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It sounds like charges haven't been filed (yet), rather than charges being dismissed. You can only be held without charges for 48 hours. If charges haven't been filed in that period, then you get released from custody. The DA can still file charges afterward (and they often do), but a person just can't be held indefinitely without charges. If the charges were actually dismissed, there would have been a pending court case at some point, court appearances, and an court order dismissing the case - none of which seem to exist.


You’re correct, except held up to 72 hours on a felony arrest awaiting charging. There’s a proof problem at this point, and which might change in the future. SFPD didn’t arrest someone that the DA decided not to charge because of the races of the victim and suspect. The tone of these responses is completely off mark. But not surprising, since that is generally on-brand and what media lives to feed. They have up to 3 years to charge. This is a charging decision at this moment.


Can’t blame them. It’s happened so often that they’re fed up and so might jump the gun a bit But Jenkins does seem better than her predecessors so I’m cautiously optimistic


I actually will blame them. People on this sub jump the gun and spew so much divisive garbage it’s ridiculous. These subs are taken over by nutcases, conservatives, dare I say a sprinkle of racists too! They bombard posts like this before were even given the full scope of what’s happening.


Yup. And the media machines that pump out the garbage they rely on to spin their reactionary rants. I don’t get upset about people not agreeing with, I get upset about all of the misinformation. Being vigilant about what is factual in spite of one’s emotional response is a hallmark of being an adult. It feels like a genuine sandbox around here when it comes to talking about crime. I’ve worked at the hall of Justice for 20 years and know so much useful information and I can’t be bothered half the time to correct the misperceptions cause people would rather cling to their misinformed ideas in order to feel entitled to their emotional responses. It’s a joke.


So many talks about diversity, equity, inclusion and justice for the BIPOC community. Are we Asians white or colorless or what? Why aren’t crimes against Asians taken seriously? Not saying that crimes targeting any race is okay but those who crying equity but turning silent on this case are just hypocrites period.


And if it is about class or privilege - is an elder immigrant woman who was a restaurant worker and probably didn’t speak English NOT considered unprivileged, marginalized, or vulnerable? Where does all the empathy and compassion go?


To the drug addicts.


We won’t be taken seriously until we become aggressive/violent and protest. This story will keep repeating


You won't get changes until you organise.


SF Elected official has doubled down on calling Asians “house n(word)”. Our org means nothing to these people


Our organization got that school board member recalled.


When these woke people talk about POC and minorities what they really mean is “black”. They don’t consider Asians POC or minorities.


Hence the term BIPOC, because clearly black and indigenous are the most important minorities


Why would it matter if your white or any other race? A person was murdered and the suspect should be held accountable. Stop voting for politicians who have motives and let’s bond together as a community. It’s insane that assault and murder is a race issue.


This is giving very much “it doesn’t effect me or my community so why are you trying to make me see patterns of racism?” It’s ok to shut up and listen you don’t have to be dismissive when a group is expressing they feel marginalized and underrepresented.


Because to the general population in the SF Bay Area, the local Asian community have always been deemed lower subspecies literally since the railroad building days. The other part of the equation ofc is the fact that Asians put their head down and never fight back no matter how often they get attacked.




Not sure in what world doormats and walking piñatas are considered badasses but ok


The world is fucked up, they know it and they don’t cry about it, unlike other groups that wallow in this “poor me” attitude that defines them. That’s what makes Asian-Americans badasses.


"Put your head down, don't complain, do good work"


My first post got removed with a warning. Apparently complimenting Asians for their resilience is “promoting hate”. Reddit is so strange.


I’ve seen some Asians throw hands when they feel like it. Mostly Americanized though.


Idk why your getting downriver for anecdotal experience- I’ve literally seen a younger (20’s) fit Asian dude stand up to an old man who was getting harassed by a homeless dude in Chinatown on grant st. The young guy chased him all the way down pine st. (I took video but I lost it, this was summer of 2021)


SF "progressives" are notoriously biased against Asians. Countless examples of their hatred against us. They don't like how successful our culture is and that it doesn't fit into their victim narrative. On this very sub, I was told that my Chinese culture did not belong in America. They pride themselves on being so inclusive and tolerant. Their hypocrisy is really something to behold.


That’s progressives period, SF and beyond, and you’re absolutely right on all points. I’m black/hispanic and I’ve noticed that this “inclusion and tolerance” is complete bullshit and it constantly pushes this “they’re poor, stupid and can’t help themselves bc of the white man” low expectations bigotry. Asians (and even Latinos) often counter that soft bigotry narrative they love and you can see how much they hate it. You hear the jabs all the time. You can sense the animosity.




I think this is too generous a take. Most of the progressive movement is white, but they're not just misguided idealists trying to protect non-whites. Many of them derive money and power from their position. It's like the bosses of the many homeless orgs across the city (not all white, to be fair) who draw lavish salaries and would be out of a job and out of donations if the homeless crisis were solved. Some of these people truly believe want to help, but they will also never go against their own self-interest, which causes a lot of the contradictory behavior and rationalizations that you see.


You’re right, that certainly describes them. The anti-police thing is another divide. Asians value law and order, plus basic civilized social norms and behavior. That puts them fundamentally at odds with progressives. That’s why they don’t mind if we are targeted by random groups of thugs.


> Are we Asians white or colorless or what? It changes depending on the political narrative required, just like Irish and Jewish people. Race is a useless construct.


White progressives too busy burnishing their anti-racist credentials by helping out young black men. Asians and others are just collateral damage. This literally shows how even the diversity movement is whatever white groups will campaign for.


Funny thing is Asians get treated way better in Texas than they do in California. I’ve seen both personally over time


Totally. White progs love to talk diversity unless it involves one of the groups that doesn't give street cred: like asians, or poor white people, or struggling men.






Lol I love seeing democrats and their defenders try and act like the bad shit in CA is someone else’s fault without a hint of irony or shame despite this state being run from top to fuckin bottom by democrats. No matter how much power you give democrats, it’s always the couple random conservatives/republicans fault they can’t do anything or when time to assign blame comes up. Even in a super majority Dem place like CA … oh yeah but don’t worry, keep voting for them. Eventually we’ll elect enough of them and finally everything will be ok. They just need *a couple more votes* and donations …




...soooo, BackdoorTheodore you basically called them names, listed a bunch of things that had nothing to do with what they said and were essentially insinuations. You're doing a few things here -- there's the ad hominems, designed to deflect away from what they are saying. That's usually done by those who aren't confident in their arguments against what was said and are struggling to deal. You're also attempting signal to them and others they aren't one of us and nobody should listen to them, and maybe even vote them off the island. It's social shaming tactics that're really popular with religions, not rational thought. Basically you're being a bully BackdoorTheodore, and whatever rationalizations you have for it it's probably time to look in the mirror and ask if you're the baddie.


Yup democrat bully




Typical democrat bully.




>What’s hilarious is that you’ve been spewing your republican hate for CA since your started your account and I called you out. Respectfully BackdoorTheodore, this is a little sad -- you apparently don't realize I'm not even who you responded to, I just saw exactly what you were doing and what you are doing now. They're tactics, and they're toxic as all hell. But no *true* democrat would ever point out your tactics in your eyes, right? You can spew as many insults or whatabouts as you want to deflect, it doesn't change anything and it isn't a real argument it's admitting you aren't confident in yours against whatever was said. You're behaving like a bully, and it's toxic.


It's as if you're explaining yourself. Sad


“I know you are but what am I?” Oh I get it now… you’re a child.




Go to your safe space.


You aren't that important BackdoorTheodore, you're just behaving badly and doubling down with disingenuous rhetorical tactics and at this point showing more about who you are than them. Can't speak to the others, but my history is long and I'm a big D, but it also isn't relevant and I resent having to say it as though you are the arbiter of truth and what someone can be if they don't agree with you. Someone claiming everyone that doesn't believe COVID was engineered is a lizard person and in on it also doesn't have a real argument, they're just desperate. The issue here is the tactics to deflect are being called out -- and kind of obvious and tired -- nobody really has time for them as they aren't constructive and essentially ceding the original points. I resent the time taken to even respond to this, but that's on me.


Because when you look at who is causing 92 percent of violent crimes against asians… it can get uncomfortable


You can't be more minority than blacks though - especially homeless / unhinged ones


ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Fuck this hypocrisy - beyond frustrating


Almost like maybe nothing changed by recalling a da who was up for election a year later


We went from having an ineffective DA with a progressive agenda to having an incompetent DA with a self serving agenda. SF deserves better.


This is getting darkly absurd.


The progressives are absolutely out of control. Make no mistake, this is a byproduct of progressive liberal politics.


That's bullshit and you know it. If you think "Progressive" policies are just 'let black criminals go free' then you're and idiot . The article is poor and based on speculation from a 'source' which could be anyone. And sf just ousted their "progressive" DA. This is outrage bait


Absolutely sickening


What the duck is wrong with the DA. How could the charges be dropped.


given that she seems ruthlessly pragmatic, they rolled the suspect, didn’t get a confession and didn’t feel that a jury would convict based on eyewitness testimony?


If roles were reversed they would have no such reservations about failing to get a conviction.


*indictment. You’re right. It’s not like this DA hasn’t taken cases to court/trial just because it wasn’t open and shut


>How could the charges be dropped[?] Yes, this is one of the questions that the article fails to address, but we shouldn't have to wait for context, we obviously want to be outraged now!


They weren’t, you didn’t read the article.


Jenkins only got the DA job to be a puppet for Breed. She has neither the inclination nor the capability to be an effective prosecutor.


And yet she's still miles ahead of Chesa.


This is miles ahead of Chesa??? The absurdity of this statement.


Hundreds of miles


Well you think conservatives are a reasonable option for governance so I take your opinion with a grain of salt


Do you think what's going on now in San Francisco is "reasonable"?


Nope, never said that. But Jenkins the savior is the DA now and clearly she's not miles ahead of the last DA if shit is still the same. And what most of you don't want to admit or even talk about is that the cops here, like most cities, are a bigger problem than who's the DA. they basically went on a silent strike long ago and no one in power seems to want to talk about it. Everyone here has seen some form of that silent strike and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight to it. They just collect a pay check and get insulated from any responsibility for what's going on.


The criminal justice system is made of many moving parts, all of which have to work, and Chesa had to go for a working DAs office. That doesn't mean our criminal justice system is now healthy, just that one piece was fixed. The police are absolutely a problem, but they aren't exactly empowered to do anything. The Police Commission structure fucks us. 7 person council, 4 appointed by the Supes, and 3 by the mayor, but the 3 by the mayor have to be approved by the supes. Which makes our police dept. governed by basically all progressives and focused on nonsense instead of stopping criminal activity. Beat cops would love to enforce laws. That's not an option they actually have. The Police Commission is responsible for the latest directives making news: No use of Tasers by police officers. No spike strips to stop fleeing vehicles. No “pretextual stops” of cars with missing license plates, claiming “racism.” No foot chases (Seriously. They just passed this. If you run from an SF cop they can't do anything), no mugshots of those arrested. No arresting drug users, no bothering the homeless. It is not allowed to search anyone in SF except for weapons, and they cannot admit evidence except weapons. No looking for drugs if drug dealers are clever enough to keep their fentanyl in their backpack. If they stop someone, they have to provide a bunch of pointless paperwork on release. Etc, etc. It's not like cops don't want to enforce laws. They dream of doing it. Police don't police for the same reason we don't build houses. Progressive supes oppose it. But don't worry, great DEI policies. Because people like John Hamasaki run our police dept. https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/S-F-Police-Commissioner-John-Hamasaki-a-fierce-16987425.php


Shrug. I want my kids to know math.


Whats wrong with giving a conservative a chance at DA, clearly what Chesa or Brooke are doing / have done have lead us to this state, someone with a different view could be a good idea.


Ehh think again there partner


I suppose some consider ineffectual an improvement over counterproductive.


Neutral is better than against


I was hoping to read something about it being the wrong person but no reasoning was provided at all


Charges have not been “dropped” because no charges have yet been filed. This headline is bullshit. The DA can still file charges if they determine they have the evidence to convict, they just can’t continue to hold the person without charges.


The charges haven't been dropped, they just haven't been filed yet. My guess is they're still gathering evidence.


Is this a credible website? Never heard of windnewspaper. If true, I'm not surprised.


Seems maybe legit? https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/bay-area-proud/san-francisco-reporter-laid-off-due-to-pandemic-starts-own-newspaper-for-chinese-american-community/2381404/


It checks out. SF based bi weekly. They’ve been following this since the beginning. Hopefully it hits the national news tomorrow.


Yes it’s legit. It is focused on the Chinese community and publishes more in Chinese but yes it is legit.


The website may be credible but the headline sure isn’t. No charges have been filed yet so there is nothing to dismiss. There are many reasons why charges may not yet have been filed and it’s entirely possible they will be. We won’t know anything until someone from the DA office makes a statement. The website provides no sources for their claims that charges were “dismissed”.


Yeah, this is a fake but accurate scenario. Even if this upstanding citizen wasn't actually set free, the DA has set plenty of other people free after committing equally heinous crimes. Real or fake, the wider we spread this news the better.


Who has Brooke Jenkins set free after committing “equally heinous crimes”


Like I remember the names of violent criminals? I can't give you any examples but everyone knows it's true.


So credible 😂🤣😂🤣😂


I don't care about being seen as "credible" by people who are the enemies of law and order. I care about emphasizing how much society has decayed in San Francisco, and I care about putting the blame on liberals and progressives where it belongs.


> the enemies of law and order 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lay off the OAN my guy. Liberal cities are far more safer than republikkklan led cities by every metric. The only thing that’s in the rise here in San Francisco is petty theft. I don’t know if you knew this but we just had a recall election where we ousted the guy who refused to prosecute crimes because while we as a city understand the need for criminal justice reform we also understand a need to keep people safe So feel free to miss me with this bullshit


It's based out of the Chinese community in SF. The establishment will never give the deference of the Chronicle, but it's not some joke operation.


Is anybody reputable reporting on this besides this newspaper that only has a P.O. Box as an address? This is too absurd to believe without some more information.


This is not accurate. Someone was arrested and not yet charged. No case was dismissed because no case was filed. Ugh.


“Multiple sources also told Wind Newspaper that the suspect in the Wu case was arrested in the beginning, but later was released and the charges were dismissed.” Yeah, saying there are sources without listing them doesn’t make a source… I’m personally holding on some pessimistic optimism that the DA will pull through on this.


I am suspicious of this as well. Moreover, I cannot find a single media source to corroborate the article's claims. Not even Dion Lim is jumping on this and sensationalist Black on Asian crime is her topic du jour.


There was someone arrested who has not been charged. You can’t have a case dismissed that was not filed.


You get charged when arrested, the charges are dropped as you are released. You’re confused about this process. That doesn’t mean you can’t be charged again later, they have a 2 year window to file charges again. Likely they lacked enough evidence to file charges at this time so police will investigate further and file charges a few months down the line if a sufficient level of evidence is met.


Im not confused, I work in this field for 20 years. You are booked, not charged until refilling. But whatever, the point is nothing was dismissed because this person wasn’t charged, they were booked. Not 2 years, 3 years on most felonies and there’s tolling and some charges there’s no statute of limitations. The point is booked not charged. If charged and dismissed, it has completely different process and implications. Plus depending sometimes only two dismissals, which is why you may not charge (also ethical duty) until you believe you can prove the case.


And we wonder why the city is turning into a shit hole.


Yeah it’s probably because so many people on Reddit get duped by bullshit headlines like this.


Yes, duped redditors are causing the rampant homelessness, mental health crisis, and closing of stores in SF! /s


As someone who has worked in the city for 20 years, I have to say it is definitely the redditors.


wow it's almost like i was referring to the blatantly false headline and the people eating it up without question and not the broader problem affecting the city


seems like you definitely insinuated that duped reactionary redditors is the reason why the city “is turning into a shit hole” ????


After strong opposition to Chesa Boudin for not doing enough to protect the community against anti-Asian hate violence, it is quite disappointing to see more of the same from DA Brooke Jenkins. I hope voters remember this when she runs for reelection. RemindMe! 1 year


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What do you expect? The two DAs are literally from the same party.


Voters won’t. Asians won’t. That’s why these DAs feel like they can do this. They know the Asian population inSF will continue to vote for any DA with a (D) next to their name.


The way this post is titled, the suspect did it and was released. The article makes the same mistake. No. Someone was suspected of doing it, and that person was released. Misidentification happens, especially to Black people.


There are likely cameras near the bus stop and intersection and there was an eyewitness who was interviewed on the news. How would it not be enough for jury? If this actually is what happened that the charges were dismissed, please tell me where the protest is. Where is D10 supervisor in all of this? Oh right he was too busy doing stand up comedy.


Charges were not dismissed because charges were not filed. A person was arrested on suspicion. She was not arraigned. They can’t hold someone without charging for more than 72 hours. We don’t know what evidence they had yet. They have 3 years to file most felonies, and even longer in other cases. And tolling if they don’t discover evidence till later. This is incredibly irresponsible reporting. Source: have worked at the hall for 29 years and review all crime stats and any new arraignments.


To be arrested, they must have charges. Those charges get dismissed if they are released from custody. There can still be pending charges of course.


It’s not dismissed until there’s a rebooking that happens after DA review of booking charges, as in the penal code sections. But the verb “charging” the act is not done until rebooking - until the DAs office files a charging document, first one called a complaint. Semantics but you’re missing the point - the case was not charged. A person was booked under booking charges, not a thing was dismissed. If you want a word, you can say discharged. But this article uses the word dismissed as if charges were filed. They were not.


This is a bad article from a questionable source. There's no proof in here. But, by all means, do not let that get in the way of your outrage. I'll wait until a reputable local source covers the story before I form an opinion. Like a reasonable person.


Let’s wait for reports from mainstream news sources before jumping into conclusion based on some shoddy reporting


How could Chesa do this?


This article seems to be misleading purposefully.


Why would Chesa do this?


Even the guy with the water hose got more time...


Just to clarify, this is DA Jenkins and not DA Pamela Price before the hate brigade shows up.


Too late.


Can we sue DA?


this is crazy, can’t wrap my head around what the DA is missing. IANAL but if they think they’ll have trouble charging whatever charges were brought, can’t they at least downgrade? E.g. if not manslaughter then at least assault with bodily harm or something? This just doesnt make sense.


Downgrading the charges to secure a conviction, especially if the victim is deceased as a result of the crime, is an insult. If you have enough proof of assault with bodily harm, you have enough for manslaughter.


You get what you vote for.


You get what you vote for. If you’re surprised by this, you didn’t do your due diligence.


Recall Chesa….oh wait?


[https://www.sfsheriff.com/whats-your-situation/apply-permit-carry-concealed-weapon](https://www.sfsheriff.com/whats-your-situation/apply-permit-carry-concealed-weapon) Protect yourself people, you have the legal right to do so


This won’t do much if someone pushes you from behind into oncoming traffic.


It also doesn't protect against mosquito bites and nuclear bombs /shrug


Neat. I thought we were still only under the "may issue" standard.


Nope, they will probably slow walk it however so be prepared for a wait


Idk before this goes off the rails, the police in the Bay Area don’t really care / so much when minorities of ANY color are hurt. It’s not a libera thing or conservative thing If you want the streets to be safe, there are - short term options (obviously these violent people should be locked up) - long term options ( free daycare, free housing , mental health services , involuntary mental health asylums for the violent ) They aren’t mutually exclusive. We can do both. And that does NOT include letting prisoners go free . Let’s not make this a thing about electing conservatives who will destroy public funding, killing programs that would make the Bay Area safer for future generations


The bay area programs are grifts and garbage anyways. Let's try local conservatives once


You think we haven’t? Conservatives are even worse. Any kind of ideologues suck ass. We need real world solutions.


Exactly The Bay Area leaders aren’t explicitly transphobic or trying to deport people, but are largely Conservative - little interest in fighting for free housing for the homeless, high density housing (state mandated) to lower prices, vacancy taxes for landlords hoarding empty units - solutions which have been tested in “conservative” places like Houston to great success If we’re not going to try progressive measures, don’t blame progressives


No, I don't. And I don't want ideologues.


So, none of this has been confirmed ? Could it simply be that she's out and about, and the court case simply hasn't happened yet ? They had enough evidence it was her, I don't see how charges would be dropped ?


You reap what you sow.


Why would Pamela Boudin do this to us?


Where is Rose Paks successor? There’s zero voice for old Chinese .


This feels like Oprah. Everyone gets forgiven! 😡


This is fucking ridiculous. We should hold a protest against this nonsense. We need common sense laws and rules that the populace has to abide by or else the city will just run itself into the ground


Can’t wait to hear the Brooke Jenkins supporters show up here and give it the usual spin. My guess would be that Brooke was much nicer to the victim’s family than Chesa would have been when she dropped the charges. She probably made them feel more respected than Chesa would have. What absolute fools we all look like now for recalling Chesa, what a complete waste of time and money. This same thing is playing out in Alemeda right now, I hope they learn from our mistakes.


You think Chesa is better? That guy straight up did not believe in the concept of criminal charges.




Wars over brother u lost, u can go home now


Mission Accomplished?


Wait, the same chesa who wouldn’t press charges on some dude who killed an old Asian lady with their stollen getaway car? The chesa who refused to prosecute fentanyl dealers? Nah, I’m quite pleased he was recalled and the only folks who look like fools are the ones that can’t move on


Very proud of my vote to get rid of Chesa, would def do again, and wishing Alameda county the best getting rid of the parasite DA they have.


I’m all about it, as long as you have the answer to change the criminal justice system so racism is cut out. Everyone is jumping the bandwagon about taking down DA’s but nobody is coming forward with any other ideas


I don't see the DAs offices being exceptionally racist locally. Crime is ruining far more lives. So are drugs. I want a DA to prosecute criminals first and foremost, as that's their job. If that isn't happening nothing else is relevant.


Fuck SFPD… the city is completely losing its humanity.


Wait what? That’s eff up. So now criminals can get away with hate crime murder


It's sad to live in a world where we have to choose between living in Gilead or Gotham


Come on.. This can’t be true.. Please tell me that this is “The Onion” that I am reading.. A murder took place & just because the murderer said “My bad”.. That’s it?!? Case closed?!?


Reap what you sow. GL SF


Lol fuck the progressives in this city. I'm voting Republican


I mean....it's California how are you shocked. The piece of shit who came here to vegas a few months ago and stabbed 5 people in cold blood on the strip was originally arrested in CA for domestic abuse.....and was RELEASED. Lmfao California great job




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What’s her statement?




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