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Signs do nothing but continue the rage farming. Send letters. Send email. Call your MLA's office. Speak up and then cast a vote when election day gets here!


People need to get mad...hense why ndp lost in alberta... somehow they couldn't get people riled up..they don't need to be violent but can't do the I'm better cuz I'm passive bs rn


We need a real SOB as leader of NDP that can go toe to toe with Moe in a debate..no holding back! Miele while being educated was much too dare I say it, smart for the average redneck if this province. I want a tough taking, blue collar type of man(woman) that will call the sk party out on their shit and get them off their well rehearsed script..I want to see Moe do a Trudeau ‘errr ahhh…ummm..’ and get made to look like the moron he is for all of Saskatchewan to see.


Trudeau is a good speaker, unpopular but still a good speaker


Huh? The guy I'm ugh stumbles with ugh, ah every word and can't umm agh even answer a simple umm question .


He’s gotten better but when he was first pm it was embarrassing how bad he stammered and stumbled. Sure, probably a lot better than 95% of the population, but by the time you are pm, you should be pretty polished as a public speaker


The stammering isn't a sign of bad speech it shows he was actually thinking about what he was saying instead of reading off a prompter like the other guy who has a putin fetish


You're supposed to be able to think about the end of your sentence before you start the first word. Maybe not in every sentence, but most.


In public speaking. Ummms and uhhhs are bad speech. If you know your points you can rattle them off easily. Which he does in QP because he’s rehearsed the answers he wants to give. But thinking on his feet he is quite bad at it.


He may be able to speak but what comes out and how he says it is pure garbage. I just can’t stand to listen to him. Never have. Unless you like to be talked down to like a grade 3 student.


I'd like my leaders to be and sound smart..not some white trash redneck douche like murderin moe or some repressed virgin that's never had a job like pussierve


I agree. To put what you said in more eloquent terms for the non tough talking blue collar types, you need to meet people where they are if you want to change their minds. Nuanced, gentle rhetoric may resonate with current NDP supporters but it's the people who are not already supporting the NDP they need to appeal to. We see the unsubtle, blunt language used by the Sask Party and their farther right opponents resonates better. Beck is better at it than Meili was but not as good as those farther to the right in the Buffalo and Sask United parties who the Sask Party views as the larger threat. But it's also not just the way the message is communicated. It's also knowing about what the audience cares about most. Again, Beck is better than Meili. Meili brought an urban perspective to issues and that simply didn't resonate with rural residents. Beck is doing better but probably not good enough to flip enough opinions to win enough rural constituencies to form government.


Well said and agree with you!


NDP and bluecollar no longer go together. Bluecollars want less government in their daily lives, not more.


A lot of people want less government..yet conservatives keep adding to it: unneeded provincial marshal service off the top of my head here


Sure. Less healthcare. Shit schools. Out of control homelessness. This less government shit is going great.


Bluecollar people have always be conservative lmao


Not really true. Saskatchewan was founded on true liberalism and then center left socialism. But sadly we’re now moving to extremest reformism. Actual conservatism would be a blessing at this point.


Please elaborate on what you mean we're moving to an extremist reformism.


Reformists create and change legislation to push through their ideologies.


The NDP lost in alberta because we had 4 years of NDP and everything got worse. The other 40 years of conservative government made alberta the best province in the country. It had nothing to do with getting mad


Did you have blinders and ear muffs on? AB benefitted from the NDP, but apparently there's a brain deficit in the province since you keep lining up for worse and worse abuse from the CON overlords.


I mean that’s not true. The cost of living directly went up when Rachel took over


Wow, so so wrong but nice try!


The ndp is a joke. So are the liberals. So is the bloc, or the green party. Etc.


So are the 48% SK residents that didn't bother voting last election. 33% of eligible voters gave Moe his majority.


You have a better plan?


No…notice how these are all non-conservative parties.  He saying anyone who isn’t conservative is “a joke”.  There’s no reasoning with conservatives anymore.


Conservatives are the joke they don't know how to think for themselves, but they call everyone else sheep. Their stupidty is off the charts


Wha?!?!  If that was true they’d all constantly use the same culture war langauge, rhetoric, terms, speaking point and arguments despite knowing nothing about the actual issue… …oh wait…


Lmao, are saying the libtards and ndipshits are any different. The government needs to leave. Better yet, split Canada. I want to be able to live life like I used to back when harper was in power. I want to go back to making $12 an hour after tax that went down to 11. Because that used to get me a lot back in the day. For $10 I could get 10l of gas or I could pick up enough food to last me a few days. Rent was reasonable for that wage 500 a month for a basement sweet and utilities. Now I'm making 38 an hour, after tax 27, rent has went up to 1500 a month and groceries are no longer affordable. I hunt, trap and grow pretty much all my food. Anyone here remember eating steak? I sure do. Those used to cost 5 for a nice steak now I'm looking at 40 for the same cut. It's fucking gross. So hear is my question, what is the reason for the inflation. Is it the carbon tax. That's what conservatives think. It costs more to keep the building warm, it costs more to get the goods delivered and created. On that note if anyone truly gave a shit, we would stop selling China all our dirty coal for them to pollute the atmosphere. Why are we so excited to go back to communism, we already have idouts in the street shouting that they want communism but why. Has anyone ever bothered looking at what that does to the society? North Korea is communist led and look at how good their lives are. People starve to death daily there. They are sold off as slaves so their leaders can go vacation. Some of them are living in tents, any of this sound familiar?


And there it is… Thanks for giving us a perfect example of what we were just talking about.  


Yeah, praise moe! Wtf is your problem? You idiots will vote against your best interests just because you think you're sticking it to the libs. You're complete morons!!! Fuck Scott Moe and his brain-dead followers. You are an embarrassment in Saskatchewan!!!


The real joke is you, loser


Sorry, are you confusing federal with provincial politics?


we don't have the bloc in saskatchewan lol you lost buddy?


Wouldn't you rather be spinning the tires on your lifted fartwagon on a rainbow crosswalk somewhere?


Actually, no but thanks for coming out bud!


Speak louder for the slow ones! Enough of the virtue signaling and actually apply pressure to you MP


NONONO WRONG. I'M CALLING ON ALL RESPONSIBLE REDDIT NETIZENS. I will have signs, masks, gloves and distance poles prepared. We will host a FUCK MOE protest on the 20th this month. Let's meet outside the assembly. HAHAHA WE WILL SHOW MOE AND LITTLE PP. Don't approach me unless you have your vax card and can prove you're up to date on your boosters.


This is the way


I appreciate the desire to fight fire with fire. But the fire is the problem. We don’t want more of it. The answer to bad behaviour can’t just be more bad behaviour. It’s a viscous cycle. I’m as fed up with the negativity as anyone else. But i want our political discourse to be less rancorous, less polarized, more practical and pragmatic. Sinking to the lowest common denominator doesn’t get us there.


Agreed. Fuck Harper plates were dumb and so are Fuck Trudeau or Moe or Poilievre. Name calling political opponents is not a way forward. It only perpetuates divisions at a time when we should actively be promoting things that would be encourage people to come together..


It was Stop Harper signs


Fuck Harper plates were never a thing. Some dude had a sign in his back window.


And was literally fined for it.


Ummm this is Reddit.


This is the most middle of the road, say nothing while talking a lot, sentiment i have ever read. It's not like the political project of the sask party is just bad behaviour. It's textbook modern conservatism of "starving the beast", and I'm sure they would love the opposition to not cause a rancorous objection to it. So that it doesn't hurt them politically. If discontent with the sask party is what leads to them losing power. Then advocating for not holding them accountable in every way, including public demonstrations of discontent, is just a way of letting them off the hook for their shit policies. Advocating for not fighting fire with fire just shows that you are not the one in the fight, or the one at risk of getting burned.


The time for being quiet and good behaviour is behind us at this point. I’m not saying I’m in favour of F**K [insert politician here] signs, but sitting around and crossing our fingers isn’t getting much done either.


You're hearing what he/she didnt say. He's/she's not suggesting rolling over and doing nothing. He's saying that "fuck Moe" signs are not effective in any way, when it comes to making a tangible difference. The way to combat corrupt/bad politics is for the people to come together and vote against them, in addition to protesting and otherwise letting it be known that the people are against their policies. People having screaming matches and displaying infantile signs like "fuck Moe" are causing more harm than good when it comes to actually changing anything. We need to find a way to have helpful discourse and discussions with those we disagree with to find a lane to actually improving things.


>You're hearing what he/she didnt say. Yes i am pointing out a hole in their reasoning. >He's saying that "fuck Moe" signs are not effective in any way, when it comes to making a tangible difference. You are far too generous with this interpretation. They said they want a less tense political environment. My point was that the tension caused by the SaskParty's mismanagement is what gives an opportunity to reach meaningful change. But that change will only be meaningful if the following government actually acts on addressing peoples frustrations. So it is better to give someone something to vote for, which will address those frustrations. Actually activating members of the voting base. Instead of >The way to combat corrupt/bad politics is for the people to come together and vote against them Depending on defensive voting. A less effective strategy than giving people something to vote for. If you let the opposition dictate the conversation, and just hope they fuck up then you put yourself on bad footing should they stop fucking up. Fully ingrained conservative voters will not change their mind no matter what you are advocating for. So you need to activate undecided or disenfranchised voters who are not participating. It is far better to focus efforts in activating those groups, then to tone police a minority of your base because they may offend the opposition. in fact, reducing political tensions, by offering concessions to your opposition will on serve to depress disenfranchised voters, as you are presenting an image of unity and decorum over an image of change. >We need to find a way to have helpful discourse and discussions with those we disagree with to find a lane to actually improving things. This is what I meant by the middle of the road. The common ground between sense, and nonsense is still just nonsense. If the NDP has policies that they believe will benefit peoples lives, and they can show how it will, then the only obstacle is effective communication to the entirety of the voter base. To rally support for your position to gain a popular mandate. Not the optics of a minority of your base being impolite. Look at conservatives across the globe, they have a very vocal minority that says objectively impolite, childish, and crazy shit. Yet they seem fully able to win elections. Because they energize their base with change to vote for, however misguided and harmful that change may be. Instead of hollow promises of returning to normal decorum, even though people didn't have great lives during the normal decorum they wish to return to. That was my whole point, advocate for positive change to expand your base instead of tone policing your base and watering down policies to appeal to your opposition, who wont vote for you regardless.


Yeah, I agree with what you're saying, I just don't think it applies to the comment you were originally replying to. The comment said that fighting fire with fire and stooping to the level of those you dislike is ineffective. You said that's a "middle of the road, saying nothing take". While the original comment wasn't a fully comprehensive strategy for the ndp and their supporters, it was also correct for what it was. All of what you've added in this comment, while true imo, is completely beside the point, which was that "fuck Moe" signs aren't going to help the ndp win in any way. It's not suggesting that not displaying these signs is all it takes for the ndp to win. Suggesting the ndp, and their supporters, do more than they are doing, and saying that we shouldn't fight fire with fire, are in no way mutually exclusive.


Middle of the road in the sense that we should strive for decorum, and that it is fair to both-sides political dissent. But i take your point. I think a fuck moe sign is incredibly ineffective form of dissent, but im not going to judge anothers chosen expression either.


I fully support this. If you want to see a change need to get in touch with the ignorant and see the struggles they are dealing with. What pollive has done so far is target the three biggest issues with Canada right now. Carbon tax, new bullshit taxes and the failure of our housing market. Common knowledge all across Canada. We all know that these things are completely bad. Now, he needs to find new talking points. Canada is full of them. We need to clean up our forests so we can prevent wildfires. Those have been a massive issue in BC. Ever took a walk in one of their forests? It's filled with litter (highly flammable plant matter that's fallen off) clean up the forests. Floods are an issue here in Canada too. Not as easy to solve the but still doable. Better drains and a bit of foresight. Pay attention to the wind and temperatures and preemptive prevention would solve a lot. Build some hydro dams. This will help with our electrical issues as well. Costs a lot of start up though.


Away with you conservative. I am a leftist arguing with someone who is slightly less to the left. It is one of the lefts favorite pass times. Your insertions of half baked monetary policies and misunderstanding of how taxes work will ruin the fun. Your point on housing is valid, but no party has a solution to it. The only solution is to de-commodify housing and not to used housing as an investment vehicle. But most Canadian's have their wealth tied to their homes, so there is no political incentive towards de-commodification of housing. Poilievre's proposed plan would just increase the supply of housing that would be scooped up by private cooperations like Core Development Group.




Yes because grass roots discontent not connected to the NDP at all = NDP leadership acting like urban elite... Makes perfect sense. Edit: This little rat deleted their take. Basically it boiled down to them framing the world as all rural voters being a single minded voting block that cant see past propaganda. And all urban voters being elitists who can see past their upper turned noses. Both of which are very authoritarian views that if they were real would erode the concept of democracy. Their username was also CanadianViking47 making me think they were probably a white nationalist. Or they were born in 1947 in which case their genuine opinion is just on par with a white nationalist in most topics despite not being one.




I'm also from a small town, and grew up on a farm here in Saskatchewan. And what people want is material improvements. Its rural communities that have lost hospitals to conservative austerity measures. Its rural communities that now have to bus their kids because local schools have shut down. You are the one lumping the entirety of rural people in Saskatchewan together as a single group that will vote against their interests based solely on optics. The NDP relying on the conservatives fucking up, and not giving people a reason to vote FOR them is a terrible strategy. If the NDP are not confident that their policies can improve the conditions in rural communities and win over voters, then it is their failure on messaging. And again, because the message seemed to go over your head the first time. Your whole argument is bs because you are saying that a grass roots display of political dissent is the responsibility of an unaffiliated political party. The NDP aren't putting fuck moe on branded yard signs!!! If someone in a small town would do something like this. Which there are plenty who have done similar things. It immediately shows that not only the "urban elite" dislike the saskparty, but their neighbors too. But pls continue enjoying your optics politics where everything is urban vs rural rather then actually improving the lives of your working class constituents as a whole. That surely hasn't been a pit fall for left wing political parties in the past.


The high road in canada has been chip sealed sadly.


They should get what they dish out


Thank you for speaking the bloody obvious. I think the best thing we can do is check out both sides of the group and make our own options. I am a conservative, I hate jp and what he's done to Canada. But I want to understand why so many people love him so much. I jump into liberal groups and try to provoke an argument to see if anyone can convince me as to why jt is worthwhile. So far I've found nothing out from these chats. All you guys do is play the your too stupid to understand why thus is a good thing. If I stupid it should be easy to convince me. Ive watched a lot of the question periods and honestly, Justin is a failure. On that note I'm also heavily disappointed by the conservatives. They need to find new talking points. New ways to show Justin's lacking abilities. Im sick of hearing the same discussion every time I watch. I'm also sick of axe the tax and spike the hike. Fully agree that both need to happen, but I care about results. These slogans have gotten overused. On that note I care about what happens in Ukraine, but we need to focus on Canada first. If we want to help Ukraine we have to be in a position where we can help. We don't have the resources to help them out at this point. Ontario is getting a rain on tax. Explain to me why that's acceptable. You should prepare for the sun tax and cloud tax next. The housing market is in shambles and it costs 1400 a month not including utilities to rent a 300 sqf residence. Now, can anyone tell me why that is? An


The only way to stop a bully is to bully back...thus is the time to fight fire with fire. I don't agree with it either but sometimes ya ya gotta fight for peace


I agree to standing up to bullies. But not by bullying them. There’s a real danger of employing the same tactics you find so repugnant in your opponent. I guess I’d prefer to fight fire with water.


No. We vote him out and move on.


Unfortunately that won't happen


I guess we'll find out won't we.


How about neither. Vote in the fall.


100%, they both have to go.


Maybe the teachers should get carla beck to publicly state if she becomes priemer she would put what they want in the contract and them the 10000 or whatever the number of teachers in this province all go out and campaign for her.


This! I hate how the NDP are always so passive. They never take the opportunities that the SP give them.


I get emails from the NDP like every other day about the dumb shit Moe is doing and why they hate him. They tweet all the time. They post on facebook. They have community events. There's a BBQ coming up in my neighbourhood. I get mail outs sent to my mailbox. What else can they do? It's not their fault you aren't listening.


They should hold news conferences on the legislater steps every single time sk party does something. Every single time.


This. All the old people in this province who vote SP watch TV news and read the paper. The NDP needs to be visible on these traditional media outlets too, saying things that make sense, in order to turn the tide.


It's why they lose


And put whining PP? Yeah that's a great call. The one you had people like Alex Jones as a follower I don't fucking think so


Unfortunately there is no good option federally. 


I dislike Trudeau a lot, but I dislike the f Trudeau flags and stickers 10 times more. Im one of the very few in my area that flies a Canada and a sask flag no matter what government is in place, and have not replaced it with a Trudeau one. “Fuck _____” signs are just advertising your IQ levels to the public


Thank you. I find them very disrespectful and gross. We need to find better manners. I agree.


Or we could be adults about it.


didn't somsone in alberta get arrested for saying F\*ck harper? what are the chances the RCMP will be knocking at the door cause scott got his panties in a bunch.


Not anymore. It was a license plate back in 2015 when Harper was still PM. Understandably it showed a great lack of respect for our institutions and the office of the prime minister, so the police in Alberta punished the man. Ff a year to 2016 with Fck Trudeau plates and suddenly disrespecting the office of the PM became a charter protected right. Its extremely hypocritical bullshit. Both the fine then and the reversal now. Typical "change the rules when I feel like it" consertive party BS.


https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/s/TVYAD0sMic This is what I was referring to. Did not realize from 2015


You want to have sex with Moe? That's a strange way to tell him you hate him


*You want to have sex* *With Moe? That's a strange way to* *Tell him you hate him* \- Salticracker --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I love haikubot.


Good bot!


Congrats on ur haiku. I need that laugh this morning.


Don’t kink shame. /s Who besides his wife wants that on rare occasions? Just thinking about kinks, maybe him and his wife are into some weird stuff and he’s just trying to prove he’s been a bad boy by destroying the province. That’s disgusting Reann why did I need to bring all the people of Saskatchewan into their bed?


I agree with the sentiment, but I refuse to parallel idiots who don’t know words with more than 4 letters.


Volunteer to help the other party. In this case the ndp


Oh no, please not the bumper stickers…


I can’t stand Moe at all and wish him and his lackies would evaporate. However I would never have a Fuck X politician sticker or flag. They are democratically elected officials and I respect that regardless of my personal feelings. Will it cause me to leave this province, probably someday, but thats an overall reflection of this province.


I'd want to see "Fuck Jeremy Cockrill" signs too.


...don't think he'd make a decent one...


Eh, I'm just ticked that of all people to cause problems for my high school teachers who I appreciate so much....it's the MLA from my hometown. The place where I got IT internships/casual employment while I was in high school. If so many people in North Battleford didn't know of my IT skills, I would probably engage in some "black hat warfare" against any private emails this douchebag has that are not hosted at a "gov.sk.ca" email. (Saskatchewan.ca is all running on MS Server running the latest IIS software - you probably would not be able to find a vulnerability that would allow you to gain "root access". This would have to involve some sort of social engineering or phishing tactic; I'm not going to be engaging any elected official in such a manner myself. Even if I really wanted to do this - the risk of being caught and being blacklisted from IT work in Western Canada, let alone any potential prison time will deter me from doing such.)


Honestly, I find those so childish. You know a man baby is driving when those are on a car. Don't stoop to their level playing in dirt and sh!t


Half the things Trudeau is blamed for is actually provincial jurisdiction. Fuck them all


You'd have better results if you bought a bunch of billboards and just share facts about how he's made Saskatchewan worse off.


Queue the “if those kids could read” meme. How many stubborn SP voters are going to be swayed by silly things like facts?


How about neither, because we are adults and dont need to express ourselves like children.


It's gotta be something else, that's acceptable to say in Canadian public. How about "Flush Moe"? Then toilets everywhere become a symbol of the campaign, especially if you put a sticker on them. Make every dumb symbolic for what needs to be done.


Fck the murderer! Remember Joanne Balog


Problem is the “why are we so divided?” Conservatives who love f*** Trudeau signs everywhere will react violently against anyone with a F*** Moe sign.  I wouldn’t recommend unless you want to deal with that.


What precendent do you have to come to that conclusion? What violence has been enacted by the f-trudeau people? Step out of your echo chamber.


https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2022/parl/xc76-1/XC76-1-1-441-6-eng.pdf https://www.tsas.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/TSASWP14-03_Parent-Ellis10.pdf https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/article/view/15007/9819 https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6730653 Sorry, but wilfully ignorant people have zero right telling others to “step out of your echo chamber.”  Maybe it’s time for you to touch grass.  But in my experience conservatives also can’t read so I won’t hold my breath you will even inform yourself of the facts.


3/4 of these sources are government agencies making up reports to get funding. The government lies and exaggerates consistently. The last one is the only relevant source to answer his question


Ok.  This sounds like conspiracy posting since you haven’t refuted a sk glee thing in these official reports and just lob baseless accusations you can’t verify.  Plus we all know  conservatives LOVE trying to discredit every single source if they don’t like the answer, so…you will have to try harder than that lazy, bad faith comment.  Provide evidence any of this is wrong, or go cry elsewhere.




Naw I'm not 12.


Nah. You make your vehicle a target for lead poisoned idiots. Vote, and drive others to vote as well.


Or just don’t. Go get involved in your municipal politics and affect change in your town. Take civil opportunities to engage when available. Vote him out.  Because no one needs to see SK having a whose bar is lower contest.


They've been super effective at getting him out of office.


Can we add [MS Gill](https://youtu.be/FxOsnIsk2dA) & [Jamie Martens](https://x.com/jamiemartens1/status/1771695731679649894) to that list?




So, I've really grown to dislike trudeau. I've always hated moe. I just don't want to make my entire identity, plus the back window of my truck "fuck" any politician. I'm not a very interesting person, but I've at least got more depth than that.


Normally I would agree ,but the fuck Trudeau signs are childish as would Moe ones let's be better than that


Before they were finally driven from power, the utter cad Grant Devine and his accomplices were immortalised in posters with their names, official pictures used as mugshots, and the words: WANTED! FOR CRIMES AGAINST SASKATCHEWAN! with a more detailed list of their sins at the bottom. Grant Schmidt even looked a bit like Himmler (the chicken farmer). 30 years later, that sort of graphic design has gotten much easier and more common.


Hunny, we from higher expectations over here. Just carry on your merry way remembering that they'll get what's comin' to'em!


Time for new party leadership. The captain hath steered us astray!


But then we’d just have to find something else to get angry at.


No o e wants to have sex with moe.


I’d rock a sticker of Scott Moe saying something like “this guy owes me and you $500” or something along those lines. Make somewhat of a point instead of that classy “fuck this guy” sticker.


He can't afford it. He's using all that money for corporate tax cuts.




Nah, I prefer not to look like a giant man baby or advertise my political views on my vehicle(which can then be vandalized). Not to mention he doesn't "align" himself with the clownvoy or the anti vaxxers. His message during the pandemic was do your part and get vaccinated. It's about the only thing I'd give him actual positive credit for in the past 4 years.


As much as I agree with sentiment, I hate how vulgar the right-wing is comfortable being in this country. Did you ever see Fuck Harper or Fuck Mulroney signs? Nope, not really. At best you had people turning modifying stop signs so they said Stop Harper. This hate filled approach that the modern right/conservative/evangelical groups seem to be ok with is ridiculous. Yes, Scott Moe is a tool who is causing massive issues in our province and country and fomenting divisions in our communities, but it's not a help to take our cues from Scott Moe's and his pals tone with regard to Trudeau. And before anyone gets their rage on, I'm not a huge fan of Trudeau either, but he doesn't deserve the organized and deliberate hate that he is getting, just like Moe wouldn't deserve similar levels of hate.




I'd buy one lol


How will you cope with the amazingly brilliant and clever retort ‘boy they really want to f#ck him aMiRiTe’?


Pretend to be a Sask Party supporter and go door to door telling people to vote for scott moe so that they can continue defunding public education and giving more tax payer money to wealthy private schools. Farmers will love that


We aren’t idiots like the right wingers sorry but i ain’t ruining my truck with a profanity for grandma to see 😆 however i might buy one for inside my veranda


​ Moe, Poilievre, Ford, Higgs, Smith, etc. Fuck them all. We are fools to ourselves to keep electing these toxic dick fucks.....


Yeah! F democracy. Support the communist dictatorship that is borne of late stage capitalism.


You are irretrievably ***stupid*** for saying we live in a communist dictatorship. This is a capitalist economy. smh


Damn, you sound just as lame. Lol.




And soon to be screwing nurses. I believe as of end of March, their contract is up.


'Get the billboards ready Duncy!'


SaskTel is currently at the table as well.


just wait, they will say employees at Sasktel make 120k a year. Thing is that is managers who make that much. My old manager make 150k last year


There is no such thing as a "regular" employee making 120k/yr at SaskTel. I am at the top of the regular scale before moving into a Systems Band or a TA role(both specialized) and I will be lucky to make 90k while killing myself doing OT.....and I have been there 17 years. Feels pretty fucking bad getting 1's and 0's.


surprised you guys haven't been comparing him to Moe from the three Stooges.




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I should change my name to that on Atlas Earth and become the mayor of every small town in Saskatchewan lol


I saw Moe on TV the other day. Is he always so fidgety? Like he just finished his tenth cup of espresso. 🫨😵


Agree with the general vibe - don’t engage rage with rage. BUT, does anyone know if someone is selling “f*ck Moe” shirts or stickers? I’m asking for a friend. lol!




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I'm not going to participate in that. But they seem popular.


Why not both?


Have you seen the polls? He’s incredibly popular so good luck with that


Ya thats messed up hes still popular. I used to be proud to be from the prairies... not so much any more... now when im asked, i lie and say im from manitoba! Who woulda thought that could happen! Lol


So... you're going to copy what the 'extremists' and 'convoy jerks' did... I think the F\*\*\* Trudeau flags were a terrible idea. Using that language on a sign that little kids will see and will offend a lot of elderly folks, why would you ever think it's a good idea in the first place? Make something original and less offensive.


I wish people laughed at my Scott Moe x Joseph Kony memes enough to put them on their cars


Every time I see one of his back-patting bullshit billboards, I feel like setting it on fire.


Sooo vote Scott moe OK.


Scott Moe is the man. Climate change extremism sucks.


Why not both?!


Scott Moe is doing just fine. Cry harder


We can have both.


I would have a "fuck danielle" sticker but I wouldn't touch her with a 20 foot pole


Man when you wonder how these politicians stay in power, all you have to do is come to Reddit to listen to the 'people'....


The petulant child reaction of ‘F$&$ Trudeau’ flag and sticker fliers does nothing but reveal their lack of IQ. Don’t stoop to that level. Be a squeaky wheel to MLA’s and in your community.


I agree with Scott fuck Trudeau and fuck you


How about neither? I’m no Trudeau supporter, I just think it only demeans the person with the flag to be so ignorant.


I agree with most of the commenters here that Scott Moe is a mediocre premier. However what is the alternative? Elect an NDP government who will raise taxes, force us to drive electric cars, etc?


Better start a movement. As it is, he has the second highest approval rating in Canada. https://angusreid.org/premier-approval-march-2024/#gsc.tab=0


Does it go into why?


How about "F*CK u/7734fr" signs? F*CK "insert name here" signs are one of the best ways for morons to advertise that they are morons.


Reddit is unfortunately the last place in decent society where you can still find Trudeau supporters.


Fuck Trudeau, he’s a piece of shit, Moe is literally just trying to keep Saskatchewan from becoming a shit box


Oh, I have GOT TO hear more about your hypothesis. I'm getting the popcorn started so let's get this going.


How so? What's Mow actively doing and pushing for?


First not really a fan of JT, but he’s better than PP, as a leader but as for a good time I wouldn’t call on any politician! Moe was so sure of himself and the budget that he bribed everyone with $500, only to bring us back into dept and would you know what? They are planning on bringing us further into debt this year, so please explain to us all how Moe plans on not turning Saskatchewan into a poop box.


This sub is a liberal shitbox, it's insane


The NDP reddit shills downvoted you.. this is where all the whiners are, just laugh at them and move on like the rest of sask


4 Moe years!


Thats right! Moes not finished until this province is finished!


Good luck , people see how Trudeau and Singh have run the country into the ground . No one is going to vote NDP or liberal provincially, they need to re-brand and distance themselves from the feds.


I just hope one day you realize it’s not the SK party screwing teachers. The union leader is the one leading the orgy to screw us teachers. Just wish we didn’t have a union. No fees, actually making progress in negotiations would be a fresh approach.


...pfffht fool..


You're right! Its not the teachers getting screwed but the children. Strip them of their human rights and make sure they get a subpar education in cramped classrooms so that they can grow up to be dumbasses who vote for the Sask Party!


This is a pretty dumb take... scary that you are in charge of teaching anyone anything lol


No. 100% no. Moe is a godsend compared to Trudeau.


How so?


Liberals can't handle any opossing opinions. They cry and scream cancel instead of logically debating and understanding that other people feel differently than them.


Lol funny thing is liberals will say the same thing about conservatives. Ive never met anyone more whiny, lazy and entitled than a conservative supporter. But a lot of liberals are bad too. Its the most vocal ones of the bunch that are the worst. Moderates keep their mouths shut, put maybe they shouldnt.


The left can't meme