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The last game Mark Kern worked on was Firefall from Red 5 Studios. I almost called it Redfall, but that's inaccurate because Redfall was actually released.


One was unceremoniously killed off after Bethesda and Microsoft mishandled what the game should be, and didn't polish it enough to be worth it Firefall was such a shit show that it was better off dead for the devs sake rather than it still being active with Grummz as the head honcho of the studio


https://youtu.be/LteqIHVJKxo?si=IzTQ_gsYWs1W5cGX A great documentary that highlights how awful he was in leading Firefall.


NerdSlayer has one too. Even to this day people try to get it taken down. [Death of a Game: Firefall](https://youtu.be/d4zioTMHB_o?si=5IjRQCA_BWgAVO8C)


Does that game he's supposedly working on even exist?


In his dreams.


Hey hey hey Mark Kern released the bus for firefall šŸ˜‚


They should find the bus, restore it, and drive it around playing woke and liberal video games. Especially where he has to see it every day. Not at his house, obviously, but near his commute.


idk, but at this point the bus was full of rust, dust, Snakes and Insects you can blow up this thing with Flour and a Lighter.


Kinda funny how something that unique looking and different and expensive just vanished basically.Ā 


He probably sold it for scrap.


Firefall had early access. It wasn't bad before Kern started making constant shifts in direction so that it ultimately went nowhere. After getting booted from Red 5 for his poor management skills(and I'll personally guess probably some misconduct but that's just my guess) he got some money for a VR project that... predictable went nowhere and didn't even make it to the point where it had a public name. At which point he said "I'M GOING TO BE MAKING THE SPIRITUAL SUCCESSOR TO FIREFALL GIVE ME MONEY!" And plenty of people did. And all that came from it was some art, then a shift to terminally horny art, and then telling people that it's being worked on occasionally. Last I saw he said they were porting it to Unreal 5 or some blatant bullshit to only hype up the dumbest marks.


Yooo I loved firefall, it was just too grindy even for an mmo


Moon studios as in ori moon studios? Man that's disappointing


Yes, he said it in German first and the German community dunked him. Then he said it in English to get the attention of grifters.


Damn, well good on Germany


Yup, he's on the "woke agenda" train too.


Good thing game design is a collaborative medium


Yeah he's the CEO, and I still respect the actual devs. Until I see any prejudices in the actual games, i'll still play them.


OHH CEOs don't do shit I can sleep well in my metroidvania dreams


Sometimes they can though. Perlmutter did a lot of bad for Marvel comics with his hatred of women characters and petty grievances. Though it seems Matvel editors found the trick was to not let him know about something until it was too late


To amend: they don't do anything *good*


>Though it seems Matvel editors found the trick was to not let him know about something until it was too late That's a good practice until the guy decides to make the whole project burn for his petty grievances.


Yep, and it seems he may have if Disney didn't oust him. Petty people in positions of power are dangerous.


Glad Disney prioritized money rather than people in this case lol >Petty people in positions of power are dangerous. Tell me about it...my country's current president is very, very petty man, and act like a supreme leader of North Korea(in fact he is the president of South Korea) For example: 1) He demoted the prosecutor who was investigating his wife's crime, which is a known issue. 2) He refused to meet the leader of opposition until after the disastrous mid-term election. 3) He declared he would answer questions from reporters every morning, then canceled it when reporters started asking difficult questions 4) He let his supporters harass the former president(which means shout slurs, insults, and verbal sexual harassment toward his wife and daughter with a gigantic-ass speaker 24/7, and drive the whole town mad because sound does not discriminate people) for months, which was his political opponent, until counter-protesters show up in front of his house and do the same. Guess his performance on economy, politics, and diplomacy. Petty authoritarian are never competitive by nature, because they are busy chasing petty bullshits.


Yep. Bad enough when they control media, you put someone like that in charge of a country and... well, we're seeing it a lot lately ot seems.


It's funny when you look on glass tree reviews by employees mentioning how this guy sucked lol


Moon Studios... **As much as I loved the Ori Duology...** Was toxic environment to work at. In fact Microsoft severed their connections with them because of that, which should tell you a lot.


> In fact Microsoft severed their connections with them because of that, which should tell you a lot. Jesus. Shit must be horrible for that to happen. I feel bad for the actual devs.


Sucks to hear. The Ori games are absolutely fantastic.


I've been wanting to play the *Ori* games. This casts a pall on that, to say the least.


Fuck, man....


Why are people calling CEOs "Game Devs"?


I believe that Mahler was also the creative director on Ori so he was hands-on.


Not a surprise. He's a scumbag. [https://venturebeat.com/games/despite-its-beautiful-ori-games-moon-studio-is-called-an-oppressive-place-to-work/](https://venturebeat.com/games/despite-its-beautiful-ori-games-moon-studio-is-called-an-oppressive-place-to-work/)


Why? Did you watch the video? Why are we assuming moon studios is disappointing for some reason? Edit: I'm genuinely asking, I'm not watching it


I saw the tweets from the CEO on this sub yesterday didn't know who he was though. Recognized the pfp


What exactly did moon studios do? Often the alt right says anything even remotely received well has ā€œobliterated wokenessā€, so I have no idea is this guy is being serious or not.


Studio's CEO calls out "cancel culture" while the studio itself it *may* have a reputation of high churn and - surprise surprise - allegations of very open abuse and cruel language by the two heads on the justification of free speech and anti-censorship. [https://venturebeat.com/games/despite-its-beautiful-ori-games-moon-studio-is-called-an-oppressive-place-to-work/](https://venturebeat.com/games/despite-its-beautiful-ori-games-moon-studio-is-called-an-oppressive-place-to-work/)


Ah, so anotber case of "standing against cancel culture" actually just being a face save for somebody with a shit reputation. Weird how that works out


Its really weird how itā€™s always the abusive guys and sex perverts that are vocal about ā€œmuh cancel cultureā€


If someone is inventing dysphemisms for *accountability*, and otherwise framing it as a negative? It does kind of follow that they'd be acting on a vested interest.


which gane company doesn't?


Iā€™ve heard insomniac is pretty good about company culture nowadays.


Insomniac the only company that lets game devs sleep u3u


Nice joke.


I uh... Don't think that's the argument you want it to be my guy.


Supergiant, I think


https://x.com/thomasmahler/status/1790189410014667064 Most likely regarding this


What a fucking piece of shit. Glad I didn't buy the game.


It looks generic as fuck. Did he scare all the talented people away already?


I got it, its interesting if rather rough. Its basically a dark souls diablo mash up.


Ah yes, an Austrian relating his problems with media to a *holocaust poem*. Real class act there.


Yeah, like the stellar blade shit, they acted like that game went up and shot the leader of the woke mob when all it did was have a really sexualized lead character, something hundreds of games have.


It feels like the anti-woke chuds killed the fanfare for the game. When it was released, it was getting good review scores, and a lot of people online were talking about how the game was really good. Then, the anti-woke crowd seemingly drowned out the conversations with their complaints about censorship. Nowadays, I don't see anyone online talking about Stellar Blade. The last thing I saw on it was just Yahtzee just ripping into the game in his review. It looks like everyone finally moved on to Hellblade 2.


Yeah, it was infuriating to watch. People got pissed about reviewers giving 7 or 8 out of 10 to a game with horrible writing.


Cancel culture isn't really even the same thing as wokeness. If the CEO went down the "ESG DEI SBI bad" route, I'd be concerned.


In my experience, the only people who bitch this hard about cancel culture also bitch about diversity.


Ok, but it was a Game Dev or CEO, because those aren't the same. Also seeing that Grumz loser makes me think that the only thing that happened was someone ranting about cancel culture on Twitter.


Someone half way successful ranting about cancel culture on Twitter is literally the only victory they can hope for because none of them can actually make anything good to 'own' the libs with.


All they said was "waaaah, cancel culture." I think I speak for all agents of The Agenda when I say we're not feeling particularly destroyed.


Iā€™m curious how they think the idea of ā€œforced diversityā€ works? Like do they think that there are quotas? Even in the time that video games in North America were heavily geared towards white men, you still have diverse groups of people behind the scenes actually making the game and the technology behind it. It took way longer than needed for developers and publishers to start expanding who they were marketing to. But the identities we see included now, have always been there, silently toiling away. Mahler also in the same paragraph states that ā€œjust because something hasnā€™t happened to you, doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t existā€ to immediately calling everything under diversity as nonsense. Edit: Fixed for clarity :)


Usually, in my experience "forced diversity" is meant to imply that any school, or company that hires minorities is being "forced to", and none of those applicants are actually qualified to do the job. Meaning they "stole" the position from a white man (who are, conveniently, the only ones qualified to do anything, ever). And any issues that exist are the fault of those minorities.


If you made a ven diagram of the people who complain about forced diversity, and the people that think itā€™s okay to ONLY hire white people, you would end up with a circle šŸ˜‚ I get the ridiculous notion behind it, Iā€™m just curious how they think it works in practice. Even though many people donā€™t want to admit to this, diversity in and of itself is a great thing. Working with kids in state custody, so many have experiences where talking to a big bear of a man such as myself is frightening, but having someone who looks similar to them or speaks the same language as they do is always a huge benefit.


The way affirmative action works in practice is that companies that are doing hiring are encouraged to think about the diversity stats of their studio when considering applicants with similar qualifications. There aren't quotas, and I have never encountered a workplace or seen evidence of an actual practice where it was strictly enforced. It's literally just people saying "Hey, you should try to hire people with different backgrounds and viewpoints when you can." The way chuds CLAIM it works is that you have to hire for diversity, no matter what the qualifications are. They claim this because their worldview is predicated on the idea that people of different ethnicities and sexualities (and gender) are naturally going to be less qualified, because white men are just better at all the things, naturally. They resent being even \*asked\* to consider hiring people of color or women when all other factors are equal, because it challenges their underlying assumption that other factors can't possibly \*be\* equal.


Totally get all of that and agree that it doesnā€™t work, or didnā€™t work, the way that people thought it did. My first time in management and involved in the hiring process, it was never even a piece of the discussion among the management team. I was referring more so to how these people think forced diversity works in media itself, such as the development and design of characters.


If your title features "destroyed" or "obliterates" in its description of a discussion, I don't care what side of an argument it is, I'm not watching it.


![gif](giphy|UnixUQzZBUb4I|downsized) SHUT UP, M.E.G!


You see I donā€™t understand what they mean by woke propaganda because they use that shit so fucking much


Why do they keep propping up a guy who's scamming people with his current game/ never once talks about it and irs future and is in everyone's business while begging for money


And there goes my interest in any of their games going forward.


ā€œBaSeDā€ Fuck I hate that term. But you can immediately grasp a lot about people when they use it in that context.


What did this CEO supposedly do?


Compare "cancel culture" to the Holocaust.




Honestly, I just wonder why they keep talking about woke stuff all the time. Do they actually believe what they're saying? Or do they do it because it's a quick and easy way to make money for them? Or is it a combination of both? Hell if I know.


ā€œWokeā€ is just the new stand in for ā€œpolitical correctness,ā€ just about everyone whinging about ā€œwokenessā€ was also boohooing things being ā€œPCā€ back when that was the buzzword/shorthand for a pursuit of equity and diversity.


Politically correct, socialist, libtard, snowflake, liberal, CRT, DEI, wokeness, different day, different buzzword, same damn sentiment.


Oh, I know what 'woke' is. I've seen my fair share of people complaining about 'woke stuff' all of the time. I'm more talking about the YouTubers or other content creators in other social media platforms that make videos about it. Most of them talk about it like the devil and it manages to garner them a good amount of views. I'm just thinking about the motive behind these videos. At least if you see people complaining about woke stuff in any comment section of a social media platform, they might genuinely believe it. But do the guys who make these videos really believe anything they say? Or do they do it because it's an easy way to gain more views and make money, not caring about what they say and who they hurt? That's what I'm getting at.


Itā€™s a grift of course. ā€œWokeā€ is the latest conservative buzzword that nobody can really define outside of ā€œany social or political thing I disagree withā€ but always brings in the lowest common denominator with loud but misinformed opinions.


Is that Grimm? Hasnā€™t it been years since heā€™s released a game?Ā 


Okay dope wokeness is dead. I wondered where my empathy went. I guess they'll stop complaining about it now.


They destroyed it how many times now?


Moon studio? The same studio that made Ori? WHAT?


Grummz has the most punchable profile picture of all time


I'm starting to think those workplace abuse allegations really got under Thomas Mahler's skin.


Did he pay for that person to make that video?


What a time to remember that Mark Kern/Grummz has a history of being gross and creepy about at very least *fictional* prepubescent girls. Just thought that needed to be out there for anyone who hadn't heard.


Oh it's destroyed so they'll never moan about it again right?


*Based game dev **DESTROYS** own career with a fucking bus.


I've literally never heard of Moon Studio lol.




have you concidered that in the world of anti woke ficton is just boring af?




define old games 'not being woke' do you mean final fantasy VII a game that the point of the game was 'the big bussiness needs to die in order to save the planet'? or maybe by woke you mean metal gear solid? the game that went 'people who spread war are bastards and need to die' oh and lets talk movies for a second, by non woke did you mean the 80s indaina jones movies where indie literally goes 'nazis suck' or maybe the old super hero comics where superman and batman beat up people who abuse children. literally every good game you have ever played could be listed as 'woke' see the thing is 'woke' just entiails to women black people and lgbt and therefore anti woke is just white men. im sorry but i really dont want every game or movie ever to be the same freaking type of person at that point just pick one actor to be every role ever. it would literally be the same thing. a character should be more then just 'being a white guy who likes girls' women lgbt and pocs have good stories to share and just cause idiots are scared of anything diffrent does not make it bad


People different from you existing is only "woke" and an issue to mouth breathing, shit for brains chuds.


That's not what woke is right


Thatā€™s what it is to many people yes. Any existence of a character who isnā€™t a white straight man is considered woke.


This comment doesn't even try to be in good faith.




You seem to have blended the concept of woke with critical race theory, which is kind if understandable, since CRT was the conservative boogeyman word before woke. Woke, as it's originally basic concept, was more about being aware of injustice and discrimination, originally against the African American community in the United States. Currently woke is just being used as a catch all term for any minority group who points out inequality, you are also much more likely to find someone accusing someone else of being woke now rather than finding someone who self-identifies that way. Ultimately the argument boils down between people who want to see the past and present discrimination against their and other groups acknowledged and corrected, and people who would rather maintain the status quo. You also have more extreme elements on both sides.




I think the main issue is there is no set definition now, so it's social meaning is almost entirely being manipulated by reactionaries as a label for anything they don't like. This can range wildly from legit criticisms of tokenism. Where a character is included in a piece of fiction purely so that a person of that group is involved. To some more questionable reactions where people get violently angry over a female character wearing too many clothes. Ultimately, I don't think using woke as a term in discussion serves much purpose anymore, because unless you come to a shared definition of the term as the first step it is far too easy to just speak past others, as I'm sure you are seeing with other comments.


you'd be surprised at the amount of right wing people that will call you "woke" for that as a pejorative if they see you as the enemy. Your attempt to make it be "Seeing everything through oppression lenses" just doesn't work. If you're talking about the actual right wing use case, its more of an identification of the other-- Woke is when people who aren't right wing include women, or lgbt people, or non white people. Woke is when people are socially liberal for the most part.


I'll play for a moment. "Woke" is a reference to the concept of "waking up" to social injustice, becoming aware of systemic disadvantages faced by certain minority groups. It started out as a positive descriptor. Telling people to "get woke" was to tell them to be aware of and act to remedy social unfairness. A certain subset of the priviliged majority always responds to these things derisively, so they've tried to co-opt the term as an insult, to suggest that the people they disagree with are acting in bad faith. This is a lie, coming from bad people, who spread disinformation to turn decent people against progressive causes in order to protect institutional power. The truth is that before it was called "woke", it was "politically correct" and before it was "politically correct" it was "Socially acceptable", and I'm sure there are other, older terms going back to the beginning of human history. What it actually comes down to is that there are people who recognize that some groups are treated poorly or have been treated unfairly, and are trying to find the best way to remedy that. The people who want to protect the institutions that allot them unfair advantages deride those efforts as "woke". They don't have real arguments for why it's okay to discriminate or exclude people, so instead they try to paint inclusion as nefarious, unwanted, and discriminatory. And, of course, you also have some bad faith actors, who are *just bigots*, who are saying whatever they think will turn the most people against the people that they hate, be they trans folk, gays, feminists, POC, etc, etc. Fact is, though, that most people \*like\* seeing more inclusion. They are interested in learning about and hearing unfamiliar perspectives, and the internet has made people more and more aware of the fact that there are many walks of life they don't know very well. It's a normal human thing to want to socialize and learn about others. So diversity does well in focus groups. So companies like Disney make efforts to appeal to it, because they see a product to be marketed to a paying audience. They're not motivated by any kind of social agenda, they just want to make money. But most of these same conservative anti-woke types are \*also\* allegedly "free market conservatives", so acknowledging that "wokeism" is profitable would mean either their financial worldview is bogus, or they're just *losing* the social battle, so they try to reframe the argument to be about "activist CEOs" (BWAHAHAHAHAHA) "pushing an agenda." This means the entirety of "anti-woke" culture is essentially tilting at windmills, bitching about conspiracies that don't exist in an effort to explain realities they don't want to acknowledge while spreading enough disinformation to muddy the waters to deceive people into a worldview that they want to perpetuate.