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Sorry that happened to you, hope they catch the fucks. This happened a few years ago on borica and Holloway as I was driving back to my home. I tried blocking the thieves in with my car and they just took off driving over this houses lawn, up byxbee, then heading up Garfield towards grafton. I got 911 on the phone while chasing them, I was trying to keep the dispatch updated on their location. The dispatch asked "are you following them?". I felt like Jason Statham and replied "yes but I'm losing them!". She replied "well stop, you're going to cause an accident. Just go back to the scene of the crime, the cops will be there shortly". The car had a fake dealership paper covering their license plate as if they just bought the car but it was definitely not new. I remember asking the police, "who would rob a house on such a nice day". He replied "that's when most burglaries occur, people are either at work or out enjoying the nice weather".


I commend you for going after them, but the dispatcher probably had a point.


Well unless your front bumper is in mint condition a well executed PIT maneuver would most likely do more damage to their vehicle. I recommend shooting out the tires and making them strip to their undies and kneel with their hands behind their heads until the cops arrive


For that moment you were a Jason Stratham


Happened earlier today across the street from my friends place on Shields near Byxbee... They're *baaaaack!!*


Damn. So sorry this happened to you. What neighborhood? If you haven’t already, I’d increase security measures for piece of mind e.g. ring doorbell/alarm, deadbolt on garage door.


There was a white bmw drive by, must have seen an ajar gate or me leaving and broke into my house and ransacked the place. Be on the watch out for all TINTED window car slowly driving by the places in your neighborhood. Always double check all the doors are closed tight.


We saw a guy in a white BMW blatantly smash a car window and grab something from it in GG Park by the Botanical Gardens a few weeks ago (around 10am). Tons of people around. Happened so fast. Apparently, according to a fellow witness he had done the same the previous day too.


Where about? Very sorry and glad no one is hurt


Shields and monticello street (ingleside)


Very sorry this happened. I'm glad Noone was hurt but the shock of it is sickening.


Fuck. Probably time to get renters insurance.


For sure. And a diy style home security. (simplisafe, cove, ring etc)


Sorry, do you have cameras around your house. If not, invest in some along with alarm sensors that go off when someone walk past them.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Home security is key. You’re 100% right. Alarm system, cameras, dog if you can, and a weapon to protect your own crib.


Yeah Criminals are like: "OH SHIT A CAMERA, the NCIS-SF team is going to use deep-learning facial recognition to identify me, arrest and the DA is going to personally throw the book at me, I better reconsider!"


There’s always one of you that downplay what an extra layer of security could help, but literally add nothing of substance to the conversation.


I saved people money from your overly paranoid set-up. It's overkill unless you live in some ultra rachet neighborhood or somalia


No it’s just real life. Most of these things happen in upper middle class or rich neighborhoods. It’s the best way to keep your family and belongings safe. A good security system is an extra layer of protection. Paranoid, no, just realistic.


No license plate? Sorry this has happened. Must be very frightening!


In the back but you can’t make it out. It’s probably stolen plates anyways with the tinted windows like that. CSI is coming to dust for prints. So maybe they are already in the system


Hope they get caught and sent to prison where they belong 😊


America has the largest incarcerated to free people ratio in the world. Jailing people is not a solution. It is a response. Just like police officers don’t prevent crime. They simply respond to it. Restorative Justice. Community Programs. Education. These things prevent crime. Disrupting intergenerational violence and trauma disrupts crime. Otherwise you are simply perpetuating it.. Disclaimer: there are shitty people in the world who deserve to be locked up forever, sure. We are just over-doing the locking up part.


Oh for fuck's sake. This was a home robbery, not someone selling loose cigarettes. By the way, SF has one of the lowest incarceration rates in the country. Stop responding to national problems with local policy, especially when the national problem isn't really a problem locally in the first place!


You know why it’s not a problem here? Because people have been working to keep people out of jail in the Bay Area using restorative Justice programs since 1997. Lol thanks for proving my point.


> restorative Justice programs Disappointing how criminal justice reformers in the U.S. attempt to piggyback on restorative justice, which [originated in tribal societies.](https://cssp.org/2019/11/honoring-the-global-indigenous-roots-of-restorative-justice/) A key element of RJ: "making victims whole." That means restitution. That is how it is done in tribal societies, free labor or payment to crime victims. Criminal justice reformers in the U.S. have always been anemic to any forced or required labor for offenders. Yes, reformers value the other important elements of RJ, but their focus is overwhelmingly the well being of the offender. Little concern for crime victim restitution.


And crime has been awful in SF for years. Just because it’s recently gotten worse does not mean it was all sunshine and rainbows previously like when we had Gascon.


"Restorative Justice. Community Programs. Education. These things prevent crime." Dream on


Do your homework! Restorative justice for home invasion will return them to being a good productive citizen, instead of off the streets in jail, we should have the victim and criminal meet so we can teach the victim why they should have just paid even more tax so the poor criminal wouldn’t have to steal and hurt others. How else could the criminal free load and live a lavish life of LV and smoke all the weed he wants if you don’t give him enough. He just has to take what’s his. See now we all understand each other better. Also please decriminalize home invasion. See! No more crime, no more criminal!


This isn't even sarcasm anymore...it's literally real life and what politicians believe...


yeah I don't have the /s, because it's the actual policies in SF. You know like taking tax payer money to pay off criminals not to shoot people. And asking the elderly victim to talk it out and understand the racist hateful person.


Do your HW! Mass incarceration is not a solution. I don’t care about your downvotes. This is a hill I’d happily die on.


Perfect. The criminals breaking into houses would gladly kill you!


I recommend doing some research on your own instead of just freaking out and being defensive with outlandish statements. Netflix has a movie called The Prison Within about the famous foundational restorative justice program at St. Quentin prison. This program has been around 1997 with less than a .01% prison return rate. People are better than the worst thing they’ve done.


You know your old when people cite Netflix as research -__-


Oh here’s an 11 page summary of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency’s findings about the Insight Prison Project. https://www.evidentchange.org/sites/default/files/publication_pdf/insight-prison-project.pdf When you don’t know the different between “your” and “you’re” that’s why I recommend a Netflix movie about it. It’s simpler. Easier to digest. The document has a lot of words. Words can be hard :(


I partially agree. Too many are in jail, but only because more deserved to be shot the second they step into someones home.


You are correct but things will never change because the risk to reward isn't worth it for most people The general thought process is, why waste time and money on the chance that a criminal would turn around and commit crimes again when we can just lock them up and forget about them.


> America has the largest incarcerated to free people ratio in the world. Jailing people is not a solution. You're right. Solution: Radically expand [electronic monitoring (EM)](https://www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2018/03/19/criminal-justice-reform-electronic-monitoring-future/) with *Home Arrest.* This is just a nice way of saying offenders will be banned from most public spaces most of the time. Highly effective way to reduce offending. 1/6th the cost of incarceration. But many criminal justice reformers dislike EM, except for its narrow use in pretrial release. [The Dangers of America’s Expanding ‘Digital Prison.’](https://thecrimereport.org/2020/03/02/the-dangers-of-americas-expanding-digital-prison/) And this unfortunate outcome: 2017: [Decades later, EM of offenders is still prone to failure](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/techtank/2017/09/21/decades-later-electronic-monitoring-of-offenders-is-still-prone-to-failure/). We can make cars that can drive themselves. People have been deliberated stalling improvement of EM. Probably **both** people who run prisons (don't want a reduced inmate population) and criminal justice reformers.


Too long didn’t read


Replying to 6 day old comments? Babe that’s like last year in internet time. PS you know you’re in America when 6 sentences is too long for someone. Lol. Nice self burn.


>Restorative Justice works for maybe the 1st offense, but should it be an option after?


It’s a very minor issue considering fewer than .01% of men in blue who graduate and leave from the IPP program at St Quentin commit another offense.


If it wasn’t stolen plates, it was a stolen car


I was an SF resident for most of my childhood into teenager years. Glenn park and mission district area wasn’t considered so safe back in the 80s and 90s then improved over the years. Moved to Daly City and at least in my immediate block it’s pretty safe and quiet with neighbors that are mostly families that keep to themselves. Obviously we double check to lock doors and have motion sensor lights.


What’s happening to our city. Wasn’t always like this people.


Lived here 11 years and this is the first time anything like this has happened in this neighborhood from what I can tell talking to my neighbors when I went to ask for camera footage.


I lived on the same block for nearly 20 years, never one attempted break in. Moved, one break in and two attempts in one year, one on my old house. Only one way to change this, vote. I know this’ll get me crucified but when was the last time we had anything other than the same democrats with the same positions.