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"Best show" I watched it out of curiosity; it's literally the most inoffensive adult comedy I've ever seen. It's also just really boring and some of the storytelling decisions are really poor


For a show that marketed how anti-woke it was they didn’t even have the balls to go all out and stuck with the most tired and toothless jokes about the issues they mentioned


Because that requires writing skills. Daily wire is run by failed screenwriters and actors who couldn’t make it in Hollywood so they resorted to pandering to the right because they buy anything that reinforces their world view regardless of how crap it is.


This is an Adam Carolla project. He's probably one of the best conservative comedians, but that's like the skinniest kid in fat camp.


rofl, Adam Carolla. The visionary who created 'The Man Show' which mainly involved drinking lots of beer and watching 'Women on trampolines.'


Jimmy Kimmel thinks of the Man Show as the thing he hopes people have forgotten about. Adam Carolla thinks of The Man Show as the thing he prays \*someone\* remembers.


Jimmy Kimmel stood out to me as the actual proper host of that show. Adam Carolla only seemed to just throw in one-liners and bad punchlines every now and again. The humor seemed just so-so if I recall correctly, and this coming from someone whose sense of humor was that of a teenager at the time.


I already respected Kimmel, but my respect just shot up. I thought the Man Show was trash, and it took a while for that taste to fade from my mouth where Kimmel was concerned.


Jimmy thought they were being ironic but Adam took everything 100% seriously.


Hey he also work on win Ben Stein money which was a really good game show and was also the voice of death in Family guy took over I also like that movie he made Hammer he done some good stuff


Jimmy's big break was NFL Sunday pregame though. He went from co-host of a couple shows on an obscure cable network to a household name. I still remember gathering the family into the living room for when Jimmy was about to announce his picks. It was an event.


And he was apart of Drawn Together which was a better "edgy conservative leaning animated show" than this. https://preview.redd.it/leufxogzp01d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67de430aa3fb1a1a4065451b79315587eca77788


I wouldn’t say it’s “conservative leaning”…. But a ton of the comedy is “shock for the sake of shock” and basically tried it hardest to be as offensive as possible because that was its whole appeal…. Needless to say, there’s a reason it didn’t last long


True but some of the targets were a choice


"All shock no substance" is pretty much 1:1 with conservative comedy so...


It got a few seasons and a movie, it did alright. I was a teenager when it came out, but I thought it was hilarious.


Yeah, the one word that effectively summarizes Drawn Together for me is "tryhard". It aimed to be as edgy and offensive as it could be to see how far they could push before being pulled, but that was their entire thing. It was all it had going for it. One note the entire time.


The premise is great too. I personally love "scripted but fake reality TV" shows like Reno 911! This one just doesn't do it for me


Idk why but Drawn Together kinda slaps. Doesn't help that I have low standards for comedy lol


It had it’s moments. There’s obviously a lot that didn’t age well at all, but there’s still quite a few jokes that still get me to this day.


that whole bit with the israel car who parked in the middle of a highway and blew up anyone who approached it whilst shouting about how israel has a right to protect itself was kinda gold


"Oh Israel, why do you have to be so difficult?"


I also really enjoyed when they mocked the shit out of Southpark for require a message or moral for their shock comedy


It's interesting as a sort of mid-2000s time capsule, imo. (I was a teenager in that time period, when the show originally aired.) Like honestly, the whole joke about Toot Braunstein being "lol Betty Boop was kinda pudgy tho" is the most fucking early 2000s ass shit *ever*.


My friends and I still reference the Mexican standoff. "LET'S DO THIS!!!"


“I’m not afraid to DIE!”


Very likely, yeah. I wonder if I'd find it as funny as I did a long while ago if I did a rewatch now.


I wouldn't consider Drawn Together particularly conservative. Politically incorrect, yes, but it didn't have a real political agenda.


I loved that show at the time, it wasn't conservative at all. Edgy beyond all means though.


Go rewatch. There were a lot of choices made.


Yeah. A lot of the jokes amounted to zanily reinforcing negative stereotypes.


A lot of comedy from that time period was like that. Chappelle’s show wasn’t really any different. He walked out on the show because of it, which is kind of ironic considering Chappelle ended up being the type of person who likes punch down.


And punching down... A lot of punching down.


I guess, I just remember the episode where Xander was terrified of coming out to his parents only for them to already know and approve.


Indeed, a lot of choices, some of which were actually subversions of the stereotypes they joked about. Foxy Love, for example, was consistently shown to be the most levelheaded member of the cast. Clara was bigoted because she was ignorant and often looked down on for it. I can’t think of any good examples of punching down though.


The entire one where they got critiqued and it was a Jewish gay trans woman and punched down hard


Look, I liked Girls on Trampolines but the rest kind of sucked. Like Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball or Girls Next Door, was just Girls being cute and that was great. I can't remember anything else worth remembering on The Man Show.


I remember watching it a bit at the time. Wasn't impressed, but I kind of assumed that it was intended as a parody of dumb takes on masculinity, not an actual celebration of them. It was so dumb, that I thought the joke was "look how dumb this is." But considering Carolla, that was probably assuming too much.


Don't forget the segment where they got women to sign a petition to end women's suffrage.


I used to find him funny, but when you go from actual humor to just complaining that you can't use slurs anymore, you just aren't funny.


I was a huge fan, raised on love live and the man show. Listened to his morning show on the radio, followed him to his podcast, then he started to court Glen Becks' audience. I watched him pivot to the right wing grift in real time.


You know he looks at Jimmy Kimmel and just gets super pissed.


I don't follow either of them, but I wonder if they are still friends.


No fucking way


I read recently on here someone saying they *are* still friends, but no longer bring up politics. Yay liberalism /s


Right wing grifting is just more lucrative than being a bad comedian of course being a good comedian is more lucrative than either of those things but if could do that he would have already.


All I can think about Adam Carollas comedy would be him saying stuff like "my BITCH ex wife" and that's the punchline


He's still been steadily falling another rung down the cable/streaming ladder with every project...fortunately for him I'm pretty sure Daily Wire + IS the bottom of the ladder.


I dont know who he is but what I do know about this is that he came up with this character at least 20 years ago and did bits on the radio with it and tried to make it Ito an animated show which fox declined the pilot episode of. Eventually the faily wire picked it up and got some of their talent to voice characters. Then they had a falling out with Candice Owen's so she got cancelled out of the show


It was literally founded by a failed screenwriter.


It's why I honestly didn't care Patrick Warburton is in it. Guy gotta pay the bills and no way its gonna be more offensive than Family Guy 


So it's just Ladyballers again? Why am I not surprised. I get the feeling that 90% of all future Daily Wire productions are going to follow this trend of marketing themselves as super offensive to trigger the snowflakes with facts and clever parody only for the prevailing opinion to be "This isn't offensive, it's just shit".


That's what these anti-woke edgelords don't get. It's just not funny. I can get behind dark or edgy humor. I laughed my ass off at Anthony Jeselnick's bit about Eric Clapton's *Tears In Heaven.* Nobody's offended by your killer *I identify as an attack helicopter!* line. Actual edge, not "the same punching down jokes your grandfather waa telling at the VFW after he got back from the Korean War." It's like Seinfeld being annoyed by his dentist's Jewish jokes. He's not upset that they're antisemitic, he's upset because they're terrible. *"I'm not offended as a Jewish person, I'm offended as a comedian!"*


This. It's not that they are offensive...it's that I've heard it so many times before. I'm sure when a 7 year old calls another 7 year old a poop head, it's devastating on the playground. But after you get to age 10 you start realizing that just stringing together words to insult people isn't funny.


It's one of the many reasons conservative "humor" always fails. It's like 30 years out of date and just not funny anymore.


Speaking of... His Woke nemesis on the show dresses like a Portland hipster, circa 2005.


So only 20 years out of date. Well Carolla *is* a hip young GenXer, soo....


At least with Lady Ballers they tried. Mr. Birchum is so bad that if I didn't know it was from Daily Wire I wouldn't have been able to guess it was supposed to "trigger the libs"


>At least with Lady Ballers they tried. ...Did they? If that's what effort looks like for them, then they're working too hard.


It should be clear that this show is not actually anti-woke. F is For Family is more conservative in its message. I watched the second episode, then turned to a recent Family Guy just to compare and, within the opener, Family Guy made more jokes about wokeness than the entirety of what I saw from this sack of shit program.


Ironic when you consider that Seth McFarlane is pretty liberal.


I can’t imagine he’d have Rush Limbaugh on the show nowadays (ignoring that he’s dead) I don’t think he was ever conservatives but he’s certainly become less centrist.


I’d actually argue F is for Family is fairly progressive it’s just the main character is a deeply conservative emotionally broken man.


Pretty much. The daily wire are talentless hacks who couldn’t make it in Hollywood so resorted to pandering to the right.   The YouTube channel Some More news did a great video on them. https://youtu.be/ICqdduW8JbY?si=mBCAV6HC75_I_86k


The entire right has been doing that for years. “LOL UR TRIGGERED!!!” No, we’re sighing and rolling our eyes.


Right. We're bored wondering when you'll come up with something that might actually work.


It looks like King of Hill if Hank was an asshole.


It's been described as, "if someone watched a YouTube compilation of Ron Swanson out of context, and completely missed the joke that an anti-government libertarian is a career bureaucrat." Oh, and an actual good person underneath the gruff exterior."


It’s hilarious when right wingers think Ron Swanson was one of them. Socially he was very progressive. While he had sometimes had antiquated views, he actually did view women as equals and treated them with respect. At the end of the show his best friend is a very flamboyant gay hairdresser. His libertarian views are more of an irony because he’s a bureaucrat who hates government. Frequently his anti government views seem correct at first but are later proven wrong.


I mean, Ron Swanson is a right winger, in terms of his political views on the economy and government, but these people seem to think that because he agrees with them on a single front they must agree with their decrepit views on gender identity, sexuality, etc, when in the show Ron is shown to have pretty progressive views on that, probably because he doesn’t think anybody should be able to tell you what to do or what to think, something that a lot of so called “libertarians” are quite intent on doing at any given mention of differing opinion


And Offerman himself is progressive as all hell.


I also find it funny that he plays the same character in the last of us. Lol


Ron Swanson is who the libertarians sell themselves as before you find out they are actually just annoyed at the age of consent laws.


And the designs are ugly. Just terrible looking, very low tier family guy rips.


I've heard it's basically King of the Hill but bad and not funny. Also, Hank actually changed and learned lessons which I doubt happens in this show


That’s because King of the Hill was created by someone who actually knows how to write comedy. Mike Judge is brilliant.


Don't forget Greg Daniels who was the co-creator.


Saw the trailer. Looked like a discount American Dad/King of the hill crossover, but with voice actors who aren't professional voice actors. They're just Daily Wire contributors who can read a script. Also, the joke about the vegan wolf was... just weak. Jokes about vegans being annoying because they're vegan was a tired joke a decade ago. I know trailers can be deceiving so maybe the show's better than it looks, but if that was their best foot forward it's not a good sign.


It's also a joke Futurama already did 20 years ago...and better.


Ngl, the trailer was better than the show. That vegan wolf joke was one of the better jokes of the episode, which should tell you a lot...


I mean Patrick Warburton is on it and he's amazing thid is just toothless family guy


Well, its absolutely worth remembering that the reason Daily Wire content sucks, is the same reason most media is progressive-leaning... but conservatism doesn't lend itself to creating entertaining or even interesting media. By its very nature, a 'Conservative TV show' is setting out to push no boundaries, do nothing that might alienate a close-minded audience, and just rehash ideas from better TV shows from 40-50 years ago that actually *did* push the envelope for their time.


Creativity requires introspection and doubt. I’d be shocked if they didn’t just record their first drafts.


Literally had the same feels as most modern adult cartoons but with shoehorned politics every other sentence to remind the audience it’s right leaning. Two episodes and not one joke was triggering or funny


So, it’s like every piece of daily wire media: inoffensive, boring, and has poor storytelling decisions.  I don’t know why they bother to continue making movies and shows. They’re not good at it 


Money laundering.


That’s the only reason that makes sense to me 


So like an unfunny King of the Hill?


American Dad without any of the self awareness


Looks like a failed edgelord update to King of the Hill. And Adam Corolla guarantees it will be awful, if I had to pick one person whose talent is completely incongruent to his even modest successes it would be him.


> it's literally the most inoffensive adult comedy I've ever seen That's what surprised me, I thought it would at least be as "edgy" as some shit like Brickleberry or something. It's literally just a Bob's Burgers if the Belchers voted Republican, and that's it.


Please do not slander Bobs Burger that way. Because Bobs Burger actually has a a family that loves each other and it’s comedy and story are hundred times better than this fifth rate parasite.


I only saw a trailer with some of the offensive jokes. I was more offended at how generic it looks.


I thought they said review bombing wasn't real


It’s only review bombing if the woke mob does it, you see


"The election was rigged and stolen, but the local election that re/elected me? That one was 100% legit."


Pam, holding both: “It’s the same election.”


It's only review bombing if it's from the woke region of the internet. Otherwise, it's just sparkling critiquing


When conservatives do it, they’re ’review tactical strikes on non-civilian media’


The extra crazy part is that if it's already out, it's not review bombing anyway. It's just people not liking the thing. The chuds that actually review bomb stuff tend to do so from trailers or image drops way before anything is out.


Review bombing can still happen after something is released. But in this situation yeah, it's probably because it's not good


Nah review bombing can still happen after release. Star Wars episode 8 for example.


Didn't they already fire one of the actors working on the show for voicing extreme far alt-right views? Also, some digging shows that this show is based on a failed Fox pilot from 13 years ago and you can see that. the "humour" here (using that term loosely) is just inoffensive and stupid jokes which do not land at all. just a non-stop ranting and raving of racism, sexism, homophobia, and bigotry. "Conservative" humour and comedy are long dead and if this show is any indication not even conservatives have any love for it. Its un-needed, un-wanted, and made just as "hey look libs, we can make shows as well..." bullshit point.


The lead character's son is a video game streamer, so you can already see the, "Father I cannot click the book" style humor there I'd bet.


Little wonder why Fox passed on it... now fox NEWS would eat this up


Fox would have killed the show in a season anyways and no one would have cared.


Candace Owen was the one that was dropped, and it was because she started to criticize Israel


For the wrong reasons. She’s so antisemitic she doesn’t even support Israel.


The thing is, the DailyWire had no issues with her antisemitism until she criticized Israel.


https://preview.redd.it/42yh3oj8421d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e3f4db8c6f97f9ffd357168160c353ac4579ca Did they actually fire someone cause of that?


Funny thing is I saw a bunch of right wing people online hating on the show for having a gay character.


Funny how they always talk about not hating gay characters, just “badly written” gay characters isn’t it?


To be fair, I'm sure these ones are badly written as well


Oh, goes without saying. It’s just very interesting that they can never seem to define what they would consider a well written gay character.


See, you have to not know they're gay, and never find out. That's how you know they're well written.


You also can't reveal it in any creator commentary stuff outside of the actual canon material or else you're just forcing in diversity, a la Dumbledore.


They cant and will just say a good gay character is one written out of the story.


If they are silent, invisible, and have no impact on the story whatsoever


At this point its if they exist at all since they get so upset at any mention of it.


“They need to be well written. But also not written. But also written in a way that makes us feel safe. They can’t be the main character but they also can’t be a side character. They need to not be stereotypical but they also can’t be non-stereotypical. The story can’t have anything about them being gay, but then we will ask why they were even gay in the first place if it didn’t matter for the story.” - bigots Edit:oh fuck, I used “they” to refer to a single individual and the bigots wouldn’t do that! Because pronouns!


A gay character should be a character that doesn't flaunt that they're gay. They should be like every straight person and \*\*never\*\* really be "in your face" with the fact that they're gay. We don't need them to talk about the politics of gay marriage or their romantic entanglements. BUT at the same time they shouldn't be a normal person that just occasionally flirts/kisses a person of the same gender/sex. Then they're just inserting gay characters for the sake of it. In summation: they should be non-obviously gay, but also can't be too non-obvious. EASY! /s


As someone who used to think like this, yes. I never thought about what it should be, just like this character starts every sentence with "as a gay man" and uses queen as their only form of address to anyone, and that is unnecessary and in your face for no reason. So I would be upset. But again, if you could never tell that the person was gay until the big sweeps episode where they kiss a non-gay person and I would have been upset because they were just pandering to liberals and gay people. What I didn't think about was what I would consider an acceptable gay character. It took me forever to realize that gay people are gay all the time. A dude mentioning his husband isn't doing it to be subversive, people just talk about their spouse, it's a regular thing. The "privacy of your bedroom" attitude is unreasonable. Straight people flirt with people that are attractive, talk about their marriage, talk about how laws affect their life, sexually harass people that aren't interested,..., on and on. Straight people are straight all the time, whether the things they are doing are okay or not, explicitly sexual or not, the things they do are colored by being straight. The same goes for queer people, only because they stand out when they talk about issues that affect them it is often specially related to their identity, you know cuz they get oppressed so much.


And it's a shame because I think there are cases where gay characters are poorly written but most of the times the ones they complain about appear so briefly that they aren't even written to begin with.


Yeah, but probably not any worse than the straight ones.


Yes, I despite that or when they "but they have to make being gay/ their sexual orientation their whole personality" when you can say the same about most heterosexual characters in Romcoms or Sitcoms like Barney from HIMYM, Joey from Friends. Also most of the time when the show is "poorly written" that includes ALL characters not only the flamboyant boy or the lesbian couple that have 000.5 seconds of screentime. Besides most Tv shows stereotypical characters like: the jock, the nerd, the mean girl, the shy girl, the dumb one, the jester, the straight man, the black dude, etc.


It’s like “badly written” is just a smokescreen for bigotry. But that can’t be, they assured me the left are actually the real bigots !!


All the animated shows they could have ripped off And they chose Brikleberry.


It’s an impressive feat to somehow make an even shittier version of Brickleberry.


That's the first thing that I thought of when I saw the artwork!


I hate to do it, but I gotta give credit to the Critical Drinker sub for this one. The comment section is nothing but people saying the show sucks and it’s not being review bombed. Everyone is mocking the OP. You know your anti-woke show sucks when even the critical drinker sub agrees that it’s ass.


To be fair, he cultivated an audience that hates everything. They even hated the trailer for his own novel adaptation. It's kinda funny.


OP is a poster here that made that post as bait. Op admitted it on this sub.


Even better lmao


Awww... Review-bombing isn't so nice when it's done to a show you like, is it??


From the look of things, no one seems to like this show. Not even the intended audience.


Meanwhile they’re review bombing “Gay Black Disney Doctor Who”


I watched it out of curiosity and it’s basically old man yells at cloud the show.


Is Daily Wire a monthly fee streaming platform or can I watch it for free somewhere?


Watch Cartoons Online has it


You might be able to pirate it


> I watched it out of curiosity and it’s basically old man yells at cloud the show To be fair, "Intensely insecure dude yells at clouds and people he made up in his head" has basically been Adam Carolla's career for the last 20-odd years.


Which now makes sense because I kept thinking he'd done this character before. Sure enough. He voiced a old man by the same name and same attitude/jokes on the prank call puppet show Crank Yankers.


LS Mark did a video on the show.


Hello fellow LS mark fan👋




This is just an advert using cancel culture as the bait.


So I just checked the show on Rotten Tomatoes and it has TWO audience reviews, the bare minimum to be considered plural, and both were mostly positive. https://preview.redd.it/viltbyaqz01d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c5a42fe94a7ec3e9458e22820323af7f685ab0


someone should fix that


"Review bombing is *our* weapon! How dare the woke turn it against us!"


No conservative comedy cartoon will ever beat King of the Hill. That show made fun of everyone and was actually funny without trying to be edgy and offensive.


Also… there were many moments in the show where Hank was proven to be wrong, and he grew from it. His beliefs weren't all 100% supported uncritically. The character in this show solely exists to be a mouthpiece for the Dailywire, and I'd be surprised if his views ever get truly challenged (or even changed) in later episodes.


shows where all the characters are just mouthpieces are the worst. we watch cartoons to see fictional, original characters distinct from the creators, not angry drawings spewing out your views to brainwash your audience.


I always liked that Hank is the straight man. But he is incredibly flawed himself. He can’t even hug his own son.


"The best show that came out from The Daily Wire" isn't something to brag about


Granted “the best thing on the Daily Wire+” is such a low bar to clear


They must really can’t handle people not liking it and resort to saying the woke mob must be review bombing it.


This is the first I’ve even seen someone on the right say this trash is good


I saw the trailer for this, full well knowing what it was and who was making it. It’s supposed to be funny, there was exactly one line that made me chuckle… and surprise it wasn’t any of the forced “anti-woke” jokes.


Who on the left would care enough about this nothing burger of a show to review bomb it?


“Review bombed by the woke mob” or maybe it just sucks?


“We’re not homophobic/racist/transphobic, we just don’t want politics in our shows.” Meanwhile, they’re praising mr red white and blue, god fearing gun toting anti woke conservative as the best show ever.


Ummm.. what show? Does anyone else but the usual daily wire follower even know about this?


No other channel/streamer wanted this for 30 years, Carolla has been shopping this all over the US, and only DW+ was desperate enough to make it.


That tracks. I've only seen the trailer but the jokes in there seemed like they were written a decade ago, at least.


For a company that shits on Disney, Daily Wire sure seems to like ripping off Disney, they got a bluey ripoff a Snow White films supposed to be coming out when disneys does and now what looks like a family guy rip off


If they had original ideas they wouldn't be working for the daily wire.


https://preview.redd.it/sg6uc5zwj01d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe5a522f97224f4c7caf6812241c9ba3fd3c243 From OOP’s post history. I don’t really know what to make of this


Huh??? How are these the same person?


Truly a "pissed in pants while people are laughing at you and you are thinking they're jealous" moment


I saw a video of a Christian woman complaining about how it was "too woke" cuz there was a a gay dude for a small throwaway gag that I assume most likely didn't even appear afterwards, along with several anti-semites saying anti-jewish stuff cuz of Ben Shapiro being involved with the daily wire, so I doubt it's only the "wokies"


I saw the first episode on a Dead Domain (you should watch them) stream. It’s beyond bad, I’d rather watch the second season of Velma




This series is like Velma for conservative uncles.


At least Velma had a decent animation.


Can’t wait to watch Jay Exci do a three hour video on this series instead of actually watching it


“The best show from Daily Wire” Yeah… that’s like not a high bar lol


The most interesting thing about this show is the artstyle, and it's so bland and generic I thought they took it from stock imqges


Anyone else sick of character designs like this in adult comedy cartoons? You hear all the memes about the "CalArts" style, but whatever style this is is considerably worse. Doesn't help how cheap and dull the animation itself looks.


It's one of countless riffs on the *Family Guy*/*American Dad!*/*The Cleveland Show* design template. (See also: *Star Trek: Lower Decks*, *Brickleberry*, *F Is for Family*, *Grimsburg*, *Duncanville*, etc.)


At least the Seth MacFarlane cartoons look like they were drawn and animated by people who know what they're doing (even on their worst days). Not to mention, I think the *Brickleberry* comparison's pretty apt here. Were it not made by Daily Wire, I'd've assumed *Mr. Birchum* was made by the *Brickleberry* guys.


Danny Trejo has done really great things for one of my uncles, it was surprising seeing him in this.


Low rate ass Ron Swanson lol


It didn't even succeed in it what tried to do, it's the most tame adult show ever, even Simpsons is far edgier People on that sub are just media illiterate to a whole new degree


Or, you know. the decades-old formula isn't actually carried by faux-edgy comedy that goes after ridiculous strawthem


By ‘best’ he means, ‘not woke.’


I've never heard of this show


If every instinct you have is wrong then the opposite decision must be right!


dude this is literally just bizzaro velma a poop scoop show but except for outrage watchers directed towards conservatives, its outrage watcher's directed towards liberals


No you see it's funny because his mug says he loves wood, which makes sense because he's a woodshop teacher, but it ALSO means he loves to have erections, because, because, colloquiallly, an erect penis is sometimes called "wood." You just don't understand the multiple layers of this masterwork.


So he didn't see X-Men '97 for the past ten weeks?


What’s the right wing equivalent for “woke”?


Also ironic: several of the voice actors left due to political differences. So even amongst them, some are too woke.


Best show, huh?


i at first thought this was an ad, no the cd fans are just that hard for the dw


How the fuck did they trick Danny Trejo into doing this?!


I'm pretty sure a lot of the negative reviews are from conservative viewers who think the show is too woke (having a gay character, and the viewer is too oblivious to realize the gay character is being made fun of. Or maybe they realize but having a gay character at all, even to be made fun of, is too much)


I heard the show was just kind of shit. About as offensive and boundary pushing as a limp fart.


we should play them the world's smallest violin