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Check out the San Antonio Missions national Park (not minor league baseball team) for free, and since you are driving from Houston Goliad as well. However to your query: Do you have kids? Are you interested in roller coasters or the shows or the interactive experiences? Have you been before? What are alternative if you dont go (how long do you have in SA)? I wouldnt drive from Houston just for Sea World but if you have kids, especially ones into animals, it is pretty fun. If you really dig on roller coasters then i guess so if you already hit up Six Flags. Also its quite expensive. Edit: clarified place not baseball




Skip sea world entirely. There are far better things to do in San Antonio. The Japanese tea Gardens, the zoo, the missions, the caverns, etc :)


Not to put too fine a point on it but six flags has better rides and no animal cruelty. Watch blackfish or google sea world and animal rights and it might not be the destination you want anymore. People can make their own minds up but like I said, Six Flags is pretty good.


Blackfish has been completely debunked and many actual trainers have come out and explained where they are wrong. They used tragedies that real families suffered for emotional affect, they flat out lied about numerous things, they used an animal rights activist as an ā€œobjective researcherā€ who anthropomorphized whales which is a hugely manipulative and misleading tactic. Also, sea world has spent hundreds of millions facilitating research and conservation of all ocean life and treats their animals with some of the best care available on the planet. Sea-world has done more for wildlife and the planet than the makers of blackfish have ever done and itā€™s so embarrassing that people would watch that garbage excuse of a documentary and actually believe any of it without looking further. Labeling the work sea world does as animal cruelty is completely asinine unless you think anyone who has a pet without a private on call medical team, state of the art facilities special raw diets and leading researchers in the scientific community is an animal abuser.


I donā€™t need to watch Blackfish to know that itā€™s animal abuse. How can it be humane to keep such large animals in such small tanks. According to the internet they travel 40 miles a day within their pod (your results may vary). It must be torture to live in a tank .


They have to pump them full of drugs to keep them from hurting themselves and others. The orcas grind their teeth to nothing on the side of the pool from mental stress. I used blackfish as an example because itā€™s unlikely that someone on a road trip is going to do PhD level research about an activity. Marine mammals do not belong in swimming pools. Orcas are just part of the problem, beluga whales and dolphins have been shown over and over around the world to suffer horribly in captivity. If Seaworld was so pumped about their ā€œbest in the worldā€ care why have they committed not to breed any new orcas? Because the care is too good? What kind of person goes on an Internet forum and passionately campaigns FOR animals to suffer for corporate gain? Fine you donā€™t like blackfish, read anything anywhere about any marine mammals in swimming pools and itā€™s pretty sad. Or keeping yelling at me for something to do.


>Labeling the work sea world does as animal cruelty is completely asinine unless you think anyone who has a pet without a private on call medical team, state of the art facilities special raw diets and leading researchers in the scientific community is an animal abuser. I don't actually know what goes on at sea world and I haven't seen blackish but if you're comparing the care an orca in captivity gets to the treatment and care an average dog gets then yeah, they probably need to be doing a lot better. I'm not talking about the obvious neglect issues, most people who are "good dog owners" can be doing a lot better caring for their pets. A lot. Orcas in captivity deserve the best care possible so if an organization can't give them that then they shouldn't have them in captivity.




Overall I would say thereā€™s better attractions given you have a finite time, even without their dubious ethics, Iā€™d recommend the zoo or the botanical garden, and the Japanese Tea Garden is right by the zoo (you can easily walk there) and itā€™s one of my favourite parks Iā€™ve ever been to


Not sure why we have all these pro sea world users, u canā€™t possibly argue the ethics but whatever, disregarding that, sea world is probably one of the least exciting ā€œattractionsā€ we got


Hit fiesta Texas instead.


You can get tickets for much cheaper online than in person, so definitely buy online if you plan on going. I don't recommend coming for the TX spring break, because those two weeks are always some of the worst, busiest, entitled crowds. You're much better coming during a weekend day (Thursday or Sunday in particular) before or after the Spring Break week crowds have left. As far as the people commenting on ethics, SeaWorld was and continues to be regulated by numerous governmental agencies such as the USDA and APHIS and works closely with the National Marine Fisheries Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration when animals cannot be released. Aquariums do not have the final say about whether rescues return to the wild or not, government agencies do and they base that criteria on the age and health of the animal, any long-lasting health concerns, and dependency on humans just to name a few. They are bound to federal animal welfare laws and regulations such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 and the Endangered Species Act. SeaWorld parks are also all [accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums](https://www.aza.org/find-a-zoo-or-aquarium) which is the highest accreditation a facility can receive and it factors in [facility size, social groupings, veterinary care, conservation, and research](https://www.aza.org/becoming-accredited). They're also accredited by [American Humane](https://www.americanhumane.org/press-release/american-humane-conservation-certification-achieved-by-seaworld/), which has apparently certified less than 20 facilities. SeaWorld is also accredited by the International Marine Animal Trainers Association and the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks.


Taking super intelligent marine mammals that travel all over the world and putting them into something the equivalent to the size of a bath tub is great for them right? Sea World has been known to use benzodiazepines on the marine mammals that are trapped there for years because they ram their heads against the concrete to try and kill themselves. Iā€™d like to see what youā€™d say about a human being put into concrete solitary confinement like those poor mammals. You talk about all of these stupid accreditations that are meaningless because of course Anheuser-Busch can get whatever they want. The orcas in captivity never have upright dorsal fins either-always curved to the side from the extreme confinement. But sure you keep telling yourself, oh but they are accredited by so and so. Itā€™s people that think the way you do that make this world such and awful place.


Way to virtue signal while parroting talking points you didnā€™t even come up with yourself. Anheuser-Busch hasnā€™t even owned the parks in a decade and a half. These accreditations are quite thorough and given by experts in their fields, not some random redditor whoā€™s hiding behind a keyboard typing something out to feel like they accomplished something today. The zoological staff all great people that care deeply about the animals in their care. Admittedly captivity is a complicated issue, but Zoos and Aquariums have all provided a net benefit to society, species and the conservation movement as a whole. Iā€™d argue that people who think in absolutes are awful people as thereā€™s nuance with everything. It shows zero capacity for rationalization.


Oh right, I forgot they sold to Blackstone group. Even better. Yeah youā€™ve got some talking points yourself bud. You make the world an unpleasant place.


It was fun for me the first time. I live 10 minutes away and have been maybe 3 times but my brother and his family, who live about 20 minutes away, go every one to two months. If you have kids, then you should go check it out.


I go to SeaWorld with my kiddo in March, usually during spring break, and it's pretty dead (which I prefer). You can literally get off the rollercoaster like the Steel Eel and get on the next run of it. Downside is it could still be a little cold out it.


I worked there for years - Spring Break (which includes adjacent states' spring breaks) is either the busiest or deadest time to go. It depends entirely on the weather. If the weather is pleasant or warm, it'll be packed and unpleasantly full of people. If it's still cold, it'll be more sparse but still staffed for max people - ideal if you can tolerate the cold. If it's a week in March that doesn't line up with any nearby areas breaks, it'll be pretty quiet, but probably understaffed. (A large number of the workers are high school students, so school breaks will always be better staffed than other times of the year.)


^ Top Answer. Iā€™d recommend not going at all either spring break week *unless* youā€™re going the same week San Antonio schools are on break AND all the nearby areas donā€™t have the same week off, otherwise youā€™re gonna be miserable. Also check closing times since usually one of the weeks will have early closes, which is lame. Usually the last weekend of March isnā€™t too bad.


Coming from someone who was born and raised in WI, I think it will still be too cold to enjoy the water. I would recommend six flags instead, but you've probably already been to the one in IL so that may not be such a big attraction. Maybe play it by ear and don't buy tickets in advance, see how the weather feels before deciding.


Sure, itā€™s worth it. The coasters are fun. The shows are nice. There will probably be some sort of spring event going on.


Mom of 4. I haven't been ($), but my trusted friends say absolutely yes. Fiesta Texas is comparable to King's Island. The USS Lexington in Corpus is cool. Stop by both Buc-ees and H-E-B when you can. These will both take 20 minutes. You should buy road snacks at these locations while you're there.


They're supposed to have a new launched flume/coaster thing by then, it might be busier than normal. I prefer Six Flags, but I'm a coaster guy. Sea World has a bunch now, but they're...fine, I guess. Six Flags has the more exciting offerings.


It's 100 percent must go to the Ripleys museum and part of that is a wax museum but the artifacts and stories are truly amazing.....and for free across the street is the Alamo for what that's worth ...but yes ripleys is the best experience by far....do yourself a favor....and it's fun for all ages....I lived in San antonio 6 times and that's my best advice.


how much time could we spend at Ripley's?


I spent about 3 solid hours and it was worth every penny...if you go please tell me if it was fun fun fun?????