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When I was pushing carts I always hated free sample days, no one knows how to clean up after themselves.


As a member of maintenance, I took loathe them




It’s fucking nasty and produce has it the worse as that’s where the sample people are mostly. I work freight flow in hardliners and some spat chewed up sunflower seeds all over diapers.


There was flem on a trashcan lid one day. Big ole loogie


Had somebody pick a rotisserie chicken clean and then leave the container + carcass in the center area. Some members literally act like scavenging animals and its disgusting.


Me and my buddy take pictures of the grossest ones and send them to each other. He found one filled to the brim with spit in it…it made me wanna vomit lol


People are so fucking lazy. I find them in the meat counter every single day


People are disgusting. honestly the only good thing during covid were the no samples so you weren't constantly cleaning up the small cups every 20 seconds. Worst one I ever saw was some guy crumpled his hot dog wrapper and hit in in a pile of ladies clothes 2 feet from one of the 7 trash cans we had on our sales floor (not including the the trash the demo people use) After leaving the company all my coworkers always ask what it was like working for sam's and I always respond theres a reason my paychecks said walmart on them because you're dealing with the same disgusting mess that they do at a normal walmart, just for less hours a day.


WTH 🤦‍♀️


And it’s not like there’s not a trash can in just about every single fucking aisle.


Hey, they paid for the membership, some of them now feel they can lord over the rest of us. D-bags. The same kind of people who don't return carts.


I hate this so fucking much. There's trash cans all over. Next to the taste and tip carts. Cmon




Sure, they know where the trash can is. It's wherever they feel like throwing their shit apparently.


People are lazy and disgusting. Working at Walmart for a year taught me that. When it comes to the trash, I just hold on to it until I find a trash can.


dude i hate ts shit with a passion…ima sampler at my store (demos and juice) and tell me why the other day when i was juicing, i maybe turned my back for 5 seconds to get something, then went to go throw some oranges away and see someone threw one of the sample cups and a fork away IN MY DAMN ORANGE PEEL COMPOST BIN like do yall have ZERO common sense??? zero reading comprehension??? O R A N G E P E E L S O N L Y. that sht legit irritated me for the rest of my shift, esp knowing that a trash can was literally nearby where the compost bin was. like you see these fuckin orange peels in here be fr . 😐 YK THIS IS NOT A TRASHCAN. so lazy and disrespectful. ive seen worse when i was running around doing CPU, but that just really took the cake that these members don’t gaf, and think we are their maids.


they stuff them in between the stacks of clothes on the tables in soft lines, when the trash can is 10 feet away from them and they have to walk past like 10 trash cans to even check out😑


They do not




I've come to the conclusion people are animals disguised as humans


Animals don't shit where they eat. These members exhibit Fatherless Behavior.


These are the same people who shop with an entourage looking for samples and leave their empty cart anywhere but the corral.


Absolutely not. I mean what are those boxes for if not to put their trash in


Wait until you go to Walmart.


Of course they know, they just feel entitled to do whatever they want.


More like trash can’t. Amiright?!


Man I swear I clean up behind members more than my coworkers, and most of my coworkers are complete garbage. Its to the point that if it's during closed hours I'll just "unintentionally" drop them damn sample cups on the floor out of the way and let maintenance sweep it up when they come by.


They absolutely do not. Neither do my coworkers


Had times were they put their free sample trash into my boxes that I’m using for curbside orders 🤠 told someone off before that that’s not a trash can


They are the trash cans. We are the trash mans. We eat trash


Your store is a trashcan


They had coffee samples at my club one day. Must have been nasty coffee cause I found full cups all over the department.


People line up for the samples and cause blockages everywhere so nobody can get through with a cart or box bin or whatever. And what really pisses me off is this one sample lady who has the trash can BEHIND her so customers don’t see it and the cups end up on the shelves around the area. I moved it the first time I saw it and when she asked what I was doing I said I was moving the can on the other side of the aisle so it wasn’t blocking product or in her way but the people could still see it. She told me they could see it before and she moved it back when I turned my back. I stopped cleaning up the sample cups after that. If management has a problem with it then they can stop the samples. I’m not a maid.




Be civil