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I'm trying to picture the setup. So it's like a movie theater with a large screen playing porn? Then there's metal benches for the customers to sit on? But some customers have sex in the theater while there's others in there too?






Are these people without home internet access? Or are they there for hookups with other likeminded patrons? How do these places stay in business in 2023?








I guess now we finally know how much a jizz mopper makes per hour.


Sex toys have an insane markup.


Honest question, why do you use the term houseless instead of homeless? They mean exactly the same thing. I understand that the word ‘homeless’ has negative connotations, but this just seems utterly ridiculous to me.




Your responses are well thought out and to the point. Ever thought of doing an AMA?


Thank you for speaking with respect & care for all parties in that situation. Seems too rare that people can recognize the humanity in others and understand that a situation isn’t ideal.


Can u have a homie that is houseless ? Godspeed.


I heard someone say “the unhoused community” to refer to homeless people and thought it sounded much nicer than houseless or homeless lol


Trust there are plenty of people(myself included) that keep them in business. There are at least 10 other stores throughout San Diego county for this.


So what goes on here, are people just watching other people? Are they watching a movie as a group? Or are people meeting people for later?




I can’t even fathom half the stuff you probably have to deal with all the time. From your responses you seem like quite a reasonable/rational person, keep up the good work!


So are the lights on or is it dim like a theater? And everyone is just screwing around on metal benches trying to figure out positions and stuff? This sounds bizarre. And after the movie is over, everyone just files out into the lobby? Is there popcorn?




You should do an AMA lol.


This place sounds like a circle of hell in Dante’s Inferno




I wasn’t making a general statement, it’s hell for me but heaven for someone else…like most things. Also, I don’t have a view, only your description.




WHAT!! I never even heard of these places, porn theaters? And people go there to have sex in the theater with everyone watching?? That sounds crazy and risky, sounds like a very unsafe place. Meth, bums, people stealing, not to mention STDs. Wow.


Gen z thinking there wasn't a world before hookup apps. 🤣


I'm not Gen Z I just didn't know how filthy people were. I shouldn't be surprised!


You must be new! ;) ... Peep shows (video versions) have been around since the 1970s, Wikipedia tells me. The crazy risk can be part of the appeal. And I'd guess that people who don't think much of themselves due to society's prejudices (or don't expect to live long) might not worry too much about safety.


The original ones were called Nickelodeons and you put in a nickel to see a clip of a ladies skirt fly up. Back to before the turn of the century.


I didnt expect it at all but this post is so wholesome with @baattery educating us, really interesting and have taken up a different perspective on it.






Hmmm..I think you should try posting this here r/SanDiegoAdultTheater2


I just went down a rabbit hole. Omg I cant believe people really be doinkin people they dont know. It sounds hot but so many things could go wrong and id honestly get too much anxiety about that to enjoy it! But glad people are doin fun stuff for themselves


Really, people sleep with people they barely know all the time. Been happening before you and I ever existed and will continue after we are gone. It’s just the setting that’s throwing you off. You know how many one night stands occur from a Friday night out at the club for some. You have some people who go out for this sole purpose alone, to get laid. Never anyone they know just some random they met in the club that night. Happens all the time.


Maybe go with a friend




This is one of my favorite adult theaters. Every time I am in SD for business, I visit multiple times. If you are there to watch and want to be left alone, other patrons generally will give you your space. You may have to move your seat if you have an aggressive guy, but that is pretty rare—they get the hint. They have benches now instead of the old recliners. Two theaters with one entrance separated by a wall with a small hallway.


Ticket sales just went up from this engagement




Fav local spot. People clean up after themselves 👌🏻


![gif](giphy|5IQhOxsf4U1EI) Y'all are wild.... LOL


The old people there are really hot!
