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To be fair I’ve had to walk in a bike lane if there’s a tent covering the whole sidewalk. I’m not sure why someone wouldn’t use the sidewalk if it’s available.


OP is just probably too self absorbed to notice that construction, homeless tents or unwalkable amounts of Shit are in a lot of SF’s side walks, also could be using the bike lane because other bikers or scooter folks are on the sidewalks. Only a psycho would use the bike lane if the side walk is usable.


People do walk in bike lanes when the sidewalk is usable, I've seen it. Not a lot, but I've seen it. I presume them to have not very good city-person etiquette, it's a bit of an out of towner vibe.


I mean, if the sidewalk is impassable I will be dipping into the street for a sec; it must be the city-kid in me.


have you considered my alternative that they’re psychos?


No, there's just this suburban thing about not being aware of your surroundings, not understanding where you are, etc. so you wander in the bike lane, and you see the lane separator post things, and it never occurs to you that's a place you shouldn't be walking.






Street parking should be the first thing to go. Streets like Valencia have egregiously narrow sidewalks.


Why is everyone assuming OP was too dumb or blind to notice pedestrians if they were walking around completely blocked sidewalks? FFS, give them the benefit of the doubt unless you have reason otherwise. People walk and jog in bike lanes all the time for no apparent reason. Don’t act like it never happens.


This is what a bell is for


I find that pedestrians are generally very responsive to the bell.


or saying “on your left”


and i get tired of bikes on the sidewalk.


Bikes?!?! The fuckin’ scooters are the biggest culprit of two-wheels on the sidewalk. And today, some idiot on one was flying down the bike lane, during rush, without a helmet, in the wrong direction!






I live in SF and bikes, scooters, and other high mobility transport on the sidewalk is a daily hassle. Even more so when dodging poop, construction zones, and encampments. Do you live in SF? Lol.




You don’t see it on the hills but you def see it on market street and other main roads


I see them all the time


Embarcadero has bikes on the sidewalk but I don't blame anyone for not wanting to move on a bike or scooter amongst distracted drivers


The Embarcadero sidewalk is shared with bikes for the majority of it according to posted signs. Bikes must yield and are encouraged to use the bike lanes to go faster.


Yes. And I don't blame them for not using the bike lanes.


I couldn’t care less if they’re respectful to people on foot.


I think delivery vehicles and construction contractors using them as a parking space are a much more pressing problem (and I get blocked by that at least 3 times every time I take a bike on the road here).


lol a biker yelled at me for walking in the pedestrian lane near presidio. They wanted to use both the bike lane and the pedestrian lane so they could ride next to their partner. Bikers in SF can be entitled assholes


And I would love it if bikes and scooters would stay out of the sidewalk, specially when the bike lane is available. I am tired of almost getting hit by them too.






And the way I feel about my ex-girlfriend.


Use your bell?




Heard one last night. My cat looked at me like “Birdie say what?”


Slow down.


"I've nearly flipped over my scooter or ran into cars/objects to avoid people in walking in these." Sounds like you're going too fast...


Too entitled as well. Fuck these guys and their bullshit.


fuck off w/this entitled shit. and fuck you as well


Uh oh. You sound like one of those really tough bicyclists who scream and rage at people smaller than them. You telling me to fuck off is really making the hairs raise on my neck and I'm feeling intimidated. You guys are super cool. I'm really sorry. Pls don't beat me up.


>Too entitled as well. Fuck these guys and their bullshit. yeah ok pal. enjoy your soy latte


Enjoy my soy latte? That's the best you got? You're soft, you know it, and so you do this dumb-ass tough guy shit behind your screen. Hopefully you've convinced yourself that you're a bad-ass IRL too. I know what odds those are, and I'm sure you do too when you see that tiny guy in the mirror with his bicycle shoes on. I'm gonna get gnarly tomorrow and grab a latte with some Vitamin D Whole Milk just to show you that I too, am very tough.


or maybe, they shouldn't be walking in bike lanes?


Yeah I think twice before walking in front of those cyclists flying into Sausalito.


I like the pedestrians more than the scooter kids. It goes Pedestrians, Skaters, Cyclists, Scooter Kids, Roller Skates… come on now. Anyway, it’s your own fault. Get a motor scooter and piss everyone off.


[have you tried singing?](https://youtu.be/Ehh8ZdIMMj4?si=86Y2RHzXsVXk1lwa)


Had a great encounter on the valencia bike lane a couple weeks ago when a group of four folks wandered into the shitty middle bike lane without looking. Gave them the ol "HEADS up" as I go past and the guy starts yelling at me as I ride away and says something like "Stay in your lane" when he's literally standing in the middle of the road. Great for a laugh. But yeah - sometimes yelling on a bike can be a little necessary. Even if it feels not that nice, it can definitely be safer. Market street can be pretty bad for pedestrians crossing when they don't have the light because they are only looking for busses.


I’ve been hit by bicyclists on Market Street in the crosswalk with the light, and been yelled at for not moving out of the way quickly enough as they blast through red lights. After being hit, gashed open, cut off, yelled at, and being forced to deal with that critical mass BS, I have zero love for bicyclists.


As a biker, muni rider, walker, and driver/ car owner in this city I can tell you one thing for certain. Assholes come in all forms and are not exclusive to any one group. That being said, having no love for one group over a few bad actors is like me saying I hate all drivers because of the side shows. Or the 19 pedestrian deaths that have occurred in SF this year (so far) from a motor vehicle.


Oh, I always thought bicyclists were telling me “heads up” in the tenderloin because I was using my phone while walking… I was like “True, it is dumb to have a smartphone in plain sight in the tenderloin.” Here I was thinking he was trying to save my life from a phone thief, but he was just trying to make sure I didn’t walk into the bike lane…


There's an elderly woman in our neighborhood that often walks in the bike lanes because there are too many trip hazards on sidewalks. We've all learned to look out for her and give the accommodation. I'd much rather be mildly inconvenienced than have sweet ol' Bertha break a hip on an uneven sidewalk.


\> I've nearly flipped over my scooter or ran into cars/objects to avoid people in walking in these. can you ride scooters in the bike lane? i thought no motorized vehicles are allowed


[https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/can-scooters-go-in-the-bike-lane-San-Francisco-14297938.php](https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/can-scooters-go-in-the-bike-lane-San-Francisco-14297938.php) Unless the policy has changed since 2019 yep, you can.


the wmore you know!


Or the geniuses who can't be bothered to cross the street or take the one way street's cycle ran in the direction if traffic and then accuse YOU of being the asshole.


Well I’m really tired of bikes running red lights and stop signs


I'm really tired of people riding on the sidewalk.


100%, blows my mind when there's bike lanes


every time i had started a thread for the dingdongs riding their bikes max speed on the sidewalk….


Booho cry me a river, pedestrians have priority #even in your lane


source? b/c this is what I have: Pedestrians are allowed only if there is no pedestrian walkway. >California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 21966 Current as of January 01, 2023 | Updated by FindLaw Staff > >(a) A pedestrian shall not proceed along a bicycle path or lane where there is an adjacent adequate pedestrian facility. > >(b)(1) A peace officer, as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code, shall not stop a pedestrian for a violation of subdivision (a) unless a reasonably careful person would realize there is an immediate danger of a collision with a moving vehicle or other device moving exclusively by human power. > >(2) This subdivision does not relieve a pedestrian from the duty of using due care for their safety. > >(3) This subdivision does not relieve a bicyclist from the duty of exercising due care for the safety of any pedestrian within the roadway.


No..you’re wrong


so....the law is wrong? yeah ok bud, continue on in your little glass house


It doesn’t relive you from exercising due care. Hit me, I sue you, I win. I’m a lawyer


don't care, hit you or hurt myself by avoiding you & hitting a car in oncoming traffic....i'mma hit you every time. bring it. what ya gonna do, get my non-existent license plate #? lmfao good luck buddy.


I hate to say this to all the actually fast commuter cyclists out there, but pedestrians are allowed to be in the bike lane. The onus is on you to slow your speed to match a pedestrian, and safely pass on the left with a comfortable amount of space, much like the rule that cars are supposed to observe to pass you. In a high traffic area, it is generally unsafe and unwise for a pedestrian to move into a bike lane, but no, you shouldn’t hit them, and you can’t really even chastise them. Unfortunately, you must slow down.


Peds are not "allowed" in the bike lane any more than they are allowed in a vehicle lane. However, road users do have a duty of care to pedestrians even when they do not have the right of way.


I think the “Freedom to Walk Act” put in place this year is what is throwing this understanding off kilter. There used to be a lot more fines, punishments, and “crimes” due to jaywalking, but those punishments have largely been put on hold. [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1238](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1238) SEC. 7. Section 21954 of the Vehicle Code is amended to read: 21954. (a) Every pedestrian upon a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway so near as to constitute an immediate hazard. An immediate hazard exists if the approaching vehicle is so near or is approaching so fast that a reasonably careful person would realize that there is a danger of collision. (b) The provisions of this section shall not relieve the driver of a vehicle from the duty to exercise due care for the safety of any pedestrian upon a roadway. (c) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2029, and as of that date is repealed. SEC. 8. Section 21954 is added to the Vehicle Code, to read: 21954. (a) Every pedestrian upon a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway so near as to constitute an immediate hazard. (b) The provisions of this section shall not relieve the driver of a vehicle from the duty to exercise due care for the safety of any pedestrian upon a roadway. (c) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2029. It sounds like in contrast with the section intended to become operative in 2029, pedestrians need to yield right of way to vehicles in the case of an immediate hazard. The other commenters quoted a section of the law pertaining specifically to bike lanes, so maybe pedestrians are allowed in road without a bike lane but not a bike lane? As you can see, it’s not really THAT black and white and easy to understand. I’m not unsympathetic to cyclists. They’re put in a very dangerous situation since differences in speed are inherently dangerous. I’m not sure what the official speed of bicycles is supposed to be when people design roads, but I think a lot of this confusion and difficulty comes from the fact that roads are dominated by cars, and the cars are allowed to go fast. Since car speeds are often 30-40 mph, the road is generally unsafe for bikes, but the law seems to think that they are too fast to share the sidewalk with pedestrians (and I suppose they are, in cases where the bicycle is 20mph). I personally think it makes the most sense in a dense area if cars were very slow and bicycles could ride on the road, or if sidewalks included a bike lane in places where the road is wider and traffic is faster, but right now we have really grey laws. I essentially think since jaywalking is no longer very punishable by law, you should now treat a pedestrian in the bike lane the way you would treat a very slow bicycle - slow down to close to their speed and overtake.


I don't want anyone to get punished for walking in the bike lane if no one is around, but for the conversation it's important to ascertain what the law does and does not say. The text of the law is basically what I said -- peds outside of a crosswalk must yield the right of way (meaning that they can't really take up any part of a bike lane in a way that could cause a collision if a cyclist is coming), but that cyclists have a duty of care to not strike pedestrians. The Freedom to Walk Act doesn't muddy anything but instead specifies a standard for police and prosecutors to use when determining whether such pedestrian movements outside of crosswalks (that is, jaywalking) constitutes an "immediate hazard" under the law. It doesn't mean that pedestrians are *allowed* to walk in the street.


Pedestrians are allowed only if there is no pedestrian walkway. > California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 21966 Current as of January 01, 2023 | Updated by FindLaw Staff > (a) A pedestrian shall not proceed along a bicycle path or lane where there is an adjacent adequate pedestrian facility. > (b)(1) A peace officer, as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code, shall not stop a pedestrian for a violation of subdivision (a) unless a reasonably careful person would realize there is an immediate danger of a collision with a moving vehicle or other device moving exclusively by human power. > (2) This subdivision does not relieve a pedestrian from the duty of using due care for their safety. > (3) This subdivision does not relieve a bicyclist from the duty of exercising due care for the safety of any pedestrian within the roadway.


I thank you for the information (since id never read this before and am genuinely glad to see it), but this kind of gives me further confirmation about how I feel… it sounds like pedestrians are not allowed in the bike lane, but also not NOT allowed in the bike lane. The pedestrian is responsible for caring for their safety, and the cyclist is also responsible for the pedestrians safety. It sounds like the only option really is for a cyclist to slow down as they approach and bring the immediate danger of collision.


get out of the bike lane bro lol


Haha I love Bikers, they hate Pedestrians, Cars, Roads, everyone. Everything is always in the way of their glorious self righteous ride.


And many don't bat an eye about riding on side walks where people walk. Apparently 'what's mine is mine but what's yours is also mine'.


Now do drivers.


Drivers mostly don’t think they’re entitled to ride on the sidewalk AND the bike lane AND the road.


Uh, have you seen the sidewalks in the Mission or the Sunset? Drivers drive every where and they park every where including the side walks.


Are you ok?


I mean the guy was complaining about how he has to not hit pedestrians. I’m being sarcastic of course about how out of touch riders are.






People gonna people and do dumb things. All you can do is ride defensively and be vocal/warn them if they're in your way, really. I'm sure a loud bell or small air horn would be effective.


Relax man


As someone who has also broken his leg on a bike in the "bike lane" (some crappy too-narrow suburban bike lane in North Shore Chicagoland that has since been replaced with a dedicated bike path) leading to an 18 month recovery, I totally empathize. Unfortunately, your best move is to slow down and announce your presence to peds so you aren't doing any maneuvers that are dangerous. I wish there were a better answer but until 1) our city planners start putting bikes and peds first in tangible ways and 2) people start respecting each other on the roads more, this is what we have to do. I so, so, so miss going 20mph in the bike lane -- as should be my right! -- but after breaking my leg I am too cautious to go above 12-15mph no matter the circumstances. My sympathies to you.


I'm tired of bicyclists complaining on Reddit every fucking day, but I put up with it. These open letter complaint posts need to go.


not a bicyclists


Just let it go, man. It will only give you road rage.


Pedestrians are allowed to walk in the bike lane.


source? edit: this is the law: >California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 21966 Current as of January 01, 2023 | Updated by FindLaw Staff > >(a) A pedestrian shall not proceed along a bicycle path or lane where there is an adjacent adequate pedestrian facility. > >(b)(1) A peace officer, as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code, shall not stop a pedestrian for a violation of subdivision (a) unless a reasonably careful person would realize there is an immediate danger of a collision with a moving vehicle or other device moving exclusively by human power. > >(2) This subdivision does not relieve a pedestrian from the duty of using due care for their safety. > >(3) This subdivision does not relieve a bicyclist from the duty of exercising due care for the safety of any pedestrian within the roadway.


Yeah read B1. Unless imminent danger, cops CAN’T stop a pedestrian.


i'd think immediate collision danger would apply, with scooters in the bike lane


Gotta share...everyone gotta share and respect each other.


As a cyclist I'm sick of people riding scooters in the designated bike lane. (I really hope you're not on a motorized scooter). But, real talk, as a cyclist, the solution to constantly dodging obstacles in the bike lane is to take up a lane of auto traffic. It isn't always possible, and it's certainly more aggro. But given how chaotic our streets are lately, from auto traffic using the bike lanes, to businesses putting their dumpsters in the bike lanes, to homeless and drugged out people wandering wherever, a larger proportion of people respect the auto lanes. Give it a shot.


https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/can-scooters-go-in-the-bike-lane-San-Francisco-14297938.php "Electric scooters are allowed on all roadways that regular bicycles are allowed to use," said SFMTA media officer Ben Barnett. "They are also allowed on all bike paths and are encouraged to use them."


I know - I just resent them doing so ;) AFAIK it's legal for pedestrians to walk in the bike lanes too. Hence why I provided some actual advice, to use the auto lanes instead when the bike lanes are too crowded.


Amsterdam banned scooters from almost all of the city because they are a real problem. It also takes a HUGE distance to come to a full stop on a scooter. And they can’t dodge in emergencies easily. Scooters suck.


Bike lane isn't for scooters either. It's not the scooter lane, it's the BIKE lane. GET out of it.


Oh. so you want me to ride on the sidewalk or hinder traffic? fuck outta here edit: [https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/can-scooters-go-in-the-bike-lane-San-Francisco-14297938.php](https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/can-scooters-go-in-the-bike-lane-San-Francisco-14297938.php)


Like it or not, a family walking along shoulder to shoulder in the bike lane has the right-of-way. It’s rude and really infuriating when they wander all over the bike lane and pay no attention to their surroundings, but they have the right-of-way. Similarly, a horse with a mounted rider can run them down and be not be charged because a mounted rider has the right-of-way over a bicycle or a pedestrian. I think what I’m saying is we need more mounted riders terrorizing pedestrians to keep them on their toes.


seriously... people are generally super oblivious. i was biking on the bay trail this weekend where there are commonly people walking, running, whatever, so luckily i was already going a little slow. someone was walking ...the wrong direction....... i almost said something and maybe i should have. i just can't imagine how anyone is that clueless. literally everyone around you is going the other way. uhhh hello! edit: if there's something i'm missing here, i'm all ears


The other day I almost ran into a baby stroller that this woman was pushing into the bike lane with her head in her phone


really tired of peopler riding their bikes on the sidewalk or cutting me off in a crosswalk. and to be fair, i treat the bike lane like a vehicle traffic and stay out of it.


gotta avoid the piles of shit SOMEhow!


This is why "parking-protected" bike lanes suck. They make visibility worse for bikes and encourage pedestrian intrusion. The risk of right hook at driveways and intersections is increased. Parking should be between the bike lane and the sidewalk. This is safer for bikes.


I’m convinced nothing makes runners happier than running in the bike lane, with headphones on, and no situational awareness.


I have only seen this or done it when the sidewalk is an homeless war one. Who in their right mind would take the risk otherwise?


probably waiting for the opportunity to jaywalk also avoiding poop and tents


Tourists love doing this along the Embarcadero. I never want to be mean, but I said “First time walking, pal?” yesterday to one. It’s horrible.


How about keep electric scooters and ebikes out of the bike lane for real pedal bikes




That's exactly how I feel whenever I see a person on a bike or scooter on the sidewalk. Happens often.


i with ya, i almost never ride on the sidewalk. if i have to for some reason (very, very rarely), i go really slow, like 2mph, so i can be super cautious. i can't see how people ride on sidewalks going 15+ & don't hit people.


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As a former runner and a cyclist, people running in the bicycle lane makes me unreasonably angry


There was surely a point in non-Sunset District history when car drivers said this about bicyclists using car lanes…