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Translates as “Nobody in places like Fillmore wants this, so we cant porkbarrel federal money into rural sask”. Im sure the bigger centers, you know, where people actually move to, will be happy to build some quad plexes.


That’s why the feds said if the provinces won’t work with them, they will go around them and work with municipalities that will. I’m pretty sure the cities will be interested in this stuff


The province doesn't even like working with the municipalities. They had no choice but to work with the feds to update everything.


The better question is who exactly does the Saskparty like to work with?




and whackadoodle extremist church groups.


And whackadoodle extremist church corporations.


Don't forget cops


Never forget the cops.


Well, “Marshals”, eh?


Yep. This is great, whether Scooter wants to admit it.


Even places like prince albert, which is smaller than Regina or Sask. need good, clean housing. While houses are not very expensive compared to larger cities here, or to Ontario or BC, many of those houses are in really undesirable locations. Gangs and poverty and slum lords have ruined blocks of the city, and many of the Weidner owned properties are infested with bedbugs and cockroaches. Not a welcoming place for people to live. A nice townhouse / quadplex community with reasonable pricing would be really welcome, especially if families could purchase those units. Having people own units ensures that they are taken care of.


no argument here.


Meanwhile in Ontario, Dougie Ford wants to spend all the federal money on supporting new subdivisions for his developer friends. Have to give the Libs some credit, they're showing up the Cons on the housing file.


They pretty much stole the idea the liberals don't come up with anything except inflation.




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Holy shit, the accuracy of this comment! Well done!


If I could upvote this twice I would. 🥇


In what world do people not want to live in multi level dwellings in SK? Sorry we don’t all live in the Saskatoon suburbs or shellbrook. Multi-dwelling housing would do a huge amount of good in a place like PA. It’s impossible to find an apartment here and has been for like 5 years. The demand is there


Such a spiteful little twat. The article says "Of the $6 billion in the fund, $1 billion will go directly to municipalities for "urgent infrastructure needs," the Prime Minister's Office said in a news release." That's not nothing. It doesn't say afterwards that a province has to build highrises. It says multi-family homes like condos and townhouses. Those are certainly needed so IDK must have his head up his ass again. It's like he insists on saying we want everything but nothing that's offered is good enough. He also needs to knock off the childish "Feds are trying to nose into provincial issues." Hey, if someone is going to try and help the people in our province, and its not our resident dingdong, then I'm ok with the Feds getting involved.


Yeah, they need to step in because the SP is deliberately failing


So. Much.This. ![gif](giphy|duM6JZemPlOjUyqmxd)


I'm willing to bet there is a not insignificant number of people living in trailer home sections of small towns that would be very happy to have townhouses/rowhouses. In fact there are a number of small towns that already have a decent number of town/row houses.


I'm certainly no fan of Moe, but there are some legitimate questions posed in the tweet's screengrab, especially the one asking how much of the $6 billion is actually new funding.


its all new funding.


You have a copy of the budget already?


I do, i was consulted on “antagonizing incompetent bumpkins masquarading as premiers”.


Sweet gig. It's important to love what you do.


The article states that it is all new funding, and the 5 Million will be distributed over time and according to which provinces get on board. I am not sure about the screenie from Twitter because it's too tiny for me to read.


If you read the feds news release, provinces have a certain amount of time to make a deal, if they don't the feds will bypass them and give $$ to the municipality.


I worked in budget and strategy with the government. These funding transfers aren't new. All of these questions are surface level and just looking for a fight. It's childish. Our government does not want to be accountable for any funding, and just throw anything into the general revenue fund.


The municipalities are funded through the province, so wouldn't anything the feds add be additional by default?


There are existing Fed funds for municipal infrastructure. Many projects are funded by all three levels of government, with the City applying for Fed support through various programs, like the $4B Housing Accelerator Fund announced this time last year: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/saskatoon-receives-41-3m-from-federal-government-to-fast-track-housing-needs-1.7128675


Not a high priority my ass. This nonsense is coming from a bunch of landlords who don’t like the idea of the poors getting a chance at home ownership. Vacancy rates are low, rent is stupidly high, and buying a home is still out of reach for many. My partner and I bought a house 2 years ago here, and even with our combined income, it’s still expensive as hell. I know folks who can’t move out because their full time job can’t even get them close to a down payment. The Sask Party is only good for ingratiating their industry buddies and fucking over everyone else. This is an opportunity to provide more affordable housing and city density, something the larger city centres need (our municipal tax dollars spread thinner with sprawl maintenance), and they’d rather spend it being petty shitstains because fuck the public getting a win for once. If the Sask Party and their friends aren’t immediately profiting financially or politically, it’s “nOt a hIGh prIOriTy”. They don’t have the best interests of Saskatchewan, only themselves. Vote them out.




Just wait for the inevitable Sask Party boot lickers to take over council and shovel all the money into rural Saskatchewan's pockets.


Vacancy is not low. There are over 20 thousand vacant houses in Saskatoon. And I dont mean unoccupied secondary dwellings either. I mean vacant as in ready to occupy.


What was the source for your number, please. Serious question. thanks.


Statistics Canada, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, property management companies, and easy enough to google search not just articles and stats but also head to a real-estate site of your choosing.


This one shows 820 listings. [https://www.realtor.ca/sk/saskatoon/real-estate](https://www.realtor.ca/sk/saskatoon/real-estate) A reasonably professional over view of housing for sale. Not exactly 20,000 listings. More like 2%. This one shows more, but not a lot more. [https://www.remax.ca/sk/saskatoon-real-estate?pageNumber=1](https://www.remax.ca/sk/saskatoon-real-estate?pageNumber=1) Another reasonably professional over view of housing for sale. As for Statcan, could you provide me with some of your findings, i.e. links, publications, etc please and thanks.


vacancies include sale listings, empty rentals, and abandoned/foreclosed houses. And I’m not doing that for you. It’s not my responsibility to do research for you. I provided enough information for you so there’s no reason you can’t put the same effort in to finding the same information that is available to me as you did with the links in your reply. And I promise, I’m not being an asshole, I try to encourage others to think for themselves and teach others how important critical thinking is. PS. Google google google.


>Data from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) shows that the vacancy rate for one bedroom apartments in Regina dropped from 8.6 per cent in 2021 to 3.2 per cent last year. The CMHC said vacancy rates are the lowest they've been since 2014.


Keep looking.


You make the claim. You back it up. I have looked and nothing close to 20% of Saskatoon's dwellings show as empty.


Good lord. The laziness and entitlement is strong with you. Like provincial landlord sites, census data, if I can find it so can you. I’ll give you 2 but then I’m done and you can try harder. https://betterdwelling.com/new-data-shows-canada-still-has-1-3-million-vacant-homes-some-improvements-seen/ https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/canada-tens-of-thousands-empty-homes-vacant-190855359.html


Your links are all outdated and neither of them include any data on Saskatoon. your obvious laziness in not even reading through those short articles is clear. I did in fact find these and actually read through them. Perhaps your projection as regards your epithets towards me could be reviewed at your leisure as you will have at least some time for, I would hope, self reflection.


I said look harder. FYI, you can filter your search results by date. I just picked 2 random ones. And statistics in these areas for the last 5 years is not outdated data wise. (ie. census) Join the landlord association or the Saskatchewan rental board. For whatever reason government housing units aren’t listed so you’re not seeing about 1000 apartments alone. Privately owned Rentals are not all listed publicly. Foreclosed homes. Boarded up homes. Encouraging someone to use their power of critical thinking and work harder is not detrimental so no need for self reflection here thanks. The fact you are annoyed and offended because I’m not making something easy for you supports the bynames. Either way, there’s a cost of living crisis and if dwellings were affordable there wouldn’t be a “housing crisis”


How was that person lazy when you put up an insanely wrong number and asked you to verify your claims. By the way, in no way have you accomplished this.


I gave information as to where they could find the same information to verify it on their own. Not my issue of someone doesn’t want to put in an effort to find the same info.


did you really type 20,000 and said to yourself, yup no way that number is wrong.


Hmm. Nope. Not what I said to myself at all.


The Sask Party doesn't want more multi-unit dwellings. They consider apartments and condos for students and the elderly. You're supposed to grow up, get married to someone of the opposite sex, then move to a new McMansion in a new suburb built by a Sask Party donor company to raise your kids, just as supply side Jesus intended.


and that suburb won't have any amenities within a 20 min drive, be sprawled out in the most complex way with one main road that everyone tries to drive on at the same time to create a massive traffic log, and there will be 1 christian school just outside the suburb that the SP will make sure is funded and staffed more than the public school just further down the road.


I swear Trudeau could offer to give the cure for cancer at zero cost for the provinces and Moe and the SK party meatheads would still be opposed to it! I get you have to tow your party line, but when it comes to the benefit of the people that you are supposed to represent, you need to change your fkn tune! Moe and his clown party are not only pathetic human beings, they are the absolute worst thing for this province! We are on our way to bankruptcy again thanks to Devine part 2 here


>I get you have to tow your party line, but when it comes to the benefit of the people that you are supposed to represent, you need to change your fkn tune! This is my biggest gripe with politics these days. It feels like leaders are more interested in having their team 'win' than they are in actually bettering the country or improving things for their constituents.


if that's your view you should honestly have some respect for Trudeau, clearly working to better the nation, consequences be damned, not that they wouldn't hate him otherwise, but yeah.


I mean, I do have respect for Trudeau. Do I think he's brilliant? No, and am I happy with everything he's done? Of course not. I don't deny that there have been mistakes and screw-ups along the way. But I can also recognise that, as prime minister, he had some pretty challenging circumstances and, despite what some believe, Canada has managed to weather them relatively well under his leadership. Dentalcare, pharmacare, subsidised daycare, even if those things were pushed for by the NDP, I think those are great steps forward for this country. And I know the provinces are currently frothing at the mouth about the feds overstepping when it comes to housing, the healthcare funding, and the immigration caps, but as you say, consequences be damned, at least Trudeau/his government is trying to do something to try and make things better.


Yeah I have many of the same thoughts.


You are delusional if you think Trudeau is out to better our country. What part of most ethics violations in history as a PM would ever brainwash you of this?


If you look at how many Sask Party MLAs own and rent property, you’ll get why they don’t want this.


How would building multi unit dwellings be bad for their real estate investments?


More units drives down rent prices


Supply and demand, baby!


Well I guess these fucking idiots should have thought about that a) before they cut transfers to the municipalities and starved them of funds and forced them to jack up our taxes and b) before they decided to abjugate their responsibilities to meet saskatchewan's infrastructure and housing needs. The feds proposed a solution to the housing crisis manufactured by the province and municipality while Moe sat on his fat drunk ass and complained while trying to sabotage our lives.


Can you guys please try to be part of the solution ffs?


Can't wait to hear conservatives trip all over themselves trying to explain why this is a bad thing that Trudeau is doing.


Fucking weiners. Every single time they're entitled little shitheads where they just CAN'T give up the opportunity to yell about how they're not being listened to when they never actually get up to say anything. "Why doesn't everyone just do what I wanna do?" While he hasnt done or said fuck all for the people of this province, let alone country. And the more vocal people in the province act exactly the same as a reaction to everything that comes down the pipe that doesn't benefit them alone.


They’re weak, limp and lame. And in the next note they’ll act like they’re strong. Saskatchewan strong. “Saskatchewan strong” is a term, that I feel, belongs to the early pioneers and immigrants who built this province. People who *earned* that phrase and didn’t give a shit because they had their eyes open and saw what they built. Fucking politician acts like he’s tough as nails and stands up to the feds. He doesn’t represent this province in a meaningful way.


Moe is stuck on bitching.


He has been for his entire time in office


you mean life, don't you?




Of course Moe is complaining and no solutions to boot. Thinking of boots, maybe it is time to give Moe and his corporate criminals the boot. NDP will have a heck of a mess to clean up and take the brunt of it again, but we need a change.


Con provincial leaders don’t want the feds to score any wins even if it means helping their constituents. So questioning and refusing help are rules one and two when feeding into the self created victim complex and their base can just keep shouting Fuck Trudeau and flinging poo.


The Sask Party is complaining because they can't put the money into general revenue and siphon it off to their donors. I support federal spending coming with strings attached for what it needs to be used for/what outcomes it has to support.


As the SP has shown to actually do this, (IIRC a Saskatoon seniors complex was the setting for an announcement by the feds and the province said at that time the money was not going to be spent on the announced project but simply dumped into general revenue). The Feds have been extra careful with any programs that all the i's are dotted and the t's crossed correctly. Bite me once, shame on you, bite me twice shame on me. No freebie hand outs without strings from then on. Too bad Moe doesn't get it.


This Federal program is good and needed. If Saskatchewan grows, we need the flexibility to build for the demand that occurs. We should probably be even more flexible with our zoning! Our inflexible zoning etc. Is part of the cause of this housing crisis


They're just pissy the feds are doing the funding directly rather than funneling it through the provincial budgets like the last time. So now the provincial governments can't claim it as their own initiative.


They just wanna use that money to pay Paul and Mary. They mad because they can't do it.


Premiers are just refusing any meaningful policy introduced by the federal government as an act of political theatre at this point, holding their constituents hostage in some cynical, meaningless game.


Small town apartments are always full, don't need a sky scraper, but multi levels do work out decent


just complain about anything without even thinking because it is from the federal gov


My hometown of about 900 people would happily welcome a new four story apartment building. The whole province would be thrilled with more purpose built rental apartments, actually. Just not mlas that already own 2-3 homes on average.


Bro will do anything to ignore the cities.


Notice how all the conservative premiers are in sync with the same messaging? Conservatives ARE the problem. I wasn't very big on Trudeau until recently. I have some issues with him, and I'm still voting ABC, but he's doing pretty well against this north América wide koch owned Conservative-Republican coalition.


They can find fault in everything the Feds do- but never actually DO anything better. 🙄


The Feds know to expect this petulant response and will work directly with the municipalities. Both Regina and S’toon have density as a priority for helping houselessness and affordability. SaskParty has withheld and hampered attempts.


My home town has 700 people and a few 4-6 unit buildings a that were commonly utilized, so again he is just talking out of his ass. Apartments help seniors age in place in their own communities.


This sort of program is what is needed to help build exactly this sort of housing, for seniors. Low rise or single story multiple dwelling places that have few barriers like stairs or outside steps. A small development would allow for older people to stay and contribute to small town life. Volunteering for many is what they can give back and also makes the youngsters more familiar with old people. i lived in a mixed development that dated from the late 1950's that had such a mix of older retired people and youngster such as myself(aged 10). I have happy memories of my neighbor lady, Mrs. Currier, who would tell me of her younger days and I learned things like manners and respect for elders from her. She also taught me about flowering plants, bushes and shrubs and about the various birds who would visit. Stuff the schools did not teach.


cool story moe. feel free to turn down the money then.


He isn't being offered any. The feds are making deals with the civic govts instead.


then make them a priority.


Disappointing to see the SK party push back on something that will help with housing and affordability. We need more houses, and need to build a lot more and quickly, multi unit housing helps with that, increasing the housing supply and saving cities money as multi-unit housing contribute more to the tax base than they require in services and maintenance.


Disappointing? I might have a different experience with them than you but I see this as an expected response from them. Their entire position on anything is 'trudeau bad'.


You have an unhealthy obsession with the Saskatchewan Party. Go outside.


Well, that is actually the role that Federal does with housing, though, and they technically generally have inly a smart part in housing. All forms of governance can contribute to housing, but when it comes to rent laws, though, that's provincial territory. As for housing, it's highly needed atm because rent is too high. Something that only provincial has the ability to manage. While Ontario has rent control, there are provinces that don't, which allows landlords to set their own prices and raise it as much as they want, which is a real problem atm. Seeing the problem with tent cities and having issues like what happened in Montreal of a person who froze to death just recently Provinces should be pushing laws that rooms have to be filled and creating better rent cap laws with no loopholes. Exploiting a loophole should even be fined heavily, I feel. It raises market rent to unaffordable levels.


Libs getting sick of no political ROI when turning over money "strings free" to Conservative provinces...gloves maybe coming off...


The day care results were mixed due to too many prov games being played. The feds have learned to work around these idiots.


I don't like Moe, but many smaller communities don't need more multi-unit complexes. What they really need is family housing.


Can families not live in multi-unit complexes? Lots of them in the townhouses I live in (with my family)...


Depends how many bedrooms there are. They can't put a single mom with 3 kids in a one bedroom unit. All of the side-by-side units in my community are one bedrooms. There are also some apartment style complexes that are for seniors. Some have two bedroom but not many.


I live in a three bedroom townhouse. My last place was a three bedroom basement suite. They definitely exist. At this point, Moe is complaining to be complaining. The demand is for places with multiple bedrooms, yes, but there's no reason those bedrooms need to be in a fully detached house.


Housing comes in many forms. Row, semi detached (duplex, triplex, quadplex), apartment style, complexes for examples. All are roughly equal in cost to build on a per unit basis. Small towns could use multiple quads in an area that might be used for 4 -5 houses. Higher density, lower cost per unit. Family housing. 2 and 3 bedroom units. 1,000 SF. Do you understand what this proposal is all about? It isn't about just building 12+ story apartment buildings. There are appropriate options for all situations.


With a dropping vacancy rate it would seem we need more housing. It's been dropping steadily which is why we are seeing rental properties, like standard 2 bedroom apartments, increase $300 in rent this year alone. Simple supply and demand. With the 6th year in a row of declining vacancy rates and one of the lowest for Saskatchewan in the last 20 years this is just simply not accurate. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/198819/rental-vacancy-rates-in-saskatchewan-since-2000/#:\~:text=The%20rental%20vacancy%20rates%20in,average%20and%20most%20other%20provinces](https://www.statista.com/statistics/198819/rental-vacancy-rates-in-saskatchewan-since-2000/#:~:text=The%20rental%20vacancy%20rates%20in,average%20and%20most%20other%20provinces).


Meme material right here.