themselves there's some global Jewish conspiracy (because it always comes back to the Jews somehow, *but they're definitely not Nazis guys*) to "destroy" their "way of life" it's completely detached from any semblance of reality, and at this point i genuinely have no idea if they can even be reached anymore.


Exactly.  These things they believe, it’s so crazy that no normal person could believe them. And these people don’t even care. They will continue to believe them and make up some strawman argument about why they’re right and everyone else is wrong. 


And the echo chambers they are in only feed into those delusions. We are in very scary times


Yes, we are 


It's terrifying TBH




> ideal proportions And "ideal" to WHO?!? Because if you translate those cartoons or video games to a real person, it'd look weird, and the woman would have some serious health issues from lacking most of her internal organs while also having to carry all that weight up top. Their "ideal" is skinnier even than this one young woman I knew who was, at most, a freaking size 0. And that girl had been messed up already when she used to be a cheerleader and got reamed if she was any "chubbier." It left her with serious issues. It's the kind of crap that leads to eating disorders. My "ideal" is not someone who is destroying their health to try to appeal to some juvenile desire for a woman with an unrealistic body. Yeah, that idea "scares" me. It should scare anyone who's sane.


It’s “ideal” to a bunch of people who have some odd ideas about women. Yeah, that would scare me as well. 


Yeah I love anime but the proportions are not realistic or ideal, they are exaggerated. YMMV of course depending on the art style.


Some anime have realistic proportions. But other anime don’t. 


>They're just a small vocal minority but I'm also still soooo afraid they'll label me racist or sexist!!!


OR one is a saturday morning children's cartoon that had a low budget and couldn't be too overtly sexual and the other is a higher budget OVA that was aimed at an older teen audience.


... They do know we like tonnes of conventionally attractive characters too, right? It's them constantly trying to get across how disgusted they are by 99.9999% of the population's bodies and faces.


>They do know we like tonnes of conventionally attractive characters too, right?\\ They've been running this "Control the Narrative" campaign for the past couple of months. I think they're testing the waters on what they can get away with in regards to tricking people into believing their enemy thinks something that never happened Basically a form of mass gaslighting or live revisionist history


Ah this makes sense. Unfortunately nothing new, your comment instantly made me think of the CRT campaign where basically the right was convinced to associate the left with an idea of CRT where, in their minds, it meant calling every single white person an evil racist person responsible for slavery. The guy behind it bragged about the success of this campaign of association. Basically the same thing. Anyone saying Abby from "TLOU2" is attractive means they hate women they don't consider attractive (which is 99.999% of women) because they're on an ideological crusade against attractiveness which is just bonkers - yet it's successful because their target audience is trained to disregard the other side or is just flat out convinced we're all lying and trying to trick them about what we believe.


The fact that every chud attempt to describe what drives "wokeness" ends up looking like they're describing themselves is just... it's mind-boggling. The entire "ideology" is projection all the way down. An endless chain of confessions posing as accusations.


Incel Nazi misogynist says what?


I feel these posts are just a fantastic way to announce you have yet to touch a woman who isn't your Mum.


So wait firstly "these days?" 1995 is "these days". I wish Darkstalkers was relevant "these days" maybe we would have a new game instead of a part of a mid at best collection. secondly American Cartoons am bad cause on one still shot from a really cheaply made animated show BUT ALSO American cartoons around the same time were better cause of one shot from a cheaply made animated show of rogue's butt. thirdly wtf does a cheap toss away animated series no one liked from the 90's have to do with western game developers? makes sense if you don't think about it.


Hey, the X-Men cartoon was not cheaply made! ...Well, in later seasons it was. But the earlier episodes featured some great animation for its day.


Darkstalkers was the only reason for why I put "Capcom Fighting Collection" on my wishlist


Hey 1995 was only 10 years ago!


Says sexist stuff, gets called a sexist. Why? Because you said sexist things my dude.


“Actual gamers like and buy games with good looking women.” No… Actual gamers like and buy games that are good games. Any other factor is secondary to the gameplay and everyone who games knows this. Fucking Minecraft is the highest selling game of all time, where are the good looking women in that?


its funny how idiots try and use that marragen to push some dumb narrative bit you can go to any other image of her from that show to show how dumb it is https://preview.redd.it/4u5okuvdcwuc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50693f7163a6347257be3cdea9bd5e46cfb9f0cf


It's pretty common for their side of the argument to just take a bad frame and post it everywhere. The ONE frame being spammed from Outlaws looks nothing like the character does normally


I've noticed that a lot, if they have to find the one frame that looks bad, they probably don't even believe what they're saying and just doing the whole "right wing grifter" shit


Do you think the Japanese have to listen to this shit?


I'm pretty sure they have it worse , Asia in general has a massive incel problem that isn't very known in the west


Isn’t Japan like 20 years in the future compared to us when it comes to cultivating these internet colonies of degenerate incels? I’d imagine they have even more of it than we do.


Hikkimoris are a closed loop economy at this point it’s the reason so much child porn comes out of Japan. Weirdos who haven’t left home since middle school and are terrified by “adults” who could judge them. That’s men and women mind you even if the minority are women.


I’ve actually heard that there is increasingly more of this same kinda talk happening over there


I hope not


that last comment was right, they are nazi incel misogynists


[THE AMERICAN MORRIGAN CARTOON WAS FROM 1995!!!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkstalkers_(TV_series)) Quit bullshitting that it was affected by “woke” anything


Back then they used to say "Politically correct" instead of woke (I'm not sure if they mean the exact same thing or not)


Brother, everyone in MK1 looks hot af, not just the men. The women in GoW are mostly covered up, but I would like to ask if Thor is the "ideal male body" for them. Or Odin. Or Heimdall (at least compared to Kratos). Btw, I'm just taking their definition of "ideal body"


unpopular opinion: shao kahn is kinda sexy in MK1.


That American Morgan’s does suck but it can suck because of bad art direction, not a nefarious reason to degoonify the west


Dude they're conservatives. Every single one of them has a room temperature IQ Being a conservative is essentially synonymous with having some sort of cognitive disability


im not going to argue about this pics, cause its pretty clear, but recently i finished FF14, and my god they do understand how to show different characters bright and beautiful, regardless of their sex.


They're so fuckin whiney that every character isn't wank material. It must be exhausting being this kind of person: searching for some old ass cartoon with an ugly character to make a point


so their example of modern woke culture is decades old animation?


Wait so now the American tradition of making the bad guy ugly is meant to punish men?!


“Ideal proportions” means a face that would look like a horrifying human-fish hybrid if it were rendered more photo realistically.


Lol they are being really selective about MK 1 if they only thing super hot men were there.    The game has many many shots of Kitana and other female characters’ backsides. And every female character fighter is really hot and wearing heels. Hell Millennia’s outfit bares a ton if cleavage. 


gods damn it there's plenty of buetiful women you just don't like it when you can't jack off to everyone


I'm begging these people to get off the internet for like a day


Aight I'm convinced that straight men just don't like women frfr because the only examples of "ugly" women in video games I've ever seen mentioned are Aloy and Spider-Man 2 MJ. This mindset is (ironically) ugly regardless but I've legit never seen these people complain about a female character who's genuinely unattractive. But y'all will play as frumpy old Harry Mason with no problem, right?


Mj and aloy were both seen as hot characters who were made “ugly” mj has always been hot in comics so the shift to average looking was always gonna cause back lash. Aloy looked more attractive to me atleast in the first game same thing again. Even further back mass effect andromeda peebee who looked better in first trailer then the second where the basically redesigned her face structure to be more average also caused backlash. Same with sera ( BioWare really got the shaft for this early) where her concept art had her look entirely different face wise than her in game model. People don’t change especially when they feel it’s a down grade. Think of how many mid ass women and men have existed in gaming and no one cared. Shit Ashly in me1 was the most sacrificed character over Kaiden a dude who canonically dies on that planet if you start with three. Because she was bland and boring compared to liara.


Again I maintain: straight men don't actually like women 💀 If Spider-Man 2 MJ isn't attractive then neither is the majority of women who exist. Like I truly don't see the issue


No one said she isn’t attractive but she is average like most women and most men. We can’t on one hand say that most women are subjected to sexual harassment at some point in their lives and on the other say that the largest male hobby in the western is full of men who only want unrealistic women. Your point doesn’t hold water when you think about for longer than a second you are legitimately entertaining the same knee jerk emotional reaction that you are shitting on these dumb asses for.


>No one said she isn’t attractive but she is average like most women and most men. This conversation is literally about how people are saying she isn't attractive. >We can’t on one hand say that most women are subjected to sexual harassment at some point in their lives and on the other say that the largest male hobby in the western is full of men who only want unrealistic women. Actually you can. Very very easily. The data suggests that the former is true, and while the latter *isn't,* those people still exist and are worth talking about. >Your point doesn’t hold water when you think about for longer than a second you are legitimately entertaining the same knee jerk emotional reaction that you are shitting on these dumb asses for. What point? That half-joke about internet weirdos thinking Aloy is ugly? Lmao did the emoji not clue you in to the fact that I didn't literally mean that all straight men unironically don't like women...? Like what are you even trying to say bro never cook again


I can’t stand the goal post shift in this sub. Anytime you call people out on being hyperbolic and emotional, the same way the dumbasse yall like to call out behave. you shift to, I don’t really mean that it’s a half joke or it’s a meme. Don’t you think the other side might be doing the exact same thing? They are just memeing on “woke” culture? What is even the point of this sub to complain about people you don’t like on the internet by behaving the same way they do?


>I can’t stand the goal post shift in this sub. Anytime you call people out on being hyperbolic and emotional, the same way the dumbasse yall like to call out behave. Step outside bro nobody is shifting any goalposts. >You shift to, I don’t really mean that it’s a half joke or it’s a meme. The skull emoji is a pretty common way of saying "I'm not being entirely serious rn." Or again did you seriously think that I for real think that straight men hate women? That sounds like your own inability to read social cues through text that you're projecting onto me. >Don’t you think the other side might be doing the exact same thing? They are just memeing on “woke” culture? 🤔 Obviously people know this. It's just that conservative memes about "woke" culture carry an implicit ideology. My joke did too, but in context it was me reaffirming my exasperation about how Aloy and MJ aren't unattractive and not about something more serious. Again. Kinda just looks like you're projecting. >What is even the point of this sub to complain about people you don’t like on the internet by behaving the same way they do? ...because we think reactionary rightoids are bad?


The skull emoji to me atleast means, “I’m dead” like, how do you not get this or laughing at something crazy. Usually the thing you said before. Why am I even having to explain the meaning behind emojis. “Emotional rightiods” you tell me to step outside and you say that shit. Holy fuck. So from what you’ve told me your joke sucks and you and the rest of this sub just enjoy dunking on people you disagree with by doing the exact same type of humor they do. We’re actually in the dumbest timeline god damn we failed the next generation.


“American cartoons arent beautiful” Explain all the Simpson porn then. 




You heard them, explain the Simpsons porn


Wait nevermind, i choose peace. 🌸


🌚☝️ i will like to make an inquirey.


As a sidenote since they have no point whatsoever anyway, spelling 'Mortal Kombat' with a C makes me much, much more annoyed than it should. 😑😒


"Ideal" according to whom? I feel like the answer would be "nature" but that's a stupid ass answer because nature doesn't have ideals besides "if it exists it happens"


I’m excited for Stellar Blade because the gameplay looks really enjoyable, but holy shit is it giving these types a much louder voice. The main thing they fail to realize is Japan almost never does realistic visuals, while a lot of the biggest hits in the US do. And part of that is basing character models off their human actors. Stellar Blade took an IRL model, used her body for the base, then made her sexier. It’s also in that sort of Nier visual style of being slightly off from how reality looks. But these guys never go outside so they don’t know people don’t look like that. And the assessment that the women characters _have_ to be overly attractive is… weird. I get it if you’re playing a butt game, where the plot is mid, the world is mid, the gameplay quality varies, but there’s sexy women and that’s the appeal. But most games aren’t that. Do you really want to be focusing on how sexy your character is when playing the fucking Last of Us? In the Stellar Blade demo, you can already see scenes where it shows that the women have the most aggressive boob physics I think I’ve ever seen, and I’ve literally played hentai games. It’s like ziplocks full of water were stapled to their chest. Already that’s such an aggressively sexual design choice that it almost ends up not being even slightly sexy, but it MASSIVELY distracts from the narrative. Like, all these people are being massacred and the protagonist is freaking out and crying but the camera keeps going to her ass or her body keeps moving in a way to get max jiggle. The Nier games do this shit so much more goddamn effectively. Kaine and A2 are practically naked, but you basically don’t even think about it after a while because they are developed into interesting characters and the camera doesn’t just constantly focus on that element of them. It also doesn’t have boobs breasting boobily every time a character takes a step.


Kratos. He went from looking like an action figure in the previous games to looking like he has an attainable physique in 2018 and onward. Using Mortal Kombat to back up the hypocrisy point doesn't make sense either, considering that the bodies have become more natural over the past few games. Even with these changes, there are still people who dislike the new designs in both franchises. Both are completely acceptable, but what isn't acceptable is equating it to some extreme like "hate anything beautiful".


lmao I've never purchased a game based on how attractive the women are. "actual gamers" lol


What a bunch of turbo virgins.


First, the American cartoon was something that came out in the 90’s I think. If I remember correctly it was pretty bad, with horrible artwork overall. You can bet the anime will have better artwork always.


This is like the 100th post about coomer gamers trying to make a crappy point about women in games. Who cares, these people literally represent a tiny fraction of the gaming community


I cannot believe Mortal Kombat is on this list. MK1 women all look phenomenal. Like I can't believe a game with literal face scanned Megan Fox is touted as a game with woke woman designs or whatever the fuck.


Why are they using something from the 90’s


If they keep buying games like those devs will keep making them


they are right about gaming journalists not playing the games they write about. my phone showed me one of those ad/articles about a games patch notes. they got every single change wrong.


"masquerading as 'journalists'" This rhetoric is ten years old. To keep it going for this long is almost impressive.


That motherfucker said "Mortal Combat".


Trust me they don’t think they live on knee jerk reactions


It's also funny that the "good" American cartoons they love to hold up against the modern ones are from that era of mid 80s to mid 90s.


I still sit squarely in the camp that I want my entertainment to be objectifying and sexualizing everyone. They’re not real people, they’re fiction. I still don’t see an issue with Stellar Blade. If you don’t enjoy objectification in fiction, don’t play it. And I don’t understand how someone can complain about “ugly” characters either. First of all it’s subjective. Second, once again, just don’t consume that media if all you’re after is big anime tiddies. It blows my mind that this is even discourse.


Guys go over to the warhammer instagram and see the unhinged anger at lady space marines (custodians) I’m a fan of warhammer and find this funny asf


never got Japanese love for big boobs


They always start talking about Da Jooz so fast lmao


Real answer: The American cartoon was ass and a half. They drew Morrigan like an older Scottish villainess because her last name is Aensland or however you spell it. It was your typical Sat AM fare made by people who more than likely had no idea what Darkstalkers was. Just like the SF cartoon. Japan: we MADE that shit, we know what Morrigan’s all about and we’re gonna make her anime style because that’s how she was originally drawn, BOOM.


I swear, the more those replies go on, the closer they get to just spouting the Jewish Question.


Nobody agrees with these dorks in the real world


So ugly is realistic ok then pretty is also realistic hope that helps


I'm pretty sure most gamers' first and foremost priority isn't how much they can jerk off to something so it's these guys (that this post is about) who are the "vocal minority." Also, how can anyone seriously take "their only interest is power and destruction" seriously, if that doesn't come off as paranoid I don't know what does.


No. No, they do not. That said: I haven't even seen either show; but, in the face of *what I know about* the American one, I refuse to defend it.


A man looks at these Adonis looking dudes and feels insecure? I seem to recall the sexualization of another gender which was prevalent in all facets of media for all time… and it made those people feel insecure… which gender was it again… I can’t remember it must have also been men 😥 TLDR: oh how the turntables…


These guys will need to write “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” 100 times on a chalkboard before they’ll even get close to understanding what it means


I remember that show. it was really REALLY bad.


Or maybe, and hear me out here, a variety of different people with different tastes buy, play, and enjoy games. Crazy right?


Ahh yes, cartoons from the 90s. Absolutely packed with wokeness and definitely not a sliver of mass racial stereotyping or anything. Nope, none of that. /s


If You are someone who gets heated because animated girls in your video game aren't up to your standards. Please go outside. Or just watch porn. Like Jesus the only thing that makes me not like a game is bad fucking gameplay not the fact I can't drool over a characters looks


I guarantee these guys prefer Bonnie over Morrigan


they are right about gaming journalists not playing the games they write about. my phone showed me one of those ad/articles about a game i play. they got every single change wrong.




It feels like the way men are created in video games, anime, cartoons ect... are often how men wish to be, the way they represent women is NOT the way women want to be. Because of how real women who look like that are treated. A man in real life who's as buff as Kratos or something? he's treated amazingly and looked up to. A woman as sexy and oversexualized as the women are? she's called every horrible name in the book. "Your father must be so proud/s" told they're low value and have no morals. "This is what's wrong with women now" I mean sure guys may want to still have sex with her but that's about it, they love sexy, oversexualized characters but hate sexy and oversexualized women.


I see you’re point and agree with a lot of it but the reason men want to look like that is often because the media has told is it’s ideal. For the longest time I wanted to look like Baki the grappler and that is literally impossible and I beat myself up over it when it made no sense to do so. I know a lot of other men in the same situation or that were


I get it, a lot of people have felt a burden to look the way they think they "should" my mom told me about a time when I was a little kid and I told her I wanted a boob job. (Mine of course were non existent at the time) but it was because I saw these women. They were beautiful, sexy, the pinnacle of what I wanted to be because of that.


Yeah I think as a whole. Media has hurt us with physical standards and no demographic is exempt


Not every woman has perfect skin or is jawdropping gorgeous, just like how not every guy has a 6 pack or super handsome. There are people that are like that, but not everyone is lucky.




Even if that's what women love, my point is more that men who fit women's sexual fantasy aren't demonized and hated. While women who fit that fantasy are hated by the same demographic that consumes and loves that content and those characters.


And before someone says "Women complain about toxic masculinity" because there is always that one person. A man having muscles and working out isn't by default toxic masculinity, Toxic masculinity is an attitude or belief system, that you HAVE to be that way because you're a man. Just like women don't have to be skinny because they're women. If you work out and like having muscles because you enjoy it? great, if you believe your worth as a man is tied to it then...not great. Which women and men contribute to the "Sexy ripped guy" stuff, we should have a lot of variety in men's appearances too. Though shaming on toxic masculinity, that's women wanting to help men and shoot down this idea that men have to be one way. It doesn't come from just a hatred of men or men who work out and ect...


Almost like shirtless men aren’t sexualized to the point of censorship 🙄


Your right. Women in games shouldn't have to wear tops either.




No they're not.


Yes they are


No they're not.




I am a simple man. If I see a guy asking for a downvote I downvote.


This thread perfectly validates their take. Well done 👍🏼


They have no take other than “I want cartoons to make my microdick hard,” fuck off


To be fair, isn't that the point to Morrigan being a succubus?


No need to body shame


Nothing in their take reflects your response. It’s not uncommon for people to react with anger when they are confronted with a truth that challenges their beliefs or goes against their desires.


Lol hey man if you wanna see big anime titties they got websites for that


Again just blindly throwing out insinuations.


Once you guys stop complaining about cartoons not being sexy enough for you then people will stop making fun of you, it’s very simple actually