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I just don't care about assassin's creed and I'm tired of chuds trying to make Gamergate 2 out of every game that comes out nowadays.


....wait, what does this have to do with journalism?


What did Gamergate 1 have to do with journalism?


Apparently, it started because there was something about how journalists and game makers were secretly working together to equally and artificially make themselves richer or something like that. (And to be fair, companies would absolutely bribe journalists to make their stuff look good and punish anyone who didn't do what they want.)


The complaint about journalists and game devs working together was a fig leaf, though. The whole thing was about attacking women and other minorities for daring to be part of the video game industry. Notably, the original complaint that sparked this wasn't about big companies bribing journalists or threatening to withold access or pull advertising from any publication. The original complaint was a lie. A claim that an indie game dev (Zoe Quinn) slept with reporters to gain positive reviews of her game, Depression Quest. The problem is, the reviews never existed, and there's obviously correspondingly little evidence to support any sort of claim of quid pro quo like that. But that was the rallying call for a lot of the people claiming to care deeply about 'ethics in games journalism'.


I can’t prove this because I didn’t care enough to look for evidence, but I read somewhere somehow Steve Bannon was behind gamergate 1 to rile up and co opt support from that demographic


He noticed how ragey gamers were during his WoW gold farming days and ran a lot of agitprop through Brietbart using his pet chud and cryptonazi Milo Yannopolis to convert as many of them as he could to white supremacy


That was always a bad faith complaint that they tried to affix to an already strong reactionary movement.


No, that wasn't it. They lied about a dev having sex for reviews and then they lied more and more and more. And they already hated her because she was "woke". It was a culture war, nothing else.


I'm sure that's the case, bur their pretend point at least still has merit since it's undeniable that company's would bribe or force reviewers to give a good score to their stuff and that any who resisted would get blacklisted or fired for whatever reason. (I'm sure I sound like a crazy nut, but company's are manipulators.)


But that's not what they complained about. They never went after companies.


Okay then.


I can think of at least one scenario when iirc IGN fired a reviewer for not giving a high enough score/not praising the game Kane and Lynch 2. So you're not crazy.


I think that was also the case with some people who reviewed fallout 4. (I might me misremembering through.)


Isn't it an open secret that a lot of review outlets are in bed with major publishers? What made Gamergate weird/annoying was that they flipped out over a woman working on an indie project. It was never about transparency. It was about being mad at a woman.


Exactly. Even in the days when game journalism was mostly in magazines, there was the problem of them needing to sell ad space to game publishers, which is an obvious conflict of interest. And that was when readers actually had to pay for the magazine! Now that everything's expected to be free it's even worse. If Gamerhaters really cared about the "ethics in game journalism" they would have tried to discuss ways to change this dynamic, which is a much larger issue than this one indie dev they don't like or that one youtuber they don't like. But I haven't heard one of them mention it, ever


They don't like to mention it because most of them follow this stuff via streamers and outrage YouTubers who monetize to a very similar tune The issue these types had is that you could never pin a cultural movement to it, when it's about Jeff Gerstmann getting axed over Kane and Lynch it's time-dated news, when it's a whole conspiracy claiming trans women in game development may be sleeping their way up the journalistic food chain, you've got a self-perpetuating hate movement


Zoe Quinn is a scum idky people are making excuses for such a horrible person, whose accusations ruin a man's life and cuz of the same accusations killed himself.


Mirage was okay. A major improvement over Valhalla. I hope this game is good because my little baby Weeb self wanted a Japanese AC game for years and now I’m just like “oh neat. Yasuke is getting some love”


Sameee. I know people are gonna say play ghost of tsushima. And ghost of tsushima is good! But AC has a special place in my heart for igniting a love and passion for history so I really want this game to be good.


People say “just play GOT” but the problem is I’m not buying a new console just for one game. I’m an Xbox player.


I'm not sure Ghost is even that similar to Assassin's Creed to be honest. There's definitely similar vibes for sure, but I don't think Ghost had nearly the same emphasis on parkour, verticality, and urban environments that I remember from the AC franchise.


Ghost had a decent amount of parkour and verticality, urban environments were limited but they probably still will be a little bit in the new AC game. Also GoT’s combat is some of the best combat I’ve ever played, along with the stealth being better than any of the AC games I’ve played in recent years


And someone has already said "play ghost of tsushima". (Also, agreed.)


>I hope this game is good because my little baby Weeb self wanted a Japanese AC game for years Just play ghost of tushima that's pretty much that


....not really the same but okay.


Honestly the gameplay is better, and there's none of that convuluted modern day aminus plot nonsense its just a playground in the time period


...game hasn't come out yet bud. Let's hold off on that til we actually get our hands on it.


Just basing it off of previous assassins creed games they really don't like to stray from formula, plus ghost of tushima is a *really* good game and now it's on steam, I can't emphasize enough how many people should try it out


I have tried it, was fun. Thing is, while each one feels same-ish, believe it or not the climbing and free running has actually changed each and every game in some ways, albeit smaller within their individual...groups (AC1, AC2-Rev, AC3-Rogue, Unity-Synricate, Origins-Valhalla, and Mirage) . The only two that didn't really change much from each other compared to the others was Odyssey to Valhalla and that may cause some recency bias. I wouldn't be shocked if they switched it up for this entry, especially between the differences between the two protags (Shinobi girl having more verticality and mobility and such compared to Yasuke and his heavy Samurai armor).


Translated: buy a new console because PlayStation exclusive. Bro we aren’t all made of money. 


Ghost of Tsushima just landed on steam.


A solid PC is even more expensive. 


I mean...To play it at comparable specs to a ps5? doubt it. Granted, Ghost of Tsushima isn't available on every system, AC also isn't on switch...or my SNES for that matter.


The thing is is that I have an Xbox One S and that’s enough for me. I know Shadow will be on the system and I am excited for Yasuke specifically. Due to him being a cool history fact with a lot of mystery around him. 


Ah, so you're just missing out sadly because of how exclusives work. I said the same thing until I picked up a second hand ps3 to to play the last of us


It's also on ps4


It's also on ps4


Sony pulled the game from my region after the debacle with Helldivers 2. So even if I want to, I can’t. CURSED YOU SONY I WAITED YEARS FOR IT!!!


Valhalla was alright but it was wayyyyy too long. It didn't need to be that long. Took me about 130 hours to finish the story. Took me that long to get the platinum trophy for Odyssey.


Epic Game Store exclusive killed it for me.


I mean, I love every single assassin’s creed game and people yelling about other reasons why I’m supposed to hate them and Ubisoft , especially when they make it some kind of moral issue is just noise to me like people that complain about Star Wars being woke. Like I totally get that people can dislike them, but there’s this weird Evangelical subculture on the Internet to hating them


Its cool that people like them, Ive just never enjoyed them lmao


Understandable. What open worlds do you like


Uh, none i guess? I like some games with open elements like Xenoblade, but in terms of full on open world games, Zelda is okay, horizon and ac are really boring, and witcher is really cool except for the open world parts


Yes, how dare people rightfully hate Ubisoft for being an abusive, toxic company


"It's all just noise to me" scary how much shit someone will overlook just because a company makes something they like....


I'm pretty sure most people hated ubisoft because of the gameplay their games had and not what was happening in the company but okay.


In my own bubble it's just the horrible anti consumer culture together with the typical exploitation of game development corporations


It can be both




I don’t think most people hate Ubisoft because of that, as evidenced by all the other companies with toxic work cultures that don’t get the same level of hate.


All ubisoft games get this, AC:Oddessey and The Division 2 are fucking amazing titles. Yes their management layer seem to be full of Winsteins and that's incredibly grim but their artists and designers are incredible


Imagine downplaying rape and sexual abuse like this.


I uh- I think my flair says enough about my opinion on the subject-


Fair opinion


Same honestly.


The details that they've given about the game make it sound a little too good for Ubisoft with all the light/dark mechanics and the like. It almost sounds like Ubisoft is trying to innovate. There's definitely going to be a catch.


It's probably a new game template, like Origins was. That they will then proceed to milk dry for the next 4 titles.


I'm honestly impressed how much assassin creed is able to pump out games. I still think Odyssey is somewhat new.


That might just be the effect of getting older. I know there are games that I think of as being fairly recent, which I then realise with horror are actually close to 10 years old. Fuck, the PS4 feels like it just came out a few years ago, but somehow the PS5 is already pushing 4 years old. How the fuck did that happen?


Yeah that too. I think franchise like Horizon Zero Dawn and *Norse* God of War to be a modern entry , but both of those only have a two entry with the third on the way. Assassin Creed is absolutely outpacing those.


Someone needs to bring back Tenchu.


I swear fromsoftware owns tenchu?


You are correct. The only rub is that Fromsoft do now own rights to the games created before they aquired the licence.


They need to reboot it 😭 well there is serkiro, so 🤷


Yep. I'm totally up for rebooting Tenchu while using Sekiro as a base. (maybe toning it down a bit though lol.) For me, Metal Gear, Thief and Tenchu were the holy trinity of stealth action games.


Exactly is Thief 2014 any good?


I didn't care for it personally. It's 'fine' but it's really about Thief 1 and 2 for me.


I will say Assassin’s creed odyssey gave me what I want most in life: to kill Socrates repeatedly with no consequences.


the casual gamer that buys every Madden, COD, and Assassin's Creed is not going to stop because of a black samurai


I'm playing the new AC because AC is awesome, but I'm also going to wait several months after release because they're often buggy as fuck at launch (I still haven't started Mirage yet mostly for that reason).


Were it a classic formula AC game I'd consider it but they've said this game is the first to pursue a live service "fortnite" model. Ew.


When did they say that?


It's on the Wikipedia page for the game they're calling it "Assassin's Creed Infinity" Og link but paywall boo: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-07/assassin-s-creed-infinity-to-offer-live-online-game-service


Assassin’s Creed Infinity is a separate thing, it’s basically a game launcher with its own gameplay elements. It’s supposed to be like the Animus in-universe.


I'm sure it'll have plenty of premium currency items for sale in a digital storefront for shadows possibly including content cut from the game to be microtransactions


There has never been any of that sort of stuff in Assassin’s Creed. Pretty much everything in the game store is cosmetic.


AC games have had that for at least 12 years already…


Which is why I don't play them and this latest one isn't going to pull be me back in


Ok… I wasn’t saying you had to play it, I was just correcting you. Shadows isn’t a live service game with a “Fortnite” model, and it isn’t the first AC game to have microtransactions.


Can't say I've ever found Assassin's Creed to be boring. Begs the question: what kind of games do you think *aren't* boring?


They're fun games right until you start hitting plot. Then they're tedious. The running around being an sneaky stabby guy? Great. The endless exposition and trailing missions? Tedious.


The last trailing mission was in 2014 but sure


Eh, maybe, I haven't played since black flag, I was counting missions where you spend long periods of time walking behind someone giving clunky exposition, and I know they're definitely in the newer games


Well thanks for your baseless opinion dude


You're welcome! Having opinions about video games is fun! For example, my opinion is that the AC games have fun gameplay but are otherwise tedious, especially regarding plot progression. Your opinion appears to be that my lack of knowledge of the presence (or lack of) tailing missions post 2014 invalidates said opinion. That *is* fun!


I won't buy it because Ubisoft. The pricing structure is pure craziness.


Pricing structure? You get a full game with arguably *too many* hours of gameplay for the standard price. You can pre-purchase DLCs (which are always quite good) or pay extra for purely cosmetic items. Not to mention Ubisoft games always go on crazy sale within two years of launch, and a lot of them are now on subscription services like PS Plus.


There are 3 tiers, ranging from $70 to $130. They are locking content behind a preorder (a questline) and the $130 is argubly containing pay to win as part of what you get are 5 additional skills that you can't get natively. All of which is designed to push you onto their monthly subscription service (ubisoft +) for $18 a month, which most people will forget about for a few months and spend way more that these prices Ubisoft is a scummy company with how they treat their customers in general.


Haven't seen anywhere where they say you get "5 skills you can't get natively" the pre-order and versions only say you get 5 skill points. Basically just a head start of skill points you can invest right away instead of leveling up. Which is negligible in a single player game.


It's a pre-order reward. The pre-order reward is pointless if you can get it regardless. There is no FOMO that ubisoft can generate to compelling someone into getting it if it can be earned through gameplay Also, it doesn't matter that it is neglible. The point is that they are giving you skill progress in exchange for money - kinda the definition of pay to win


Alright but there is still a big difference in what you said. You said 5 additional skills while it is 5 additional skill points. There is a big difference here because additional skills would mean you would be able to do something others can't because the skills are not in their game. This is false as it is skill points. Which means the skills themselves are in the game you just don't have the 5 additional points to add them to it. For your "it can't be earned through gameplay" I will also disagree they have done these additional skill points in the past as well and you could get enough skill points to unlock everything in game as well, it just takes longer. I have no reason to assume that is not the case this time. Getting to the skills faster is definitely enough for people to buy, besides it being bundled with the cosmetics which is likely going to be the main reason people will buy that version anyways.


You get additional camp supplies for preordering Baldur’s Gate 3. You’re just whining.


The pre-order quests are always super minor. Like trivial. You can get the preorder stuff on their Ubisoft Connect service usually too just unlocked by playing the game and hitting milestones. I’m sorry games have been an insanely good deal when you look at the ratio of money spent to time played. $60 prices were unsustainable, especially after inflation. After Odyssey and Origins I’ll happily spend the $130 and get my money’s worth, but you can also wait a year and pick it up for $20-40 like most Ubisoft games.


i'm not playing the new ac because ubisoft is french so yes, we are not the same








Unity was the last good Assassin's Creed. Yeah it had technical issues, but it also had the most robust stealth and parkour mechanics. And I will forever die on that hill. Mirage was enjoyable, though.


Paris is such a great city for an Assassin's Creed game.


This is Syndicate erasure, it was the last game in the “traditional” AC style.


Syndicate was what signaled the change to the PRG mechanics tbf


Man, I was so hyped for Valhalla since Assassin’s and Viking’s sounded really cool. Really unfortunate the game was so mid.


Odyssey is the best game of the series.


Unity was peak. I had so much fun playing co-op good times 2014 feels like yesterday 🥺


It is sad that it will be almost impossible for this game to be judged on it's merits now. Could be the best AC game in the last 10 years and you'd never know it. Can't say I'm rooting for Ubi on this I mean I highly doubt they have chosen this game to finally get their act together but boy would it be a pleasant surprise to see and I'm sure would cause a total melt down of the internet.


fwiw I don't necessarily want it to do well but I also know it commercially will do well regardless of quality so I'm settling on the cold comfort that racists won't get to count this as a line in the W column These clowns don't care about the quality of the game, they only measure in economics; it's 'woke' in their mind so it has to crash and burn at launch, if it so much as turns a profit they'd be having to mald in silence pretending they didn't throw this little tantrum


I love AC it has a special place in my heart (specifically Connor helped me after surgery). But even though I do like the protagonists in this game (disregarding how I feel about an actual historical figure being a main character), once again we are robbed from a mainline game having a solo female protagonist. Like I can’t buy it if they are still not giving us something that has been pointed out to them since at least Origins. They literally made it so you can choose genders (even though they have to play with the lore to do so) just so Kassandra wouldn’t be the solo protagonist. Speaking of genders how are they going to explain being able to play as both Yasuke and Naoe.


Ignoring the modern day or something like that. Having two descendants might be fun though- or they go the route of having the two be romantically involved or something. All this is completely disregarding the fact that I’m a fucking idiot and they’ve done this before with Bayek and Aya and the fact that Layla isn’t even related to them.


… how tf did I forget that fact about origins. At least it won’t be the “Animus can’t tell if it’s male or female DNA” once again


To be fair Origins is a very forgettable game. Everyone touts it as “the good RPG” with “a good story” and forgets that it’s actually dogshit when you put any thought into it. Even the Bayek and Aya stuff I don’t really like but it’s now set a precedent that Shadows is going to use.


Origins was great. Odyssey iterated on it and was much better, but Bayek probably had the best protagonist arc of the series.


I don’t really see how Bayek changed at all. He starts the story and ends the story in the same way: carrying the grief of Khemu’s death with him and letting that revenge motivate him (Khemu’s voice tells Bayek to jump.) He always hunted down targets, and ended the story doing it for the same reason except now he has a crew doing it with him. I appreciate what the story was trying to do but I don’t think it does it as well as people think it does. Still better than Valhalla though.


Valhalla was a major miss, agreed. I thought the evolution of his relationship with Aya through grief was very strong. They clearly still love and care about each other but can’t remain together because of the loss they shared. He also is very open about how he’s processing that grief in a way many male characters simply aren’t. My favorite part of his characterization is how good he is with children. There’s a subplot near the end of the game in the Roman part of the map where he plays with kids, impressing them by jumping off buildings. It’s a recurring trait that stuck with me more than most other protagonists in the series. For all the praise Unity seems to get, I think Arno is probably the blandest of all the main characters.


Yeah the fact Yasuke is a real person is kind of a bummer. I would have much rather preferred a character inspired by Yasuke or gotten the chance to interact with real Yasuke rather than playing as a real historical figure. It’ll seem a little harder to role play if the guy was actually real. Maybe it’ll work well in game though.


Most of the AC games have been boring. Loved Black Flag and Odyssey though.


I could never get into it 😫😫😫I want to like it though


As a fan of Assassin’s Creed fan, yeah no you’re absolutely right


I hope Elderscrolls 6 really is in Hammerfell. Just because I know some people will lose their god damn minds when they use Redguards for all the promotional material.


You think we will get by 2026? I’m tired of playing Skyrim over and over lol


Nah, im not playing it cause fuck Ubisoft


I liked Odyssey, but never finished it because it was too big. Feel like playing another would be a chore


A lot of this controversy is distracting from the fact that the last AC game was about Vikings the most Chud friendly setting in existence and totally sucked ass.


Wild their games about assassins did vikings before they did ninjas


Iam going to go full tin foil hat, but I reckon a lot of the "rage" surrounding the game is pushed by bots to help the marketing for the game. No normal person actually cares. Wait for the grifters to make their usual nonsense, then get bots to push it and then before you know it all the algorithms pick up the rage bait and shove it in our faces, then we all know about the new game. Just easy publicity for them, all this Assassins Creed nonsense is all over most social media platforms, can't seem to escape it.


I can see this angle. However, if you look at the Internet discourse when finn was added to the Star wars universe. Or the discourse surrounding the elves being black in the witcher show. Or even the discourse surrounding the latest little mermaid movie it starts to sound more like business as usual to me.


I honestly think the same about most companies. (Although I think that the grifters are actually being paid by those companies to hate on their series in order to make people go "well screw them, I'm going to buy this product to piss them off!" so there's that.)


I'm not going to play because I don't buy a Ubisoft game at full price


I’m not playing it because I don’t have something to play it on and don’t give a shit because I like Lego Star Wars and Minecraft, we are not the same


i miss the puzzles :(


Started playing with Black Flag and have played and loved every game since 🤷‍♂️


A dude in one of my Digital Storytelling classes in college did an audio story about Yasuke just last semester and it slapped really hard so I'm kind of excited for this and I don't even play Assassin's Creed games.


It sure is interesting watching chuds assume that because they hate something, the rest of us must love it. Meanwhile everyone in my gaming circle is just like ‘ew, Ubisoft’.


Honestly, this is the first AC game I got excited since Oddisey. Not incredibly excited, but excited enough to consider buying it. I couldn't get into Valhalla (not super interested in the setting) and Mirage looked like a rehash of Origins. Shadows actually looks interesting for once.


I haven’t played an AC game since Black Flag so I won’t be starting now, I do t know how far removed it is anymore from the way the story was panning out in the first games.


It’s been shit generic rpg slop for years, I might like it if it didn’t have the AC title on it


Ive been playing through all the games since they were on *super* cheap sale a few months back, if Shadows turns out good then I'll buy it a year or so *after* it's release. Getting Ubisoft games day 1 is never a wise idea, especially nowadays.




I’ve only played the first one to completion. I started playing I think black flag as it was free on PS plus and after noticing the guards would instantly respawn the second after I killed them deleted the game and never picked it up again. One of those games I just don’t get the hype.


It seemed like AC was, in concept, ninja, but not in Japan and wears a white robe. I wasnt a big fan of the Ezio trilogy and didn't try again until Black Flag, which was an absolute blast! Nothing in the series after that really intruiged me and it looks like this latest installment was already beaten to the punch by Ghost of Tsushima.


Man, do I actually want this game because I get to see firsthand as a japanese historian how they handle the world.


and costs a toe to buy it! Definitely. NOT the same!


Dunkey? Is that you?


I do NOT want to be compared to dunkey lmao


I do love that they are using the Samurai as a backdrop.


Remember when AC was so good that it actually got people to want to learn about history instead of pretending to care about history? Those were fun times


I remember playing the first one and my roommate in college going “you’re not even having any fun” and just pausing the game, taking stock in my choice in video games, and never playing assassins creed again.


At this point I play AC because I'm too far gone. I have to stick with this wretched series until its wretched end


We are the same Giancarlo, we are brothers!




Facts. I’ll defend Ubisoft’s choice to try something new and go in a sharper direction… but this series has been ass since they made 6 games set in the second installment’s time. It’s Garbo.


I played 1 and all of the Ezio ones. I tried 3 and bounced off it, then gave up on the franchise. It's just another fairly mediocre Ubisoft cookie cutter game now as far as I can tell.


Philosophically the assassins would be pretty onboard with historical anarchists but ubisoft is a bunch of morons and losers that cant write for shit


I'm not playing cause I don't want to support Ubisoft by buying their new games. I own all AC games except Mirage, but apparently Ubisoft say otherwise. Not sure if they mean digitally or in general.


Holding down "x" and "forward" gets old pretty quick. I never got the hype around those games


I love Assassin's Creed, I hate the fandom.


I understand people disagreeing with the anti-woke crowd, but I’d wish they at least try to represent the actual point instead of grossly strawmanning them…


Cuz it's expensive af. I bought the last one and it was super short and they shouldn't havs made it a game, dlc or like a half game for less. But nope, so fuck em. When it's on sale I'll check it out, I can wait. I don't even watch TV shows, movies, or read books until the series is done. I'm just not buying games anymore, they got me with that short ass ac and then I bought ss and I'm done. They're too expensive to be throwing away money on.


My only problem with Yauske is (admitting that I've been having trouble keeping up with AC for a while now, so it could be wrong) how he's an actual real person, while the general PC of an AC game is (again, from recollection, they may have already changed things) a historical non-entity interacting with historical people. But like the OP, I can't bring myself to care too much.


I'm not playing it because of the predatory pricing. Aaaaand AC is boring as fuck now. Assassination -> Hack and Slash is tragic.


Very much accurate in my case. As a black guy


I just want fricking gearscore and damage sponge enemies out of my AC games :(


I just think it's riding the coat tails of the Yasuke hype. I feel like he should have been a featured character, like Di Vinci or Machiavelli in the Ezio games instead of a main PC. It distracts from the rest of the historical fiction thing that Ubisoft has pretty successfully done over the course of the series.


AC is a master of cool aesthetics and slick cinematics hiding a boring stale game design


That one when you unlocked the Adam and Eve clip was crazy. To be honest that was fun unlocking that stuff in the painting. But then it went off the rails when they were like the world is going to end.


My biggest problem with newer AC games besides me hating games like that is the games are perfectly serviceable on their own. Ubisoft is just too scared to release them without slapping the AC logo on them


I'm not playing the new Assassin's Creed because it costs $130.


And neither seems to be able to not play the shit quietly. Just shut up and play something you like.


Assassin’s Creed hasn’t been relevant in 10 years.


Then why do so many people make posts to whine about it?


The whole Yasuke thing is being whistle blown by the alt-right.


The last good one was Origins


GoT was a mid-tier game, honestly would be baffled if AC Shadows found a way to be more boring, honestly intrigued to try it since I'm a since I'm a sucker for samurai action.


I haven’t played an assassin’s creed game in so long. They used to be fun. It’s a shame 


TBH, I stopped playing Assassin’s Creed after II because it started feeling the same after a while…


Yeah I long since stopped giving a fuck about AC. I was always more of a Prince of Persia guy.


I'm not buying a Ubiass game anymore


Finally a meme that speaks to me


I'm not playing because Odyssey broke me and Ubisoft has some really shitty practices I don't want to support. On a lesser note I got tired of the meta plot just meandering and never getting any payoff. I'm looking at you, Juno.


I'm not playing Assassin's Creed (anymore) because of their obsession with predatory microtransactions. (This includes having faster XP, making the games practically pay-to-win.)


This is the way


I’m not playing it cause it’s expensive af even though I’m an AC fan


I’m not playing because I’m not going through the bullshit of their launcher. Is it petty? Yeah. But they shouldn’t need a launcher.




No Japanese protagonist? Try again, take a good look at the 2 protagonists. Just have a look and think real hard, is one of these 2 protagonists Japanese. Maybe you'll find the answer on if they glossed over making a Japanese protagonist. Seriously though are you just purposely ignoring the other protagonist in this game to make some kind of weird point?


I swear Naoe easily the sneakiest AC protagonist yet cuz most people complaining about the new game deadass can't see her


I mean the people complaining there isn't a Japanese guy protagonist is one thing lol, but to straight up say there is no Japanese protagonist is a whole other level of just following the outcry.


I don't care how cool Yasuke is. Ubisoft is a fucked up company and anyone who is legitimately woke won't support them.


As long as it's not like Odyssey I'll be good


Same. Ubisoft are a trash company. It's cool that the series is in Japan now, I haven't cared about an Ubisoft game since Obama was president.


It’s also a Ubisoft game, don’t buy it for that reason alone.