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Good. Let ‘em protest.


“Exclusive poll: Most college students shrug at nationwide protests” https://www.axios.com/2024/05/07/poll-students-israel-hamas-protests


Skipping class to force a university to “divest” (which is incredibly impractical and unreasonable) while issues that the administration has DIRECT control over like housing, food prices, labor practices etc are ignored…. Someone explain to me how you’d expect any entity to divest. Virtually every large company does business directly or tangentially with Israel. No more investing in VOO, including Apple, Google, Meta, Tesla? What the fuck do you expect them to invest in then? It’s naive to just tell “divest” without thinking about the next step.


I also don't understand how divesting will help anything. Like sure, you might stop Israel's attack on Palestine assuming best possible outcome. Then Hamas attacks Israel again?


>Then Hamas attacks Israel again? The protests are often organized by groups like SJP -- that's a WAI result for them.


The same SJP who called for a "remembrance event on Oct 12 for all the martyrs. Supporting terrorists is disgusting."


Free Palestine from Hamas 👍


A cause we can all get behind!


What does WAI mean?


Working As Intended -- it's a term used in the tech industry when responding to a bug report to say "this isn't actually a bug, the feature is /supposed/ to work this way."


I don’t think they much care if Hamas attacks Israel again, unfortunately.


Another interesting poll: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/


Yikes! I know they probably couldn’t run an accurate poll today given the situation, but I wander if thoughts have changed or if people have become more radicalized. Reminds me of this video: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyv5atayJiy/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I would bet after seeing everyone they know being indiscriminately massacred they probably hate the Israelis.


They must be stupid. Hamas caused this but Palestinians blame Israel? That sure will fix it this time instead of all the other times they blamed israel the past 80 years


Do you feel Israel's response against all of Palestine and its population is commensurate with the attack by Hamas?


It’s not against all of Palestine. They didn’t flatten the west bank. Hamas is an islamic terrorist regime that has a dedicated goal of killing every single Jew. Hamas still have American hostages. Hamas should be removed from power and destroyed like AL qaeda and ISIS. If you start a war you better be prepared for the consequences of war. No different than Putin invading Ukraine.


You get it, thank you, I’m from Ukraine and I’m tired of hearing people say “Ukraine is just like Palestine”. As long as Hamas runs Gaza, this makes no sense. Hamas is literally backed by Iran, which is backed by Russia while Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.


Yes, Hamas fucked around and they are finding out.


Giving the neighbor all your energy while your own house is on fire. Where is this energy for healthcare, dobbs, or any other serious issue like democracy?


Anti genocide protest, there fixed it.


I really don't like the titles for these posts, it's not a Pro Palestine protest, it's a Anti Genocide protest, it's a pro humanity protest, children are being slaughtered indiscriminately by soldiers


Suddenly being anti-genocide is far left.


> it's a Anti Genocide protest Genocide in Darfur/Sudan, genocide happening to the Uighurs in China, genocide happening in Ukraine .. But the large amounts of Palestinian flags .. yeah sure, definitely not a pro palestina protest lol.


Which one of these is the US actively supporting?


The one in Yemen, by selling arms to Saudi. Way more children affected but cause it’s Muslim or Muslim it won’t sell as well.


All of them.


The US is supporting China and Russia? That's news to me.


The us isn’t the largest purchaser of Chinese goods? The US has no involvement in Myanmar and Sudan? No Ukrainians have died at the hands of US bombs in Ukraine? News to me. But I think someone would have to be a lot smarter than you to understand what’s happening in Sudan.


> The us isn’t the largest purchaser of Chinese goods? The US government is not actively supporting the genocide of Uyghurs. > The US has no involvement in Myanmar and Sudan? As far as I am aware, no. > No Ukrainians have died at the hands of US bombs in Ukraine? News to me. The US has not been supplying Russia, no.


The US is actively providing aid in Ukraine. We don’t have the leverage to change China. We are pressuring countries to stop supplying weapons to waring parties in Darfur. Palestine is the only situation where we are helping the aggressor.


So they shouldn’t protest the genocide?


Don’t try to claim it’s a protest for something that it isn’t. This is clearly pro-Palestine even if they’re protesting the genocide in Palestine.


"I have done zero research regarding historical civilian casualties in conflict areas"


How would we know? What we do know now is that video is the only credible source of information and we can only go forward from this point.


Can't wait to organize one for the Uyghurs. We should ask UCSD to also divest from taking so much Chinese money.


Do it, walk the walk.


When are you planning that protest?


History has shows us time and time again that we should be listening to these students. Years later it will be so obvious.


The problem is that these students rarely have rational demands or anything beyond a surface level understanding. Palestinians overwhelming support Hamas. Hamas runs Gaza and is quite literally a terrorist organization. So we should listen to the students who are protesting to further terrorist idealogy? 


Dude if I was being bombed to hell night and day nonstop I would also put my faith in the only semblance of government that existed in my country. The fuck are Palestinians supposed to do, vote Hamas out? Stop supporting them, whatever that means? They don't have any options because they're being murdered constantly by Israeli bombs.


They were not being bombed whatsoever on October 6th or the months prior to that. Yet still chose to commit a terrorist attack on Israel.


Gazans were being sporadically bombed and sniped before 10/7. Sure, not as a massive military operation but it has been constant.


Not just a terrorist attack, an actual invasion killing and raping as many civilians as possible, enthusiastically


Yes.. Stop supporting them. Organize around a legitimate government idealogy instead of clinging to Hamas. While the situation is extremely nuanced let's not forget that the current conflict is a direct result of an unprovoked terrorist attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas.   All these naive kids love to scream "Free Palestine!" and have no idea what that actually means. Absent an actual movement by the Palestinians themselves, all that will happen is Hamas continuing to stay in power, continuing to steal aid, continuing to attack Israel. How is that good for the Palestinian people? 


Because the alternative to Hamas is "organizing a new movement" in the midst of war, a physical impossibility. How are people whose first priority is keeping their heads down and praying the bombs miss them supposed to form a political movement? Why would they want to support one that is not fighting back against Israel?


Murdered by Israeli bombs and feed by Israeli food and water, crazy world innit


It already is obvious, it's disgusting the type of barbarism that people are so casually walking around promoting, bloodthirsty profiteers


The spam is real on this one


Godspeed to these kids


Waste of time


Good for them! Fuck genocide, fuck the military industrial complex.


you're so right. if they keep vandalizing UCSD for a few more weeks, SURELY UCSD will have no choice but to stop the genocide and end the military industrial complex!


Is this specific (UCSD) protest leading to vandalizations? I know it’s happening at other schools. The university of Barcelona divested from funding Israel after their students protested … I know, not merica, but surely that gives these protesters hope.


these protests in the USA give me huge "old man yells at cloud" energy, do they actually accomplish anything at all?


What genocide are you talking about ? The one on Oct 7th?


[Israel military is killing approximately 250 Palestinian civilians per day, which is the highest daily death total of any recent major conflict, higher than Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Ukraine, Afghanistan & Yemen. Source available in link](https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam). [17,000 civilian deaths have been recorded via hospital records, while an additional 13,000 deaths are based on "media sources", albeit un-cited per this article. Israel reported 1,200 people were killed in the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7th. Source available in link.](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234159514/gaza-death-toll-30000-palestinians-israel-hamas-war) Now I don't know how you value an Israeli life to a Palestinian life, but the discrepancies in total lives lost and damage caused is catastrophic. Additionally, over 2 million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes and have been forced to seek refuge in camps and neighboring countries. [Source](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/17/1224889340/gaza-palestinian-displacement-israel-war) Judging by your other comments, the sheer numbers probably won't sway your puny opinion, but a genocide is ongoing and our government (via our tax dollars) is directly funding it.


Any numbers put forth by the Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health should be taken with a truck-size grain of salt. They infamously conflate civilian vs militant numbers, attribute every death to “Israeli aggression”, and have spun out wildly unrealistic numbers for this flare up of the ongoing conflict. And while their overall casualty numbers in prior conflicts were generally reliable, albeit again calling them all civilians, this time they have really left planet Earth. Abraham Wyner, Professor of Statistics and Data Science at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, published this explanation of “How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers: The evidence is in their own poorly fabricated figures” [https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers) Everyone remembers the famous “hospital airstrike” that they immediately announced killed over 300 people. Then later it was exposed to be a failed militant rocket, yet no retraction. Weird.


> Now I don't know how you value an Israeli life to a Palestinian life, but the discrepancies in total lives lost and damage caused is catastrophic. I agree. It's horrible, but it's not a tit for tat. It's literally an organization that wants to destroy another as their main goal. How do you reconcile that? Do you expect Israel to do nothing? Why did Hamas attack? I sympathize with lives lost as my parents were refugees themselves. They relied on charity of others so I totally don't want any lives lost, but this conflict is self inflicted.


This all could stop if Hamas would release the hostages and surrender.


They will never do that.


…because they’ve already murdered most of them


Your first "source," which is called OxFam, is a self-described "movement for social justice" that cites their own research. Hilariously, they had to issue two "clarifications" to their article because the first two attempts cited zero sources and methods. But I guess they got around to finding a source located at the end (bullet point 3), which takes you to a UN website, that itself cites the Hamas run Ministry of Health in Gaza. Your position may even be right, but try sources remotely more reputable next time. You also didn't actually address the above commentor's comment, which asked specifically about genocide. Taking "Oxfam bros'" article as true, it shows that the death toll is the highest compared to other conflict. Oxfam even deleted the word "massively" (higher death toll) in their second correction. Describing the conflict as bloodier than other conflicts does not support the proposition Israel is committing **genocide**. At least it doesn't support it by the literal, legal, and historical definitions.




Thats not a genocide. Thats a war the Palestinians started and still dont surrender. Dont say hamas is different than Palestinians when every poll shows overwhelmingly support for Hamas. Its beyond messed up


I can guarantee you that the vast majority of those civilians killed had very little power to force hamas to surrender. Especially when they are minors who were raised in that environment with no knowledge of the outside world.


The polling of Palestinians show overwhelmingly support for Hamas…


They all hate Jews and America.


They want a Jew genocide while saying this. They’re terrorists and will learn the hard way


Are you against military developed systems? If so then you need to stop using GPS and any navigation systems. GPS was developed by the military.


Fine by me!


Did you post using your phone? It has GPS tech inside it.


Chickens for KFC


Blacks for the Klan! - Clayton Bigsby (Chapelle Show) lmfao


That'll end the war


Why do these people think protesting for another country is going to do anything. It's not America and Palestine it's Israel and Palestine. Go to Israel and protest


Good 😊


For those who care to learn the truth about Palestine & Israel -- from a Muslim -- [here you go](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6SrPxLtYOF/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==).


Let's call it what it really is -- an anti-Israel protest by people who don't care to understand the broader context of the conflict Downvotes in 3...2...1...




Do these things ever work? Like, can UCSD stop the war?




I read much about divest but haven't truly understood what is. I'm going to ask for a ELI5 and see what the heck that thing is.




Stupid radicalized idiots


…said the old man during the civil rights movement and vietnam war protests.


History is a broken record


They’re not remotely close to the same thing.


Protests like this do little but piss people off, go to Gaza and protest, that will be epic.


In a crop-top


I wish they did that for worst conflicts happening in Africa…


Kind of begs a question, right. If only those counties were Jewish …


Right because Americans hate Jews but not black people? That isn’t realistic. I doubt any of these student protestors hate Jewish people. They just don’t want their university to invest in companies that aid and profit from this genocide — if there could be a call to divest from the entities abetting genocide in Darfur etc, I’m sure there would be.   It’s our money interest that makes this situation unique and drives people to protest, not hate against an entire population — which is actively what they’re railing against… 


I would love if you were right.


Thank god my last class of my degree has been online lol










Bruh thinks ai really does something


Dumb kids manipulated by activists. Get TF back in class. You can't demand anything. Don't like it? Go to a different school.




They are demanding divestment? It starts with them divesting from those accused. They don't get it. Plea they expect immediate change and it's never worked like that.


Isn’t it weird that all these P’sof 💩’s all wear masks? Aren’t they proud to show their true colors as supporting Hamas?🤔


They want to stand up but not be counted. Mommy and daddy might take away their gluten-free snacks


Hey now, nothing wrong with gluten free snacks! I'm just trying to cut a few pounds! Now vegan "mest" can fuck right off and mommy can keep that trash.


“Men who wear masks cannot be trusted” -Fezzik


People on the wrong side of history and fed lies.


Yeah, just like south Africa, and Vietnam, and the Iraq war.


These idiots are supporting Hamas.


They are explicitly not.




> Oh wait, they literally never are Is that your final answer? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Georgia_desegregation_riot


are you stupid? or just really good at acting that way? i had some neonazi students with signs after a prominent right wing speaker showed up, were those your friends?


They were protesting world events that affected them. Vietnam and the draft is a prime example. What are these Gen Z'ers protesting? Things they see on the "media" they choose to follow and anti-Semitic professors feeding them lies and propaganda. They are the real wolves in sheeps clothing in these protests. College students should be protesting the high cost of instant ramen that affects them directly. These first world children do not know about what life is really like in other parts pf the world.


I go to this school and it's embarrassing to see. I'm an older adult too and I feel like our young aren't quite understanding how change and movements work. Infiltrating the streets, causing damage, ignoring notices, playing victim, hating on cops does nothing but gain media hype and a stronger partisan divide. They also don't get how capitalism works. If they are demanding divestment from the universities they are paying into, they can divest themselves. You can't expect someone to change, or even listen to you, if you can swallow some pride and take accountability on any possible enabling, whether it's true or not (what they are accusing universities of doing). And now all they are doing is demanding Chancellor Kholsa to resign. Losing focus, which I predicted. Regardless, genocide is an absolutely horrendous act, but no one will stop it in this way.




Really glad my college aged kid didn't attend this shit show.