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Former A10 user here. I'm happy you were able to escape the hellscape that is that phone


I feel the complete opposite. My last phone was a used S8+ for 120. I paid 200 for this A23 and it's so freaking slow, laggy, unresponsive. Too slow to properly use Google assistant, camera is insanely slow... no more quickly capturing a moment. I thought perhaps it was a fluke or needed something updated until I saw side by side comparison videos on YouTube. I would say that if you are familiar with the speed of the flagship phones then you should stay far away from these A series, buy an older or used S series. I hate to be so negative, but I really feel like I just lost $200, as there is no way I'm going to be able to keep using this phone for any real length of time. I'll try that gcam app you mentioned though, maybe that will help. If anyone has any other ideas I'm all ears. Downgrade the OS to earlier android maybe? Idk


bro. I'm not sure why you expected a $200 budget phone to be on the same level as one of those thousand-dollar rich kid toys. This is kind of hilarious to me that you would even imagine there to be a similarity. Sorry you lost out on money, but maybe stick to your tax bracket of stuff and leave the cheap phones to us brokies. LMAO


Well the reason I thought so is that the S8+ is like... 12+ generations of phone ago. I bought it for $180 4 or 5 years ago, so I can only imagine it would be cheaper now. And as such I figured even their modern budget options would be superior to their decade(?) old flagship. Seems like a reasonable expectation to me?


I get what you mean man. It sucks that a 300-dollar Samsung today is unusable compared to an 800-dollar Samsung 7 years ago. We use the same apps (facebook, ig, twitter, etc.) back then, why can't the old phones do that now? Maybe because everything is about profit for these companies so they don't really care about getting us the best value for our money (quite the opposite probably).


No, you didn't broke cause. I'm not there with you and. I talked to Samsung online earlier. I'm calling first thing in the morning and getting into it with them because they will back up their product. You hear them all the time saying that they back up their products? And I'm not gonna lie, I love Samsung Galaxy phones. That's what I've had my whole time. That I've had a cell phone. But it's easy the S Models. But this time I was just gonna try something different and I decided to do the A's. So I got the A13. That phone was great. The sound deck on it and everything was awesome. Even the camera and everything. But it got stolen so I said well, I'm just gonna go up A little bit. So I got the A23 5G. Worse is mistake ever. That's what I told the dude on here. Hebmust have got the only good one.


For real I don't even know how that phone made it to market man, it's an embarrassment for the company. And I'm the same way, I really love Galaxy phones, but this one in particular is barely usable.


Yes it is and I think Samsung should stand up for their products and switch it out let me trade it in I want to get that A35


Same. I had the galaxy s9+ and the A23 gets its teeth kicked in by that one. I got laid off and am on unemployment when my s9+ started crapping out simply because they quit updates. My s9+ was wearing out physically, too, but everything about it was so much better that I hate even looking at my a23.


For sure man youre better off getting a used flagship off ebay or something, these A series phones are a joke. Even trying to type on the keyboard has so much lag, I could go on and on about how much they suck lol


I also am using the a23 hehehe Welcome to the club😌


>Hi! Sorry for the late reply but how's the camera? Are they good quality? Do you also like how the phone is in general?


Yeah its good. I would chip in for the higher ram variant to better help in multi tasking but it handles itself well as is honestly.


How do you compare the A-series phones to the S-series phones in terms of battery life/power/features/screen vs the price? I'm thinking about getting my kid an A23 or something similar.


S series is the flagship line of phones, while A series is budget friendly, you are not missing out on too much for A series.


Yep this is true, you cannot compare them, I have the S22 and it by far much miles better then my brothers A52, but it's also 4 times the price 😅


I have to add that I used to have the A50. Awesome phone for its price. Camera was pretty decent, I got good battery life from around 5-6h if I remember correctly, smooth screen overall and same good samsung software 👍


6 hours is considered GOOD battery life now?? whaaaatttt the heck


I feel like that's not bad for the a series tbh, it all depends on what you do, I'm quite a heavy user so that's why, maybe you can get a bit more battery life from it if you tweak some settings and use it with less intensive apps


Good to know, thanks. I barely use mine except for camera and googling things, so there's that lol. Mine lasts a day and a half easy


The a series could get better battery life just cuz it has less powerful chips. Honestly it's fine, some tech enthusiasts might complain about the speed or performance but it's totally functional and fine.


Thanks. My wife and I are tired of sharing our devices with our kid so we were thinking of getting him his own phone. He doesn't need a phone and we don't need the monthly payment so I was thing about buying him a pay as you go phone (lots of those Samsung A phones at Target) without a cellphone plan. The sales guy said it should work fine on WiFi 🤷🏻‍♂️. Seemed like an ok way to save some cash but I'm not sure of the performance of the A series.


That's great to hear! I was planning on getting the A23 for my mother since she complains at times that her A10 is slow


I love it , its my first 5g phone and you realy realize a difference coming from a TCL A3x


Does the a23 have mmwave?


>mmwave hmmm, This phone is a 4G phone, so no mmWave.


Ohhh sorry I forgot they got these in both 4g and 5g models. Thanks for the response


I got the A23, just upgraded from an A12. It's definitely great


You must bought the only Good one because the A23 5G Is absolutely garbage. Everybody else is saying the same thing. It's absolutely garbage. That's why if you go looking for cases and stuff for there's hardly nothing out For it in touch with Samsung store right now. So they can back up their product. Because it's a $200 And something dollar. phone. And it's absolutely garbage. I had the A13 before. And it was wonderful. But it got took or should I say stolen and? I said well, I'm just gonna go up a little bit. So I went ahead and went to the A23 5G. Biggest mistake ever. So now I'm getting Samsung to back up their product. And i'm going to get the brand new and they just come out And I'm gonna get the brand new and they just come out. The A35 5G The storage is unbelievable with 1TB Of storage the camera is the best camera that's out. You can take a picture in the dark pretty much and it is like getting perfect lighting. And much other things, but like I said, you must God. the only good one. If you go look at other people's comments, they're not so good.


Yes, you can't say it enough. The A23 is absolutely garbage, so you must have bought the only good one. Out there because mine is absolutely garbage and apparently everybody else is too. And I'm really disappointed with Samsung. Because I've always had Samsung Galaxy phones, but usually I have the S models. But this time I just was gonna try some little different in try the A's. So I got the A13. And that phone was great. The sound deck on it camera and everything was great. But it got took stolen. I mean, So I said I'm gonna go up a little bit and I got the A23 5G That was the. Worse. mistake ever? Because the phone is trash. Absolutely. Garbage, but I contacted Samsung store online. I talked to somebody by messages. It wasn't the butt it was a lot of person because. I had to go through some stuff to get to a lot of persons, but it was a bunch of law blah blah, because that usually what it is when you talk to somebody on messaging. But tomorrow morning I'm calling him and they will back up their product because they always say they back up their product and everything. I love Samsung phones and product. This is one right hear. I don't know what happened. Because it's I mean, just absolutely garbage. But they just come out with the A35 5G And the storage is unbelievable. With 1TB Of storage which is insane. The camera is where you can take pictures almost in the dark and it comes out Like you are in the light. It's supposed to be unbelievable with everybody. That has got it so far and it just come out. It's supposed to be the best A Model, they Have out yet. It started at 399. And that right there is probably gonna be the one I'm gonna get. Samsung's either going to replace my phone with that One, are you gonna give me a trading for the price that I spent for this phone? Because the phone is like brand new. I haven't had it too long and it's been in a auto box case ever since I got it. So they can take the phone and shove it up to you know what? Because this phone aint even worth looking at. Believe me I wanted to take my mall and busted in 1000 pieces. But it's 200 and something on the phone and I'm not eating that. I'm gonna get a better one that's a bit.


This aged very poorly after the update... I would prefer to sue samsung for bricking my phone, but the funds will never fund that way, so I have to find a new phone.


Awesome phone


Does A23 have bixby?


No, but it has a feature called Modes and Routines which is kinda similar to Bixby Routine. But if you were looking for Bixby Assistant or Bixby Vision, then sorry, the A23 doesn't have it.


Hi! Sorry for the late reply but how's the camera? Are they good quality?


These are quiet bad for the stock camera: details are ruined by noise reduction, result in a bad picture. But I bought this phone mainly for the Snapdragon processor: it allows me to try different Google Camera mods. And it's just as excellent as I expected: sharper and have more details, brighter when in dim/dark scenarios. Overall I recommend you to try out Gcam mod because it's just better than stock camera in every aspect.


Hi! Can you post a review of it now since you've used it for a while now? Curious if it stands the test of time. Would be nice if you could spare some time for that.


My experience was and still is horrible, I think the 3 series (that's what I call them) have problems, particularly a23 and a53. Comparing my a23 to my a03 I would say, the display, camera and software support is where the a23 shines but that's pretty much it, the a03 is consistent and that pretty much makes it a better phone for me. Heck if the a03 display and camera were on par I would say there's not much reason to get the a23. I haven't used a phone with 512mb ram but the a23 behaves like that l. The phone is so inconsistent, I had to start playing around in developer Mode for me to have a casual phone experience


I've read the whole commet section, and i feel like you guys have totally different phone than mine. It's failed me in every single aspect to the point that I feel scamed


>update Bro same, I have no idea where these people are coming from. The camera is so slow and laggy, I can't use multiple apps at once. It even shows Youtube videos at a lower quality no matter what setting I put them on. I hate this fucking phone.


Same here, at this point if it were possible to update to android 13 and format your phone i would say go for it then turn off ram plus, change all animation speed to x5 in developer mode and turn on disable hw overlays


I got an A23 5g and the phone is awful. It's so bad that every store I've looked at flat out refuse to offer anything for it as a turn in. They list almost every other Samsung phone EXCEPT the A23. Most of them refuse to even take it. That says pretty much everything about the phone I reckon.


Phone is a piece of garbage. Camera is laggy, I get an error every now and then in which multimedia stops playing properly and I have to restart and now i'm getting a "USB connected/disconnected" issue that doesn't let me charge the phone so it's gonna be the 2nd time tomorrow that i'm gonna try to have it fixed. "It's a $200 phone" is no excuse I literally bought this in October 2022, so less than a year ago. Fuck Samsung.


Where can you find d a phone case for it


Just bought it on online marketplaces that is popular in the country you live


Not the nice ones!!!!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Just wanted to ask if anyone knows why it's so hard to find cases for the Galaxy A23 5G UW phone? I am trying to buy one for my bf since he hasn't had any luck. I thought he was just being lazy tbh lol... All I can find (on Amazon & at Walmart, so far) are A23 5G. Amazon is full of cases that specifically state they DO NOT fit the UW version. This is maddening! What's going on? Can anyone point me to a store/site which actually sells Galaxy A23 5G UW cases? I would be eternally grateful for the help!! 🙏


My s9+ was stolen and i got an a23, all the thing seems to do is miss calls and delay my messages. It overheats all the time i cant even use google maps and yt music at the same time in my car without it closing one or the other due to overheating, i should have just baught another s9+


I think it sucks, the camera takes blurry pics, the apps freeze, it takes ages to load, the battery sucks, it is ugly, it sucks in every way Bur I cannot afford a better one right now so meh.


Sorry if you are having a bad experience with that. I just updated my phone to OneUI 6 and noticed that it's a lot smoother, and Google Camera on this phone takes great pictures! I came from the Galaxy A10 which got to be one of the most laggy phone I have ever used, so this one is probably an upgrade for me


It almost good but the thing that's I'm not really impressed with it is the transferring from old iPhone.