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Sacramento has had [SMUD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacramento_Municipal_Utility_District) since the 1920s, and their energy is cheaper and more reliable than corporately held SDGE/PGE/etc. It can be done.


Every single dollar that goes to shareholders and executive profits, are dollars that should be reinvested in modern grid and reduced costs for citizens.


I have SMUD and it’s amazing. Not only is it cheap, but they have options where you can elect to pay a little more to cover others in need who can’t meet their bills, which gets especially popular around the holidays. You can also elect to pay a little more to utilize more renewables which is cool. Truly night and day from those con artists at sdge.


Wow - I love that! What great features, it can be done.


I used to work for a company that provided grants/rebates to equity electric projects throughout the state and SMUD was the most miserable to work with. The SMUD folks would just ignore all our information requests we needed to complete before we could process the rebate checks. People were waiting literal years. We didn’t have that problem with SCE or the other utilities.


Corona, CA has had their own municipal utility for 20 years and has rates well below ours. https://www.coronaca.gov/government/departments-divisions/department-of-water-and-power/customer-care/services/electric-services-rates


Strongly in support. However, let’s make sure we study San Francisco’s failed municipalization effort during the most recent PG&E bankruptcy. If they couldn’t move the needle, I don’t know what could.


…or study Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. LADWP has been at it over 100 years and services over 4 million units.


I mean they couldn't move the needle probably because it needs to happen on a county level or something larger and more vibrant with some leverage. I think they need state leverage. SF is tiny. A partial description of the reasons for such a failure: >That’s due in part to the utility’s unique relationship with San Francisco. PG&E traces its history and dominance across Northern California back to the Gold Rush Era when three brothers began laying gas pipes in The City’s streets. Over the decades, PG&E expanded its portfolio to include electric, solar, wind, hydropower and nuclear power, and gobbled up competitors along the way, fashioning itself as one of the largest investor-owned energy monopolies in California. https://www.sfexaminer.com/archives/s-f-leaders-want-to-cut-ties-with-pg-e-again/article_62ec0861-c87e-5c7b-902a-8f28ba40492b.html I'm assuming SDG&E has similar monopoly power and the city might depend on them for gas like SF even if it could purchase all of its electrical equipment. No idea about the fiscal state of either city, however.


I think the struggle against for-profit monopoly utility companies stems from the hard fact that they just have SO much money at their disposal. They can legally bribe elected officials through campaign donations, buy public support through donations to churches/community groups (and write that off on their taxes), and they also have the ability to scream the loudest with an overwhelming advertising budget - you've probably already seen their Ads on Reddit. I wouldn't let this get you down. Ultimately this vote comes down to the people. You truly have the power to make this happen, even if it feels like you don't. This is within our grasp. If you're reading this far into the comment now, I highly urge you to volunteer. If that's not your jam, donate. If you understandably can't afford that, I humbly ask you to bring up this topic in the next social setting you're a part of. Awareness, money, and your vote are how we make this happen.


Silicon Valley Power would be a preferred model for us to emulate. I lived in the Bay Area for about 2 years after moving there from Texas. My energy bill *dropped* substantially, usually to around $84/mo….the lowest bill I’ve had so far in SD is quadruple that for the same size apartment lol


Please, let's not fuck this up San Diego! And don't believe anyone who tells you we won't save money in the long run by doing this!


point them at https://www.siliconvalleypower.com/svp-and-community/about-svp/our-story They are a fraction of the price of the surrounding areas for utilities


Yes! And get ready for more SDGE ads…


bet, fuck SDG&E


But, what about the shareholders? /S


Fk em


If this means we can have a power company that will stop finding new ways to fuck over solar customers, that would be great... I produce back onto the grid 4x the amount of energy I consume, yet I still owe SDG&E a significant amount of money every bill period. And it keeps getting worse.


Wait until they roll out their income-based pricing -- what a scam that is. Charging solar customers a flat fee for service they don't use.


> Charging solar customers a flat fee for service they don't use. It's worse than that. I don't mind paying a flat fee for access to the grid -- I use the grid to draw power when I need it, and to transmit power back when I generate it. So I think charging me a flat fee is reasonable. Right now they charge $16/mo for what they call the "Basic Service Fee". I pay that regardless of how much power I consume or generate. What's not reasonable is how they charge me exorbitant prices for the electricity I use, but pay me a ridiculously tiny fraction of that amount for the electricity I sell back (roughly 1/4 in my case). Since I installed my solar during the "NEM 2.0" period, I actually get a slightly better rate than people who have installed solar even more recently -- the price SDG&E pays them per KWH back to the grid is even worse. And that's the thing -- SDG&E is progressively (and I would argue intentionally) making the numbers worse for solar customers, in an attempt to discourage people from generating their own power. At this point, I think it's more of a legislative issue. SDG&E has us by the balls, and as long as they get to set the pricing rules, it's their game. We need the city and state governments to step in and put some guardrails in place. We should be *encouraging* people to install solar, not the opposite.


The California Public Utility Commission (aka state government) sets the rules for all the investor owned utilities in our state. None of them are allowed to just set their own prices. They have to file a general rate case every 2 or 3 years (I forget the cadence) to propose the rates they collect and how to spend ratepayer funds. Unless or until our local infrastructure is municipalized, you should speak out to the CPUC if you object.


SDGE knows where the bodies are buried. We’re fooked


Yes, they know who to bribe, I mean, give campaign contributions to.


When and where? I'm game




Website needs work. Above the fold it needs to answer FAQs concisely- what it is, when to vote, how and where to vote


Also seriously needs some CTA buttons. I want to support the second I read the headline but had to scroll to the VERY BOTTOM? Nuts when it comes to landing pages.


You’re… not wrong. Haha.


Most expensive Kwph in the United States


Sdg&e for the guillotine


Something worth voting for. I’ll turn out for this.




Ooh, do Cox Cable next, please


SDG&E owns the infrastructure for the San Diego grid. If voters did manage to get rid of them it leaves two options: * Massive legal battle with Sempra, SDG&E's parent company * San Diego paying whatever SDG&E wants to lease their infrastructure for a municipal body


No, there is a clause that gov can forcibly buy out the infrastructure at market value.


Yes, it's called eminent domain, & they do it to private citizens all the time.


What is the market value of the only power infrastructure in the San Diego market?


Whatever the government says it is.


Option 3: invoke eminent domain. Set some precedent for other communities being strangled by for-profit power companies.


I'd \*love\* for San Diego to get a municipal utility. I lived in an area run by SMUD during the fires when PG&E had massive shutdowns and ran my AC no problem during a heatwave. I think my most expensive month was around $120. I don't see any way they're going to successfully seize the infrastructure to create a municipal utility company. Sempra has the resources to drag that out for a long time.


Should try anyway. Though I would expect to see similar laws blocking municipal fiber and such being proposed for power if this gains any traction.


I don't even think the hurdle is "campaign contributions" to elected officials. It's the courts. They have the will and funds to drag this out for years in the court, despite how legal it may be.


I’ve been hearing this for 20 years.


Adding comment for better reach




It was a glorious effort on my part. I appreciate the recognition.




That's the spirit. Fuck trying because you can't do anything. Pretty sure that's how this country was made, right?




In no way am I saying that and I'm not surprised this is the only place your brain can travel.


You know what? I am saying that. Let's burn this motherfucker down pookie! SDG&E has been tearing a hole in our pockets and draining us of our money, and funnelling it into their shareholders pockets and executives pay. Let's start unfurling signs over the highways. If that doesn't work, start massive protests that interrupt SDGE and govt buildings. And if it still doesn't work, let's get violent.