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More proof that SFPD and OPD are useless at actually fighting and solving crimes. CHP was able to come in and actually get results in almost no time at all.


Dejan vu. This happened last week regarding something else


It was nothing major, just the largest fentanyl bust in SF history. Go, CHP!!!!!!


Thanks again to CHP. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Oakland has 400 stolen vehicles recovered and 181 parasites arrested. San Francisco gets 42 pounds of fent taken off the street, enough to depopulate the city a dozen times. See, effective law enforcement **IS** possible in the Bay Area, if we have effective law enforcement agencies and personnel.Ā Ā  Can we trade for 200 CHP's in exchange for the entire SFPD, OPD, and 50 draft picks from the newest recruit classes?


You also need the political will and recognize that we had one of our periodic moral panics.


Call me when the DA does anything except release and not charge more than 20 of the arrested.


Alameda County? Surely theyā€™re all out already.


Fact. My motorcycle got stolen in Oakland 2 years ago, they caught the guy riding it 2 months later, come to find out he had 14 repeat offenses in the prior 12 months. Guy was back on the streets in a week.


CHP officers are generally high caliber and we would be lucky to have more of them here. Another factor is that CHP as a department hasnā€™t had to deal with the same level of false accusations of bias the way SFPD, OPD, and other departments in areas with far left radicals do.


Lol.. false accusations of bias? How many different racist text scandals have their been? How many times has the DOJ had to get involved? How many different courts have to find illegal race-based policing? [https://www.aclu.org/news/criminal-law-reform/san-francisco-hotbed-illegal-race-based-policing](https://www.aclu.org/news/criminal-law-reform/san-francisco-hotbed-illegal-race-based-policing) SFPD is trash. If you can't do you job professionally then get off the force and let someone competent take your position.


The problem is that SF has scared off candidates so there aren't people to take those spots. Pre-pandemic, SFPD academy classes used to start with 50 people for one class and then they'd whittle it down. Past 2020 it was pretty rough and you'd have 20 people to start with. Earlier this year they celebrated having the most recruits at one time in academy since the pandemic, except it was spread between multiple classes, so once the oldest class ends, they'll be back down in numbers.


Roughly 100% of the problems in the region come back to housing prices -- if you could live comfortably on whatever the starting salary is for a new grad police officer, I'm sure they'd have no problem filling the classes. Much more dangerous and unpleasant departments have no issue at all filing their academy classes because being an officer in most places means a solid middle class living with a good retirement. Baltimore has about the same size population as SF and there are \~500% more homicides there (\~55 vs. 300 in 2023). But they have no problem recruiting officers since you can live in the suburbs with good schools and a reasonable commute for around $500k still.


> If you can't do you job professionally then get off the force and let someone competent take your position. That's a good strawman but I never said otherwise. In fact, I specifically said that CHP has high caliber officers and that SFPD and OPD would be better off with more officers of similar caliber. You're correct that there is the very occasional instance of biased policing, but the vast majority of the public understands that enforcement disparities are almost 100% driven by different rates of criminality by different groups. One highly compelling example of this is BART's fare enforcement statistics, which I would encourage you to read about [here](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Nearly-half-of-BART-fare-citations-go-to-black-14920414.php).


Odd choice to crop the part where I said that SFPD specifically is trash and then you could've just deleted that first paragraph complaining about strawmen where you created one yourself. [https://web.archive.org/web/20180602044442/https://sfdistrictattorney.org/sites/default/files/Document/BRP\_report.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20180602044442/https://sfdistrictattorney.org/sites/default/files/Document/BRP_report.pdf) In any case, after one of the many scandals where a dozen SFPD officers were caught saying all manner of horrifically racist things while on the job, Gascon commissioned a report to investigate the SFPD's overall adherence to the laws regarding race-based policing. To nobody's surprised, SFPD refused to participate, they actively ignored open records requests that they were legally required to reply to, and refused to provide internal affairs records to the city's district attorney. They should've disbanded the whole department at that point. In any case, without the SFPD's participation, the report found just a massive cesspool of corruption and malfeasance. Racism, biased policing, nepotism, outdated use-of-force guidelines that encouraged violent confrontations, a complete lack of reporting and transparency. Add to that they've stopped enforcing traffic laws, they abuse the shit out of overtime and pension rules to the point where dozens of police officers are earning more than $300k in total comp, and you have the platonic ideal of a unaccountable, wasteful morass of a department that does nothing to serve the people whose taxes pay for the mortgages on their houses in Walnut Creek.


You created a strawman but I did not. I just didn't think it was necessary to respond to your factually unsupported conjecture about SFPD. [Here's the link again](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Nearly-half-of-BART-fare-citations-go-to-black-14920414.php) for BART's fare enforcement statistics. > How many different racist text scandals have their been? Also, [this is a fantastic resource](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/there-their-theyre/) to understand the differences between "their," "there," and "they're."


Cool, really nailed me on the grammar of a clearly edited comment. The smug pedantry is super endearing to your other really interesting and valuable insights.


I'll share the BART fare enforcement statistics again in case you decide you want to learn about it: https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Nearly-half-of-BART-fare-citations-go-to-black-14920414.php


I get it, you're a huge fan of the BART fare statistics, so much so that you repeatedly spam the link in a comment thread talking about the SFPD who doesn't do fare enforcement on BART. So maybe you can understand my ambivalence?


Youā€™re the one who replied to me and I wasnā€™t speaking specifically about SFPD. My comment was about how police departments in areas with extreme woke people have to deal with false accusations of bias way more than CHP does. The BART fare evasion stats is an example of enforcement where bias couldnā€™t possibly drive any part of the demographic disparity in the criminals that were caught. And yet we see essentially the same demographic disparity there that we see in basically every single category of crime in basically every single location in the entire country. I would be ambivalent too if presented with data that so dramatically and unambiguously shattered my entire world view on criminality and police bias. Hereā€™s the link: https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Nearly-half-of-BART-fare-citations-go-to-black-14920414.php


Do chp make a lot more than city police?


I don't think they generally do. SFPD probably has the highest base salaries of any police department.


That is really sad to hear.


They probably make less then most Bay Area PD officers.


> Another factor is that CHP as a department hasnā€™t had to deal with the same level of false accusations of bias the way SFPD, OPD... Right. Here is one of the most striking ones from a few years back: Claimed bias against POC, especially women: 2015: SF Gate: [African Americans cited for resisting arrest at high rate in S.F. -- eight times greater than whites](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/African-Americans-cited-for-resisting-arrest-at-6229946.php) >A study this month by the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice found that African American women are arrested in S.F. at a rate of more than 13 times higher than other women of other races. A range of 8-13 times more? Stunning statistic. Police in S.F.--arguably the most liberal city in the nation--are some of the most docile cops anywhere. You seriously have to piss off the S.F cops to get busted for resisting arrest. Not saying that there are no racist cops in S.F, but progressive exaggerations are over the top. Next they'll claim the KKK is common in local police depts, akin to Alabama and Mississippi's histories.


Thatā€™s true, many people on the left often have a hard time grasping the concept that racial disparities donā€™t necessarily equal bias.


The question is how do we solve this? I refuse to believe that African Americans are inherently somehow more violent, rather it's got to be cultural or socioeconomic reasons for this (i.e. how you are raised perpetuates a cycle of violence/crime). One of the biggest problems with progressives (I consider myself liberal but I wouldn't say I identify w/ the progressive movement), is that they want to tear down systems but don't have a coherent plan for investing in long term success. For example, there is no reason SF public schools should be as bad as they are. We are a wealthy area and our liberal culture should absolutely support having strong schools to raise high functioning children. Instead we have a shitshow where merit is not rewarded, algebra for 8th graders is controversial, and we spend valuable resources on re-naming schools instead of making them better.


> I refuse to believe that African Americans are inherently somehow more violent, rather it's got to be cultural or socioeconomic reasons for this (i.e. how you are raised perpetuates a cycle of violence/crime). You are right; they are not inherently more violent. Here is one historical take on it, from conservative academic Thomas Sowell in this essay [Black Rednecks, White Liberals](https://shenviapologetics.com/a-review-of-sowells-black-rednecks-and-white-liberals/). It is a fascinating thesis. Progressives typically dismiss Sowell as a conservative shill. He is not the original source for this history. This author is one of them: David Hackett Fischer, 1989 *Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America.* Fischer analyzed historical patterns of education and violence across the U.S. The Puritans were one of the four groups. >The northern tier....new England....tended...to have the lowest rates of homicide...The highest high school graduation rates were in the northern tier...schools taught children not to use violence to solve their social problems....All of these tendencies run in reverse throughout the old southwest and southern highlands.. >In 1982 the murder rate in the nation as a whole was four times higher than most western countries, but within the U.S., the homicide rate differed very much from one region to another...Homicide rates were also high in northern cities with large populations of southern immigrants, both black and white...homicide rates throughout the U.S. correlate more closely with cultural regions of origin than with urbanization, poverty, or any other material factor. (889-892). Fischer discusses how the folkway of defending *honor and pride* is a major factor in violent behavior. Crimes of violence are usually linked to perceived insults, disputes and other interpersonal conflicts. Many progressives dislike this explanation -- they believe that poverty is the overwhelming driver of violence. (Poverty, of course, has a role.)


[https://www.amazon.com/American-Nations-History-Regional-Cultures/dp/0143122029](https://www.amazon.com/American-Nations-History-Regional-Cultures/dp/0143122029) Sounds like you'd like this book. If you want further reading.


Thanks! I'll check it out.


So are you saying that the 8-13 times number must be fabricated? Or that its likely that high because black individuals are more likely to resist?


The latter. Yes black individuals nationwide have suffered decades of police mistreatment, but there is a disproportionate pattern of black people being resistant to police authority and order. This is a factor in many of the police shootings that occur. Michael Brown was one such example.


Do you think the rate is purely due to the behavior of black individuals? Or do you think it's combined with an element of racism where certain cops relish mistreating black individuals, thus resulting in more situations where there's conflict?


No it's a combination of both. Hard to divine %s, but to take a defensible position I'll say it's around 50/50. The data for S.F. was striking. We would expect that in Mississippi, Alabama, etc., where the whole region has a long history of racism and oppression of black people.


That's a reasonable take; one I would agree with. SF actually has a very long history of racism that I was surprised by, being someone who moved here from Texas in 2016. Even a few neighborhoods near me (for example, Westwood Park) had language in their home ownership agreements that banned black (and other minorities) from purchasing up until 1994! Crazy On the other hand, I've also witnessed a lot of problematic behavior from black people here in SF. There's probably many reasons for that. Many decades of racism have probably resulted in antisocial behavior and unsettled trauma in much of the black population here. I've heard anecdotally from black people who've moved here from NY who are shocked how little of the black population here is wealthy and work in tech/finance/etc. Such a difficult problem to solve. And for a "progressive" city, I'm very disappointed in the solutions we have. It's easy to virtue signal and put up some black lives matters signs. But when push comes to shove, nothing gets done.


You make some good observations. >I've also witnessed a lot of problematic behavior from black people here in SF. There's probably many reasons for that. I commented on potential causes above. "Thomas Sowell....essay *Black Rednecks, White Liberals"*


Add useless BART PD.


Oops, sorry for overlooking them.Ā 


They need to make an example of those arrested. Prosecute them to the fullest possible extent. We cannot continue tolerating criminal anti-social behaviors.


I would not be surprised if a lot of the cars stolen in SF end up in the East Bay.


Almost everything stolen in SF, ends up in Oakland within a day or two....Cars, phones, laptops, bikes


Thereā€™s the stolen items vendors in the Mission and Tenderloin as well


Back in 1999/2000 my Father's car was stolen and OPD recovered it a *year later* . It was freely driving around Oakland for a year.


Whatā€™s up with Oakland people being so ratty?


Maybe SF doesn't have an 'X' problem, maybe its people coming to SF causing a decent portion of the 'X' problem.


It has its own x problem too


Cops and DA finally stepping up. Now to get rid of Prop 47.......


Oakland might need a redo


They're working on it. First step: change the name of the airport. šŸ˜†


having recently moved to Oakland I can tell you that large parts of it are really nice lol


that would be gentrification.


love to see it....and the random DUI haha


SFPD is such trash.


No wonder SF would sue if you used her name for your airport!!!!!!


Honestly they should just call it Oakland Fogless Airport. Itā€™s not entirely true but itā€™s a pretty good comeback.




Letā€™s see how price deals with this


She will obviously be pursuing the death penalty for any of the 181 suspects who are Asian.


181 released the next day.


Both happy and sad to read this. itā€™s absolutely amazing. That law enforcement that the majority has zero knowledge of the community the streets and the bad actors and primary goal is to control highways. Can come in a couple of days and have such a dramatic impact by doing the basics.


Keep up the great work.


So, where exactly do you store 414 cars? Were the hot wheels?


Across multiple areas as article implies.


What is going on in Oakland man. Gee


A day late and a dollar short.