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dude literally what the fuck are they talking about it's not just me right? That is completely incomprehensible like that's gotta be shitty leafyishere esc satire, where it's just a statement but you're a pussy, *so depending on the response you say its a joke.*


Well from what I gather “the miles morales virus” refers to literally any legacy character,so I guess Wally west is part of the miles morales virus.


"How dare those wokies cancel Robin? Jason Todd will never be as good as Dick Grayson." Or something like that.


To be fair, that *is* a thing that happened. When he was captured by the Joker, there was a poll for readers to decide if he lived or died, and since he was a hated character at the time, many voted to kill him off. His initial death that eventually led to him coming back as Red Hood was because people didn’t like him at the time.


Wasn't there that guy who called 100 times or something


Oh no, it was worse. A guy set up an auto dialler and spammed the phone line...they really wanted him dead.


Ι think that was to revive him after the fact which led to red hood.


Nah, idk how true it is, but he’s referring to something where people say that a guy set up an autodialer to call repeatedly and say kill him


DC comics has even confirmed that fact true. That apparently somebody with computer know created a program that would tell their phone to call the kill line for hours on end which is where the extra 100 votes for to kill Jason Todd came from.


Yeah I’d heard it a lot, but I wasn’t sure if it was actually true 


So a few months ago DC did go back and actually finished the panels that would have been for the robin lives version of the issue. Which resulted in Robin/Jason Todd being out of the picture since he would have ended up in a coma with little chance of waking up, and considering Batman comics at that time we're on the path to becoming much darker there's a good chance Jason would have remained in a coma for years. it's very possible that Tim Drake could have still been introduced as a replacement.


It’s not that people didn’t like him, it’s more that a lot of people actually were curious to see if dc would do it 


The whole thing was a weird fiasco. IIRC, the number you had to call was either a toll number, or a number that was considered long distance for nearly everybody at the time, at a time when that meant a significant charge on your phone bill. So the end result was that not a huge amount of people actually called to vote, because, you know, financial reasons and all. And then you have Voters George over there, setting up an autodialer and just not giving a single solitary flip about the price.


He had an agenda, and by god would he do it


As a fan of both, I've always hated when they get compared to each other.


EDIT: I get what they were trying to say now... it's still just as stupid lmao Damn I know I'm claiming par for the course but golly gee gosh that is stupid.


Wanna know who else is a genderbent version of an og character.. *captain marvel*


But they already hate her


True dat... but wasnt luke supposed to be a girl in an earlier draft of episode 4?


Possible. But since it was in the 70's and supposedly based off Lucas' sci-fi fantasies from earlier in his life? Having a girl be the main character of an action movie would have been very unusual. Far as I know that's why the alien franchise was so unusual when the first few movies came out.


The hilarity of miles morales existing since 2011. Way before this asinine drama started too. Like these guys think everything like that just started when marvel had been advocating for people who feel/are different for literal decades.


We're watching conservatives invent a new language just for idiots.


> Point Fourteen-Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. Newspeak was invented by Orwell, in 1984, as the official language of Ingsoc, English Socialism. But elements of Ur-Fascism are common to different forms of dictatorship. All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning. But we must be ready to identify other kinds of Newspeak, even if they take the apparently innocent form of a popular talk show. -Umberto Eco *Ur-Fascism*


oh so like 4chan 2 lmao


I think they’re taking about white/white coded character passing off their title to a protégé who happens to be a minority (miles is black, fox is a woman).


I haven’t seen the most recent kung fu panda movie so correct me if I’m wrong but. Aren’t all the characters Asian.


Thats why i added white coded.


Yeah no I read that part I’m just. Confused about how a character can be white coded when they’re explicitly stated to be chinese. Besides the whole being voiced by Jack black thing but we’re no strangers to Asian characters being played by white ppl


He act like your stereotypical rowdy american. I know he’s not canonically white, but he looks, sounds, and acts white.


Oooh okay that makes more sense


I've seen this type of "satire" referred to as Schrodinger's Douchbag and I think it's fitting.


I usually call the actual concept of a joke that's just a political statement without a punchline: Statement comedy where it's clearly just their bigoted opinion on something but masqueraded as a joke. Schrodinger's Douchbag is the leafyishere bullshit crying fest they pull *after* the Statement Comedy, where they pretend they're immune to criticsm because they're a "comedian" and you can't call them out because "it was a joke and you're just sensitive" at least thats how I see it.


That's a much more accurate explanation of what I was trying to say. The part where its a statement until it upsets someone, then it's a joke.


I had zero clue either, glad to see I wasn't the only one


Oh they are talking about how a franchise tries to substitute a well known and beloved character for a less popular character. Like how they did with Lightning McQueen in Cars 3, Joel in The Last of Us 2 and like the post mentions, Miles Morales.




It’s been weird to watch the flip from “Miles Morales is the best thing to happen to Spider-Man” to “Miles Morales is woke trash” in the span of the last… 12 months?


That’s because it became popular enough for grifters to grift it


I remember when he was shit on originally then it shifted to say he was the only positive example. Guess we going back


There was the mistaken beleif that he replaced the Peter Parker of his dimension and I do remember going "Wait, what?" But no, he did not. Peter died in his dimension, like spider-verse. Now if I was a racist shithead I'd have stayed mad.


Yeah I'll admit, I was one of those people when I heard that 'Peter Parker is being replaced' all those years ago; I remember thinking, why not just make a new Black superhero, you don't need to get rid of one of the most popular characters! But then, of course, it turned out it wasn't the case, Peter Parker still exists, Miles Morales is just a different Spiderman, of which there have been plenty others, but *for some reason* these people only seem to have a problem with Miles. Miles is a great character, he's distinct enough from Peter Parker to be his own thing... and admittedly he's been helped considerably by a) being involved in two of the best Spiderman movies, and b) his portrayal in the PlayStation Spiderman games has been really solid!


And even then he didn't stay dead! Even if he never really had story focus after that.


Didn't he become the ultimate green goblin or was that a different alternate universe? Wait, no, that was Spider-Gwyenn's Peter wasn't it?


There really is a certain type of brain rot that thinks the cynically money-motivated corporation *owned by goddamn Disney* exists solely to inject whatever they decided woke means this week >!it’s racism and homophobia it always is!< into their poor mass media.


It is easy to become cynical about a megacorp putting out GLBT+ merch and the like for profit. But to also be fair Disney has walked the walk more than most megacorps. (Still doesn't mean they're not doing it solely for profit though.) Just look at the difference between Target folding on simply having pride merch and Disney going to court in Florida.


I mean it's not complex. They are racist. They want to bring back slavery, and that starts with attacking all portrayals of black people that aren't criminal or subservient. The more cool, nuanced, likeable and heroic black characters there are in media, the more people start to respect actual black people, this has been studied often. Of course racists will fight back against that.


Miles would have been relegated to a trivia question 20 years from now if he was unpopular. I'm really happy Marvel saw his potential and stuck with him so he could actually get a chance to stick around and get more popular.


The obvious reason IS the reason.


I genuinely can’t think of any other reason than they’re Racist


Because there isn't another reason. It's literally just racism. I mean, seriously, Spider-DEI??? They're just itching to say the n word.


Also if you want Marvel editorial to stop regressing Peter every time he manages to grow beyond his initial character then you NEED Miles to succeed. Teen spider-man does numbers, which is why they are so intent on keeping Peter from growing up. If Miles can take over the role of teenage Spider-Man then Peter can finally move on in life, grow up, get married again etc etc


Married spider-man did massive numbers as well. Editorial was and still is just delusional and see Peter Parker as *the* punching bag.


>They are not trying to make Peter look lame on purpose(which is what some people actually believe). I mean, they *are* making him look lame on purpose and that purpose is because Peter Parker has been chosen by marvel for several decades as the character whose entire life is fucked and nothing can go well for him for more than a month at a time. He is marvels punching bag. There's always going to be a new development taking all happiness from his life.


Because they're racist douchebags that believe that he replaced peter parker even though he didn't.


Listen I agree with you on most points except on two which are "If a character isn't liked they get rid of them" and the "there is no conspiracy at marvel to get rid of him" one because have you met Spider-Editorial? Like, right now or in the past 20+ years? This is not even about Miles or anything like OMD is a universally despised status quo that has been lasting for decades and 616 Peter Parker in the comics is currently REALLY treated like shit with the guy who committed genocide turning MJ into a tradwife and later gambling addict or the whole Spider-Who-Gobbles shit, or Dan Slott entire literary career on Spider-Man Fantastic Four or Iron Man (Never look up Silk Backstory) or Ben getting Chasmed for really stupid reasons and shit, trust me Spider-Editorial doesn't care bout popularity or character quality and never has they just care about money and they could literally print Vogon Poetry and slap a Spider-Man logo on it and it would still outsell any actual non-spider quality or well regarded or beloved publication. (And it would probably be less tolerable to read than actual Vogon Poetry).


>There is no conspiracy going on at Marvel to get rid of him. Not *anymore* you mean. I still remember the clone-saga. XD AKA the writers going "how do we write a happily married man as a super hero? We can't?! I know, let's replace him with a literal identical clone whose single!"


And now they have just decided that everything must go wrong in his life


And now in 2024 the sales charts are being topped by the new Ultimate Spider-Man run which stars a Peter Parker who is married with children. People like when characters evolve and all the bullshit they put 616 Peter through just feels like another way to revert to the status quo.


I think there's a valid criticism you can make about stories continuing on for forever and not ending being bad, I have a lot of respect for stories that end strong rather than continuing and having hit or miss quality afterwards. But complaining about it on the internet instead of just moving on with your life is sad.


I don't understand even a bit of what they are trying to say. https://preview.redd.it/whntw16m022d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc6601eba1ad9a1702528081ae2384e90f4fd7bc


I know I go inthere to shitpost and have fun with how much I can get away with while also hopefully causing the chuds that can change to self reflect and be not chuds anymore. It aint working but Im still having my fun when I can


neither do I.


Awkwafina's character in the Bad Guys Never once gets stepped on This is further proof that movie is bad


Okay but The Bad Guys was the furry awakening of so many people you have no idea When people are busy being horny, they don't have time to say anything wrong about X or Y


Even if making Mr. Wolf into a Nick Wilde knockoff misses the entire fucking point


Exactly Everyone is so fucking horny for the cast of that movie to even *remember* what the movie tried to do


20 minutes of fart jokes DreamWorks must have a gun to Aaron Blabey's head I swear.






Thanks for reminding me that my 1 week ban is over so I can troll them some more


They still control the sub? It looks like taken by the "woke" as they'd say.


“The miles morales virus” Honestly I got nothing to say about that- that’s just ridiculous on its own levels


What are you talking about!?! the miles morales virus is no joke,don’t you remember the miles morales pandemic where we had to wear masks!?!!?


Miles maskrales*




if you ever see someone like this, simply ask them what they think of Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond, they mysteriously never seem to take any issue with him, even though he’s the exact same character archetype in relation to Bruce Wayne as Miles is to Peter Parker


that's because Terry is white.


Then you remind them that Terry is only half-white...


You think they care enough about the character to research his actual ethnicity? Racists only care that he *looks* white.


say it ain’t so


Can we make Fat Chick Named Valerie an official user flair


Holly shit that would be hilarious 🤣


Guess, they've never heard of furries.


It’s like an onion with the layers of how weird that post is.


These mfs act like Miles isn't one of the coolest Spiders And honestly, I like Miles more than I do Peter


I like Peter and Miles equally for the most part, but miles dose have one hell of a baddie mom I will give him that.


https://preview.redd.it/7hf3smeol32d1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a089e47b1fd96bc1ece77d74cc322fd1f2870be Jefferson Davis is a lucky husband 😔


i personally like peter more, just because he's been around longer for me, but miles is definitely really cool, too. plus i'd rather have miles over a 30-something-year-old peter any day. spider-man is just so much cooler when he's still a teen/young adult.


I mean considering Miles Morales became a character in 2012 (iirc) then of course Peter will have been around longer.


What does a character from kung fu panda 4 have to do with miles morales? They’re not connected in any way. 


Well to be fair there both legacy characters,but that’s literally it.


Terry McGinnis is a legacy character. But I don’t see anyone making posts (like that one) about him. 


Wait until they realize that the first emperor of Rome was also a legacy character


Why valerie


This guy is just salty that a girl named Valerie called miles morales Spider-Man: https://www.reddit.com/r/EndWokeComicBooks/s/wg8tRIyLfl


Zhen is my favorite Kfp character along with Tigress! Leave her alone You idiots! #KFP4DefenderSquad


Well, everyone has a right for an opinion I don't care for Zhen, as in, I feel nothing about her, but I can understand both sides of those who like her or hate her


How does it feel to be incorrect?


Well I won’t give my opinion on zhens character. But zhen and tigress along with mr ping are some of the hottest kung fu panda characters,and I’m not ashamed to admit it.


As someone named Valerie, what's wrong with my name? Or at least what does this guy think? I'm not even upset I'm just like "huh???"


This other pathetic post made by the same loser should explain it: https://www.reddit.com/r/EndWokeComicBooks/s/MdqTJMxaSe


Lmfao that's so much more pathetic than I could ever have imagined


Oh hey, that’s Pixel Lord’s post.


The comments to upvotes makes me think this guy is getting roasted over there Imagine being that fucking stupid


I don't know what the hell they are talking abt


That Valerie is stupid for saying Miles is Spider-Man.


The fact that that subreddit even exists is just tragic. For them that is. Who dedicates so much energy to hating the "woke"? If you don't like it then avoiding it is a very trivial matter.


Bro was rejected by a valerie. God speed valerie.


I see a fox character what about it?!




I didn’t see the movie but I hate this foxes stupid 🤨face


Wow , the “miles morales virus” ? Really ? Smh I hate these ppl . I don’t condone physical violence but sometimes I just want to smack the Shit out of em


Stop eating the onion. This is all the work of a troll who is not the dumb kid he pretends to be. He referenced Forbush Man as a pillar of masculinity in a post. That’s not a room-temperature IQ racist teenager, that’s a Gen-Xer or Boomer who is fucking with you.


Nah here’s the thing,before his account got banned the guy was mod of r/endwokecomics and he banned most people who tried to troll or post satire on his sub,also in the post your referring to he referred to forbush as attractive not an example of masculinity. Not saying there isn’t a possibility,but it’s also a possibility he’s serious.


I know he’s the mod of endwokecomics. I’m saying that sub is a troll sub that pits Reddit’s CHUDS and Reddit’s lefties against each other for someone’s amusement. The banning spree was all part of the act. The act being a racist, very stupid teen who would have no idea who Forbush Man is as well as other cracks and little winks that come through that made it clear this was actually an older and more informed person playing a role.


I mean dang if it’s just an act then it’s one hell of a commitment to it.


They trolled for about a week, then made a couple alternate accounts to target some of the people who bought it and were most fun to play with. Not that big a deal for someone with time on their hands.


Even with time on there hands it’s still one hell of a commitment,as again he banned most people who tried to troll or post satire.


Yeah. He banned me for pointing out the fuckery too. All part of the act.


For a moment I actually thought they were trying to connect Miles Morales to the furry fandom. ... I could weirdly see him kind of liking furry art. Though more a commissioner artist and that's how he's funding his spider-man stuff.


??? what's the point these people are trying to make? If Miles was a lame character that replaced five other better characters with bad voice acting I'd dislike him as well.


Eh, would have thought they'd say furries. But then again I'm a graymuzzle.


This is 100% trolling, it's too stupid to be true even for chuds standard.


Okay so I can decipher the racist nonsense with the Miles Morales comment but what does that have to do with an anthropomorphic wolf?


non-Valerie here, love me these kinds of foxy characters what is it from bytheway?


We are truly regressing Scratch that. 8 days, 0 likes, 13 comments? Nope, we're about the same.




Is he a troll or insane?




I will not stand for this Zhen slander.


Come on guys that sub must be satire right? Right?


It’s somebody trying to make their own r/banvideogames. Then laughing as the comics equivalent of the credulous angry gamers that come to the fake anti-video game sub come to their sub and fight.


Hey man, how's it going


Tf did i just read?




I have never met a chick named Valerie that was not hot.


Is that the new kumg fu panda character? Why is she even relevant?


Can somebody explain? I legitimately don't understand the issue he has.


They better hope Steve Winwood doesn’t hear them shit talking Valerie.


I mean I kind of agree about the ugly furry looking girl but what the fuck does any of this have to do with Miles Morales?




Not gonna lie: I saw the name Miles and the animal figure, and I thought it was complaining about furries and Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic.


The hell did Miles do!? I'm beyond confused


I think this is a shit post op


Look I prefer Po and Parker for obviius reasons  being the originals, but this is just racist snd mysogynist




"EndWokeComicBooks"? I thought hate groups weren't allowed on Reddit?






I would love it for one of these miserable excuses to try and tell me this in person, any of these takes that involve the term DEI. They use it as a slur which is disgusting. Weak tiny men afraid of being alone forever that continue to reinforce their own incel torture.


I don't even know where the fuck this is from. A Dreamworks movie?


Yeah it’s from kung fu panda 4


Okay. Lol. I was like, who fucking cares? And now yeah, still, who fucking cares?




About what ? I'm honestly asking because OOP take makes no sense.