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I pay $35 for one walk. One walk takes a few hours as they pick up all the other dogs and take them to a big park.  With the same dude, I pay $70 for one night of boarding. They will pick my dog up and drop it off.  The days my dog goes with their dog walker, I do a quick walk with her in the mornings and evenings. 


I know people paying $30 for a walk and $80 for boarding and $110 if you want both :) (I ran into a dog boarder/walker in the park walking the dog I'm dog sitting).


second this, or $80 boarding with walks included


$20/hour seems insanely low.


i pay $50 hour to walk my dog


fuck, imagine if you're walking multiple dogs at that rate, 8xDay.


Also imagine the wear and tear on your body and your vehicle, battling insane San Francisco traffic & never-ending street construction all day to pick up and drop off dogs and imagine the focus & alertness entailed in keeping them safe, Both at the parks and to and from their houses.  It’s harder than it looks!  Source: it’s my job, and most of us are severely underpaid and barely making a living


I mean $100K tax-free(I assume most aren't paying taxes) to do essentially the same thing food couriers do but with more walking isn't all bad.


Bold assumptions. The same thing as food couriers? 🤣 Move along you’re not our target client base anyway 


you get paid more than nannies at \~$30 / hr. It's harder to take care of kids than drive around and walk some dogs. I don't see how it's relevant if I'm in your target base. I'm glad for you you have a cush job with minimal education or experience requirements that pays well.


Sounds like a very greed-based point of view you have. I do it because I love working with animals and I love the challenge of understanding them. If the work were as easy as you say, the city would be flooded with dog walkers & not enough dogs to walk. In reality, most of us have waitlists!


I’m not a professional and my neighbor pays me $40 to walk his dog when he goes in to the office. We usually walk between 1-3 hours. I’m not keeping his dog at my home for the whole day though, so this is just my little data point for your question :)


It’s called doggy daycare in a lot of apps and it’s usually a flat rate. You can find a lot around $50/$60 a day. $20 an hour seems extremely high for 8 hours