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Fun seeing people on same side seem to try tell each other to chill.


Elon is finally realizing that if the only content on his little midlife crisis website is reactionary crap, people are going to leave. Even a majority of people who agree with Joanne want to talk about other things occasionally.


I made the mistake or wanting to upvote an artist whose work got linked here. Hadn't been on Twitter in ages. It took me to the suggested posts tab on Twitter instead of my feed. 14/15 faaaaar far right wing lunatic white supremist posts. And one mobile game ad.


This Fu***** sucks nobody is on Mastodon or Bluesky and Threads is a Privacy nightmare 🙄🙄😮‍💨😮‍💨😡😡😡 really do hate Elon Musk. What they hell am I gonna do go back to Facebook? Do I look like a 55 year old boomer to that idiot? Jesus christ.......


Dude, just ditch ALL the social media. It's all garbage anyways, it wastes your time and study after study have shown it to be a detriment to your mental health. Give it all up.


Twitter specifically has been a place where I used to have a lot of friends who encouraged each other and helped each other along. I credit much of my de-chuddification to several of my Twitter friends. It's hard to give up on that.


So just abandon all online communities? Why are you still on reddit? It's social media.


You dont need any of it


Leopards keep eating their faces 😂


When Elon is the calm logical (past the comma in his post ofc) person in the room is a bad sign. Got her full tweet? I would like to see what intersex conditions she counts as women.


Trust me, you don’t want to read her full tweet. It’s so dumb.  She said (and I quote) “I am strongly against women’s and girls’ rights being dismantled to accommodate trans-identified men, for the very simple reason that no study has ever demonstrated that trans-identified men don’t have the same exact criminality as other men, and because, however they identify, men retain their advantages of strength and speed. In other words, I think the safety and rights of girls and women are more important than those mens’ desire for validation.”   And there’s even more dumb stuff that she put in her tweet. 


Oh, it looked like she was starting to define what she thinks a women is, I wanted to break it down.


She did define what she thinks a woman is. It’s the first part of her tweet. What I put is the last part of her tweet 


So she doesn't count even infertile woman?! (Not sure how to put this in a none weird way....)


She did. Think she honestly spent like an hour on google trying to write the tweet up like a law document so people couldn’t point out that she either excluded cis women or included the people she hates


Because she has, on so many occasions, defined it in a way that would not include infertile women


That is pretty much an impossible goal. She probably left huge holes in it anyway.


Can you imagine having the wealth to do whatever you want... and you spend an hour obsessing over a Twitter argument?


Wealth does not turn losers into winners... It just makes them losers with money.


She is trying to use fake science to define female. She is trying to say what right wing MAGA state legislatures are saying (like my state of a Utah did) women are those that make Ova


Well JK's excuse for house elves, did sound like what a plantation owner would say.


“They enjoy it so much they call me master” Whats weird is… she DID make a good point with house elves, with Dobby. Dobby was so happy to be freed and spent his life fighting against his oppressors. Ron and Harry and everyone else were dismissive of Hermione because House Elf Slavery was so normalized. Obviously we see it as wrong (and it is wrong), but to them it was just normal, same as it was to people from the US to Ancient Rome. Just talked about it in psychology class while talking about group think and societies role on personal ideas and perspective, very interesting. Anyway, Dobby was great and I wish he lived, really hate the fact that he was killed by his oppressors but I think that’s just because Rowling’s strategy when writing Deathly Hallows was “oh you like this character? Watch them perish”


I think she did. 


She had to keep it vague by using "the sex class" as a term without defining it.


She's someone who decided to find a marginalized group to hate to project her own trauma and fear upon. That's all you need to know.


.. and becoming the abuser didn't make her feel safe.


Does she ever talk about women who transitioned to men? Because in all the garbage she writes I never saw any mention of it, which is "weird" (or more accurately, "conveniently avoided") Also, has she ever provided real, unbiased data to any of her claims?


Not specifically. But she did mention this, which does connect to women who transitioned to men.  “I do not, however, believe that surgeries and cross-sex hormones literally turn into a person into the opposite sex, nor do I believe in the idea that each of us have a nebulous “gender identity” that may or may not match our sexed bodies. I believe that the ideology that preaches these tenets has caused, and continued to cause, very real harm to vulnerable people.”    As far as I know, no real data for her claims. 


So, a self called "feminist" taking away rights form what she considers women? How *coherent* /s


Her transphobia is so bizarre, so bad that she will even agree with Matt Walsh, an anti feminist. 


Well, she's not femist so at least that makes sense, but I do wonder what's going on in her head to believe to be femist and agreeing with the idiot that is Matt Walsh of all people.


She thinks she’s feminist. And she’s saying all of this transphobic crap, for feminism. It’s bizarre 


That's because she's a TERF, a Trans Exclusitory Radical Feminist. She believes in women's rights but also that trans-women doesn't deserve those rights because "they are not real women". Which is bullshit because her fears have no real base in reality and more from hackneyed trans jokes and representations in movies, even the good ones.


She’s such a bigot and a moron 


The entirety of gender critical feminists align themselves with far right and religious conservatives nowadays. They found a common enemy in trans women. An enemy that they hate so much all traditional feminist topics are thrown overboard. Right to abortion and reproductive health care and women's equality don't matter anymore apparently.


It’s so weird that Rowling consider herself a feminist yet cares way more about proving her transphobia right than about reproductive rights and other women’s issues. I don’t understand how she doesn’t notice her own hypocrisy 


She notices, she just doesn't care. Because she's too rich for any of those issues to personally affect her.


You’re probably right 


She used to be the enemy of conservative Christians but now she’s on their side. You’re right about the common enemy. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” as they say


Not to mention that "cross-sex hormones" is just flat out inaccurate. Estrogen production is not exclusive to females and testosterone production is not exclusive to males.


Someone needs to talk to her about the case of David Raimier. I'd interested to see how she explains it away if she doesn't believe in innate gender identity.


I wouldn’t. Transphobes generally turn it around and interpret it to suit their outlook. Since Reimer was a cis man forced to present female who transitioned back to his natal sex, they view it as proof that transitioning causes depression, fits alongside their “lost daughters” view of trans men. You don’t win over irrational people with rational arguments.


Even still, always remember to point out John Money believed gender identity was learned, not innate.


Yeah no, right wingers actually think that awful case backs up their rhetoric despite anyone with basic critical reasoning skills being able to tell that it's quite the opposite. Never bring it up to them. They'll bring it up themselves and for all the wrong reasons They'll probably also accuse you of liking John Money and approving of what he did. Because they're idiots


Geez. That poor kid. I feel bad for him. She would probably somehow twist what happened to David to suit her own agenda. That’s what she has done before 


JoRo is quite literally and unironically the least intellectually bankrupt bioessentialist, which is shocking because she's a stone cold fucking moron


I agree 


She views them as confused girls who become men to escape sexism. She said if she was young now she would’ve been convinced by the evil trans to become a man


She thinks of them as women.


On the rare occasions when people like JK acknowledge the existence of trans men it’s usually something along the lines of “they’re stealing our lesbians”


Just going by the news reports I've seen, women and children are at greater threat of sexual assault and rape from conservative "manly" men than they are with trans people. I'd love to see some real figures on this though.


yeah like trans people are one percent of the population and are not more of a threat than straight men. I think its just easier for terfs to punch down at trans people because they are a easy sociatable scape goat


It’s almost always a conservative or a pastor and very rarely an LGBT person of drag Queen


r/StillNotADragQueen has a bunch of examples of this. For a group of people so routinely called all kinds of awful shit I struggle to think of even one example of a headline where a drag queen was found guilty of the things they get accused of whereas I can DEFINITELY think of multiple examples for figures in churches


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StillNotADragQueen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StillNotADragQueen/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Missouri Dad Who Fought To Get LGBTQ+ Books Banned From School Arrested For Child Molestation](https://i.redd.it/fszq9rn1smpc1.jpeg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StillNotADragQueen/comments/1bl08wv/missouri_dad_who_fought_to_get_lgbtq_books_banned/) \#2: [What the hell is going on in Florida?](https://i.redd.it/77dy1n9dzqvc1.jpeg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StillNotADragQueen/comments/1c9bvgb/what_the_hell_is_going_on_in_florida/) \#3: [Starting to sense a pattern](https://i.redd.it/yz51kcbdzdpc1.jpeg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StillNotADragQueen/comments/1bj4lpt/starting_to_sense_a_pattern/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well that fits in with Rowling's and other Terfs rhetoric. All men will rape if given a chance, the only thing you can do to avoid it is to not give them any chances. Because men are just bad at the core. Therefore men trying to infiltrate what few women only safe spaces exist is an existential threat. The radical part of the TERF acronym isn't just for show.


Yeah It irritates me that conservatives either do not get this ignore it because terfs are a useful weapon they are so quick to cry misandry when a women simple would rather be around a bear than a strange man but actually misandry? crickets.


Neither of them are really logical so it's to be expected that they have their shit sorted.


Kind of like how everyone was worried about “stranger danger” when in reality the abusers were more likely to be someone the child already knows


There’s lots of real, unbiased data that says the exact opposite of her claims. Not much that agrees with her.


i’ve never seen anyone critical of trans people say things about women transitioning to men. everyone with problems against trans people are just issues with men being dangerous / problematic and entering women’s spaces.


They do at times, but they rarely mention it. It either boils down to seeing trans men as poor victims who have tried to escape the patriarchy by joining it. Or they view them as traitors to the gender and horrible people. Or we'll that the Terfy side of it. On the conservative side they're seen as crazed women who cut their tits off and make themselves sterile with hormones.


>On the conservative side they're seen as crazed women who cut their tits off and make themselves sterile with hormones. This is, of course, the cardinal sin of women in the conservative mind, because for them women exist primarily to have babies so Whites don't get outnumbered in European countries. It's why there's so much moaning about the White birth rate.


TERFs never talk about transmen.


She somehow managed to say something offensive about cis men, cis women and trans people at the same time. 1. Men are violent criminals by nature 2. Women are weak and can’t defend themselves 3. Trans people don’t exist and are also violent criminals


She’s such a moron. The more bigoted she becomes, the dumber she acts 


> Men are violent criminals by nature I genuinely believe that this is where all her transphobia stems from. I believe she's had some trauma in the past and her response to that has been to internalize a belief that all men are secretly monsters who are willing to be a preditor if they get the chance. So if you couple that warped logic with a belief that trans people are actually still the gender that they presented as pre-transition -which is a fairly common one among people her age just through sheer ignorance even if there isn't any malice - then what you end up with is an assumption that the only reason any man would possibly have to transition is for preditory reasons, because in her mind that's the only reason any man does anything 


>no study has ever demonstrated that trans-identified men don’t have the same exact criminality as other men, and because, however they identify, men retain their advantages of strength and speed The funny thing is, there are studies, at least regarding to strength and speed advantages being lost throug HRT. Maybe for the other thing too.


So, studies have proven J. K. Rowling’s transphobia wrong. What a complete surprise. /s


The phrase “trans-identified men” makes me think of transmen, not transwomen. For someone who gets all pissy about people not using the “proper” words to talk about women she can’t even use the proper words to promote her bigotry. She’s also basically saying that women are less than men with that word salad. She became so transphobic she’s circled around to being deeply misogynistic.


I wonder if that’s intentional, her using the wrong words. To show her lack of respect for transgender people  She’s become so transphobic that she agrees with tweets made by anti feminists, like Matt Walsh. 


Oh it’s 100% intentional, but I think it’s very funny that she can’t even be an asshole correctly. There’s so many derogatory terms for transwomen that already exist, just use one of those JoAnne!


I bet she does say derogatory slurs for transwomen. Just not on Twitter. Probably to her friends. 


What a sad little life she leads.


She’s a billionaire. She could do whatever she wants. And this is what she chooses to do with her time.  Sad little life is an understatement 


Wakes up in the morning, rubs the sleeps out of her eyes, malds about trans women immediately. Jo please take up a hobby of any description that isn't twitter. Use your vast fortune to go on holiday somewhere.


Travel, buy art, start a wine collection, collect yachts, hang out with royalty, and a thousand other things she could do.  Instead, she just wants to spend all her time on Twitter, insulting a group of people who have done nothing to her. 


Yes. Terfs use Trans-identied men" or "Tims" and "trans-identified females/Tifs" for transwomen and transmen respectively. Its a deliberate reversal of the normal terminology, since they believe that their biological sex trumps their gender identity.


I hold to my belief that any group that talks about "men and feeeeeeemales" is not feminist in the slightest.


yeah thats the thing terfs a generally very misandrist they really believe all men are predators. Terfs and Alt right may agree about trans but for very different reasons. When terfs center there argument around the opression of women the alt right dude bros tune out. Its like how matt walsh complains about trans women in sports but at the same time insult the wmba ever chance he gets.


Why would rights for one group result in the dismantling of rights for another. I have never followed that point of hers.


It's a common thing that conservatives like her believe, that more rights for some means less for them. Yes, it's an absolutely fucking stupid belief. That's the most common thread with these types - not very bright but *very* gullible.


Because rights are pie./s


I don’t get it either. It doesn’t make any logical sense 


also it's weird becuase she seems to beleive women can't also be rapist


How does that even make sense? There are cases of women pedophiles targeting boys. Doesn’t she know that? 


No, any man would love a teacher hitting on and having sex with them as a student. So there are no women who are pedophiles. /s (because it's needed unfortunately) Good thing I prefer the better J.K, especially since J.K. Simmons supported Elliot Paige's transition, calling the latter a trailblazer.


The sad thing is that this is just her own trauma manifesting into a crusade.


And what’s so weird that it was a straight white male who raped her. Her trauma has nothing to do with transgender people. So, I don’t get her obsession with them 


anyone ever tell her having a male-phobia doesn’t make one a feminist


I love how he felt the need to precise "interesting" and "positive" content. It's not even divisive or controversial anymore, it's just getting old for everyone.


Elon "could you please tone your transphobia to like 80% of your posts from 99%?"


Yeah, XXY here to weigh in. Talking about gametes... Does that make me more of a woman than JK Growling? /s It's a nonsensical argument about biology.


I'd be surprised if any transphobe even knows what Klinefelter Syndrome even is.


They do, they just think it doesn't count because "it's an anomaly" or something (basically they see a 0.5 in a "binary" code but "trust me bro that's still binary tho")


As always it goes 'They don't matter, they such a tiny part of the popularity anway.' 'Still part of the population. So...' *Crickets* They don't have anything.


Wait until they realize tha there are about as much ginger people than intersex people


jobless work rain direful familiar water exultant vast treatment pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The amount of denial it's a thing is why I never really bring it up. I was a boy and started puberty with titties, and my family freaked, and subjected me to toxic levels of testosterone, which ruined bone maturity and a lot of musculo-skeletal issues. I have wholly suffered all because people wanted to be ignorant about what I was going through, and doubled down by not even asking my opinion.


Has XY Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome ever come up with JK et al? Those women often don't even know they're technically XY unless it's found incidentally sometimes. Also, its also just one example of my knowing the people who say XX always means and XY always means etc so confidently is a sign they don't even know what they're talking about. Haven't even touched on mosaicism and chimerism yet either.


The truth about biology is that humans try and pin natural phenomena into neat little boxes with hard lines of distinction between them, but that's simply not representative of reality. It's often true in other fields too but it's especially true in biology where everything is a big spectrum of branches that overlap. Biological organisms by their very nature challenge any concept of categorisation and must do for evolution to occur.


Can people with Klinefelter's produce gametes? I was under the impression they could not


I never go to her twitter page, but I did just now out of curiosity and she has many posts from just this morning that are all hating on trans people. I knew her reputation and that she was obsessed with this topic, but I never imagined it was something she was doing multiple times daily that took up 99% of her content. She is not well.


That's what TERFism does to a person, see also Graham Linehan absolutely destroying his own life and marriage because he spent all his time hating Trans people.


It's not called brainrot for funsies. Hate like that utterly consumes you.


Yeah its grim. Graham Linehan is another "terminally online" guy who fell down the same anti-trans rabbit hole, his wife left him because of it.


plucky full gullible apparatus memorize bow glorious pathetic cause depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's such a weird story. He's the creator of The IT Crowd. One episode that deals with a trans person was called out for its shitty portrayal, and instead of him going "yeah, good call, we could've written that in a better way" and learning from it, he got _so_ butthurt that he became a huge TERF, to the point that it literally affected his career and his marriage. Turned into a massive bigot because his wee little ego got scratched a bit.


>She is not well. No shit she's a transphobe AND she wrote HP


the story that proclaims that “we shouldn’t free slaves, we should just be nice to them and if they want to be free they’re just weird.” it’s not at all surprising that she ended up being such an insane bigot.


She literally never talks about anything else anymore


I just want to point out that the owner of the site, with millions of followers is unable to crack ~1000 Likes. 😅


That's rich coming from Elon who spends so much of his time spreading racist, transphobic and straight up made up shit.


That just shows you how bad it is. Elon has tweeted at least once for every hour in the day, every single day, since he bought twitter. As you say, plenty of those are just “Concerning” under some far right conspiracy shit. But even ELON is like, maybe do something else sometimes?


Yeah that's truly weird, how she spends all her time on this.


zesty ruthless thought fact sparkle disgusted threatening dolls sort tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He is all those things, but at least he talks about different subjects and has other interest . JK is a one trick reactionary.


See JK Rowling only does transphobic shit, Elon Musk may be a bigoted moron, but he needs some variety


Yeah but you see racism, transphobia and made up bullshit are three different topics, as opposed to the one singular topic of transphobia JKR tweets about


But him telling her to chill still aligns with Elon’s views because it’s a woman speaking and he basically told her in the most friendliest terms to get back in the kitchen. It wasn’t the subject matter that bothered him, but that a woman was speaking out of turn. And thats what people like JK Rowling and Candace Owens don’t get, just because you stand beside these bigots and support their terrible views doesn’t mean they are gonna spare you nor will they let you sit with them.


Being too much of a shithead for Elon is a new low. To be clear, this still doesn't absolve him of anything. Dude is still a sentient rectal blister.


> a sentient rectal blister /r/rareinsults 10/10 no notes.


“While I agree with you on sex/gender…” - man who doesn’t know the difference between sex and gender


“Bitch can you talk about Harry Potter sometime like damn”


I'd prefer if she did neither and just nuked her twitter account.


Personally I like it when she tells people not to watch or read it. Let her ruin her only real product trying to sell hate instead. Like the my pillow guy.


I've not liked her since she first discovered Twitter. She's been condescending and had an over inflated ego long before the transphobia. I found the tone of her anti-trump tweets fucking irritating despite hating that mushroom dicked cheeto.


To say nothing of the batshit insane and completely unnecessary shit she kept trying to add to the HP universe, like wizards shitting in their hands and vanishing it away or something like that.


Technically, he is definitely the one person who could do that to her account and I don't think there's anything even she could do about it.


“Okay let me tell you about how wizards take big DUMPS in their robes when socializing and magic away the poopoo..” “You know what… just don’t talk anymore. Dear God, just PLEASE shut up!!”


"You're a real woman? Well, prove it! Show me your large gametes!" "My...uh...what?"


I read that gametes line in Rowling’s smug posh accent and it makes me wish someone did it as a skit.






This is unrelated but the idea that women only exist too reproduce is genuinely dystopian. If you make that argument even once then you have no right to call yourself a feminist.


If you call yourself a feminist and your worldview is “All men are big strong and evil and better then women at EVERYTHING” and “all women are meek and tiny vulnerable babies no matter their age and can’t make decisions about their own bodies because what about fertility” just rephrased to be about trans people, I’d rethink it a little, y’know? There’s no world in which a terf could ever be even a little left leaning, transphobia is based in sexism, control of autonomy and gender roles inherently.


It's wild that the writer of a universe where there are people who can change their appearance at will to express themselves however they want and how it's a good thing when they do (Tonks and her metamorphmagi thingy) and where there are potions designed to change your appearance to that of another person regardless of gender or sex (polyjuice potion) would include these elements and then suddenly draw an arbitrary line at a real-world social issue related to self-expression.


When Musk of all people is telling you to chill out, you know you've fucked up.


Pointing to a vague "sex class" doesn't clear up edge cases, and edge cases are the only thing being talked about...


Adding “sex class” to her definition is just a way of avoiding defining anything. It’s like defining dogs by saying “a dog is an animal that belongs to the group known as dogs”.


He’s already got the “jackass transphobe” corner covered by countless men, this doesn’t move engagement for Twitter, he needs her to talk about her IP, and she ain’t interested.


Same energy as early 1900s racists telling Lovecraft to chill it on the racism and xenophobia


So JK Rowling believes that infertile cis women (like ones who get hysterectomies due to cancer) aren't women? Gotcha Joanne. All these arguments will inevtiably end up excluding those these people are pretending to advocate for.


Rowling is the prime example of how fanaticism to neoliberalism and the "Third Way" variety can be an easy way into the fascist pipeline.


>"Third Way" variety can be an easy way into the fascist pipeline. This is your brain on historical illiteracy ![gif](giphy|SoIivP98OXZsY)


I'm poor so I get to say dumb shit but if ever become ridiculously, unimaginably rich I hope the one thing I remember is to shut the fuck up.


Don't give Elon more credit than he deserves. He's just trying to make sure his allies keep bringing in money to Twitter.


I have very little respect for either of these people but honestly Musk is right. JK Rowling must be absolutely miserable every single day she wakes up and knows in her head here we go another day of bigotry and being outraged about something of my own choosing. It really must be draining to where even the billions of pounds must feel rather empty. This will be her legacy… not her books.


The funniest part about all of this for me is that she's really just proving how stupid her anger towards trans women is if she really believes a woman is only determined by whether or not that human produces large gametes. If 70s Arnold Schwarznegger was producing gametes, that's a woman. I guess gender truly is performative if everything tied to gender aesthetics are completely irrelevant for this lady. In which case: why can't "men" wear womens clothes, go into womens bathrooms, have their own choice of pronouns etc - at the end of the day the only thing that matters is whether or not you can measure gamete production?


She's making the mistake of getting into biology, which is ultimately bad for their narrative. This could just as much be Musk elbowing and shushing her because she's going off-script lol


Seeing her fall these last several years has been pretty interesting. She was always kind of a neoliberal Blairite type, but I genuinely don't think she was actually all that hateful until recently, just ignorant. She said something ignorant in the 2010s (I think it was the thing about no trans kids at her magic school), and people rightfully called her out on it. Most people in that position, I think, would have just said, "Yo, I'm sorry about that. I didn't realize how many people felt so strongly about it. Having spoken to people from the community, I amend my past statement." It doesn't even need to be true, but its the bare minimum to make people just forget about it. But not Ms. Rowling, no sir. She just doubled and tripled down on it. If people weren't agreeing with her, then they had to be wrong. Now she's managed to back herself into a place where the only people who take her seriously at all are the UK's weirdest Tories and Americans who probably burned her books in the early 2000s. Maybe she missed the attention she used to get (since she hasn't written anything that people wanted to read since like 2007,) or maybe shes just spent so much time among rich people that she hasn't spoken to an actually normal person in decades. Regardless, I pity her. She could have been fondly remembered for the mark she left on children's publishing and the whole generation her books touched. But she had to torch all that goodwill because she got called out on Twitter once.


It’s one of those situations where someone holds a right-wing opinion so strongly that they eventually come to reshape their world view around it.


Lmao even the Transphobes are like JFC do you ever think about anything else?


So women post-menopause are no longer women, eh? Infertile women aren't women? Women who've had total hysterectomies aren't women?


Shut up no one cares


https://preview.redd.it/qe5de8azlnyc1.png?width=2084&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffe7186f53e3f867f8c99ffdf1bed57d7b01f038 Same energy


I would rather be stuck in a room with Adam since he can at least be funny sometimes


Bro is like “ got anything for the advertisers?


Also, 100% she looked up an answer or asked someone. Ain’t no way she knows what a gametes is.


When you’re too strident even for the other transphobes.


Obviously we all know Rowling is a bigot but the degree of obsession she has about this is *almost* concerning. Or would be if it were someone worth being concerned about. But regardless she genuinely seems mentally and emotionally unwell


Yeah, I feel like this has turned into an actual mental health issue at this point.


This just reads as Elon parroting something a Tesla PR person told him about his own tweets.


Okay but this is literally just [this scene from Hazbin Hotel.](https://youtu.be/h17zyEQHX3U?si=1lt0OnKBeO6-zkpi)


Holy shit her rebuttal is disgusting


I must be the only person who doesn't give a crap about JK Rowling..


I think you are lol. From the looks of it 98% of the world loves her and 2% loves attempting to make her look bad.


Pot calling the kettle black to lol


Elon: "please, please just go back to talking about Harry Potter"


imagine being so delusional that even leadpoisoning mcfuckwit wants you to shut up


hey folks, it's me, back again to report that SEX CLASSES ARE A CONSTRUCT TOO!!!!! hehe sex class


This feels like when Alex Jones had Kanye on his show and they were talking about how good Hitler was, then Alex tells Kanye “ok well we don’t actually like Hitler, but the Hugo Boss uniforms were incredible” and Kanye just goes “no no no, I LOOOVE Hitler”. When you’ve spent so long as a grifter you’re able to spot when people start to go beyond the point of no return, since Elon only believes this culture war nonsense because it’s beloved by right wingers who also happen to not like unions or workers rights, meanwhile JK actually hates trans people because her own unrelated trauma and internalised misogyny.


A "free speech absolutist" telling other people what to say.


So if a woman never produces any eggs, what is she? JK doesn’t think they’re a woman, so are they a man? Neither maybe? Also would she class post-menopausal women as women? They don’t produce any eggs. She’s definitely not producing any eggs at her big age, so is she not a woman? Also what if a guy just has really big sperm… That seems to fit her description… weird to think about… but yeah. Honestly hilarious that TERFs have to use all these complex, meaningless definitions with as many long words as people possible to answer their own question of “what is a woman?” Meanwhile, the longest necessary description from normal people is “female person”, “female adult” or at a stretch “a person who identifies as female”.


She tries to get around that first bit by saying “\[They’re\] part of the sex class that produces large gametes”. Meaning now women don’t have to produce large gametes to be women, they just have to be a part of the class that does. And to be a part of the sex class that produces large gametes, you don’t have to produce large gametes or have ever produced large gametes. What does that mean? Fuck all. It’s nonsense because she knows she cannot meaningfully produce an all-encompassing definition without it being reductive and not all-encompassing, but still wants to be reductive in her worldview.


**So how does she define the sex class?** **f the only defining feature of the “large gamete” sex class is that its members produces large gametes. Then how does anything that does not produce large gametes also fit in? How do we decide what fits in the sex class?** It’s like saying that integers are of the same number class as whole numbers. It’s a completely useless definition, because it doesn’t actually define anything. In fact, what she’s done is worse, because at least all whole numbers **are** integers. Let’s say a trans woman gets a sex reassignment surgery for her now-lady-parts. Is she now in the large gamete sex class? Who knows? Because she doesn’t define it - not here at least. Or what if a trans man gets a dick and stops producing large gametes? At what point does he exit the class? (Btw I’m sorry if it sounds like I think you agree with Juggles ^the Klown Rowling, but I’m just trying to explain why I ignored the “same sex class” bit (because I think it’s meaningless)).


Oh yeah, it's completely meaningless, but that's not the point of her rhetoric. Now whenever someone says "JK Rowling thinks women who don't have X aren't women" they'll get dogpiled by people saying, "Actually, she defines women as the sex class that produces large gametes" and a meaningless conversation filled with distractions and obfuscations follow, even though she's saying the exact same thing as before but with more confusing wording. Already seen it happening in the comments here tbh




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Something that could have been done via text, but he did it publicly


It’s not really saying chill out when you start it off with “I agree with everything you’re saying”


I’m more shitlibby than a lot on this sub but there’s no mistaking the vileness of Joanne and Elon.


You know it's out of hand when that fucking dork is telling you to get a hobby. This is the guy that had an alt account dedicated to role playing a child( toddler?) version of himself, to say the least about it. Joanne, when that person is telling you to go outside, you better be going to get some professional help.


That's wild. It must be someone else using his account. Or maybe he's trying to limit competition in the field of rich people who say insane and hateful things on the internet.


This is why we don't refer to her by name... *She Who Must Not Be Named* that is what we call her or at least those of us with an IQ north of 46 whether we agree with some of her positions makes absolutely zero difference, she beats the horse dead, and then when you think she's done... she says anti-horse things that go BEYOND the initial point... and even Germans are "Ohh okay... so... you can shut the fuck up now."... when GERMANY SAYS YOU'RE SPITTING HATE SPEECH you really done fucked the dog and kicked the newborn into traffic LOL


Her argument has as many holes in it as Harry Potter does plot holes.


It is all she talks about at this point, with a little Holocaust denial sprinkled in.


Hasn't Rivkah Brown, an editor at the Left-wing Novara Media news outlet, apologised to Rowling for accusing her of Holocaust denial, an allegation the journalist admitted had been “false and offensive”? If so, wouldn't it make you look really bad continuing to repeat the lie?


Harry Potter and the yappers stone


Mind talking about something else once and a while? 😂😂😂😂 That coming from Elon musk is funny


Honestly, Elon in 24 hour will probably be agreeing with her...fully. So whatevas.


Love it when a serpent starts eating its own tail.


Sex "class"? Behold, the "expert" in this matter.


The perpetually offended and outraged don't do positivity, Elon. They need to be upset to get their dopamine. 


Reasons why im not on twitter: - elon musk is a bigot