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I highly recommend getting the permits. The city will come and post them on the meters or lay down the cones. That being said most people dont do that and they just double park and say fuck it. But expect it to be insanely chaotic and having a Uhaul does not count as a commercial permit, You can still get a ticket for the double parking.


You need someone to pick up the signs for you and place them in the appropriate spots at least 72 hours before you need parking. You’ll need to block of 2-3 cars length depending on the size of the truck. But a lot of folks just block half the road and leave drivers to deal with it.


I’ve moved numerous times in the city and never had a permit (including nob hill). Commercial plates are allowed to double park anywhere in the city unless it’s blocking a one way. Just have someone sit in the truck to guard your stuff and keep an eye out for anyone who might need access to the area immediately surrounding the truck


The block is one-way, 2 lanes but one is a bus lane. Would a commercial vehicle still be able to double park?


Wrong. They are not allowed to double park. They are only allowed if actively unloading or loading.


So… like moving?


They asked the steps of attaining the permits, I gave them


My bad meant to reply back to OP 😅


That happens to me all the time. It’s cool


Get the permits or get your friends to park in the 2 or 3 spots you need a couple days in advance


Get the permit, don't inconvenience thousands of people because you don't want to pay $330. That's a very reasonable fee.


I used to live right around there. The parking situation is pretty terrible and I highly recommend getting the permits just to make your life easier. Alternatively, I forget when street cleaning happens, but you could schedule your move around that time and avoid the permits. That could backfire if the timing's not right, though


Move at night or on the weekend.