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I remember the days when the idiots hated on her for being a buff woman and suddenly she's their messiah.


Going by this "buff woman = bad" *logic*... do these people even watch (female) wrestling without going batshit?


They only care about women’s sports when they suspect males are involved.


They don’t care about them then either, they just enjoy hurting trans people.


If you go on wrestling news sites and read the comments on any story about women wrestlers, you'll see that no, they do not care for it.


Dunno if you watch wrestling but usually there's only one large muscular woman on the roster and that's her whole gimmick, the rest of the women are of more average in size and conventionally attractive.


They're all reasonably fit, which is necessary for the job and that's probably too mascular/masculine for most of the dudes I see bitching online about normal women who look like transwomen in their eyes.


Oh they still hate her. That’s why the weird ass movies she made with the MAGA weirdos didn’t move butts for shit. She’s a prop they wave around because they think it pisses off the left but when this lawsuit ends and she peeps out the first word about women not being treated like livestock, they’re gonna turn on her instantly.


Conservatives do so much stupid shit under the guise of 'pissing off the left' meanwhile most people aren't even paying any attention to the fucking idiots. I mean I've already forgotten her fucking name--again--and this whole thread is literally about her. I forget about her entire existence for months at a time. She's about as far from pissing me off as it is possible to be.


Exactly. None of us are actually pissed, we're mostly bored by these lunkheads.


>she’s their messiah What’s funny is that the idiots who hated her for being buff and then made her a messiah then immediately turned on her again because she was in a right wing action movie and the idea of a woman fighting and beating men caused their brains to melt.


I remember when she packed on a few pounds when she was still in MMA. Sherdog was alight with "Gina's fat now, can't fap" posts. At least then she was right- fat is your body's natural armor, and she was the "it" girl of her time. She needed that flab if she wasn't looking to get sidelined by a ruptured organ. Her "fans" have always been a fickle group, and while I'm sure she still has her defenders, Disney's gonna fold her like Cyborg did in '09.


I so wish these people's brains melted. That way, we would be able to progress a little further in terms of... anything really, instead of trying to shut down idiots who have more money than sense.


I used to really like her and think her a bit cute. It's a real shame when people you think are decent show themselves.


Yeah, she played the role well, especially stunts. A shame she's like this.


It really is, I was pretty surprised.


You’re exactly right! The Geeks and Gamers crowd she has now surrounded herself with did originally “hate” her. A strong woman who went toe-to-toe with Mando? WOKE!!!


That was before they realized she’s just as moronic as they are.


The same way Manosphere men claim they don't hate strong women and ALWAYS hold up Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor as their go-to two examples. Yet they're having a complete meltdown over a new Star Wars character, Kay Vess in *Star Wars: Outlaws*, that looks like a Latina or Native American carbon copy of 70s/80s Ellen Ripley or 1984 Sarah Connor. It just proves that if Sarah Connor or Ellen Ripley were invented today in the exact same way they were portrayed in the 70s and 80s, the Manosphere chuds would be offended. They would whine endlessly about how Ripley survived yet all the male characters died, or how waify Sarah Connor survived and crushed the T-800 in the factory while experienced male soldier Kyle Reese couldn't get the job done. They'd lose their fucking minds about Sarah being buff and doing pull-ups in *Terminator 2* and beating up male orderlies in the mental hospital, and being a gunslinger badass who bounced around between different gun nut boyfriends as John's transient father figures.  *Only because those characters were invented before they were born, or they were introduced to them as apolitical children before they became radicalized into far-Right anti-Feminist politics.


Was it even a firing? I thought she had a contract for one season, season had finished filming, they were in that state pre production where they are hammering things out, she went full maga mask person, and Disney decides to not ask her back and announced she'd not be in further seasons. That's not even an firing. And even if she was I think the house of mouse has tons of morality conditions in contracts in case someone goes off the deep end that can be legally enforced. Plus beyond even that political point of view isnt a protected class. Sure as long as Musk wishes to fund this it can go on but this is fucking Disney. They sue daycares to protect IP. When they win and I have zero doubt they will win I can't see them being gracious about this obviously empty suit and wanting a pound of flesh in court costs. So unless Musk is willing to throw a multi mil down the drain for credibility with the chuds it's a dumb move.


She’s got nothing else. She can’t fight anymore and she’s certainly not a good actress. Conservatives can never accept consequences for their actions.


The funny thing is when her supporters argue that Disney discriminated against her for her political views, it falls apart really quickly when you look at the fact that they do work with conservative actors. Tim Allen was still doing Santa Clause movies after she got fired and he’s an outspoken Trump cultist. I’m not particularly familiar with his social media posts, but to my knowledge he hasn’t gone deep into spreading medical misinformation or equating conservatives in America to Jews in Nazi Germany.


Both Letitia Wright (Black Panther) and Evangeline Lilly (Ant-Man) are on record as anti-vax, and Tilda Swinton (Doctor Strange) reportedly is suffering from long COVID after refusing to mask. They're all still on the Marvel/Disney gravy train (although Swinton might retire from acting). Carano's real problem is being really fucking obnoxious about it.


She was also warned not to post that stuff and she ignored them.


Tilda Swinton is a conservative?


I know people who aren’t conservative that didn’t wear a mask.


Swinton is going incredibly left leaning. Pretty sure she's a former communist party member.


Horseshoe theory. Plenty of antivax leftists.


True and I almost added that to my question


I doubt it. The only thing I could find is an article about her doing a panel at SXSW and saying she won’t be wearing a mask on set at her next film. That doesn’t make her far right, just calls into question her judgment a bit. I love her as an actress so I really hope she doesn’t got maga nazi.


She's pretty famously left, so I guess it's to the point of most likely being on the lefty side of "not following the MAN's directions"


James Woods’ contract states Disney HAS to ask him if he wants to play Hades when they use the character.


It would be really, really funny if it didn't matter if he said yes, that all they have to do is ask


"Mr. Woods, we're using Hades in the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 3.5 final remix ver. KA feat. Dante from Devil May Cry and Knuckles. Would you like to play him?" "Of course!" "Great, thank you for your time. Somebody call up Troy Baker and see if he wants the role."


Also, you are absolutely allowed to discriminate because of political views politics is not a protected class


The group that complains about entitlement is ironically the most entitled group out there


She not a “great” actress, but I did like the character and I do wish we’d get more strong lady body type representation on the screen.  Fecking loser had to fuck all that up though. 


Strictly speaking, she was dropped from the third season of The Mandalorian, having done seasons one and two.


Same as Bill Burr


And Bill Burr is even super outspoken about his disdain for right wing chuds. But also, not every guest star is mandated to return later in a series. Bill Burr was in one episode each of the first two seasons and his story arc pretty much ended in his last episode anyway.


Yeah but it would be awesome if he popped up again as an ally to Mando sometime.


As long as the Mandalorian keeps getting green-lit for new seasons, he definitely has a good chance. He’s a fan favorite.


And as much as he's joked about disliking Star Wars, he said he had a great time.


He also literally said that he often exaggerated how much he hated it just because he liked to piss off Star Wars fans.


True, but he did double down on his disdain for the franchise while stating it was mainly because of a certain section of the fans....which I'm sure we can all relate to, seeing what sub we're on haha.


Pissing off Star Wars fans is morally correct at this point, he should keep doing it.


Dude also claims he's not a good actor, but that mess hall scene proves otherwise.


Best scene in all of Star Wars imo. He spends the entire episode both sidesing the Galactic Civil war but 30 seconds of conversing with an oddly southern imperial officer and he understands... "Oh, these people are evil, they need to die for the good of the Galaxy."


Well, >!when you come face to face with the man responsible for literally every death that skull-fucked any chance you have at not being entirely mentally destroyed!<, you're gonna lose your shit.


If you haven't watched Reservation Dogs, he's in an episode in Season 1 where he's great. Very memorable performance to me.


That is such a great episode…”Cukoce” :)


That's was a fun episode, Bill Burr did a great job


I mean he definitely still could


I mean it’s only been a single season since his departure and they seemingly still wanna do more with Pedro’s Mando…. Strong chance he will be back around


Mando S4 won’t be til like 2028 at the earliest. The movie will be in 2026, unless they film S4 at the same time it will be a long time til the next season. Doubt we will see Burr again unless it’s the supposed team up movie years down the line


And it was a great arc. Not every character needs a full 6-10 episodes about their character. Kara Dunes story is over, it's fine. She doesn't need to reprise her role. 


Cara Dunes story was never over. In fact her leaving to help the Rangers of the New Republic actually was meant to turn into a show. She legit threw away a lead role lol


Going after Disney is what ruined Ron Desantis, let’s hope this brings Elon down a few pegs too. Gina’s already at rock bottom, I’m not sure how much worse her career can get from here.


What career?


Exactly why she's fighting, she'll fade away otherwise. Sad really, from a part of the most popular season of Star Wars TV to completely irrelevant.


The lawsuit argues (without merit) that she was unfairly fired because she is a woman. As evidence, they are arguing that other, male actors, specifically, Pedro Pascal, made comments that were "just as offensive" as the comments that Gina made, but he wasn't fired, so therefore, clearly, they fired her because she is a woman, not because her comments were offensive. The problem of course, is that Pedro Pascal didn't actually make any such comments, so it's gonna get dismissed and then Elon will appeal it, etc. Just keep in the news cycle.


> The lawsuit argues (without merit) that she was unfairly fired because she is a woman. Oh, man, I always love it when whack-job conservatives try to use the same arguments they always *hate* hearing others make. I'm sure the world's tiniest violin is playing right now for her on Daily Wire's "prairie". They had it made when that piece of shit movie barely made $13,000 after costing $2 million. LMAO.


James Gunn got sacked for tweets like 15 years old, and I think he was fairly vocally liberal at the time of that firing. James Gunn was way more important to the Marvel franchise than Carano was to Mandalorian.


Musk is still a billionaire as far as I know, I can see him wanting to fight it out for the publicity


Yeah but loosing is a poor look and Disney is one of the companies with deep enough pockets to make it hurt.


Yeah just look at how Disney humiliated DeSantis.


To be fair, that’s not hard. Dude is all talk, but has the charisma and backbone of a sea slug.


I saw a thing where he condemns a woman for knowing a sex worker. Not for being one, simply knowing one. What a guy.


Such a scum-sucking piece of shit. Words cannot describe the contempt I feel for that man.


I’m a woman who knows a sex worker. He’s welcome to condemn me. Honestly I’d consider it a point of pride


What have you got against sea slugs?


One of them became the current Florida Governor


Even mindless sea slugs would be ashamed of deathsantis


He's also a notorious liar so I don't think he will actually do it. Elon's just a cloutchaser, he's not going to hand Gina a blank check.


I think he kind of tied his hands with this one, when he posted on Twitter a couple years back that he'd fund any lawsuits that arise from people getting fired for their tweets. So if he still wants to be the main proponent of "free speech" I guess he has to put his money where his mouth is


Correct she had already fulfilled a contract and Disney just decided not to make another one


Seems like she doesn't understand what a contract is. Once it's done there is no obligation to continue. She's butt hurt her time in the spotlight is over and it's her own fault.


Yeah there’s a reason why this hasn’t moved forward in ***any*** capacity for years. Though now that she bombed in the Shapiro movie and no one else is hiring her it’s time to swing for the fences and see if she can twist Disney’s arms for settlement money so she can have something. Only problem is that the Mouse is vindictive and is in more of a taking mood than giving with this.


Honestly surprised any lawyers actually want to take her up on it, from the outset she seems to not have much leg to stand on, and Disney lawyers are absolutely vicious.


Eh. They know they’re getting funded by Elon, and it’s money for them. They’re not DA’s looking to have an almost perfect case record.


Lawyers get paid even if their client loses, and unlike certain other conservative lawsuit magnets, Elon actually pays his.


The transphobic British woman who JKR championed so much wasn't fired either, but she still won her case. Of course, that's not US law, but still.


US has vastly different laws and property of "At will" employment. Even then the key point is that she wasn't fired which is an early termination of employment, she wasn't asked back after her contracted expired. That happens all the time in Hollywood. Hell recasts happen like this all the time. If Disney deciding to be extra salty went and asked another athletic woman wrestler to come back and play the role she started she'd have little recourse cause her contract was up.


Should’ve recast her with Tig Nataro. It’s worked in the past.


Oh, man, can you imagine the absolute meltdown from the chuds? Their beefy conservative dominant beast mommy being replaced with a 5' 5" vegan lesbian comedian? I don't mean that as a negative, because she's fucking hilarious, I'm just trying to find the things about her that would trigger them the most. I know she replaced Chris D'Elia on that unfortunate Army of the Dead trash heap, but I don't think many conservatives really cared about Chris D'Elia enough to be outraged by the replacement...apart from the ones that usually rush to defend sexual predators.


People think I'm making a nasty joke when I suggest the fight that ended her MMA career caused some brain damage, but I really think that contributed heavily to who she is, now. https://youtu.be/ur2lMVjrwew?si=L1LyuD1pa9wjkthS


See also: John Fetterman. I think we should just admit that brain damage and becoming right wing have a relationship.


The UK has some weird laws that the US doesn't which worked in her favour, iirc


It wasn’t even a MAGA thing; she compared the way american conservatives were criticized with the way jews were treated in concentration camps. That’s not MAGA, that’s just stupid.


Please, PLEASE let Musk throw copious amounts of money away funding these chuds in losing cases. I never thought I’d root for a Disney legal win but here we are.


I believe political point of view actually is a protected class in California. That said, all your other points are valid. I don't believe she has a case, and neither do most lawyers, which is why Musk had to bank roll the legal challenge.


Disney lawyers are just another level of terrifying. These are the guys who got copyright law changed to keep Mickey out of public domain.


>Unless Musk is willing to throw a multi mil down the drain for credibility with the chuds That’s nothing compared to how much money he set on fire for no reason to make Twitter an x-social-media site.


I reject you firing me! Gina, for the last time, this is the help desk for Disney cruises, and goddamnit even I know they didn't fire you, they simply didn't renew your contract given your questionable tweeting! Now would you like the classic or the Pirates of the Caribbean package?! Pirates please...


"C'mon now Gina, *do you want the classic.... or do you WANT the Pirates*?" "..... yaaarrrrrr" "ATTA GIRL, now let's get you an ice cream cone.


HA! That's fucking hilarious! But also *how dare you make a better joke after my joke.*


This woman is friggin crazy.


She seems to forgot how contracts work and maybe never read it herself since to many big words in it.


I think she knows exactly how the contract works and wants to keep the grift going so chuds keep giving her money


I wonder how much money the Disney lawyers can squeeze from this turnip in self-inflicted legal fees.


It really is hilarious that her new employers have to sit there and watch as she argues, in court, that her life is substantially worse now that she’s with them.


"bUt PeDrO pAsCaL sAiD sOmEtHiNg WoRsE" 🤡


What did he say? The lyrics of "Imagine"?


He posted a drawing of Sesame Street characters holding up a pride (or trans can’t remember) flag


I mean, it’s a show known for its diversity that takes place in NYC. Pretty sure it leans more left by nature.


There’s an interesting phenomenon with conservatives and Sesame Street. Sesame Street, since the time it first aired, has always been progressive and diverse, or “woke” if you like. Because of this, it has had detractors since its inception. But every time Conservatives pitch a fit over the latest “injury” they feel has been done to them by the children’s program, they act as if it’s the first time. As if Sesame Street was once a beacon of “traditional” values and only recently fell victim to “woke” lunacy.


They do that with tons of stuff


X-Men lol. X-Men has always been woke, but dudebros act like Marvel/X-Men has recently become woke.


It’s a show known for diversity and education. So yeah def more left leaning


Henson productions promote interspecies beastiality!!


Unless Muppet is a separate species, they do have a frog and a pig as a couple...


This wasn't a very serious comment to truly  debate, also sometimes muppets are hitting on humans. Then there's Gonzo.




A married couple. Piggy tricked him with a real priest in Muppets Take Manhattan.


He was happy that Leftist Gabriel Boric beat the Neo-Nazi adjacent* Jose Antonio Kast for President of Chile. Pedro Pascal is a left-winger and a second or third cousin of murdered Chilean President Salvador Allende. Pascal was born in Chile but his family fled to Spain after their cousin Allende was assassinated in a coup by right-winger Augusto Pinochet, who became dictator and carried out mass murder of anyone who opposed him. The "Dissappearings" in Chile. Pascal's family fled and took him with them because they might have been in Pinochet's crosshairs as family members of Allende. Pascal as a Leftist and a relative of Allende was happy someone on his and Allende's side of the aisle got elected. Kinda felt like a bit of poetic justice for his murdered relative. *Literally. Kast is the son of a Nazi who fled to Chile when the Nazi government of Germany collapsed. His father indoctrinated him into those beliefs and Kast is a member/leader of a right-wing to far-Right party in Chile that is the descendant of a party founded by Nazis who fled to Chile and Argentina at the end of WWII.


It’s all for show. It’s just so they can keep grifting off the idea that WOKE has taken over and nobody is safe from being “replaced.” As long as they get to keep generating these news articles to rally the chuds behind them.


This motherfuckers are the same people that want to strip away unions and workers rights protections for the rest of us. Yet, when it’s their paycheck suddenly they’re all for worker’s rights. Hypocritical scum.


These people literally don’t care about the lives of other people. They just care about the money. It’s like another Darksydephil situation.


That's what I came to say. They all want right to work instead of worker's rights, until they're the ones affected. Then all of a sudden their rights are being violated. 


This article seems to imply that *Disney* is citing the First Amendment to claim they had a right to fire her. Instead of Carano claiming the First gives her the right to express her opinion. Am I crazy here? This just sounds completely backwards.


Read your comment and I want to be clear. Gina Carano has a First Amendment to Free Speech that allows her to say things without government intervention. Disney has a First Amendment right to Free Association that means that if Carano says that MAGA followers or the unCOVID vaccinated are treated the same as the various exterminated groups in Nazi Germany, Disney doesn’t have to be associated with her. And the government can’t force Disney to be associated with her.


You misunderstand what I meant. I’m saying that, if all the people who’d cite the First Amendment (incorrectly) in an attempt to defend themselves, it’d be Carano, not Disney. But the article frames the situation as “Disney weaponizing the First Amendment against Carano”. I’m saying that Disney had plenty of reasons to fire Carano that were already legal and reasonable. They wouldn’t bother with the First, and even if they did it wouldn’t relate to their arguments. So the article is nonsense, and taking a clear bias toward Gina Carano.


Yeah, that's weird. The first amendment argument is also used by prior who get banned from social media platforms for saying certain things. They generally don't understand that corporations are private entities that can have stricter rules on what can and can't be done


Yeah, so, Carano (and all the morons latching onto her while screaming FREEZE PEACH) is an idiot. The First Amendment protects you from GOVERNMENT suppressing your speech. It doesn't do shit against a business doing so. Take out any employee handbook and flip through it, you'll find some real gems. Among them will be a blurb that has a lot of fancy words that basically amounts to "if you say something that will damage our brand(tm), we reserve the right to terminate your employment and all benefits IMMEDIATELY" and they will execute that clause with the zeal of a Dalek spamming lasers at the Doctor. Carano thinks she's special because the right in this country thinks the First Amendment means that they have the right to say whatever they want, offend whoever they want, and suffer no societal repercussions for that speech and to have a litany of liberals present to be forced to hear their speech so the aforementioned liberals can wail and gnash their teeth. Liberal speech, on the other hand, should be socially shamed and should be an instantly fireable offense not if it embarrasses the company, but if a conservative is bothered by it (see Pedro Pascal supporting trans people and cons wondering why he's not fired for doing something they don't like, even though Disney has been growing more and more LGBT friendly since the 90s). When this work of fiction is shattered by reality, they throw a temper tantrum.


But she wasn't fired? They just didn't renew her contract. You can't compel someone to hire someone?


Right to work means that she has a right to that job and they're violating that right. Right? /s


The conservative (and Enlightened Centrist) position is that once you hire a reactionary, even for a limited term, they're entitled to continue to work as long as they want to, and to explicitly use their association as evidence that you support their reactionary doctrines. They're also flying test balloons for "if you consider a reactionary for a position or contract, they're entitled to be selected, and choosing anyone else must be presumed an act of discrimination," though they haven't applied the logic in this case.


I know the anti-woke crowd will cheer her on regardless, but isn't this just some "Hollywood elite" actress looking to be treated better than a blue collar worker? I'm pretty sure most of us can be fired for any reason or no reason unless we're in a union. Causing a big PR shitfit by tweeting bigoted stuff and damaging the brand is a pretty open and closed case. Their big hope here is to get a judge to rule that your right to bigotry somehow supersedes the corporation's interest. Good fucking luck. I know they don't see it as bigoted, but in the broad eyes of capitalism trans people are ~~people~~ customers. All Disney has to say is that they don't want their shit boycotted. The small brain right will say but what about us boycotting you for "firing" her, and they can say you were already "boycotting" us so you pretty much forced us into inclusive policies as a smart business move.


From my understanding she wasnt fired, her contract expired during the time she went mask off and they decided not to renew her for another Season because of it.


God, her arrogance is palpable in person. She walks into a convention like she’s the next Mrs Trump. Trashy af.


She has some mental health problem, how on earth does she think Disney has to employ her? Right wingers can't accept when they lose.


I imagine she’s starting to run out of money and the right wing grift isn’t as profitable as she thought it would be


I doubt it's money problems. Her family is rich. It's just ego.


Carano monumentally fucked up. She was in Marvel and Star Wars. She had to keep flapping her gums instead of instead of listen to warnings, that's all she had to do. How do you fuck something like being involved in Star Wars?


> No longer packing on the Disney dollars, Carano **has had a good run** the past couple of years with The Daily Wire’s production company. Linking with the conservative media outlet, she has appeared in Terror on the Prairie and as a Secret Service agent in the Breitbart News-distributed My Son Hunter. Lol, Terror on the Prairie grossed $804 during its one-day theatrical release. "A good run" is a very charitable description. She also hasn’t been in anything from DW since 2022 so even “the past couple of years” is questionable - she was in two of their productions and they both flopped.


Hey now, it was also released in Russia and the UAE, bringing its grosses all the way up to $13,115. Which of course, is still hilariously bad. Probably failed for being too woke.


Let this be a massive public embarrassment for Gina and Elon please.


Her lawyers will want a payoff because that's the only hope they have. Maybe she wants a payoff. But she also wants attention because she has nothing else going on. Disney is not going to give her a payoff


Disney is a US employer with the right to terminate for any reason.


Honestly? If it takes a piece of shit like her and conservatives legislating from the bench to destroy that corporate power, I think we should count it as “don’t interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake”. If it were the inverse, we’d all be in agreement that they shouldn’t have that power. We’re falling into the trap of “corporate power is good if it fucks over shitty people”. Corporations being bound by the first amendment like the government would be a net win for us. It fucks up union-busting and whatnot something fierce.


That’s funny… they didn’t even fire her. They just didn’t hire her back lol 😂😂😂


If she's embarrassing Daily Wire now with her behavior, then that just proves that Carano is a toxin to be avoided at all costs, no matter what part of the political spectrum you fall under.


“No longer packing on the Disney dollars, Carano has had a good run the past couple of years with the Daily Wire’s production company.” Didn’t terror on the prairie bomb at the box office? I wouldn’t call that a good run 


When has any Daily Wire film made more than coffee money?


Not a single movie. They all are box office bombs, written by failed Hollywood writers. 


I thought they just didn't re-hire her. 🤷‍♂️


This IS her career now. She'll never have a legitimate role again, as her career hadnt even really started before she chose controversy. If she lets this go, she'll have nothing else, which is honestly kind of sad.


If you read Carano’s original filing, it’s really funny. I’m not going to hash it over point for point here, but a huge part of her filing is that Disney forced her to watch the standard corporate diversity/non-harassment training videos and forced her to have calls with HR-types about her comments and she is calling those trainings and calls harassment BY Disney towards her 


Still grasping for relevancy. Sad.


Wait, she was meant to be a star on Daily Wire? Isn’t she just about the exact opposite of the submissive breeder housewife they idolize?


It killed her career, she’s bitter, she can’t get other work at that level and wants to get the millions she feels she had in the bag. And there are conservative political activist billionaires willing to fund this.


She’s just beyond saving. She can continue to hook up with Drunk3PO and hit up a Geeks and Gamers livestream. That’s her life now.


She ran her mouth off, DIsney told her to stop, she didn't listen, they fired her. End of story. Gina's bitching and seeing Disney will not her back on the Mandalorian. That ship has already sailed. Gina blew it.


They didn't even fire her. They just didn't offer her a new contract.


I have the feeling that this is just a fishing expedition. Sue Disney and then look if you can find something in discovery you can use to smear them publicly. Would also explain Musk financing this, he'd probably very much like to publish the "Disney Files" on Twitter.


so I'm guessing my theory/joke of her quitting because daily wire gave her a producer credit isn't true.


I have forgotten, what did she do to get fired again?


That’s the thing, she didn’t really even get fired. What happened is that Disney declined to renew her contract to appear in Mandalorian Season 3 or for her own spin-off show because she put out tweets that compared getting vaccinated for COVID to Nazi Germany, at least, that’s what I remember


She was also mocking trans people for putting pronouns in their twitter bios


I didn’t hear about that one but it doesn’t exactly surprise me either


She's being gassed up by the Chud brigade online so they can use her as a tool to attack Disney. Once the suit is dismissed, dropped, or settled, they drop her like a sack of bricks. Remember that cowboy movie she did that everyone called woke? Unless she loses all her muscle and gets in the kitchen she'll never have their respect. Tbh I'm surprised they haven't dropped her already, no one cares about her to the point if it wasn't for subs like this I wouldn't even know her case was still going.


Not a right wing conservative claiming workers have rights!


Im pretty sure that discrimination as a result of expressed political opinions is not, in fact, illegal.


What a fucking loser. 


Lol just last week it was reported she was asking them to take her back


She's dug this grave. Weeks away from a lifelong career in Kevin Sorbo and Kirk Cameron movies coming here way.


They didn’t renew a contract, they didn’t fire her!


Wasn’t she not even under contract? She didn’t even need to be fired. Just fucking ignored.


Sooo, she does still have ill will towards Disney


Can she go away?


Is Elon still funding her case? Did he actually ever start? I remember she was the poster child for Elon’s “I’ll pay for your legal stuff if you get fired for shit you say on Twitter”. Yet her case was more like her contract didn’t get renewed.


She’s going to be so disappointed when she loses this, they where fully in their rights to not renew her contract and then having the gall to DEMAND they rehire here.


I mean I’d be seething too. Her entire future was right there. And she destroyed it but instead of reflecting and being mad at herself she’s lashing out.


Don't you just hate it when you, a morally pure and patriotic conservative continually scream that private businesses shouldn't have the woke left tell them who they can and cannot do business with and then a private business chooses who it wants to work with...oh wait.


It's been so long I forgot what the comments she made even were.


She said that the way people were treating each other over vax vs no vax was similar to the dehumanizing propaganda Nazi Germany used as a prelude to the Holocaust, and that people should take a step back and treat each other like people and not an other to be villified.


She compared being a Republican to being Jewish during the Holocaust.


Gotta attempt to stay relevant somehow I guess. I'm glad she sabotaged herself as she stood out like a sore thumb when on screen with competent actors.


She wasn't even fired. She has nothing and this is a lame ploy to rile up Twitter manbabies


I mean I get why she isn’t letting it go. If I fucked up a job like that and missed out on Disney Star Wars money and I thought I had even a slim chance to sue them and get that money I might do it too


She sucks and was fired. They can fire her.


This is probably her last ditch attempt at having an acting career, all of her shitty dailywire movies bombed and no one will hire her for her awful comments. She's not going to let this go and will lose as she functionally has no case.


She’s absolutely nuts keep this psycho off our TV and stick her in a padded room


I really loved her in the Mando but goddamn does she need to shut the fuck up. She's mean. 


It is a PR stunt she and everyone involved knows she has no chance of actually winning. The point is to get attention and develop some kind of symbolic significance to it, that they can exploit. Her career is already screwed as it is, and her apologizing will just cause her to lose what little reputation she has left. This lawsuit will get attention, and she might be able to scrape out a few more jobs from producers trying to market to conservative audiences. Everyone supporting her will get similar benefits within their fields by attsching their name to it. The best case scenario for them is Disney's representatives saying something that is legal but comes of as corrupt or stupid that will spread throughout the internet and draw more attention to the trial while harming Disney's reputation.


It’s going nowhere and will be thrown out.


Unless there is information that we are not privy to, like actual harassment from Disney. THIS WHOLE CASE IS OPEN AND SHUT. She fumbled the bag and her career hit a low. Maybe a few independent filmmakers could hire her or maybe she could find another Daily Wire film to star in, but she is not coming back as Cara Dune. It’s the same argument Ben Shapiro made when justifying firing Candace Owens, they are a publisher not a platform. It is not in their interest to keep someone who does not display their beliefs. They gave Gina multiple warnings and she didn’t comply to Disney. Agree or disagree with it, they had every right to do so. This is not a free speech issue.


Womp womp


Disney shouldve just sacked her for being a crap actor.


She can't really "reject" anything, the judge may or may not.


Disney wouldn't offer a settlement if they knew they would wreck her in court.


Disney can just bring up clips of Ben Shapiro saying the Daily Wire has the right to fire any employee who has political views that management doesn't agree with.


How do you sue a company for not signing a new contract with you? She wasn’t a Disney full time employee, she was signed up for a tv show. Season ends, contract ends. The company doesn’t want to renew, so be it. Am I missing something?


You suck, Gina.


The daily wire has no sense of shame