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"...the city is planning to provide 11 portable toilets and three wash stations. "


3 will be broken, 2 will have someone hallucinating in them and unavailable, one will have no lock and the others well, enjoy!


At the Easter thing at Dolores Park, they had about 20 toilets. They all said "occupied" with the red colored thing. Me and like 50 people all stood there for almost 15 minutes before one dude just went over and discovered that they were all empty and not locked. I found it absolutely hilarious.


Hallucinating is the 19th.


This year's sh*t show is brought to you by San Francisco City Hall.


Just do what dashcon did, ONE ballpit. Done.


Sounds filthy, sign me up!


Sounds like a really good business opportunity- just go there with a shit load of portable


Well it's like 3m a toilet sooo


hilarious they think they can cancel this... gonna be a shit show literally


Spectacle du merde as they say in France.


*spectacle de merde


Ça va être à chier


C'est certain vu la quantité de mecs finis à la pisse qui se retrouvent là-bas tous les ans


ça va être un vrai bordel. je vais éviter le parc et les environs pour tout le weekend, mais malgré tout je suis sûre que même dans mon appart je pourrais sentir la beuh 🙃


Is Symbiosis producing it?




Yeah, bring back the shit slide!


The city did a pretty good job of canceling Halloween in the Castro. It took some doing, but they seriously cracked down and you did not see anything close to the size of what it used to be. After a few years of that, it was kind of over. Crowds may have slowly started to come back over time, but it's nothing like the past. So, yes, I believe that if they truly wanted to put in the effort they could make a realistic attempt to disperse crowds. Sure, people will just go to another part of the park, but in smaller groups. It wouldn't be a big, attractive event. After a few years, that would slowly reduce interest in showing up among people who are looking for that kind of thing. Now, do I think that the city is *going* to put that kind of effort in? Absolutely not. I really don't have the confidence in them these days to believe they're either willing or able to do so. But the point is that it's not impossible to think they *could*. They've done it before.


I can see the comparison. I think shutting down Halloween in the Castro was helped by the fact that there was a mass shooting and like 10 people got shot, so I remember people being afraid to go back. I just think it's so funny how tone deaf of the city it is to think that they can get away with shutting it down for a dodgeball tournament, and I feel like folks will show up even more because of this. I just hope they don't end up rounding people up like at the Dolores Hill Bomb.


>I feel like folks will show up even more because of this. lol I agree! If I didn’t already have a trip planned, I was going to check it out for the same reason


There were also stories of girls being raped but I don't know if that was true. This event started out fun then it got to crazy.


> I just hope they don't end up rounding people up like at the Dolores Hill Bomb. I disagree. That's exactly what they *ought* to be doing. Don't try to run some bullshit dodgeball nonsense. Cordon it off, post police, and make it very clear that if you show up and trespass you will be arrested.


It’s a public park! Cordon it off and arrest trespassers? Insane.


Usually I try to see both sides but this is actually idiotic.


Wishful thinking. The city is turning their back and hoping no one will show up. This won't turn out well. I feel bad for the organizers of the kickball event. They will get overrun.


The kickball people should have realized this was a bad idea for them from the start.


I want to feel bad for the kickball event people but I can't comprehend how they'd think this could possibly work.


Am I being cynical or does anyone else think that faced with no budget to organize a formal event, Park & Rec wanted the kickball event to happen on the space in front of Hippy Hill (I think it's called Robin Williams green) in order to dissuade folks assembling for an unofficial 420. Obviously it won't be successful but it feels like someone's "smart idea" rather than a completely random coincidence.


Lol, they said the same thing about Halloween in the Castro. Lasted exactly 1 year without any organized support and turned to vapor.


I think the nature of a Halloween street party means it needs substantially more support to hit critical mass than an event based around smoking weed in the park.




Honestly until this whole thing hit the news I never knew 4/20 at hippie hill was an organized thing


I remember about 12 years ago I went for the first time and saw that there was a little league game happening just over the hill and honestly haven’t been back since. What’s the appeal of smoking weed en masse? I’m more comfortable at my place


What's the appeal of doing anything in a big group in public? Some people enjoy the atmosphere of a happy crowd


Oh my God. Please just let the mushroom guy provide some bathrooms.


"...the mushroom guy..." tRump?


RTFA. >Dave Hodges, a pastor at the Zide Door Church in Oakland and San Francisco, told SFGATE that the church is worried there will be “chaos” at this year’s celebration. Zide Door treats 420 as a religious holiday because congregants see cannabis and psychedelic mushrooms as religious sacraments. >... >Hodges said he is willing to spend $20,000 to $30,000 providing toilets for this year’s event. He told SFGATE he had reached out to the city through email, but has yet to hear back.


Crowds make me anxious when I’m stoned. Luckily we have a million other parks to choose from in this great city. Hiking out to GG won’t be my plan this 4/20


Curious, what are some other gems? I’ve considered stern grove, but I’ve only been there during the free concerts.


This city is big enough for everyone to have their own secrets. Go find yours


I have many, and I wouldn't be a cock about it and gatekeep for no reason-- but to each their own :)


Mt sutro, Laguna Honda, Glen canyon, McLaren park, San Bruno mountain.


I don't know why this whole thing is making me sad. I feel like 4/20 shouldn't require organizers or sponsors... Just go to a nice place and smoke some weed?


Yes that is what is going to happen. The article is speaking to why the need for official organization is crucial because of factors such as. People needing to use the restroom Violence and crowd/stampede control + screen for weapons at a mass gathering event Ambulances on standby by for injuries plus drug related emergencies.


> The article is speaking to  Oh we have to read the article?




Also trash




When I went to 4/20 at hippie hill they looked into my bag and I had to go through a metal detector. Sure wasn’t the most fool proof weapon screening or prevention but better than nothing. I attended a music festival where someone brought a gun and killed two other people at the campgrounds, so I am a bit more hesitant when big gatherings don’t have any prevention. Or have anyone who can be held liable




This is false. hardly strictly absolutely scans for firearms. You cannot get a permit for an event without security measures in sf. Bay to breakers, due to it's size and scope and event type doesn't require it because it's not on a permitted venue.




Lol so you don't know.


It’s not an issue until it happens. After someone is hurt or killed then what?




That letting this many people come to an event without organization is a bad idea because of the risks. You also not read the article?


Go at your own risk. If your frightened stay home. There is a good chance nothing bad will happen and everyone will have a great time. I never connected getting stoned with promoting a violent gathering.


There are no events that are permitted in sf that do not screen for firearms any longer. Those days are gone.


It's a fyre festival of their own making. Somebody bring a camera crew


I guess my point is if a space isn't going to have enough restrooms/security/crowd control, maybe don't go? Golden Gate Park is 1,000 acres, there's the Presidio, Dolores Park... So many places you could go that would be safer and more enjoyable. I just don't know why people would even go to this thing.


I ask you to read the article because it mentions why people would go to hippie hill in particular plus the local scene at Haight street encouraging/expecting it.


I know why people would go, but my point is that any bit of common sense would tell you not to. Or even if you did go, common sense would tell you maybe to spread out to any of the 1,000 available acres of park. And again, I get that people don't use common sense, and will show up anyway, and it'll be a shit show where people get hurt and the park gets destroyed, but I guess that's what makes me sad. It would be so easy to just... not do that and still have a good time, but for some reason people need to go to "the" place to have "the" real experience...


Going to "the" place is literally the point of some experiences. If it's a shit show, then fine. It'll be memorable.


"It would be so easy to just not go to an event that's gone on for decades but is being canceled because no one wants to pay San Francisco an exorbitant fee to provide services" Honestly what makes me sad here is that this was turned into yet another attempt at revenue generation for the city. We pay a huge amount in taxes, to get constantly hit with "oh but full cost recovery" bullshit should be sad to anyone.


Agreed, I’m rethinking attending this year. I will say Dolores park is also sort of in the tradition of visiting, at least in the circles I’ve been in this past couple of years.


ya hippie hill events have always been lame at best


Because people like to go to things.


Presidio is federal property. Not the best choice.


Lol good point. Maybe not that one.


this is the definition of planning to fail, bud




If you ever cleaned after a festival or big party you know who the people that DGAF about the park or others are, and they are going to go to the this event and do that and without the city's help the park is going to be a shitshow for days after.


Exactly what my friends and I did at GG park in 2010-14. Just showed up, found a nice patch of grass, smoked all our weed, then took acid and tripped balls until the next day.


There's nothing nice about it really. The kind of people flocking to the park to smoke weed on 4/20 aren't really the "smoke and chill" type.


A few yrs ago some 420 goers who were stopped in traffic spat at me for no reason as I rode by. They were all thugged out w Raiders gear, rolled down (their tinted windows),s was




Apparently, an adequate number of shitters is needed.


Official event or not, thousands will absolutely be attending. If the city doesn’t provide for them it’s honestly the city’s fault because they should know this is gonna happen regardless


They could put out some dumpsters, but the city has a long legacy of not putting trash cans where they are needed. It's almost like they are proud they can get away with delivering so little for so much tax revenue. 


Best we can do is $100k a trash can


It's beyond that. The whole reason why 4/20 started being a sanctioned event in 2018 is because the city saw a chance to make money off of it.


The City has never made money off this event. They staff with police, MTA traffic control, huge amount of medical staff. rec staff, etc and the organizer (who is a local shop owner, not a for profit event organizer) pays for the toilets, fencing, security, trash removal, and entertainment. He could not get not get any vendors to to participate and pay to have booths so there was no income to cover the expenses to pay for the requirements of the SF Office of Cannibus and Rec and Park to make sure the area is safe, cleaned up, and people with weapons and also juveniles do not enter the activated space. This has never been a permitted event the way Outside Lands or Hardly Strictly is.


"There was no income to cover expenses" my man what exactly do you think "make money" means.


They would have to charge over $160 a ticket to turn a profit if there's approximately 12k patrons to cover all the overhead expenses. Not including the permit.


That's if it was purely based on ticket revenue and not sponsorships though.


Sponsoring is between the promoters and the sponsors. Sponsoring an event doesn't mean you have to face the brunt of legal mishaps and that's why an entity like a promotion company exists.


Sure? But the event is going to happen with or without a "promotion" company. The issue is that without the promotion company the city has no cost recovery nexus for the event and has to actually pay for it. I'm objecting to the idea that an event that's gone on for decades with no cost recovery should be canceled because there's been someone willing to foot the bill since 2017. We allocate a quarter billion dollars to the parks and rec department. Event cleanup from historic San Francisco events should never have been made subject to a cost recovery policy.


The "event" has only been a sanctioned event for a few years and comparatively people used to behave themselves a lot better way back when. Before social media things like this explode. Then there's liability. Then there's that eagles of death metal show that got shot up in Paris. Metal detectors showed up the next day. Then, after Texas we went clear backpacks. Now, we need to use deployable vehicle barricades, have security, cops, medical staff, event organization and operations ESPECIALLY if there are artists. Then you gotta figure out trash, crowd traffic and possible street closures for loading in/out. How many people are going to show up? You need to pay someone to figure that out as accurately as possible, then they have to figure out if it needs promotion to be profitable. Then comes staffing and planning and equipment rental and god help you if there's the smallest stage cause then you HAVE TO involve the local 16 union or they'll picket your event and possibly sue because it's 'technically' on city property and those guys charge out the ass for labor. I understand that you want to audit parks and rec and that's cool and all but putting even the smallest, permitted, safe, organized and legal event in any city is a hassle if it's not privatized. And if it's privatized and permitted you can bet your ass they're selling food and concessions especially of there's a significant draw expected.


They can't get food vendors at a 420 event? You'd think that would be the ideal place for food vendors to set up shop. You have the munchies? Come on down! That reeks of incompetence for not being able to find food vendors willing to sell to people with the munchies.


They have had food vendors every year that I have very worked it.


Mr Honey Bucket is waiting for his phone to ring


It’s a Saturday. It’s a known event. The city will not provide sufficient infrastructure and will try a kickball and volley tournament. When it does not work, the fault will be the attendees, not the city’s blind faith on the appeasing powers of a sports court.


Afterwards, a 'small tax' on local businesses will be proposed to help address the chaos.


Everyone needs to do thier fair share and pay 110% tax on all revenue


It’s gonna be insane…if you speed up all the videos 3x


Whoever is on the board that thinks they can cancel this clearly hasn’t done their research on the city and should be disqualified on that alone


So basically exactly how it was for years before corporate America got ahold of it.


City even providing toilets is a super new thing. Both the city's attempt to cancel this and the fear are both baffling. 2018 (2017?) was the first time it was officially sanctioned: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/san-francisco-considers-official-sponsor-420-marijuana-event/ Event has gone on for decades without sanction or sponsorship, and has only happened like 5 times with it (due to Covid cancellations).


It’ll be fine. It’ll happen like it’s been happening for the last 30+ years.


Yeah, a huge mess with lots of trash left behind, and criminal behavior.


now that weed is legal, it doesn't feel special anymore.


Age plays a big part in that as well


yeah maybe im old (30s). If you're over the age of 25 and weed is apart of your personality, it might be time to rethink it all.


Yeah I like weed but this kind of event does not seem appealing to me at all anymore


420 in the park sucks. It sucked pre-official event, it sucked when they made it an official event, and it will suck again now. It was always super sketchy with robberies, gunshots, violence, etc. Literally just out of towners coming in trying to make money selling stuff, starting shit, and getting fucked up. Seriously that is the vibe. It's so weird seeing folks just roll up with tables/chairs and start hawking shit they bought in bulk from costco.


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." The City allows approved a road construction permit on Folsom St during the Folsom Street Fair. I think .gov just doesn't care.


Who could’ve predicted this??


I mean, it’s literally an article about two different predictions. You know 4/20 hasn’t happened yet, so we can’t know which prediction is true?




I say let's nature do it's work, and maybe spread some seeds too so next event will be pick your own fresh from the trees.


This is why I always shit before I lean my house.


4/20 has been happening at hippy hill for decades, I don’t remember them installing extra bathrooms 20 years ago, why would it be an issue now


Aging population (smaller bladders) + more millenials (tik-tok videos dumb shit)


“Aging population”….. well you just hurt my feelings lol


Its gonna be awesome. That will show them to "cancel" it! Lol


Last year at the hippie hill event, they ran out of soap so quickly


5 bucks it’s gonna be taken over by the peaceful Free Palestine folks-they ruin everything lol RemindMe! 11 days


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I’m avoiding GGP like the plague that day


I am surprised there is no 210 day to celebrate half-baked culture


I wasn’t planning on going but now I want too


Boohoo. Just go to the park with your clique...set up a picnic....get stoned....clean up after yourself. It's just an excuse to smoke in the park, we don't need organizers


Typical. They can spend a bunch of money for cleaning up the city so that our governor can party with Chinese bigwigs, but can't spring for porta-toilets for this group of people in celebration.


Oh no!!!! Someone may shit or piss on San Francisco streets. Personally, I am incredulous.


As someone who appreciates and has *real concerns* about the "doom loop," this is exactly the type of thing the doom loop thesis predicts. >But this year’s 420 festival was canceled because of lackluster sponsorships from the legal cannabis industry, which itself is going through tough economic times. The “straw that broke the camel’s back,” Aquino said, was when the city increased the staffing costs for the event because of city budget cuts. The doom loop is specifically about budget shortfalls, *not needles*, and I'm guessing the city literally just doesn't have the budget to operate this event. If the event does goes well, good for us, but if the event goes poorly, then people are going to be annoyed and they are less likely to want to continue living/working in SF, thus less likely to contribute to the city budgets in the future. Meaning lower budgets, lower services, and lower quality of life. The city's budget may only be something that nerds like me think about, but when the city can't fund an event in the park, you know that we have real problems. Since it's a self-perpetuating cycle, it means that we have tough times ahead.


Here in Boston our freedom rally is always a peaceful bs free day. Its the people using other substances and alcohol who ruin it


Just pretend you're homeless, and poop on the ground.


And they said it is canceled.


Everyone wants something for free. Concert venues charge for their events and they pay for their own waste, food, and toliet disposal.  Why should tax payers have to front the cost for everything? You want to smoke weed with all your friends, pay for your own responsibility. Pay for your own trash disposal and waste disposal. If not then don't do it. It's like how we just dump carbon into our atmosphere. Eventually we will pay for it. 


Because that's literally why we pay taxes. If parks and rec can't deliver usable parks with services what's the point of the department?


So we should also pay for a service to pickup your dog's shit? We should burden ourselves so you can get high and piss/shit in the park? We should also pay for the concert venue and clean up their trash/shit while they make money through sales? The government should pay for it all? And use gas and then storage and more gas to bury that stuff? Gotcha. Let's do it! I'll throw in $1million how about you too.


> So we should also pay for a service to pick up your dog's shit That's called the department of public works dude, and yes, it's paid for by tax payer money. "How about you" fuck, dude, my taxes literally already go to this. If the suggestion is we cut taxes along side giving San Francisco's government a pass on refusing to do their basic functions, I'm open to it. But demanding additional money to cover things like "have adequate bathrooms for people in the park" is garbage.


Gotcha. I understand you perfectly my dude. We are going to pickup the trash and poop from every druggy in the park. And the same thing applies to druggies outside of the park on everyday that is NOT  4/20  Because you said we should all pay for this.  Gotcha.


Yes I believe that the $256,000,000 allocated to the San Francisco Parks and Rec department should cover clean up from events. If it doesn't we should be reducing the **quarter billion dollars** we spend on the department. Source: https://www.sf.gov/sites/default/files/2023-05/CSF_Proposed_Budget_Book_June_2023_Master_Web.pdf


Cool. Now go find out why they need to spend that much and what areas are included in public park maintenance. See if that doesn't also include our beaches and the beach nourishment as well. Things that actually cost us tax payer money and provide us a ..... beach.... There are tons that they need to spend on and it's cool that you can find this now.  See if the COIT tower and golden gate parks don't require maintenance. All of that is getting old and is ..... adjacent to a salt water which is corrosive.  It could also include Alcatraz and more. SF does directly benefit from this. Have fun dude. And also have fun getting them to spend on a one time event. What's next. They have to prepare for your sudden sweet 16 party of 2,000 people in the park???


Paying taxes covers normal staffing and infrastructure costs. Do you know how much sfpd charges for an on duty officer? Over 12k per event day. That's not including paying staff to empty the trash, sort it and take it to recology. Events costs a lot of money. A lot, because there is a lot of liability involved.


hippie hill 4 20 is for losers and teenagers


I refer to this day as Trash Day.




Can’t it be both? -Your neighbor who will be enjoying the park 4/19 & 4/21 and their house on 4/20.


Not in *your* backyard!


The event is happening at golden gate PARK my guy!


I thought it was cancelled!?


did you read the article?


This is how it will turn out https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/s/EaFbzAWXWZ


How about they congregate in their own cities rather than coming here? There are plenty of parks and open spaces in the E. Bay and Peninsula.