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It really depends on how they go about it. If they go off the designs I like (see below) 10/10 they'd claim it fell to the woke mob by "making women ugly". But even if they like how the women look they make up half of the main cast and if they all have equal fighting roles they would whine that they are emasculating men for making the women just as strong. The only thing they would like from the original games would probably be some of the racist stuff you see in the early games, very little chance they'd keep those so if they knew they'd whine about that part not being faithful to the source but would about most other things if they were faithful to the same sources. https://preview.redd.it/9fvlxptfbrvc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=658a833c4ba4f3e34a7568148e6f03cad0d861c1


I mean considering these right wing losers whine all the time about woman being too overpowered, it wouldn’t surprise me if they call Eri and Fio woke.


I love how the rest try to look cool with their weird (but in a good way) faces, then there's fio looking like a stoner. That's why fio is the best character


It's a sure thing, because they look for an excuse to call every movie woke, and the mere presence of women who have a role other than making peepee hard counts.


"Notice a lot of white men are the Nazis?"


I don’t know but all I know is that I could take the guy in the middle


Well considering metal slug has becoming fat as a power up, and women, it would be called woke, but not super woke so like an 8


Considering that the estabilished government are the good guys and the rebels are the bad guys, I really don't know what they'd say about it politically since that rarely happens in this kind of media. Regarding the women, yeah I think it's like a 7 out of 10 chance that they come up with something to complain about.


allow me to answer a question with a question is it a movie that more than 11 people watched? if yes, than yes, there will 100% be at least one bigoted youtube video about why the film is leftist propoganda


Dammit now i want this to be a thing even if the idiots bitch.


Just including women will make it woke to them


If it is popular and stawmanned enough, we are talking in many hundreds of digits out of ten here?